10 minute read
New Addition
When jewelry designer Maya Brenner and restauranteur and hotelier Dustin Lancaster found out they were expecting son Otis, they found themselves staring down one more deadline apart from their due date— the completion of the nursery they had built onto the side of their bedroom.

MINI | Thank you for inviting us into your nursery! Tell us about it! How would you describe the look, the feel?
MAYA BRENNER | Boyish, classic, and lightfilled. It’s everyone’s favorite room to hang out in.
MINI | How did the process go of deciding to build the nursery onto the side of your master bedroom? Did all go according to plan?
MAYA BRENNER | We didn’t have a lot of choice if we wanted him to be close to our room. Plus, we had a wasted front area space off of our bedroom and it just made sense to close it in. The bonus is we will get an office once he grows out of it. And does construction ever go according to plan? Especially when you are working on a deadline, because a baby is a definite deadline.
MINI | Are there any items in the nursery that you used with your older kids?
MAYA BRENNER | The comic book lion wall art was Jack’s and a few of the blankets and books.
MINI | What are some of your favorite elements in this space? Where did they come from?
MAYA BRENNER | I love our Babyletto gliding rocking chair because it’s stylish and comfortable and can be used after the baby phase. It also reclines to almost flat and even has a built-in USB port.
MINI | Let’s talk about little Otis! Can you tell us a little about your journey to baby?
MAYA BRENNER | I thought I was done having children after Jack and Sadie. But after my divorce, I fell so deeply in love with Dustin and watching him love my children as his own, I couldn’t help but want that experience with him. I was 42 when I met him and we didn’t even start trying until I was 44. We quickly realized that we needed medical intervention, so as I rounded the corner to 45, we started IVF. A journey of never-ending procedures, surgeries, shots, drugs, ultrasounds, waiting, money, and the most extreme rollercoaster ride of frustration and disappointment. Because of my advanced age, we couldn’t afford to take even one month off for fear of losing our window of it working, so it was brutal on my body.

MINI | What were your first thoughts when you learned you were pregnant?
MAYA BRENNER | We tried for over two years, so it was exhilarating joy!
MINI | How about Dustin’s reaction?
MAYA BRENNER | Shock, relief, adoration and pure giddiness.
MINI | How was this pregnancy different or similar from your first two?
MAYA BRENNER | In some ways, it was easier because I was super busy with work and the older kids, but that’s what made it harder as well because there was way less time to lay around eating and watching TV, which is what I really wanted to do.
MINI | What are you finding has changed the most now, with having a baby, since you had your first two?
MAYA BRENNER | Technology, by a long shot. Besides apps, there is just so much more information readily available. And the gear is way more advanced and stylized. The [4moms] mamaRoo is life changing!
MINI | How about your birth experience— Did Otis’ birth unfold the way you thought it would?
MAYA BRENNER | I had vaginal births with my first two, so I just assumed it would be the same for my third. But at six months, I was told that my placenta was too low on the uterus and could block my cervix if I went into labor, so they scheduled a C-section for three weeks earlier than my due date. We were warned that because our baby was being born at 37 weeks, there was a risk that he could have some respiratory issues and that is exactly what happened. Moments after he born, the doctors were concerned about his oxygen levels and whisked him away to the NICU. Nothing really prepares you for seeing your newborn in an incubator, covered in wires, and attached to a monitor. It was a very scary and stressful four days, but we are thankful that he was OK and we were able to leave the hospital all together.
MINI | Tell us how you decided on his name. Were there other names that got a veto vote from either you or Dustin?
MAYA BRENNER | We both made a list of our favorites and Otis and Levi were the top two, just in different orders. Since I had named two kids already, I deferred to Dustin for the top slot. I also loved Holden after my favorite fictional character from Catcher in the Rye but realized it was probably too big of a name for our baby.
MINI | How are you staying on top of everything with your career and a new baby?
MAYA BRENNER | I’m not. It’s actually been really tough, I’m not going to lie. I’ve been to the office three times since Otis was born and I answer most emails one handed while holding him. I have a nanny for the older kids who help with groceries and driving, but I haven’t quite figured out help with the baby yet. Dustin and I assumed we would be able to do it ourselves since we both own our own businesses and have flexible schedules, but because I’m nursing, a lot of it has fallen on me which of course makes sense. We’ve had a lot of communication about it and now that Otis is almost three months old, I’m hoping that we can share in the responsibility more.

I hope Otis.. "Is a good man like his dad."

MINI | How are your older kids helping out with Otis?
MAYA BRENNER | They adore him and love holding him. He’s recently started smiling and laughing and that is so much fun! My daughter plays hip hop music for him and we all dance around to entertain him.
MINI | Where are you loving shopping for baby right now?
MAYA BRENNER | There’s so much cute baby stuff out there right now. I usually go to a store in our neighborhood called Reckless Unicorn and I love Monica & Andy online.
MINI | Where have you seen the biggest changes in your life/schedule since you became a mom of 3?
MAYA BRENNER | There is zero free time and everything needs to be scheduled down to the minute to make life run smoothly, so there’s a lack of spontaneity which I miss.
MINI | We know schedules can be hectic— so tell us about yours! What does a typical day look like right now with a baby?
MAYA BRENNER | We wake up between 6-6:30 AM. I feed the baby, get the older kids ready for school, and out the door by 7:45 AM. Then, it’s a morning nap for baby and breakfast for me, answer some emails, feed the baby again, and so it goes for the rest of the day. Before I know it, the kids are home from school and it’s dinner time and bed and we do it all over again the next day.
MINI | If you could give Otis one piece of advice, what would it be?
MAYA BRENNER | To be a very good man like his dad.

The designer shares the new items she purchased for the nursery.
“The automatic ones with a remote control, we splurged!”
“This doubles as our changing table. I switched out the knobs and emailed Kalon to find out the color of the crib slats so I could paint the knobs the same color to match.”
“The wood ladder for blankets is from Lawson Fenning.”
“This and the small bookcase are vintage from Amsterdam Modern.”
“This is by a French artist named Vagalam Design.”
“This is from Coral & Tusk.”

IF THERE WERE MORE HOURS IN THE DAY, I WOULD Get more work done for my business.
TYPICAL COFFEE ORDER Dustin makes me coffee in bed every morning in a Keep cup. It’s glass and has a lid to stay warm since I don’t always get to drink it in one sitting.
ON MY NIGHTSTAND Jolly Joes candy, InStyle magazine and a huge glass of water since I get so thirsty while breastfeeding.
FAVORITE LOCAL SHOP Midland and Clare V.
CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO The soundtrack from the movie “Call Me by Your Name.”
LAST BOOK I READ The Wonder Weeks.
ALWAYS IN MY FRIDGE Fresh orange juice and brie cheese.
IDEAL DATE NIGHT Any of Dustin’s restaurants.
ULTIMATE GETAWAY Amangiri or anywhere in France.
SIGNATURE SCENT OUAI shampoo with a splash of baby spit up or anything rose scented.

Maya's mom makes a cameo at our shoot!
Photography by Ivy Reynolds