Rekord - NIgel & Heidelberg

Page 1


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26 JULY 2011

Unbreakable Man to face Table Mountain Breaking Dries Peschel (55) of Nigel is a Parkinson’s at other venues countrywide. Disease sufferer with increasingly stiffen- Dries actually intended that Zille and other ing tendons and internal organs, but simul- celebrities should be climbing with him. He taneously he is probably one of the strongest would challenge her and other celebrities for willed persons in the country. the fastest climb on the basis that for every Well into the grips of the feared old age ill- hour they take to complete the journey, he ness, he has put himself to the challenge of would have two. But the two ladies are too climbing Table Mountain in August – prob- busy and did not see their way clear! ably for the last time. He is indeed worthy of Addressing parliament is one of ten bucket the title of the Unbreakable Strong Man as he wishes that Dries set for himself when he rehas only about 15% mobility left when not taking medicine. Waiting on him at the foot of the mountain to pay homage to him after his epoch making trip to bring the bondage of Parkinsons to the attention of the world, will be Helen Zille, Premier of the DA in the Western Cape and Patricia de Lille, Mayor of Cape 29 Beverly Street NIGEL Town, the strongest women combination in Tel: 011 814 1150 South African politics. BAKING INGREDIENTS It may well be the Strong Man’s last attempt – Packaging because unless he has an expensive brain Cake Decoration operation of R432 000 to increase his mobility Fruit, Nuts, Seeds to 85%, his lifespan will probably be limited 80 Different pure spices to another three years. He has no medical fund Cake boards & boxes as he was in Ministry for many years and can- 10 Different flavours milkshakes not afford it. So the end will be inevitable 20 Different flavours concentrated essens unless a Good Samaritan comes up and offers him a life line. Actually, his life circle should SPECIAL have permanently ended in a wheel chair by CAKES ON 2003 according to a brain specialist’s opinion in 2002, but through sheer guts and determiORDER! nation Dries has outlived that prediction to Rice Paper face the second decade of 2000. In addition to being met by Zille and De Lille, Pictures the Premier has also undertaken to organize Peschel to address parliament on Ou Balfour Pad (R23) Langs Caltex Vulstasie (Ou La Bon Roadhouse) the issue of the illTel: 016 349 1526 * ness. However, at the time of going to press, a date still had to be set. And it is also Peschel’s dream that Saterdag 30 Julie an annual official day be set to commemo08:00 - 13:00 rate those that suffer from the illness and other rare mental disabilities. It can fall on any pubtot lic holiday, preferably ting in August. He would Kor like to see that the families of such sufferers meet and enjoy Alle Kredietkaarte each other’s presence tot word aanvaar with a picnic basket at ting Kor Table Mountain and

alized that in time he would become totally immobile. “I am an adrenalin addict,” he admits. Under his unfulfilled wishes fall such things as flying through the sound barrier, flying with a micro air craft from Messina to the Cape and return to Messina driving by vehicle on dirt roads, diving in a submarine and swimming among sharks, have a year’s membership to attend matches at Loftus in Pretoria and cricket at Centurion. read more page 5


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Chinese woman murdered read page 7

Belly Dancing, Greek Dancing and Breaking Plates!

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Robin Lee Greek evening Saturday 30 July 2011 Breaking plates, Greek dancing Specials ONLEE AT:NIGEL Shop No 24 B, The Angelo Mall, Cnr Heidelberg & Station Road, Noycedale, Nigel.

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Safety shoes and clothes available in all size



26 JULY 2011

Lots to learn at the craft workshop Why be embarrassed

An opportunity to learn some interesting crafts was a success at the Nigel Methodst Church hall, when the Ladies’ Fellowship organised a special crafts morning. There were various groups and people could move to each one and learn something of all the crafts on offer, supervised by experts. The beading sections was popular, with participants surprised how easy it was to make a necklace from silver beads with decoration added. There was also a chance to look more closely at how to start a scrap book. One of the most popular sessions was that of learning how to do mosaics. There was also a chance to show talent at making painted cards. The organizer, Trish Richards said she was glad to see everyone was enjoying the event. “Some people said they wish it could be a more regular event but Trish said there was the church fete coming up in September and maybe later on something permanent could be organised.

From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Enjoying how to make items with beads by Brenda van Zyl are Jean Howes and her daughter Anita.

Eight-year-old Simone Easton was one of the people who made cards. Lana Linford gives advice to craft participant Latya Gabin.

Organiser of the craft workshop Trish Richards with one of the participants, Melanie van Niekerk.

Lesedi Mayor sworn in

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198

The new city council members of Lesedi Local Municipality were recently sworn in at a ceremony in the old city hall. Seen here in the picture are from left Executive Mayor, Clr Lerato Franscina Maloka with her husband, Teboho Mkhize, the Speaker’s partner, Ms Debra Mokgosi, the Speaker, Clr Thabiso Simon Moremi and Sedibeng Magistrate, Mr Sipho Sibanyoni who was responsible for the swearing in ceremony.

Many people find that they are embarrassed in some or other situation and quite often this leads to them putting themselves into a position that they actually do not want to be in. I am not talking about the awkward times when we blush because of a joke Rev Goddess, Heidelberg been played on us. I am talking Methodist Church about when we are truly embarrassed. Some of these positions could be that they compromise their position at work, amongst their friends or even amongst their family circles. Some even end up moving away from God and the family of Christ because of embarrassment. But let us have a closer look at embarrassment and see if this is something new or is it something that has been around for a long time. I would like to suggest that it has been around for a very long time, probably ever since the fall of man into sin. If you remember the story of creation you will also remember that once Adam and Eve had sinned they became embarrassed in the presence of God and hide away from Him. We also think of Peter when he was embarrassed to be part of Jesus’ disciples and was worried that he would be persecuted because of his relationship with Jesus. This was a time when someone moved away from God instead of moving towards Him in times of trouble. But why do we get embarrassed and why do we go to the extreme of sometimes even lying or denying our faith because of our embarrassment. I feel that the root cause of embarrassment is often because we are scared of the truth and are worried about the results that the truth may bring into our lives. Peter feared for his life but many of us are just scared that the truth will come out. Just think of why someone denies having stolen an item even if they are caught red handed. The plain truth is that they know that they will be embarrassed if the truth comes out and they may also suffer because of the truth. So how do we overcome embarrassment? The simple answer is to be truthful at all times. It is so often that a person is “man enough” to commit a crime or a wrongdoing but all too often that same person is not “man enough” to own up to the truth. If we were truthful at all times we would never need to be embarrassed. There are some times that a person is just too embarrassed to face people after they have made a mistake in their lives. This too may have the same results as the embarrassment described above. Truth be told, if that person takes the bull by the horns and faces the people they find out that it is not as hard as they thought it would be and quite often the love and understanding they receive is overwhelming. At the end of the day we must be careful not to use embarrassment as an excuse not to face the people that actually want to help and love you “back in to normality”. Peter was warned that he would deny Jesus and even with the warning he still fell into the trap of embarrassment and fear. I feel that we all need to heed to the warning and make an effort to be truthful at all times and try and open up to the people who love us rather than run away from them. Jesus loves us and us Christ Followers we all need to make a point of loving others in such a way that nobody needs to be embarrassed, no matter what they have done.

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel Tel: 011 814 3151

In Nigel for the people of Nigel!

“ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”


09:00 & 18:00 09:00 10:15

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP

“I tell you the truth, “ Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” (Matthew 26:34) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth)

26 JULY 2011



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Ties, socks, belts accessories

Ties, socks, belts accessories

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Dasse, sokkies, gordels bybehore

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Dankie manne! Groot veldbrande op die plaas Hartebeesfontein en Rooiwal in die distrik Grootvlei het die gemeenskap onlangs soos een man laat saamstaan . Baie het ingeklim om die vuur te blus en te red wat daar te redde was. Ek ken van die mense nie eers nie en daar was waarskynlik ander waarvan ek nie eens kennis dra nie. Dis egter met groot dankbaarheid dat ek aan hulle almal wil sê: “Mense soos julle en jul optredes

Ons het verhuis

versterk weer ‘n mens se vertroue in jou medemens.” Ek wil veral baie dankie sê aan oom Ludwig Ankiewcz, Bennie Coetzer, Henk Holtzhausen, Neels Smith, Koos le Roux, Andre Meyer, Wynand Ambrosius, G. H. Muller en Tjaart de Bruin. My dankbaarheid is groot en ek wil julle almal nooi: Bel my asb. om julle ook onder sulke omstandighede te kom help. Baie dankie, Sakkie van den Berg.


C.L.A.S. Digital, een van Nigel se bekendste fotografiese verkoop- en ontwikkelingsentrums, het verskuif na ‘n perseel naby die munisipale lisensiekantore in ‘n nuwe koopkompleks skuins agter Shoprite waar hulle in winkel 3 ingetrek het. “Ek wil graag almal in kennis stel dat ons getrek het. Die nuwe perseel bied BAIE meer parkering en ons is nou in ‘n groter winkel. Ons diens bly dieselfde, ons verwelkom almal met ope arms,” sê Chris. Besoek of skakel ons by 076-083-4449/073-751-7172. Die E pos-adres is en die GPS koördinate is GPS 26*25’04" Die faks en tel no is: tel/fax 011-814-1644.

(011) 814-8297 OF 083 282 7577

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26 JULY 2011

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NUWE PERSEEL “Aan al ons gewaardeerde kliente: Ons wil net graag in kennis stel dat ons getrek het, die nuwe perseel bied BAIE meer parkering. Ons is nou in ‘n groter winkel. Ons diens bly dieselfde...ons verwelkom almal met ope arms.” Email:

Shop 3 new complex - Behind Licencing dept (behind Shoprite) Tel/Fax: 011 814 1644 Chris Cell 073 751 7172

We’d like to hear from you! Got any moans, groans, news or views? Or maybe you have an interesting hobby. Then contact the Rekord at 011 814 8614. We’ll be interested!

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3-in-1 Bathroom Heater with Extractor Fan & Light

26 JULY 2011



Unbreakable Man to face Table Mountain

from page 1 Sometimes she has to dress him and then holding him from behind, lead him wherever he wants to go. “People do not understand and often we have to turn down invitations at the last moment, offering dull excuses whenever Dries feels that an attack is looming,” she remarks sadly. With Dries she has already climbed Table Mountain five or six times. Parkinson’s has four symptoms, any one of which can be predominant in a patient. They are tremor (shivering), rigidness, ascenesia (jerks), and poisterism (uncontrolled forward curving). “I have the same type as Muhammad Ali,” he says. Dries is suffering from stiffness and uncontrolled leg movements. Parkinson’s and Altzheimer’s are often confused, but it is easy to remember that Parkinsons is an immobility problem and Altzheimer’s one that affects the memory. Dries was once working on top of a pile of fertilizers packing bags, when he forgot about the roof beam and knocked himself to unconsciousness. That sparked Parkinson’s as the part of the brain that produces dopamine, had been injured. A brain specialist now has to implant an electrode in that part of the brain (as small as a pea) to lift the functionality to 85%. The extra mobility that

Dries and his wife Annatjie

can be effected by a brain operation, will be enough to allow him to fulfill all his bucket wishes. Friends have opened an account for Dries to realize his dream of having the operation. It is at ABSA, branch 632005, acc. nr. 924597575648. The fund coordinator is Martin Illic (074-119-3781) and the fund manager is Jaap Cornelius at Absa Head Office (082-461-2473). Dries can be contacted at Restaurant & Wine Cellars

Specialising in Hardwood Furniture, Kitchens, Garden & Patio Furniture. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: Fabriek Cresent 16, Vorsterskroon, Nigel



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Bulk Chuck, Shortrib or Brisket


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Tel: 011 815 1494/5/6 * Fax: 011 815-1493 * 082 718 4562 We cut and pack to your specifications. Large variety of home-made, smoked and marinated products. We also do portion control for restaurants and the catering industry.

SPECIALS VALID FROM: WED 27/07/2011 - TUES. 02/08/2011 Springs National Fresh Produce Market, Paul Kruger Highway, Springs



26 JULY 2011

The importance of an ante nuptial contract Vehicles theft by JP Okes In the absence of an Ante Nuptial Contract (ANC), our law prescribes that you are automatically married in community of property. The Matrazimonial Property Act prescribes that, unless you specifically exclude the accrual system in your ANC, the accrual system will automatically be applicable to your marriage out of community of property. In the last article I briefly explained the implications of marriages in community of property and marriages out of community of property. A marriage out of community of property, with the inclusion of the accrual system, in many respects combines the best of marriages in community and marriages out of community together in one system. The “Accrual” system deals specifically with the growth in the estate of each spouse. Before the parties get married to each other they must declare the starting value of their estates in their ANC. The parties must also set out which of their assets, if any, will be excluded from the accrual system, failing which all of that party’s assets are taken into consideration when calculating the growth in that party’s estate. When the parties get divorced, or when one of the parties die,

a calculation is done to determine the growth of each party’s estate. This is done by simply deducting the starting value of a party’s estate (as declared in the ANC), from the value of that party’s estate at death or divorce. The difference is the growth or “accrual”. The starting value of each party’s estate is amended to make provision for inflation by reference to the Consumer Price Index (or “CPI”). So, for example, one will find that R10.00 in 2000 may be worth R20.00 today. Had I declared the starting value of my estate to be R10.00 in 2000 then that starting value would be reflected as R20.00 when I get divorced in 2010. After the calculations are done, the party whose estate shows the smaller growth (or accrual) will have a claim against the party whose estate shows the greater growth (or accrual). The idea behind the accrual system is that both parties are to benefit equally from any growth in their estates during their marriage. Practically, except for those assets which have been excluded in the ANC, the parties’ assets are divided upon divorce as if they were married to each other in community of property. One party is therefore not unduly benefited, from the growth of the parties’ assets during the marriage, at the expense of another. The parties, however, may deal with their separate estates during the marriage without needing to get permission from each other to do so. If one party incurs debt he does so for his own account, and the other party is not responsible therefore. The claims of creditors will, however, first be deducted from the value of a party’s estate before a calculation is done to determine the “nett” growth for purposes of the accrual system. In addition to assets specifically excluded in the ANC, certain other assets are, by operation of law, also excluded from the accrual system. These assets include payments for damages a party may have suffered as a result of personal injuries sustained, any inheritance received by a spouse; and any donation one spouse may give to another. From what has been said above it is easy to understand why many prospective brides and bridegrooms find the accrual system so attractive. Remember that if you do not exclude the accrual system, in your ANC, then it automatically applies. In closing upon the subject of ANC’s I want to emphasize that any one of the three marital “systems” may be best for you, depending upon your personal circumstances. I believe that it is extremely important that you should obtain legal advice about the best system for you, before you get married. Having dealt with marriages in the last two articles, it follows that my next article should be about divorces. Should you have any specific questions that you wish to have discussed, then please address your questions in this regard to the editor.







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There are still a number of motor vehicles being stolen in the central Nigel area. Thefts are also occurring in shopping centres. The vehicles are being stolen from outside a café, a nursery, a bottle store and just a quick stop at an ATM. The Nigel Community Policing Forum says it seems that people are more prone not to make use of gear locks, alarms, immobilisers etc., when making a quick stop. In the Nigel suburbs more vehicles are being stolen especially in Extension 2 and surrounding areas. Doors should be locked and windows closed. If you do not have a garage where your car can be parked then find a safe place. One tip is to park it in the back yard so it cannot be seen by criminals. Lock your car wheels! There have been several cases of theft of car wheels with mags in Nigel. These have occurred in Fourth Street and Noycedale. The thieves operate in groups at night and therefore residents should ensure they have wheel locks fitted, if the car is in the driveway and not in a locked garage. Often the poisoning of dogs preceded this type of robbery. Victims wake up the next morning to find their vehicle is standing on bricks.

Delays on emergency line Residents of Ekurhuleni are warned that, due to the replacement of a damaged underground Telkom telephone cable linking the municipality’s call taking centre may experience a slight delay in the calls being answered when calling the 011 458 0911 life-threatening emergency number. Eskom replaced the damaged cables on July 20 but this will still result in the re-routing of emergency calls from 05:00 for about 12 hours. Unfortunately the affected telephone cable links into the metro’s emergency call taking centre and it has been arranged for all emergency calls to be automatically rerouted to the alternative site. The emergency line is used for fires, ambulance services, accidents, traffic related emergencies and disasters. Alternative number 10177. The emergency services number 0860 643 000 will not be affected and this can be used to report electrical, water, sewer, roads and other emergencies. The metro apologises for inconvenience caused.

26 JULY 2011



Chinese woman shot point blank In a cold blooded murder in Nigel over the weekend a middle aged Chinese woman was shot point blank in the head when a group of four black male robbers and presumably a woman, struck the Friendly Liquor Shop in Rhodes Avenue late on Saturday afternoon. Ms. Baojinmei Gao (45) was eating behind a counter when the group entered the shop at about 17:49. She and an armed robber apparently got engaged in a heated argument, presumably over money, when the robber lost his cool and shot her. Rekord understands that the robbers struck at a time when there were no customers inside. One of the robbers was waving a hand weapon, pointing it at the workers and demanding money. With the late Mrs Gao inside the shop, were her brother and daughter who is eight months pregnant, as well as a white assistant. The liquor shop is wellknown for its drive-through order and paying system. While the alleged murderer was keeping the workers at gun point, his companions searched through the tills. After Mrs Gao was shot, Rekord understands that the robbers left with only some small change, mostly in R5 pieces as the notes had already been stored away by that time. The tragic incident followed six weeks after the late Mrs. Gao became a grand mother from her daughter’s side. Chaos reigned in the shop after the robbers left the shop, removing a potential customer from his vehicle, taking his keys and pushing him into the shop. The robbers sped off in two waiting vehicles, one a Blue BMW 740 I in an unknown

direction, possibly to the R23 at the robots at the corner of the Angelo Mall close by. Police arrived at the scene some 10-15 minutes later and cordoned off the shop. The Chinese owners and workers were in trauma and shock. While mourning the death of Mrs Gao aloud and crying uncontrollably, a group of Chinese looked at the corpse in die back of a forensics vehicle, bemoaning their loss. The unity among the Chinese in South Africa, was best demonstrated when Mr. Ruinbin Zhang the First Secretary and Police Attaché of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China, personally arrived at the scene to express his condolences to the family and to offer his help to the South African Police Service. Among the South African police at the scene were the Station Commander, Lt. Col. Y.

Kasavan, Andries Tshabalala, the communications officer, and detective Warrant Officer G . R. Stewart. The detective in charge is Warrent Officer J. C. Mothlaping. The team sifted through a whole bunch of video material yesterday morning as well as other evidence in a bid to move swiftly and mercilessly on the criminals that were still at large at the time of going to press. Mothlaping can be phoned at 083-718-5-068 with any information. About two years ago a robber was shot by a detective shortly after committing a robbery at the convenient shop of the garage opposite the liquor shop. The police were filling up with fuel when they saw what happened. In the ensuing chase, a robber was shot dead about 200 m from the crime scene. No crime has since been reported in the area of Noycedale.

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ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS e-mail: 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 Fax: 011 814 8467



26 JULY 2011

Eerste CD’s op pad vir Allan Putter A sewing machine expert at 93! Allan Putter van Heidelberg bring groot vreugde en heimwee in die lewens van bejaardes wanneer hy naweke met sy musiektoestelle en luidspreker voor hulle optree in Heidelberg, Nigel, die Vaaldriehoek en die Oos Rand. Nou het dit so ‘n groot passie geword dat hy besluit het om binnekort met twee laserskywe (CD’s) die musiektoneel in Suid-Afrika te betree. Allan (57) is verbonde aan die musiek afdeling van God’s Acre Gemeenskapsentrum in Heidelberg. “Ek het per internet kontak gemaak met Erika Tolmay van Krugersdorp wat haar eie opname ateljee het en wat in die sangwêreld bekend staan as Erika Country Girl. Sy gaan my feitlik gratis help, maar om by SAMRO te registreer en om vir kopiereg te betaal, gaan ‘n aardige bedrag kos. Ek soek nou borge om die sowat R50 000 op te maak wat vir opnames,

Heidelberg Club Celebrating Good Pub & Restaurant Times since 1888 Jacques Terre’Blanche

Ursula Viviers

plakate, CD omhulsels, ‘n dosyn oorspronlike opnames en 300 kopieë van elke CD, benodig word. Een van die bladsye van die omhulsel sal toegewys wees aan die borge.” Allan beplan om 10 liedjies op elke CD op te neem. Allan het ‘n gewilde sangstem en sy base by ‘n fabriek wat o.a pantoffels van skaapvelprodukte maak, het die eerste R1 000 bygedra en onderneem om die eerste twee CD’s te koop. “Dit was my lewensdroom om ‘n eie CD op die mark te hê en nou het dit op hierdie ouderdom in my skoot geval.” Die lootsing word vir einde Oktober by God’s Acre beplan. Mense wat belangstel om Allan te ondersteun kan hom bel by 082-681-6590.


Celebrating her 93rd birthday this month, Nellie Ackerman is a fitting example of living life to the utmost. She says the day is not long enough for her to do everything! Nellie is a perfectionist at making clothes on her sewing machine. They include exquisite blouses and skirts and dresses. Over the years Nellie has not only made clothes for herself but for relatives and friends. “It’s far cheaper than buying from shops, she says. Nellie also knits and has made 420 children’s jerseys and had plenty of demand for them. She says she learned a lot from her mother and loves sewing and knitting. She’s also an avid reader of romantic fiction. Sometimes she just can’t put a book down and reads it in one day or night. In her room at the Nigel Home for the Aged, Nellie does not have a television and says she just prefers listening to the radio. Nellie and her late husband lived on a farm for 23 years. She has a son and daughter, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. She stresses that young people should read more and also keep busy. “It’s good for you to be active”, she says. She also loves being a resident at the home, because she always has friends to talk to – when she isn’t busy at her sewing machine of course!

Nellie Ackerman busy at her sewing machine. 05 Augustus

12 Augustus

Kom kyk Rugby op die GROOTSTE SKERM in Heidelberg

26 Augustus

29 Julie


@ Heidelberg Club 39 H.F. Verwoerd Street Heidelberg Tel: 016 341 3910

* A la Carte Menu * Platters on request!

Erika Country Girl

Koos kruiwa ‘n inspirasie Met sy kruiwa halfvol skrootmetaal, tonne moed en deursettingsvermoë in sy binneste, ken Koos Kruiwa van Staden (34), van Nigel nie iets soos moed opgee nie. Hy is nie skaam om sy kruiwa kilometers ver deur die strate van die dorp te stoot op soek na afvalmetaal nie - want daaruit maak hy sy lewe. Waar ander mense reeds lankal moed opgegee en hulle aan die slegtigheid of jammerte oorgegee het, is Koos ‘n skynende lig wat hoop en inspirasie aan talle bring. Daar is altyd hoop. In die dorp is die netjiese jong man met sy hoed op die kop goed bekend want hy doen die werk nou al elf jaar lank. Hy het geen bang haar wanneer dit by werk kom nie. As iemand hom skroot aanbied, gee hy sy dienste in ruil om die skenker se besigheidsperseel, erf, motorhuis of wat ookal skoon te maak. “Ek wens net ek kon ‘n paar fabrieke, motorhawens of ingenieurspekke kry om my permanent van skrootmetaal te voorsien. Daar is nou ouens met bakkies wat nou rondry en teen hulle het ek nie ‘n

kans nie,” sê Koos. As daar ondernemings is wat Koos wil help, kan hulle Hoffie Hoffeldt by die Rekord by 084-516-7015 skakel. Koos stel nie net belang in afvalmetaal nie, maar ook meubels en enigiets wat bruikbaar is.

Koos Kruiwa

26 JULY 2011

Misdaad misluk ‘n Skerp daling in misdaad is die afgelope kwartaal in Rensburg waarneembaar en die dood van drie rowers in ‘n skietgeveg met reserviste op 27 Mei het waarskynlik baie daarmee te doen dat daar ‘n sterk afname van sowat vyftig persent is. Nog ‘n rede is te vind in die vinnige optredes van Rensburg Sektor Polisiëring Forum (RSPF) wat drie weke gelede ‘n bejaarde vrou Esther du Toit (70) van ‘n moontlike verkragting en waarskynlik moord gered het toe hulle op ‘n wenk dat daar ‘n “lyk om die hoek” lê, gereageer het. ‘n Man het me. Du Toit met ‘n bolhamer toegetakel toe Louis Janse van Rensburg van die Rensburg GPF op die toneel afgekom het. Janse van Rensburg, nou skakelbeampte en media woordvoerder van RSPF, sê hoe meer mense by sektor patrollering aksie betrokke raak, hoe meer oë is daar wat misdaad en misdadigers kan raaksien. “Paraatheid, kundige RGPF leierskap en die deelname van die gemeenskap, dra alles by tot ons sukses.” Maar nog ‘n deel van die suksesstorie is te vinde in die betrokkenheid van die RSPF by die wel en weë van die gemeenskap. Nadat me. Esther du Toit gered is, het die RSPF haar in die hospitaal besoek en ‘n ruiker blomme aan haar oorhandig. Tien dae gelede het hulle die tuin reggeruk van mnr. Andrew Sekul-hulle in Romynstraat 86 waar die drie rowers doodgeskiet is. “Radioverbinding is van kardinale belang as dit by sektor beskerming kom. Ons wil diegene wat nog nie betrokke is nie, ten sterkste aanraai om by ons te kom aanklop en betrokke te raak. Tans het ons reeds negentig roepseine in Rensburg. ‘n Totaal van 60 persent van die eienaars doen mee aan die patrolliewerk. Dis uitstekend, maar nog nie goed genoeg nie.” Malan Bredenhann, voorsitter, kan by 083321-3407, Louis by 082-557-6570 en Gustav by 084-690- 7012 gekontak word om nadere inligting oor die RSPF te kry en oor hoe om by die organisasie betrokke te raak. “Besoek ons gerus by ons webwerf by - www. - waar mense terselfdertyd aansoekvorms kan kry,” sê Louis.



In need of a home! Slange steel elektrisiteit These dogs are all strays waiting to be adopted. One was picked up by the Nigel SPCA in Dunnottar and even has a collar with a bell attached to it, but no-one has come forward to claim the dog.

Die “slang” diefstal van elektrisiteit met self aangelegde kabels wat soos slange in Snake Park, Mackiezieville buite Nigel oor die paai lê, en waaraan die owerhede klaarblyklik niks doen nie, val onder die beheer van Ekurhuleni Metro Munisipale Raad wat sy krag van Eskom aankoop. Rekord het onlangs in een straat ‘n stuk of veertig sulke aansluitings gesien wat elektrisiteit aan ver meer as veertig plakkershuise voorsien. Dis die aaklige gesig van armoede, maar ook van diefstal waarvoor “meer bevoorregtes” in die samelewing moet opdok. Elektrisiteit word openlik van kragmaste afgesteel en per lug of op en onder die strate na huise gelei. In ‘n advertensie op TV maan Eskom teen die gevare van onwettige aanlegte en ‘n nommer ( 0800 11 27 22) word verskaf waar onwettige aansluitings gerapporteer kan word. Eskom se skakelafdeling sê Eskom voorsien nie direk elektrisiteit aan die Snake Park-plakkerskamp nie. Die kragpale daar is dus nie Eskomkragpale nie, maar behoort aan die Ekurhuleni Munisipaliteit. “Ekurhuleni voorsien elektrisiteit aan die genoemde gemeenskap en is daarom verantwoordelik vir die veiligheid van alle kabels. ‘n Lyninspeksie wat op 14 Julie 2011 gedoen is, het getoon dat daar geen onwettige aansluitings aan die Eskom Nigel 11kV-voerder is nie. Eskom het oorlog verklaar teen onwettige aansluitings en het op 9 Junie saam met die Ekurhuleni Metropolisie onwettige aansluitings vanaf huise in die Zamani-gedeelte van Duduza afgehaal. Ongeveer 900 m se kabels is verwyder. Meer soortgelyke optredes sal volg. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens en die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag ondersteun Eskom se inisiatief. Volgens die Wet kan persone wat hulself aan elektrisiteitdiefstal skuldig maak, ernstige kriminele aanklagte in die gesig staar. Rekord verneem elders dat dit nie veel help om die kabels te verwyder nie. Sommer die volgende dag is die slange weer in bedryf. Dis ook moeilik om misdade te bewys. Onwettige aansluitings kan tolvry gerapporteer word by 0800 11 27 22. *Ekurhuleni het nie op navrae gereageer nie. Rekord wou o.a. weet hoeveel miljoene Rand se elektrisiteit per jaar deur onwettige slange gesteel word.

Berading by skole vir dwelms Leerders wat met sosiale huislike en psigiese probleme soos drank, dwelms, onbelangstellende ouers en verwaarlosing worstel, kan nou by ‘n paar skole in Heidelberg, ‘n berader besoek om hul probleme te bespreek in ‘n kamer wat spesiaal vir die doel geskik is. Jan Combrinck van God’s Acre Gemeenskapsentrum in Heidelberg wat algemeen as een van dié deskundiges op die gebied van dwelms in die land beskou word, het die afgelope 15 maande wat hy in Heidelberg is, reeds duisende kinders en ouers met inligtingspraatjies bereik. Die noodsaak van die tyd en die hel wat deur drank, dwelms en algemene psigologiese probleme veroorsaak word, het skoolhoofde en bestuursliggame van skole met nuwe oë na die situasie laat kyk en Hoër Volkskool het die leiding geneem om ‘n spreekkamer vir Combrinck by die skool in te rig. By een skool alleen het Combrink ‘n stuk of vyftig lêers. Dis wonderlik wanneer kinders

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na jou toe kom om sommer net te praat en te vertel dat hulle nou vry van dwelms en ander probleme is.” Dr. Ray Eberlein se boek “Life style changing to beat drug addiction” word as basis gebruik. Beradingslokale sal binnekort by die New Ratanda School en elders ingeruim word. “Skoolkinders is my hart,” sê Jan. By Hoër Volkskool het Indawo Yosizo van die Metodiste Kerk, reeds ‘n klompie tweedehandse meubels geskenk nadat skoolhoof Henjan van der Hyde ‘n kantoor beskikbaar gestel het. Jan se ouers en onderwysers moet veral dophou as kinders aggressiewe gedrag begin openbaar. Dis dikwels ‘n uitlaatklep van dinge wat by die huis gebeur. “n Kind sal bv. ‘n deur afskop of stukkend slaan.“ Om die generasiegaping te vul, is dikwels ‘n oplossing. Ek het al ‘n hele paar kinders na sielkundiges verwys,” sê hy. “Ek dink ons het al fenomenale sukses behaal met berading by skole.Vir meer inligitng kontak Jan by 072-237-5537.



26 JULY 2011

Heidelberg en omgewing, geskiedenis blom By die aanhoor van sulke wonderlike name en plekke soos die Witwatersrandsee wat 2,9 milj. jaar gelede gevorm is, Mzilikaatze se blyplek, die Voortrekker blyplekke soos Portuurkraal, Blinkpoort en Lagerspoort, ‘n Swatsika wat op ‘n rots uitgekap is en werktuie uit die steen- en ystertydperke, word die geskiedenis van Heidelberg en omgewing ‘n lewende werklikheid vir ‘n mens. En al die wonderlike plekke lê net om die draai. Luister maar net na die opgeleide toerleiers van Ommidraai Kronkelroete en die geskiedenis ontvou soos ‘n legkaart wat stuk-stuk inmekaar val. Met ‘n lys van digby ‘n honderd geskiedkundige plekke in Heidelberg, Balfour, Greylingstad, Val, Villiers, Dasville en Grootvlei op die spyskaart, staan ’n mens verstom oor die ryk geskiedkundige erfenis van die streek. Ses gidse vir Ommidraai Kronkelroete is begin 2010 opgelei om belangstellendes in te lei in die wonder wêreld van die verlede. Onder hulle tel Ludwig Ankiewicz, ‘n bekende geskiedkundige en Rita Britz van Val. Besoeke kan sakpas gemaak word, maar ‘n volle dagtoer begin om 09:00 in Heidelberg en eindig weer om 15:00 in die dorp. Die geskiedenis word vertel en plekke uitgewys

terwyl die toerbus beweeg. Baie van die plekke moet nog ontsluit word voordat besoekers daar sal kan ingaan. Plekke soos Skuilkrans en Skuilkraal by Barnardskop, kan net besoek word terwyl dit droog is. Die lys van besoekplekke maak fasinerende leesstof. So is daar die ou treinspoor waar Salmon van As ’n trein met behulp van perde laat onspoor het! Dan was daar olifante in die vallei naby Blinkpoort en die storie van die baasjagter Antonie Goosen, ‘n hangkas wat in ‘n prospekteergat weggesteek was en die bobbejane van Barnardskop. Tolgeld was reeds in 1885 by die drif oor Malanskraal-spruit gehef. Op die roete is ook die bewaargebied van die “Heidelberg Copper”, ‘n vlindertjie wat net op sewe plekke in die wêreld voorkom. Geboue met argitektoniese skoonheid uit die hand van argitekte Herbert Baker en Gerhad Moerdyk is ook te sien. Een van hulle is nou in Balfour as ‘n 5-ster hotel geklassifiseer. Opwindende plekke, te veel om op te noem, wag op hulle wat graag die geskiedenis wil leer ken. Skakel Ludwig by 082-573-5449 of Rita by 082-550-5540. Terloops: Genl. Christiaan de Wet het ‘n rukkie in die omgewing gebly terwyl die verslaafde Eugene Marais by De Hoek behandel was.

Leesfees laat tone krul Laer Volkskool Heidelberg het verlede week ‘n leesfees by die skool aangebied wat deur Sonja Cronje, ‘n lid van die skoolbeheerliggaam, gereël is. Gedigte, fabels, stories en strokiesprente is vir die geleentheid geskryf en Sophia Kapp van Potchefstroom het die gehoor oor lees, leesvaardigheid, leesvorming, vrede en vryheid toegespreek. Die skrywer Carina

Diedericks-Hugo van Stellenbosch het in skooltyd met die seniors gepraat en haar eerste nuwe boek in die reeks “Thomas” bekend gestel wat nog nie eers in die boekwinkels beskikbaar is nie. Beide kinders en ouers het dit baie geniet en hul meegeleef in die wêreld van die kunstenaar. Die lekkerte van lees het die kindertjies en ouers se tone laat krul van die plesier.

Sophia Kapp, Sonja Cronje en Piet Strydom, skoolhoof.

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Heidelberg kry nuwe kunsgalery ‘n Nuwe kunsgalery gaan binnekort in een van die buite geboue van die A. G. Visserhuis in Van der Westhuizenstraat open wanneer ‘n bekende in kunskringe, Flip van Rensburg die deure oopgooi. Van Rensburg het tot ‘n paar maande gelede ‘n galery in H. F. Verwoerdstraat bedryf. Sy kunsgalery was veral bekend vir die lekker kunsatmosfeer wat daar geheers het. Hy het ook lekker vetkoeke verkoop en sop- en melkkos aande aangebied waar kunsliefhebbers bymekaar gekom het. Talle kunsteneraars het ook daar uitgestal en Flip het ‘n tyd lank kunsklasse vir gevangenes in Heidelberg Gevangenis aangebied. Die museum is ook nog voluit aan die gang en belangstellendes kan Esteé Kimble by 083-764-1533 bel om uit te vind van vergaderplekke, byeenkomste, sangaande, gedigte voordrag en musiekaande wat aangebied word. Buite spyseniers voorsien geregte. ‘n Teetuin gaan ook binne en buite die huis ingerig word. Esteé is baie opgewonde oor ‘n baie spesiale skenking wat die museum pas ontvang het; die oorspronklike doktersbed waarop A. G. Visser sy pasiënte ondersoek het. Dit is erg verwaarloos en daar moet nou besluit word of die bed gerestoureer gaan word of net so gelaat sal word.

26 JULY 2011



R1,9-billion investment for Nigel There’s a new landmark on the industrial skyline of Nigel – which is the huge modern Consol Glass plant in Pretoriusstad. The first phase of the plant has now been completed and the total length of the factory area is one kilometer. Consol is the largest glass manufacturer in Africa and the Nigel plant covers 50 hectares. The plant has been valued at approximately R1,9-bilion and members of the media were recently given the opportunity to see the amazing progress made. The Nigel Factory’s production capabilities have been designed with flexibility in mind and the technology employed. It will be capable of producing a wide range of products. The new glass factory is designed initially to be a two furnace operation, with an output of 400 tons per day. The first phase cost R1,3-billion and the second will cost R600-billion, with the factory scheduled to open in September. The equipment used in manufacture is comparable to any in the world. About 50% of the people at the new factory will be experienced staff from other plants and 50% will be external appointments. Vacancies resulting from the transfer of staff from existing plants will have to be filled at those sites. Recycling remains a key internal focus on a group basis in order to minimise Consol’s demand for raw materials and to optimize energy and efficiency. Initially the Nigel plant will be supplied with externally processed cullet from the existing Consol processing facility at the Clayville factory. A portion of the Nigel factory has been demarcated as a wetland. The longterm planning takes this into consideration and Consol is committed to preserving this area and has protected it accordingly. In support of the wetland the site required a comprehensive stormwater design which included a retention pond at the far side of the property that will slowly release water from the site. The Consol Nigel plant is already contributing towards development in the greater Nigel area and growth has been seen in infrastructure, employment and community development The Consol construction team is working closely with the Business Linkage Centre from Duduza and Alra Park, to provide employment. Consol donated R250 000 for the upliftment of education in the Nigel area. With phase one now completed Consol Glass is only a short period away from completion.

One of the conveyer belts which will be used to carry bottles.

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26 JULY 2011

Vossies mini-netbal


Laerskool Tini Vorster se graad R en graad RR mini -netbalspelers is trotse mededingers. Hulle het selfs Dr. H. F. Verwoerd geklop. Voor is van links Jordan Spies, Michaela Smith, Lizaan Botha, Chanel Short, Kayleigh Weideman, en Cheraldine Nel. Agter is Nicole Schoeman, Karla Horn, Andrea Janse van Vuuren, Veruche Duvenhage, Clarinda Stassen, Chanté Coetzee, Ilanthe Barnard en Elmarie van Jaarsveld.

Foto bo: Dit was hoedjies van papier – en blomme en wat ookal toe Laerskool Tini Vorster se graad 1’s reg in die winter gewys het dat geen seisoen hulle kan onderkry nie! Voor van links is Cilliers van Wyk, Charmaine Tredoux, Adriaan van Biljon en Esmari Roodt. Agter: Dylan Spies, Daniël Strydom, C. J. Swanepoel , Gertjie Burger, Pieter Snyman, Abby Gabrielli , Kate Lynne Schreiber en Cilje Kruger.

Opgewonde ondersteuners van Tini Vorster afgeneem terwyl hulle hul mini-netbalspanne ondersteun.


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26 JULY 2011

Pensioner robbed by “bogus” estate agents A 70-year-old Nigel woman was conned by two women who said they were from a wellknown property group. The woman who does not want her name mentioned for fear of victimization said the house was on the market for sale so she was not surprised when the two women arrived and asked to view the house inside as there was a prospective buyer. They arrived in a silver grey car and one gave her name as Bianca and the other Marinda. The first was plump with light brown hair and spoke Afrikaans. The other had dark hair. The resident said the women were very convincing. When looking at the inside of the house, one remarked on the built-in cupboards and dressing table in the main bedroom. On the dressing table there was a small Chinese container with the owner’s rings in. “Later the dark haired woman asked to use the bathroom and I went to get a clean towel for her to use. One of them removed the container with my jewelery” said the resident. After the women had left, the resident noticed the container was gone and later found it in the dustbin. Her wristwatch was also stolen. The women promised to come back the following day with an appointment for the prospective buyer. But, of course, they never did. They were also not from the property group they claimed. The resident is bitter about the incident and wants it to serve as a warning to other people who have their houses for sale. The women stole my jewelery but I still have the memories. Apparently there are several people going around posing as estate agents. The warning is – ask for an official card which identifies them and call the estate agency to confirm the visit.

Discover Nigel @


Lyk gevind Gekaapte leef na ontvoering Die lyk van ‘n onbekende man is naby die Spookbrug langs die N3 gevind toe ‘n 59 jarige man van ‘n kleinhoewe by Spaarwater op ‘n erg ontbinde lyk afgekom het. Die lyk van die man, vermoedelik so 50 jaar oud, was in die veld naby die Spookbrug toe dit op Maandag 18 Julie omstreeks 17:30 gevind is. Hy was klaarblyklik sonder ‘n tuiste. Talle van sy eiendom is op die plek gevind waar hy bo-op ‘n bed van gepakte koeldrankkratte dood gevind is. Die man het ‘n bruin broek aangehad, maar geen positiewe uitkenning kon weens die gevorderde ontbinding gedoen word nie. Mense wat kan help of iemand vermis, kan die ondersoekbeampte, Speurder konstabel Musa Sydwell Maluleke skakel by 073-150-0357.

Daggasmokkelaar betrap ‘n Man is in ‘n taxi by De Hoek Plaza op die N3 met 1,98 kg dagga ter waarde van sowat R2 000 in hegtenis geneem toe die Gauteng Blitspatrollie van Vaalrand omstreeks 15:00 op Dinsdag 19 Julie toegeslaan en passasiers deursoek het. Die 32-jarige man was van Kranskop in KwaZulu Natal op pad na Johannesburg toe die wit Toyota Quantum deur die blitspatrollie gestop is. Die dagga was in geel plastiek toegedraai. Dieselfde man is glo ‘n bekende misdadiger wat voorheen in Alberton weens twee gewapende rooftogte tot tien jaar tronkstraf gevonnis was.

Dogs poisoned The Nigel SPCA reports that there has not been a reduction in the poisoning of dogs. In the past two weeks more than 10 dogs have been poisoned in Nigel. A warning to residents is that dogs which sleep inside the house are also victims. The poisoners know that the dogs will be let out early in the morning and therefore plant the meat containing the deadly granules during the night. Residents are advised to watch their dogs when letting them out and look around the front garden for signs of pieces of meat.

‘n Man het met sy lewe daarvan afgekom toe drie verdagtes hom in Heidelberg ontvoer, sy bakkie gekaap en hom vasgebind langs die pad naby Karan Beef buite Heidelberg gelos het. Die kaping het helder oordag in Stasiestraat, Rensburg plaasgevind toe die misdadigers omstreeks 11:00 op Vrydag 15 Julie toegeslaan het. Die slagoffer het met ‘n bakkie vol meubels gery toe ‘n wit Toyota Quantum sy ligte geflikker het asof daar fout met die vrag was. Toe die slagoffer stilhou, het drie beskuldigdes hom genader en gesê dit lyk of die vrag wil afval. Een van die verdagtes het glo ‘n vuurwapen op hom gerig en hom in die motor ingedwing terwyl ‘n derde verdagte in die bakkie geklim en weggery het. Die

Pets contaminated More than 25 dogs have died because of contamination of dog food in various areas. Now a Nigel man has lost two dogs to the same thing. Two more of his dogs also have diarrhea, yellow eyes, vomiting of blood and blood in stools. The contamination attacks the liver. He has so far paid more than R5 000 in vet’s bills and now there is legal action being taken against the manufacturers of the food and the story has been submitted to the television programme Carte Blanche.

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OPEN DAY 30th July 2011

UNPLANNED PRENANCY afraid........scared.......

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We offer an affordable private education



Oerf Duiwe vlieg ver Andre Botha se duiwe het op 9 Julie uitmuntend in die ope afdeling gevaar toe Heidelberg Posduif Klub hul sesde wedvlug van Warrenton na Heidelberg in stil windtoestande oor ‘n afstand van 389 km gehou het. Andre se duiwe het posisies 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 19, 20, 27 en 28 losgevlieg. Ander posisies in die ope afdeling is deur Danie Botes ( 56), Daan Coetzee (53), David en Derrick (17,23 en 25), M en Y Kingbiel (7, 8), Willem Mathee (5, 10, 15, 21 en 22), Alroy Pieterse (39), Ferdie Pienaar (12, 13, 19), Henk Pienaar (14, 29, 30), Thinus Potgieter (26) en Cobus Venter (16,24) ingeneem. In die afdeling vir jong duiwe het Henk Pienaar plekke 1, 8 en 14 ingeneem, Danie Botes (11), Andre Botha (6, 12, 21 en 27), Daan Coetzee (48), David en Derrick ((20, 22, 25, en 26), M en Y Kingbiel (2, 16, 17, en 24) Willem Matthee (5, 8 en 18), Alroy Pieterse (4, 7, 13, 19, 23 en 29), Ferdie Pienaar (10, 15, en 28), Tinus Potgieter (3 en 30), en Cobus Venter (47).

In die vyfde wedvlug op 2 Julie, ook van Warrenton af, het Cobus Venter in stil windtoestande in die ope afdeling koning gekraai en posisies 1, 3, 5, 19, 28 en 29 ingeneem terwyl Ferdie Pienaar self breë bors kon wegstap met ‘n tweede en verskeie ander plekke. Andre Botha se duiwe het posisies 6, 7, 12, 26 en 27 losgevlieg. Ander posisies in die ope afdeling is deur Daan Coetzee (46), David en Derrick (10 en 16), M en Y Kingbiel (15 en 21), Willem Mathee (30), Alroy Pieterse (41), Ferdie Pienaar (2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 24 en 25), Henk Pienaar (9, 20, 22 en 23), Thinus Potgieter (44) ingeneem. In die afdeling vir jong duiwe het Tinus Potgieter gewen en ook posisies 14, 16 en 25 ingeneem, Andre Botha (7, 10, 15, 26 en 27), Daan Coetzee (50), David en Derrick (12 en 20), M en Y Kingbiel (8, 11 en 28), Willem Matthee (19 en 30), Alroy Pieterse (13, 18 en 24), Ferdie Pienaar (5, 6, 9, 15, 21, 22 en 23), Henk Pienaar (2, 4 en 29) en Cobus Venter (3).

26 JULY 2011

Are you getting your Rekord?

If you do not receive your copy of the Rekord, then please contact us with all the details of your address.

MSA Regional Championship


Entertainment for the Kids. Funny Cars/ Dragters R50pp Kids u/12 - R20

Factory Street, Modified Street, 4, 6 & 8 Cylinder, SS Bikes, SB Bikes

07 August 2011 Rain date 14 August Gates open 7am, Documentation from 8am Racing starts at 10am untill 4pm


More info: Isabel 083 766 6606


Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702

Brakpan/Benoni Airstrip c/o Airport Raod and Jubilee Van Dyk Park

Clash of the Titans

The smell of Burning Rubber & Roaring Engines

Complaints of not receiving the Rekord regularly (every second week) will be dealt with. Watch out for our new Blue minibus on the delivery rounds. The name of the paper is clearly visible on each side. We are endeavouring to ensure that all residents in our areas receive the newspaper as this is important to us!

Discover Nigel @

In association with the

Marie vale R oad, Vor ster skr oon, Nig el Tel: 011 814 4357 Mariev Road, orster sterskr skroon, Nigel

26 JULY 2011


INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Situations Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment / Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 - 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.

08 Entertainment / Vermaak

HIRE FOR 1 DAY KEEP FOR 2 Variety Castles for all ages. Deliver / Collect Belinda 082 554 6160

12 Personal / Persoonlik

BODY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT: Done professionally. Management of accounts right up to water monitoring. Contact Angelique for a free consultation on 073 265 8134 15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860

BUILDER, TILER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Need renovations done or new buildings contact Angelique Jeffery on 073 265 8134 for any building requirements.


Nuwe Huise - Aanbou - Granny Flats Store - Garages TEL: 079 681 4842 MODCAST CONSTRUCTION

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

MR WENDY We specialize in doll houses, guard houses, granny’s flats. LOG Homes and MORE!!! 3mx3m on SPECIAL - 3000,00. For quotations and orders contact Jabu 072 734 3634 or 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

Beauty Extreme * * * * *

Strong durable nail extentions Gel Toenails Nail Products Eyelash extentions & Training Hair extensions

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s


19 General Services / Algemene Dienste Bush Babies Baby Shop. Shop 12 Noah’s ark, 132 Northen road, Nigel. BIG SALE IN STORE / GROOT UITVERKOOPING. Save lots / Spaar baie. Kontak Denise 083 393 7428 or come and visit us.

* Bathrooms * Granite tops * All Repairs * Kitchens * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

19 General Services / Algemene Dienste PROFFESIONAL FLOOR SANDERS. Woodenfloors, sand, seal, repairs and installation of wooden floors. Contact Tony 083 268 2203 ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

R.R.T Bolts & Nuts (Shop 7, Opp the Traffic dept)

NEW IN NIGEL. Open on Saturday’s

For all your bolts & nuts requirements come and visit us. Contact: 073 742 5640

Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Supplies & Services Heidelberg Forum, Pretorius street. TEL :016 341 2133 Wireman’s Licence. Repairs and installation of electricity. Stoves, swimming polls ext.

20 Catering / Spyseniering

LAUNDRY MATE Contact us for professional LAUNDRY service 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays . HOUSEMATE includes the CLEANING of offices, factories, empty houses (move in/out). Contact us now for your FREE quotation on (011) 814 3597 or 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

ELECTRIC FENCING SPECIALIST Secure your Safety. Only the best energizers, materials, service and installations. 078 077 6636 / 082 452 6406

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515 D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

32 Vehicles / Voertuie

Training in all nail systems

Affordable, Quick & Glue-Free Hair Extensions Christel / Monica 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868

NEW!! Botox - like facials Introduction Special

25% OFF

H/v Hewitt & Ramona str, Selection park. (Across Selcourt Towers)

PARK & SELL We buy and sell used cars, bakkies, caravans & boats. Tel: 011 818 2478

Mandie: 083 417 4799 Charles: 082 828 0564



26 JULY 2011





Employment / Betrekkings

Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop

Businesses / Besighede

Businesses / Besighede


WARTHOG PHOTOS. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph is. Phone: Danie 072 370 1346

DataWorx vanaf jou huis! Data Entry werkers word benodig om vorms in te vul met of sonder ‘n rekenaar. Maklike stap-virstap instruksies. Eie ure. SMS naam en adres vir volledige info brosjure na 078 365 3689. Heidelberg Auto Body : Vakante pos beskikbaar vir Spray painter met ongeveer 5-10 jaar ondervinding. Kontak David 083 230 6224

42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur Te Huur Nigel: Huis met 3 slaapkamers / 2 badkamers / sit en eetkamer / kombuis / dubbel motorhuis / prepaid krag. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Sleuteldeposito R4700, Huurgeld R4700 plus water en dienste. Vir afspraak kontak 083 409 6685 / 082 719 9627

Neat and secure cottage style townhouse for sale. 2 Bedr, 1 bath. Lovely kitchen and small garden. A MUST SEE. Contact Angelique Jeffery 073 265 8134 49

FOR SPECIALISED REPAIRS TO: “ For Sale” Carwash Business for sale R60 000. Contact: 083 992 7682

50 Businesses / Besighede

Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te Huur Te huur: Klein tuin woonstel te huur op plot Holgate, Nigel. 2 Slaapkamer, badkamer en klein kombuisie vir R2000 per maand water en krag uitgesluit met ‘n meter lesing om krag te lees. Deposito is R2000, mag oor 2 maande betaal word.Kontak vir Judy 082 576 7314

SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. TYRES: 155/12 R350, 155/80/13 R300, 165/80/13 R350, 175/70/13 R370, 175/64/14 R400/R450, 185/60/14 R430,185R14C R550,195R14C from R550, 195/50/15 R450....... Super Groete.

Te huur: Tuin woonstel te huur op plot Holgate, Nigel. 2 Slaapkamer, badkamer en oop plan sit en kombuis met ingeboude braai. R2800 per maand water en krag uitgesluit met ‘n meter lesing om krag te lees. Deposito is R2800, mag oor 2 maande betaal word. Kontak vir Judy 082 576 7314

SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. AAN AL ONS GETROUE ONDERSTEUNERS - Onthou die skattejag en vasvrae dingewat aan die gang is - en ons verkoop nog steeds GOEIE NUWE, OUD EN 2DE HANDSE MEUBELS - om nie eens te praat van al die ander goeters wat daar is nie ... MAAK ONS JULLE VOLGENDE STOP - Super groete.

44 To Rent / Te Koop / Plote & Plase Bosveldplasie Warmbad R1 400 000 ON 8,5h, koloniale styl huis, 180vkm, 4 slp, 2 badk, 2 sitk, studeerkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met opwasdeel. 2 Motorhuise (6 motors), 5 woonstelle, 1 rondawel, 1 karavaan, 100 vrugtebome, besproeiing, 2 damme, 2 boograte, 2ha droë land. Drina 083 449 0558

46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop House For Sale: Glenvarloch R300 000 (Nigel). BARGAIN!! Lounge, dinningroom, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage and carport. Phone: Chris 071 608 8080

Residential House in Nigel with Granny Flat: R700 000 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Lounge, 1 Dining Room, Modern Kitchen, Double Garage. GRANNY FLAT. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, lounge, kitchen. Well kept home with granite tops in kitchen and bathroom. Private entrance for main house and granny flat. Granny flat could be used for extra income of up to R1600.00 p/m. Close to schools. House has lots of potential. This house needs no upgrading-just move in. Contact Angelique on 073 265 8134

Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041

For Sale / Te Koop

R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Ons verkoop nuwe kar & bakkie bande gratis “fit&balancing” wanneer u by ons koop - bel Ivan gerus.



* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978

Geely approved workshop 26 B Marshallstraat, Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 3391 Fax: 016 341 4253

M r Mino s Trevor Se ajor rvice ice s Serv 0 R 1 2 5 5 6 0 R

Service any type of vehicle. Terms & Conditions apply

BATTERY CENTRE NIGEL / HEIDELBERG H/V Heidelbergweg & Kerkstraat, Nigel Tel: 011 739 5805 Faks: 011 860 742 7953

H/V Marshall & Meyer straat, Heidelberg Tel: 016 349 2629 Arno: 082 903 1000

JANIC WALLING Nigel 011 814 7992 Callie 073 628 5826 082 560 0175

Heidelberg Forum, Pretorius street. TEL :016 341 2133 PPE - Winter Range * Overalls * Parkas * Refecting Jackets * Embroidery (can be arranged) Electrical - Gloves, Cables ext. Lubricants - Sasol oil and lubricants. Gloves



* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²) Skakel 086 123 5296 / LAWN


ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Supplies & Services

THE EMPLOYERS ORGANISATION WITH A PEACE OF MIND: WE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES TO EMPLOYERS (ONLY): * Representation at the CCMA * Representation at all bargaining councils * Trade Unions negotiations * Labour Court representative * Labour Appeal Court representative * Disciplinary hearings and advice * Domestic workers problems and solutions * Farm workers problems & solutions * Service contracts between employer & employee * All labour issues

* Betonmure * Verlenggings * Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel Ons het verhuis na ‘n groter perseel.

Call Andrew Lewis for real peace of mind at: 082 834 1999 or fax: 086 546 7045 or email to 20 Van Driel, Heidelberg, Central. WE ARE JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY!!!


“Life is not guarenteed, but our success is guarenteed”

IF YOU ARE.. * a go getter * motivated * positive * hard working and * have excellent people skills * previous sales experience * own transport...... then you could become our AD VER TISING SALES ADVER VERTISING REPRESENT ATIVE. REPRESENTA Send your CV to: or fax to 086 751 7998 or hand it in at our offices

TEENY WEENIES WORK FOR YOU? Ad ver tise in our Teen y Ween y pa ges and g et rresults esults or ding Adv ertise eeny eeny pag get esults.. Colour and w wor ording of your choice to promote your business. Contact us on 011 814 8614 / 4913 for details or call in a ner of Kings way and Van Rie beec kR oad, Nig el att our of offfices on the cor corner Kingsw Riebeec beeck Road, Nigel

26 JULY 2011





26 JULY 2011

AUCTION To advertise on our property pages call 011 814 4913

Office: 011 814 3349


Fax: 011 814 3348

YOLANDI 071 446 2590 EXT. 2 ................................................................. R450 000 3 Slaap, 1 bad, sit, eetkamer, baie potensiaal. Naby skole EXT. 2 ................................................................. R880 000 Lieflike groot familie huis naby skole - 4 Slaap, 2 bad, oop plan familie kamer met eetkamer en pragtige kombuis, 3 motorhuise, 2 onthaal area’s. ‘n Moet sien!! VISAGIEPARK .................................................. R650 000 3 Slaap, 1 bad, familie kamer, sitkamer, opwas kamer, d/motorhuis, baie potensiaal. Naby skole!! FERRYVALE ................................................... R1,250 Mil Lieflike veilige suursteen meenthuis - 3 Slaap, 2 bad, familie kamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, oop plan kombuis, 1 buite gebou met badk, d/motorhuis, d/afdakke. Pragtig.

66 H.F. Verwoerd Str, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118 web: email:

Prys drasties verlaag!!!

RENSBURG PRICE R624 000 SAVING R18 500 Newly renovated home close to school. Consists of 3 sunny bedrooms, 2 bathrooms - one ensuite, the kitchen has been renovated. The home is fitted with an alarm system and has burglar bars in all windows with security gates. Single garage and swimming pool set in a neat garden. CONTACT KRISTELLE 082 561 7603

RHONA 071 559 3706 HEIDELBERG ................................................... R645 000 4 Bed, carport, 2 bath, big yard, with flatlet. HEIDELBERG ................................................... R914 000 3 Bed, 2 bath, dubble garage. KAYDALE ................................................ R968 000 NEG 4 Plots together, 4 bed, d/garage, d/carport, river, 1 borehole

DAVE 083 235 7391 NIGEL PLOT ...................................................... R660 000 10 hct, large family room house + much more. NOYCEDALE: ............................................. R430 000 3 Bed, 2 bath, lounge, dining, large stand, carports. Very neat. EXT 2 .................................................................. R660 000 3 Beds, 1 bath, s/garage, d/carport. Very neat. ALRAPARK ....................................................... R295 000 3 Bed, large yard WANNA SELL YOUR PROPERTY IN ALRAPARK? WE GOT CASH BUYERS FOR ALRAPARK

GLENV ARL OCH - NIGEL GLENVARL ARLOCH R625 000 Groot 3 slaapkamers, 2 vol badk(1 met stort + bad), ingangsportaal groot sitkamer,massiewe eetkamer plus tv of studeerkamer pragtige houtkombuis en d/motorhuis. Kontak Johan by 0724231703

66 H.F. Verwoerd Straat, HEIDELBERG TEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118

web: email:


Karin Elsie 072 462 6143 082 589 4889

Dringend opsoek na huurhuise


RENSBURG HEIDELBERG Koen Labeschagne Street

Newly revamped complex UNITS TO LET FROM R2 500.00 pm electricity prepaid AVAILABLE IMMEDIATLY. Spacious 1 bedroom units with modern kitchen fitted with granite tops, stove plus lounge and big bathroom. 1 Carport per unit and controlled access with electric fence securing the complex. To view please contact SHAUN 076 938 1144 / PAUL 076 068 3981 Office: 011 902 6314




PRICE: R2 220 000 SAVE: R80 000

JORDAAN PARK PRYS R1 370 000 SPAAR R70 000 Hierdie lieflike 4 slaapkamer familie huis met 2 badkamers, familiekamer, eetkamer, 2 x studeerkamers, kombuis, waskamer, dubbele motorhuis met elektriese motor en elektriese motorhek. Mooi tuin met besproeiing. NIKKI 082 955 4969

PRICE R953 000 SAVE R50 000 NEW RELEASEEXCLUSIVE MANDATE FOR THE RENOVATER. Golden Oldie with oregan pine kitchen cupboards and floors. Some T.L.C. and this home will be a winner in this upmarket suburb.

This Tusan Town House is located within a secure residential complex. Magnificent open plan kitchen. Build-in bar serving to patio and lounge area. Patio enclosed with stack away doors walking out on pool area and garden. The spacious main bedroom is en-suite with a walk in closet, balcony and air conditioner. This home has tiles and carpets throughout. The study and guest bedroom is on the ground floor with a bathroom. Double garage doors are automated

TANIA 083 331 1916

UNA 082 810 4027

SENTRAAL 3 Slpk, 2 badk, 2 m/h huis R6 684.00 SENTRAAL 2 Slpk, 1 bad, afdak meenthuis R4 200.00 RENSBURG 3 Slpk, 2 badk, 3 m/h huis R5 570.00

NIKKI 082 955 4969 or KRISTELLE 082 561 7603

STAND - KLOOF URGENT SALE PRICE R570 000 SAVE R30 000 ELSIE 082 589 4889

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

Hanli 072 7900 496

26 JULY 2011


Mini-netbal ligawenners

Hannes Visagie D5 mini-netbal ligawenners 0/9’s. Mej. Jolani Roos, afrigter saam met vyf van haar agt spanlede. Die volledige span was: Elandia Marais, Lucinda van der Merwe, Ilze-Mari Cullen, Izelké Badenhorst, Ge-Ann Maré, Bianca Erasmus, Bonita Botha en Doné Harris.

Engelse voordrag

Hannes Visagie se wenners vir Engelse voordrag by die Suikerboschrand Kunswedstryd. In geen bepaalde volgorde is Anneri Pieterse, Angelique Terreblanche, Izak van der Mewe, Marizel Espach en Charlandè Swanepoel (elk ‘n B+), Meagon Thompson (A), Leandra van den Heever, Derek Pieterse, Luané Viljoen en Maritza Maritz ( A+).

Afrikaanse voordrag

Altesame 27 leerders van Hannes Visagie het medaljes vir Afrikaanse voordrag in die Suikerboschrand Kunswedstryd verower. Hier is 26 afgeneem met die name in geen bepaalde volgorde. Elsie Deysel, Brando Terreblanche , Sunè Bothma, Nokulunga Nhlapo en Nelischa Pienaar het elk ‘n B+ verower. Rys Thompson, Lucinda van der Merwe, Heinrich van der Merwe, Edrich Swanepoel, Kay Lee van de Venter, Tiaan Vogel, Marizel Espach, Carmen Pienaar, Merusha Moore, Emjee Groesbeek en Anneri Pieterse het elk ‘n A gekry. Izak van der Merwe , Meagon Thompson, Abigail de Waal, Lisa Bronkhorst, Charlandè Swanepoel, Maritza Maritz en Danica van Staden het elk ‘n A+ verower. Luanè Viljoen, Leanca van den Heever en Thyze Groesbeek spog met A++


Rugby kampioene!

Die 0/11 Rugbyspan van Hannes Visagie was die wenners in die Valke Oos Ligakampioenskappe. Mnr. Rihan Lewis saam met die span – in geen bepaalde volgorde nie. Christiaan Bronkhorst (stut), Lukas van der Merwe (haker), Zander Victor (stut), Hendre Holtzhausen (slot), Armand Dreyer (slot), Juan-Melchoir Baasden (flank), Juandre Pretorius (flank), Quinton Visser (agtste man), Eben Bothma (skrumskakel), Lincoln , B. Baaitjies (losskakel), Rynardt Botes (vleuel), Johan Groesbeek (binne senter), Dylan Swak (buite senter), Joseph Swart (vleuel) en Johan le Roux (heelagter). Reserwes: ShaneMicheal Scharnec, Marlou Froneman en Ernest Mare.

Die slim seuns en dogters van Hannes Visagie wat plekke in die GautengOos skaakspan verwerf het, is Dian Joubert en Suné Bothma (O/13), Lincoln Baaitjies, Schalk J. van Vuuren, Anja Labuschagne, Angeliuque Terblanche en Marita Maritz (almal O/11).




26 JULY 2011



‘04 Nissan 3.0 TD DC 4x2





Must qualify with finance house


R99 900

R144 900

R266 900



‘09 Nissan QASHQAI 2.0DCi ACENTA

R279 900

R259 900

R239 900

‘10 NISSAN X-TRAIL 2.0 DCi 4x4 LE

‘09 NISSAN NP200 1.6 8V


R359 900

R87 900

R124 900

‘07 Nissan Tiida 1.6 Visia+ 5Dr ‘09 KIA PICANTO 1.1


R89 900

R86 900

R73 900

HEIDELBERG: 6 Schrader Street Tel: 016 349 1333 Marius 083 472 6860 Nico 082 680 1141 Tommy 072 573 6424 Jean 083 279 7643 Hennie 082 334 3602


NIGEL 63 Kerk Street Tel: 011 814 7526 Dawie 083 792 8369 Gys 083 699 0335 Kobus 082 853 4048 E&EO




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TEL: 016 341 5272 PIERRE 079 694 6360

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