Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Valid Jan 1 - March 31 2017

Cnr. Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL

17 Januarie 2017

VOL 14 NO 1


Connecting people A written consent to erect a telecommunication base station with a mast on part of Gereformeerde Kerk Nigel, Noycedale’s property was appointed. The base station site measures approximately 80m² and will be fenced off properly with clear view fence to prevent any unauthorized access to the telecommunication infrastructure. The station will accommodate a mono-pole tower, with a height of approximately 36 meters, as well as certain supporting infrastructure which will be contained in containers to achieve certain aesthetic and safety standards. It will be accessible directly from Ryan Street to ensure that activities are not affected by personnel visiting the base station site. The sites (church and base station) would, therefore, operate independently from each other from an accessibility perspective. The 5-meter building line area (northern boundary) and the 3-meter building line area (eastern boundary) will need to be relaxed to 0 meters and therefore it will be necessary to apply for a relaxation of the building line. It is mentioned that it will

be a 10-year lease agreement. It was determined that there is a need for construction of a tower in the area. The proposed base station wouldn’t result in any adverse negative impacts on the receiving environment or on any of the surrounding properties, and the position of the base station on the subject property has been selected in such a manner as not to have any negative impacts on the activities of the private property, and not to restrict the future development potential of the property. DA Ward Councilor Wollaston Labuschagne doesn’t necessarily support cell phone tower applications and is of the opinion that the electromagnetic radiation from cell phone masts could be detrimental to living organisms and may have a negative effect on humans, fauna, and flora. He supports the proposed legislation that will force telecommunication companies to initiate Public Participation Processes. His main insistence is that the planned construction should be advertised properly in local newspapers and enough time allowed for the public to object.

Get AHEAD of the competition For affordable rates ADVERTISE WITH

cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL ANNELIE 082 853 4071 or 011 814 8614

‘n Nuwejaar’s boodskap deur Phillip & Betsie van Rhyn. Tyd gaan so vining verby dat mens kwalik kan glo dat dit alreeds 2017 is. Moontlik is daar nog onvoltooide take van die vorige jaar. Moontlik nog onbereikte ideale. Maar 2016 is verby en is iets van die verlede, en al kos dit ook wat, ons kan die tyd nie terugdraai nie. Iemand het eenmaal gesê dat daar nie iets soos tweedehandse tyd is nie. Tyd is uniek en eenmalig en dan is dit verby. Ook maar goed anders sou ons knaend die tyd wou terugdraai en dan sou ons nooit by die toekoms uitgekom het nie. Die wyse Salomo het die volgende te sê: ’Alles wat jou hand vind om te doen, doen dit met jou mag, want daar is geen werk of oorleg of kennis of wysheid in die doderyk waar jy heengaan nie’. Elke nuwe dag van 2017 bied sy pakket vol uitdagings en moontlikhede vir ons aan. Ons kan dit met agterdog bejeen of met die spreekwoordelike rykhalsing aangryp, afhangende van ons ingesteldheid. Dis egter gerusstellend en vertroostend om te weet dat ons hierdie nuwe tydvak nie alleen hoef aan te pak nie. Ons moet maar net ons kortsigtigheid en die gebrek aan kennis met betrekking tot die toekoms erken en sinvolle leiding en onderskraging soek. Die getal ’17’ in 2017 verteenwoordig ‘oorwinning’. Reeds dít moet vir ons nuwe moed gee vir hierdie nuwe jaar wat voorlê. Ons sál oorwin! Fisies, polities en maatskaplik-ekonomies

lyk die toekoms alles behalwe rooskleurig en word die vrae al meer en die antwoorde al minder. Armoede en verbrokkeling is aan die orde van die dag. Werkloosheid en agteruitgang van die gemeenskap en sy norms is algemeen. Ons het al daaraan gewoond geraak en leef daagliks saam met een of ander faset daarvan. Maar 2017 het die kragtige element van oorwinning daarin opgesluit. As ware gelowige volk met ‘n ryk geskiedenis van deursettingsvermoë en durf om elke teëstand met sukses die hoof te bied, sal ons saam besluit dat hierdie nuwe jaar talle nuwe geleenthede bied en dat ons dit met oop arms en nugter gemoed tegemoet gaan. Ons gaan ‘n sukses van 2017 maak. Ons gaan sterker anderkant uitkom as toe ons begin het. Niks sal ons fokus verdof of afwater nie. Ons visie is helder en gedefinieërd. Saam, en hand aan hand gaan ons 2017 tegemoet en sal ons die doel bereik. Koning Dawid, die dapper krygsman en liedereskrywer roep ons op tot geloof in Ps 46:12 en 7 waar hy sê: ’God is vir ons ‘n toevlug en sterkte; as hulp in benoudhede is Hy in hoë mate beproef. Daarom sal ons nie vrees nie, al waggel die aarde en al wankel die berge weg in die hart van die see. Die HERE van die leërskare is met ons; die God van Jakob is ‘n rotsvesting vir ons’. Ons leuse vir 2017: Emmánuel: God met ons.



17 JANUARY 2017

In murg en been

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


60ste Huweliksherdenking vir Naas en Martie van Heidelberg Suikerbosoord.

Naas en Martie Rademeyer het op 15 Desember hul 60ste huweliksherdenking gevier. Die paartjie is op 15 Desember 1956 in die egverbind in Germiston, na hulle mekaar ‘n jaar voor die troue by die volkspele te Elandsfontein ontmoet het. Naas was werksaam as voorman by die fabrieke in Germiston. Uit die huwelik is drie kinders gebore, waarvan die middel seun wat in Pretoria woon nog lewe. Naas en Martie het hulle uitgeleef in hulle volkspele wat hulle vir 40 jaar saam geniet het en nie geskroom om gereeld daarvoor Primrose toe te ry nie. Met Naas se aftrede het hulle vir 5 jaar in Brakpan gebly en daarna Heidelberg toe verhuis om by hul dogter Sanet Venter te woon, wat intussen oorlede is. Die egpaar woon tans 6 jaar in die Suikerbosoord. Martie vertel dat Naas al 5 beroertes gehad het en tans in die sieke eenheid versorg word. Martie getuig dat die geheim vir ‘n suksesvolle huwelik, vertroue in mekaar, respek, liefde en ondersteuning is.

Ekurhuleni has not relaxed water restrictions 267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


Despite stories doing the rounds, especially on social media, the City of Ekurhuleni has NOT relaxed water restrictions. On the contrary, Ekurhuleni is one of the municipalities that has yet to reach the required 15 percent water saving, as imposed by national government. Water savings are monitored on a weekly basis and since the implementation of the restrictions, it has yet to reach the targeted. At a meeting on December 07 with the Department of Water and Sanitation, Rand Water and municipalities, Ekurhuleni recorded 8 percent saving, with neighboring metropolitan municipalities Joburg at 10.5 percent and Tshwane at 19.5 percent for the week. Ekurhuleni has implemented water rationing from 9pm – 5am in the evenings in all areas according to a roster, available on the City’s website.

Various engagements have been held with the business sector in Ekurhuleni who are responding well to the call of saving water. An appeal goes out to all residents to heed the call and pledge with the City to save water. In the first week of December, the Vaal Dam’s level was 37% - which was due to augmentation from Katse as well as head waters from Sterkfontein, which will be stopped on 22 December. The restrictions will only be reviewed in May 2017. Restrictions that apply: Low pressure to curb water use across the region. Use of hosepipe and sprinkler system is prohibited. No f illing of swimming pool with municipal water. No watering from 6am to 6pm. Thereafter only with a watering can/bucket. 25kl monthly consumption limit on households. If this is exceeded, a 10% fine

is imposed. Should the above not be adhered to, including illegal water connections (eg. using fire hydrants), a fine of R6 753.64 will be imposed on households per incident. For business, this fine is R13 762.24. Any incidents can be reported to the City via email. Please include a photograph, stipulate the address (GPS coordinates if available), time and details and email to “By standing together we can ensure that we save this life giving resource, because if we don’t there will be no water,” Ekurhuleni’s Spokesperson Themba Gadebe cautioned. Residents are requested to ensure that they to fix all water leaks on their properties and report those outside of properties to the following platforms.0860 543 000 or 30788.

Dedication - dedication From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess How many of you would be prepared to work for nothing for 7 months – because you are dedicated to what you are doing and because you have a heart of compassion for the work that you are doing? Well let me tell you a story – and yes it is true.

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.

EXPERIENCE CHRIST’S LOVE AND OUR FRIENDSHIP Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6: 38(NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (all welcome) H2321

Our outreach Indawo Yosizo was receiving funds from America (Global Fund) through the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA). These funds were used to pay a small stipend, admin fees and products needed for the three Home Based Care (HBC) workers that were employed on a contract base by Indawo Yosizo. Global Fund then decided not to fund the MCSA anymore and the net result was that we had no funds to pay our HBC workers. Our concern was two-fold – one that three people had lost their work but secondly we were very concerned about the 500 children and 400 adults we were looking after. Who was going to look after them? What was going to happen to all the children? What was going to happen to the Gogo (Granny) who cannot help herself to the bathroom (that is part of what our HBC workers do)? Who is going to give the Gogo a bath? We asked the HBC workers to consider working for nothing until we could find some money to pay their stipends. After a while only one HBC worker continued to

give of her time with no remuneration – because she was dedicated to the people she was looking after Khalie carried on regardless. We were able to give her some money in December after at last receiving some long outstanding money from the DOH. Here is what I would like to do: I challenge the community to recognize her dedication to the work that she is doing and donate money that can be used to fund her position at Indawo Yosizo. I would like you all to consider donating either R100-00 per month or R200-00 per month. Please use the reference “HBC YourName”. In this way we will know what the donation is for and at the same time we can issue you with an 18A tax certificate that you can use to claim back money from SARS. Khalie (and any HBC worker that we employ) look after up to 25 households and this equates to about 100-120 people. Your donation can and will make a difference to the lives of some people. Any extra funds (above Khalie’s stipend) will be used to employ a second or third HBC worker so that we can look after even more people. The need is GREAT and DESPERATE. YOU can make a difference. Our bank details are as follows: Bank: ABSA Account Name: Indawo Yosizo Account Number: 4077177204 Bless you all.

17 JANUARY 2017

NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION PAGE 3 Most wanted A 29 year old male security guard who claims to be a massage therapist was Be on the lookout for a black Mercedes 180 registration arrested for rape after sexually number RVG 062 GP wanted in connection with the house robbery in Jordaan Park, Heidelberg dated January 11. assualting a 17 year old girl. It is alleged that the suspect is the Suspect gained entrance to the property by forcing themselves into the house. A 56-year-old farmer from the Houtpoort area accidentally neighbour of the victim and her parents. He persuaded the 17 year old to help test They tied the domestic worker with ropes and proceeded to stumbled upon an illegal mine shaft on his property. Mr Andre van Rooyen was inspecting his farm with farmworkers his massage equipment for his new ransack the house. Suspects demanded to be shown were the firearm safes were kept. when he noticed a man exiting the shaft entrance carrying a business. The suspect forced himself on her after she To flat screen tv’s and a flat computer screen was stolen plastic shopping back. When pursuing the suspect they became aware that the man reprimanded him several times. Suspects was arrested. disposed of the plastic bag and its contents. The bag contained explosive detonators, hammers, a torch with batteries, gloves, and chisels. These are all tools used in the informal mining industry. Illegal mining in Nigel and surrounds are fastly gaining momentum as cases surface more frequently. During a raid in the last quarter of 2016 police spotted hundreds of illegal miners fleeing from the scene. We are faced with a situation that needs urgent attention. Jobs are scarce, and illegal mining claims numerous lives yearly. Having said that, private property is exactly that. Private. Trespassing is against the law, regardless of the situation. We are calling on the police to enforce the trespassing law harsher. But what else can be done to eliminate illegal mining? Perhaps one needs to look at the age-old job creation theory from 1994. When will the government finally step up to create and secure employment? The ball is now in the hands of our government

Crime time

SA crime stats for 2016



Aggravated Robbery Contact Crimes Crime detected as result of police action Contact-related Crimes Property-related Crimes Other Serious Crimes

53 639 616 973

56 447 623 233

+5.23% +1.01%

356 125 553 499

355 926 124 804 543 524 479 075

-0.28% -0.78% -1.80% -4.13%

2 206 505 2 126 552



919 789 487 698



SAPD hotline 10111. Heidelberg SAPD 016 341 0361 Assault suspects Petty crimes - one to many! Burglaries, pedestrains and dealing in drugs increases at an alarming rate. Number one on the top 10 crime list is housebreakings. Domestic workers are often unaware that they don’t have to allow strangers on to their employers property unless instructed otherwise. Quick response by members of the public and local SAPD leads to arrests. Traces were conducted and arrested suspects will appear before Heidelberg Court. Readers must be alert at all time. Be informed, be on the lookout, be quick to call for help. Better safe than sorry!

Nigel Crime Stop 082 552 4990

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30



Appelboom kuns 2017 sal wil laat glo, kan enige mens, wat kon leer skryf, ook leer teken en skilder. Die voorwaarde is dat jy dit graag WIL doen. Dit is nie ‘n oorerflike talent nie, maar jy moet die BEGEERTE hê om die vaardigheid aan te leer. Soos wat jy ‘n vreemde taal sou wou aanleer of leer klavier speel, behels dit ook natuurlik oefening om die brein se “bedrading” in hierdie area te versterk. ‘n Bietjie geloof in jouself help ook. Ouderdom is ook geen verskoning nie. Van my studente was 75 jaar oud, selfs 80. Na die tekenkursus, wat die “geraamte”, die abc of die do, re, me van skilderkuns is, leer ek jou hoe om kleure te meng, en begin ons dan met die klassieke, basiese beginsels en tegnieke in olieverf. Later word ‘n verskeidenheid interessante tegnieke en afwerkings voorgestel. Basiese waterverftegnieke is ook deel van die kursus, hoewel die algehele medium olieverf is. Ek werk voltyds as kunstenaar en het meer as ‘n 1500 skilderye, groot en klein, verkoop vandat ek die onderwys verlaat het om my hartsbegeerte uit te leef in die jaar 2000. Verskeie galerye het my werk verkoop, o.a. Dimitrov”s in Dullstroom en Een van Hester se unieke skeppings The Gallery in Clarens. Verlede jaar is my kontem-porêre reeks by Skukan Galery in Pretoria uitgestal. Ek het ook vir 10 jaar uitgestal by Artists Under the Sun in Johannesburg. Daar het ek kliënte van oor die wêreld ontmoet. Ek beplan om my eie galerytjie, hier in die hartjie van Voor- en na tekeninge wanneer kursus aanvang neem. Heidelberg, oop te maak in April hierdie jaar, asook ‘n webwerf vanwaar my werk bemark gaan word. My ateljee en klaskamer is gelëe in Rensburg, Heidelberg. Intussen kan van my skilderye gesien word op my Fb Blad: Hester van Rensburg Artist. APPELBOOM KUNS se beginnerklasse vir 2017 begin in die eerste week van Februarie. Klastye is soos Volledige tekenkursus volg: Kleurmengkursus Middagklasse Skilder in olieverf - verskeie tegnieke, style 15h00 – 17h00, en indien daar genoeg en onderwerpe aanvraag is, Terapeuties en gesellig! aandklasse van 19h00 – 21h00. Skakel my gerus om jou plek te verseker en om hierdie wonderlike, nuwe avontuur aan te pak by 072 260 Ateljee, klas, (binnekort) galery: Rensburg, Heidelberg. 9656.

Maak hierdie jaar die jaar waarin jy ‘n heerlike nuwe vaardigheid aanleer! Ek leer al die afgelope 18 jaar beginner kunstenaars (èn die wat al bietjie meer weet) teken en skilder. Meeste persone het aan die begin van die kursus gesê dat hulle nie eers ‘n stokmannetjie kan teken nie, en skilder nou pragtig! Anders as wat baie jou

Appelboom Kuns

17 JANUARY 2017

Businesses to adhere to public health by-laws As a result of the promulgation of the Public Health By-Laws on 27 November 2009, certain activities and premises now require Environmental Health Permits. These include hair dressers, beauty salons, child care services, accommodation establishments such as guesthouses, B&B’s etc as well as offensive trades such as panel beaters, scrap yards and spray painters. Permits are also required for kennels, catteries and the keeping of poultry. Furthermore, all food premises must be in possession of a Certif icate of Acceptability (COA) which should be clearly displayed for the public according to Regulation R 962 (replacing R918) Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises and the Transport of Food – (23 November 2012), promulgated under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act no 54 of 1972). There are currently no costs involved with the issuing of such certif icates. Food premises should contact their local Environmental Health Practitioner to arrange for an inspection in loco in order to issue a COA. An application may be obtained from the following Environmental Health Services offices near you: Springs/Kwa Thema- [Johan Koekemoer] 22 First Avenue, Environmental Health Offices, Springs. Contact Person(s): Elize Botha/Sharon Khumalo @ 011 999 8770/ 011 999 8771. Nigel/Duduza - [Riaan Kruger] Old Nigel Clinic Building, Court Street, Nigel. Contact Person(s): Riaan Kruger/Ina Van Gerve @ 011 999 9258/011 999 6663. Tsakane, OLD Customer Relations Management Building, 10890 Zulu Street. Tsakane. Contact Person(s): Moffat Ramabulana/Thabiso Papo. @ 011 999 8200/8032. For more information and permit requirements, the Public Health By Laws are available on or affected people may call on (011) 999 3982/3970. Below is a table of services or activities that need permits that involves costs. The tariffs are applicable from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. Council determines tariffs annually. Services and businesses are urged to contact the Environmental Health offices

as soon as possible so that permits and certificates may be issued. Any person operating a service or business without said permit may be liable for a fine of up to R2000-00. However, note must be taken that such permits get to be issued once the premises are found to be compliant with relevant legislations. This implies that upon receipt of an application an inspection will be carried out by an Environmental Health Practitioner who will set the requirements to be complied with. It will only be after the said requirements have been complied with that a permit will be issued. SERVICE TARIFFS [vat included] Issuing of Export Certificate for Food Stuffs R 1021.00. Issuing of a permit for a service to remove human excrement R 617.00. Issuing of a permit for the installation of sewage works R 617.00. Issuing of a permit for the conducting of an offensive trade R 617.00. Issuing of a permit for the conducting of a hairdressing, beauty and/or cosmetology service R 617.00. Issuing of a permit to conduct an accommodation establishment R 1121.00. Issuing a permit to conduct a child care service R 617.00. Issuing a permit for the keeping of poultry R 617.00. Issuing of a permit for the keeping of rabbits R 617.00. Issuing of a permit to conduct a dog kennel or cattery R 617.00. Issuing of a permit to keep bees R 659.00. It is compulsory that premises operating all the above mentioned operations apply for permits and Certificates of Acceptability to operate in the City of Ekurhuleni.

Teken- & skilderklasse vir volwasse beginners

Hester van Rensburg – Kunstenaar:

072 260 9656

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

17 JANUARY 2017

Misdaad Vier verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van dagga, Nyaope en verskeie gesteelde items. Heidelberg SAPS het die operasie gelei en arrestasies is onmiddelik gemaak. Verdagtes sal in Heidelberg Hof verskyn. Ekurhuleni taakmag het 2 verdagtes in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van gesteelde goedere, ongelisensieërde wapens, massa hoeveelheid identiteitsboekies, asook ‘n wit VW Golf 7. Die identiteitsboekies is ongeldig omrede foto’s ontbreek. Die SAPS ondersoek die moontlikheid dat die verdagtes betrokke was in ander ernstige kriminele aktiwiteite. Volgens ‘n woordvoerder van Crime Stop maak huisrowers gebruik van vinnige motors soos Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW Gti om toe te slaan. Hulle is gewoontlik 3 to 4 voertuie wat tussen 8:00 en 12:00 bedrywig is en soek spesif iek na wapens. Hierdie rowers moenie gekonfronteer word nie. Indien enige iemand van die publiek iets vermoed of opmerk skakel dadelik met u naaste SAPS of Sektor Poliseëring Forum.



Electrocuted An inquest docket was opened after a 31 year old Zimbabwean national was electrocuted by generator wires while connecting a tv in his room. According to the deceased’s colleague he was present when the incident accured. The next morning the collegue went to check on him and found him dead. Gauteng Medical Emergency Services declared him dead. What comes to mind is the recent accidental death of the 13 year old girl in Nigel, who was also electrocuted. The question posted to Eskom is whether the earth leakage is in fact safely secured to prevent further deaths. Readers are urged to report any electrical problems immediately and make sure when connecting general house appliances to a power source that the cabling connnections are according to standard. Faulty connections proved to be fatal.

Nigel Customer Care Centre 011 999 9050.

Ekurhuleni Clusters joint safer festive season roadblock along the N3 Freeway Weightbridge. On January 6 members paraded and were briefed by Deputy Cluster Commander of Ekurhuleni East Cluster Brigadier JR Shabangu. All clusters, Bononi VIS, East Mounted Unit, Gauteng Flying Swuad, Trio Task Team, Lesedi and Gauteng traffic participated in this operation.

Dear Rekord readers What will 2017 bring to the table? And how will we react to change? Politics Pressure is mounting on those in charge for politicians to man up and accept responsibility for their self-enrichment and selfish decision-making at taxpayer’s expense. Note so self: ministers sleep in soft beds. Economy It’s time to look forward towards exciting potential small business opportunities. This will create employment and help boost our economy. Note so self: brighter economy, increased opportunities. Environment The 2016 drought and water restrictions hit South Africa really hard. Our nation must start going green and learn to save water. Remember the rule of 3: you can survive 3 hours without oxygen, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Note so self: always report any water leaks immediately. Inventions Expect to see launches of new products and services in just about every industry.

In recent years South Africa has become synonymous with thinking outside the box. Note so self: I want to invent something awesome. New cars Looking forward to new car launches, especially because hybrids and electric cars have a low carbon footprint. Note so self: every 100km we need stations to recharge electric cars. Ambassador South Africa is officially searching for the most prominent ambassador who will follow in the footsteps of the current Miss South Africa, Ntandoyenkosi Kunene. Note so self: mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Local Nigel and surrounds will offer a host of events this year and everyone is welcome. Support our sports clubs, school sport and cultural events, new business openings, religious gatherings, rather buy from local suppliers, and become part of the movement against crime. Note to self: what am I going to wear to those events? Positive thinker

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

Piping Plante and Tubing

Terms & Conditions apply

THE VALUE OF A GOOD BROKER All financial services intermediaries, including short-term insurance brokers must be licensed with the Financial Services Board [FSB] in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act [FAIS] of 2002. Licensing depends to a large degree on the proven experience, knowledge and competency of the broker and supervision over their representatives. The FAIS Act contains “best practices” for brokers in their service delivery to their customers that they must adhere to and is strictly enforced. It further provides for a complaints resolution mechanism should a customer raise a complaint. Many brokers further belong to industry bodies and institutes that greatly contribute to the broker‘s continued development. All good brokers are committed to a fiduciary duty toward their customers and to facilitate the best placement of their insurance needs and objectives. In every person’s life there are two aspects on which decisions need to be taken, these being: · Wealth creation; and · Wealth protection. Most people plan the creation of wealth with care and diligence but it is amazing to what extent the protection of their assets is often handled haphazardly. Any insurance but especially short-term insurance, is arguably the most effective way to protect one‘s liabilities. Insurance should never be taken lightly! It is important that one takes responsibility and be actively involved in managing one‘s insurance portfolio. This is made much easier by building a relationship with a reputable broker or intermediary to help assist on the technical aspect of insurance. Reference: Short-Term Insurance – Guidelines Robbie Stutterheim; Compliance Practitioner







12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R105.00 20X20 ... R89.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R162.00 32X32 ... R148.00 ..... R203.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R242.00 50X50 ... R242.00 ..... R325.00 76X76 ... R379.00 ..... R498.00 100X100 ................... R649.00

20MM .... R82.00 25MM .... R98.00 ....... 32MM .... R143.00 ..... 38MM .... R169.00 ..... 50MM .... R231.00 ..... 76MM .... R338.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00


38x20 .... R154.00 ..... R182.00 38x25 .... R165.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R176.00 ..... R256.00 50x38 .... R242.00 ..... R312.00 76x38 .... R264.00 ..... R391.00 76x50 .... R350.00 ..... R434.00 100X50 ..................... R515.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R70.00p/m Cut to size


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R74.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R 100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R49.00 12MM ........ R71.00



75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00

R118.00 R204.00 R236.00 R325.00 R460.00




R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00




Waarom volg ons Jesus? Leierskap is ‘n gegewe. In elke sfeer van die samelewing bestaan daar een of ander vorm van leierskap. Selfs in die diereryk vind ons dat die sterkste die botoon voer en dit word eerbiedig. Sekulêr neem ons waar dat geen gemeenskap van welke aard ookal sinvol kan voortbestaan sonder een of ander vorm van leierskap nie. Soms nie volgens ons oordeel en smaak nie, maar oor die algemeen as gevolg van vaardighede en die regte eienskappe. Dis nie te sê dat die leier algemeen aanvaar word of andersyds die potensiaal het om sinvol te lei nie, maar of ons dit wil glo of nie; Hierdie vorm van ordening is deur God self ingestel en is so oud soos die geskiedenis self. Dis die eerste stap in die opvoeding en is die eerste trappie van die lewensleer. Hierom word ons karakter en persoonlikheid gevorm en leer ons om gehoorsaam te wees en te volg, waarvan die resultaat uiteindelik tot gevolg het dat ons moontlik self eendag ‘n leier kan wees. Wat van op geestelike gebied? Jesus kondig Sy leierskap aan deur te sê: “Aan My is gegee alle mag in die hemel en op aarde.” Hy is dus die Opperleier. Aan Hom behoort die majesteit, die koningskap en heerskappy vir ewig. Alle leiers sal verdwyn terwyl Hy as Koning sal voortbestaan tot in alle ewigheid. Die profeet Jesaja sê kortliks…’Aan wie se heerskappy daar geen einde is nie’. Die vraag is nou: Is dit die moeite werd om Hom dan te volg? Die antwoord is onomwonde..Ja! Waarom: Eerstens. Omdat dit my sielsbehoefte is ongeag van my status. Dis ingebore, dis in ons DNA… Psalm 63:1 ‘O God, U is my God, U soek ek; my siel dors na U, my vlees smag na U, in ‘n dor en uitgedroogde land, sonder water. Tweedens. Dit verg gehoorsaamheid. Lukas 18:22 “En toe Jesus dit hoor, antwoord Hy hom: Nog een ding ontbreek jou—verkoop alles wat jy het, en verdeel dit onder die armes, en jy sal ‘n skat in die

Betsie en Phillip herderspaar van Simfonéa 079 762 5545.

hemel hê; kom dan hier, volg My.” Derdens. Dis ‘n vrye keuse. Markus 8:34 “En toe Hy die skare saam met sy dissipels na Hom geroep het, sê Hy vir hulle: Wie agter My aan wil kom, moet homself en sy kruis opneem en My volg.” Vierdens. Dis die veiligste, want Hy ken die pad vorentoe…Hy was al daar. Hy is nie net die Alfa nie, maar ook die OMEGA!! Die vorentoe, die môres, die toekoms, … Johannes 8:14 Jesus antwoord en sê vir hulle: “Al getuig Ek ook van Myself, my getuienis is waar, omdat Ek weet van waar Ek gekom het en waarheen Ek gaan”. Liewe leser. 2017 hoef nie vir ons as gelowiges ‘n negatiewe uitdaging te wees nie. Inteendeel word alle vrese vir die toekoms aangespreek deur een sin: Ek oorhandig hierdie nuwe jaar met blydskap en oorgawe aan Hom wie die toekoms nie net ken nie, maar wie dit in Sy hande hou. ‘n Ou bekende liedjie sê:’ If He carry the weight of the world upon His shoulder, I know my brother that He can carry you..! Die Pastore en gemeente van SIMFONÉAGEMEENTE Heidelberg wens u ‘n wonderlike 2017 toe. Ons hou gereeld elke Songagoggend om 10vm ons erediens en elke Donderdagoggend om 10vm Manne-uur. Kom besoek ons gerus! Skakel ons by 079 762 5545.

The art of wood

H Squared Timbers team. H Squared Timbers and Sawmilling situated in Nigel has long been a force to reckon with. Due to growing demand, they recently relocated to a larger plant in 36 Industria Drive, Vorsterskroon. Established in 2013, they process highquality timber logs from sustainable forestry resources and supply the construction, mining, domestic and general industries throughout South Africa. I recently visited the new plant and was impressed with the range of wood and services they offer as they use unique cutting technology where the sizes are endless and no job is the same. What makes H Squared Timbers unique and different to other sawmills in the industry are the fact that they specialize in custom cuts and not just standardized cuts as most sawmills do and are open to

the public to purchase from even if it’s in smaller quantities. Specializing in the production of custom coil skids; dunnage; beams; crates, boxes, pallets; crane and outrigger mats; marine barge mats and saddles; timber decking; shelving; shavings and sawdust; shuttering and scaffold planks; special wall mounted wood cladding; they also help with custom designed products and projects. I was given an educational crash course in the identif ication of wood species. Quite a selection of wood to choose from, and you can contact them directly for pricing, availability, and stocked species. Cut-offs are offered free of charge but must be collected self. January is the best time do home improvements. All with the custom coil skids help and expertise of timber decking the H Squared dunnage Timbers and beams Sawmilling team. crates, boxes, pallets As a wood lover, it crane and outrigger mats; is a must to have their contact nummarine barge mats and saddles ber 011 814 2369 shelving, shavings and sawdust on speed dial.

“We cut it to size”

“We cut it to size”

high-quality timber logs

Specialize in in Specialize

Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,


17 JANUARY 2017

shuttering and scaffold planks special wall mounted wood cladding

36 Industria Drive, Vorsterskroon NIGEL 011 814 2369

17 JANUARY 2017



Ek en my lyf 2017 Suksesvolle gewigsverlies verg susksesvolle leefstylverandering. Die plan wat jy volg om gewig te verloor moet dieselfde plan wees wat jy volg om die gewig konstant te hou. Daar is geen “one size fits all” oefen- of gewigsverlies programme nie. Sommige mense kan op hulle eie gewig verloor, ander verkies ‘n groepsbyeenkoms en ander het meer ondersteuning nodig. Gewigsverlies laat klere beter pas maar oefening dra by tot ‘n goedgevormde lyf. Jou liggaam is jou kunswerk wat jy met oefening kan vorm soos jy dit graag wil hê. ‘n Fisiese transformasie bestaan uit meer as net ‘n “before” en “after” foto. Daar moet verandering van liggaam, gees, leefstyl en gesindheid wees. Mense wat baie keer van kitsdiëte gebruik gemaak het, verloor later vertroue in hulself, omdat hulle glo hulle kan nie hulle gewig stabiel hou nie. Negatiewe denke laat mens ‘n stryd verloor voor jy nog begin het. Vind ‘n middeweg tussen jou sosiale lewe en doelgewig sonder om op te hou lewe. Mense vermors kosbare jare weens ‘n wipplank stryd met die skaal. Laat genoeg tyd toe om gewig teen ‘n gesonde tempo van 500g tot 1 kg ‘n week te verloor, en

maak klein volhoubare leefstylveranderinge. Lewensafrigting is ‘n proses waar jy jou ware potensiaal ontdek deur negatiewe optrede- en denkpatrone in ‘n ondersteunende omgewing elimineer. ‘n Lewensafrigter is jou metgesel om jou doelwitte te behaal, jou afrigter wat jou help om hulpmiddels en informasie te bekom, jou klankbord wanneer jy keuses moet maak, jou motivering as “strong action” nodig is, onvoorwaardelike ondersteuning as jy ‘n laagtepunt bereik, jou mentor in persoonlike ontwikkeling, jou mede-ontwikkelaar van jou fiksheidsen gesondheids doelwitte. ‘n Ligpunt in moeilike tye, ‘n “wake-up call” wanneer jy verslap maar meeste van alles is ‘n lewensaftiger jou metgesel wat jou help om sukses te behaal. ‘n Normale lewensafrigting siklus strek oor ses maande met ‘n sessie elke twee weke, eerste lewensafrigting sessie is gratis. Mense voel baie keer oorweldig omdat daar probleme in verskeie lewensareas soos bv. gesondheid, verhoudingsmaat ens is. ‘n Lewensafrigter help so ‘n persoon om ‘n doelwit of doelwitte vas te stel, wat gewoonlik ook die ander lewensareas beïnvloed.

Persoonlike f iksheidsinstrukteurs werk met enkel persone (een tot een afrigting), “buddy training” (2 persone) of groepe. Enkel persone ontvang meer gespesialiseerde aandag. Oefenprogramme word uitgewerk volgens behoeftes, fiksheidsvlak asook identifisering van struikelblokke. ‘n Persoonlike f iksheidsafrigter werk oefenprogramme uit volgens jou doelwit en verander dit wanneer nodig. Wat is die voordele van ‘n “Corporate Lifestyle Challenge”? Corporate Lifestyle Challenge bind werknemers saam in ‘n spanbou aksie oor ‘n periode van 12 weke, en in die proses kry werknemers die geleentheid om meer gesond te leef met die kennis wat beskikbaar gestel word. Enige firma, klein of groot, kan dit doen en enige werknemers kan deelneem hetsy fiks of oorgewig. Winitha Strydom skryf oor haar gewigsverlies ervaring van die afgelope paar maande: “In Maart 2016 sien ek ‘n foto van myself, waar ons piekniek gehou het in Suikerbosrand, en ek besef dat ek drasties iets aan my gewig sal moet doen. Ek staan op ‘n magtige 107.5 kg, elke aksie en beweging is moeite en ek voel lusteloos en wil niks aktiefs doen nie. April maand gaan sien ek vir Mariana Müller en ons gaan oor tot aksie. Sy verduidelik vir my hoe Weight Watchers werk, ‘n eetprogram waar jy nog steeds basies alles kan eet waarvoor jy lus

is, maar dat alles op ‘n puntestelsel werk. Natuurlik moet ek ook ‘n goeie oefenprogram volg, wat gelei het tot vele dae van hard sweet, seer spiere… ek bedoel SEER spiere maar ook darem dae vol lag en pret. Die eetprogram het baie goed vir my gewerk, die oefening en gym het met tyd op my gegroei en soos wat die kilos begin afval het, het dit net beter en beter gegaan. Vandag, begin Desember, en 33.5kg later, 3kg ligter as my trou gewig 16 jaar gelede, is my lewenslus terug, ek sien kans vir enigiets, selfs ‘n fietry sessie saam met my man en seuns, ek kan selfs nou vir hulle wegry. Die oefening gaan voort en die eetprogram is nou ‘n deel van my daaglikse leefstyl, ek hoop om nog so ‘n paar kilos te verloor. Ek wil net vir Mariana bedank vir al haar hulp en ondersteuning en ook vir die Weight Watchers groep. Ek nooi enige persoon uit om te kyk na die program, dit het vir my gewerk.” Wat is suksesvolle gewigsverlies? Winitha het goeie resultate gekry sedert April 2016 want sy pas porsiebeheer toe en oefen gereeld op ‘n vasgestelde tyd. Toewyding en deursettingsvermoë is van groot belang. Die geheim van suksesvolle gewigsverlies lê daarin om te besef dat niemand volmaak is nie, min mense bereik ‘n doelwit sonder om ‘n fout te maak. Indien jy wel ‘n fout maak, aanvaar dit so en werk daaraan om jou innerlike “GPS” dadelik weer op koers te kry.

Mariana Müller

Open Maandag, 16 Januarie 2017 Markon Kantore, Jacobs str. 2 Heidelberg (oorkant Hoër Volkskool)

Openings Aanbieding: R2 000 vir 12 weke sluit in: * 2 x ‘One on One’ Persoonlike Fiksheisafrigting sessies per week vir 12 weke * Leefstyl afrigting * Privaatafrigting in toegeruste studio * Uitgewerkte oefenprogram volgens behoefte & fiksheidsvlak

Ope dag - Woensdag, 25 Januarie vanaf 8:00 - 10:00 & 15:00 - 18:00

Mariana 083 658 6299

Kom maak ‘n draai!




LEER & PRESTEER NASKOOLSENTRUM * Vervoer vanaf skool en naskool aktiwiteite * ligte middagetes * hulp en toesig met huiswerk * aanbied van ekstra wiskunde * vakansies oop Karin 073 065 9531/011739 4717 of Rosie 078 3388 697

Pienkie Ponkie Kleuterskool Sel: 087 654 0547 081 426 8703 OPVOEDING & ONDERRIG IN VORMINGSJARE (babas tot grR)

Viljoenstraat 1, Heidelberg


EYE HEALTH is too important to accept anything less than the best! Contracted to most Medical Aids NIGEL:Shop 3 A, Shoprite Centre TEL: 011 814 7000/1

17 JANUARY 2017

It’s time for pupils to dust off their brains and get back into shape for school. Fun things to do to revitalize the mindframe of reading, writing, learning, being curious, critically thinking, engaging in dialogue and just plain moving the body.

Start you own blog

Why not read the REKORD Newspaper every second Tuesday to the whole family after dinner or over breakfast? Then engage in a conversation where everyone can share his or her own opinions on the subject. Then have your child pick a subject that is relevant to your local community or world news at large that they have a strong opinion about and have them write their own blog. They might even want to send it in for publication consideration and the REKORD Newspaper may decide to print your article with your name example “by Carlie Schölly”.

Kingstan Apteek 011 814 8101 / 814 8179 56 Hendrik Verwoerd Str. NIGEL GOOD HEALTH PHARMACY

DR. M.J. OPPERMAN BChD. Dip. Odont (MFOS) (Pret.) Tandar ts/ Dental Surgeon

Sign up for Brain Boosting Activities Online Have your child download an app onto their phone to access cutting-edge educationalbased activities.

20 Joubert Street, Ext 2, NIGEL

Exercise Researchers found that regular exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. Encourage your child to a physical activity. It also fine tunes hand- eye coordination. Or better yet, perhaps it is time to buy a family gym membership and make a goal to work out at least two nights a week together? These activities are meant to be fun and engaging exercises for your child’s brain and body.

TEL: 011 814-4727 / 087 808 7795

Set up a calendar

Tel: 016 349 5350/016 341 7411 Nood nr: 082 570 2660

Elrey Dagsorg

Option one: paper planner – If your school gives out a planner or you are simply old-fashioned, write down your schedule in it. Include classes, extracurriculars, large assignments or tests, homework, club meetings, etc. When you actually use it to plan your life, you will be more organized, which saves more time for fun things like TV and friends. Option two: electronic calendar – You should treat it very much the same as a paper planner, with one major difference. When using Google Calendar or your iPhone, you can set up an electronic calendar to remind you of events at different times. For the forgetful type, I recommend setting up multiple reminders for the same event.

21 Somersetstraat, NIGEL

Weekliks vanaf 6:45 tot 17:15

geen vakansie dae. 100% veilig.

Elsie 011 814 3193 of 082 764 9873

What’s good about having a pet? Your pet can be a friend. You can learn about sharing and caring for others by looking after your pet. You can learn about responsibility by feeding, exercising and keeping your pet clean and happy. You can learn about the kind of pet you have. Your family can all enjoy the pet. Playing with pets can help you feel happy.

Program vir Sport- & bewegingsontwikkeling

Mandie Wagener

082 853 5903

082 447 3157 Kids Arts & Crafts Products

Shop 17 Heidelberg Forum, Pretorius Street HEIDELBERG

016 341 2938 082 554 0746

Dienste aangebied: · Remediënde onderrig (Graad R-\10) · Evaluasie-sentrum en Terapie

If they don’t like any of these ideas, empower them to come up with their own

5 Wessels str. Jordaan Park, HEIDELBERG

17 JANUARY 2017


Sagies leiers 2017

Laerskool Hannes Visagie se leiers vir 2017. Heelagter van links: Heinrich v.d. Merwe, Derik Grobler, Niel Helberg, Juan-Ray de Koker, Chadoné Els, Riëtte Barnard en J.W Smith. Middel van links: Doné Smit, Queline Fourie, Rhys Thompson, Mpilo Ngidi, Jessica Els, Angela Schnell, Melisa Meyer en Naomi Mansour. Voor van links: Abigial Gabrielli, Duncan Nel, Hailé Africa, Kathy Stoltz, Eugene Bekker en Andrew Strydom. Hoofleiers Leonida Kleyn links, Leoné Goosen regs.


Pool safety Enjoying a day out by the pool and open water sources is standard during the warmer days. If you want to enjoy swimming to the fullest, one need to know the basic safety tips. Several lives have been lost already and near drowning incidents reported as a result of water related accidents in different areas across the City if Ekurhuleni and abroad. Most of the people affected are young male children. Having a swimming pool on your premises, you need to be extra caution and vigilant to ensure everyone‘s safety. These basic swimming pool safety tips will help to keep your family and community in your neighbourhood safe from potential injury or death. Gate and Fencing around the swimming pool is a necessity. Most of the people shy away from having a gated and fenced off swimming pool because it is not aesthetically pleasing. This will keep small children away from the pool more over when running around in the garden. A pool cover in conjunction with the gate and fencing around the pool will add to the safety of lives. A pool cover will assist with prevention of someone falling into the swimming pool. Never let your child or anyone else to swim alone in the pool. Having two people in the pool at the same time will provide added safety measures. Safety Inflatable rubber or plastic devices should be readily available and easily accessed to be thrown out to aid the victim in trouble.

Lack of space - farewell dreams! Every year in January, the media reports extensively on the desperate situation in which thousands of matriculants find themselves – that of having qualified for entry into a degree programme, yet not being able to enrol at a public university due to lack of space. The situation is unlikely to change any time soon, and universities will, for the foreseeable future, continue to accept only a fraction of applications. “However, that does not mean affected matriculants have to give up on the dreams they had for their futures, and settle for a different line of work completely” an education expert says. “There are many thousands of learners with exceptional results who did not land a space at a public university,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director of The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest private higher education provider. “Telling such a person, who has qualified for degree entry but not gained access to the public sector that they should consider a Technical and Vocational Training college, is a very confusing message and does not reflect all the options available which may in fact still make degree study possible.” “While it is also true that our current societal messaging tells young people that degrees are the only aspiration of any value - which undermines the required growth in status of the TVET sector – the needs and ability of the individual must be taken into consideration, and there can’t simply be a blanket rerouting to technical training.” “Not gaining access does not mean a prospective student would not have excelled in a university type environment. Students who would have gained access, just a handful of years ago, on the same performance, now are not able to do so because of high demand and limited spaces.” Coughlan says the advice currently being provided to these young people ignores the fact that their degree dreams can still become reality at the close to 120

registered private higher education institutions across the country – institutions which are subject to the same oversight as public universities, and whose qualifications are highly respected in the workplace. “Many of these higher education institutions, which by law may not call themselves private universities, offer high quality degrees and are accessible to students who did not get into the public sector institution of their choice. “Furthermore, prospective students are increasingly opting for private higher education by choice – because of throughput rates and small class sizes among other factors – so the perception that one only goes the private route if one’s results were not good enough to secure a space at a public university no longer holds.” Coughlan points out that at credible private higher education institutions, one can study anything from professional accounting to business management, communication and law to education and computer science, as well as several exciting niche qualifications such as branding or game development at degree level. “For almost two decades now SA has had a unitary quality assurance system for the accreditation of higher education institutions in both the public and private sector. This continues, even though private higher education institutions produce thousands of top graduates every year, and even though they are able to confer degrees and qualifications all the way to doctoral level.” Coughlan says that although quality at private higher education institutions varies just as it does between public universities. “If a degree is what someone wants, provided it is for the right reasons and not simply to ‘get a degree’, then the fact that the public sector institutions are full, need not and simply should not be seen as the end of the road.” University is not the only option.

Learners must be placed on day one Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi must prioritize all learners who applied to be placed in schools the previous year to ensure they start learning from day one. It is of great concern that there are still many learners who are yet to be placed, despite applying on time. The MEC should provide more resources to schools with high demand. These include more classrooms, teachers and learner materials.

Parents are put in a difficult financial position when their children are not placed, as they cannot budget for uniforms, school fees and other materials needed. The online registration process should be used to plan and manage placements with necessary resources. All learners deserve to be at school from day one with learning and teaching taking place.

TEL: 016 341 2187/8

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str.




Geysers, toilets, drains, gebarste pype, skrynwerk, teëls ens. Seël van dakke & plaveisels. 082 646 9928 PETS / TROETELDIERE

NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 8514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.


LAUNDRY MATE Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441

ANCIENT DAYS H/V HOSPITAAL & HF VERWOERDSTRAAT HEIDELBERG Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544



NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 7011 946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.



Nigel: Besigheidsperseel te huur in Pretoriusstad. Die erf is 600m2 en geboue 400m2. 2 kantore met toiletgeriewe en 3 fase koopkrag. Baie veilig. R6000pm vooruit en R6000 deposito. Kontak Kosie 083 271 7161.

Heidelberg AA Meetings Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 (

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

RUBY SCENTS. Sell quality oil base perfume. 100 – 150% PROFIT. Capital outlay R185.00 + postage. Contact Madi 083 655 0445 now.

Trading Hours : Mon - Fri 08:00 to 16-30 Sat - Sun 08:00 to 13:30 The Angelo Mall. NIGEL

Barman/Barlady Position available for a young and energetic person. Must be older than 21 years. Long hours of work. Must have own transport.


Walk the Bible - Walk through the Bible kurses, vir n jaar, begin in Nigel vanaf Woensdag 1 Februarie 2017. Aangebied deur Ilse van Dijk van Heidelberg. Alle belangstellendes kan Rita Lubbe kontak 011 814 6628/063 698 1066.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.


Aubrey @ 082 390 5662


Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Nigel Wildsplaas. Baie ruim, 1 Slaapkamer w/s. Oopplan sit en kombuis, eetkamer. 10km op Balfour pad vanuit Nigel. R3000pm & deposito. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Nico Schoonbee. 082 445 0020.


Small business/office space available to rent in safe complex close to SAP and SARS , in Hendrik Verwoerd Street, Nigel. Contact 082 881 2481.

17 JANUARY 2017

FURNITURE / MEUBELS SuperMeubels, 42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445SMS 071 545 3868, EPOS Vir goeie kwaliteit 2de handse meubels, oudhede, nuwe motor, bakkie & taxi bande en vriendelike staf - net by ons......

Eyewear consultant position available at Torga Optical The ideal candidate should have the following qualities: Loyal; Trustworthy; Hardworking and a team player. Optometric experience is not a determining factor but will be beneficial. Please forward your CV to


ARE YOU GATVOL? Co expanding. New Branches 28 Male Reps needed To start imm. Own car ess. No exp. Full training. App set by Go. We offer:

R12000 to start NEEM KENNIS

+ Comm/Incl Med + Incentives and trips + Petrol incentives School leavers WELCOME Call 011 609 2119 for interview

Indien jy nie die Rekord elke 2de Dinsdag ont vang nie gaan haal hom af by ons kantoor of Spar in jou area OTK, Rensburg 24 & MEATWORLD Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

17 JANUARY 2017


Vossie trots Hoërskool John Vorster spog met ‘n 95% slaagsyfer, ‘n totaal van 44A’s, 110B’s en 172 C’s. Die skoolhoof, mnr Jan Nienaber bedank elke leerling en onderwyser vir die rol wat hy 2016 gespeel het en herinner leerlinge daaraan dat harde werk reeds vanaf graad 8 begin. Baie geluk aan ons matrikulante en sterkte met die toekoms. Die volgende leerlinge het 3 onderskeidings: Dianne Squire, Annerie Pieterse en Elani v R v Oudtshoorn. Leerlinge met 2 onderskeidings: Precious Kgomo, Dané Voges, Somari Dames, Zinhle Gama, Corné Cloete, Carmen Pienaar, Drikus Marais, Luther Baaitjies en Caitlyn Blakeman. Leerlinge met 1 onderskeiding: Lindie du Toit, Dian Joubert, Micheilla Potgieter, Chané Breytenbach, Maryke Roets spog met 6 Chanté Maree, Sheralyn Rosseau, Bianca onderskeidings, en ‘n 79% in haar 7de Erasmus, Alicia Britz, Freddie Kok, Diana J v vak. Maryke gaan Forensies studeer Rensburg en Carmen de Vos. by die Universiteit van Potchefstroom.


2017 Graad 8’s maak geskiedenis! Met vele onsekerheid, groot verwagtinge en opgewondenheid het talle graad 8 leerlinge van Hoërskool John Vorster die poort na binne gestap. Hierdie nuwe ingang, ontwerp deur argitek Hennie van der Merwe van Heidelberg, is spesiaal vir geleenthede soos hierdie op die been gebring en dan word die massiewe roldeure gelig vir oomblikke om altyd te onthou. Dit simboliseer die toekoms na buite soos jy uitstap, ‘n ervaring wat 2016 se matrikulante op 12 Oktober verlede jaar beleef het, nadat onderwysers en ander skoolmaats

gegroet is. Hierdie was hul laaste skooldag en hulle was dan ook die eerste groep wat deur die poort na buite gestap het. Op 12 Januarie 2017 het die nuwe graad 8 leerlinge deur die “poort na binne” gestap. Hulle is hartlik met ‘n erewag, deur die UR aan die eenkant en onderwysers aan die anderkant ontvang om te verseker dat hul welkom voel. Hulle maak geskiedenis deur die eerste groep te wees wat as nuwelinge by die poort instap en dan in hul matriek jaar as volwassenes uit sal stap. Wat ‘n voorreg.

School readiness campaign Gauteng Community Safety MEC together with the department officials embarked on a School Readiness Campaign on January 11. This was to ensure both teaching and learning takes place swiftly on the first day of academic programme. The MEC conducted school assessment and evaluation as part of her oversight role within Ratanda community which included schools such as, Qhaqholla Primary, Khanya-Lesedi Secondary and Kgoro ya Thuto High School. The assessment took place during the early hours of the morning until the late afternoon with a stakeholder meeting comprising departmental officials, parents and teachers concluding activities for the day. The MEC was pleased with the manner in which learners, that are usually categorized as poverty stricken pupils, appeared presentable during the f irst day of learning. Gauteng Community Safety donated dignitary packs to learners in need. Throughout all three schools very few burning issues were brought forward regarding the conditions of the schools and the community pleaded with the

department to strengthen safety support structures in their respective schools. “We will increase the stop and searches in schools. We will involve the South African Police Service and other law enforcement agencies to fight the distribution of drugs, alcohol sold to learners, and every form of crime that tends to derail school progress for our children,” said the Gauteng Community Safety MEC Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane. Parents and community at large were urged to assist educators to discipline learners and also to play a major role in ensuring that each learner attends school daily and comply with the school regulations which include completing homework given by a teacher and also respecting them. To ensure a brighter future for South African learners, the department vowed to support learners especially from a safety perspective. The Gauteng Community Safety will continue to distribute scholar patroller uniforms to keep pupils safe on the road and educate learners on the importance of taking charge of their lives at home, school and on public roads.

Graad 8 leerlinge loop deur die “poort na binne”

Senutergende uitdrukkings van graad 8 leerlinge spreek boekdele tydens die instap by die poort van Hoërskool John Vorster.

Terugblik op matrikulante van 2016 wat verlede jaar deur die poort uitgestap het. As mens na hierdie groep kyk sien jy uitbeeldings van “dis volbring”. Ons het die goeie stryd gestry en aan die einde van ons skoolloopbaan gekom. Wat ‘n mylpaal!



17 JANUARY 2017

Rekord Sport Stars

Rehabilitation of Jim Fouche Park Suikerbosrand Youth Rugby Club was founded in 2013 with the sole purpose to create a platform for our youth to be developed and to be given the opportunity to show case their skills and talents. The club is not exclusive and are accessible for any boy between the ages of 5 and 18 year-old. They have grown over the last 3 years to a club with a player base of 130 registered players and 2017 will be even bigger were we are aiming to broaden this players base to about 200 players. Players are representative from AG Visser, Nigel Primary, Tini Vorster, Hannes Visagie, Laer Volkskool, Selcourt Primary and Balfour Laerskool. Now over this last couple of years we have faced numerous challenges with regards to facilities. There is a constant need for practice fields. They are currently using John Vorster Stadium to practice and with 7 junior teams it makes it difficult. Over and above there is a need to accommodate other club’s on the same ground like the Nigel Senior Rugby Club, all the Nigel athletes and other fitness organizations. This year we will have teams from under 6-14 in this club which means more fields are needed. What we have done in the past is to make use of neighboring schools facilities and it helped but are definitely not ideal as they too have commitments. Every year the club is hosting an event with over 3500 spectators and players visiting our town. In the past, John Vorster High School’s facilities were used, they too cannot always accommodate everyone. An excellent idee is to restore Jim Fouche Park to its former glory. Nigel Cricket Club recently launched their youth program and it therefore makes

sense that we join hands and get these two sporting codes on the same premises so that the one can feed the other and ensure sustainability. Jim Fouche Park has three fields currently and there is ample space to develop a 4th and even a 5th. “As a club we feel that we have the capacity and the financial backing, in conjunction with the local municipality to make this recreational facility truly something to be proud of ” according to Philip van der Linde. Phillip and his team is of opinion that if this project succeed they can host several additional events that can only contribute to the town’s economy and create additional opportunities for the children of Nigel and surrounding areas. As it stands now, Jim Fouche Park is in a terrible condition with regards to fields, vegetation control and overall infrastructure and it’s going to take some doing to fix it all up. There is a real need and this facility is available and at this stage it’s totally underutilized. We need to start investing in the youth and even though it’s just rugby and cricket, we are on our way to give children the opportunity and the sense of belonging in a sustainable, well-structured and managed environment. The rehabilitation of Jim Fouche Park is actually one of the Integrated Development Program items in Nigel. Cllr Wollaston Labuschagne said that he will drive this project with all options available. In the meantime Labushagne will communicate with the Parks Department for a temporary solution. It is important to try and and get the fields in some sort of playing condition.

Have you achieved any recent sport goals?

Rekord Readers are always interested in acknowledging sport achievements. Tell Tell us your story!

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Areal view of Jim Fouche Park

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GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R230.98 R243.20 R426.51 R724.70 R1454.29

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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