Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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011 814 7104 50 Springs Road, NIGEL

Closed 25, 26 & 27 December 2016 TEL: 011 814 8614

FAX: 086 751 7998

‘n Geseënde Christusfees word u toegewens. Mag Goeie Gesondheid, Guns en Voorspoed u deel wees in 2017!! Thank you for your royal support!

13 December 2016 VOL 12 NO 24 VIEW ONLINE @

Danger lurking! The Greater Nigel United Peoples Parliament (GRENUPP), parents and pupils are shocked, angered and outraged about the untimely deaths of 2 pupils from the Happiness Primary School in Alra Park, Nigel, only a week apart. On 25 November GRENUPP requested an urgent meeting with the Head Master of the school after these tragic events occurred. Neither Head Master nor School Governing Body acted on the invitation to

meet with GRENUPP. The school didn’t advise the bereaving families to report the deaths to the local SAPD, nor did they alert the Ekurhuleni District Department of Basic Education to immediately intervene and investigate. The public was also not made aware of these incidents. Because of such gross negligence, another pupil fell ill and was hospitalized. Information came to light that the 3 pupils bought snacks from the street vendors, who set up their stalls at the school’s main

entrance every day. One of the grieving parents reported that her child started breathing heavily, was perspiring, vomited only once and complained of severe stomach ache. On 30 November GRENUPP issued a press release stressing that to date none of the affected families were counseled or assisted in any way during this traumatic time by Happiness Primary School. GRENUPP helped the parents to report these deaths and acquired case numbers. If anyone has information pertaining to

these crimes, please contact Constable Plaatjies at the Nigel SAPD. GRENUPP sends its heartfelt condolence to the bereaved families and pray for the speedy recovery of the surviving pupil. Every child dreams of completing primary school. These 2 pupils were robbed of their chance to live that dream. At the time of going to press, no new developments were reported.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427

Rekord Personnel 2016 has been an eventful year, with changes and challenges, some good and some difficult. We aimed at providing interesting and accurate information to you, the reader, to stimulate discussion. This time of year many people create resolutions for the New Year. But keeping them, aren’t that easy. We at the Rekord think that we will remind ourselves about the good things from the past year and focus on the potential a brand-new year brings. How about we leave behind all the stresses and bad times of this past year and clear the way for exciting challenges and pleasures to come. Because if we don’t, we will only exist, and not live to our full potential. The Rekord Personnel wants to thank everyone who supported us unconditionally right through 2016.

Rekord Redaksie Hierdie jaar het ons ‘n verskeidenheid artikels geplaas om ons lesers op hoogte te hou van sake en om nuuskierigheid te wek sodat daar bepeins kan word oor geloof, die lewe, politiek en die tye waarin ons lewe. Met al die veranderings, uitdagings en interessante situasies wat ons in 2016 beleef het, het die tyd gekom om nou te fokus op ‘n ontspannende vakansietyd. Die nuwe jaar bring sy eie uitdagings en soms moet ons buite die gewone raamwerk kyk vir die beste oplossings. Nuwejaars voorneme? Ja, dis n goeie besluit maar sonder selfdissipline en motivering kan dit nooit lewensvatbaar wees nie. Laat elkeen van ons daarna streef om ons naaste te behandel soos wat ons behandel wil word. Laat ons voornemens maak wat passend is vir ons lewensstyl, beroepskeuses, gesins- en geloofslewe. Rekord Redaksie spreek hul dank uit teenoor elkeen wat ons getrou ondersteun het regdeur 2016.

Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R307.74 R370.01



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 68.88 25X25X3 R 92.46 25X25X5 R 149.82 30X30X3 R 110.52 30X30X5 R 184.62 40X40X2 R 106.14 40X40X2.5 R114.54 40X40X3 R 137.76 40X40X5 R 249.00 50X50X4 R 241.86 50X50X5 R 278.28 60X60X6 R 474.48

R 43.86 R 59.04 R 57.30 R 67.74 R 69.06 R 98.22 R129.42 R 92.46 R109.62 R159.12


N/S R62.16 R85.02

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R17.16 R27.96 R45.00 R59.40 R107.04 R204.36


R68.04 R82.20 R86.40 R91.92 R226.08

EXP/METAL 6320C R178.44 6320D R213.18 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R109.38 80MM R143.31

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R486.56 R599.07 R701.10 R811.02 R1117.14 R1528.84 R1900.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R333.00 900mm High R411.00 1.0mt High R436.00 1.2mt High R488.00 1.5mt High R560.00 1.8mt High R644.00 2.0mt High R699.00 2.4mt High R799.00 LOOSE PALES 600mm R14.69 900mm R19.98 1.0mt R21.75 1.2mt R26.11 1.5mt R32.63 1.8mt R39.15 2.0mt R43.50 2.4mt R52.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 527.34 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1027.02 152X76 R1725.18 178X54 R1373.28

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

SQ. TUBE 20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

PIPE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R108.78 R125.22 R145.02 R154.98 R214.98 R239.10 R235.02 R309.96 R379.56

2.0MM R111.24 R159.96 R180.00 R229.02 R280.02 R302.52 R353.04 R378.30 R450.00

1.6MM R2.0MM R80.04 R82.02 R133.98 R154.98 R214.98 R340.02

1.6MM R69.96 R80.04 R125.28 R150.42 R163.02 R199.98 R300.96


R99.78 R136.20 R182.28 R219.00 R290.04 R449.58 R585.00

2.0MM R86.58 R100.02 R175.50 R188.10 R200.70 R250.80 R376.26 R536.28


75X50X20X2 R267.20 R376.77 100X50X20X2 R257.52 R392.50 125X50X20X2 R306.96 R467.86 150X50X20X2 R301.74 R459.91 175X50X20X2 R312.54 R476.37 200X50X20X2 R323.34 R495.88 DURA CONDO ACDC Welding Rods 5kg 2.5mm 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack & battery free R3023.28 R112.75

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R55.96 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R66.03 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R84.02 CORR 0.3MM FH R34.50

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R230.98 R243.20 R426.51 R724.70 R1454.29

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



Dodging rates Simfonéa huldig 70 jariges

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


13 DECEMBER 2016

The Sedibeng ANC Regional Office, based at 31 Senator Marks avenue in Vereeniging is knee-deep in debt with the Emfuleni Local Municipality. In response to a DA question, Cooperative Governance MEC, Paul Mashatile, revealed that the ANC owes R614 199.37 in rates and taxes - which are in arrears to the municipality. This comes as the ANCrun municipality contracted a debt collection agency to the tune of R157 million earlier this year to track down residents for non-payment on their municipal bills. The ANC clearly has double standards. It cannot pay its own bills, to its own municipality. It’s a disgrace that the ANCrun municipality ignores its own structures debt whilst hunting down others to pay up. The ANC is not an indigent organization, it has a responsibility to pay for the services it makes use of. The DA will follow this matter and ensure that the ANC pays its outstanding rates and taxes.


LOANS FROM R100.00 only 25% INTEREST

016 341 2892 076 978 9633

074 608 6025


Twee belangrike datums in die geskiedenis van Simfonéa Gemeente op Heidelberg wat vanjaar nie vergeet sal word nie was Saterdag, 26 November en Sondag, 4 Desember. Dr Gideon van Rhyn gevestig in Australië was die aanbieder op Saterdag, waartydens ‘n informele deurdag sang- en musiekfees plaasgevind het. Gideon, sy vrou Hester en hul seun Adriaan gaan tans tuis by familie in Suid Afrika. Daar was musiek gemaak en gesing en selfs die groep ‘Die Bassonians’ wat ‘n rukkie gelede ontbind het, het saam opgetree onder klavierbegeleiding van André Hanekom. Prof Jan Hattingh van die AGS Bybelkollege het ‘n spreekbeurt gehad. Sophia Cilliers het ‘n kerskeurspel op die klavier uitgevoer waartydens die gehoor heerlik saamgesing het. Nia Stander het ‘n voordrag en sangnommer gelewer waarna die van Rhynfamilie die ou bekende ’as die rol daar afgelees word’ saamgesing het. Aangesien daar soveel van ons lede en vriende hierdie jaar 70 jaar en ouer geword het, het die gemeente ‘n spesiale Sondagdiens op die 4de Desember ter ere van hierdie bejaardes gereël. Daar was nie slegs hulde gebring aan hierdie sowat 12 seniorburgers met hul 70 plus jare nie, maar die gemeente was ook getrakteer op musiek en sang deur hierdie klompie stryders. Ongeveer 5 professionele musikante van heinde en ver wat onder andere saksefoon, kitaar, orrel en klavier speel het tot laatmiddag musiek gemaak. Vriende, jonk en

oud is vermaak met gewyde tot opgewekte gospelliedere. Die gemeente het gesorg vir heerlike middagete, asook verversings om van te kies en keur. Manne soos John Hanekom wat die Hammond orrel bespeel, Rudolf Cilliers en George Friend met saksefone, Ivor Shannon met sy kitaar en Betsie van Rhyn op klavier was ‘n fees vir die oor. Die Woordbediening was waargeneem deur Dale van Rhyn met sy tema ‘ Die Here ons Helper’. Die kern van sy boodskap was dat Vader self tot in die dae van ons latere ouderdom ons helper is. Die gedagte aan so ‘n 70’s fees het by Pastoor Phillip van Rhyn posgevat toe hy en andere tot die besef gekom het hoeveel persone gedurende die 1940’s gebore is en steeds aktief op geestelike vlak betrokke is by een of ander organisasie of gemeente. ‘n Aantal van hulle kom al vir baie jare saam en sommige speel as groep vir meer as 50 jaar saam. Hul onderskeie passie is steeds om gematigde bekende en gevestigde gospelmusiek te behou en dit in sy oorspronklike styl en bekoring te speel en aan te bied. Dit is uiteraard ook deel van SIMFONÉA se doel. Dit was ‘n onvergeetlike dag in die lewe van hierdie baba-gemeente. Persone wie meer inligting oor die gemeente wil hê is welkom om ons te besoek. Ons hou elke Sodag om 10vm ons weeklikse erediens. U is welkom om met ons te gesels. Ons kerkadres is 26 Spruytstraat Heidelberg en ons kontaknommer is 079 762 5545. Oud en jonk is hartlik welkom!

Pastoor Phillip en Betsie van Rhyn regs voor saam met ‘n paar van die 70’s vriende op die stoep van die SIMFONÉA-saal na afloop van die diens.

Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,


13 DECEMBER 2016



Fokus op verkeersteken en verkeerslig wat gevaar inhou vir motoriste!

Die toegee-teken op die hoek van Van der Stelstraat en 4de Laan, Nigel, is een van die kruisings met die meeste ongelukke. Motoriste neig om uit haastigheid die toegeeteken te ignoreer. Vierde Laan dra hoë volume verkeer soggens en smiddae. Dit is van kardinale belang dat elke motoris spoed verminder waar daar ‘n toegee-teken in sig is en soms ook ten volle tot stilstand moet kom. Stop motoriste voor die onderbroke lyn, soos aangedui op foto links bo kan hul geensins sien of daar aankomende verkeer is nie. Eers nadat jy halfpad oor die onderbroke lyn is kan jy bepaal of daar ander voertuie is of al dan nie. Ongeag of verkeer vanaf die sirkel in 4de Laan of vanaf die ander rigring kom kan jy self ook nie sien of dit veilig is om oor te steek nie. As resultaat sien die motoriste mekaar net-net te laat en dit is waar die groot misverstand inkom en so word die een ongeluk na die ander veroorsaak. Sal die oplossing nie ‘n STOPTEKEN wees nie en nog meer kan ons plaaslike munisipaliteit nie toesien dat die bome gesnoei word sodat dit veilig vir almal is nie.

Verkeerslig dui Rooi

Verkeerslig dui Groen

Die verkeerslig op die hoek van Heidelbergweg, R42 en Rhodes Laan, Nigel veroorsaak groot verwarring onder motoriste. Hierdie verkeerslig hou ‘n gevaar in vir almal. Die verskeerslig vanaf Pretoriusstad dui onder groen en bo rooi. Die boonste lig is totaal en al uit sy posisie uit en hang op genade aan ‘n draadjie. Padverbuikers word gemaan om duidelik op te let na die sigbare lig op die onderste verkeerslig. Die hangende verkeerslig reguleer die verkeer op die R42 vanaf Heidelberg. Hoe weet motoriste op watter verkeerslig om ag te slaan? Sal jy die kans waag en kyk wat doen die motor voor jou? Of sal ons as gemeenskap by die munisipaliteit pleit om voor die feesseisoen dit te herstel, voordat dit lewens eis. Inwoners van Nigel en omgewing word gemaan om nie werkende verskeersligte onmiddelik aan te meld. Dit sal verhoed dat onnodige ongelukke plaasvind. Kom ons as gemeenskap staan saam om die veiligheid van die publiek te verseker. Hierdie is die seisoen waartydens meeste lewens op ons paaie geeis word. Vir alle motoriste op ons paaie ry versigtig, hou by spoedgrense. Neem ander motoriste in ag.

SALON Nails Beauty & Massage

079 777 0588 Monthly Specials Day Packages Gift Vouchers Pamper Parties

29 Second Ave, NIGEL 011 814 4368/9



13 DECEMBER 2016

Going Green and saving on Blue Reduce, reuse, recycle Let’s get real and honest about the way we have been treating Mother Nature, because Father Time showed us the damage we’ve caused. Interested in reducing your carbon footprint? How can we be pro-active in solving our current water, electricity and waste problems and prevent further ruin? Let us try to think outside the box and look at current options available. A Major contributor in this regard (in the cycle of Waste Management, Recycling with a database of drop off points for Recyclers, Collections, and Buy Back Centers) is My Waste who has devised a Widget (System) for the Waste handling in South Africa. This Widget with an up to date database on Drop off points, Recyclers and Buy Back Centers. This has dynamically changed the face of Waste Control and made it easy for Corporate Businesses and households to dispose of the waste and keeping the load on land filling under control. The Widget lists the various waste products and gives a list of Drop off Points, Recyclers and Buy Back Centers in the areas being searched. The database is kept up to date on a quarterly basis. Interested parties can register on the My Waste Website free of charge to be listed in the database of the Widget. A number of Corporate Businesses have bought into this concept (The Widget) with PnP 1St Choice and Danone just to mention a few. This Widget System is widely used in South Africa and countries like Namibia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Kenya showing good interest in subscribing to it. Africa (and the world) needs to go GREEN

and buy into keeping the environment clean and saving Mother Nature. My Waster with its sister companies (My Waste Products and Impex Dynamic Supplies) knows the worth of this, accepted the challenge having a focused interest and involvement. In its quest supporting a clean environment by recycling and avoiding the frustration of landfills disposing of the waste, the team at My Waste believes the “Separation at Source” is the way to go. This means that the Corporate Business world and households be educated on recycling and also be given the means to simplify the system of recycling easing the burden on landfills. This has brought about the “EVOLVING” of the Bin Separator which is fitted to the Wheelie Bin. The garbage bag is fitted over the Bin Separator (Two Bin Separators per Wheelie Bin) and one is used for Recyclable waste (Paper, bottles, plastic etc.) with the other bag for NonRecyclable material. This is Separation at Source. The logistics of waste control is now simplified and landfills will no longer be cluttered with the waste that can be recycled. This could well be enforced by Waste Management in 2017. The Bin Separator is available from Impex Dynamic Supplies and interested parties can contact Gemaê on +27 71 677 2676 or Stan on +27 79 514 9165. Parties interested in the “WIDGET” and the inclusion in the database can have further discussion with the team at My Waste and Impex Dynamic Supplies (Mark Gibson, Gemaê or Stan).

Green Start small. Ease into recycling by setting up a simple system. An example is to keep paper and plastic products in bags next to your dustbin which will make separation of recyclables effortless. Even if you begin with just one material, like paper, and later add cans and plastic, you will make a difference to already overflowing landfills. Informal recyclers recover much of this material from dustbins and landfill sites. This is not ideal, firstly from the point of view of the health and safety of the recyclers. Also, because the recyclable material is contaminated with other waste. 1. Did you know you can recycle computers and other technical equipment? 2. Drop off cans, paper, and plastic at recycling centers mostly situated at community centers, schools or shopping centers. 3. Switch from normal light bulbs or energy efficient bulbs to LED bulbs. You will save on electricity costs. 4. Use your computer as an energy source for USB LED lights, USB desk fans, USB cup warmers. These will make great Christmas gifts too. 5. There are several companies who purchase cans, paper and plastic per ton from the public. So, a possible source of income. 6. Try to be creative with the things you have around the house to make articles you can sell. 7. Use 2L soda bottles to create hanging gardens on your walls for vegetables 8. Fluorescent tubes must also be recycled. 9. Fertilize gardens with crushed egg shells and bagless rooibos tea to put muchneeded calcium & minerals back into the soil. 10. Take your car-, truck- or penlite batteries to any Battery Centre. 11. By folding juice or long life milk containers you save space.

The material should be clean and sorted into the different grades to ensure the best possible price per kg is received. Glass recycling @ Picanha Plastic, Paper, Shrinkwrap, Tetrapak (long life milk and juice containers) @ CocaCola depot in Nigel

Blue There has been some talk about methods to save water when in fact we should look at the use of gray water (relatively clean waste water from baths, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances). 1. Use the gray water by connecting the washing machine outlet hose to a regular garden hose, relaying the water to your garden. You’ll need a washing machine outlet hose, 1x insert adapter 20mm diameter, 1x coupling, 1x hose clamp and a garden hose. Parts can be purchased at any hardware store and will cost you about R40. 2. Place a bucket at the far end of the rain gutter to collect rainwater. 3. Experts confirmed to minimize pool water evaporation, cover your pool with bubble wrap. 4. Fill a small bucket with water to wash your hands instead of opening the tap every time. 5. Use only 1 cup of water to brush your teeth and rinse your toothbrush afterwards. 6. When you shower place a bucket in the shower to collect clear water. 7. To prevent geyser damage always bath or shower early so that there is sufficient time left for the geyser to fill up again.

Drop off at recycling stations in Nigel Picanhu Restaurant, 50 Springs road, Nigel. CCSB Coca Cola, 1 Kern Street, Prosperita Industrial Site, Nigel. Battery Centre, cnr Kerk & Heidelberg Weg. Anyone with the recyclable material is welcome to bring their recyclables to the buy-back centers.

Go Green @ Picanha only for glass.

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

13 DECEMBER 2016



A massive breakthrough The opening of a huge volume of 50 mega litres to our excisting capacity which assist us a great deal in water purification took place in an extension at the Welgedacht wastewater treatment plant in Springs last week. Ekurhuleni leaders congratulate the Board and Management of ERWAT for the excellent work they have done in this regard. In celebrating achievements like this, we normally forget to pay tribute to the men and women who tirelessly worked to fulfil such great objectives. This project has taken quite a long time to be completed. The planning alone for this important work began some 8 years ago. Our institutions have spent a staggering R590 million over a period of four years. This project is important for our water supply in Ekurhuleni especially in light of the National crisis of drought and water shortages. Indeed, we have every right to be excited these days because we have seen some rain, which has increased the capacity of our dams tremendously. Although not enough, the recent downpours have given us hope that indeed there is light at the end of the tunnel. As a City we view our increased water treatment capacity as a massive step towards drawing every drop of available water back into the system – because we understand the water situation the country faces and the need to improve our water recycling infrastructure in order to respond effectively to the growing water scarcity challenge.

Ekurhuleni Councillor Mzwandile Masina brings to attention some thoughts that came with the recent floods from last month. The heavy rainfalls that came left us with serious floods that destroyed public infrastructure and private homes. They also led to losses of human life in our region and other parts of the province like Johannesburg. In part that situation brought about questions regarding our drainage infrastructure and the capacity to minimise the negative effects of floods. Furthermore, we need to urgently put plans in place to improve our systems for rainwater harvesting, especially the channeling of the water that runs on the surface into purification systems that would later channel this water back into households and industry. As we battle the problem of a general drought with the low levels of water reserves in our dams, we have to seriously work on alternative water solutions. Water recycling and treatment needs crucial intervention. Secondly our principle as a municipality is to promote value for money. The successful extension of our water treatment plant will therefore go a long way to upholding this principle as we will have 50 additional Mega Litres of water pumped into the existing 35 Mega Litres per day. This is an important achievement in pursuit of sustainable water supply. Water is important for household consumption and the functionality of businesses. In actual fact, the average man carries 40 litres of water in his system all the time – hence the cliché that water is life. While we as human beings need water for survival, our ambitions for industrial development and economic growth also need secure, stable and clean water supply just as much as we need electricity. Furthermore, the work that went into this

project also achieved the important task of skilling local labor. In this regard, 203 labourers, sourced from the local community of Ekurhuleni, were trained in basic skills related to the construction and engineering of water facilities. It helps in creating a workforce that can and should be reliable in infrastructure maintenance in our water systems. Our capacity to provide sustainable clean water solutions also requires the creation of a labor force with relevant skills in f ixing and improving our water infrastructure. ERWAT has proven that our agencies have a critical role to play in improving the socio-economic conditions of our people. Although their primary mandate is to provide clean water to the region, they also have an obligation to provide expanded employment and training opportunities to the youth of our region.

As we move forward in the battle the protect this precious mineral called water, one of the most important aspects we need to improve is public education about the national water crisis and its implications for us as a region. We must also impress on our people the need for all of us as communities to use water sparingly. This is because water recycling and treatment are part of the broad strategy of water conservation, which must start at the level of the household and communities. However, although this is major intervention towards water security, it can all come to naught if our communities continue to use water carelessly. The provision of water to our people is part of the non-negotiable priorities of this government. This means that we must all work together to build capacity for water provision.

Kingstan Kingstan Apteek Apteek Mag ‘n Geseënde, Gesonde lewenslustige 2017 u deel wees. ‘n Feestelike & Veilige Feesseisoen word u toegewens.

Dankie vir u getroue ondersteuning

011 814 8101 / 814 8179 56 Hendrik Verwoerd Str. NIGEL GOOD HEALTH PHARMACY

Cnr Heidelberg & Kerk Street NIGEL

Enjoy your Festive Season It remains our commitment to ensure that we maintain our water quality, which has in the past consistently met the SANS 241 standards, thereby maintaining our Platinum Blue Drop award status – which is an indication that that the Department of Water Affairs is satisfied with the quality of water, the risk management, the management commitment, asset management and the operations systems of our water and sanitation business.

‘n Skitterende 2017 aan almal


Geseënde Christusfees aan elkeen. Voorspoed vir 2017

Dankie vir u ondersteuning!

We specialise in Meat Rolls unique for this Festive Season

Vir Beste Kwaliteit & Puik Diens.



13 DECEMBER 2016


Wholesale / Retail Cars by Mr. H Riaan Hamman 082 552 2671

011 739 5760

‘n Feestyd vol verrassings en

Ons wens u ‘n ware Christusfees toe.

‘n opwindende 2017 word u toegewens

‘n Nuwe Jaar met wonderlike vooruitsigte.

Dankie vir u volgehoue ondersteuning

Johan Stoltz 078 338 3833

Ferrybridge 9, Ferryvale Shopping Centre. NIGEL

Elrey Dagsorg ‘n Genotvolle Feestyd aan almal. ‘n Skitterende 2017! Dankie vir u ondersteuning!


3, Aloe Arcade, 71 Hendrik Verwoerd St, Nigel, 1490

Close 23 Dec - 4 Jan ,17 Prosperous 2017 .Thank You for your Support

011 814 3193 / 082 764 9873 Christmas is in the air..... Have a Merry one. All the best for the New Year. Thank you for your support.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Successful 2017 to all

TEL: 011 814 4295

101 Northern Road, Nigel

(016) 341-2795 h/v 57 AG Visser straat, Rensburg, HEIDELBERG

Geseënde kersfees en Voorspoed vir 2017 van almal by Reinhardt Transport Groep.

Mag u ‘n vrugvolle Feestyd geniet en‘n voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar beleef 011 739 4748 076 110 8293

Geseënde feesseisoen Baie dankie vir U ondersteuning

Phone: 016 340 4600

Trading Hours : Mon - Fri 08:00 to 16-30 Sat - Sun 08:00 to 13:30 The Angelo Mall

17 Van Riebeeck, Nigel

Eddie : 073 045 7992 Andre: 083 635 2515 Beste Wense vir die Feesseisoen. Dankie vir al u ondersteuning

Yummy Kitchen Restaurant

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 016 349 2971

011 814 - 6430 110 North Str. Nigel

Geseënde Kerstyd & ‘n Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar BLESSED CHRISTMAS

13 DECEMBER 2016



TJ Industrial & Hardware Supplies

Thank you for your support Have a blessed festive season 56 Merz Merz street, street, 56 Heidelberg Heidelberg

110 Noord Street, Nigel

Geseënde Kersfees en Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar Office Cell : 079 612 4532

TEL: 011 814 5318, 011 739-5738 email:

Have a blessed Festive Season.

Thank you for your support.

71 Northern Rd, Nigel 011 814 5598

011 814 4809 Thank you for your support during 2016. Wimpy Nigel will be closed on 25 Dec 2016 & wil close @ 15h00 on 24 & 31 Dec 2016. OPEN 1 Jan 2017

‘n Geseënde Feesseisoen word u toegewens A New Year full of Suprises to Everyone

FERRYVALE FERRYVALE APTEEK APTEEK Geseënde Christusfees Mag jy in hierdie Feesgety weer opnuut bewus raak van die onvoorwaardelike Liefde van ons Vader en die Koningskind.

Blessed Christmas During this Festive Season, may you be reminded of the unconditional Love of God and His Son.


TEL: 011 814 3231 011 814 5212 25 Beverly str. Ferryvale, NIGEL



13 DECEMBER 2016

Festive message from the executive mayor We have come to the end of the year 2016. As usual, there were ups and downs in various aspects of our lives, but fortunately, by God’s grace, we live to see another day. Many lost their loved ones through the criminal violence that continues unabated. Many more lost their homes and their priced possessions in many different ways including the recent flash floods. Abject poverty, hopelessness, joblessness and inequality continue to pummel our people. Christmas should be a time of joy, when families come together to celebrate the festive season, while, New Year gives us time to look forward with hope and resolution. Gone are the days when we had no reason to celebrate and little to look forward to in the year ahead due to the atrocities that characterized our struggle for liberation. Twenty-two years into our democracy we have every right to appreciate this hard earned freedom and join the rest of the peoples of the world in participating in the festivities that go with the festive season as a free, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, just and prosperous country. Let us use the festive break to relax and recharge our batteries so that when we come back in the new year – we are better

individuals with the necessary energy to do better that we did this year. As we close this year we must continue to open our minds and hearts to the struggles of others. The Christmas break must not disconnect us from the spirit of our work. Instead, it must reconnect us with our communities and remind us that we live to serve them. All of us must know and internalize the idea that a life of service to others is worth more than a life of selfishness. The book of Corinthians 9:7 says: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” To those of us our people who will be hitting the road to various destinations either to visit family or on holiday, we wish you a safe journey. Remember that speed and fatigue kill. Adhere to the rules of the road and be patient with other road users. Allow me on behalf of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality to wish you all a joyous, peaceful Christmas, and a very happy New Year. Let us all come back in 2017 oozing with confidence and energy to continue making our city a better place to stay, work and play.

Yours in Governance. Cllr Mzwandile Masina

Feestelike samesyn by Picanha

Personeel en inwoners hier gesellig saam by die feestelike kerstafels.

Van links Ida, Gail, Andries en Annalien saam oom Koos. Oom Koos Grobbelaar het sy 92ste verjaarsdag gevier op 7 Desember. Oom Koos is vanaf September 2002 al ‘n inwoner van Goue Jare, waar hy homself versorg. Oom Koos wat bevoorreg om sy verjaarsdag saam met sy kinders, kleinkinders en agter kleinkinders te geniet. Hulle het almal saam by Picanha gekuier waar Goue Jare Aftree Oord se inwoners dan ook hul kersete gevier het.

Senior Burgers van Goue Jare Aftree Oord in Nigel almal hier hard besig om die lekker voorbereide disse op te skep tydens hul kersete op 7 Desember vanjaar. Hulle was almal eens dat dit ‘n baie spesiale dag was en die geregte van die hoogste gehalte. Tafels was keurig gedek vir die spesiale geleentheid. Daar was ‘n gesellige atmosfeer en almal kyk uit na die volgende geleentheid om so saam te kuier.

13 DECEMBER 2016



Feestyd jolyt! Suspects arrested

Ten suspects were arrested for various offences ranging from possession of nyaope, dagga, heroin, drunk and driving, drinking in public and illegal immigrants. Suspects were arrested at Kort and Bree Street, Rensburg suburb, Shalimar Ridge and central business district. Arrested suspects will appear in Heidelberg Magistrate Court.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

Piping Plante and Tubing

Closed 23 Dec. 2016 & Open 9 Jan. 2017 PIPE 6M




12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R105.00 20X20 ... R89.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R162.00 32X32 ... R148.00 ..... R203.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R242.00 50X50 ... R242.00 ..... R325.00 76X76 ... R379.00 ..... R498.00 100X100 ................... R649.00

20MM .... R82.00 25MM .... R98.00 ....... 32MM .... R143.00 ..... 38MM .... R169.00 ..... 50MM .... R231.00 ..... 76MM .... R338.00 .....

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R70.00p/m Cut to size


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00




75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00


FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R74.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R 100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R49.00 12MM ........ R71.00



267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

R118.00 R204.00 R236.00 R325.00 R460.00

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00


38x20 .... R154.00 ..... R182.00 38x25 .... R165.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R176.00 ..... R256.00 50x38 .... R242.00 ..... R312.00 76x38 .... R264.00 ..... R391.00 76x50 .... R350.00 ..... R434.00 100X50 ..................... R515.00

Kleuters vier kerspartytjie. Elrey Dagsorg se kleuters het op 2 Desember groot pret gehad met lekkernye om van te kies en keur. Elsie van Eldrey Dagsorg het vir die kleuters ‘n springkasteel gekry om hierdie partytjie pretvol te maak en die jaar op n hoë noot af te sluit.




Terms & Conditions apply

R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00





Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 PETS / TROETELDIERE

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP: Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. Hondekos . Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, krieke, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Kaarte welkom. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:00, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL


LAUNDRY MATE Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, Wall to Wall Carpets and Laminated Flooring. No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 016 349 5052 or 082 738 1441

REFRIGERATION/AIR CONS NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 7011 946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL. FURNITURE / MEUBELS SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS “ A MASSIVE lot of 2nd hand & old wooden furniture, including NEW Siestabasesets with a 5 year service warranty, prices from R1395 - NEW tyres cash&carry, ALL under one roof.....”

13 DECEMBER 2016


D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed


ANCIENT DAYS COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs. TO RENT / TE HUUR OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Small business/office space available to rent in safe complex close to SAP and SARS , in Hendrik Verwoerd Street, Nigel. Contact 082 881 2481.

H/V HOSPITAAL & HF VERWOERDSTRAAT HEIDELBERG Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544


SteakMasters - Good times last forever... 41 Strydom Str, Heidelberg. 016 341 3222. B&B Rooms available @ R550pn. Including light breakfast/ dinner. Rooms available from R3500pm. Fully furnished & services, aircon, Wifi, DSTV. All included in the rate. FOR SALE / TE KOOP

Farm fresh chickens Christmas special on chickens @ R35.99kg. for delivery contact Louise 082 753 5787.

N & M Automotive Services 93 Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg (next to Total Garage). TEL: 060 631 1165. Repairs & services on all makes of Tractors, Cars, Bakkies, Trucks. Quality workmanship on all work done. WENDY’S

AG Wendys: Nice wendy’s from palletwood & Log homes. We deliver to your place. We also treated the wendy with waxoil for water proofing. Contact Tonwell 076 282 0789.


Walk the Bible - Walk through the Bible kurses, vir n jaar, begin in Nigel vanaf Woensdag 1 Februarie 2017. Aangebied deur Ilse van Dijk van Heidelberg. Alle belangstellendes kan Rita Lubbe kontak 011 814 6628/063 698 1066.

Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 (

Storeman / Handy man: You MUST have the following to qualify : Code 8 and own transport. Forklift license or at least 5 years provable experience.Experience in the steel industry. NON SMOKER with Sober habits. NO Criminal record. References from previous employments. NO CHANCERS. IF YOU ARE NOT CONTACTED, YOU WERE UNSUCCESSFUL.Position available from January 2017. SEND CV TO

For sale: R60 000 cash 2010 Metallic blue Renault Sandero Cup 1.6. On-board computer, electric front windows, aircon, mags, new tires, central locking, face-off radio is USB and Aux compatible, backseats divides 60/40, big boot space, 159 500km.

Contact Hester on 082 307 8418 only if you have the funds available Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

NEEM KENNIS Indien jy nie die Rekord elke 2de Dinsdag ontvang nie gaan haal hom af by ons kantoor of Spar in jou area OTK, Rensburg 24 & MEATWORLD

13 DECEMBER 2016


Leiers vir 2017

Laerskool Hannes Visagie se skolierpatrollie vir 2017 is as volg aangewys. Agter van links is Marinique Goosen, Nathan Müller, Anja Lourens, Vicky Smit, Francois Liebertrau, Crisandi Wessels, Dillan Pachonick en Conrad van Staden. Middel van links is Marnus Smith, Nicholas Coetsee, Zandré Marais, Diané van Rooyen, Janco Coetzer, Harald v.d. Merwe, Steaan v.d. Venter, Caleb Williams en Duncan Spence. Voor van links is Jaco v.d. Nest, Arno Jacobs, Juandré Erasmus, Henry Harris, Juavan Prinsloo, Megan Noble, Pieter du Preez, Carli Wessels, Ayden Corbett en Dominique Jacobs.


Academic genius

Jessica Harmse grade 12 Balfour High school’s dux learner with aggregate of 89%. Jessica received 7 academic top achiever shields, for English, Afrikaans, Accountancy, Computers, LO, Business studies, Mathematics. She also received trophies for mathematics, accountancy and business studies, as well as English oratory and dux student. She also got 8 certificates for academic performance, oratory, and sports.

Suid Afrikaanse kampioenskappe Nigel jukskei klub het presteer gedurende die Junior Suid Afrikaanse kampioenskappe wat plaasgevind het vanaf 5-10 Desember te Kroonstad. Groot aantal juniors wat in die Oos Gauteng span opgeneem was het opgewonde en met verwagting aan die kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Maandag 5 Desember het die dubbels begin waar Ariel en Tiaan seuns 0/19A sowel Beulha en Sadé dogter 0/16 eerste geeindig en goud verwerf het. Tiaan was vir die SA span en Ariel vir die SA-A span vir seuns 0/19 gekies. Die Oos Gauteng seuns 0/19 span waarvan Tiaan en Ariel deel is het die algehele eerste plek tussen die provinsies behaal en kom met goud Nigel toe. Tiaan en Ariel spog ook met goud vir die Suid Afrikaanse toernooi in hul onderskeie spanne. Beulha is vir die SA span, Sadé streekspan dogters 0/16 en Nicolene vir die akademiese SA span. Brandon het die akademiese span gehaal seuns 0/19. Rina Wirths is as die SAA span se hoofafrigter aangewys. Beulha, Brandon en Nicolene stap almal met goud weg in hul onderskeie spanne wat hul verteenwoordig het.

Laerskool Hannes Visagie se diensraad span vir 2017. Agter van links is Cusandra la Grange, Megan Veldsman en Lee Veldsman. Voor van links is Nicole Jacobs, Nadine Buys en Letichia Joubert.

Agter Ariel, Brandon en Tiaan. Voor Rina, hoofafrigter, Beulha en Nicolene.

Uitblinker Laerskool Hannes Visagie se snoepie leiers vir 2017. Agter van links is Anja Lourens, Crisandi Wessels, Divan Kruger, Monique Kotze, Conrad can Staden en Nathan Müller. Voor links is Diané van Rooyen, Caleb Williams, Juandré Erasmus, Henry Harris, Juavan Prinsloo, Jacques v.d.Heever en Zandré Marais.

Rehani Wirths is as die uitblinker vir dogters 0/13 vir die Oos Gauteng juksei span aangewys gedurende die Suid Afrikaanse Kapioenskappe te Kroonstad die week van 5 tot 10 Desember.



13 DECEMBER 2016

2016 Superbike Champion

MX2 Matrix unit only R159pm

Sarel Marais from Bike Addict, Nigel was declared overall winner. Sarel Marais received 3 trophies as Sub10 Overall Champion, Sub10 Class A Champion, and Sub10 Master Champion. The Sub10 Superbike championship is a Club championship series held in conjunction with the Extreme Festival. The championship consists of 9 races. One event at Redstar Raceway (Delmas), One at Phakisa Raceway (Welkom), one at Kyalami (Midrand) and 6 races at Zwartkops raceway (Pretoria). What makes this winning even more of an achievement is the fact that Sarel raced with a 2007

Honda CBR600 (Neil’s old race bike). In this series, there is no 600cc class and you compete directly with the 1000cc bikes, 90% of the racers use the most powerful 1000cc. Sarel wants to thank his sponsors Bike Addict who prepared the bike for the racing, TV & Satellite Pro and Gym 2000. On the weekend of 10 and 11 December, Honey Lotus Racing team raced in the 24-Hour race at Redstar Raceway and came first in the Relay division and also took the overall win.

Ruben sportseun van die jaar Ruben Fouche 0/19 rugby speler van Nigel is tydens die Gauteng East District School Sport Award vir 2016 as sportseun van die jaar aangewys. Hierdie glans geleentheid het in die stadsaal van Bakerton op 24 November plaasgevind. Ruben het sy debuut gemaak toe hy vanjaar verskeie rugby toekennings verower het. Ruben is ‘n leerling van Protea Skool in Springs.

TEL: 016 341 2187/8

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str.

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