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Postpartum depression affects as many as 1 in 7 women after giving birth and while there may be no definitive way to avoid it, you can lessen the likelihood of experiencing it by following these helpful steps.

“POSTPARTUM depression can start during pregnancy or any time up to a year after childbirth,” says Alicia Brown, a licensed therapist with Grow Therapy. “Anyone can be affected— moms, dads, even adoptive parents. It impacts a person’s mood and even their thoughts on being a parent.” Different from the “baby blues” which typically resolve within a few days, postpartum depression (or PPD) is known to cause extreme mood swings, exhaustion, and feelings of hopelessness, among others. So what’s a new mom to do? We must first acknowledge that it is not your fault. You may not be able to avoid PPD, but the following steps can help lessen the mental load that it brings.

Seek Help Early .

Having a baby changes a lot in your life that is not often spoken about. A therapist can help educate you on what postpartum depression looks like, help process your concerns, fears, and needs, and teach different skills and techniques to communicate them to your support system.

Rest and Recharge . Our two main sources of energy are sleep and food. Do your best to maintain healthy sleep habits (as much as you can!) and eat nutritious foods that fuel your body and help you feel your best.

Change the Scenery . For the first few weeks after childbirth, you will spend most of your time at home. Go outside! Take a 15 minute walk in your neighborhood. Sit in the park. Instead of having family come over to see the baby, meet up at your local Starbucks, invite them to run errands, or go on a stroll with you.

Use Your Village . As a parent, you will not have it all figured out and it’s okay to ask for help. It may be hard to voice what your needs are, so start by practicing on yourself: I need sleep; I need help cleaning the house; I need two hours to myself. Remember, people are not mind readers. If they are not told what is helpful, they will support you how they think you need support.

Reduce Stress . Having a baby is a big change in itself. Try to avoid major moments right after childbirth, such as moving or changing jobs. The first six to ten months, make it your priority to focus on your own wellbeing and take it easy. There is no shame in that game!
