Things You Can Teach Your Kids to Clean so You Don't Have to

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SO YOU DON’ THAVE TO Ki dsnat ur al l ywantt ohel pcl eananddot he t hi ngst heyseet hei rpar ent sdoi ng.Teach ki dst ocl eanbygi vi ngt hem ageappr opr i at e chor esandt heycanhel psi gni ficant l y ar oundt hehouse. TODDLER STAGE( 23) Anyj obwi t habi nor bucketat oddl ercando! Theycanal sowi pet he t abl ecl eanorwash handpr i nt sof ft hesl i di ng gl assdoor .

PREK( 45) Theycanhel psett het abl e aswel laswashdi shesi n t hesi nk. Lett hem vacuum t hest ai r s anddustt hebookshel f .

YOUNG ELEMENTARY( 68) Theycanhel psor t ,f ol d, andhangl aundr y. Theycancl eant he count er t opsandsweep t hefloor s.

UPPER ELEMENTARY( 9+) Lett hem t i dyandcl eanup t hei rownbat hr oom. Theycanmop,vacuum, washl aundr y,andt akeout t het r ash.

Usi nganyofourt i ps ? Tagus@BabyQui p! BabyQui pi st he#1babyequi pmentr ent alser vi ceandmar ket pl aceof f er i ng t housandsofbabygeari t emsi nover500ci t i esacr osst heUSandCanada.We ar ei mpr ovi ngt hewayf ami l i est r avel !

www. babyqui p. com

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