13 Top React Native Animation Libraries: To Create Stellar UX
Quick Summary: It is an immense pleasure to the eye when you get to see a motion that is unexpected, animate, from a subject- that is beyond your real-world experience. Not less than magic! Animation may have become an uncommon element in mobile applications, but using it the right way such that your app gives a pleasant experience to the user- is vital. React Native is the best choice for creating your next native application, and the cherry on the cake- would be adding the proper animation effects to bring life to the user’s experience. Here, we have gathered a list of the 13 best React Native Animation Libraries that you can consider for your application, along with its sample effect in motion. Do share your thoughts on this blog post, and feel free to suggest other animation libraries in React Native.
Table Of Contents 1. Introduction 2. 13 Top React Native Animation Libraries Lottie Web React Native reanimated Lottie React Native React Native Animatable React Native Redash React Native SVG Animations React Native Flip Card React Native Wheel of Fortune React Navigation Transitions React Native Motion React Native Sooji Animated Input React Native Auto Animate React Native Circular Menu 3. Conclusion
Animations play a huge role in offering an excellent user experience. It enables you to transfer an emotionally believable motion in your interface. Most likely, animations are used to communicate with the user’s actions and keep them more engaged with your application. That being said, React Native provides a robust declarative API to create animations generally referred to as the Animated API. There are 2 complementary animation systems in React Native: Animated for interactive & granular control of specific values LayoutAnimation for animated global layout transactions
However, you might feel the need to use a 3rd party library to manage and monitor animations on behalf of you. Moreover, in such cases, the 3rd party does not deal with the AnimatedAPI directly. Do not fret! This is the reason we are here to help you.
13 Top React Native Animation Libraries
Below are the top 13 libraries that you can implement in your React Native animation application.
Lottie Web Github Link: https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-web License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 24.1k stars Lottie-web is a mobile library for iOS and web that dissolves adobe after effects animations with Bodymovin exported as JSON, thereby providing a native experience on mobile. Ideally, designers can build and ship brilliant animations without the need to hire an engineer by recreating them by hand. It has excellent documentation, wellperforming, and easy to use.
Openbase Review: 4.7/5
React Native Reanimated Github link: https://github.com/softwaremansion/react-native-reanimated License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 5k stars
The React Native Reanimated library offers a broad and complete, low-level abstraction for the animated library API to be built on top. Consequently, it can enable a higher rate of flexibility with regards to interactions that are gesture-based.
Openbase Review: 4.3/5
Lottie React Native Github link: https://github.com/lottiereact-native/lottie-react-native License: Apache-2.0 License GitHub Stars: 14k stars
Lottie is considered a mobile library for Web and iOS that parses Adobe after effects animations and Bodymovin that are exported into a JSON file. This is to enable a native experience on mobile. With this, designers can ship and create outstanding animations without the help of engineers. Besides being well-performing, it is easy to use as well.
Openbase Review: 4.8/5
React Native Animatable Github link: https://github.com/oblador/react-nativeanimatable License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 9k stars In most of the applications, you will notice repetitive slides, swipes, bouncing and many more. React Native Animatable offers preconfigured and well-animated components to you, thereby cutting off the need to rewrite the animations yourself that are generally used. It features a standard set of easy-to-use animations for React Native.
Openbase Review: 4.7/5 Also Read: Top React Native Developer Tools and Component Libraries
React Native Redash Github link: https://github.com/wcandillon/reactnative-redash License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 1k stars React Native Redash library is an excellent gesture-handler toolbelt that you can use to offer a smooth and seamless user experience.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native SVG Animations Github link: https://github.com/73R3WY/react-nativesvg-animations License: ISC License GitHub Stars: 119 stars Using React Native SVG animation library, you can display a scalable vector graphic image in animated format. The package contains the wrapper elements for depicting the animation.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native Flip Card Github link: https://github.com/moschan/reactnative-flip-card License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 281 stars The react native like animation for flipcard library is a card component that has a motion of flip for React native in Android/iOS.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native Wheel of Fortune Github link: https://github.com/catalinmiron/reactnative-wheel-of-fortune License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 51 stars This wheel of fortune is dependent on D3 shape plugins and React Native SVG.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Navigation Transitions Github link: https://github.com/plmok61/reactnavigation-transitions License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 447 stars This one is a React Native component that helps you to monitor and manage the transitions for all the animated components that are complicated. It handles the timing of animations and keeps a check on multiple screens as they enter and exit.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native Motion Github link: https://github.com/xotahal/react-nativemotion License: MIT License GitHub Stars: 2k stars Motion is a library to create animations in React Native with an easy-to-use feature. React Native Motion further provides a simple API to make shared transitions.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native Sooji Animated Input Github link: https://github.com/kcotias/react-nativeanimated-input License: ISC License GitHub Stars: Be the first to use and rate! This library comprises a few animated components by making use of PanResponder functions, Easing, and Animated. With this, you can import the slider and put your customised props. Additionally, you can even edit the existing and default props in Slider.js.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native Auto Animate Github link: https://github.com/xcarpentier/AutoAnima te License: MIT License GitHub Stars: Be the first to use and star! Auto animate is an easy, reliable and straightforward declarative API interface for cool React Native animations with the help of render props.
Openbase Review: N/A
React Native Circular Menu Github link: https://github.com/geremih/react-nativecircular-action-menu License: ISC License GitHub Stars: 129 stars React Native Circular Menu animation library gives you a ripple menu effect to easily create your react native application. It is a simple and elegant UI menu with material designs and a circular layout.
Openbase Review: N/A
At the end of this guide, I would like to say that the libraries listed above are based on the top choice of OpenBase community maintained quite actively. Ideally, the main objective of these react native animation libraries is to help you create a user-friendly transition and animation effortlessly in your application. The best part is, you can customise many of these libraries and load them with excellent in-built features & modifications. Choosing React Native for your upcoming app development will be a sage decision because it will enhance the productivity of your developers. Our salient React Native Developers can select the suitable animation library for your upcoming react native application that will blow away your users’ minds.
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