East Rand Magazine

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Die Oosrand Tydskrif NOVEMBER 2014


Springs - Back in the days Pragtige Sharoney - wen LAPA boeke - Resepte

Corlea Botha

Springs - Brakpan - Nigel - Benoni - Kemptonpark - Edenvale - Boksburg - Bedfordview

19 4

4- Corlea Botha 9 - LAPA boeke 14 - Springs - Back in the Days 17 -Parkmeadows Competition 18 - Leading Lady 19 - Tips & Tricks 20 - Sharoney 22 - Our Food Page 26 - Op die Oosrand Star of the Month - Keri 28 - Travel Tips 30 - NOVEMBER DIARY


Cappuchinos, East Rand Mall





18 12

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Corlea Botha Corlea is gebore op 16 Augustus 1987 in Delmas/Springs en het daar groot geword. Haar talent is ontdek toe sy drie jaar oud was en sy het met stem en klawerbord lesse begin op die ouderdom van vyf jaar. Gedurende die volgende sewe jaar neem sy aan meer as veertig Eisteddfods en Nasionale Sangkompetisies deel waar sy amper elke keer wegstap as wenner.

In 1996 maak sy haar teater debuut in Pretoria Staats Teater in die Italiaanse Opera “La Boheme” en ook in Corlea was onderhoofdogter “Sound of Music”, as die jongste Von Trapp dogter, Gretl. van Laerskool 2002 word Corlea gekies as onderhoofdogter van Jan van Jan van Riebeeck Riebeeck Laerskool .Tussen 2002 en 2008 neem Corlea in 2002 deel aan verskeie groot optredes en skyn haar ster meer In 2011 stel sy haar lang verwagte solo album “Wie ek is”, helder elke dag! vry. Die album spog met drie eie komposisies, en vyf saam met In 2008 kom sy en vriend Rudi Claase bymekaar en besluit mede-skrywer en vervaardiger, Byron Kuntz. om 'n duet op te neem waar hulle hulde bring aan groot Die album het reeds goue status bereik. Sy neem ook in geeste in die musiek bedryf. “Ons Lieflinge/Our Darlings” 2011 duette op saam met Nicholis Louw, Brandon October, word in 2008 vrygestel en was so suksesvol dat dit dubbel Steve Hofmeyer en Internasionale ster Patritzio Buanne. In platinum verkope gehad het in 'n kort tydjie. Hul breek die Johannesburg en in Kaapstad tree sy saam met saam met rekord vir die langste periode op die SA Top Twintig asook Patritzio Buanne van Italië en Dana Winner van België op. die langste op die treffersparade vir 'n debuut album. Hul Tweede album “Drome” sien die lig in 2010 en verkoop ook dubbel platinum. In dieselfde jaar ontvang hul die Tempo en Vonk Toekennings vir Beste Nuwelinge asook Kontemporêre Album. Hul word genooi vir Skouspel Plus, Huisgenoot Skouspel en KKNK waar hulle saam met bekendes soos Juanita du Plessis, Kurt Darren, Chris Cameleon, Nianell, Jannie Moolman , Bobby van Jaarsveld, Eden, Nicolis Louw, en Claire Johnston sing. Met tot 27 optredes per maand was hul gewildheid baie vinnig bevestig. 'n Lewendige DVD word ook opgeneem en die verkope staan ook op meer as dubbel platinum. In 2011 word sy genooi om as solo-kunstenaar by Skouspel Plus, asook Huisgenoot Skouspel op te tree, en het die voorreg om haar eie komposisie, “Wie ek is”, op te voer.

Corlea skep, skryf en vervaardig self haar musiek videos van “Wie ek is”, asook “Sonvanger” groot gunstelinge by haar aanhangers is. Gedurende Februarie tot Maart 2013 was sy ook deel van die ongelooflike Nataniël produksie “fACTORy”, te Emperors Palace. Sy was deel van die 2012 “Afrikaans is Groot” geselskap en het met haar weghol treffer “Sonvanger” gehore na hul asems laat snak. Met haar nuwe treffer, “Swart Koffie” (gepen deur Johan Voster) was sy een van die hoogtepunte in die Afrikaans is Groot Konserte van 2013. Dit was ook 2013 in Kaapstad by die Grand West Casino te sien. Sy was baie opgewonde om weer deel te wees van Skouspel in 2013 en die gehoor se reaksie op die unieke Nataniël insetsel waarvan sy deel uitgemaak het, was oorweldigend.

Sy het al in verskeie tydskrifte en koerante verskyn soos De Corlea was ook hierdie jaar weer saam met Nataniël vir 6 Kat, Sarie, Huisgenoot, Tempo, Vrouekeur, Rapport, Beeld, weke deel van sy vertoning “Rainbow at Midnight” The Star en SAA Vlugtydskrif (Sawubona), Passi....om net gedurende Augustus en September by Emperors Palace. ‘n paar te noem. Sy is ‘n bekende gesig en stem op vele Sy is in 2014 weer deel van die Afrikaans is Groot Konserte televisie programme, radio stasies en groot geleenthede in wat in November sal plaasvind. ons land. Corlea kan gehoor word op verskeie platinum albums van sterre soos Juanita du Plessis, Kurt Darren, Hierdie meisie van Springs is voorwaar ‘n uitstekende Laurika Rauch, Patricia Lewis, Steve Hofmeyr, Nicholis rolmodel vir ons plaaslike talent! Louw, Cambells,Pieter Koen, Elizma Theron, Amore Vittone, Gerhard Steyn, Helene Bester en vele meer. Fotos - Johnny Joubert Excel-ART - Met dank aan .LERIBA HOTEL AND SPA. 4

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Bernette Bergenthuin Prys: R214.95 ISBN: 978-0-7993-7129-1 Bernette Bergenthuin se Als oor kop was sestien weke op Nielsens se topverkoperlys, nou bied LAPA, met trots, aan Stiletto's van staal. *** Eendag, lank gelede toe klokbroeke soos kleefplastiek aan ordentlike jong mans se lywe geklou het, en Abba Springbokradio aan die brand gesing het, het Boet Beauman die mooie Maria in Barcelona ontmoet. Nou, byna vyf en dertig jaar later, regeer Boet sy vrou en die drie produkte van hul huwelik met 'n arm wat maklik draai vanuit sy Italiaanse teëlmaatskappy se besturende direkteurstoel. Soos die drie Europese stede waarna hul vernoem is, Barcelona, Venesië en Sienna, verskil die drie Beaumansusters dramaties. Kyk maar net na die skoene: Lona dra plakkies of tekkies of enige ding wat haar toelaat om agter twee kleintjies aan te hardloop. Vanessa regeer die geldsake van die familiebesigheid vanaf hemelhoë spykerhakke terwyl Sienna Tukskampus betower en omdolwe met al wat 'n sexy platform of wighak is. Lona verlang na haar stiletto-dae, Vanessa broei oor hoe hard om haar spykerhak neer te sit en Sienna glip skelmpies uit haar strikkieskoene om kaalvoet om die hele spul Beaumans te sluip. Intussen voer Boet Beauman iets in die mou wat sy gesin se hakke gaan laat bewe, Beaumans moet op die JSE gelys word en elke Beauman is nodig om die maatskappy op die spreekwoordelike kaart te vestig. 'n Slegter tyd vir 'n affair, 'n internasionale minnespel en 'n onortodokse matchmakingwebtuiste om op die lappe te kom, is daar kwalik; maar die Beaumanvroue het nie voete van klei nie, hulle loop in stiletto's van staal.

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We all love it, some of us were born here. Some of us still live here, others have left and most have left and come back. The good old town of Springs. Springs was founded as a coal and gold mining town in 1904, but its history can be traced back to the second half of the 19th century.From about 1840, farmers moved into the area and declared farms for themselves, especially after the ZuidAfrikaansche Republiek (South African Republic, later Transvaal) became an independent republic with the signing of the Sand River Convention in 1852. These initial farms were large, but the measurements of the borders were inaccurate and later, when the correct borders of the farms had to be documented, there were several extra or odd pieces of land that did not belong to any farm. These odd pieces of land then became state property. Such an odd piece existed between three neighbouring farms on the Witwatersrand, namely Geduld (meaning 'patience'), De Rietfontein ('the reed fountain') and Brakpan (literally, 'small, brackish lake'). The 685 ha odd piece was given the name 'The Springs' by the land surveyor James Brooks, probably because of all the fountains on the land. Another story is that he wanted to name it after himself, but because his name (Brooks) resembled the Afrikaans word 'broek' (trousers) so closely, he feared that the Afrikaans farmers in the area would mock it. On 16 September 1884 the official map of The Springs was registered in Pretoria, the Republic's capital. Initially, the land's value was equal to R200. But the discovery of coal and gold and its subsequent mining increased the value considerably.The coal discovered in The Springs was of a good quality and in 1888 the first contract was signed to mine coal there. There were a number of corrugated iron houses around the mine and, although there were a few small hotels and general dealers, it was not a town yet. The settlement grew and in 1902 a health committee was appointed to look after the building and location of structures and also the hygiene in the growing township. In 1904 the Grootvlei Proprietary Mines were registered and shafts were sunk. This followed the discovery in 1899 of gold on the farm Geduld and the further discovery of the main reef in 1902. In April 1904 The Springs was proclaimed a town, called Springs, the health committee replaced by a town council, and it flourished as a mining town. In 1962, Springs produced 10 percent of the country's gold and 9 percent of its uranium. However, by the end of the 1960s the last mine in town, the Daggafonteinmyn, (literally: Marijuana fountain mine) was emptied. The town did not die, but instead developed into an industrial centre.

Springs at the height of Mining activity had 12 active Gold mines and has always owed its existence to Gold mining. Today there are no operational Gold mines in Springs.The first pioneers of Springs were farmers and Coal mine employees and their families. If you would like to learn more about Springs – you can join the Facebook Page – Springs – History of a Gold Town.

Article by Shannon Penny - Photographs supplied

Springs Back in the Days

Springs is currently one of the industrial centres of the Witwatersrand also the Eastern Gateway of Gauteng towards Mpumalanga and Northern Kwazulu Natal. Mining has been replaced by manufacturing and engineering industries of economic importance; products of the region include processed metals, chemicals, paper and foodstuffs.


Henk Pretorius of Dark Matter Studios subscribes to the philosophy that you have to make it in the entertainment industry in your own country, before trying to do it on the international scene. In March 2014, the SAFTA nominations were made public and it included a nomination for South African director and script writer, Henk Pretorius. Pretorius has been nominated as best director, as well as best co-writer, for the feature film, Fanie Fourie's Lobola, Pretorius set out to bring Hollywood to South Africa with his latest film, Leading Lady. international flagship project, Leading Lady - a crosscontinental love story. After six weeks and more than 20 meetings with talent agents, studios and actors, Pretorius was certain that he found the perfect cast! The film is currently in its post-production phase and is due for international release shortly, with local talent Bok van Blerk and Brümilda van Rensburg rubbing shoulders with well-known Irish actress, Katie McGrath (Dracula, Merlin) and hunky, veteran Hollywood actor, Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal, Shawshank Redemption).Leading Lady tells the story of an aspiring British actress, Jodi Rutherford, who persuades Kobus Willemse, a farmer from Brandfort, to prepare her for a role in a major film as an Afrikaans war heroine.

In return Jodi undertakes to arrange and direct the annual concert at the Willemse farm. Jodi's interaction with the quirky, small-town citizens of Brandfort and the stubborn Kobus, teaches her that there is more to life than Hollywood's “lights, camera, action!” or is there…? After Katie McGrath read the script of Leading Lady, she immediately confirmed that she would love to come to South Africa to act opposite Bok van Blerk - and, suddenly, everyone started to feel that local is getting a lot more “lekker”! One needs to remember that this remarkable actress recently shared the silver screen with Hollywood 'A-lister', Jonathan Reese Meyers in Dracula. Leading Lady will hit the local movie circuit on 28 November 2014 and is distributed by Ster Kinekor Entertainment.

Gedurende 2014 is Sharoney aan die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek bekendgestel met die uitreiking van haar heel eerste enkelsnit Een Keer, geskryf deur Hugo Ludik en Reynardt Hugo van die gewilde groep ADAM.Sommer baie vinnig het hierdie liedjie die trefferparades van radiostasies regoor Suid-Afrika gehaal en vir 'n lang tyd net daar gebly! Die tyd het egter nou aangebreek om Sharoney se debuut album IN ONS FAIRYTALE uit te reik en die opgewondenheid loop hoog! Saam met die uitreiking van haar album kom ook die amptelike uitreiking van haar tweede enkelsnit, PRINSES, weereens uit die penne van Hugo Ludik en Reynardt Hugo. Die meesterbrein agter hierdie uitreiking is Hugo Ludik – Muse Productions www.museproductions.co.za Sharoney is 19 jaar oud, vol lewenslus en het in 2013 gematrikuleer aan die Hoërskool Hugenote in Springs, waar sy ook grootgeword het. Haar droom is om in 2015 regte te gaan studeer. Sommer met die intrapslag besef 'n mens dat Sharoney 'n alles of niks mens is en dat sy nie daarin glo om kortpaaie te neem nie. Vir hierdie talentvolle sangeres is 'n droom besig om bewaarheid te word. Sharoney het sanglesse begin neem toe sy agt jaar oud was. Gedurende 2010 is sy verkies as lid van die span wat SuidAfrika in Los Angeles sou verteenwoordig en in 2011 neem sy deel aan Beyond 2000 se Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale kampioenskappe vir die uitvoerende kunste se sang afdeling. Tydens haar deelname gedurende 2012 aan die South African Talent Championships (SATCH), waartydens sy baie positiewe terugvoer ontvang het, het sy finaal besef dat sang haar eerste liefde is.

“If you can dream it, you can do it!” – Walt Disney

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Sy is ook lid van die Performer Corner en was ook deur die regiseur At Strydom genader om 'n rol in sy produksie WASEM te speel. 'n Meisie van vele talente! Haar familie is vir haar uiters belangrik. Hulle is 'n baie hegte gesin en kuier gereeld saam. Sy is baie lief vir sport en het op vele geleenthede vir haar skool se hokkie span uitgedraf en is ook 'n passievolle rugby en biltong geesdriftige, hou daarvan om kaalvoet te loop, te dans, te kuier en te lag!. Sharoney is 'n gewone meisie wat hou van gewone dinge. Sy is lief vir haar land, taal, volk en mense en sy is gelukkig, hier en nou. Sy raak wel ongelukkig wanneer die mensdom nie respek vir die skepping toon nie.Sy kyk op na haar pa. Hy is haar mentor. Hy het haar geleer van hard werk en uithou al is dit hoe moeilik.Hierdie meisie van Springs staan met haar voete plat op die aarde. Sy is beslis oppad om in Suid-Afrika se harte in te kruip met haar pragtige glimlag, energieke uitkyk op die lewe en mooiste stem!Sharoney het ook al intussen gesig gewys op IMPAK TV Kruiskyk en SABC3 PlayNetwork en kan eersdaags gesien word op Be Your Dream kykNET 146. Tshwane TV Kwaai Musiek, JAM Nuweling (2 November) en Jukebox op 13 Desember 2014. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.sharoney.co.za

Die Quads 4 Quads het vroeg Oktober vanaf Carnival City weggetrek NMC Construction se span was van die vele ondersteuners vir hierdie fantastiese fondsinsameling!

Albert Hammond het onlangs opgetree by Carnival City

Die Bosveldfees 2014 was ‘n reuse sukses! Sharoney, ShoNeill en Zane B het opgetree. Drie van die Mej Bosveldnooi wenners. Mej Springs 2013 Claudia saam met die talent kompetisie se senior wenner Tannie Lorainne en Zane B

Fotos’ deur Excel-ART

Op die Oosrand...

Local Star of the Month - Keri Labuschagne She took her first ballet class at the age of four and then modern and tap at seven, she soon realised that dancing would be her life passion. Keri Labuschagne, founder and owner of the new Studio K knew from a young age that dancing would make all her dreams a reality.“I took my first ballet class when I was four years old, it never stuck with me for some reason, although looking back, I wish I had persevered. I then took my first modern and tap class when I was seven and I never looked back,” she said. Keri says her mom enrolled her at a ballet studio, but a er seeing a family friends' tap shoes her a en on was diverted. “Tap dancing was so exci ng for me and quickly became a passion of mine,” Keri explains.It formed a huge part of her childhood, two of her dance friends she met at the age of eight are s ll two of her closest friends.Other extra murals like horse riding and karate ended up taking a back seat to dancing. “I remember tapping everywhere I went, my parents wanted to kill me. And now my students' parents tell me the same thing now,” she laughs, adding that their kids' feet just wont stop tapping. She took part in her first dance compe on when she was just ten years old and received second place for both modern and tap solo dances. Her group dances placed first.“I danced throughout University while studying to become a journalist and towards the end of her studies she began doing her teachers exams. The company I worked for went into liquida on a month a er I started working there,” Keri says. “I have found that being a dancer brings its own kind of personal joy, but being a dance teacher allows a vast spread of happiness as I provide each student with the opportunity to find their own personal delight through dance.

I have the most rewarding job there is,” she says passionately. When Keri was 14 she won the overall modern sec on at the fes val, and at 16 won the overall tap sec on receiving first place for both straight and character dance, while her tap character dance won an award for Best Tap character of the fes val. “Next year, Studio K plans on entering Dance Star, a compe on where dancers can qualify to compete overseas. This will provide each dancer with the pla orm to extend their dancing experience vastly,” she says. She teaches Monday to Thursday from 2pm un l 8pm offering classes in Modern (Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, heels) and tap. Star ng age is three years old and Keri believes that no-one is to old to dance and she now offers a boys class which allows them freedom to not feel like outcasts in all-girls classes. This class focusses on Hip Hop and Strengthening. “When I dance I feel like I am doing what I was created to do. Life feels at peace in those moments and the rest of the world falls into silence,” she says. Keri's mo o – “ Nothing worth anything ever comes easy “ If you would like more informa on on Studio K you can contact Keri on 084-602-3451.

Written by Shannon Penny - Photographs supplied

Helpful Camping Tips Written by : Vanessa - APONI TRAVEL Camping is not the most glorious of accommodations, but it's nothing short of exciting! What compares to sleeping under the starry sky in the middle of nature with nothing around to distract you? Here are some helpful camping tips that will make your escape into nature a lot more enjoyable: 1. Homemade tick repellent - Mix together 2 cups of distilled white vinegar with 1 cup of water (you can also add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to get rid of the vinegary smell). Pour this solution into a spray bottle and spray onto clothing, skin, and hair before heading out into the bush. 2. Take extra ground sheets - Ground sheets are great for muddy, sandy, or uncomfortable ground. They also make for wonderful wind breakers and privacy screens if you tie them up between your tents, caravans, and cars. 3. Pick a campsite wisely - The areas around the ablutions are high traffic areas where people will be plodding noisily past at all hours of the day and night – including nosy parkers who like to check out your campsite and everyone in it. Picking a spot further away from the ablutions will mean you may have to walk a little further to reach it, but you will have the added convenience of privacy. 4. Bring earplugs -There is something about camping that allows noise to travel from extravagant distances. And what's worse, as you don't actually know the other campers, you can't walk over and shout at them for snoring. 5. Duct tape is your best friend - Duct tape is the revered camping item. It's great for patching holes in tents, shoes, inflatable mattresses, and mosquito nets…just about anything, really. 6. Bring your own water - Save yourself the trouble of boiling water every time you use it by bringing along some of your own drinking water from home. You can use this for drinking, cooking, and brushing your teeth. 7. Colour code your tent or gazebo poles Colour coding each pole of your tent or gazebo can make camping a lot easier. There's nothing worse than having to mess around in the dark trying to find what poles go where. Simply attach colourful stickers to the poles that fit together for easy assembling. 8. Keep a First Aid Kit - Ensure you have a First Aid kit at your campsite at all times. Fill this box with plasters, antiseptic creams, anti-nausea tablets, anti-diarrhoeal medicine, water purification tablets, cotton swabs, hand sanitiser, pain pills, antihistamines, tweezers, eye drops, and your personal medication prescribed by your doctor. 9. Pack toilet paper -You don't want to arrive at your campsite and find that the ablutions are disastrously managed (or rather, not managed). Keeping a few rolls of toilet paper will save any awkward moments in the loo.

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