Quick Summary: This blog post brings you a comprehensive list of Vue Component Libraries that turn up to be the righteous choice for developing your next successful eye-pleasing mobile application. Vue JS is an elegant choice for creating dynamic frontend applications. With the expanding Vue community, we have acknowledged varied useful solutions that have enabled us for attaining aimed outputs. This one is a curated list as per my experience and I hope you find it useful. If you have any other suggestions that I can add up to my list, then please let me know in the comments.
Table Of Contents
▣ Introduction ▣ Top 41 Vue Component Libraries ▣ Conclusion ▣ FAQs
VueJS is no more a progressive JavaScript framework, but it is one of the widely used frontend frameworks that enables developers to create UIs elegantly and efficiently. Functionality-driven structure, in-detail documentation, and easy learning curve make it a favorable choice for beginners and for experienced developers. It is an opportunity to move from other JavaScript frameworks to Vue.js. I have compiled a list of some fundamental tools and libraries, as well as proven tips and tricks to level up your career as a Vue.js Developer. I have chosen this list based on their effectiveness, usefulness, and uniqueness, also you will find their GitHub repo and stars along with their NPM package manager downloads.
Top 41 Vue Component Libraries
Here is the curated list of 41 best Vue component libraries as per my experience with them. Go through and you may find something useful for your next amazing Vue project. Enlighten us if you have any better libraries that you came across.
#1 Nuxt Server-Side Rendering is one of the most popular techniques to render SPAs on the server instead of the browser. It allows the website to have a faster page load time, and that is the key to a good user experience. Nuxt.js is built on SSR features, and with Nuxt, you can create SSR apps, PWAs, and SPAs, or you can use it as a static site generator. Blogs you may also like: How to Do Server-side Rendering (SSR) With the Help of Vue and Nuxt.js? Top 10 Essential and Useful NuxtJS Modules for Your Existing as well as Next Vue.js Application GitHub: 36.1k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 397633
#2 Vuetify Vuetify is a large set of 80+ crafted component libraries based on Material Design such as banners, badges, form inputs and controls, buttons, progress widgets, and many more such things that are sufficient for any application’s requirements. Whether you want to start a new application or looking for assistance to add them to the existing app, you can use it to build SSR apps, mobile apps, SPAs, and PWAs. The best thing about Vuetify is it offers free as well as premium themes, and it also lets you build your own theme as well. GitHub: 30.8k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 369800
#3 Vue CLI Vue CLI is a fully-featured set of tools with installed npm packages that allows you to create project structures and deploy boilerplates rapidly in your terminal. With the use of Vue CLI, you can experiment with new ideas to create instant prototypes to demonstrate new features. Moreover, Vue CLI offers support for web development tools like Babel, ESLint, PostCSS, TypeScript, Unit Testing, PWA Mocha, Cypress, Nightwatch, and end to end testing. However, the apple of the eye is Graphical UI – Vue UI that comes along with the CLI that lets you create new projects and manage them accordingly. GitHub: 27.8k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 118513
#4 VuePress In layman’s terms, VuePress is a big player in Vue’s ecosystem that is widely used as a Vue-powered static site generator tool. It was presented for writing technical documentation, however, now it is used as a powerful headless CMS and the significant benefit of VuePress is that it lets you include Vue components into your Markdown files. VuePress provides extra power and flexibility to build your website like a regular Vue app.
GitHub: 18.9k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 85433
#5 Storybook Storybook is an open-source environment that lets you develop, manage and test UI components through a flexible API and in an isolated environment, which makes it a must-have tool for building UIs proficiently. Storybook enables Vue programmers to create awesome components independently and showcase them interactively without worrying about appspecific dependencies and requirements. So, the next time if you want to implement extra features for Storybook, I would like to suggest you try Addons functionality. GitHub: 61.7k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 87200
#6 Element UI Element UI is a Vue component library with an active set of 500+ maintainers that are widely used by developers, designers, and product managers. Element UI is mostly used to create desktop applications, as its components are not responsive. It is one of the most popular component-based libraries of Vue.js. This library is based on a design system, so it precisely thought-out down even the smallest detail. It provides lots of valuable information to assist you with components and several of its valuable resources. So, for the desktop application, without a doubt, it is one of the best libraries to take into consideration. GitHub: 50k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 284076
#7 Quasar Quasar is a high performance, material design two and feature-complete node.js based collection of tools for building reliable, fast and engaging progressive web-app, developing and publishing a website; a secure way to make native apps for macOS, Linux, and Windows with Electron and a system for building crossplatform apps with Cordova. It’s an innovative solution for web developers derived from innovative ideas and concepts to alleviate the pain of managing the project with babel, eslinet, web pack, and more in a single framework. Quasar eliminates the use of additional libraries like Bootstrap, Hammerjs, or Momentjs as it has got that covered too. GitHub: 18.5k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 45661
#8 Vue-router If you are already familiar with other JavaScript frameworks, the concept of routing shouldn’t be new to you. The use of a router is to map the applications, and the Vue router supports component-based router configuration. Vue-router also supports wildcards, params, and querying in order to perform complex routing and the possibility to choose between hash mode or HTML5 history. GitHub: 18k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 1817359
#9 VueX VueX is a state management system that you can use as a centralized store to solve all the state management functions and to make sure that states are mutated in a predictable manner. Let’s have a closer look at the structural components of VueX. State – It is an object that encompasses the app’s state Mutations – Vuex mutations are very similar to events as each mutation has a handler and a string type. Getters – Getters are like computed properties for stores; it caches data and smartly updates themselves when the state changes.
Actions – VueX Actions are similar to mutations, the difference being that: Instead of mutating the state, actions commit mutations. Actions can contain arbitrary asynchronous operations.
VueX works perfectly with shared state management, but if your application is SPA, then you might not need Vuex. It is advisable to use it by building medium or large-scale apps. GitHub: 26.2k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 1697857
#10 Vue Apollo You might have heard lots of buzz around GraphQL, and if you are interested in integrating it with Vue.js, then I would like to suggest you try Vue Apollo. The library makes use of Vue in the combination of GraphQL/Apollo for a smooth as well as a pleasant experience. GitHub: 5.3k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 146187
#11 Gridsome Gridsome is a modern website development framework for creating fast and secure websites and deploy it to Netlify or Amazon s3 – CDN. Through it has been lately introduced; however, it has gained immense popularity and followers amongst Vue developers. Gridsome creators were influenced by Gatsby.js – a site generator for React. Gridsome generates SEO-friendly HTML files based on the data source. The data source can be JSON, Markdown, CSV, Drupal, WordPress, MongoDB or Airtable, etc. Once the content is loaded, it turns into a single GraphQL Data Layer for centralized data management, and then you can extract it to build and deploy your Vue application. GitHub: 7.6k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 17126
#12 Bootstrap Vue Bootstrap Vue is a frontend CSS and Vue component library that simply eliminates the JavaScript in the routine bootstrap components with Vue code. With Bootstrap Vue, you can build mobile-first and responsive, projects making use of frontend CSS library — Bootstrap v4. Bootstrap Vue is one of the fastest ways to build interactive interfaces using Vue and bootstrap as it provides a lot of resources, starter kits, and themes to startup quickly. GitHub: 13.1k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 385020
#13 iView Based on Vue.js 2, iView is a popular UI toolkit providing several widgets and UI components having a clean and elegant design. The component library comes with its offline documentation and CLI tool to visualize projects. GitHub: 28.8k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 14789
#14 Vux Vux is a Vue Component library having Chinese origin and it has various mobile UI components as well as WeUI components from the company WeChat. The Vux workflow + Vue-loader + Webpack are supporting the Vux. Though most of the documentation of this library is in Chinese and very little English translation is available, but you can get help from the community GitHub: 17.4k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 2247
#15 Mint UI Mint UI is a lightweight library that enables using varied CSS and JS components such that you can build mobile apps and cohesive web pages at a much faster rate. It provides an iOS-like theme for your mobile application components and it is loaded on demand, hence no file-size issues GitHub: 16.3k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 8910
#16 Best Resume Ever As the name suggests, this Vue and LESSbuilt component library helps you build graceful resumes and CVs in minimal time. Some of the sample CVs are here:
GitHub: 14.7k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: Well, as of now there are not many downloads for this library on the node package manager community.
#17 Vue Multiselect This Vue library component for using the selections in your application. Multiselect offers no dependencies, single & multiple selections, tagging, filtering, drop-downs, search suggestions, and so much more. GitHub: 5.7k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 184697
#18 Filepond Filepond is a JS component library that is available for Angular, Vue, React, Svelte, and jQuery which can help you upload anything from anywhere. It offers amazing flexibility, easy optimization of images before uploading, and a flawless UX. GitHub: 11k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 56260
#19 Buefy Buefy is another lightweight Vue JS Component library that is based on Bulma. It helps you simplify your app UI by adding a JS layer of the interface created with BulmaCSS. You’ll see your Vue components following Material Design UX and Bulma designs. GitHub: 8.6k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 61443
#20 Vuelidate A minimalistic validation component library for Vue, which is lightweight, simple, and is model-based. Vuelidate is decoupled from templates and has support from nested models, function composition, and collection validations. It helps you validate data from varied sources like computed values, Vuex getters, etc. GitHub: 5.8k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 224949
#21 Eagle.js Eagle is a Vue framework that presents a cool web-based slideshow and supports interactive widgets, themes, animations, reusable components, and more. You can easily customize the Eagle API for your Vue project. GitHub: 4k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 4
#22 Weex This one is a UI framework for Vue mobile applications for building modern and lightweight apps. Vue Developers will experience a new and vibrant mobile development experience when using Weex. GitHub: 14k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 3
#23 Vue Resource Vue Resource is a Vue component library for handling web requests and responses. It either uses JSONP or XMLHttpRequest to undertake the procedure. It supports interceptors, Promise API, and URI templates. Web browsers like IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc. are supporting this Vue plugin. GitHub: 10k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 74017
#24 Vue Material This Vue component library is based on the Google Material Design Specifications and is lightweight and good-looking. Build resizable mobile and web applications with Vue Material and get from all web browsers backup up by amazing themes, components, and easy-to-use API. GitHub: 9.4k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 26691
#25 Vee Validate Another validation library for Vue that keeps a check on input and displaying errors. The PHP Framework Laravel’s validation inspired Vue to come up with this library. It is template-based, has zero dependencies, and has support from 40+ locales. It is one of the vue best practices to include Vue Validation while developing your web application. GitHub: 8.4k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 287259
#26 Vuestic Vuestic is a Vue component library to build responsive dashboards using the fucntionailty of Material Forms, i18n, Bootstrap 4, Webpack, and Google maps. Vasili Savitski designed this library and Epicmax developed it. GitHub: 57 stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 697
#27 Poi Poi is a pre-configuration bundler for the web, and is popularly called zero-config bundler. You can also avail Poi as a plugin so that you can use the extra features and options of the Poi library. GitHub: 5.2k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 1684
#28 Keen UI Keen UI helps you build interactive javascript components for page layout, CSS framework, and structure. It has a simple API, but it doesn’t support typogra[hy styles or grid-system. GitHub: 4k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 1598
#29 Cube UI A Vue library for fantastic mobile userinterface design. It offers design scalability, keeps a uniform standard, and an interactive experience. GitHub: 8.7k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 2802
#30 Primevue A Vue Component Library for amazing user interface design. Primevue is also available for Angular, Java, and React. GitHub: 1.2k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 13384
#31 Ant-design-Vue This one is an enterprise-class UI design system based on Vue and Ant-design. It provides some out-of-the-box components for desktop applications. GitHub: 14.3k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 56217
#32 Vue Tailwind A Vue component library for lightweight and customizable components for your application. It is based on Tailwind-CSS. GitHub: 1.3k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 3313
#33 Chakra UI The Vue Chakra UI helps you in building accessible and scalable Vue components for mobile apps and web applications. It is flexible, composable, enables dark mode, and provides ease of styling. GitHub: 1.1k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 500
#34 CoreUI/Vue This one is a Vue v3 component library offering 90+ bootstrap components & directives. It eliminates unnecessary dependencies and builds without JQuery. GitHub: 336 stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 16496
#35 Syncfusion Syncfusion is a comprehensive Vue component library that provides over 65 high-performance, modular, responsive, and lightweight UI components. It is also supported by React, Angular, Blazor, and Javascript. GitHub: 190 stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 7042
#36 Vuesax Vuesax is a collection of Vue.js components that you can adopt to your project and facilitate it incrementally. It improves the design of your application without eliminating features, enables faster development of the frontend of your Vue application. GitHub: 5k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 7307
#37 Fish UI Fish UI is a Vue 2.0 toolkit for developing Vue web applications. It is equipped with Babel 6, Moment, Vue Router, and ES6. It has semantic CSS components, Vue Loader, and stylesheets in LESS. GitHub: 869 stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 86
#38 Muse UI Yet another Vue 2.0 elegant Material Design components which is customizable. It was released under the MIT license and is supported by most modern browsers including IE 10+. GitHub: 8.3k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 1395
#39 Carbon/Vue This library presents Vue resuable carbon components for developing excellent frontend & UI for mobile and web applications. Developers can use Carbon Vue for prototyping and production work. GitHub: 351 stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 3179
#40 Qdt-components The Qlik Demo Team (QDT) developed this component library which you can use along with Vue 2, Angular 10, and React 16. Get connected with Engine and Capability APIs. GitHub: 78 stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 362
#41 Vuikit Miljan Aleksic developed the Vuikit library based on the UIkit 3 framework, under MIT licensing. It is responsive and a conistent Vue library. GitHub: 1.5k stars Weekly downloads on NPM: 848 With this, I conclude my list of the best and useful Vue Component Lirabries that can help you develop a fabulous frontend for your next Vue js application.
Conclusion Of course, the market is full of daunting options when it comes to choosing the right component library for your application. The ultimate concern is if it keeps your app compact and lightweight, without unnecessary loading and extra effort-saving on performance optimization. At Bacancy Technology, our keen and intelligent Vue.js developers can take the call for your business application. Now, you just need to make plans for giving your successes-story interviews.
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