Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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29 MAY 2012

Wraakgevegte in Bokskr yt Bokskryt


Willie se hart pomp lewe! Willie Kotzee (51), slotmaker van Heidelberg, se lewe is gered deur ‘n pompie wat op 10 Mei in Kaapstad aan sy vergrote hart gekoppel is om die bloed in sy liggaam te help sirkuleer. Die fyn stukkie werk om die pompie in te sit en aan ‘n batterystelsel buite die liggaam te koppel, is deur die kardio-torakale hartchirurg dr. Willie Koen, Hoof van die Hartoorplantingseenheid by die Netcare Christiaan Barnard Gedenkhospitaal in Kaapstad, gedoen terwyl twee oorsese spesialiste bygestaan het. Willie, die Old Bill (voorsitter) van Heidelberg Suikerbosrand Bomskuiling, (Shell Hole) is aanvanklik vir ‘n hartoorplanting opgeneem, maar ’n geskikte een kon nie betyds gevind word nie. Hy net slegs sowat 10-15% van sy hartwerking oor gehad. Na onderhan-

delings agter die skerms is toestemming gekry dat dr. Koen ‘n inplantaat kon doen om maande – en selfs jare indien nodig - tot Kotzee se lewe by te voeg terwyl hy op ‘n geskikte skenker wag. In ‘n persvrystelling wat op 23 Mei deur die hospitaal uitgereik is, sê dr Koen dat Willie kardiomiopatie, ‘n agteruitgang van die hartspiere beleef het. Die simptome wat ‘n gebrek aan asemhaling, uitputting en edeem (water terughouding wat swelling veroorsaak) insluit, het progressief slegter geraak en Willie is op die oorplantingslys geplaas. Teen vroeg hierdie jaar was Willie reeds twee jaar lank op die lys en dokters het bekommerd geraak. Hulle het besluit dat hy met dr. Koen en span in Kaapstad moes kontak. “Willie is al meer en meer in die hospitaal opgeneem,” sê dr. Koen. “Sy hart se bloed omset was 1.5 liters per minuut in teenstelling met die normale vyf liter. ‘n Noodoproep is gedoen maar daar was nie ‘n hart beskikbaar nie.” Die ergste met die agteruitgang van die hart is dat dit al meer lewensbedreigend raak. Die volgende stap is dat die lewer en niere ingee en as dit eers gebeur, mag die pasiënt se toestand nie verbeter nie selfs al word ‘n geskikte hart vir ‘n oorplanting gevind. Willie se mediese span het besluit om ‘n meganiese sirkulasie hulpmiddel in te plant. Die HartWare Ventrikulêre Hulpstelsel (HVAD) is ‘n pomp wat ontwerp is om ‘n pasiënt se verswakte hart te help om bloed deur die liggaam te pomp. Bloed word van die linker kant van die hart verwyder en in die



Willie Kotzee en dr. Willie Koen wat die operasie gedoen het, afgeneem op 23 Mei. – Foto Maggie Landsberg


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Aorta in gepomp (die grootste bloeddraer wat bloed van die hart na die res van die liggaam dra). Die pomp is ontwerp om binne die pasiënt se borskas in die hartsakruimte te rus en ‘n kabel wat as aandrywer dien, gaan deur die vel na buite waar dit aan die ingeplante pomp met ’n eksterne kontrole verbind is. Die kontroleerder word deur ‘n pak batterye aangedryf (twee batterye of een) plus ‘n omskakelaar/laaier wat met ‘n muur- of voertuig -elektrisiteits uitlaatpunt verbind

word. Die kontroleerder laat die pomp werk en is ontwerp om die pasiënt met seine en alarms in te lig oor die werking van die stelsel. Die kontroleerder en batterye word in ‘n dratas verpak wat om die pasiënt se heupe of oor die skouer gedra kan word. Die toestel kan tot 10 liter bloedvloei per minuut hanteer. Die pomp self is ‘n sentrifugale bloedpomp en word bokant die diafragma ingeplant. na bladsy 2



Willie se hart pomp lewe!

Dinner with Dave Loveless From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church Heidelberg Methodist Church is a member of the Willow Creek Association and I was honoured to be invited to a “DINNER WITH DAVE LOVELESS”. For those who do not know Dave he is the Senior Pastor at the Discovery Church in Orlando, Florida. The Discovery Church is an Interdenominational Church with more than 4000 people worshipping each week. Dave spends a lot of time Willie ‘n dag na die operasie in die with Bill Hybels from Willow Creek and has co-hosted many discusintensiewe sorgeenheid. sions with church leaders where both he and Bill have an open forum Foto Maggie Landsberg discussion on church leadership. Let me start off by saying that it was very sad to see that of the 15 invited guests (interdenominational) only 8 people arrived. This seems to be more and more of a problem not only in South Africa but in the world. The respect and commitment of people towards appointments seems to on a downward slide. May I appeal to everyone to keep and appointment or at least phone to cancel. The fact is that there is often Die HVAD a cost involved (eg a meal) and the host has to pay for “an empty chair”. pompie soos Dave arrived a few minutes late due to a delay in his flight. As he dit aan ‘n hart arrived and started chatting one was again aware of the presence of gekoppel is. Jesus in his life and all that he does (this was also evident in the previous two meetings I had with him). He displayed a genuine concern for the lost and this reminded me of how Jesus continued to seek the lost and avail himself to those in need. I believe that the challenge all of us have is to make sure that our lifestyle is such that people can see Jesus in your life – all the time. It is too easy to be a “Sunday Christian” – being on person/personality on Sunday at church but being someone completely different when not in church. Dave shared that the success of his church was accountability of his members, especially the leaders (volunteers). This form of commitment does not seem to exist in churches in South Africa and it is We specialise in: debatable as to the Biblical grounding of this form of accountability. HINGED DOORS Having said this what the Discovery Church does is that the leaders actually sign a letter of commitment and are then held accountable to SLIDING DOORS that letter. This is not a commitment to tithe (but this would come SHOWER DOORS naturally if one has this sort of commitment) but rather a commitment FOLDING DOORS to the work of God within the church and church activities and then also the commitment to live a Christ Follower’s life outside of the GLASS church events. Quite a challenge but one that I feel we need to make MIRRORS towards our own SHOPFRONTS churches – even if JJC they do not have a ALUMINIUM WINDOWS document for us to Kruger & ROBERT DYKE 083 266 5453 sign. Vennote When asked how he STEVE DYKE 082 428 7262 got this right his anSprings Parkland Kliniek swer confirmed my Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 LEADERS IN CUSTOM MADE SHOPFRONTS outlook towards Drie Riviere - Vereeniging e-mail: church life. He stated Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat that the only way that 58 Second Avenue, Nigel 1490 Drie Riviere, Vereeniging a church can grow is (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553 Tel: 011 814-1577/26 be outward lookFax: 011 814 8467 GEHOORSENTRUM to ing and not inward looking. In other words he was saying that all churches need to consider the fact that God calls us to be a church in mis57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg sion and not a stagnant inward looking Tel: (016) 341-2437 church. One of their Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 strong points in try“We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and ing to be outward share the exciting message of Christ to all people”. looking is that they encourage people to EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP join cell groups and the cell groups in turn are encouraged to care for their own members as well as organizing outreach events to reach the lost in the community. Quite a challenge but I believe that God Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) blesses us mightily 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) as we seek to carry out the Great Com18h00 – C.I.A. Service (for Adults and Youth) H1028 mission. H1009


from page 1 Die pomp het slegs een bewegende gedeelte, ‘n aandrywer wat teen tussen 2 400 en 3 200 revolusies per minuut wentel. Dit is só ontwerp om skade aan die bloedselle uit te skakel. Die HVAD sal slegs werk as die regter ventrikel nog werk. Indien nie, kan ‘n ander apparaat, die sg. Berlynse hart, gebruik word. Die HVAD is so groot soos ‘n gholfbal en word met ope-hart sjirurgie ingeplant. Die HVAD stel pasiënte instaat om veilig op ‘n nuwe hart te wag sonder enige verdere agteruitgang van die gesondheid. Die persoon kan weer fiks word terwyl hy wag op sy oorplanting. Die uitkoms van die oorplantingsoperasie is dan ook beter.”Die pasiënt is baie fikser en sterker met werkende niere en ander organe. Die pasiënte het in die algemeen ook ‘n beter aptyt en daarom kan ‘n mens beter resultate van die oorplanting verwag,” sê dr. Koen. Hulpapparate vir die hart is sowat 30 jaar in omloop, maar Wille is slegs die tweede pasiënt in SuidAfrika wat die HVAD ontvang. Slegs agte dae na sy operasie op 10 Mei was Wille opgewonde en vol moed. “Dit was ‘n groot operasie maar ek voel goed en loop rond. Ek voel eintlik uitstekend, “ sê Willie. Sy vriendin Maggie hou haar nou besig om mense te oorreed om hul liggame vir orgaanskenkings beskikbaar te stel. As u ‘n orgaanskenker wil word, bel asb. 0800226611 tolvry. Volle inligting kan bekom word op die webwerf: - Om meer uit te vind oor die HVAD gaan in op: products_hvad.html. Dr. Koen wat in Pretoria groot geword het, verwag dat die pompie binnekort die helfte kleiner sal wees.

29 MAY 2012


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29 MAY 2012




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29 MAY 2012

The rights of people living together Two street by JP Okes From a legal perspective, there are many good reasons to get married. There are a number of tax benefits. A husband may, for example, make any donation to his wife without having to pay donations tax. When the husband dies no estate duty is payable in respect of anything that he leaves to his wife. Spouses furthermore have an obligation to support and maintain each other. Our law allows persons to enter into a contract (also called an Ante Nuptial Contract or “ANC”) before they get married. In this contract persons can to a large extent determine what is to happen in the event of either party’s death or in the event of divorce. Despite the various benefits of marriage and the fact that persons can protect themselves in terms of an “ANC”, some people still prefer not to get married, but decide instead just to live together. Persons who live together as husband and wife are often referred to as “cohabitees”. The rights and obligations of cohabitees have thus far not been clearly set out in our law. Accordingly there is often a lot of uncertainty when cohabitees separate and their relationship comes to an end. Questions asked include: Ø Must my boyfriend maintain me until I can do so myself? Ø I contributed to the maintenance of the property, so am I entitled to claim joint ownership thereof? Ø What happens to furniture and other items that we bought together?

At present there is no legislation to which one can turn to answer these specific questions. There is an act, which will probably be called the “Domestic Partnership Act”, which is in draft form at present. There is no clear indication as to when this act will be promulgated. Accordingly the answers to the questions will depend upon the facts of each case and upon our common law. In terms of our common law people can enter into a partnership agreement with each other. Such a partnership agreement between cohabitees is often referred to as a “universal partnership”. The requirements for the existence of a universal partnership are: Lawfulness The agreement must be lawful. Unlawful agreements are not enforceable. Contribution Each person must contribute something to the partnership. This does not necessarily have to be money. A woman who cooks, cleans and looks after the children is contributing skill and labor to the partnership. Benefit It must be the aim of the partnership that each person will benefit therefrom. In simple terms this means that the object of the partnership should be to make a profit, or in other words, to save each party money. Provided the elements of lawfulness, contribution and benefit are all present, parties liv-

If ther e is a way, then we will find it..

ing together may be able to prove a “universal partnership”. In such a case parties may be able to claim that the partnership assets be divided upon their partnership coming to an end. As each case will be dependent upon the circumstances thereof, it is advisable to get sound legal advice where you are unable to reach a settlement agreement with your ex “partner” yourself. One way to avoid uncertainty is to conclude a “cohabitation agreement” with your cohabitee before you move in together. In this agreement you can set out exactly what is to happen if your relationship were to come to an end. The rights and obligations of each cohabitee can also be set out in the agreement. To ensure that such an agreement is binding and enforceable, it is wise to consult with an Attorney before concluding the agreement. As cold as it may seem, it makes good sense to keep a record of what each person contributes during the relationship, as this record will assist in determining how the assets of the “partnership” are to be divided when the “partnership” comes to an end. As always readers are invited to address any questions they might have to the Editor for my attention. JP Okes is a partner at Kruger & Okes Attorneys, Nigel.

lights cause danger Residents in Johan van der Merwe Street, Ferryvale, Nigel, have been complaining for more than a year about two street lights being out of action. Their complaints to the municipality and Ekurhuleni have gone unheeded. Although it may seem impossible that only two lights may cause concern, the fact that they are situated at the end of this large residential road, causes confusion to drivers, but also affects security. Residents say that because of the situation of the lights, there is complete darkness in the area of the bend and many loiterers are observed at night. One man said he heard dogs barking at night and investigated and saw two men outside his property in the early hours of the morning. “We have complained to the municipality many times,” he told the Rekord. “Each time we are told something will be done about the problem, but nothing is heard any more.” The Rekord also reported the situation to the Nigel Customer Care Centre and the spokes person said it would be reported.

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ANC acts against disruptive members The ANC leadership in Gauteng Province has taken up a fighting stance against Lesedi members who are endangering the good name of the party. Cllr. Jan Tshabalala of Lesedi has been expelled from the party and two elected members, Mluleki Nkosi and Lulama Gumede are temporary suspended while seventeen others have been provisionally suspended. Actions against Tshabalala, Nkosi and Gumede follow, inter alia, after the recent uprisings in Ratanda during which damages in excess of R30 mill were caused to infrastructure. Buildings were burned down, destroyed or partly destroyed in an uprising that allegedly was sparked by high electricity costs and poor delivery of municipal services. The ANC action against disorderly members is one that the public has been looking forward to for a long time. It would seem as if the ANC structures are now acting in accordance with President Zuma’s stance that law and order should be adhered to Ms. Ntuntu Mabaso. The Zone Secretary for the ANC in Lesedi confirmed in an interview with Rekord that Tshabalala has been expelled from the party following confirmation from the Gauteng Provincial leadership on 19 April 2012. Disciplinary action was instituted against him in May 2011 by Ward 7 ANC branch. He was found guilty in a hearing and did not appeal against the finding. No proof of such an appeal has been forwarded to or received by the Province. The procedures against Cllr. Nkosi the Lesedi ANC Councillor and Cllr. Gumede, Cllr in the District Municipal Council of Sedibeng, and the seventeen others follow the disruption of municipal elections during the ANC municipal campaign last year, the disruption of branch general meetings, and involvement in public violence during the recent uprising in Ratanda during which destruction of public property caused deep embitterment in the hearts of many responsible citizens. In terms of a resolution taken by the ANC leadership in Province, Nkosi and Gumede are not allowed to attend ANC meetings or undertake any duties as councillors for Lesedi Local Municipality until disciplinary procedures are concluded, Ms. Mabaso said.

Postal strike Residents in Gauteng have not been receiving post for more than a month and many do not realise that this is because of a strike. The postal workers went on strike in support of the ongoing protest against the use of labour brokers. The non-delivery of post has caused a lot of inconvenience and a backlog is now reported. Although many residents in Nigel have not been affected, some have been waiting in vain for post from other towns. Residents of Dunnottar have had to go to the Nigel Customer Care Centre to find out how much their electricity and water accounts are.Many people have just paid in an estimate, according to previous accounts. Non receipt of telephone bills has resulted in calls to Telkom to find out the amounts owing.

Nigel company celebrates 30 years The Bayer (Pty Ltd) South Africa’s product supply plant in Nigel celebrated 30 successful years, with a braaivleis for employees and guests. Speeches were made by various guests and the general theme was to congratulate the Nigel plant on its achievement. This referred to management and employees on their hard work and dedication, which has resulted in the success experienced over the years.

Bayer Product Supply South Africa manufactures more than 500 different articles in all Bayer Divisions; Bayer Healthcare, Crop Science and Materials Science sub-groups for Southern Sub-Sahara Africa, like the product Policur. The Bayer Nigel Plant currently has 72 permanent employees, manufacturing 12 000 tons of formulated and filled volumes per year.

* * * *


14 years for murder Seventeen-year-old Mvuselelo was found guilty of murder in the Nigel Magistrates Court and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment. The accused was arrested, after he stabbed his 27-year-old victim on December 16 last year. The victim died on the scene from multiple stab wounds. The court instructed that the sentence of the accused be served at the Boksburg Juvenile Prison. In addition he was declared unfit to legally possess a firearm as a result of the violence involved in the incident. Station Commander. Lt Col Egen Moodley praised the efforts of the investigating Detective, Warrant Officer, Goodboy Manci, for his effective and professional investigation. He further said that juveniles must take note that being a juvenile does not mean they will not be convicted for crimes they commit.

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29 MAY 2012

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Copies of the Rekord can be collected at our office cnr of Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Road

New distributors Officials of Bayer and guests at the company’s 30th anniversary in Nigel. Back from left: Björn Christensen (head of product supply, South and Southern Africa), Wolfram Sirges (head of product supply in the EMEA region), Achim Noack (Global BayerCropscience product supply Head). Front from left: Toby Oosthuizen (Country Division Head, Bayer Animal Health), Sylvestre Jobic (Head of Sub-Saharan Africa, Bayer Enviromental Science), Björn Skogum (Senior Bayer representative in South Africa), Klaus Eckstein (Country Divisional Head, Bayer Crop Science).

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29 MAY 2012

Donations for Born2 Care Stof oor tender wil nie gaan lê Born2 Care, Heidelberg and Lesedi’s crisis pregnancy centre at God’s Acre, received a substantial boost last week when Adcock Ingram Generics and the South African Army Gymnasium made substantial contributions to the stock of the Born2Care shop. Grant van der Walt and Robert Magnus made contributions of baby toiletries on behalf of Adcock Ingram Generics, while Capt. T. J. Sathige, W.O Alet Schubach and Chaplain W. H. Mthimumye with other army representatives, contributed bags full of baby of clothes

and a baby tub. Suzette Kruger, owner of Heidmed Pharmacy, served as co-ordinator. The donations were received by Henda Bonsma, Chairman of Born2Care and Marelize Human, manager of the Born2Care shop. Born2Care has a unique system of compensating attendants of their ante natal classes with a points system that allows mothers to buy specific baby clothing valued at different points. The more classes one attends, the more one can buy for the baby.

Grant van der Walt and Robert Magnus of Adcock Ingram Generics, Suzette Kruger of Heidmed Pharmacy and Marelize, Manager of Born2Care Shop.

From the left are: Chaplain W. H. Mthimunye, W.O. Alet Schubach, Henda Bonsma, Chairman of Born2Care, Sergeant T. V. Mavhusha, Marelize Human of Born2 Care, Corp. T. J. Sathige (on the van) and Captain L. Khashabe, Nursing Officer.

Die stof oor die toekenning van ‘n sekuriteitstender van Lesedi Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aan Futuris Guarding System, ‘n maatskappy buite Heidelberg, wil maar nie gaan lê nie. Sekuriteitsmaatskappye binne Heidelberg is ligtig om te praat en Lesedi het ‘n tyd terug gesê besware teen die toestaan van die tender is te laat ingedien. Futuris was tweede op die lys van aanbevole kandidate vir die toekenning van die tender. Na ‘n maandelange gesloer is Futuris Guarding System as die suksesvolle tenderaar aangewys. Op die vraag wie en wat Futuris Guarding System is, blyk ‘n Internet navraag daarop dat André van Tonder, wykslid van wyk 13 in Meyerton se Midvaal Distriksarea, by Futuris betrokke is as bemarkingsbestuurder. Van Tonder woon in Meyerton, was adjunkhoof en waarne-mende hoof van Destinata Skool, algemene bestuurder van Futuris Guarding System en bemarkingsbestuurder van CFT Sement-groep en is nou weer betrokke by Futuris Guarding Systems. Hy is voorsitter van die Valke-Suid Rugby Unie en was ook Voorsitter van Vaaldrie-hoek se Gimnastiek gewees. Hy is op 18 November 2009 tot stadsraadslid verkies. Inligting wat tot Rekord se beskikking gekom het, dui daarop dat die beoordelingskomitee op 18 Oktober 2011 aanbeveel het dat ‘n vooraanstaande sekuriteitsmaatskappy van Heidelberg volgens ‘n puntestelsel, die beste tender ingedien het. Die kontrak is egter toegeken aan Futuris wat met 3 punte minder, tweede in die ry was. Die maatskappy wat die meeste punte verdien het, is glo gesubkontrakteer om die alarmafdeling namens Futuris te hanteer. Die Tender Toekenningskomitee het bestaan uit die destydse Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder Cynthia Mokoena, die Uit-

JB Granite Tombstones

voerende Bestuurder, Hennie Coetzee, die Uitvoerende Bestuurder DP, Bansi Majola, die Hoof Finansiële Klerk, Vuso Ndzinyana en die Komiteeklerk, V. Nontununu. Die komitee het op aanbeveel dat die suksesvolle tenderaar uit die volgende moes kom: Crime Stop met 94,24 punte, Futuris Guarding System, 91,20 punte, Venus Africa Security 79,10 punte, Xore Security Services/JV Crime Stop, 65,96 punte en Reabeleng Business Enterprises, 40,38 punte. Futuris Guarding System het puntsgewys egter met 90 punte die beste prys ingedien. Sy tender was R1 107 643,30 vir die drie jaar periode en is deur Sedibeng Distrik Munisipaliteit goedgekeur. Die maatskappy wat voorheen die sekuriteitswerk gehanteer het, was Reabeleng Business Enterprise van Heidelberg wat voor die toekenning van die tender ‘n beheerkamer van meer as R90 000 laat uitrus het. Na die toekenning van die tender aan Futuris, het hulle glo ‘n interdik gekry of probeer bekom om die toekenning van die tender aan Futuris te probeer staak. Intussen blyk dit dat die vergoedings aan Reabeleng die oë laat rek het. Ernstige vrae hieroor is in die stadsraadsvergaderings deur o.a. adv. Gerrit Coetzee van die DA gevra. Reabeleng se suksesvolle tender het aanvanklik R187 000 per maand beloop, maar is na die beeïndiging van die amptelike kontraktyd, op ‘n ad hoc basis voortgesit. Die gesloer om die uitreiking en indiening van ‘n nuwe tender het meer as twee jaar geduur. In Desember 2011 het die maandelikse vergoeding vir Reabeleng reeds R633 173 beloop. Futuris se gemiddelde tender vir die nuwe periode beloop R 307 679,30 per maand. Dis ongeveer R300 000 per maand minder as wat Reabeleng in Desember 2011 vergoed was.

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29 MAY 2012


Account confusion


This is the water meter in Barclay Road, Dunnnottar which can hardly be read because of earth covering it.

A resident of Barclay Road, Dunnottar is confused and angry over the readings of his water meter. He says the readings on the account, do not tally with those on the actual meter. But in getting to read the meter is also a problem. “I had to put my head right into the hole and clear away soil before I could read it.� He said. The meter was also cover in grass and the cover was hard to remove. Mr Hartzer has complained to the Nigel Customer Care Centre about the matter and says an investigation will be done. But, so far no-one has been to assess the situation.

Theft of meter covers This large hole in the paving adjoining a water meter cover poses a threat to pedestrians. There has been a spate of thefts of the covers of water meters in Dunnottar. The latest is a large iron meter cover, stolen from the pavement outside business on Nigel Road. It is next to two large concrete paving slabs, one of which was broken when the grid was replaced. The large hole spells danger for pedestrians, who could be injured if stepping on it. The municipality has been contacted about the situation but nothing has been done to rectify the situation so far.


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Veld fires cause havoc A carelessly thrown cigarette butt from a car can start a massive veld fire at this time of year. People should think before taking any action which could cause a veld fire. In recent weeks a section of the NigelDunnottar Road was full of smoke, from a veld fire. This

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caused vehicles to put on lights and slow down and also affected cyclists. There are many people who start veld fires deliberately and, if identified, this can lead to prosecution. Veld fires which get out of control can lead to the damage of property.



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29 MAY 2012

Giving warmth and comfort VLU dames spog met Born in 1923, Monica Vorster can’t recall a time when she didn’t love knitting. Today she still pursues the hobby, by making pieces, which are eventually made into blankets. These are often sold at bazaars or given as gifts. Monica’s daughter takes the pieces, sews them together and finishes the blankets with a border. Monica has lost count of the number of squares and oblongs she has knitted in all colours, in her room at the Nigel Old Age Home. But now she has come to a halt, and is awaiting for donations of wool. The needles are empty now, but it won’t be long before they are busy in the hands of Monica again. Age doesn’t bother Monica. She firmly believes in keeping busy and is glad that her knitted pieces will eventually being comfort to people.

Monica Vorster with two empty knitting needles – waiting for wool to begin her next blanket.




Members of the Nigel Rotary Anns paid a visit to the Vita Nova Centre for the Mentally Handicapped in Daggafontein last week. The visits are regular and the Anns take with them such items as sweets and toiletries which are given to residents. They are given a warm welcome at the centre and enjoy the visits, which bring a lot of pleasure.


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Doggie bars optional extra


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R301.00 R358.00 R404.00 R442.00

Onlangs het Lorna Lindford ‘n demonstrasie gegee in moaïekwerk by die Nigel Vroue Landbou-Unie vergadering. Een van die projekte vir vanjaar is om ‘n houtskinkbord met mosaïekwerk te versier. Hier spog ‘n paar dames met hul klaar gemaakte pragtige skinkborde. Ronel Lombaard, Suzanne Drotsky, Cecile Botes, Tonien Botha, Celia Strydom, Monika McAlpine, Martha van de Walt, Caroline Rossouw, Anna-Marie Axer en Mabel van Staaden.

A visit to Vita Nova

Needs you to contact us URGENT 016 349 6893



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........................... R424.00 ........................... R494.00 ........................... R610.00 ........................... R793.00 ........................... R989.00 ........................ R1 319.00 ........................ R1 539.00 H1002

Some of the Nigel Rotary Anns prepare refreshments for residents of Vita Nova.

29 MAY 2012



Florence Nightingale met ete vereer Die verpleegpersoneel van Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek het Verpleegstersdag op 12 Mei met ‘n ete by die hospitaal gevier ter ere van die legendariese verpleegster, Florence Nightingale wat op 12 Mei 1820 gebore is en op 90-jarige ouderdom in 1910 afgesterf het. Die hospitaalbestuur het weer vir ‘n onvergeetlike dag gesorg toe van die vepleegters in outydse kappies en lang sluiers geklee was. Met die aanvang van die ete het die hospitaalbestuurder ‘n kersie aan die brand gesteek waarmee al die ander s’n lig gekry het. Foto regs bo: Hospitaalbestuurder Cora Muller en Verpleegbestuurder Soretha Botha nadat die kersie aan die brand gesteek is ter ere van die moeder van Verpleeging, Florence Nightingale.

Met hul outydse kappies in die Algemene saal afgeneem. Van links voor is Petunia Moorosi, Suster Annelie Schutte, Thembi Vilana en Joyce Mailndi. Agter van links is Busi Khahula, Salamina Vilone, Sus. Mariska Pienaar, Anita Gerber en Doulene Grobler.

B LO U BUL VLEISMARK 3kg Boerewors ........... R120 3kg Kaaswors ............. R110 3kg Varktjops .............. R100 Varkskenkels ...... R2200 pkg

6 Luukse kamers en-suite Ontbyt inni bed - DSTV Internet -Lugversorging Yskassies - Elektroniese kluise - Swembad - Braai fasiliteit Veilige parkering


Kantoor - 016 341 6255 * Selfoon - 084 275 5437 By die Intensiewe Sorg afdeling is van links afgeneem Ilze Nel, Heleen Marais, Liezl Balfour, Dr. C Venter, Gerda Scholtz, Lucille Burness en dr. Johan Snyman.

Laverstraat 15A, Nigel Tel: 010 247 0014 Schoemanstraat 8 Heidelberg - Gauteng H1007



29 MAY 2012

PPC sement vereer U Build van Nigel

Bergsig skoongemaak

U Build Essential van Blackie Volschenk in Van Riebeeckstraat 9, Nigel is op Saterdag 19 Mei deur PPC sement met ‘n onthaal vereer vir die besonderse werk wat hy en sy personeel verrig om die sement van PPC waarmee ‘n mens 15% besparing in koste kan bewerkstellig – of dan jou bouwerk 15% verder kan rek - te bevorder. Om verdere glans aan die geleentheid te gee, is verskeie pryse deur Hannie Joubert van Bergsig wat vir doeleindes van munisiPPC geborg vir die sowat 180 gaste. Die hoofprys, ‘n volledige stort pale verteenwoording onder adv. Gerrit Coetzee van die met glas-skuifdeure is gewen deur bouer Gerhard Venter van BeverDA resorteer, het in die week van 17 Mei met die sameleystraat 65, Ferryvale. Vir die Venters was dit inderdaad ‘n groot werking van Lesedi Munisipaliteit ‘n skoonmaakpoging geleentheid want soos dit maar met bouwerk gaan, het Gerhard hoeveel in Bergsig geloods om ontsierlike afval op te ruim. David storte wat hy vir sy eie huis gekoop het, in ander huise ingebou. Nou op die trekker, van links Thokozana, William, Hannie, spog sy huis met ‘n stort wat baie mense grys van jaloesie sal hê. Mazule en Soseth. Hulle het tien vullissakke verwyder. Blackie sê U Build van die Essential Groep het al diep bresse vir PPC sement geslaan. Sy pryse is goed en sy diens voortreflik. Peet van Schalkwyk wat ‘n huis by Munster in Natal gebou het, het by die onthaal aan Rekord gesê dat hy elke sakkie sement van Blackie in Die Dagbreek Sender van Radio Pretoria in Greylingstad is verlede Nigel na Port Edward vervoer het. Dis nou vertroue en diens! week opgegradeer sodat luisteraars na die stasie in die hele streek van Heidelberg en Nigel dit helder en duidelik in hul huise kan opvang. Dit was tot dusver hinderlik om na die stasie te luister, behalwe as ‘n mens dit oor die internet kon opvang of gelukkig genoeg was om met ‘n lugdraad te sukkel totdat jy iets kon opvang. Ingenieurs en beplanners het die opgradering gedoen. Radio Pretoria kan nou duidelik opgevang word by 107.6 FM.

Aandag luisteraars

Ou stukkende apparaat gesoek 267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198


Parkinson’s Siektelyers is dringend op soek na ou en gebreekte elektroniese apparaat om hulle vingers en spiere aktief en gekoördineer te hou deur skroewe in en uit te draai en apparaat uit mekaar te haal en aan mekaar te sit. Dries Peschel van Nigel vra dat mense wat van ou rekenaars, wasmasjiene, haardroëers en ander elektroniese apparaat ontslae wil raak, hom asb. moet bel sodat lyers broodnodige oefening kan verrig. Bel Dries by 0845-498-496.

Foto bo: Blackie met ‘n sak Surebuild 42,5 N van PPC Sement in sy arms, saam met links Nosipho Sefoloko, Sleutel Rekenkundige Bestuurder van PPC Sement, Deon Jansen, Area Bestuurder van PPC Sement, en Pieter Lucas, streekbestuurder van die Essential Groep.

Gerhard Venter van Nigel staan binne die stort, die hoofprys, wat hy gewen het by die onthaal wat PPC Sement ter ere van U Build in Nigel aangebied het. Buite die stort staan Blackie Volschenk, grootbaas van U Build in Nigel. Die skuifdeure is deur Duro Pressings van Johannesburg geskenk.


29 MAY 2012


Mnr. en Mej. Vossie sprankel Hoërskool John Vorster het sy mooiste en talentvolste meisies en seuns op 10 Mei op parade gehad toe Mnr. en Mej. Vossie vir 2012 aangewys was tydens een van die belangrikste sosiale hoogtepunte op die skool se jaarkalender. Natasha Momberg en Wesley Heunis dra die titel vir vanjaar. Hulle het met hul sang- en vertoonnommer Grease, en hul individuele optredes in informele en formele drag die harte van die beoordelaars gesteel en luide handegeklap van die toeskouers ontlok. Maar al 24 van die deelnemers was wenners vir die aand en die beoordelaars, Melissa Caldere, Reg Carlson, William de Beer, Dr. Colette Steyn en Dr. Wiets Steyn moes die deelnemers selfs ‘n tweede keer in hul formele drag die verhoog laat loop om tot ‘n finale beslissing te kom. William de Beer van Willet Designs is ‘n oud-leerder van John Vorster wat vir elke dogtersfinalis ‘n unieke, asemrowende uitrusting ontwerp en beskikbaar gestel het. Hy is by Reg Carlson (011-823-3789) van The Dress Suit Boksburg, het elke seunsfinalis met ‘n stylvolle pak klere uitgerus en Michelle’s Unisex Haarsalon van Nigel (011-814-8048) het die haarstilering vir elke finalis gedoen. Foto regs: Die sprankelende Natasha Momberg en haar metgesel Wesley Heunes is aangewys as Mej. en Mnr. Vossies vir 2012.

Johnny Manenti was een van die jong manne wat die meisies se asems weggeslaan het. Alicia Pelser het met haar deftige pers aandrokkie die kalklig gesteel.

Knap hande omtower hare in kunswerke Shear Magic, ‘n splinternuwe haarsalon het op 28 Mei langs Auto Page in Rhodeslaan 64, Nigel geopen. Met ‘n nuwe, dinamiese benadering tot haarstilering wat deur jare se ondervinding gerugsteun word, is Candice Koekemoer en Allan Shelton, die stiliste, gereed om saam met assistent Megan Killian, ‘n nuwe betowering aan die vroue van Nigel en Heidelberg te bring. Met die amptelike opening op 28 Mei waar ‘n klompie genooide gaste byeen was, het die program Shear Magic Unisex Hair Salon se leuse duidelik uitgespel. Hulle is ‘n salon “where we teach old hair new tricks!” Vir vroue word ‘n besoek aan Shear Magic belowe as ‘n wonderlike ervaring van waar klante verfris en mooi sal vertrek. Dienste sluit in sny en droogblaas, kleur van hare, behandeling van oogwimpers, Brasiliaanse droogblaas (blow wave), behandeling en vaste golwing (perms).

Candice Koekemoer, Allan Shelton en Megan Killian. Vir mans is daar ‘n afsonderlike barbier waar hare geskeer, gesny en gestileer kan word, hare gekleur en in verskillende lae gekleur kan word (re-shading). Die salon ken ook lojale ondersteuningspunte toe aan gereelde klante wat dan later vir bv. ‘n gratis haarsny gebruik kan word. Bel Candice by 083-651-3769 of 083-662-2894 vir bestellings

Mon - Fri: 07h00 - 17h00





Dipaleseng benefits from partnership between Business, Seta and Fet Colleges A collective effort between TSS Managed Services as employer, MICT SETA, Sedibeng and Gert Sibande College was crowned with success. The plight of the Dipaleseng (Balfour) community to have training opportunities resulted in 50 learners graduating in the End User Computing Learnership. Sedibeng College, Heidelberg trained 32 learners, whilst Gert Sibande College, Standerton trained 15

learners. They followed an accredited NQF level 3 course at the college for six months, where after they were given practical exposure at different organisations and business. The purpose is to ensure students learn to apply the theory and skills in the world of work. The students and their families gathered recently for the formal graduation ceremony to be awarded their qualifications.

Presentation of certificates. From left: Mr Benedict Matlou (MICT SETA), Mr Vele Mabena (Deputy Principal Gert Sibande College), End user Computing graduate Modieng Mofokeng, Ms Marcelle Coetsee (Sedibeng College; Heidelberg) and Ms Inno Masilela (TSSMS) handed students their NQF level 3 End User Computing certificates.

Topline hardloop ná ‘n jaar saam met grotes Topline DVD van Ferryvale Nigel is nou ‘n stewige een jaar oud, maar anders as gewone babas van dié ouderdom is Topline DVD nie meer wankelend op die bene nie. Hy het sommer die kruipstadium gemis en hardloop nou saam met die grotes. Met dié besigheid gaan dit goed, baie goed, sê Renet Vogel wat saam met manlief Thinus die eienaars van die DVD winkel is. Topline DVD van Yorkstraat 80 het op 3 Junie 2011 geopen en toe het die egpaar gesê: ”Hou ons dop, hier kom ‘n ding!” En die sprankelende winkel met sy swart en grys korporatiewe kleure het intussen diep in die harte van Nigel se DVD kykers ingeklim. Om die eerste jaar te vier kan klante ‘n Blu Ray DVD speler wen. Twee dubbele fliekkaartjies vir enige fliek by enige Nu Metro Teater is ook in die spel. Gedurende die jaar het die winkel ook verskeie pryse uitgedeel . In gelukkige trekkings was koeldranke, flieks

Ms Mokoena, Mayor of Dipaleseng Municipality, congratulated graduates at the End User Computing Learnership.

Ons bied die beste pryse en advies vir die bemarking van u besigheid

Amanda Labuschagne 079 493 0075

29 MAY 2012

en gratis DVD’s te wen. “Ons is verras met die bestendige groei en kan nou regtig saam met die grotes in Nigel en Heidelberg begin hardloop,” sê Renet. Die kontrakte groei bestendig en al meer kontant kliënte kom DVD’s uitneem. Topline DVD het spesiale pryspakette vir fliekoliste wat drie en meer DVD’s per slag uitneem. Ook die verskeie kontrakte van Topline is uiters aantreklik. Neem jy bv. ‘n kontrak vir veertig DVD’s uit, halveer die prys vir al veertig as ‘n mens dit vergelyk met ‘n enkele DVD wat jy sou uitneem. Die besigheid is elke dag van 09:00 af oop. Van Sondag tot Donderdag sluit dit om 20:00 en op Vrydag en Saterdag om 20:30. Van Dinsdag tot Donderdag is daar verlaagde pryse op uitreikings. Topline bied ook aan gereelde klante ‘n Lojaliteitskaart wat hulle toelaat om van tyd tot tyd gratis DVD’s uit te neem. “Dis ‘n groot sukses en mense is mal oor die beloning,” sê Renet. Renet en Thinus nooi die publiek om die winkel te kom besoek en ‘n gevoel te kry van al die DVD’s wat op die rakke is. Die verskeidenheid is so breed soos die horison en die diens is vriendelik en hoflik binne ‘n winkelopset wat ‘n mens bekoor. Plakkate van nuwe uitreikings word elke maand – of wanneer nodig – op gelamineerde papier geplak. Dit word by die winkel self opgesit en ook elders versprei. Topline DVD kan geskakel word by 011-739-5987. en e-posse kan aan gestuur word. Renet Vogel, eienaar van Topline DVD saam met haar assistent, Courtney Lundie in die winkel afgeneem.

Heidelberg Nigel en buite areas

Not advertising is like winking at someone in the dark... You know what you are doing...BUT nobody else does!

TEL: 011 739 5987 - 80 Yorkstreet, Ferryvale, Nigel

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29 MAY 2012


Koos Kruiwa pleit vir staal en yster Koos Kruiwa van Nigel is ‘n man wat ken van sukkel. Elke dag pak hy die lang pad deur Nigel met sy kruiwa aan op soek na afval staal en yster en sommer enig iets soos meubels wat bruikbaar is. Van motorhawens, ingenieursplekke, outo elektrisiëns tot agterplase in erwe, hoewes en plase, lê sy terrein wyd en ver - en die kruiwa is maar ‘n stadige vervoermiddel. Maar geduld het Koos in oormaat want sê hy, ‘n

Koos Kruiwa met sy ysterperd

arm man moet ‘n lang geduld hê. Die inkomste uit skroot raak met die tyd al minder want soveel ander mense probeer ook op die manier geld maak – en baie van hulle het bakkies wat Koos feitlik ‘n magtelose mededinger maak. Tog slaag hy baie dae daarin om darem nog iets op die tafel te sit en af en toe ‘n koeldrankie te koop. Hy sorg vir vier ander gesinslede, waaronder sy ma en pa. Koos se hoop lê daarin opgesluit dat ‘n paar sakemanne hulle oor hom sal ontferm en spesiaal skroot vir hom sal hou voordat die ander skroothandelaars toeslaan. “Ek wil vra dat iemand my tog asb. sal help. My geleerdheid is min en al wat ek ken is om skroot bymekaar te maak en te verkoop. Ek is al 34.” Onlangs het Koos flou langs die pad geval. ‘n Man het dit gesien en die kruiwa in sy motorhuis gebêre waar Koos dit die volgende dag gaan haal het. In sy verwardheid het hy eers gedog sy ysterperd was gesteel. Waar ander mense reeds lankal moed opgegee en hulle aan die slegtigheid of jammerte oorgegee het, is Koos ‘n skynende lig wat hoop en inspirasie aan talle bring. In die dorp is die netjiese jong man met sy hoed op die kop goed bekend want hy doen die werk nou al elf jaar lank. Hy het geen bang haar wanneer dit by werk kom nie. As iemand hom skroot aanbied, gee hy sy dienste in ruil om die skenker se besigheidsperseel, erf, motorhuis of wat ookal skoon te maak. As daar ondernemings is wat Koos wil help, kan hulle hom opsoek by Steeniestraat 31, Noycedale.

Nigel Primary prefects

The elected representatives learners’ council of Nigel Primary School for 2012.


Fitting & Turning Apprentices at Heidelberg, Sedibeng College A well disciplined group of apprentices under contract with British American Tobacco South Africa (BATSA) completed their trainingat Heidelberg Campus of Sedibeng College at the end of April. Mr Louis de Bruijn, instructor at Heidelberg Campus guided and facilitated their learning process, incorporating the all important practical skills. Moderator, Mr Henning van Wyk from Arcelor Mittal played an important role to ensure the quality standards as set by MerSETA were met during the training process. The skills gap in South Africa is high-

lighted in the National Skills Development Strategy III. Management and staff of Sedibeng College are passionate to forge partnerships with industry in our area to ensure relevant training is offered; which will lead to employable candidates. The apprentices planned, designed and made a customised trolley for the outdoor sound system of the Campus. Heidelberg Campus look forward to see these students progress to passing their trade tests after practical exposure time in the BATSA plant.

The group of BAT apprentices who completed their training at the Heidelberg Campus of Sedibeng College with their instructor and a representatives from BAT. Jurgens Bekker (BATSA representative), Betty Maimela, Fazil Slamang, Mr Louis de Bruijn (Instructor), Malete Mamadi, Wynand Botha, Reuben Maake, Frikkie Greyling.



29 MAY 2012

Matric Expo a success Steek brug na graad 1 Balfour vat Camp Stalls exhibiting everything a girl requires to look her best for the matric farewell function later this year, was on show at the Matric Farewell Expo at Nigel High School. Stalls were sponsored and ranged from beauty products and getting the figure trim with the correct diet. There was also a display of different dresses for a matric farewell. Jewellery as well as make-up was on display and there were free make-overs available, which proved popular. The expo was held in the school hall and outside there was a selection of table arrangements on display. There was also a selection of various flowers to see. A tea garden was also provided. This expo served as a valuable guide for the requirements for a matric farewell.

Julia Mnguni was on the Ferryvale Pharmacy stall, which concentrated on dietary products.

One of the many Nigel High Matrics who enjoyed having a make-over.

oor by Bambi Vissies ‘n Nuwe oorbruggingsklassie maak Bambi Vissies van die Laerskool A. G. Visser in Heidelberg nou die voorste graad R-skool in die streek. Dis die eerste voorskoolse skooltjie om Graad R kinders wat o.m. weens spraak- en ander probleme gepla word, te help om met vertroue die laerskool binne te stap. Mariette Carver, skoolhoof, het in Rita Heunis die ideale onderwyseres gekry om kinders te help om hul visuele en ouditiewe tekorte te oorkom. Sig, gehoor en spraak is dikwels groot terughoudende faktore om kinders skoolgereed te kry. Met die nuwe oorbruggingsklas word ‘n reddingstou aan baie ouers in Heidelberg, Nigel en omgewing gegooi wat hande in die hare sit omdat hulle besef dat hul kinders in die skole waar hulle is, nie gereed is om na die “groot skool” te gaan nie. Rita, die vrou van Wynand Heunis, ‘n onderwyser aan Laerskool A. G. Visser, is reeds jare lank aan A. G. Visser verbonde en het ‘n spesiale liefde vir kinders wat sukkel. Leerders in die Bambi Vissies se oorbruggingsklassie sal spesiale aandag van spraak- en arbeidsterapeute ontvang om hul spesifieke probleme te help oorbrug. “Taalontwikkeling en taalverryking sal ook baie aandag ontvang om leerders te help toerus om Wiskundige begrippe en -taal beet te raak. Optimale taalontwikkeling is natuurlik ook nodig vir sukses in alle leerareas,” sê Rita. “Vir ouers sal die selfvertroue, selfdissipline en waagmoed wat hul kinders ontwikkel, die wonderlikste vergoeding wees wat uit die oorbrugging spruit. Die kind word tot rypwording en gereedheid in ‘n geborge omgewing gelei.” Wanneer die leerders gereed is, word met formele skoolwerk begin om die oorskakeling na die formele graad 1-klas vir hulle makliker te maak. “Elke ouer kan gerus wees dat sy of haar kind baie spesiale aandag van ons sal kry,” sê Rita. Bambi Vissies het nou al meer as ‘n honderd kinders in die skoolbanke. Die eerste oorbruggingsklassie begin reeds in Julie vanjaar en van volgende jaar af sal dit van die begin van die akademiese jaar af wees. Vir nadere inligting bel Mariette by 083-411-3622.

Mariette Carver, skoolhoof en Rita Heunis wat die oorbruggingsklas by Bambi Vissies sal hanteer.

Stampkarre laat waai Laerskool Hannes Visagie het op 4 Mei kaskarwedrenne aangebied wat deur me. Sandrie Kane gereël was. Die Span wat die beste en oorspronklikste naam gekies het, was die Smurferrari span, gevolg deur die Rondritsblitsies en Spoedspatters met die Oppiekoppie Cowboys in die derde plek. Die wenners wat die meeste rondtes voltooi het, in volgorde van hul graad, onderwyser/ es, die aantal rondes en hul spannaam, was: Gr.1 - Juffrou Yvonne se klas met 58 rondtes, die Rondritsies. Gr. 2 - Juffrou Mandie se klas met 61 rondtes, die Smurferrari. Gr. 3 - Juffrou Charlene se klas met 67 rondtes, Wroem-Wroem Rooi Gevaar. Gr. 4 - Juffrou Marthie se klas met 79 rondtes, die Kar-Lonne. Gr. 5 - Juffrou Hanlie se klas met 92 rondtes, Top Gear. Gr. 6 - Meneer Rihan se klas met 87 rondtes, Flower Power en Gr. 7 - Juffrou Daleen se klas met 113 rondtes, Slapende Sewes.

Jeanan Cameron with one of the matric farewell dresses on show at the expo.

Die Warm Wiele het groot ondersteuning aan hul deelnemers gegee.

Discovery oor Hoër en Laerskool Balfour se eerste dogters- en seuns -hokkie spanne het die afgelope vakansie ‘n baie geslaagde hokkie toer na Camp Discovery onderneem. Die leerders het voluit gegaan om elke aktiwiteit daar te geniet en het elke oomblik ingedrink. Ons het op Maandag 2 April 2012 van die skool versterk en na ‘n laaang busrit het ons die kampterrein bereik. Met die aankoms is ons in slaapvertrekke ingedeel. Foto’s is geneem en net ná die verwelkoming is die eerste wedstryde gespeel. Elke dag het min of meer dieselfde verloop en het bestaan uit opstaan, eet, aktiwiteite soos hindernisbaan, boogskiet, skyfskiet en swem. Wildritte het die eerste twee ure van die dag in beslag geneem. Daarna is daar hokkie geoefen om ons tegnieke te verbeter. In die middae is daar wedstryde gespeel. Elke span het aan twee wedstryde per dag deelgeneem. Die dogters het swaarde gekruis met skole soos Oosterlig , Bastion, Sarel Cilliers van Glencoe en Curro Bakenveld van Witbank. Die dogters het twee wedstryde verloor twee gelykop gespeel en twee gewen. Die seuns het gespeel teen skole soos Erasmus van Bronkhorstspruit, Curro Bakenveld van Witbank, Lydenburg en Delmas. Die seuns het vier wedstryde gelykop gespeel en een gewen. Ons seunspan het een aand in die boskamp geslaap. Wat ’n ervaring om so in die natuur te kon wees en slaap! Op Donderdag 5 April 2012 het 22 moeë lywe die lang pad huis toe aangedurf . Graag wil ons as hokkiespelers en speelsters die volgende persone bedank wat die toer vir ons moontlik gemaak het ; Mistry Fashions , Balfour Meat Supply, Pionier Slaghuis, RSA Sport, DJ Motors en Winkelhaak diesel verspreiders. Graag wil ons ook dankie sê vir mnr. Hans Wessels wat die bus bestuur en mej. Sonja Pretorius wat die kinders vergesel het.

Rugbyspeler breek bo-been Heinrick Kok (12) van Laerskool Vaalpark, Vaalpark, Sasolburg het sy regter femur (bo-been) op Dinsdag 8 Mei in ‘n rugbywedstryd in Heidelberg gebreek nadat hy van sy voete geloop is. Hoewel hy nog steeds by die huis is, maak hy goeie vordering sê sy pa Jaco, eienaar van ‘n sekuritietsonderneming in Vanderbijlpark. Alex Duncan van Events Medics, Heidelberg was die para-medikus wat hulp verleen het. Die voorval het omstreeks 17:07 plaasgevind toe Vaalpark teen Laer Volkskool kragte gemeet het. Duncan het gesien dat Heinrich se bobeen opswel en het dr. Hannes Snyman ontbied wat omstreeks 17:11 op die toneel was. ‘n Ambulans van Netcare het Heinrich omstreeks 17:25 na die Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek geneem waar ‘n verband om sy been gedraai is. Hy is toe na ‘n hospitaal in Vanderbijlpark oorgeplaas. Sy pa sê Heinrich sal nog ‘n rukkie by die huis wees, maar dat hy goeie vordering maak. Die pyn is baie minder en hy sien al weer amper uit na sy volgende wedstryd! Maar daarvoor sal hy ongelukkig nog lank moet wag, sê pa Jaco.

29 MAY 2012



MARTIN 082 795 5339

139-3de Straat, Springs

JOE 073 737 4334

Tel: 011 362 5237 KEEGAN 082 729 9471 Faks: HERMAN 082 817 7192 011 362 5238 R134 950 R34 950

‘07 VW Jetta 2.0 TDi A/C, P/S R/CD, E/W, A/B, Airbags

R5 R59 950

‘02 Mazda Etude 180i SE, A/C, E/W

R129 950

‘03 Crysler Voyager 3.3 LTD F/H

R114 950

‘02 Mercedes Benz C230K Coupe Clean Car

R149 950

‘09 Honda Jazz 1.5 IEX Auto, Very low km’s, Full House

R59 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX, P/S A/C, R/CD

R129 950

‘02 Merc Benz C220 Kompressor A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L, R/CD

R69 950

‘03 Renault Scenic 1.5Dci A/C, P/S, E/W

R99 950

R79 950

‘00 VW Sheran 2.8 VR6 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R79 950

‘03 Mitsubishi Colt Clubcab 3000i V6, New Tyres, Excelent value for money

R79 950

‘09 VW Golf, Radio, CD, Mags

R229 950

‘04 Toyota Prado 3.0Tdi GX Simply the Best! Immaculate

R84 950

‘09 Landrover Freelander 2.0 TD4 A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R89 950

‘06 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCi Si, 5dr A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L, Mags

R134 950

‘06 Mercedes Benz C180 A/T A/C, P/S, E/W

R84 950

‘05 VW Polo 1.9 TDi Sportline A/C, P/S, C/L

R189 950

R84 950

‘03 VW Passat 1.8T S/R, E/W, P/S

R134 950

‘06 BMW 525i A/T E60 Magnificent Full House Executive vehicle with Sunroof

R199 950

‘05 VW Sheran, A/C, P/S, E/W Mags, C/L

R59 950

‘09 Mazda 6 2.0 A/C, P/S

R99 950

‘04 Renault Clio 1.6 Sport, S/R A/C, P/S

‘06 VW Polo Classic 1.9 TDi Highline, P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W

R104 950

R249 950

‘07 Ford 4x4xfar F250 S/C

‘09 Huyndai Getz 1.4

R49 950

R39 950

‘07 Tata Indica 1.4 DLX P/S, E/W, C/L

‘01 Fiat Palio 1.2 EL

R144 950

R199 950

‘07 Hyundai Tucson 2.0 GLS A/C, P/S, E/W

‘09 Hyundai Hi 2.4 GLS, P/V, A/C

R114 950

R139 950

‘06 Mercedes Benz A180

‘05 VW T5 25TD Crewbus

R69 950

R99 950

‘01 VW Golf 4 1.9 TDi Highline P/S, A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags, CD

‘07 VW Caddy 2.0 SDi

R149 950

R89 950

‘01 BMW 325i Touring A/C P/S, S/R

R64 950

‘09 Hyundai Atos 1.1 GLS A/C, P/S, E/W

R69 950

‘02 Crysler PT Cruiser 2.0 A/T, A/C, E/W

R109 950

‘07 Nissan Hardbody 2400i 4x4 LWB (J23) C/D, P/S

R104 950

‘04 BMW 325i A/T E46 A Rare Gem. Only 121 000km

R289 950

‘05 BMW 730D (E65) F/H Immaculate

R89 950

‘06 Tata SFC 407 DLSLB TURBO P/S, Workhorse

R64 950

‘05 Hyundai Elantra 1.6 GLS A/C, P/S, E/W, C/L

R154 950

R529 950


R144 950

‘03 Crysler Voyager 2.4 SE A/C, P/S, E/W

R114 950

‘06 VW Beetle 2.0 Highline

R69 950

‘06 Fiat Strada 1.7 Dci, Binliner

R179 950

‘06 Nissan Murano Black on Black, Excelent condition

R119 950

‘03 Mercedes Benz C220CDI 6Sp Fuel Saver, Xenon Lights, E/S

R169 950

‘07 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.2 CRDI A/C, P/S, C/L

R89 950

‘09 Ford Bantam 1.3 P/S, Canpy

R154 950

101 ‘02 BMW 330D A/T, (E46), F/L, P/S A/C, ABS, E/W, Mags

‘05 BMW X3 2.0D A/C, P/S, E/W

Check on all vehicles

‘07 Audi A3 2.0 Sportage FSi Ambition, A/C, P/S, E/W

‘05 Kia Sportage 2.0 CRDi 4x4, P/S, A/C, E/W



SENTRAAL - R695 000


RENSBURG R500 000 OVERKRUIN - R1.650 000

MOONTLIKHEID VIR BESIGHEIDSLISENSIE!!! Ruim Erf met netjiese 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer Huis. Kombuis, Sit/Eetkamer, Waskamer, 1 Garage 1 Afdak. Alarm.

UITSIG OOR DAM & GROENSTROOK. Een van laaste paar erwe in woongebied. Ongeveer 680m².

TEELDAK HUIS IN STIL AREA!!! 3 Slaapkamer, 1 vol Badkamer, Oopplan met 1 Garage en 2 Afdakke. Alarm.

29 MAY 2012


- R1 000 000 (O/H)

RENOVATERS DREAM IN PEACEFULL AREA!!! NETJIESE FAMILIEHUIS MET MOOI TUIN. 3Slaapk, 2Badk, Sitk, Eetkamer, Leef, Kombuis, Nuwestoof, 4 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Livingroom, Kitchen, 2 Carports, + 1 Granite Tops, 2 Garages vir 4 Motors of omskep in Woonstel/ Bedr, Sit, Bath, Kitchen Flatlet, on Large Stand. Kantoor. Studeerkamer met Eikehout Kaste. Boorgat.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 BERGSIG - R2.400 000 SENTRAAL - R2.800 000 SENTRAAL - R1.200 000 SENTRAAL - R700 000(O/H) SENTRAAL - R800 000

KOMPLEKS VIR BELEGGER!!! 4 Eenhede waarvan 3 reeds Gebou is. Pragtige 3 Slaapk, 2 Badk, Oopplan Eenhede met Sekuriteit. Prepaid Krag. 2 Garages. Lae Onderhoud Tuine.

HISTORIESE HUIS 1865 GEBOU!!! Pragtig en Stylvol Binne Gerestoreer. 3 Slaapk, 3 Badk (En-Suite) Gaste Badk, Studeerk, Sitk met Kaggel, Leefk, Groot Plaaskombuis/Eetkamer met Stylvolle Kaste (Graniet). Pragtige Komvensters. M/H vir 3 Motors, Afdak, Swembad, en vele meer.

BAIE NETJIESE EENHEID IN GESOGTE KOMPLEKS. DUPLEX IN SECURITY COMPLEX WITH SWIMMING TREK IN EN BLY!!! 3 Slpk, 2 Badk, Oopplan Sit/Eet, Studeerkamer met Kaste. OnderVloerverhitting, Lugreëling, Maxidoors regdeur, Kombuis met Opwas, Waskamer, 2 Netjiese Motorafdakke. wat sluit.

Netjiese 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Sit/Eetkamer, POOL!!! 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, Large Open Plan, Private Kombuis, in rustige Area met Pragtige Tuin. Tandem Garden, Tandem Garage for 2 Cars. Garage, Afdakke, Lapa.

HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 HETTIE - 073 653 1496 JORDAANPARK - R1.995 000

SENTRAAL - R890 000

BERGSIG-R1.710 000

BEAUTIFULL DOUBLESTOREY IN EXCELLENT AREA. FAMILY HOME ON A CORNER STAND. 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, Easy flow Living Areas, Dbl Situated on a big stand. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Garage, Main Bedroom has a balcony Swimming pool & Lapa, Dbl Garage

LOOKING FOR A BIG HOUSE? 5 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, Spacious Living Areas. Lapa + Swimming Pool. Double Storey with 5 Room office.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003

HELAY - 072 848 4003


R2.700 000

BEST FOR THE BEST!!! Stylish immaculate family home. 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Entertainment Area’s. Lapa + Swimming Pool. Double Garage + Carport.

OVERKRUIN - R2.800 000

BEAUTIFULL FAMILY HOME!!! 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Spacious Living Areas. Big Garden with 16 Birdcages. 1 Bedroom Granny Flat. Borehole irrigation. Double Garage with Carport.

RENSBURG - R1.050 000

GROOT HUIS OOR DUBBEL ERF!!! 4 Slaapk, 2 Badk, Baie Ruim, Familiekamer, Sitk, Eetk, Kombuis met Opwaskamer, Dubbel M/H met Afdakke.

JORDAANPARK - R1.900 000

COMFORTABLE FAMILY HOME. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Study. The home is tiled througout with carpets in the bedrooms, Lapa + Swimming pool, Dbl Garage and Carport

NOYCEDALE - R495 000

EXTREMELY NEAT MODERN TILED TOWNHOUSE. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Spacious Open Plan Living. Private Garden. Double Garage.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 SENTRAAL - R655 000

PRYS VERLAAG!! HUIS MET BAIE POTENSIAAL. 3 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Sitk, Eetk, Buitekamers, Dubbel M/H. Maak n Afspraak.

HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 HELAY - 072 848 4003 VISAGIEPARK

RENSBURG - R830 000

SENTRAAL - R2.900 000

TOP RANGE GOLDEN OLDIE. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Spacious Livingroom, Dining, Lounge, Study, Kitchen with Big Scullery, Entertainment Area. 1 Bedroom Flat. Swimming Pool. Double Garage.

HELAY - 072 848 4003



EXCELLENTBUY!!! 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 1 Garage, Security. Modern unit in very small complex

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295


LOW MAINTENANCE 3 Bedr, 1 Bathr, 1 Garage, Openplan Kitchen Living Area. Excellent buy - Very Neat

NIC - 082 746 9295

FERRYVALE - R2.800 000 (NEG)

PUIKOMGEWING!!! 4 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, Baie Mooi Kombuis, Groot Eetkamer en TV Kamer. Prag Lapa. Woonstel, Swembad - Eie Bioskoop!!!

NIC - 082 746 9295

NOYCEDALE - R780 000

FAMILY HOME 3 Bedr, 2 Bath, Playroom, Study, big Diningroom, TV room, Pool, Rondawel, Beautiful Kitchen, Laundry, 2 Storerooms, 1 Garage, 1 Carport

NIC - 082 746 9295

SPOTLESS 4 Slaapk, 2 Badk, 2 M/Huise, Groot Afdak, Sitk, Eetk, TVk , Mooi Kombuis

PRYS VERLAAG! 3 Slaapk, 2 Badk, 1M/Huis, 1 Afdak Stil straat

NIC - 082 746 9295

NIC - 082 746 9295

HALLGATE - R2.400 000 VISAGIEPARK - R490 000 EXTENSION 2 - R820 000

Goed ontwikkelde, Netjiese 2.2HA Plot met baie mooi Woning en Buitegeboue wat maklik omskep kan word in ‘n Woonstel. Baie Water. Puik veiligheid. Implemente en 2 Trekkers ingelsluit, ook te koop sonder implemente

NIC - 082 746 9295

LOW MAINTENANCE 3 Bedr, 1 Bath, Kitchen, Diningroom, Living room - Lots of Potential

NIC - 082 746 9295


PRYS VERLAAG - PERFEK - BAIE MOOI!!! Luuks gerestoreer, 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Studeerkamer, Sitkamer, Eetkamer, Prag Kombuis, Opwas, Toegemaakte braaistoep, 2 Motorhuise

NIC - 082 746 9295


GOEIEAREA 3 Slaapk, 2 Badk, Prag Kombuis, Oopplan, 1 Motorhuis. Puik Omgewing en baie veilig

NIC - 082 746 9295

MODERNANDLUXURIOUS!!! 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, 1 Garage, Carport, Braai area, Heated Swimmingpool

NIC - 082 746 9295 FERRYVALE - R550 000

BY SKOOL 3 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer, Kombuis, Woonvertrekke, 1 Motorhuis - NETJIES!

NIC - 082 746 9295 NOYCEDALE- R495 000

BARGAIN!!! 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, New Kitchen, New cupbaords in Bedrooms, 1 Garage, 2 Carports, Living area, Quiet Area

NIC - 082 746 9295


INDEX / INDEKS 1 Pets / Troeteldiere 2 Tours / Toere 3 Job Wanted / Betrekkings Gevra 4 Announcements / Aankondigings 5 Vote of Thanks / Bedankings 6 Rewards / Belonings 7 Funeral Services / Begrafnis Dienste 8 Entertainment / Vermaak 9 Found / Gevind 10 Churches / Kerke 11 In Memorial / In Memorium 12 Personal / Persoonlik 13 Lost / Verlore 14 Computers / Rekenaars 15 Builders & Building / Bouers en Bouwerk 16 Sports Equipment/ Sporttoe-rusting 17 Lift Corner / Saamrygeleenthede 18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid en Gesondheid 19 General Service / Algemene Dienste 20 Spyseniering / Catering 21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings 22 Childcare / Kindersorg 23 Music / Musiek 24 Tuition / Onderrig 25 Repairs / Reparasies 26 Garden Services / Tuindienste 27 Nurseries / Kwekerye 28 Transport / Vervoer 29 For Hire / Te Huur 30 Muscellaneous / Allerlei 31 Furniture / Meubels 32 Vehicles / Voertuie 33 Caravans / Woonwaens 34 Motorcycles / Motorfietse 35 Parts / Onderdele 36 TV Services / TV Dienste 37 Employment / Betrekkings 38 Accommodation / Akkomodasie 39 Resorts / Vakansieoord 40 Wanted / Gevra 41 Townhouses / Meenthuise 42 Houses to Rent / Huise te Huur 43 Flats to Rent / Woonstelle te huur 44 For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase 45 Wanted to Rent / Te Huur Gevra 46 Houses for Sale / Huise te Koop 47 Flats for Sale / Woonstelle te Koop 48 Stands for Sale / Erwe te Koop 49 For Sale / Te Koop 50 Businesses / Besighede 01




Personal / Persoonlik

General Services / Algemene Dienste

Catering / Spyseniering

Seeking for employment. I am a stable person with excellent sets of values eg. intergity, honesty, punctuality & reliability. Can work under pressure. Work experience: Teaching,receptionest, secretary, invoicing, wages and typing. Computer skills: windows xp, home, 2000, 1998, excell & word. Contact Leann 011 814 1082 or 071 368 6447. Seeking urgent employment. I am a hard working and people’s person. I thrive working under pressure. Computer skills: Windows 95, Internal Mass (SAPS), Microsoft office. Work experience: Detective Inspector ( Certificates), Risk Loss manager, accident report, disciplinary hearings,control of fleet, drivers and deliveries to customers, installation of network cables and optic fibre. Please contact me Tiaan at 083 458 8939 or 011 814 7968

MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS. Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op versekering panele, Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual&Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddelik. Doen Solar Geysers en “Heatpumps”, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666 / 082 491 9093 / 083 547 4037

D’VINE GARDEN CAFÉ - 18 Van Der Stel str, Nigel. Oop 6 dae per week vanaf 8am - 5pm. Toe op Dinsdae. Verskeie ontbyt en middag etes. * Maandlikse vlooimark, elke laaste Sondag van die maand. * Stalletjies beskikbaar @ R50 per stalletjie (vir adverteer doeleindes). Gratis onthaal area vir kombuistee, baby tee, 21ste, troues en kinderpartytjies. * Perfekte onthaal area vir jou jaareind funksies of Kersfees partytjie. * Spesiale funksie spyskaarte beskikbaar. * Smaaklike “platters” beskikbaar vir enige funksie. * D’Vine verhuur ook versierings uit vir funksies. Linne, breekgoed, eetware, tafels en stoele asook tafellopers. Skakel Marlene vir meer inligting by 011 814 3612. Alternatief kan jy ons besoek op die webwerf by of of op Facebook blad onder D’Vine Functions Café om foto’s te sien van funksies.

I am urgently seeking a job. I am hardworking and honest person. Do have Pastel and Payroll Certificate. Work experiences: carpenter with contract installations, despatcher, spindler, store manager, sales, admin, data capturing, I.T work, supervising of office workers, caretaker and maintenance. Please contact Johan at 079 701 7208.

15 Builders/Building/ Bouers/Bouwerk

BOUWERK, LOODGIETER & VERFWERK Geysers, toilets, drains,

gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. Skakel: 082 646 9928

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599 N.H.B.R.C. Geregistreerd

18 Beauty & Health / Skoonheid & Gesondheid

08 Entertainment / Vermaak

FUNKY JUMPING CASTLES FOR HIRE Contact: Magda 084 461 4151 or Wickus 082 880 4955

FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS!! * Nails * Manicure * Waxing * Pedicure * Tinting * Make-up


* Diet’s Contact: 082 788 5880 (cell) or Tel: 011 814 6269, Nigel

Personal / Persoonlik

Flexi Hours: Monday’s - Friday’s

Dringend opsoek na Mnr K van Zyl. Dit is in verband met gestoorde meubels. Kontak my Mnr Vorster so gou as moontlik by 082 377 1235 Nigel Methodist Church - Centre of Concern Infoline. This FREE Service will assist anyone with contact details of various emergency and social service organisations in the Nigel area. Phone: 071 781 7065. Phone between 07h00 - 19h00, 7 days per week.

Learners Licence Licence PDP Get it fast & easy! Get it in 5 working days! 076 214 0381 SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

19 General Services / Algemene Dienste ROMMEL VERWYDERING / BOOMFELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Felling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Gratis kwotasie. Suikerbos Transport . Skakel Hennie 082 890 9516.

21 Money & Loans / Geld & Lenings “LOANS” U need a loan from R1000 to R100 000. Blacklisted or Garnished are welcome. Please call Thandi 079 469 6868.


Jong dame is dringend opsoek na kantoorwerk. Het eie vervoer en is woonagtig in Nigel. Het ook ondervinding in Pastel. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak nommer Geraldine 083 273 5815

Pets / Troeteldiere

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëlsaad, visse, viskos, koikos, akwariums, hondekos (3 in 1) Avi-Plus produkte. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, meel wurms, hondehokke, hondejassies en honde bedjies. Dae oop per week 9:00 17:00 Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 16:00. Tel: 011 814-4514. By mini Zoo, Noordstraat 132, Nigel.


Up to R150 000. Consolidate Debts. Garnished or Blacklisted. Phone: Yolenda 073 292 7129 or 074 363 4366 36 TV Services / TV Dienste

SPECIAL Granitetops tops **Granite * Bathrooms Kitchens **Kitchens * All Repairs Laminatedflooring flooring **Laminated Contact: 082 471 0916 / 082 637 6963


29 MAY 2012


fully installed to one point. PREMIER COMMUNICATIONS (016) 341 2233 / 082 417 7149 41 B Voortrekker weg, Heidelberg

MEDICAL PLANS From R300 that refunds un-used benefits. For more information please phone: 086 111 1254 Includes insurance products underwritten by Resolution Insurance Company Limited. FSP No: 13888

LAUNDRY MATE For a professional LAUNDRY service, contact Laundry Mate at 011 814 3597 or 072 511 4366. Domestic & Corporate, including Curtians, Table Cloths, Blankets, Comforters, ect. 20% discount for Pensioners on Wednesdays. Collect and deliver in Nigel/Heidelberg town area.


Stationer’s 2 General Dealers, 12 Hendrik Verwoerd street. Tel: 011 814 7923 Fax: 011 814 7924


Invoice books, Quotation books, Statement books, Etc. Etc Copiers, Printers, Laptops, Small electrical appliances, Heaters, Etc.

37 Employment / Betrekking VAKATURE BESKIKBAAR: Shape & Style, Nigel is dringend op soek na ‘n netjiese gekwalifiseerde naeltegnikus. Verdere skoonheids ondervinding sal ook ‘n aanbeveling wees. Skakel 011 814 5976 of 082 552 9158 vir ‘n onderhoud. “Vacancies for Sales Reps, and internal sales positions in the Metal Industry within Nigel. Please fax, or e-mail a short CV with contactable references to 086 512 8859 or Basic salary plus commission negotiable.”

43 Flats for Rent / Woonstelle te Huur

20 Catering / Spyseniering RUMOURS RESTAURANT: For professional catering of all events. Weddings, Parties, Spitbraais, Platters and Potjies. Nothing too big or -small. Your venue or ours. Phone Piet at 011 814 1428 / 072 470 2187. TO HIRE: Cutlery, crockery, large selection of table cloths, overlays, tables and chairs etc. Phone Sonnette 082 926 1515

“ Te Huur” Heidelberg. Eenman woonstel. Netjies, veilig & sentraal. Water en ligte ingesluit. Plus deposito. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Junie. R1775 pm. Skakel 082 552 7821






For Sale / Te Koop / Plotte & Plase

Businesses / Besighede

TE KOOP: GROOT WINSKOOP R750 000 OF NAASTE AANBOD. Bothasgeluk Kleinhoewe te koop met dubbelstorie huis. Mooi groot onthaal area, 4 slaapkamers, kombuis, eetkamer, Tv kamer, 2 badkamers, dubbel garage. Lapa met braai area. Moenie aan die slaap gevang word nie. Skakel Mitchell 082 920 3148

49 For Sale / Te Koop Te koop: Dell Computer. Skakel Annatjie by 072 254 2945 Te koop: 2 Pragtige Jack Russel hondjies beskikbaar, kortbeen en korthaar, amper 8 weke oud. Eet pille en drink water self. 1 Reuntjie en 1 tefie. Nog nie gespuit nie, kan gereel word. Bel/sms asb vir foto. R500 elk. Skakel Jaco 083 655 2346.

50 Businesses / Besighede R&I Afslaers, 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011 740 0477 / 011 744 3544. Nuwe tyres, puncture repairs, fitting, balancing & new valves. Vir u tyre behoeftes skakel Ivan vir ‘n kwotasie. SUPER MEUBELS: Waar anders as Schoemanstr 42 , Heidelberg. Tel: 016 341 4445. Staalrakke, Divan matrasse net R50, AFSLAG op sitkamer en eetkamerstelle, ou Hout meubels, goeie 2de handse meubels, bar yskassies net R650, storieboeke Afr/ Eng, piewarmers, industrial toasters, Pine bunkerbed met matrasse, beddens, los ronderug stoele, baba items, SHAMPOE EN SKEERROOM, staal kombuiskaste, AFRICANA OSSEWA’S & PERDE vir versamelaars, en natuurlik Nuwe kar, Bakkie & Taxi tyres. - Super groete.

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29 MAY 2012

RENSBURG - R680 000 ONDERHANDELBAAR Netjiese meenthuis in klein sekuriteitskompleks te koop. 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer met bad en stort, oopplan leefarea, privaat erf, toesluit motorhuis en onderdak parkering. Kontak 084 556 5971

29 MAY 2012



A football club with a long history Groot vangste 93 visse aanwal

The Cambridge Football Club was established in 1930 and only consisted of a senior team, based in Mackenzieville. But over the years the club has experienced continuous growth and now has an u-16 girls’ team plus an u-12 boys’ team, in addition to the senior team. The u-12 and girls’ teams play in the Almac Development League. The u-15 side is playing in the Eastern Local Football Association and the senior team is in the Boksburg Central League. Recently the girls played their first league game against Rising Stars. Results from weekend May 19-20. Cambridge FC lose valuable points. The seniors

had a double fixture over the weekend against Boksburg Guild which they won 5-1 and on the following day they drew 1-1 against Boksburg Manchester United. Cambridge are the present champions of the BCFA. The juniors u-15 played “Sister Monica” (Swallows) in Benoni and it proved to be the most difficult match of the season. CFC lost 4-3. The girls lost 4-0 against Totaham and the u-12 team won their match against Nigel Stars 4-3. New players are welcome and interested people should contact Errol on 082 418 7142 for details about club membership.

Heidelberg Suikerbosrand Hengelklub se jongste maandelikse byeenkoms het ‘n paar mooi visse opgelewer. Die gootste visse vir Senior Mans was gevang deur J. Goosen, Karp, 4,817 kg wat ook die grootste vis vir die dag was, H. Buys, Gras Karp, 3,159 kg, N Taljaard, Moddevis, 1,278 kg, A/ Conradie, Grootbek Geelvis, 1,707 kg en N. Taljaard, Kleinbek Geelvis, 1,026 kg. Onder die Meesters het die grootste visse gegaan aan S. Goosen, Karp, 1,162 kg, G. Joubert, Gras Karp, 0,841 kg, S Goosen Moddervis, 10.12 kg, en M. Khan, Baer, 2,944 kg. Die grootste visse vir Dames het gegaan aan B. Buys, Karp, 0,944 kg en I. Goosen, Moddervis, 0,78 kg. Onder die Juniors het die gootste Karp gegaan aan M. Taljaard, 1,585 kg, die grootste Moddervis aan R. Khan, 1,393 kg en die grootste Moddervis aan M. Taljaard, 0,457 kg. Die Penkoppe se grootste visse was gevang deur Z Hanekom, Karp, 0,774 kg en B. Bester, Moddervis, 0,578 kg.

Balfour Hengelklub het op 5 Mei 2012 by Peche altesame 93 visse gevang toe 35 hengelaars ‘n totale massa van 36,706 kg aangekeer het. Die Senior Wenners was: 1. Frikkie Nel 18 visse (5,538kg), 2. Juan Dercksen 10 visse (1,648 kg) en 3. Bennie Kriel 7 visse (4.044kg) Dames Wenners: 1. Marie Marais 15 visse (7,684kg), 2. Riette Dercksen, 5 visse, (1.846kg) en 3. Sarita Stoltz 3 visse (1,424kg). Junior Wenners: 1. Juanrich Dercksen 10 visse (2,686kg), 2. Sarel Stoltz 4 visse, (4,096kg) en 3. Estiaan de Meyer 2 visse, (1.946kg). Swaarste Karp, Sarel Stoltz, 3,372kg. Swaarste Graskarp, Marie Marais, 1,912kg Swaarste Moddervis, Bennie Kriel, 1.692kg. Swaarste Baber, Bennie Kriel, 0.178kg. Kontak nommers: Lukas 084 757 6058; Jaco 082 323 6284.

Medal winners Some of the members of the Cambridge Football Club. Unika George, Andile Ngema, Thulisile Radebe, Thulisele Khan, Victoria Olifant, Jado Atlee, Zannie Davids, Thuli Kweva Mlungu, Thobilee Olifant, Trudie Harris, Nicky Louw, Qeneva Dhladhla, Raylene Human. Coaches: Ignatius Maphike and D Metsana.

Off-road action coming to Nigel Koepel Club and Roost Racing will be hosting round four of the WOMZA

PRO Social Hengelklub groei PRO Social Hengelklub groei steedPro-Social Hengelklub se ledetal het met nog sewe gegroei en die maand kompetisie op 14 Mei was by Tago, Vaaldam op 12 en 13 Mei 2012 gehou. Daar was dertig hengelaars wat ‘n totaal van 81 visse (79.65kg) gevang het. “Ons wil graag die nuwe lede in die klub hartlik verwelkom, nl. die Blake gesin van Kempton Park, Mariette Bodenstein en dogter van Benoni en Renaldo Bekker van Brakpan,” sê die klub. Die volgende maandkompetisie is op 9 en 10 Junie 2012 by Wilgedraai,Vaaldam. Belangstellendes kan die volgende persone skakel: Willie Goosen 0824159847 of Andre Kruger 0834112341.

At the All Goju SA Championships held on May 19 at the Portugese Hall in Johannesburg, the following students won medals. Back: Ashley Pratt (bronze for Kumite), Nkozi Manyathela (gold for Kata & Kumite), Illze Pratt (bronze for Kumite). Front: David Lotter (bronze for Kumite) and Muhammed Asmal (bronze for Kata). They practice at the Goju Rya Karate with Sensei Amanda and Sensei Nico. Pieter Groenewaldt snr. van Springs het die derde plek vir mans met vier visse van 4.93 kg ingeneem; Andre ruger van Brakpan, tweede mans, twaalf visse, 18,80 kg; Theuns Goosen van Boksburg eerste plek mans, vyftien visse, 18,60 kg; Fanie Muller, vier visse, 4,23 kg; Pieter Groenewaldt jnr van Springs, eerste plek juniors, vier visse, 4.28 kg; Leon Venter jnr. van Kempton Park , tweede plek juniors, vyf visse 2,13 kg; Lizl Goosen van Springs, tweede plek dames, vier visse, 3,29 kg; Maria Goosen van Boksburg, eerste plek dames, vier visse, 5,28 kg. Andre Kruger het ook die spesie vir die naweek gewen – ‘n Karp van 3,61 kg.

Heidelberg: 23 Schoeman Str TEL: 016 341 2187 / 8 FAX: 016 341 6702




29 MAY 2012

Sport Wraakgevegte in bokskryt wag vir gewondes! Anton Nel van Nigel Boxing Fitness Centre se span amateurs sal op 30 Junie in ‘n opwindende amateurboks byeenkoms van tien gevegte by die Italiaanse Klub te sien wees om geld vir ‘n kinderhuis in Nigel in te samel. “Ek wil graag in die gemeenskap terugploeg,” sê Nel. Dit is ‘n eerste vir Nigel. Nel se dogter ZaneLee Nel, sal aan haar eerste geveg deelneem. Nel is ’n voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Professionele Swaargewigkampioen en boksafrigter van Nigel Boxing Fitness Centre wat hy twee jaar gelede geopen het. Sy stal boksers het uitgebrei om twee professionele boksers en nege amateurboksers in te sluit. Hy en sy twee professionele boksers is op 20 Julie in aksie by die Birchwoord Konferensie-sentrum in Boksburg waar Anton sal probeer om die huidige swaargewigkampioen, Wiseman Ndlovu uit die kussings te lig. Ndlovu het die vorige geveg gewen. Devan Beckam sal in ‘n swaargewig geveg en Goodwill Majola in ‘n Lig Weltergewig geveg betrokke wees. Maar Anton en ‘n vennoot het ‘n derde

Goodwill Majola

Bevan Beckman

gevegsafdeling op die been gebring. Michael Stoltz en hy het die “Rolling Thunder Boxing Events” van stapel laat loop. “Dit het niks met amateurboks en die professionele boksers van Nigel Boxing Fitness Centre te doen nie.” Dis sommer net ‘n lekker baklei promosie vir manne in Nigel en Heidelberg wat mekaar wil uitsorteer of wat een of ander wrok wil besleg. “Vir die Rolling Thunder Events pas ons die rondes aan om by die manne se ouderdom te pas. Twee 60-jariges sal bv in drie ronde van ‘n minuut elk sake uitspook, terwyl jonger manne in die fleur van hul lewens, twee minute lank per ronde sal veg. ”Ek nooi die manne wat sake met die vuiste wil besleg om my te bel sodat ons hulle fiks kan kry vir die wraakgevegte,” sê Nel. Nel se passie bly om sy kennis aan jong boksers oor te dra. Die oefeninge is intens en baie fisiek. “Ek twyfel of daar fikser boksers in die land is as myne.” Skakel Anton vir enige navrae by 079-352-1727 of 079-893-4625.

Anton Nel en Michael Stoltz

5Lt Plastic Pink Buckets Tennisball Keep nets Rubberised 2kg Supercast Mieliebom (plain only) 12ft - 2pce Rocket Rod + Bite & Run 5000 B/Feeder Reel + Pioneer Line 600mt

19 Kerk Street, NIGEL - TEL: 011 739 5733

R5 R250 6 Only

R15 R699

WEDNESDAY 30 MAY 2012 9AM SHARP Howard Avenue 011 422 2995/6 BENONI 43(Between Tom Jones & Voortrekker Ave) Terms & Conditions * From10% up to 50% off sale. No discount on above prices * No Reserves * First come first served * No traders * We reserve the right to limit quantities and exceptions * This sale 1 day only - E & OE

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