Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Str. NIGEL

28 February 2017

VOL 14 NO 4


Reis na gister

Another farm attack

Jak de Priester vermaak gaste van Nigel Tuiste vir bejaardes tydens hul jaarlikse fondsinsamelings projek wat elke jaar by AGS Aquila Gemeente aangebied word. Hierdie funksie is ten bate van die behoeftige senior burgers en alle fondse word vir hulp met verblyfskostes aangewend. Die gasvrouens het die tafels treffend versier en die lekkerste verversings is bedien. As ‘n blyk van waardering het inwoners van die tuiste unieke handgemaakte items aan Jak oorhandig. Sedert Jak in 2002 die ATKV se Crescendo-kompetisie gewen het, het Jak de Priester nie net weens sy musiek bekendheid verwerf nie, maar ook as aanbieder van die televisiereeks Reis na gister. Reis na gister is uiters gewild omdat enigiemand in ’n stadium verlang na sy of haar kinderdae en dit wil herleef.

Jak het weer met ’n uitstekende CD vorendag gekom. Nie net is daar snitte wat jou voete sal laat jeuk of jou sal laat lag nie, maar op ’n paar snitte laat Jak jou ook dink. Dis goed dat daar nog kunstenaars is wat in musikale integriteit glo en nie agter al wat modefoefie is, aanhardloop nie. Jak se kern boodskap van die oggend was dat Jak en Michelle begeer dat hul kinders as hul eendag terugreis in die verlede, hul ouerhuis as ‘n liefdevolle en gelukkige woning vol harmonie sal onthou. Jak het saam met oom Piet Kruger, die oudste inwoner van die Tehuis vir Bejaardes die reis na gister deur oom Piet se 99 jaar herleef, Oom Piet vertel dat hy nou driekwart deur die woestyn is en sien met groot afwagting uit na sy 100ste verjaarsdag wat in November vanjaar gevier word. Jak hier saam met Chris, Ria en oom Piet. Chris Engelbrecht, het die verwelkoming en bedankings waargeneem het. Ria Albert, vier haar 12de oggendtee wat sy weereens met groot sukses georganiseer het. Oom Piet getuig op die ouderdom van 99 jaar hy nog nooit enige operasie ondergaan het nie en in goeie gesondheid is.

On Sunday, 26 February at about 06:30, 54-year old Mrs Jeannette Meyer from Rietpoort farm, Nigel took her puppies outside but when she returned to the house she was confronted by an unknown African male. He tied her up and forced her into the bedroom and told her to lie on the floor. Two other unknown African males were also inside the house. The men demanded the keys to the safe and took 2 fire arms, a 37 Magnum and a 7.65 Pistol; R6000 cash; costume jewellery; cell phones. The suspects fled in a Mazda Rustler with reg. no KTR441GP. The vehicle was later recovered next to Nigel Home Affairs. It

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R238.74 R392.50



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 64.98 25X25X3 R 88.98 25X25X5 R 148.98 30X30X3 R 109.02 30X30X5 R 195.96 40X40X2 R 99.90 40X40X2.5 R185.58 40X40X3 R 143.52 40X40X5 R 232.98 50X50X4 R 265.86 50X50X5 R 280.02 60X60X6 R 521.58

R 39.00 R 58.98 R 46.02 R 69.96 R 64.02 R 85.02 R109.02 R 78.00 R 99.00 R136.98


R61.02 R59.52 R79.02

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 18.96 R 28.98 R 45.00 R 64.98 R118.02 R199.98


Voor eregaste van die Tehuis vir Bejaardes 90 jaar en ouer.

was later discovered that 58-year old Mr Johan Meyer was shot in the head. Farmers provide essential staple foods eg. Maize, contributes 36% majority of the gross value of South Africa’s field crops. But if attacks on South African farmers continue, we will be very well facing a dire strait. The long term effects are that there won’t be sufficient crops, and our nation will starve to death. Those who worked on farms will suddenly be out of a job and no place to stay. Poverty, combined with food shortage will be our downfall. The government is slow to react and slow in seeing these attacks for what they really are: wellplanned out and carefully selected.


R 79.02 R 93.00 R 91.68 R 99.00 R229.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R189.33 6320D R226.19 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R117.97 80MM R152.10

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R500.00 R585.00 R740.00 R963.91 R1239.00 R1599.00 R1799.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R398.18 900mm High R471.82 1.0mt High R501.54 1.2mt High R577.98 1.5mt High R649.12 1.8mt High R737.81 2.0mt High R796.86 2.4mt High R937.04 LOOSE PALES 600mm R15.60 900mm R21.26 1.0mt R23.20 1.2mt R27.82 1.5mt R34.77 1.8mt R41.72 2.0mt R46.28 2.4mt R55.29

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 529.02 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1089.66 152X76 R1830.72 178X54 R1573.20

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R100.02 R139.02 R139.02 R159.00 R198.96 R229.02 R238.98 R279.00 R388.98


2.0MM R118.02 R169.02 R189.00 R195.00 R249.00 R298.98 R298.98 R369.00 R399.00

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 79.02 R 89.88 R139.86 R159.00 R210.00 R316.02



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 59.04 R 80.04 R109.02 R119.04 R159.00 R178.98 R253.02

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R260.22 R298.16 R314.04 R328.98 R406.14 R430.02

R 94.98 R129.90 R179.88 R225.00 R269.04 R409.02 R598.98

2.0MM R 88.98 R 99.00 R169.02 R178.98 R198.96 R229.02 R328.98 R469.02

9.1MT R399.73 R446.72 R476.91 R546.05 R600.00 R669.03

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3803.81 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt 5kg 2.5mm rack & anti theft bracket battery R99.18

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R56.80 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R75.72 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R90.71 CORR 0.3MM FH R37.56

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R229.00 R275.00 R452.52 R697.00 R1543.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



Genade 011 739 5760 Johan Stoltz 078 338 3833 Alarm Systems; Garage & Gate Motors; Intercoms; Electric Fencing; CCTV Systems; etc

Ferrybridge 9, Ferryvale Shopping Centre. NIGEL

Op die ouderdom van 90 verbly oom Pieter Strydom hom nog steeds in die Here. Hy getuig dat selfs in die tyd van die ouderdom en grysheid toe - het God hom nog nooit verlaat nie. U het my geleer van my jeug af en tot nou toe verkondig ek U wonders getuig oom Pieter. Oom Pieter het op 14 Februarie sy 90ste verjaarsdag saam met vriende, sy dogter Marie de Lange van Alberton en seun, Ockie Strydom van Heidelberg en hul families gevier. In 2008 het oom Pieter Strydom saam met vroulief, Nelie hul tuis kom maak by die Tehuis vir Bejaardes op Nigel. Die egpaar het ‘n gesonde geseënde oorvloedige huwelik gehad en was 64 jaar lank gelukkig getroud. Tannie Nelie het 3 jaar terug afgesterf. Oom Pieter het op Balfour groot geword vanwaar sy ouers na Heidelberg verhuis het en daar het hy as enigste kind in sy ouerhuis op ‘n plaas gewoon en noem hy homself vandag ‘n plaaskind van ouds. Oom Pieter vertel hoe hy altyd op die plaas huis takies verrig het en spog dat hy ‘n bobaas boerekos kok is. As jong seun het hy ingespring en hand bygesit waar hy kon. Hy staan bekend as die afval koning en hy vertel dat min mense by hom kan kers opsteek as dit kom by die gebak van vars brode. Oom Pieter vertel dat sy moeder siek was en daar was nie tyd vir slap hande en niks doen.

28 FEBRUARY 2017 Marie, oom Pieter en Ockie.

In 1950 is oom Pieter met tant Nelie getroud en uit die huwelik is twee kinders, Marie en Ockie gebore. Oom Pieter en tannie Nelie het ‘n egte plaas bruilof gehad, wat vandag nog soos ‘n sprokie voor hom afspeel. Albei kinders is op die plaas gebore en in 1958 het oom Pieter die boerdery prys gegee en op Heidelberg kom woon. Oom Pieter was 22 jaar lank werksaam by CJ Fuchs op Alberton en het 12 jaar getroue diens by Rembrand gelewer. As stokperdjie het oom Pieter ‘n groot liefde vir skulpe en het hy verskeie unieke skeppings gemaak uit skulpe en dit dan

verkoop. Hy het ‘n passie vir hengel en het al selfs ‘n paar grotes uitgetrek. Oom Pieter is ‘n nederige man wat sy lewe daaraan toegewy het om ‘n pad te stap saam met Sy Skepper. Sondae verlustig hy hom daarin om sy gemeente die Gereformeerde Kerk op Heidelberg te besoek. Hy vertel dat hy vir 42 jaar op die kerkraad gedien het en vanaf sy kinderjare lief is vir die dinge van die Here. Sy raad aan die gemeenskap is dat Jesus Christus jou enigste redder en vertrooster is en daarom moet jy jou lewe aan Hom wy om in Sy oorvloed die wedloop te voltooi.

Men and woman of steel





38 x 25 x 1.6MM 76 x 38 x 2.5MM ROUND TUBE 32 x 2.0MM 57 x 2.0MM FLAT SHEETS CRHOMADECK 2450 x 925 x 0.5

R 127.00 R 264.00 6M LENGTH R 126.00 R 197.00 PER SHEET


R 58.00 R 25.00 R 72.00

LIPPED CHANNEL GALVANIZED 64 x 30 x 15 x 1.6 75 x 50 x 20 x 2.0


R 178.00

Palisades: PANEL 3 x 1.8 m

R 27.00 R 44.85

40 x 40 R640

“To use Square Tubing, Round Bar, Chromadeck Sheeting or Corrugated Galvanized Roof Sheets, that is the question” – modified Shakespearean quote. Steel Traders, Heidelberg, is the brainchild of Greenhouse, Heidelberg. Greenhouse is well established in the steel industry. Spontaneously, Steel Traders was born as they became aware of the steel industry niche in the Heidelberg and surrounding areas. At the heart of Steel Trader’s operations is customer service satisfaction and industry related standards which are maintained nonstop. Clients range from individuals, contract groups, construction companies, the motor- and Agricultural Industries. Agricultural clients prefer 2nd hand steel. The supply base serviced are clients as far away as Pretoria, Johannesburg, Vereeniging, Meyerton, and Welkom. Products ordered can be delivered with Steel Trader’s very own service fleet. Other services provided are plasma cutting, drilling, and welding. The product range encompasses Lip Channels, DIY Steel, Chromadeck Sheeting IBR, Square Tubing, Round Bar, Flat Bar, Corrugated Galvanized Roof Sheets, Base plates, 2nd hand Steel, sealant, and IKA products. Seeing as safety and security are on the top 10 list of living in South Africa, Steel Traders offers standard, as well as custom, made palisades. The newest edition is a palisade machine. The #1 seller is IBR Sheeting which is processed on site by a heavy-duty roll forming machine. This enables the team to roll out any profile. If your project, be it DIY or professional, requires specific designs or products, Steel Traders can help as they supply material per specified lengths. Drawings and specs can be e-mailed to Steel products feature in the interior of the company’s office which well illustrates different areas of application, thinking outside the box as always. If you favor “Shabby Chic” or Industrial interior design, dare to be different and diverse. Expect the unexpected, come in and look at the mix of products to decorate your business or residence. Steel Traders is situated at 22 Albert street, Heidelberg. Contact them for a quote for competitive prices on 016 341 2643 or, 081 742 4404. Operating times are Mon-Fri 07:00-17:00. Good steel bends but never breaks.



8 Suspects arrested An operation was held where the main objective was to provide special attention to the safety of rural communities, as well as checking on undocumented foreign nationals that are employed on farms. Station Commander, VISPOL Commander, branch Commander, Detectives, Sectors Commanders, Rural Safety Coordinator, Support Services personnel, Communication Off icer, Detectives personnel and Dept of Home Affairs Immigration officers participated in this event. The operation will further focus on tracing wanted suspects.

On February 22 a joint operation between SAPS and Dept of Home Affairs was conducted at Comet Butchery Groenfontein farming and Poortjie Mine. 8 Suspects were arrested at the Groenfontein farm for being in the country without valid travel documents, aged between 20 and 43 years old. Furthermore, the operation proceeded to Poortjie Mine. Suspects for illegal mining fled into the mealie field. Police seized tools being used for illegal mining such as 6x 13.6kg oxygen bottles, regulators, picks, knives, cutting torches, gas cylinder bottles, spanners, shifting spanners, hacksaws, spades and shovels.

A 24-year-old Siyabonga Sabelo Khumalo appeared before Heidelberg Regional Court on Friday 17 February for business robbery, housebreaking, and theft charges. For housebreaking, he received a sentence of 6 years. For business robbery, he received a sentence of 15 years imprisonment. He was not granted the option of a fine. Khumalo was declared unfit to possess a firearm. A business owner responded to an alarm at his business upon arrival, he met Siyabonga on his way out carrying electrical appliances including 2 DVD players. The suspect produced a knife and

PAGE 3 stabbed the owner on the left upper hand and fled. Rapid response by W/O Lukas Wolmarans and Sgt V Zondo soon led to the arrest of the suspect walking along Pretorius Street.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


28 FEBRUARY 2017


Items seized at this operation.

Springs National Fresh Produce Market, Paul Kruger Highway, Springs

Tel: 011 815 1494/011 089-7000 * 082 718 4562 SPECIALS VALID FROM: WED 01/03/2017 - TUES. 07/03/2017 Bulk Chuck, Brisket, Short Rib/Shin

4kg Chicken Drumstricks







2.5kg Catering Russian’s




We reserve the right to limit quantities

Bulk Assorted Lamb Pack



99 p/kg

1kg Frio Smokie Russian




Gift Vouchers Available


2.5kg Par Cooked

Marinated Ribs





Bulk Grill World Wors





Saturday Only 04.03.2017 Bulk Tenderized Steak





We cut and pack to your specifications. Large variety of home-made, smoked and marinated products. We also do portion control for restaurants and the catering industry.



Condemns xenophobic utterances on social media The Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Sizakele Nkosi–Malobane, condemns with contempt the message doing rounds on social media spreading xenophobic messages against South African citizens and also calling for South African businesses to be shut down in other African countries. “I am taken aback by the message by our fellow African brother perpetuating violence, chaos and discontent. Africans have lived in harmony and peace

for many years and dividing them by influencing hatred is uncalled for. This act of utterances must be condemned in harshest possible terms. Xenophobia must not be allowed to rear its ugly head in South Africa and Gauteng in particular. I appeal to the citizens of Gauteng and our fellow African counterparts to resist the temptation of promoting violence amongst themselves. As law enforcement agencies in the Province, we are working around the clock to ensure that the individual who is perpetuating this violence is brought to book and face the full might

Closing date February, 28 2017, is registration cut-off date for the annual Ekurhuleni Kiddies Area Games, set for March 01, 2017. The City of Ekurhuleni is calling upon all nursery schools that have not yet registered for the games to do so by contacting their local organizers. Nursery schools in the Eastern Region can contact Tumelo Selopyane on 011 999 8209 or Collen Mdanda 011 999 8962. Northern Region, contact William Mashamaite on 011 999 3797 or Zinzi Mpheroane on 011 999 1746. Southern Region contact Lehlohonolo Mokhatshane 011 999 1371 or Kagiso Mohulatse on 079 689 4386. The kiddies’ competitive strength will be tested on activities such as ball hopping, ring throwing, cycling, ball kicking, balancing act and more. It will kick-off with a competition amongst creches from across the City at the Customer Care Area level, then advances to regional games which then culminates to metro-wide games.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

We would like to hear from you!


C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

Piping Plante and Tubing

Terms & Conditions apply





12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R105.00 20X20 ... R89.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R162.00 32X32 ... R148.00 ..... R203.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R242.00 50X50 ... R242.00 ..... R325.00 76X76 ... R379.00 ..... R498.00 100X100 ................... R649.00

20MM .... R82.00 25MM .... R98.00 ....... 32MM .... R143.00 ..... 38MM .... R169.00 ..... 50MM .... R231.00 ..... 76MM .... R338.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00


38x20 .... R154.00 ..... R182.00 38x25 .... R165.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R176.00 ..... R256.00 50x38 .... R242.00 ..... R312.00 76x38 .... R264.00 ..... R391.00 76x50 .... R350.00 ..... R434.00 100X50 ..................... R515.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R70.00p/m Cut to size


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R74.00 12MM ....... R91.00

Or any interesting hobbies & sport achievements?

Renovations affect rendering of services The long overdue renovations of the Dipaleseng municipal offices have regrettably come with some challenges for the municipality and the community at large. The renovations project which commenced in October 2016 is still in the first phase and involves the upgrading and renovation of the ground floor (east wing) of the existing building with a planned completion date of 31st March 2017. The physical progress as of the end of January 2017 is at fortyseven (47) per cent. All the concrete works have been completed and brickworks has commenced. These renovations have ultimately affected two department’s operations, namely; Budget & Treasury (payment of services) and Community Services 7 Public Safety (licensing). The licensing activity is a provincial government function which is performed by the municipality on their directive. The municipality has made arrangements with Lekwa Local Municipality in Standerton to assist with matters related to licensing. The municipality, therefore, urges our customers to go to Lekwa Local Municipality in Standerton for the services as outlined. Our customers should visit Lekwa Local Municipality in Standerton licensing department with regard to their enquiries with the following documents: Copy of ID; Proof of residence and relevant licensing forms obtained from the Dipaleseng Traffic and Licensing office. The matter is receiving the municipality’s attention; engagements with the provincial department are ongoing and it is hoped that this predicament will be resolved speedily. The municipality continues to send consumers their municipal accounts to their emails but the municipality also provides hard copies of these upon request. The distribution of municipal accounts is therefore not affected by the continuing renovations. Cash payments can also be made at the municipal offices and electronic payment of municipal accounts can be paid at any FNB bank using the following banking details; Account number – 51590840208. Reference number – municipal account number For convenience purposes, consumers can also obtain prepaid electricity from the municipal vendors like Balfour Spar, Republic Café, DJ Motors and Caltex Garage. The second phase will include the construction of first the floor level on east wing and renovation of the existing west wing offices. The planned start date for the second phase is April 2017 and the anticipated completion date is the end of September 2017. The project has also brought a few positive spin-offs in terms of localisation. It has created a sizeable number of work opportunities for local people and local companies have also been considered for subcontracting of various works. On-site training is also conducted for local labour force on various work skill aspects such as brick laying, concrete casting and steel fixing. The municipality greatly apologises for the inconveniences caused to the community members by all these challenges. In the same breath, gratitude needs to be extended to communities for their continued understanding and tolerance during these times.

Contact us on 011 814 8614.

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R 100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R49.00 12MM ........ R71.00



75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00

R118.00 R204.00 R236.00 R325.00 R460.00




Have you got any news, views, moans or groans?

28 FEBRUARY 2017

R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00


TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

28 FEBRUARY 2017


Found guilty John Shekeshe, aged 40 years and Kabelo 25 years, appeared before the Heidelberg Regional Court on Thursday, 22 February on two counts of attempted murder and two counts of armed robbery. A 26-year old woman and her 7-year old son were hiking along the R23 on the corner of R549 Vaaldam road to Balfour. It is alleged that they were offered a lift by a silver Opel Astra. Whilst inside, the passenger produced a firearm, pointed to the woman and her son threatening to kill them if they didn’t cooperate. It is further alleged that they took clothing, an undisclosed amount of cash, and a Nokia Lumia. The Gauteng Flying Squad was patrolling the R23 road south of Heidelberg when they spotted the silver Opel Astra. Police signalled the driver to stop, but the driver sped off. As the police gave chase, suspects threw the mother and her son out of the vehicle driving at a high speed. Police cornered them at Eden Park and they were arrested. The firearm was found and discovered that it was a toy gun. The mother was severely injured and taken to Heidelberg Hospital for medical treatment, but the child was not found at that time. Only the next day the boy was found by a Taxi driver who took the injured boy to the police station and the police took the boy to Heidelberg Hospital. John Shekeshe received a sentence of 10 years and 20 year imprisonment without an option of a fine because he was out on parole for an armed robbery case. Kabelo received a 10 year sentence for attempted murder and 15 year imprisonment for armed robbery. In both cases without an option of a fine. Both were declared unfit to possess a firearm.


Ekurhuleni East Cluster conducted various crime prevention operations tracing of suspects wanted at roadblocks. Stakeholders who participated were SAPS, Lesedi traffic, Gauteng traffic and private security companies. 96 Suspects were arrested for the following crimes committed: 16 assault GBH; 4 illegal immigrants; 4 mlto P; 1 possession of illegal cigarettes; 4 housebreaking; rape; theft; stolen motor vehicle; possession of dagga; possession of drugs; overloading; drunk and driving; fraud; house robbery; armed robbery; recless and negligence driving. Liquor was seized, 63 crates of 750ml of Windhoek Amstel and Heineken with combined total of 47 250ml. 45 Crates of 660ml of Castle Lite, Savanna Dry and Hunters Gold with a combined total value of 3 300ml and 5 crates of 550ml of Savanna Dry and Hunters Dry with combined total of 2 750ml. The total value of the liquor seized by the police is 83 000ml. Ekurhuleni appreciated all efforts and hard work by the members to ensure a safe and secure environment as well as rooting out criminals from the society. She encourages all members of the service in her cluster to portray, promote and maintain a good quality image of the SAPS.


Suspects arrested A joint operation by Sector Commanders and cluster crime prevention groups was operational in the Heidelberg policing precinct. At around 17:30 they arrested 11 suspects for various offences. One suspect was arrested for illegal gambling and four were arrested for possession of Nyaope. Another group of suspects were arrested for being in the possession of dagga. Police were conducting the patrols when receiving information about a person with dagga at Heidelberg Taxi rank and proceeded to look for him. When conducting a body search, police found dagga wrapped in newspapers and plastic. Police were led to Blesbokspruit opposite the Taxi rank were dagga plants found and uprooted. The arrested suspects will appear before Heidelberg Magistrate court.

Training and Financial Services


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Schools investigated


TEL: 011 814 5318 110 Noordstraat, NIGEL PITSAND

The SAPS Community patrollers for rural safety participated in conducting searching Mountainview High School, JW Luckhoff CYCC and Sedaven High School. There were only two cans 440ml Hunters Extreme found by a grade 12 learner. The operation was successful and the schools can be proud.



Office Cell Kleintjie Kenny CJ

079 612 4532 083 234 8310 083 227 2500 083 236 1465 PITSAND

Grondverskuiwings-masjiene, Graders, Excavators, Loaders, Lowbeds ens. Bou-, Pleister- & Riviersand, Klip, Premix, Cement Stocks, Cement, Topsoil & Filling



Wat is talent? Dis ‘n vermoë wat die Here elke normale mens op aarde mee toevertrou. Iets wat by my pas en binne my pesoonlikheidsveld lê. Die Woord sê dat ons daarmee moet woeker want dit is kosbaar en mooi. Dit kan musiek, skilder, diensbaarheid teenoor ander, organisasievermoë, leierskap, onderwys of iets soortgelyk wees. Nadat ek dit van die Here ontvang het moet ek my beywer om dit te ontwikkel deur eie inisiatief, oefening, studie en toewyding. Omrede elke siel weet waar sy kenmerkende uitstaande vermoëns lê, is daar geen verskoning om dit nie te gebruik en te ontwikkel nie. Hiervoor gaan elke mens eendag rekenskap gee en soek God vrug en resultaat wat uiteraard nie onderhandelbaar is nie. Ieder en elk weet wat sy of haar sterk punt in die lewe is en daarby weet ons om dit ten bate van onsself, ons medemens en dit bo alles aan te wend tot Sy eer. Hy deel uit aan wie Hy wil, soveel Hy wil en Hy besluit of ek die vermoë besit om vyf, twee of selfs een talent te hanteer en te laat blom. Hy doen dit omdat Hy beter mense van ons wil maak en ons toerus en bekwaam sodat ons nie net vir onsself nie, maar ook vir ander tot voorbeeld en verrykend kan wees. Uiteindelik moet dit bydra tot die uitbreiding van Sy Koninkryk, waarvan ons medewerkers is, hier op aarde. Talente laat my nie kwalifiseer vir die hemel nie, maar dis die eerste stap na gehoorsaamheid, vlytigheid en of ek verantwoordelik omgaan met dit wat God aan my toevertrou. Volgens Matheus 25:19 sal daar ‘n dag aanbreek waar Hy elke mens tot verantwoording gaan roep en die vrug van die talente wat Hy aan ons toevertrou het gaan eis. Ons moet besef dat ná alles behoort my talent, maak nie saak hoe groot of hoeveel

Betsie en Phillip herderspaar van Simfonéa 079 762 5545.

UPCF-SA meeting On March 2 it has been a year since the Unemployed People’s Co-operative Federation of South Africa, and the Greater Nigel United People’s Parliament (UPCF-SA & GRENUPP), objected against Gibela Rail plant in Dunnottar giving preference of employment to nonresidents. It is estimated that a total of 17 000 jobs was to be created because of the large scale of the Gibela Rail development. Employing residents would surely ease the financial strain, combat poverty, and cut down on crime related activities as an indirect result. As early as 2015 GRENUPP and UPCF-SA

initiated appeals to relevant Stakeholders to take note of residents’ grievances. GRENUPP and UPCF-SA has been amicable in search for a resolve. However, Gibela Rail’s unresponsiveness called for bolder actions because the cry for employment is not being heard. UPCF-SA invites its members, concerned parties and unemployed KwaTsaDuza residents to attend the General Meeting, to be held on 1 March, from 10:30-12:30, at the Dunnottar Recreation Park, 133 Prinsep Avenue, Dunnottar. We urge Gibela Rail and its partners to join in the fight to combat unemployment.

Gibela raised concerns nie, steeds nie aan my nie, maar aan Hom. Al het ek baie of min roem verwerf, Hy sal besluit of ek getrou was en my bes vir Hom gedoen het aldan nie. Dan volg die loon. Sou my werk bevredigend bevind word in die groei en ontwikkeling van my talent gaan ek toegelaat word in Sy heerlikheid. Sou daar bevind word dat ek my talente begrawe of nie na behore beoefen het nie, wag daar ‘n duistere einde. Ek kan nie ‘n ander se talent na-aap nie maar ek kan inspirasie put uit ander se sukses. Maar ek moet steeds my eie identifiseer en daarmee werk. Indien ek wel my talente onvermoeid, suksesvol en voortdurend gebruik, kwalif iseer ek vir die volgende stap, naamlik die daarop volgende Heilige en Geestelike gawes volgens 1 Korintiërs 12:7. Hierdie gawes in teenstelling met die talente is ‘n geskenk en hieroor vra Hy my nie om verantwoording nie. Dus as ek getrou bevind word met my talente en met vrug daarmee handel mag Hy my nou vertrou met meer en groter dinge. Sien deel twee uitgawe van14 Maart 2017.

Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,

28 FEBRUARY 2017


February 22, 2017 Gibela Rail Transport Consortium (Gibela) is accelerating its engagement with representatives of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) and elected community leaders in a bid to end continuing unrest in Duduza, Ekurhuleni. The company is appalled by reports received overnight of the property that was destroyed, indicating the unrest in Duduza is escalating rather than abating. Of additional concern to the company are that: Employees of its contractors living in Duduza and surrounds are being intimidated; Workers generally are being forcibly prevented from going to work; and Scholars prevented from going to school. At the heart of the unrest seems to be a view amongst some sectors of the community that Duduza residents should be prioritized by Gibela for jobs and training because of the proximity of the company’s new Dunnottar train manufacturing facility to Duduza. In terms of its contract with its customer, PRASA, for the construction of 600 new trains for Metrorail, a project that is national in scale, Gibela is required to prioritize Historically Disadvantaged South Africans nationally for jobs and training and other developmental opportunities. While residents of Ekurhuleni will be given preference due to their proximity to the new train manufacturing facility, this cannot be to the total exclusion of other communities around the country. This has been consistently communicated by the company to all stakeholders since inception of the project. Senior members of the company met with: The Ekurhuleni Metro’s MMC for Economic Development and Finance, Doctor Xhakaza; Representatives from Gibela’s customer, PRASA;

Senior representatives from the Department of Transport; and Gibela minority shareholders, to discuss: Formal channels of communication for sustainable stakeholder engagement; and Specif ic material factors of interest to local communities such as preferential procurement, skills development and corporate social investment. From these discussions, the stakeholders went on to brief 12 councilors representing communities adjacent to the Gibela’s Dunnottar site, the ANC caucus, and communities in Tsakane and Duduza, well into the evening. Further engagement with the councilors was planned for Thursday, 24 February at which Gibela will provide: An overview of its operations and of progress in respect of operational and construction activities; An outline of progress to date; and an indication of strategy, plans and progress in respect of economic development, specifically: job creation statistics; preferential procurement; and skills development, including bursaries and leaderships, insofar as these affect neighboring communities. Following this meeting, different community interest groups will be addressed. It is expected that the decisions flowing from these discussions will result in a set of collaborative actions being taken by the participants that will secure understanding and acceptance of the terms of Gibela’s contract, and a return to law and order in Duduza. Gibela commits to playing its part in executing all communication and other agreed actions to achieve this objective. Work on the construction of the company’s new manufacturing facility at Dunnottar in Ekurhuleni remains suspended, out of concern for the safety of its employees and those of its contractors.

Mealie thefts Three suspects, aged 26 to 31 years old respectively, were arrested for mealie theft. Mr and Mrs Modise were checking their mealies on their farm when they spotted 3 young men carrying 50kg bags leaving their mealie field. They confronted the men and they found the bags were filled with freshly harvested mealies. Upon interviewing them, it was detected that the mealies were stolen from their farm. The arrested suspects will appear before Heidelberg Magistrate Court.

Mr and Mrs Modise

28 FEBRUARY 2017



Onvergeetlike aand saam met André Swiegers Sanger-liedjieskrywer, André Swiegers, is ‘n gevestigde naam in die plaaslike musiekbedryf. Hy is ‘n liedjieskrywer en sanger in Afrikaans en Engels. Hy maak sy deurbraak in 1990 toe Laurika Rauch sy liedjie “Blou” sing en dit trefferstatus bereik. Van sy treffers wat hy self sing, sluit in: Eva, Blou, Jammer om te hoor, Hoe draai die wind dan nou en Hoor hoe val die reën. Die versteekte werklikheid is dat die man gelaai is met ‘n arsenaal oorspronklike musiek en liriek … met ‘n verrassingselement wat nooit ontbreek nie. So het hy dan weer eens sy gehoor vermaak met humoristiese tong-in-die-kies geselsies en Valentynsaand op Nigel onvergeetlik gemaak. André hou van wat hy doen. Sy loopbaan is ’n hoogtepunt vir hom. Om songs te skryf, albums op te neem, optredes te doen soos die van die 14de Februarie op Nigel, laat hom sy musiekreis herleef van die 60’s tot nou toe. Treffers van Bob Dylan en John Lennon het natuurlik die kollig gesteel, maar die hoogtepunt van die aand was “Jammer om te hoor”. Die gesoute sanger en liedjieskrywer skryf nie om aan

mense se verwagtinge te voldoen nie, maar hy skryf oor temas wat vir hom belangrik is. Tydens sy optredes praat hy gewoonlik Afrikaans, sing in Afrikaans en in Engels. Sy aanbieding is eiesoortig, sy projeksie universeel en die meeste mense kry die “boodskap”. Sangers soos Theuns Jordaan, Laurika Rauch, Juanita du Plessis, Mathys Roets en ‘n string ander bekendes het al van sy werke opgeneem. André het ook reeds jare gelede sy merk op die internasionale front gemaak – as mede-skrywer van die Coleske-treffer “Take me where the sun is shining” – wat die nommer een posisie op verskeie trefferparades in Europa behaal het. Swiegers is met talle toekennings bekroon – van beste volwasse-kontemporêre album tot beste vervaardiger van ‘n Afrikaanse album. Die Swiegers / Coleske komposisie “Aphrodite” word deur SAMA vereer as een van SA se top 10 liedjies vir 2001. André se album “Sirkels van tyd” besorg aan hom 2 SABC 2 Geraastoekennings (2005) – beste volwasse kontemporêre album, asook beste vervaardiger van ‘n Afrikaanse album. André is op 14 Februarie 1958 in Brakpan gebore.

André saam met Klippies - interessant dat die twee vriende van ouds op dieselfde dag, 14 Februarie, verjaar.

Suzette en Klippies Steenkamp van Amicos Versekeringsondernemings, organiseer- Valentynpaartjies skitter tydens die optrede van André Swiegers wat voorwaar vir ders van die vermaaklike geleentheid saam gaste gehou by Nigel Rolbalklub. vermaak op sy beste gesorg het.

Fun scenes & familiar faces at the Sure Travel Set event Some fun scenes & familiar faces at Sure Travel Set Sundowner & Sunset event held at The Secret Garden Function Venue in Heidelberg on Thursday, 16th February. The guests were welcomed with cocktails & lei floral garlands to enhance the island style ambience. The colorful event was well attended & many prizes were up for grabs. There was time to mingle, snack & grab some brochures on your ‘dream island destination’ before the official presentation where professionals from various operators showcased & focused on the following destinaEnjoying jelly shots are Stephen Barry, Helen tions: - Mauritius, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Reunion, van Driel & Andy Fulton. Andy heads up the Sure Maldives and MSC Cruises. The tour operators included Thompsons, Beachcomber Tours, MSC Cruises, Lux Travel Set adventures side of the business. Resorts, TIC Travel Insurance, American Express Foreign exchange and Holiday Factory. Feel free to contact Sure Travel Set TODAY for all your travel related enquiries. Office hours: Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00.

Sure Travel Set Staff from left: Michella Mendonca, Nadia Marais, Melisa Celestino, Liza Fulton and Nicole Fourie.

From left: Miekie Britz, Michella Mendonca & Linda Lubbe.

Tel: +27 (0)16 349 2661 Mobile: +27 (0)71 871 2679

Nicole Fourie and grand prize winner Bella Tsele. She won a return domestic airticket including airport taxes.

Phillip de Vries and master of ceremonies David Robinson.


From left: Beachcomber Tours operator Kirsten Johnson with Riaan & Linkie Barnard.



28 FEBRUARY 2017

Vossies hou skool se naam hoog

Op 23 Februarie is daar erkenning gegee aan die slimkoppe by HoĂŤrskool John Vorster en tydens hierdie prestige prysuitdeling is die volgende leerlinge met toekennings vereer. Trofee vir beste prestasie in wiskunde en wetenskappe soos volg: Graad 8 ( 2016). natuurwetenskap: Isak v d Merwe; wiskunde: Mieke Kapp. Graad 9 ( 2016) natuurwetenskap: Phumelele Nxumalo en wiskunde: Jacques Brits. Graad 10 ( 2016) fisiese wetenskap en wiskunde: Anja Labuschagne. Graad 11 (2016). fisiese wetenskap: Zainie Ras en wiskunde: Brandon Kruger. Graad 12 (2016) fisiese wetenskap: Gian Uys en wetenskap: Maryka Roets. Heelvoor Phumelele. Middel van links is Mieke, Brandon, Anja, Zainie en Izak. Heelagter is Jacques. Foto regs: Die Nigel Rotary Klub het ‘n toekenning vir die beste verbetering in graad 9 vir wiskunde geborg. Die wenner is Bianca Bezuidenhout en Lizari de Lange, tweede. Voor Bianca en Lizari. Agter Maurizio Pellizzon, President Nigel Rotary Klub en Con Keyser.

Foto links: Hester Bernard oorhanding die Richard Bernard Prys vir die graad 10 leerling wat beste vordering getoon het in Rekeningkunde aan Anneli van Rooyen.

Deolize Fouche is as die Senior Victrix Ludorm aangewys.

Dominique Dantu was die beste senior dogter veld atleet.

28 FEBRUARY 2017


Gauteng kampioenskappe

A.G. Visser laerskool bied drie tuis byeenkomste aan waar daar sterk skole betrokke was. Die atlete doen besonders goed en behaal pragtige prestasies. Die skool het ook die Heidelberg kampioenskappe (Cluster) aangebied en 33 van hul atlete dring deur na die D-7 kampioenskappe, wat ‘n uitsonderlike prestasie is. Die volgende atlete het almal ‘n 1ste, 2de of 3de plek behaal tydens die D-7 Kampioenskappe: Derde plekke: Madeli Grobler hoogspring. Johan Delport 1200m. Anke Wiersma 100m. Delaine Willemse 75m hekkies. Michelle Du Toit 70m hekkies en Melita vd Schyff gewigstoot. Tweede plekke Sherize Taylor hoogspring. Anke Wiersma verspring. Jason Lee Smit verspring. Delaine Willemse 100m en Dave Pelser gewigstoot. Eerste plekke Esmerelda Underhay gewigstoot. Pieter Kriel 100m en 200m. Martin Joubert 80m en 100m en Jeandré Kitching gewigstoot Die volgende atlete op foto bo het deurgedring na die Gauteng kampioenskappe in die volgende items: Dave Pelser, gewistoot. Martin Joubert 80m en 100m. Sherize Taylor hoogspring. Esmerelda Underhay gewigstoot. Jason Lee Smit verspring. Anke Wiersma verspring. Delaine Willemse 100m. Jeandré Kitching gewigstoot, duskus en spiesgooi. Pieter Kriel 100m en 200m.


D-7 Vissie presteerders

Die volgende atlete van Laerskool AG Visser het aan die D-7 kampioenskappe deelgeneem en uitstekend presteer. Mitchell Strydom, Christiaan Gryffenberg, Sheadean Jackson, Ilince Jordaan, Asté Olivier, Johan Delport, Mpho Mbata, Elbie Mouton, Beno Smith, Madeli Grobler, Simoné Moll, J.P. Knoetze, Natasha Scheepers, Mellita vd Schyff, JP Delport, Henroux Moll Calvin Sweeney, Steven Buys, Barend Papenfus, Michelle Du Toit, Sherelle Taylor, Marleigh Mouton, I. Jacobs en Y. Buys.

Voedseltrein reuse sukses Die ouers en leerlinge van Laerskool Tini Vorster het hul harte en hande oopgemaak om die koskas van die kombuis van die behoeftige leerlinge te vul. Nie bederfbare voedsel is op die netbalbane uitgepak in graadverband. In totaal het die uitgepakte voedseltrein ‘n lengte van 490m beslaan.

Helpende hande van leerlinge wat geinspireer is om ‘n dankbare hartjie met die blikkies uit te pak!




BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599



PJ Construction

Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

12 Jaar ondervinding

Vir alle opgraderings, reparasies, bou, verf, elektries asook teëlwerk. Werk gewaarborg. Vir ‘n gratis kwotasie kontak Phill 071 289 9931/Nicky 084 316 0846

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441

ANCIENT DAYS Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS


R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544




DCL Repairs. General turning and milling. Skimming of disc (brake and drums). Service on all cars. Diagnostics on all cars. Brakes. Reline of brake drum disc. General repairs. Contact: Derek 063 774 5640.

Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 (


NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.


TO RENT / TE HUUR OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Small business/office space available to rent in safe complex close to SAP and SARS , in Hendrik Verwoerd Street, Nigel. Contact 082 881 2481.

Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

RENTAL UNITS available in Springs Close to Selcourt towers, Blue Crane Eco Mall 1km, school 1km, N17 Highway & 8km from Springs central.”

Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.


Secure complex. 24-hour security.



28 FEBRUARY 2017

“OPTION 1: All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R 3 230/ month. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom- R 2 970/ month. Deposit: 1 months’ rent + R 300 key deposit + R 800 once off admin fee. OPTION 2: NO DEPOSIT. All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R 3 560 /month 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom- R 3 270 / month”

Hester 081 751 4454 Emil 012 809 2044


42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445, sms 071 545 3868 Whatsapp: 072 317 7001

Indien jy nie die Rekord elke 2de Dinsdag ontvang nie gaan haal hom af by ons kantoor of Spar in jou area OTK, Rensburg 24 & MEATWORLD

S uperMeubels,

Ons het die grootste verskeidenheid gebruikte meubels te koop. Nuwe Siesta Beddens, nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi bande, oudhede, nuwe comforters (stelle) R295, walkers, groot verskeidenheid krukke en rollators, badstoele, kerkbanke, pine meubels, riempiesbank - so baie om te sien, so baie om te koop....



RUBY SCENTS. Sell quality oil base perfume. 100 – 150% PROFIT. Capital outlay R185.00 + postage. Contact Madi 083 655 0445 now.

VACANCY Salesperson required for Motor Vehicle Spares Centre Fax 2 Page CV to : 087 231 3878

HONDA CR250 2 STROKE FOR SALE Contact 082 45 33 794

Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

28 FEBRUARY 2017



Kampioene presteer Leiers vir 2017

Laer Volkskool se atlete het hierdie seisoen hul staal gewys en tydens die Cluster kampioenksappe het hul as wenners uit die stryd getree met 438 punte. Met die 6 byeenkomste agter die rug het verskeie nuwe rekords gespat. Marli Schoeman meisies 0/13 het die rekord vir 200m hekkies en 200m naelope verbeter.

Ander rekords - Jessica Wehmeyer meisies 0/11 hoogspring, Kay-Lee Baird meisies 0/11 verspring, Anchen Wilken ewenaar meisies 0/11 gewigstoot en Gene Nel rekord vir meisies 0/8 80m.,


JC van Tonder, in aksie spog met volgende nuwe rekords vir seuns 0/13 200m, 80m hekkies en 200m hekkies.

Vossie ysters

Karlu Stander van Laerskool Tini Vorster verbeter die 70m hekkies rekord met ‘n tyd van 13.81 sekondes tydens die Nigel Sentraal byeenkoms. Gedurende Greater Nigel gehou op 15 Februarie het Karlu die 70m hekkies rekord verbeter na 13.5 sekondes.

Balfour laer en hoërskool se leiers vir 2017. Voor van links is Marzelle Pretorius onderhoof meisie, Clarissa du Plessis hoofmeisie, Henru Diedericks hoofseun en Hendrik Dry onderhoof seun. Agter van links Sumari Viljoen, Alichia Pelzer, Leane Boers, Jennifer Venter en Junior Breedt.

Suné Bekker van Laerskool Tini Vorster dogters 0/13 gewigstoot verbeter die rekord met 11.77m.

Rekords spat tydens Balfour laer en hoërskool se interlaer byeenkoms op hul tuisvelde. Die volgende atlete het rekords verbeter: Maxine Dreyer dogters 0/ 10, 70m hekkies, 15.84 sekondes en 80m hekkies 12.73 sekondes. Elrie Herbst dogter 0/11 70m hekkies 14.73 sekondes. Geane le Roux dogters 0/11 gewigstoot 7.44m. Sy verbreek die 2014 rekord van 7m. Zian Engelbrecht seuns 0/11 70m hekkies spog met ‘n nuwe tyd van 14.59.




28 FEBRUARY 2017

Have your say! Saturday, February 25, Ekurhuleni Municipality hosted an open day event at Laerskool Dunnottar to inform members of specifically Dunnottar and Sharon Park what the Urban Design Project entails. Amongst the attendees were predominantly residents from Dunnottar and surrounds, who received an invitation per SMS from Ekurhuleni Municipality. The event was also advertised on advert boards at main intersections. It was vital for the organizers to hear residents’ concerns. The Ekurhuleni Urban Design Initiative represents an important element of the new spatial vision of Ekurhuleni, one that is guided by the Theory of Change. This is based on the five pillars in the GDS, ie: to Re-Urbanise – aimed at achieving sustainable urban integration; to ReIndustrialise – aimed at achieving economic growth that creates jobs; to ReGenerate – aimed at achieving environmental well-being; to Re-Mobilise - aimed at achieving social empowerment; and to Re-Govern - aimed at achieving effective co-operative governance. The Ekurhuleni Urban Design Initiative involves three main components:

New lease of life for Dunnottar and surounds. The formulation of a metro-wide Urban Design Policy; The establishment of an Urban Design Review Committee; The formulation of Urban Design Precinct Plans. Draft precinct plan documents can be downloaded from the Ekurhuleni website at (search “urban design” on our website). Comments can be submitted by e-mail to; in the “comment box” at the Springs City Planning Offices or Dunnottar Library; send by post to the Ekurhuleni City Planning Department, PO Box 13, Kempton Park, 1620; or hand delivered to the City Planning Corporate Office, Markem Building, Cnr Margaret Avenue & Kempton Road, Kempton Park, by not later van 27 March 2017.

AntiSmash & Grab

Hulde aan rugby held

Leerlinge van Hoërskool John Vorster met die laaste eer betoon aan Joost van der Westuizen met die opstuur van ballonne om sy lewe te herdenk. Daar was ‘n minuut stilte tydens hul atletiekbyeenkoms gehou op 10 Februarie.


Joe 072 119 8230 / 072 037 5976

Plumbing, Galvanized, Copper, PVC Fittings UB42 Underground 90° Bend 110mm

R49 SB400 SV 90°Bend 110mm


Bath set

Fittings Copper, Conex, Galvanized, Plasson

Underground 4B41 45° Bend 110mm


TEL: 016 341 2187/8

110mm PVC Pipe 6m

R115 R168

Copper Pipe 15mm

Shop 5, Nigel Shopping Centre. Cnr Kerk Str. & 1st Ave. NIGEL

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str.

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