Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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FFORDABLE DVERTISING Cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL -

FAX: 086 751 7998

TEL: (011) 814 8614

To place bookings for any enquiries phone 011 814 7104 *


View our online edition at

VOLUME 8 No. 1 Waiting for life-saving call

Cell: 079 493 0075

Criminal justice system



Great results


17 JANUARIE 2012 Spor Sportt


Minnaar middernag aangerand in roofpoging Skote het heen en weer geklap en ‘n polisie helikopter is ingeroep toe Flip Minnaar, bekende eienaar van ‘n eiendomsagentskap van Heidelberg en ‘n voormalige DA stadsraadslid omstreeks middernag Sondag deur vier vermeende aanvallers op sy kleinhoewe buite Heidelberg, aangeval en

Another Baker’s Centre opening soon at 56 Jacobs Street, Heidelberg

30 Rhodes Avenue, NIGEL



Belly Dancing, Greek Dancing and Breaking Plates!

Special Guests Greek evening Saturday 28 January 2012 Breaking plates, Greek dancing

Robin Lee

Shop No 24 B, The Angelo Mall, Cnr Heidelberg & Station Road, Noycedale, Nigel.

Tel: 011 814 3311 * 011 739 5553 H0130

U BUILD 9 Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL TEL. (011) 814 2518 (011) 814-2743/739-5873

sowat vyf km buite Heidelberg op die pad na Meyerton en Vereeniging. Minnaar is slegs lig beseer. Die aanval kan as nog ‘n plaasaanval geklalssifiseer word.


Baking ingredients Cake decorations Polystyrene + Domes Plastic Bags + Containers Fruit, Nuts and Seeds Glazed Fruit Cake Board + Boxes Spices Essences - Foil - Paper Bags Milkshake syrup - 10 diff. flavours

TEL: 011 814 4874 * FAX: 011 814 2232

Cash & Carry

te kom. Patrolleerders van Heidelberg wat ook kom help het, het saam met ‘n polisie helikopter ‘n soektog na die aanvallers begin, maar hulle het verdwyn. Boschfontein lê

29 Beverly Street NIGEL Tel: 011 814 1150

Flip en Loekie Minnnaar


oor die kop geslaan is in ‘n vermoedelike roofpoging. Was dit nie vir die blitsige optrede van Minnaar se vrou Loekie wat ‘n noodalarm geaktiveer het nie, kon dit dalk baie ernstiger en selfs tragiese gevolge vir die Minnaars gehad het. Haar optrede het daartoe gelei dat ‘n sekuriteitsmaatskappy binne ‘n minuut of twee op die toneel was om die vier vermeende rowers se pogings te kelder. Rekord verneem dat Minnaar wat op ‘n kleinhoewe by Boschfontein buite Heidelberg woon, laat Sondagaand op pad was om sigarette op die dorp te gaan koop. Toe hy uit die huis kom, het vier mans op hom toegesak en hom oor die kop geslaan. Wat hul bose planne was, is nog onbekend. Hulle wou vermoedelik ‘n huisroof uitvoer en moontlik met Minnaar se voertuig padgee. Sy vrou Loekie wat gelukkig die lawaai gehoor het, het dadelik die noodalarm geaktiveer. Crime Stop wat ‘n hanetreetjie van die Minnaars af is, se wagte was binne ‘n minuut of twee op die toneel. Dit het die vermeende rowers omkant gevang en ‘n skietery het tussen hulle en die sekuriteitsmaatskappy ontstaan. In die geharwar het die vier daarin geslaag om weg

Sliding Door Bronze & Natural 1.5m R1635.00 1.8m R1557.00 BLACKIE 083 357 5152


Till end Nov



Gap Kitchen unit Fridge, stove, oven + cupboard

Aluminium Awning Silver & Black

1m R861.95/ 1.2m 908.95


Safety shoes and clothes available in all size

R6457 H0113



Heidelberg Emergency services se Laaste commended oujaarsbaba Klein Johandre Kruger was die laaste baba wat op oujaarsdag in Heidelberg Hospitaal gebore is. Ma Elize en pa Johan is nie min trots op hul seuntjie wat die Nuwe Jaar kon “ingeskreeu” het nie! Johandre is omstreeks 22:45 gebore en is in ‘n broeikas met geelsug geplaas. Hy is die agterkleinkind van Gertjie du Preez van Nigel en het 1,3 kg. geweeg.

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality commends the Emergency Services personnel for their dedication and hard work over the festive season. The holiday period started on a busy note when 70 shacks in the Metro area were gutted by fire in an informal settlement. A fuel spillage was also attended to by the Emergency Services on the East Rand. Emergency workers including paramedics were also stationed along the major holiday destination freeway routes. Emergency services were called out to several incidents on the East Rand. The Metro’s Emergency services would like to thank all the residents, motorists and everyone concerned for the co-operation shown over the festive season.

17 JANUARY 2012

A new year From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Believe it or not the first month of 2012 is nearly a thing of the past. Many people shared that 2011 was a very tough Rev Goddess, Heidelberg year and sadly ecoMethodist Church nomically it does not look as if 2012 is going to be any better. But I believe that times can be better – even if there is economical strain on our land (and world). I believe that 2012 is going to be a good year for many and I look ‘n Gewese sakeman van forward to hearing of all the positive things that are going to happen Heidelberg, Johan R. van in the lives of the people of Heidelberg, Nigel and Dunnottar. Jaarsveld (JR), is in die But how do we live a positive life with tough economic conditions? feesseisoen in Oos-Londen The first thing we need to do is to refocus on what life is and should oorlede, nadat hy onder be. Our focal point in our life as Christians should be Christ. Once we meer ‘n lewerprobleem get this right we can accept the Biblical truth that God is our provider ontwikkel het. Hy is in and He will provide all that we need (not what we want). Life will still Heidelberg begrawe waar be tough but we will be able to understand the situation and live hy vroeër ‘n sandbesigheid within our means rather than to live in a dream. bedryf het. And so when life is tough how do we live a positive life? There was an old man who was taken to an Old Age Home and when he arrived he was put in a wheelchair and pushed towards his room. As they were moving through the passage he told the nurse “What a wonDie Algemene Jaarvergadering van die ATKV Heidelberg word op 23 derful place, I am going to be so happy here and I am so happy with Januarie om 19:00 in die biblioteek se aktiwiteitskamer gehou. my room”. The Nurse was a bit puzzled but said nothing. A while later Karlien Steyn, streeksverteenwoordiger van die hoofkantoor, sal as the man said “The food here is fantastic, I am so looking forward to voorsitter optree by die herorganisasie van die tak. my next meal”. The nurse stopped pushing the old man and said “Sir how can you say these things when you have not seen your room or even had a meal here?” The man smiled and answered “My dear nurse, I have a choice on how I live each day and I choose to be positive and like my life so I know I will be happy in my room and enjoy the meals!” So let us take each day as it comes and choose to be positive. In this way no matter FSB-NR: 15189 what we are faced with we will be positive GEMAGTIGDE FINANSIËLE and able to face the day and indeed the whole DIENSTEVERSKAFFER AUTHORISED FINANCIAL SERVICES year. PROVIDER Maybe you are wondering where you will get the strength to approach each day in this way. (011) 814-8297 OF 083 282 7577 Well you will be able to get this right by doSpesialiseer in alle Persoonlike-, ing what I mentioned in the beginning of the Kommersiële- en Boerdery-versekering article – stay focused on Jesus and He will 267 6198 SKAKEL * Professionele en Vriendelike Diens give you strength to overcome all the speed * Fast and Effective Claim Handling 083 267 6198 bumps you encounter and you will see that * Persoonlike Aandag His provision will be enough. Remember * Very Reasonable Rates James 2:17 “In the same way, faith by itself, if Klippies: 083 282 7577 - Any Time it is not accompanied by action, is dead” and Hugo: 083 288 2289 - Any Time Office: 011 814 8297 - Office Hours 8:00 - 16:30 go out working in faith – H0117 H0118 God is your provider.

J. R. sterf

ATKV Heidelberg Jaarvergadering



ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262

Nigel Methodist Church C/o Olifaunt & George Heriot Glenvarloch, Nigel - Tel: 011 814 3151 Fax: 086 690 1342

In Nigel for the people of Nigel! CENTRE of CONCERN infoline 071 7817065

“We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.

The following worthwhile courses start shortly:

Alpha - 18 January @ 9h00


In this Course we look at different aspects of the Christian Faith.

GriefShare - 6 February @ 10h00 This program is designed to help you on the journey from mourning to joy. Anybody is welcome to attend these courses presented at the Church. Contact us on 011 814 3151 if you are interested to attend. SUNDAY SERVICE: SUNDAY SCHOOL:

09:00 & 18:00 09:00

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123


MAY THE GOD OF HOPE FILL YOU WITH ALL JOY AND PEACE AS YOU TRUST IN HIM, SO THAT YOU MAY OVERFLOW WITH HOPE BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 15:13) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H0129

17 JANUARY 2012


Skool in gemors gedompel, departement dalk gedagvaar Dié jaar het op ‘n slegte noot vir Hoërskool J. W. Luckhoff afgeskop. Hul sit finansieel in ‘n gemors omdat die Departement van Onderwys nie geld kon vind om die funksionering van die skool met sy 54 leerders tot die einde van die finansiële jaar in Maart te verseker nie. Geld word gewoonlik eers in Junie aan skole oorbetaal. Bowendien het die Departement in Desember, kort voor die sluiting van die skole, gelas dat die boekhoustelsel van die skool ondersoek word ná bewerings dat van die personeel “plase” vir hulle uit die skoolfondse sou gekoop het! Die skool het maar ‘n begroting van R995 000 vir verlede jaar ontvang, ‘n bietjie meer as ‘n derde van wat aangevra was! Die ouditeur wat die saak ondersoek, het die verslag nog nie afgehandel nie. Die departement se informant is vermoedelik baie na aan die hartklop van die skool en het waarskynlik al in die verlede probleme vir personeel by die departement veroorsaak. Na verneem word het die skool se onderwysers en beheerliggaam besluit om ‘n saak van crimen injuria teen die Onderwysdepartement te lê op grond daarvan dat die skool, die onderwysers en die beheerliggaam se eer geskend is deur die onregmatige bewerings wat tot die ouditeursondersoek gelei het. Die veertien kinders wat in die vakansie by die skool gebly het, is van kos voorsien deur o.a. Emmansdal Hoërskool terwyl mnr. Doug-

las Jackson, skoolhoof van J. W. Luckhoff, heeltyd op die uitkyk gebly het vir die beloofde geld wat in die skoolrekening inbetaal sou word. Teen laat verlede week was daar nog nie ‘n sent inbetaal nie. Die situasie is fyn dopgehou om te sien hoe dinge ‘n paar dae voor die opening sou lyk. Só ernstig is die toestand dat die skool glo oorweeg het om ouers te verwittig dat hul kinders voorlopig tuis moes bly. Daar is geen geld vir kos, klere, boeke en skryfgoed nie sowel as die onderhoud van die geboue en die terrein nie. Die skool se hekke moet 24 uur per dag beman word omdat die skool ‘n plek van veiligheid vir die staat is. Talle van die kinders is daar geplaas weens oortredings en swak huislike omstandighede. Die Departement van Onderwys in Vereeniging is laat verlede jaar verwittig dat toestande by die skool haglik raak. Die hoofriool se pompe was buite werking, die opgaartenks vol en van die pype verstop. Die gemors het via die Katjievrekspruit in die Blesbokspruit beland waaruit dele van die gemeenskap water ontvang. Die riooltenks is intussen leeg gesuig, maar die pompe was teen verlede week nog steeds buite werking. Die departement se distrikskantoor, Sedibeng-Oos het intussen die agterstallige munisipale rekenings betaal en skenkings van die gemeenskap van Heidelberg en elders het dit moontlik gemaak dat die skool net-net kop bo water kon hou.


Drinkplekke onder vergrootglas ‘n Kroeg in Shalimar Ridge, Heidelberg, wat sy aktiwiteite nou in die veld bedryf word ondersoek omdat die eienaar na bewering met ‘n verouderde hotellisensie sake bedryf.

Nog ‘n kroeg in Heidelberg/Nigel word na bewering teen ‘n vorige eienaar se lisensie bedryf en ander onwettighede wat na bewering daar plaasvind, word ondersoek.

Mechanical problem at Karan Beef repaired A mechanical fault which occurred at Karan Beef which was reported on December 23, 2011, has been repaired. Operations commenced on January 3, 2012. Karan Beef would like to assure the commu-

nity that the unpleasant odour which emanated from this mechanical incident posed no health hazard whatsoever. It has not had an impact on workers at the Karan Beef facility.

Shop 6, Forum Centre Heidelberg c/o Begeman & Voortrekker str Heidelberg - (Oorkant Edgars)

Tel: 016 341 2439

DAAGLIKS BESKIKBAAR * Vars Groente en Vrugte * Vars Vrugteslaai * Verwerking van Groente en Vrugte

Besoek ons gerus vir daaglikse spesiale aanbiedinge Trading Hours: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 Sat: 9:00 - 15:00 Sun: 9:00 - 13:00


Do you want to loose weight?



Dr FJ Cilliers (011) 814 3196 47 Breytenbach str, Nigel H0110



17 JANUARY 2012

E-pos na Nigel ruk man op olieboot

Morne Kimble en Anel Coetzee is onlangs in Heidelberg getroud.


‘n Eenvoudige kommunikasieblaps in ons moderne samelewing kan tot groot verdriet en verwarring lei - veral as dit by liefdessake kom! Vra maar vir Giel Cilliers, ‘n Suid-Afrikaner wat byna nege jaar in die buiteland werksaam is en tans op ‘n olieboot in Oos Maleisië werk. Sy wêreld is in Desember geskud nadat sy geliefde Mariaan in Sasolburg nie sy e-posse na wense beantwoord het nie - en dít net omdat ‘n verkeerde Mariaan in Nigel sy boodskappe ontvang en beantwoord het! Hoe dit gebeur het dat die boodskappe wat Giel Cilliers vir Mariaan Smith van Sasolburg by die Vodacom adres gestuur het, by Mariaan Hoffeldt in Nigel beland het, was eers ‘n duistere raaisel totdat Mariaan van Nigel onthou het dat sy en ‘n ander Mariaan jare terug met dieselfde Vodamail e-pos adres uitgereik was. Dit het destyds baie probleme veroorsaak en albei Mariaans het dit aan Vodacom gerapporteer. Dit blyk nou dat die ander Mariaan niemand anders was as Mariaan Smith van Sasolburg nie. Sy het destyds die sakie van die dubbele adres met Vodacom uitgesorteer en toe ‘n nuwe adres by Yahoo bekom om alle moontlike verwarring uit te skakel. Giel, het “sy” Mariaan se Vodamail adres op sy rekenaar behou, onwetend dat die adres gekanselleer was. In sy haastigheid het hy toe sy e-pos na “sy” Mariaan se ou adres uitgestuur en só het dit by Mariaan Hoffeldt beland. Aangesien Giel aan die anderkant van die wêreld geen telefoniese oproepe op die tydstip kon maak nie, het hy dit goed gedink om “sy” Mariaan op haar selfoon te e-pos om haar te versoek om haar Yahoo pos te lees. Vir Giel wat nie besef het dat hy sy e-posse na die verkeerde adres gestuur het nie, was die hele petalje geen grap nie. Die gebeure het hom vroeg in Desember afgespeel. Sy lyding het begin toe hy ‘n e-pos aan “sy” Mariaan gestuur het waarin hy vra hoekom sy hom nie antwoord nie. “Lees jou E-pos!” het hy gevra. Die ander Mariaan (Hoffeldt) van Nigel wat die boodskap ontvang het, laat weet hom toe sy ken hom nie. Gefrustreerd antwoord hy toe: “Kan ek kom koffie drink?” Mariaan Hoffeldt se antwoord was saaklik: “Ja, as my man by die huis is.” Vir Giel was dit eens te veel. Hoe op aarde kan “sy” Mariaan nou getroud wil wees nadat hulle al langer as ses jaar uitgaan! Het sy nou ‘n tweede selfoon

Olieboot, twee verliefdes en ‘n katastrofiese e-pos. Giel Cilliers en Mariaan Smith se foto’s in plek geplaas op ‘n foto van die olieboot waarop Giel naby Maleisië werk.

Mariaan Smith van Sasolburg.

met n ander onbekende nommer, om alles te kroon, hoe kan “sy” Mariaan nou so gevoelloos optree? Met die vorige liefdesteleurstellings wat hy deurgemaak het terwyl hy so in die buiteland werksaam is, het sy gelukkige wêreld weereens in duie gestort met die agterdog dat “sy” Mariaan nou moontlik intussen getroud is. Giel kon die skok nie verwerk nie en konfronteer toe “sy” Mariaan met ‘n e-pos na haar Yahoo adres toe. Dit was natuurlik hoofsaaklik “negatief” aangaande sy vermoede, en hy eis toe‘n verduideliking oor haar tweede onbekende selfoonnommer. Mariaan Smith skakel toe vir Mariaan Hoffeldt en só ontrafel die twee vrouens toe die geheim van die gekruiste selfoon adresse. Mariaan van Nigel se man, Hoffie wat ‘n joernalis by Rekord is, skryf toe ‘n E-pos aan Giel op die boot om hom die situasie te verduidelik. En só het Giel tot berusting gekom. Nou brand die liefdesvure weer hoog met die moontlikheid van huweliksklokkies wat dalk binnekort gaan weerklink. Sjoe! Wat se skade verkeerde (en dubbele) e-pos adresse darem nie kan veroorsaak nie!

JJC Kruger & Vennote Van Riebeeck Str NIGEL Tel: 011 814-1100 814-1124

r r e e m m m Suum ials S c e p S All prices includes VAT. While stocks last!

No serious crimes There were several housebreakings in the Dunnottar, Shanganani and Marievale areas over the holiday period, but no serious crimes were reported. The patrol unit was on duty in Dunnottar.

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Garden Spotlight

Extention Cords

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 H0106

42 Schoeman Str HEIDELBERG Tel: 016 349-6828 016 349-6627 Fax: 016 349-6627

Giel Cilliers


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17 JANUARY 2012



Waiting for a life-saving call A 30-year-old Nigel woman is desperately waiting for a telephone call which will give her a new lease on life. Mariaan Kinnear needs a kidney and pancreas transplant and waits for the call to say she has a donor.Mariaan Kinnear needs a double transplant, but Mariaan is getting weaker and often exhausted from the three-day a week dialysis she has to undergo at Johannesburg Hospital. Mariaan was diagnosed as a diabetic when she was 14 but still had an active and enjoyable life. But in 2009 things started to go wrong when her eyes failed and now she is completely blind. She also cannot walk

more than a few steps. Her parents, Charmain and Jeff Kinnear devote their lives to caring for their daughter. But Jeff has no permanent employment and, in between doing odd jobs, tried to raise funds for Mariaan’s needs. A major expense for the family is the petrol to get to Johannesburg three times a week. Mariaan also has to have a special diet. The Hervormde Kerk in Ferryvale, Nigel donated a wheelchair to Mariaan, but somedays she hardly ever gets taken out as the sun affects her. Then a chance, meeting her mother had with another woman led to a man in Pretoria donating a hospital bed, which was ideal

as Mariaan cannot lie flat. Marian spends most of the day in a chair in the lounge of their townhouse. She loves listening to music and would dearly love an I-Pod so that she can listen without disturbing anyone. “I love all sorts of music,” she says. Mariaan has also tried to learn Braille but finds it difficult and exhausting. Keeping a watch on her blood pressure is important but she needs a blood pressure monitor of her own as the one Charmain uses to test is borrowed. Her mother ensures she keeps strictly to the prescribed diet but Mariaan says that if she

had one wish to eat a certain thing it would be ice cream. However, she is allowed to eat calamari and says she loves it. She was shocked when she heard of the death of another person awaiting a kidney transplant last year. Mariaan never complains and does not get many visitors. ” Her hope now lies in the vital call that says there is a donor immediately available. Charmain on 082 832 9014.

Heidelberg se GPF is vermoedelik teen die planke nadat die plaaslike tussentydse komitee onder leiding van voorsitter, David van As en organiseerder, Peter-Don Brandt, hulle laat verlede jaar aan ‘n reëlingskomitee vir ‘n algemene jaarvergadering onttrek het. Brandt wat as ‘n briljante strateeg en kundige op die gebied van die GPF konstitusie beskou word, het verlede jaar tussenbeide getree om die GPF meer demokraties te laat funksioneer toe die topbestuur van Heidelberg GPF bedank het ná ‘n vergadering waarop brig. Anton De Bruyn van Vereeniging, gebiedsbevel-voerder van die Polisie, sterk onder die GPF bestuur ingeklim het oor beweerde valse aantuigings teen die plaaslike stasiebevelvoerder, brig B. Govindasamy. Brandt wat besef het dat ‘n waardevolle forum se bestaan in gedrang was, het aangebied om die GPF weer op dreef te kry en het van voetsoolvlak af in elke gebied waar die GPF aktief was, vergaderings en verkiesings gereël met die oog op die jaarvergadering waar Heidelberg se GPF dan uit die verkose gebiedskomitees, verkies sou word. Kort voor die beoogde jaarvergadering het Brandt ‘n persvrystelling uitgereik waarin vermeld is dat die vergadering onbepaald uitgestel is. Rekord het daarna verneem dat hulle bedank het. Dit word in sekere kringe as ‘n finale uitklophou vir die plaaslike GPF

beskou. Brandt-hulle se bedankings hou vermoedelik verband met geskille aangaande die toelating van taxiorganisasies en informele handelaars tot die GPF. Volgens Brandt speel hulle ‘n belangrike rol in misdaadvoorkoming in Heidelberg en is hulle ‘n benutbare bron wat met sukses in misdaadvoorkoming aangewend kan word. Ander belangrike rolspelers in die GPF was nie hiermee gediend nie. Brandt, ‘n afgetrede polisie offisier, was terwyl hy nog in diens van die polisie was, betrokke by die opstel van die algemene handleiding wat die stigting en funksionering van die onderskeie polisiëringsforums help saamstel het. Die GPF se doel is om nouer samewerking tussen die gemeenskappe en die polisie te reël. Gebiedpatrollies wat onder die plaaslike takke van die GPF sorteer, het reeds waardevolle werk gedoen met die bekamping van misdaad. Rekord verneem dat een van die redes waarom daar elders ongemak met die GPF bestaan, juis is omdat die polisie die GPF as ‘n instrument kan gebruik om die organisasie te muilband as daar ongemaklike vrae oor bv. polisielede gevra word. Brandt wou egter nie hieroor kommentaar lewer nie. “Ek ondersteun steeds in beginsel ‘n verteenwoordigende GPF en sal hard agter die skerms bly werk om Heidelberg ‘n veilige plek vir almal te maak,” het hy gesê.


Heidelberg GPF vodde geslaan

Mariaan Kinnear


Tel: 016 349 1864 Faks: 016 349 6666 Epos:

Kontak Rina of Sanet vir meer inligting! Ons wag vir jou oproep!

Shoprite Sentrum, Voortrekkerstr. HEIDELBERG


TERWYL VOORRAAD HOU Prices valid while stocks lasts. We have the right to limit quantities!





17 JANUARY 2012

AfriForum bal vuis teen Lesedi The criminal justice system Omdat Lesedi nie teen informele straatverkopers optree nie, het Heidelberg AfriForum besluit om ‘n saak aanhangig te maak ten einde hulle te dwing om die bywette toe te pas en om vorige beloftes van die uitgetrede Munisipale Bestuurder, Piet van den Heever, ten uitvoer te bring. Johan Bester, voorsitter van Heidelberg AfriForum, sê Van den Heever het begroot dat Lesedi ‘n stuk grond en ‘n gebou beskikbaar sou stel waarheen die informele straatverkopers verskuif sou word. Die organisasie wil nou weet waarvoor die begrote geld aangewend was en hoekom Lesedi nie die munisipale bywette toepas om die verkopers te polisieer nie. Heidelberg AfriForum is laat verlede jaar in die lewe geroep. Dit is ‘n inklusiewe Afrikaanse en Christelike

burgerregte organisasie met spesifieke aksies wat handel oor veiligheid, munisipale dienslewering en omgewingsake. Die doel is om minderhede in Suid-Afrika te mobiliseer en hul regte te beskerm. Dit is in 2006 gestig in noue verbintenis met Solidariteit. AfriForum sê die gemeenskappe moet hul strate terugneem van misdadigers en onbeholpe stadsrade. Bereidwillige, dinamiese en entoesiastiese persone word as lede gesoek. Die organisasie se doelwitte kom in sekere mate ooreen met die van die GPF wat nou bykans in Heidelberg gesneuwel het. Bester sê AfriForum wil saam met die GPF aanvullend optree in die voorkoming van misdaad. Die organisasie bied vanjaar interessante kursusse in selfverdediging, noodhulp en oorlewing aan. Skakel Bester by 084-405-4405.

by JP Okes Even though we supposedly live in a crime ridden society, it never ceases to surprise me how little people know about the South African Criminal Justice System. More often than not, we hear remarks to the effect that we live in a gangster’s paradise and that when criminals are eventually prosecuted and convicted, they receive a slap on the wrist, or are treated like royalty in prison. Clearly prominent cases such as that involving Shabir Sheik have done nothing to install any kind of faith in the general public in our Criminal Justice System. In the next number of articles I intend attempting to explain and discuss the various aspects of our Criminal Justice System, in the hope that the reader will be able to reach a more informed decision as to the state of our Criminal Justice System. In a nutshell, the South African Criminal Justice System consists of five different divisions namely 1. The Investigative Division, consisting of various different police departments, 2. The Prosecuting Authority, 3. The Courts, 4. The Defence, 5. The Prison Authorities.

‘Claim your in success in Education & Training’

Practically, once a complaint has been lodged with the Police Department, the matter is investigated and thereafter presented to a Prosecutor who decides upon the manner in which the case is to be prosecuted. If a matter is to be prosecuted, the Prosecutor places the matter before a Magistrate, who at the end of a case makes a decision about the accused person’s guilt, and if the accused is found guilty, also makes a decision about a suitable sentence. The accused person is entitled to a Defence Attorney, and if the accused cannot afford an Attorney, the State may appoint one to act on his behalf. The Defence Attorney’s primary task is to assist the accused in placing his case properly before the Magistrate. The Prison Authorities must detain and monitor the accused once the accused has been sentenced to a period of imprisonment or correctional supervision. Crimes can be divided into two sections, namely common law crimes and so-called statutory crimes. Common law crimes are traditionally those which have existed for years and are recognized as crimes by society as a whole. These crimes include murder, robbery, theft, assault, malicious damage to property and fraud. In theory the Government does not have to pass legislation declaring these offences to be crimes, as they have always been recognized as crimes. Interestingly enough, rape used to be a common law crime in South Africa, but the legislator has now passed legislation which specifically deals

In association with the

Marie vale R oad, Vor ster skr oon, Nig el Mariev Road, orster sterskr skroon, Nigel Tel: 011 814 4357

with the various forms of rape, and accordingly accused persons who are charged with rape, are now charged with contravening a section of the Sexual Offences Act. Different Police Departments investigate different offences. Although, as a general rule, your local Police Station will assist you in opening any criminal case, depending on the nature of the criminal case, your matter may thereafter be referred to a specialized investigative division. So for example, serious cases of fraud or theft may be referred to the Commercial Crimes Unit. Crimes against children may be referred to the relevant Child Protection Units. Murder and robbery may be referred to a number of different units that specialize in the investigation of serious offences. In theory the specialized units employ experienced and suitably qualified investigating officers to attend to the investigation of the relevant cases. As will be explained in forthcoming articles, the theory is sometimes far removed from the practice. In fact the single greatest challenge that we face in our Criminal Justice System, is the proper investigation by the South African Police of crimes that are reported. Depending on the nature of the offence, offenders may be prosecuted in a number of different Courts. Less serious offences are prosecuted in the District Courts. In a District Court an accused person may be sentenced to a maximum period of imprisonment of three years per charge. Many people are under the impression that the most serious offences are prosecuted in our High Courts. Practically however, our Regional Courts deal with the most serious of offences. Our Regional Courts may in a number of cases, such as for example the rape of a minor child, sentence an offender to life imprisonment. The High Courts may also sentence an offender to life imprisonment in appropriate circumstances. Prosecutors and State Advocates are in the employment of the Department of Justice. In theory Regional Court Prosecutors are more experienced than District Court Prosecutors. In the High Courts State Advocates prosecute matters. Although some people might believe that State Advocates are more experienced than the lower Court Prosecutors, an experienced Regional Court Prosecutor most likely has more experience and is better qualified than most State Advocates. This is simply because a Regional Court Prosecutor may literally spend hundreds of hours a year prosecuting the most serious of offences, where State Advocates will generally spend far less time in Court. In theory Magistrates are independent persons who have no loyalty to either the Prosecution or the Defence. In theory Magistrates know nothing about a case until evidence is placed before them by the Prosecutor. Magistrates therefore, in theory, are impartial and objective. The primary task of the Magistrate is to decide whether or not the Prosecution has proven its case beyond reasonable doubt. In the coming weeks I will deal with a number of different offences, the rights of accused persons, sentencing procedures and options and comment further upon the state of our Criminal Justice System. Readers are invited to address any questions that they may have about this topic to the Editor for my attention. JP Okes is a practicing attorney who has specialized in criminal law for the last 20 years.


17 JANUARY 2012



Huge clean-up Nigel Tyres bromponie wenner for Nigel areas A huge clean-up of rubbish in parts of Nigel will soon be undertaken. Illegal dumping areas in Alra Park, McKenzieville, Cerutiville, Snake Valley, Blue Valley and Slovo Park will be tackled as an initiative of the DA’s recently elected ward councillor for Ward 88, Wally Labuschagne and his committee. Labuschagne promised a clean-up during his election campaign and will now fulfil his promise. “We are talking about hundreds of tons of rubbish that spoil and poison the quality of lives of our people,” he said. Apart from the financial contribution from the relative department (Solid Waste) and possible sponsors, the ward councillor will also make use of his annual allocation of R200 000 and private sponsors will be sought. The stakeholders in the campaign will be Ms Tandy Redeye CCC Manager, Mr. Drakes van der Hoven from Solid Waste, along with Metro Parks Environmental Health, EMPD as well as Me Naima, ward co-ordinator (all internal stakeholders). The external stakeholders will be Clr. Wally Labuschagne and his ward committee that was elected in December 2011. Illegal dumping is spread widely over all mentioned areas and consists mainly of household, building rubble and construction spoils. Council has lately experienced that residents from outside areas have moved into these areas with trucks, dumping refuse, and thereby further exacerbating the situation. The background to illegal dumping probably originates from the mindset amongst residents from the era when boycotting of services and illegal dumping was an acceptable way of protest. Fortunately this belongs to the past as Ekurhuleni Metro is now delivering equal services to all residents and areas on a weekly basis. The purpose of the Community Based Project “clean up campaign” is not solely to “clean up” but the big challenge is, not only to sustain it, but also to “rehabilitate” and “green-up” the areas. A further challenge facing the team is to constantly inform, educate and discipline the residents of the areas to refrain from illegal dumping ...”Don’t toss it..bin it.” A decision was taken to liaise with schools, churches, community based organisations, the press and also to make use of flyers and bill and sign boards to motivate residents to report and actually confront transgressors to refrain from spoiling the areas. A decision has also been taken that the Metro Police and other officials will issue fines and clamp down severely on unscrupulous individuals.

Feel free to contact:

Charlene Kritzinger het Nigel Tyres se bromponie ingepalm wat in Desember as prys in ‘n gelukkige trekking vir bandekopers gewen kon word. Die Big Boy Pulse Scooter is verlede week deur Sayied aan Charlene oorhandig. Die kompetisie was oop vir almal wat in Desember bande opgesit het. Charlene sê sy het die bande by Nigel Tyres gekoop omdat die pryse die beste in Nigel was. “Ek was ook baie teverede met hul diens.” Jakes en Sayied het Charlene geluk gewens

en ook baie dankie gesê aan almal wat hulle ondersteun. Die volgende trekking vir ‘n prys is op 11 Februarie om 10:00. “Voornemende kopers van bande moet hulle haas as hulle in aanmerking vir die kompetisie wil kom,” sê hulle.

Complete Complete School of of School Hairdressing Hairdressing Enrol now for 2012. Limited Space available! 2 YEAR FULL TIME COURSE OR 2 YEAR PART TIME COURSE Courses also available on Saturdays 2 YEAR LEARNING PROGRAM NQF 2 NQF 3 NQF 4

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17 JANUARY 2012


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17 JANUARY 2012


Two on trial for Dunnottar murders The 18-year-old son of a murdered Dunnottar couple and a 22-yearold man appeared in the Delmas Regional Court on December 12. The murder of Schalk du Plooy (62) and his wife Theresa (51) occurred in 2010 at their home in Rhodes Avenue, Dunnottar. Their son Schalk du Plooy and Morne Labuschagne were charged with the brutal murders. The couple were allegedly beaten and stabbed to death. Du Plooy pleaded guilty and Labuschagne pleaded not guilty. Both are in custody and the case has been remanded to January 25. The murdered coupled were well-known residents of the area and both pharmacists.

Fireworks cause havoc Some of the strays in the SPCA kennels, available for adoption. Despite all the warnings about setting off fireworks over the festive season, people ignored them in Nigel and Dunnottar. This meant a heavy work toll on the Nigel SPCA as many dogs ran from their homes and were picked up as strays. Some dogs were run over. Now the SPCA kennels have strays waiting for their owners to pick them up and there are some available for adoption. If you came back from holiday and your dog is missing, then it could be at the Nigel SPCA.


Stella bring glans vir Nigel Stella Bottari van Nigel, handelaarshoof van NSB Motors, is met die jare geslyp en verfyn tot ‘n waardige finalis vir die Vrou van die Jaar kompetisie wat jaarliks deur die landswye Motor Nywerheid Personeel Vereniging (MNPV)aangebied word. Die personeelvereniging is beter bekend onder sy geregistreerde naam, Motor Industry Staff Association (MISA) en die toekenning staan bekend as MISA Vrou van die Jaar Toekenning. Stella het die Noordelike/Hoëveld verteenwoordig en het saam met Liz Potgieter van die Oos-Kaap en Helen van Heerden van die Westelike Provinsie ‘n kortkop agter Iris Francis van die McCarthy Groep in KwaZulu Natal geëindig. Die toekenning is op 17 November by ‘n glansgeleentheid in die Indaba Hotel in Fourways, Johannesburg gedoen. Onder die BBP’s was die MISA President, David Pereira, die MISA Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Dana de Villiers, die nuut verkose President van FEDUSA, Koos Bezuidenhout, FEDUSA se Hoof Sekretaris Dennis George, die President van die Kleinhandel Brandstof Vereniging, Mike Motsoane en die Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Momentum Nywerheidsfondse Werknemers Voordele, Gansen Govender. Stella, wat deur haar vriende en kollegas as ‘n streng maar regverdige baas beskryf word en “wat ‘n hart van goud” het, was een van vier finaliste wat landswyd vir die kompetisie gekeur was. Stella word beskryf as ‘n vrou

Stella Bottari ontvang haar toekenning van aktrise Lizz Meiring (regs)

wat altyd deftig geklee is en wat ‘n oop hart en ‘n oor het. ‘n Belangrike opmerking wat aan haar toegedig word – en een wat sy letterlik uitleef - is: “My doel in die lewe is om ten minste elke dag ‘n verskil in iemand se lewe te maak. Ongeag hoe groot of hoe klein my bydrae is, weet ek dat dit ‘n verskil maak. Ek kan nie gelukkig wees as ander moet ly nie.” Stella is diep by gemeenskapsprojekte betrokke, o.a. by Villa Liberti Weeshuis. Die weeskinders se behoeftes lê haar na aan die hart en sy ondersteun ook die omgee versorgers omdat hulle die mense is wat liefde en versorging aan die kinders gee.

Seven distinctions each

Such is life…. The festive season is long gone and some have nice tans to prove they’ve been somewhere and others have not. Most have embarrassing bank accounts! I learned a few things, such as how to play soccer on TV by pressing a few buttons. An eightyear-old beat my team by a score which would have made world history if it was real. My opponent was clever. Told me to press the green button for the players to go one way and the red one for them to pass the ball. I couldn’t understand why my “boys” kept scoring for the other side! Must get me one of those new technical devices one day. I also had my first experience of Christmas in Joeys. Very nice, but made me appreciate the good old East Rand. Got home to find the garden was not unlike parts of the Amazon seen on TV. I wish there was a rehabilitation centre for lawnmowers. The grass was so long after all the rain it took me hours to find the dog which was asleep in the middle of it. Lucky he didn’t get mowed down! But isn’t it nice to be home again? Especially when friends tell you about awful rain they had in Durbs just about every day and you suspect they’ve gone crazy on that self-tanning lotion. I even welcomed the same old leak in the lounge ceiling which no-one can fix. I also welcomed the refuse collectors coming at 18:00 after a two week break. Where else would this happen only the good old East Rand? New Year resolutions have already been shattered. Cholesterol ignored and take-aways grabbed at every opportunity. Just have to get over cooking that huge turkey and watching it throughout the night then seeing it consumed by a lot of people in a very short time. Resolution still kept us to spending money. Reason obvious. Did manage to see a bit if telly and I’m truly amazed at some of the scripts. Like an all action movie where the hero is battling to get through a crocodile infested swamp and leaves his girl friend paddling on the edge, saying “Stay there, don’t move”. And the endless number of bullets they seem to have in their guns during a shoot-out in some obscure mountain hideaway. How does a woman crawl through a tunnel under falling rocks and emerge on the outside without a hair out of place? A truly memorable festive break which will soon be replaced by hordes of eggs and bunnies.

Heidelberg Campus of Sedibeng College is smiling broadly as two of their students, Melissa Cary-Smith and Ntombizodwa Mvulane excelled in the 2011 National Examinations of the Department of Higher Education to obtain seven distinctions each. These accomplishments, coupled with a total of 246 distinctions and a pass rate of 88%, established Heidelberg as the best Campus of Sedibeng College. Melissa obtained her distinctions in Finance Economics and Accounting, Level 2 while Ntombizodwa obtained hers in Engineering and Related Design, Level 2. “It was the hard work and dedications of the Heidelberg Campus team that resulted in excellent results. We are very proud of the students and our lecturing support staff for their combined effort. We appreciate the students for their effort,” said Ms. Thembekwayo, an English lecturer at Heidelberg Campus. Prospective students should enrol as soon as possible. Guidance and advice are offered to all of them.

Ntombizodwa Mvulane

Melissa Cary-Smith

How to deal with the bad news The matrix results are known, but after all the celebrations, spare a thought for those who did not make it this year. Felicity Coughlan, Director of the Institute of Independent Education says it is crucial that parents and caretakers deal with the bad news of those who did not pass and help the disappointed and shocked youngsters regain a sense of perspective. She says that most 18-year-olds have developed the ability to reason at an adult level but only in situations where there is time to do so. “By the late teens many young people will struggle with resisting peer pressure, confronting their impulses and assessing how risky a situation really is, “says Coughlan”. “The first reaction to a failure will be an emotional one, even though this will differ from one person to another. “If you are a young person who wrote matric and are disappointed with the outcome, it must be remembered that the first reaction is not driven by the adult part of the

young person. “The reaction of anger and disappointment is created by the younger part of the person. “This should be a time for listening, support and reflection in a non-judgmental manner. “Allow the matriculant to experience in a way that is consonant with how a young person works. That may mean over a meal lings. If you suspect there is a real risk of a sustained negative reaction, perhaps a self-destruction action is necessary to keep a close watch. The last thing you need to do now is to show your willingness to let you see the stress. “By allowing reality to sink in, the adult should begin to find ways of talking about the new possibilities. Talk through the options and share the information. This could be over a meal or even when walking the dog. Ask questions but don’t nag. Allow them to take back some of the power that the disappointment dents. Keep talking. This is not the end of the world and they are sharing the disappointment with hundreds of others. Explore all the options and let them choose.



17 JANUARY 2012

Mayor hosts top Great result for Nigel High matrics to a breakfast Executive Mayor of Ekurhuleni, Clr Mondli Gungubele hosted top matric performers from the region to a breakfast in the Council Chamber banquet hall in Germiston on January 11. The Mayor used the meeting to congratulate the class of 2011 for persevering and to ap-

peal to the youth to further their studies and acquire skills required by the economy of Ekurhuleni. This comes as the municipality intensified the onslaught against poverty and unemployment. A total of 45 learners from across Ekurhuleni were present.

A pass rate of 97.4% was recorded at Nigel High School in the matric examinations. A total of 43% of learners obtained bachelor’s passes, 45% obtained diplomas passes and 12% obtained the Higher Certificate. Head girl Lorraine Mulaudzi got seven distinctions with an overall average of 89%. Head boy Kubyane Bothlale got five distinctions and deputy head boy, Motshome

Keorapatse had four distinctions. Deputy Head girl Mokoena Tshepiso had three distinctions. Principal of Nigh High School, Ina Dolinschek, the educators and school’s governing body, are all very proud of the pass rate of 2011 and congratulate the matriculants. The principal said she was thrilled with the results but not surprised as the learners had all worked very hard during the year.

The principal of Nigel High School, Ina Dolinschek, with three of the successful matrics, Gift Sithole, Kubyane Bothale and Motshone Keorapatse.

Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor. Clr Gungubele with learners from Alra Park Secondary School at the breakfast for matrics. From left: Vernon de Vee, Kaylo Berry and Nomvula Mbele.

Some of the delighted matriculants at Nigel High when they received their results

We’d like to hear from you! Have you got any moans, groans, news or views? Or maybe you have an interesting hobby. Contact us on 011 814 8614. H0111


17 JANUARY 2012


Volkies aan die brand

Wessel Davel, ses onderskeidings.

Anthony Moffat, ses onderskeidings

J. P. Janse van Vuuren, ses onderskeidings.


Vossie top kandidate Hoërskool John Vorster se top kandidaat met die matriekeksamens is Anzelle Gondra wat vyf onderskeidings behaal het. Melandrie du Toit spog met drie onderskeidings en Marisca van Zyl met twee. Altesame 88% van die leerders het geslaag. Nelis van Dyk, skoolhoof wat begin verlede jaar die leisels oorgeneem het, sê hy is nie baie gelukkig met die prestasies nie. Vier kandidate het twee onderskeidings behaal. Altesame 84 leerlinge het met ‘n B geslaag, 158 met ‘n C syfer en 224 met ‘n D. Van Dyk sê hy verwag die einde van hierdie jaar ‘n stewige verbetering in die prestasiesyfers, veral in Wiskunde. Twee goeie wiskunde onderwysers sluit hul vanjaar by die personeel aan. Melandrie du Toit

Vian Hough, ses onderskeidings

Henry-Louis Hardy, vyf onderskeidings

Reinhardt Venter, vyf onderskeidings

Anzelle Gondra

Melandrie du Toit

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 email: -

J.P. van Rensburg, vyf onderskeidings

Vanesce Muller, vyf onderskeidings

Stefan Kruger, vier onderskeidings



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Volkies se vier top akademiese presteerders in 2011 se matriekeksamens spog met ses onderskeidings elk. Die elite groepie bestaan uit Wessel Davel, Anthony Moffat, J. P. Janse van Vuuren en Vian Hough. Nog vier kandidate het vyf onderskeidings elk behaal, sewe spog met vier onderskeidings en agt met drie onderskeidings. Die slaagsyfer was 96 % terwyl die skool spog met 139 onderskeidings. Altesame 62% het toelating tot graadstudies gekry en 37,7% tot diplomastudie. Onder die eerste 15 presteerders tot en met vier onderskeidings was vyf dogters.



PALLISADES PANELS Doggie bars optional extra



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2450x1225x1.6 ........................... R426.00 2450x1225x2.0 ........................... R495.00 2450x1225x2.5 ........................... R611.00 2450x1225x3.0 ........................... R795.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R992.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................ R1 323.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................ R1 543.00 H0109



INDEX / INDEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pets / Troeteldiere Tours / Toere Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra Announcements / Aankondigings Vote of Thanks / Bedankings Rewards / Belonings Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoerusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01 Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.




Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase

Betrekking gevra: Energieke jong dame opsoek na admin/kantoorwerk in Heidelberg. Studeer tans teeltyds Regte. Job wanted: Young, hardworking and loyal Law student are looking for admin/office work in Heidelberg. Skakel / Contact Lee-Andrie @ 079 128 9992 Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact us at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. 20% discount for blankets/comforters/duvets/curtains during Jan and Feb 2012. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg.

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

ODD JOBS 2000. Sedert 1979 in Heildelberg en Omgewing. Bouwerk, Loodgieters, Eletries, Alterasies, Grasdakke, Verfwerk, Swembaddens, Plaveisel en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het duer die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Skakel kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar - 082 603 1860

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

Beauty Extreme * Nails * Pedicure & Gel Toenails * Facials Training in all * Hair extensions nail systems Christel 083 370 8374 / 011 814 2868

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up * Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s 19


ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516. Poloko Trading 717 cc. Genral Trading. For all your General Security needs. House maintance ect. Feel FREE to contact Wynand Vorster 078 876 2662

Bosveldplasie Warmbad R1 400 000 ON 8,5h, koloniale styl huis, 180vkm, 4 slp, 2 badk, 2 sitk, studeerkamer, eetkamer en kombuis met opwasdeel. 2 Motorhuise (6 motors), 5 woonstelle, 1 rondawel, 100 vrugtebome, besproeiing, 2 damme, 2 boograte, 2ha droë land. Drina 083 449 0558

50 Businesses / Besighede R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Nuwe tyres, puncture repairs, fitting, balancing & new valves. Vir u tyre behoeftes skakel Ivan vir ‘n kwotasie. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Barfridges R695, blok matte vanaf R2.50, wit handoeke R25, matrasbeskermers R80, standaard wit kussingslope R5, enkelbed valle R40 elk, 2 stuk gordyne R395 per stel, grys/swart kantoorstoele R220, staal rakke vanaf R450 - R550, oudhede, sitkamerstelle, eetkamerstelle, Divan matrasse “SPECIAL” R50 elk, nuwe enkelbed sponsmatrasse, bedkassies, stootkarretjies, babaklere. Hier is so baie goeters die winkel vol, kom kuier vir ons en besluit self - ONTHOU ONS VERKOOP OOK NUWE KAR & BAKKIE TYRES “CASH & CARRY” - Super groete.

Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

37 Employment / Betrekking “ VACANCY” SECRETARY REQUIRED. Good knowledge on E-mail, Computer - Window’s 7, Exel, Word, Powerpoint, Pastel, admin, typing & filing. Please phone 083 992 7682

General Services / Algemene Dienste

VAKANTE POS Enkellopende kroegdames dringend benodig in Leandra. Basiese salaris R3500 plus goeie kommisie. Woonstel op perseel ingesluit. Geen ondervinding. Skakel Natasha 073 304 2214 of Charles 076 208 0512

WARTHOG PHOTOS. We do all types of photos. If you do it, we will photograph it. Phone: Danie 072 370 1346

ANCIENT DAYS Antiques - oudhede. Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

JANIC WALLING James 073 628 5826 083 675 7795

* Betonmure * Verlenggings * Staalpalisades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel Ons het verhuis na ‘n groter perseel.


J DONALDSON APPLIANCES Free collection and delivery & Quotations 77 Porter Road, DUNNOTTAR. Tel: 011 734 2812 Fax: 011 734 2041



Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur

Personal / Persoonlik

Jong dame met Gr.12 dringend opsoek na kantoorwerk. Het eie vervoer en is woonagtig in Nigel. Kontak nommer Geraldine 083 273 5815

17 JANUARY 2012

* Bathrooms * Granite tops * All Repairs * Kitchens * Laminated flooring Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

Huise te huur met woonstel. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, eetkamer, Tv kamer, sitkamer, kombuis, aparte waskamer. Woonstel: 1 slaapkamer, badkamer, kombuis, sitkamer. Swembad, 2 garages, shadenet afdak - 3. Kontak Mandi 083 417 4799. R6 900.00 per maand. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Feb 2012. Huur Huise in Heidelberg beskikbaar. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel R3850.00. 5 Slaapkamer huis met woonstel en swembad in Overkruin R9850.00. Kontak Juanita 083 653 0192


* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Washing machines * Tumble dryers Establised 1978


17 JANUARY 2012



PRIME POSITION Quality, class and space. Open Plan kitchen, dining room and lounge. Enclosed braai room. Splash pool.


H/v Hewitt & Ramona str, Selection park.

PARK & SELL We buy and sell used cars, bakkies, caravans & boats. Tel: 011 818 2478

Mandie: 083 417 4799 Charles: 082 828 0564

CONTACT INEKE TEL: 016 341 6226 072 194 0959

Rissik Street Heidelberg


* Entrance Hall * Lounge * Dining room * TV room * Kitchen * Scullery * 3 Bedrooms * Garage * Spacious open living area * Swimming Pool.

(Across Selcourt To w e r s )

VERHUURINGS OVERKRUIN – R7700.00P.M. + DEP -Sitk, eetk, TVkamer, Kombuis, met aparte opwasarea, 3 slaapk + 2 badk + studeerk, 3 Motorhuise + swembad. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie.. OVERKRUIN – R15 400.00p.m. + DEP -Dubbelverdieping huis. 3 slaapk + studeerk, sit en eetk + Ruim leefarea, kombuis met aparte opwasarea. Swembad met lapa, ingeboude Braai met Jacuzzi. 5 Motorhuise + 3 Afdakke. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. JORDAANPARK – R9700.00 P.M. + DEP - Ruim TVkamer, sit en eetk met oopplan kombuis en opwasarea, 3 slaapk, 2 badk, studeerkr + toegeboude braaik met 2 motorhuise + 1 afdak. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie BERGSIG – R6000.00P.M. + DEP -Moderne losstaande Meenthuis – 3 slaapk, 2 badk, oopplan kombuis met aparte Opwask, sitkamer met braaik, elektroniese 2 motorhuise + 2 afdakke.Omhein met Palisades. Alarm stelsel Onmiddellik beskikbaar. 2 Lugversorgers.

INEKE PROPERTIES TEL: 016 341 6226 * 072 194 0959


* Plant Nou !!! * Kom haal self. * Ook afgelewer (meer as 200m²) Skakel 086 123 5296 / LAWN IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE IN THE SMALL’S PLEASE CONTACT AMANDA 011 814 8614 OR EMAIL TO

VACANCIES ENGINEERING CONCERN IN VORSTERSKROON HAS VACANCIES FOR: DATA CAPTURE/COSTING CLERK (18-40 Year old) Mornings and weekdays only, must be bilingual, previous work experience required. 2 x FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIANS (18-26 Year old) Grade 12 required, training supplied - Code EB licence - sober habits. No chancers 1 X WORKSHOP CHARGE HAND (35-50 Year old) 2 X FITTERS (QUALIFIED) 2 X BOILER MAKERS (QUALIFIED). Sober habits. No chancers. Fax 2 page CV to 086 516 5806. If no answer please accept application as unsuccessful. H0116

66 H.F. Verwoerd Straat, HEIDELBERG Karin Elsie TEL: (016) 341-6115 FAX: 016 341 6118 072 462 6143 082 589 4889

web: email:


WE SPECIALIZE IN SELLING AND RENT ALS OF HOMES ARMS RENTALS HOMES,, F FARMS ARMS,, PLOTS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. We urgently TANIA: 083 331 1916 NIKKI: 082 955 4969 require UNA: 082 810 4027 rental KRISTELLE: 082 561 7605 properties




Office: 011 814 3349

Fax: 011 814 3348

YOLANDI 071 446 2590 CENTRAAL ....................................................... R499 000 2 Slaap huis, 1 bad, sitkamer, eetkamer met volledige woonstel. Netjies oorgedoen. EXT 2 .................................................................. R750 000 Lieflike groot 4 Slaap, 2 bad, sitk, eetk, onthaal area, pragtige kombuis, baie mooi kaste, e/motorhuis, d/afdakke. VISAGIE PARK ................................................. R680 000 Groot ruim familiewoning. 3 Slk, 1 badk, sitk, eetk, groot kombuis, patio, Jacuzzi, onthaal area. Woning ten volle geteël, d/motorhuis, d/afdakke, palisades.

RHONA 071 559 3706 HEIDELBERG FARM ...................................... R1,8 MIL 22 Hct, 3 bed, 5 garages, flat, pool, lapa with Jacuzzi and much more. BERGSIG .......................................................... R516 000 3 Slaapkamer huis met grondvloer woonstel. SPECIAL OFFER ........................................... R165 000 Stands in Jameson Park. Finance available.

LIESL 073 813 1041 VISAGIE PARK ................................................. R450 000 3 Bedr house, lounge, dinning, bath, scullery, big yard ALRA PARK ..................................................... R299 000 3 Bed, lounge, bath, kitchen, carport, big yard. Very neat.

DAVE 083 235 7391 ALRA PARK ...................................................... R350 000 Fully tiled 3 bed house. Very neat. HOLGATFONTEIN:.......................................R660 000 10 Hct plot, 5 beds, workshop and much more. EXT 2 TOWNHOUSE:...................................R480 000 2 Bed cluster, 1 bath, s/garage + pool. NIGEL: Plaas van 60 hct. ................................. R1,3 H0145 MIL WANNA SELL YOUR PROPERTY IN ALRAPARK? WE GOT CASH BUYERS FOR ALRAPARK


TEL: Johan by 0724231703


Groot 3 slaapkamers, 2 vol badkamers (1 met stor t + bad), ingangspor taal g root sitkamer,massiewe eetkamer plus tv of studeer-kamer pragtige houtkombuis en d/motorhuis.

RENTALS NIKKI 082 955 4969 KRISTELLE 082 561 7605

TENDER NOTICE TENDER NO TICE AND INVIT ATION TO TENDER NOTICE INVITA DIP ALESENG L OCAL MUNICIP ALITY DIPALESENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY TENDERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT TENDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING BID: Project DLM 01/2012, Paving of the holding area at Balfour Taxi Rank Tender document will be available during office hours as from the 23rd January 2012 from the office of Supply Chain Management at Dipaleseng Local Municipality, Corner, Jonny Mokoena and Themba Shozi Streets. Compulsory site briefing will be held at Dipaleseng Municipality Council Chamber, Balfour on 26th January 2012 at 11:00 am. CIDB Grading 2CE or higher. Evaluation Criteria 80/20. A non-refundable cash tender deposit of R150.00 is payable to secure a copy of tender document. All Technical enquiries must be directed to the following persons:enquiries related to this should be addressed to the PMU Manager, at telephone number (017) 773 0055 or cell 071 352 2926. Closing date for submission of tender is the 3rd February 2012 @ 12:00pm. Tenders will be adjudicated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No 5 of 2000 in consultation with CIDB Act. Tenders will remain valid for 90 days. Dipaleseng Municipality reserves the right to negotiate further conditions and requirement with successful tenderer. All administration enquiries must be directed to the following persons: Dipaleseng Local Municipality: Supply Chain Management: Ms Nompumelelo Masina (017 773 0055) Completed tender document fully priced and signed, sealed envelope clearly marked * Contract No. and Description* should be deposited in the tender box situated at the offices of Dipaleseng Local Municipality, Corner Jonny Mokoena and Themba Shozi Streets not later that 12h00 on the 3rd February 2012. Tenders wil be opened in public immediately after closing time referred to above. Telegraphic, telephone, telex, facsimile and late submissions will not be accepted and where feasible will be returned to the sender. Only Tenderers who are registered in the relevant contractor grading in the Construction Industry Development Board Register of contractors will be considered. Dipaleseng Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or part. Tenders will e evaluated based on the Preferential Procurement Policy of the Municipality, using a 80/20 points system.

Mr. J B Maseko, Acting Municipal Manager, DIPALESENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, Private Bag X1005, BALFOUR, 2410 H0140



17 JANUARY 2012

17 JANUARY 2012


Visse byt! Balfour Hengelklub het op 2 en 3 Desember by Bierman met 29 hengelaars altesame 431 visse van 297,855 kg aan wal gebring Senior Wenners: 1. Bennie Kriel 54 visse, (34,540kg). 2. Christo du Plessis 36 visse (32.652kg) en 3. Anton Nel 37 visse (28,880kg). Dames Wenners: 1. Darrel Roos 18 visse, (8,291kg). 2. Ingrid Kriel, 11 visse (9.288kg). 3. Marie Marais 9 visse (7.724kg). Junior Wenners: 1. Sarel Stoltz 18 visse (11,538kg). 2. Kobus Theron 16 visse 9.092kg) en 3. Marco van der Merwe 11 visse (7.916kg). Swaarste Karp: Frikkie Nel 2,664kg. Swaarste Graskarp: Ingrid Kriel 3,922kg Swaarste Moddervis: Bennie Kriel 1,180kg. Swaarste Baber: Marco van der Merwe 1,292kg. Swaarste Geelvis: Lukas Stoltz 1,000kg. Kontak nommers: Lukas 084 757 6058 en Jaco 082 323 6284.

Nominations for sports awards now open Nigel residents can nominate people for Ekurhuleni sports awards 2012. Individuals, clubs or associations are invited to obtain nomination forms from sports and recreation departments. There is a department in Springs where forms can be obtained. The annual sports awards are presented to sportsmen and women who have excelled over the past year in the following categories: sportsman & sportswoman of the year. Outstanding sports official/administrator. Sportsman of the year. Sportswoman of the year (people with disabilities). Junior sportsman & woman of the year. For more information contact Pieter Lotter on 011 999 0695 or e-mail


Laaste vangs vir 2011 Diepkloof Hengel Klub het sy laaste kompetisie vir 2011 op Saterdag 5 Des. by Boschkop aan die Vaaldam gehou. Die altesame 21 hengelaars het 209 visse met ‘n massa van 75.04 kg. aangekeer. Hier volg die uitslae. Seniors: 1. Deon Du Plessis, 23 visse 8,535 kg. 2. Willie Odendaal, 24 visse 7,770 kg. 3. Graig Endres, 18 visse, 7,310 kg. Dames: 1. Charne Du Plessis, 16 visse, 4,810 kg. 2. Marcell Pienaar, 8 visse, 1,575 kg. Juniors: 1. Dihann Pelzer, 8 visse, 3,875 kg. 2. Rikus Pachonick, 3 visse, 1,615 kg. 0/13 Seuns: 1. Deric v Heerden, 3 visse, 0,390 kg. 2. Dillen Pachonick, 2 visse, 0,515 kg. 3. Pieter v Heerden, 1 vis, 0,240 kg. Grootste Karp: Abraham Pelzer, 1,420 kg(Snr). Marcell Pienaar, 0,140 kg(Dames). Dihann Pelzer, 1,510 kg (Jnr). Dillen Pachonick, 0,090 (o/13 Seuns). Grootste Modder Vis: Willie Odendaal , 0,850 kg (Snr). Charne Du Plessis, 0,490 kg (Dames). Dihann Pelzer, 0,405 kg (Junior Seuns). Pieter v Heerden, 0,240 kg (o/13 Seuns). Grootste Baber: Willie Odendaal, 0,270 kg (Snr). Marcell Pienaar, 0,195 kg (Dames). Dihann Pelzer, 0,265 kg (Junior Seuns). Grootste Gras Karp: Darryn Pachonick, 0,710 kg (Snr). Charne Du Plessis, 0,150 kg (Dames). Rickus Pachonick, 0,465 kg (Jnr) en Dillen Pachonick, 0,425 kg (o/13 Seun). Die eerste kompetisie vir 2012 is van 6 - 8 Januarie. Navrae kan gerig word aan Jaco Nel (Voorsitter) by 083 6099310 of Abraham Pelzer (Onder Voorsitter) by 083 682 2645.

16h00 to 17h00



16h00 tot 17h00 16h00 kuya ku 17h00






17 JANUARY 2012

Jukskei maak skoonskip! Sestien leerders van Nigel wat in Desember vir OosGauteng aan die SA Kampioenskappe in Kroonstad deelgeneem het, is in die streekspan opgeneem. Voorste ry: Juanita Geyser, Ariël Watson, Rikus van der Merwe. Clarice Uys, Charlandie Swanepoel, Kim Lourens en Roan Palm. Tweede ry: Anja van Zyl, Jessica Roos, Lee-Mari van Wyk, Elzet Meyer, Monique Geyser,en Hein Zeelie. Agter: Dewald Herholdt, J.P. Wirths en Jaco Smit. – Bydrae: Cecile Fick. Vanjaar se jukskei begin weer op 28 Januarie.

GEEN KOERANT IN JOU AREA? Dis ‘n Nuwe Jaar en moontlik sal van ons lesers nie ‘n Rekord in sy posbus kry nie.... Ons wil almal gelukkig hou Kontak ons gerus indien u nie ‘n REKORD ontvang het nie by 011 814 8614 of 079 493 0075






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