Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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082 641 9184

011 814 7104

Cnr. Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Street, NIGEL

14 February 2017

VOL 14 NO 3


Beskerming vir jou regte AfriForum is ‘n burgerregte-organisasie wat Afrikaners en ander minderheidsgroepe in Suid-Afrika mobiliseer en hulle regte beskerm. AfriForum poog om aan gemeenskappe ‘n eie stem terug te gee. Gemeenskappe ervaar tans toenemende druk van die regering, wat faal in die nakoming van sy verpligting teenoor die land se burgers. Die gevolg hiervan is onder meer swak dienslewering en onveilige woonbuurte. Daarom het die burgerregte-waghond besluit om benewens nasionale aksies, ook gemeenskappe op grondvlak buite partypolitiek te organiseer. Gemeenskappe moet verantwoordelikheid vir hulle belange aanvaar en sterk binne die raamwerk van die reg optree teen onbeholpe stadsrade en misdadigers. Die gemeenskap kan betrokke raak deur aan te sluit by ‘n bestaande tak of deur ‘n nuwe AfriForum-tak te stig. Sodoende kan jy deelneem aan aksies en

projekte om jou gemeenskap te organiseer. Stel jou kundigheid beskikbaar om probleme nasionaal of in ‘n bepaalde gemeenskap op te los. AfriForum-lidmaatskap behels ‘n maandelikse bydrae van ‘n bedrag waarop jy self kan besluit. Die minimum bedrag beloop R30 per maand of R360 per jaar. Aangesien AfriForum ‘n maatskappy sonder winsoogmerk is, word alle ledebydraes ter bereiking van die organisasie se doelwitte onder meer deur die aanpak van veldtogte en hofsake aangewend. Die bydraes word per debietorder van jou bankrekening verhaal. Dit is ook vir ons moontlik om ‘n debietorder teen jou kredietkaart te laai. Die debietorder kan op een van die volgende datums verhaal word: die 1ste, 16de of 25ste. Ten einde die administratiewe koste so laag as moontlik te hou, werk die stelsel uitsluitlik met debietorders. AfriForum se stelsel is ten volle

geoutomatiseer – dit bestuur ons lede se debietorders, stuur rekords aan die lede se banke, verwerk onsuksesvolle debietorders en rekonsilieer die bedrag wat direk in ons bankrekening oorbetaal word. Die stelsel word jaarliks deur ons ouditkomitee en ouditeure gekontroleer. AfriForum is dankbaar dat ons lede begrip het daarvoor dat ons eerder ons inkomste aan ‘n wye reeks veldtogte spandeer as aan administratiewe take soos bogenoemde. Elke lid ontvang AfriForum-GPS en die AfriForum 911-nooddiens. As nuwe lid ontvang jy ook ‘n AfriForum 911-armband in jou verwelkomingspakkie, met ‘n 24 uur-noodlynnommer in oranje daarop gedruk. Op die armband is ‘n unieke kode (dit bestaan uit vyf karakters, naamlik drie letters en twee syfers, wat in die armband versink is) wat jy op die webtuiste onder jou naam moet registreer. AfriForum se webtuiste kan ook by besoek word om meer inligting te bekom rakende AfriForum se veldtogte en projekte. Ons jongste nuus is ook deurgaans by beskikbaar.Adv. Gerrie Nel gaan by die burgerregteorganisasie AfriForum aansluit. Die nuus dat Adv, Gerrie Nel by die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag (NVG) bedank het en by ‘n onafhanklike ondersoekeenheid van AfriForum aangesluit het het sosiale media laat gons Nel, die voormalige hoof van die nou ontbinde Skerpioene, is een van die land se voorste aanklaers en alombekend om sy rol in die Oscar Pistorius-saak. Nel het destyds die Skerpioene se ondersoek na die oudpolisiehoof Jackie Selebi gelei. Nel, in regskringe ook bekend aan sy bynaam “The Bulldog”, het in die 80’s as aanklaer begin werk.Almal het dit eens dat hierdie besluit van Nel ‘n aanwins vir AfriForum sal wees.

Excellent Service: Buy/Sell your property Contact Belina 079 373 7961 to view

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe Tjokkertjie Voorskool het hul harte oopgemaak en kontant(R850) , Bybels en Kinderbybels bymekaar gemaak nadat hul gehoor het hoeveel kinders nie eens n Kinderbybel besit nie. Hier is hul saam met Ds. Bennie de Klerk van N.G. Kerk , Klipkerk wie graag die Bybels ontvang het en aan kinders in ons plaaslike skole gaan oorhandig wie nie Kinderbybels besit nie.

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

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cnr Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Str, NIGEL ANNELIE 082 853 4071 or 011 814 8614



14 FEBRUARY 2017

Urges continued vigilance The City of Ekurhuleni wishes to thank residents and businesses for making an effort to meet water saving targets. On August 12, 2016, the city called on residents and business to reduce water consumption by 15% to ensure that the

abstraction from the Vaal River System is reduced as per the call from the national Department of Water and Sanitation. Over the past three months, the 15% weekly target was achieved in only two weeks.

Regstelling Regstelling verwysing skrywe gerig op bladsy 6 onder briewe uitgawe van 31 Januarie. Korrekte geaffektreerde perseel moet weees Gereformeerde Kerk Noycedale en nie soos genoem NG Kerk Noycedale.

To reach the 15% target, Ekurhuleni implemented water restrictions and started rationing water to reduce consumption levels. As at January 31, 2017, the Vaal Dam was at 63.5%. With winter approaching, the dam needs to be at 80% to enable the city to have sufficient water before summer rains begin later in the year. The national department will review water restrictions in May this year.

Water restrictions are still in place and include: No watering of gardens during 06:00-18:00; No use of hosepipes; Repair water leaks; Report burst pipes or water leaks in the streets on 0860 543 000. The city is also continuing with the water rationing schedule Residents and business are urged to continue using water sparingly, make it a way of living to save water and adhere to restrictions.

Like a child From the desk of Rev Ray Goddess

Inwoner van Milnerstraat ontstoke nadat vullis dolwers swart vullis plastiekhouers omdolwe en deursoek vir iets wat hulle kan gebruik of self eet. In Milnerstraat weet hierdie soekers nie hoe om agter hul op te ruim nie. Die publiek word aangemoedig om alle voedsel of bruikbare items bo op vullishouers te plaas om sodoende die probleem die hok te slaan.

MA•MOZELLE Summer Stock Clearance Sale on all clothing & handbags

31 Jan - 28 Feb Sizes SS-5XL Styling advice

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BELEIDSVERKLARING BILLIKE BEHANDELING VAN KLIËNTE (BBK) BELEIDSVERKLARING AMICOS Versekeringsondernemings h/a Klippies Steenkamp Makelaars, synde ‘n gemagtigde f inansiële diensteverskaffer, het ‘n sterk fokus op kliëntetevredenheid. Ons missie is om ‘n gerespekteerde en erkende verskaffer te wees en ons Billike Behandeling van Kliënte (BBK)- beleid is ‘n integrale deel van daardie doelstelling. Ons BBK-beleid is gesentreerd rondom die riglyne deur die Raad op Finansiële Dienste voorsien ten einde te verseker dat ons konstant billike uitkomste lewer aan ons kliënte. Ons neem hiermee verantwoordelikheid vir AMICOS en alle personeel om ‘n verhoogde dienskwaliteit aan kliënte te lewer, gebaseer op ‘n kultuur van openlikheid en deursigtigheid.

TREATING CUSTOMERS FAIRLY (TCF) POLICY STATEMENT AMICOS Insurance Enterprises cc t/a Klippies Steenkamp Brokers, as an authorised financial services provider, has a strong focus on customer satisfaction. Our mission is to be a respected and recognised provider and our Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) policy is an integral part of that objective. Our TCF policy is structured according to the guidance provided by the Financial Services Board to ensure we consistently deliver fair outcomes to our clients. We take responsibility for AMICOS and all staff providing an enhanced service quality to clients, based on a culture of openness and transparency.

To say that children have their own mind is possibly an understatement but the fact is that the INNOCENCE of a child is often to be admired, not only by the child’s parents but also by other adults and children. A further fact is that sometimes what the child does can be laughed at or admired but quite often what they do is a total embarrassment to the parents. I remember when my eldest daughter was young we were in a bank when she yelled out so load that everyone could hear: “Daddy, why is that man so fat?” Well I wanted to crawl under the table, most people laughed and luckily the man she was speaking about came forward and agreed with her and said he must really think of doing something about his weight. When we look at Christianity I believe that we have a lot that we can learn from children. As adults we often struggle for words when praying for someone. One of the most moving prayers that have ever been prayed over me was done by a young boy about 8 years old. I was amazed….and blessed. I remember being at the hospital and the patient’s young daughter boldly said that the minister was here and he would pray and her Dad was now going to be okay – greater faith we would struggle to find. Jesus makes a statement about children that I think we need to take note of. Read the verse in the advert below. What does this mean and what can we learn from this. Let us firstly look at what we can learn. I believe that adults try to make Christianity too complex and we end up

Rev Goddess, Heidelberg Methodist Church missing the point of Christianity and life as a Christian. If we however look at Christianity without complicating the theology (like a child does) we would learn a lot and come to a place of understanding more of what Jesus expects of us in our day to day life. Face facts, a child believes the Bible for what it is and does NOT try to change it or manipulate it – he or she just wants to live as Jesus lived and do what Jesus asks – without questioning and doubting. What did Jesus mean in Matthew 18:3? I think Jesus is implying that we approach the Gospel with and in simplicity – and we will understand more and question less. The second point is that children are generally very humble and do what needs to be done without worrying about what others are going to say or think. Stand up for Jesus and the Word of God as it is read in the Bible – at all times. Children do not twist the truth…and according to Jesus nor should we. Live more as a child (simplicity and faith) – your life will be more of a blessing to you and those around you.

57 Strydom Street, Heidelberg Tel: (016) 341-2437 Rev. Ray Cell 082 656 3123 “We exist to be like Christ, live like Christ, and share the exciting message of Christ to all people”.


And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 (NIV) Service times: 08h00 – Traditional Service (Mother’s Room available) 09h30 – Worship Service (Mother’s Room available) 18h00 – Evening Service (all welcome) H2321

14 FEBRUARY 2017


Suspects arrested Police arrested 4 suspects between the ages of 18 and 32 years old for possession of suspected stolen property after they were found loading slaughtered cattle in a white Isuzu bakkie with reg nr PRR 901 GP. This incident took place in January on the R23 road, next to Jordaan Park. Observant Sector members Cat Moleboheng Malahle and Cst Daschner who were patrolling HF Verwoerd Street and R42 spotted a white Isuzu bakkie from the R42 ramping onto R23 heading north. The two members quickly made a U-turn and followed the bakkie. After signaling the driver to stop, one passenger, a Mozambican National fled

per foot. Upon police searching the motor vehicle, they found the bakkie fully loaded with cattle carcasses. It was discovered that the 32-year-old Mozambican National stays in Section 19 in Duduza Location. A thorough investigation by Rural Safety co-ordinator W/O Jacques Bierman in conjunction with a 27-year old farmer from the Schikfontein Farming area, lead to the discovery of the exact location were the cattle were stolen The carcasses found are estimated at R30 000. The arrested suspects will appear before the Heidelberg Magistrate Court.


NIGEL TUISTE vir Bejaardes nooi die gemeenskap om hul te ondersteun met hul Jak de Priester aanbieding met die tema reis na gister op 25 Februarie om 09:00 by die AGS Aquila Gemeente op die hoek van Johan van der Merwe Rylaan en Papawerstraat, Nigel. Kaartjies beloop R100 per persoon.

Kontak 011 814 5313.

Paint & Decor Heidelberg 016 349 6937

Cnr HF Verwoerd & Mare str.

94 Deaths probes Premier’s role A proposal by the DA has been accepted by the Gauteng Legislature’s Oversight Committee on the Premier’s Office and Legislature (OCPOL) to probe the role of Gauteng Premier David Makhura’s office in the deaths of 94 mental health patients after they were transferred to unlicensed NGOs. At the OCPOL meeting, DA Member of the Oversight Committee on the Premier’s Off ice and Legislature Jack Bloom, pointed out that on page 30 of the Health Ombud’s Report on the matter the following claim is made by Dr Barney Selebano, the Head of the Gauteng Health Department: “ ... the decision to start deinstitutionalization of mental health care users from Life Healthcare Esidimeni was undertaken in the Office of the Premier of Gauteng, the Honourable David Makhura, together with the HoD”. This claim, as well as the failure of the Premier’s Office and the Premier himself to effectively monitor the disastrous transfer of patients that led to the deaths, needs to be investigated. Premier Makhura prides himself on the Ntirhisano Rapid Response War Room, but this failed to respond to the concerns of

relatives of mental health patients who demonstrated on two occasions outside the headquarters of the Gauteng Health Department. Furthermore, there were a plethora of media reports on the plight of the patients and complaints by the relatives, as well as two court applications where the Premier was cited as a respondent. It is not credible that the Premier and his office were unaware of the problems and the need for swift intervention. The Premier also needs to account why he did not fire Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu after she disclosed in response to the DA’s questions in the Legislature on 13 September 2016 that 36 patients had died. The DA requested in a letter to OCPOL Chairperson Godfrey Tsotetsi that a report is requested from the Premier’s office that includes a timeline of the whole decisionmaking process with regards to the decision to transfer patients from Esidimeni to the NGOs. I have also requested that the Premier and senior officials should appear before the committee for questions. Makhura can expect tough questioning at the next OCPOL meeting to be held within the next two weeks.

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

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12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R105.00 20X20 ... R89.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R162.00 32X32 ... R148.00 ..... R203.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R242.00 50X50 ... R242.00 ..... R325.00 76X76 ... R379.00 ..... R498.00 100X100 ................... R649.00

20MM .... R82.00 25MM .... R98.00 ....... 32MM .... R143.00 ..... 38MM .... R169.00 ..... 50MM .... R231.00 ..... 76MM .... R338.00 .....

25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00


38x20 .... R154.00 ..... R182.00 38x25 .... R165.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R176.00 ..... R256.00 50x38 .... R242.00 ..... R312.00 76x38 .... R264.00 ..... R391.00 76x50 .... R350.00 ..... R434.00 100X50 ..................... R515.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R75.00 p/m




75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2

R70.00p/m Cut to size


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00



FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R74.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 123.00 R 100.00 R 260.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R49.00 12MM ........ R71.00



75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00

R118.00 R204.00 R236.00 R325.00 R460.00




R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R568.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R679.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R820.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R940.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 360.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 728.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00




14 FEBRUARY 2017

100% Pass rate for Court Campus students!! Court Campus, an accredited ICB (Institute of Certified Bookkeepers) training centre as well as an Authorised Sage Pastel Accounting and Payroll training centre once again achieved great success with their students achieving well above average results in the latest exams. All 34 students who wrote exams during November 2016 passed with flying colours. Court Campus has been situated in Selcourt, Springs for the past 15 years. The college offers the full range of ICB courses in Financial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Office Administration. For anyone wishing to pursue a career as an accounts clerk, an office manager, HR manager, tax consultant or Financial Accountant/Accounting Officer the ICB range of courses is for them, culminating in the NQF L6 diploma in Financial Accounting (SAQA ID: 20366) or Office Administration (SAQA ID: 35958). ICB qualif ications are recognised locally and internationally and students with these qualifications are highly sought after by prospective employers in the industry. These courses are offered full-time during the week, part-time in the evenings or Saturday mornings as well as by correspondence. All classes are led by fully qualified lecturers who are on hand to assist at all times. The Sage Pastel courses on offer are the Pastel 4 day Intermediate and 2 day Pastel Advanced courses as well as the Pastel Certified Administrators course in Payroll. These courses are instructor-led, group paced, classroom-delivery learning modules with structured hands-on activities. All classes are led by qualified personnel. All courses are accredited by FASSET and once the student has passed the exam they earn a certificate of competency. As well as offering training in the Accounting and Payroll fields, outsourcing of accounting and payroll monthly work can be undertaken by the qualified and highly experienced personnel. So, for any small company who cannot afford a full-time accountant this is the answer. Court Campus is also an authorised Sage Pastel dealer, selling and supporting all Sage Pastel software and stationery.


Gibela Rail operations called to a halt The Greater Nigel United Peoples Parliament (GRENUPP) want to express its appreciation and support for the action taken by a group of residents and community members predominantly from Duduza-Nigel area. GRENUPP’s main prerogative was to act on behalf of local unemployed residents whom should have been given preference on offered job opportunities before Gibela Rail and Trencon employed non-locals. The aim is to cut unemployment and improve the lives of the impoverished. GRENUPP relentlessly continued to outcry to get everyone and everybody involved. GRENUPP’s question posed to Gibela Rail and others remains unchanged: “how Gibela Rail fathom, proceeding with a Multi-Billion Rand Empowerment Project without community and/or public involvement?”.

The protest is a result of months of discussions and negotiations between Alstom who won the Multi-Billion Rand Tender from Prasa. Gibela Rail, Prasa SA, Department of Labour Nigel and Trencon Construction, won the Main Construction Tender from Gibela Rail, was also approached. Had Gibela Rail negotiated in good faith and held on to their own brainchild and invention, namely “Community Engagement Forum Terms of References”, and improve it through public participation, drastic action could have been avoided. A joint Memorandum of grievances and demands was submitted on March 2, 2016 and a response was received four months later. This was a clear indication of the intensity with which Gibela Rail viewed grievances of locals.

JJC Kruger & Vennote

Spice Den For All Your Authentic Spice Needs

Students studying in one of the new classrooms at Court Campus.

Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553



Butter Chicken, Biryani Spices & Wet Masala 072 809 5475

Training and Financial Servides

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

14 FEBRUARY 2017


Nuwe bestuur


NIGEL TUISTE vir Bejaardes nooi die gemeenskap om hul te ondersteun met hul Jak de Priester aanbieding met die tema reis na gister op 25 Februarie om 09:00 by die AGS Aquila Gemeente op die hoek van Johan van der Merwe Rylaan en Papawerstraat, Nigel. Kaartjies beloop R100 per persoon. Kontak 011 814 5313.

Elke VLU tak in die Goue Suide streek, het elk ‘n blok borduur, wat saam met ander dames se blokke, as een groot kwilt aan mekaar geheg gaan word. Die dames is gemotiveerd vir al die uitdagings wat die nuwe jaar inhou en hard besig om voor te berei vir die konferensie in Maart te Alberton. Babsie Knoesen, Hannetjie Venter, Thea Jordaan, Bets Grobler en Anja Jordaan het op 6 Februarie die inligtingsdag te Vereeniging bygewoon, waar die jaar 2017/2018 se kompetisies bespreek is. Gedurende die VLU vergadering op 8 Februarie is die nuwe bestuur gekies naamlik: Hannetjie du Plessis (addisionele lid), Elma du Plessis (sekretaresse), Heilie van den Berg (vissie voorsitter), Hannetjie Venter (skakelbeampte), Babsie Knoesen (Tesourier), Anja Jordaan (voorsitster), Bets Grobler (addisionele lid) en Nelda de Wet (verkiesings beampte). Nelda is die vise voorsitster van die streek wat die verkiesing behartig het. Belangstellendes kan Hannetjie by 016 341 5322 skakel.

Training and Financial Servides

016 341 2652 Victoria Center, Voortrekker Road,

Heidelberg Rensburg se nuwe bestuur.

Inge v Zweel, Heilie vd Berg, Babsie Knoesen en Anja Jordaan by die kwiltblok wat deur die dames geskep is vir die streek blok.

We would like to hear from you! Have you got any news, views, moans or groans?

Or any interesting hobbies & sport achievements?

45 Tweede Laan Entrance Kerkstraat.


Contact us on

011 814 8614.

Find us on Saturday 18 FEBRUARY 2017

Between 09:00 - 13:00 @


011 814 8141


TEL: 011 814 5318 110 Noordstraat, NIGEL PITSAND



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14 FEBRUARY 2017


EYE HEALTH is too important to accept anything less than the best! Contracted to most Medical Aids NIGEL:Shop 3 A, Shoprite Centre TEL: 011 814 7000/1

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

Bekende groep ‘The Aspire Ensemble’ vanuit die VSA gaan NG Kerk NigelSuid se gemeente besoek op 26 Februarie om 9 uur. Hierdie groep wat uit 16 jong, Amerikaanse en 2 Britse Christene bestaan gaan met koperblaasinstrumente, snaarinstrumente en lofliedere by die gemeente optree. “The Aspire Ensemble” is bekend regoor Amerika en ook in Europa. Gedurende hulle besoek aan Suid Afrika tree hulle by verskeie skole en kerke op. Hulle reis hierheen op hulle eie onkoste en daarom is die optredes ’n gebaar van welwillendheid. Kom kuier saam by NG Kerk NigelSuid te Republiekstraat 48, Noycedale, Nigel. Belangstellendes kan 011 814 3629 kantoor ure vanaf 8:30-13:00 skakel.


U stok en U staf Sedert die vroegste tye het die staf ‘n groot en belangrike rol gespeel. Omdat lang afstande per voet afgelê moes word, was die staf onontbeerlik. Dit het die stapper ondersteun maar was ‘n ware metgesel asook ‘n wapen waar dit nodig was. Dis heel moontlik die rede waarom God juis hierdie alombekende instrument gebruik het om Sy doel met die mens te illustreer. God besoek Moses in die woestyn en gee aan hom opdrag om Sy volk uit Egipte te gaan uitlei. Vir die taak wat Moses moes uitvoer terwyl hy skape opgepas het, was die staf die belangrikste. ‘n Onaansienlike stuk hout afgekap van ‘n struik iewers in die woestyn. Exodus 4:2 en 3: ‘Daarop vra die HERE vir hom: Wat is daar in jou hand? En hy antwoord: ‘n Staf. En Hy sê: Gooi dit op die grond. Toe gooi hy dit op die grond, en dit het ‘n slang geword; en Moses het daarvoor gevlug.’ Maar later is dit juis hierdie selfde staf wat telkens die teenwoordigheid en die wonders van God moes illustreer. Die staf was die instrument wat die plae gebring het, ja selfs tot in die koning se paleis. Eerstens was die staf deur God as strafgerig gebruik, maar by die Skelfsee slaan Moses die magtige waters wat meteens in ‘n droë pad verander waardeur die volk kon deurtrek. Die rots word geslaan en die volk kon drink. Die staf in die hand van Moses tydens die slag van Amalek was die teken van oorwinning. Hiena sou die staf ‘n onontbeerlike rol vir ten minste die volgende 40 jaar in die lewe van Moses en Israel speel. Telkens was die staf die bewys dat God met Sy volk was en hulle telkens uit benoudheid gered het. Ooreenstemmend hiermee besing ‘n ander herder, Dawid, die wonder van die staf in Psalm 23 vers 4. Al gaan ek ook in ‘n dal van doodskaduwee, ek sal geen onheil vrees nie; want U is met my: U stok en U staf dié vertroos my. Vir hom moes daar ook ‘n besondere betekenis in die staf wees. Miskien het hy ‘n terugblik op sy eie lewe gehad en was daar herinneringe van gebeure waar die

TEL: 016 341 2187/8

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str.

Betsie en Phillip herderspaar van Simfonéa 079 762 5545. Skakel ons vir gebed en berading. getroue staf werklike betekenis gehad het. 1 Sam 17:40. aarop neem hy sy staf in sy hand en soek vir hom uit die spruit vyf gladde klippe uit..met die slingervel in sy hand het hy nader gekom na die Filistyn. Dan volg die wonderbare oorwinning. Dawid erken en bely dat die staf van die Here hom vertroos selfs al sou hy deur die doodskaduwee gaan. Die bewys dat daar in die staf vele herinneringe van gemeenskap, veiligheid en teenwoordigheid van die Here in tye van benoudheid lê. Wat het u en ek vandag in ons hand? Dra ons ook getuienis van menige antwoord op ons nietige gebede. Was God se staf, Sy Woord nie ook ons vertroosting in tye van beproewing en swaarkry nie. Kan ons ook terugverwys en sê: U Woord, U staf vertroos my voortdurend? 1 Sam 14:27 :‘Maar Jonatan het die punt van die staf wat in sy hand was, uitgesteek en dit in ‘n heuningkoek gedoop en sy hand aan sy mond gebring, en sy oë het helder geword.’ Mag Sy staf, Sy woord en dit wat daarin is ons ook versterk, vertroos en ons oë helder maak om Sy wil te doen.

Kom geniet die WOORD saam met ons en daarna ‘n koppie tee! Spruytstraat 26,


14 FEBRUARY 2017



Uitstekende dramaproduksie Opwindende 2017 “Around the world” was die tema van 2017 se groentjiekonsert by Hoërskool John Vorster. Kaartjies was spoedig uitverkoop vir die opvoerings wat op 7 en 8 Februarie plaasgevind het. Die talentvolle Juffrou van Wyk, meesteres op die gebied van drama, wat reeds suskes behaal het met die drama onderrig en ATKV van Hoërskool John Vorster in 2016, was aan stuur van sake en het haar skitterend van haar taak gekwyt. Frikkie vertolk deur Pieter Fourie kon ‘n wens met sy verjaarsdag wens nadat ‘n feetjie, vertolk deur Stefan Horn by sy partytjie opdaag. Saam reis hulle na verskeie lande. Die toneelstukke het hulself in lande soos Indië, Engeland, Amerika, Irak en Egipte afgespeel. Frikkie wat as hoofkarakter uitgewys kan word het in Engeland probleme ondervind met die taal en bombastiese engelse. Toneelstukke uit Irak het gesorg vir aksie belaaide skop, skiet en moord wat die skare laat skaterlag het. In Amerika ontmoet hulle Justin Bieber, Rocky, Paris Hilton, Cher, en Trump. Cher is bekend as die feetjie, vertolk deur

Frikkie, se droommeisie. Die feetjie met sy spitsvondige aanmerkings het die gehoor se lagspiere geprikkel. Daarna is hulle na Egipte waar hulle moes vlug vir hulle lewens omdat hulle ‘n mummy ontwaak het, en ‘n kat geskop het. Uiteindellik eindig hulle in Vossieland en Frikkie is baie beïndruk om te kon sien daar is rugby,kultuur, afrikaans en engels asook, akademie en goeie opvoeding. Die gehoor was betower deur die oorspronklike kostuums, en buitengewone dekor. Die graad 8 leerling se harde werk het goeie resultate gelewer.

Die vlytige dames van Nigel VLU skop die jaar af met hul 719de vergadering. Die byeenkoms het op 9 Februarie plaasgevind. Die oggend het ‘n aanvang geneem uit die Bybelboek Spreuke 31. Die dames is aangemoedig om hierdie jaar met entoesiasme aan te pak. Die dames is ywerig om hulle items gereed te kry vir die komende konferensie 4 Maart. Daar was ‘n oomblik van stilte ter nagedagtenis aan die afsterwe van Marie Fouche, ‘n lid. Dazelle Venter van Bedazzled, ‘n agent van Husqvarna naaimasjiene het die dames meer vertel oor die kompetisie wat Husqvarna hierdie jaar loods. Alle dames is versoek om ‘n kussing te maak wat borduurwerk insluit om in te skryf vir

Dazelle Venter saam Ronel Lombaard.

hierdie uitdagende kompetisie. Met die konferensie om die draai het beoordelaar, Nicoleen le Roux die laaste artikels vir die jaar kom beoordeel. Van die skeppings was kwiltwerk, noga lekkers, ‘n boekoortreksel, macrame hekelwerk, borduurwerk, resepteboek, krale tolletjiewerk, spaghetti in tamatiesous gebottel en kolwyntjies. Die nuwe bestuur is aangewys. Anna-Marie Axer (skakelbeampte), Mabel van Staaden (kompetisie beampte), Tonien Botha, Rina Murphy (tesouriere), Elsa Greyling, Hettie Botha en Susan Valentin. Desiree Human, Kitty Bronkhorst (sekreta-resse), Ronel Lombaard (voorsitster), Suzanne Drotsky (vise) en Annatjie vd Merwe.

Nicoleen le Roux saam Mabel.

Die Nigel VLU maak hul nuwe bestuur bekend.

NOTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION: TOPIGS SA MERINO PIGGERY PROJECT ON PORTION 0 (REMAINING EXTENT) OF THE FARM MERINO 641 IR, MPUMALANGA (EIA Ref Nr: 1/3/1/16/4 G15; NEAS Nr: MPP/EIA/ AMEND/0000016/2016; SMS Ref Nr: TOP-MER-16-09-14) You are hereby notified that the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs (MDARDLEA) has decided to grant Amendment of the Environmental Authorisation for the above mentioned project in terms of the powers vested in it by the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended, and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2010.The amendment entails that condition 3.22 on the Environmental Authorisation be removed. Condition 3.22: “Water Use License and Waste Management License must be obtained prior to the construction and operation of the activity” is hereby removed.nIn accordance with Chapter 2 of the National Appeal Regulations, 2014, should you wish to appeal any aspect of the decision of granting the environmental authorisation amendment, you must, submit the appeal to the appeal administrator of the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs, and a copy of the appeal must be submitted to the applicant, any registered interested and affected party and any organ of state with interest in the matter within 20 days from the date that the notification of the decision for an application for an environmental authorisation was sent to the registered interested and affected parties by the applicant. In other words, within 20 days from the date of this notice by means of one of the following methods: Ï% By facsimile: 013 766 6067/8; Ï% By post: Private Bag X11219, Nelspruit, 1200; or Ï% By hand: Building 6, No. 7 Government Boulevard, Riverside Park, Nelspruit, 1200. The decision by MDARDLEA was signed on the 14th of December 2016, but the decision was only received by the applicant on the 3rd of February 2017. The expiry date for the submission of the appeal to be submitted to MDARDLEA is therefore 6 March 2017. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any queries or if you require a copy of the decision of the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs or the reasons for the decision. Shangoni Management Services (Pty) Ltd, Karien Venter: E-mail:; Tel: 012 807 7036; or Fax: 012 807 1014.




BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599



NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinnekoppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. BRIDAL / BRUIDE Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/ 083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asemrowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs. FOR SALE / TE KOOP

Ruim 1 slaapkamer Woonstel met sit/ eetkamer en kombuis / badkamer te koop in Heidelberg loop afstand van alle plekke. Kontak eienaar Louise 084 325 4831. GENERAL


Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441



NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.


TO RENT / TE HUUR OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Small business/office space available to rent in safe complex close to SAP and SARS , in Hendrik Verwoerd Street, Nigel. Contact 082 881 2481.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed

Secure complex. 24-hour security.


Close to Selcourt towers, Blue Crane Eco Mall 1km, school 1km, N17 Highway & 8km from Springs central.”

Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108

R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brakpan, 011-740-0477 of 011-744-3544

WANTED / OPSOEK DRINGENG OPSOEK NA: Indien u ‘n konsertina het wat u wil verkoop kan u Ruan Barnard skakel: 076 181 1579.

“OPTION 1: All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R 3 230/ month. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom- R 2 970/ month. Deposit: 1 months’ rent + R 300 key deposit + R 800 once off admin fee. OPTION 2: NO DEPOSIT. All units: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom – R 3 560 /month 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom- R 3 270 / month”

Hester 081 751 4454 Emil 012 809 2044

HONDA CR250 2 STROKE FOR SALE Contact 082 45 33 794

DCL Repairs. General turning and milling. Skimming of disc (brake and drums). Service on all cars. Diagnostics on all cars. Brakes. Reline of brake drum disc. General repairs. Contact: Derek 063 774 5640/ Chris 082 384 3124/ Louis 083 454 6450.

Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the tes,monies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 (

Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

RENTAL UNITS available in Springs


Heidelberg AA Meetings

14 FEBRUARY 2017



Indien jy nie die Rekord elke 2de Dinsdag ont vang nie gaan haal hom af by ons kantoor of Spar in jou area OTK, Rensburg 24 & MEATWORLD Should you know of some-one or anyone not receiving a Rekord Newspaper every second Tuesday please contact 011 814 8614

GEBRUIKTE BYBELS Ons wil tog vra dat indien daar gebruikte Bybels in julle huise of gemeentes is, wat nie meer gebruik word nie, om dit vir ons beskikbaar te stel vir Highway Ministry en Radio Kansel se projek om Bybels en ander geestelike leesstof onder die blanke plakkerskampe in Pretoria en ander omgewings, te gaan versprei. Alle Bybels, wat nog in goeie toestand is, sal versprei word, al is dit ook in ander tale. Highway Ministry kan gekontak word om die Bybels op te tel, of dit kan by ons kantore te 15 Derde Laan, Jordaanpark, Heidelberg, afgegee word. Ondersteun ons asseblief om die Woord na hierdie mense in nood te bring. Grieta Mitchley 016-349-1996 of 074996-6483 of 086-502-8441. Epos:

14 FEBRUARY 2017


Nigel Central athletics


Vacancy for Administrative Assistant at Laerskool Dunnot tar

The athletic stars of Laerskool Dunnottar who will take part in the Greater Nigel sport event. You made us very proud!

Gekies vir Groter Nigel byeenkoms Laerskool Hannes Visagie se atlete wat aan die Greater Nigel byeenkoms, Woensdag, 15 Februarie gaan deelneem. Heel agter Links: Jenni Kok, Niel Helberg, Anja Lourens, Nathan Muller, Queline Fourie, Chadoné Els. 2e ry agter links: Hendré de Beer, Janco Coetzer, Harald v.d. Merwe, Petri Stoltz, Ankia v.d. Merwe, Jessi v.d. Walt, Rehani Wirths. 3e ry van links: Caleb Williams, Marinus Botha, Henry Harris, Elske Stander, Juavan Prinsloo, Mari Stoltz, Dean Last. 4e ry van links: Wijan Meintjes, Zanelle Stoltz, Andrew-Nique Josephs, Zane Last, Kelleigh Bowker, Deané Wheeler, Christo van Rooyen.

Job level: Level 6. Department: Gauteng East. Job requirements: Financial bookkeeping; Journals, statements, audited books must balance and must be correct. Invoices must be correct and done daily. Daily admin, records and fees, receipt books must be processed daily. Communication skills; people person, admissions, information to parents LTSM- finance officer. Assist staff admin books must be punctual prepared for auditing. Salaries of staff members. SA SAMS training (optional) If you are interested please send CV to:email Closing date 23 February 2017.


NOTICE Laerskool Tini Vorster het 51 atlete wat 15 Februarie aan die Groter Nigel atletiek byeenkoms gaan deelneem. Agter van links is Sune Bekker, Jacobus Cornelius, Dirkie Botha, Mischa Scrive, Marcelle Haniball, Justin Johst, Jennifer Klein, Juan-Jac Pienaar en Bianca Barnard. Verushke Duvenhage, Monique van der Merwe, Karla Horn, Megan Manenti, Inge Vos, Kyla Kleinhans, Zane Jooste en Dillen van Schalkwyk. Tiaan Deyzel, Keanne Duckitt, Lisa Gouws, Joshua Munro, Esmari Pieterse, Tyrone Steyn, Theuns van der Merwe en Lariska van Loggerenberg.

Michael Doubell, Ignus Vermaak, Annericke Bornman, Ewan Pretorius, Ethan Mc Klein, Abbeygale van As, Juan-Dre Kleinhans en Quente Basson. Desere Steynberg, Maro Hartkopf, Anzelle Doubell, Jolaine Aucamp, Karlu Stander, Elcher Grung, Alexia Johnson en Carston Resandt. Jane Wepener, Lune Wepener, Biehan Wepener, Adriaan Botha, Christian Smuts, Lohane Aucamp en Linden Manual.



14 FEBRUARY 2017

Tribute to Springbok rugby icon Springbok rugby icon Joost Heystek van der Westhuizen was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at the Fourways Life Hospital in Johannesburg February 4, 2017 where he was placed on a ventilator. He passed away on Monday, 6 February 2017 in his Johannesburg home surrounded by his family, at the mere age of 45. In May 2011, van der Westhuizen’s publicist conf irmed that he had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Some weakness had been noticed in his right arm towards the end of 2008 but Joost had put this down to the after-effects of an old rugby injury. He eventually became conf ined to a wheelchair and experienced speech problems, yet still raised awareness of the disease through his charity, the J9 Foundation. Joost who was a South African rugby union player made 89 appearances in test matches for the national team, scoring 38 tries. He mostly played as a scrum-half and participated in three Rugby World Cups, most notably in the 1995 tournament which was won by South Africa. He captained the national side on ten occasions and was part of the team that won South Africa’s first Tri-Nations title in 1998. Domestically he played for the provincial side the Blue Bulls from 1993 to 2003, with whom he won two domestic Currie Cup trophies in 1998 and 2002, and from 1996 until his retirement in 2003 played Super 12 rugby for Northern Transvaal (later renamed the Bulls). He was inducted into the International Rugby Hall of Fame in 2007 and later into the World Rugby Hall of Fame. Van der Westhuizen was born on 20 February 1971 in Pretoria. He was matriculated at Hoërskool F.H. Odendaal and at the University of Pretoria he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He played for the Junior Springboks in 1992. He spent his entire career as a scrum-half, despite standing 6 ft 2 ins, an unusually tall height for a player in this position.[6] He was known for finding and penetrating the tiniest gaps in opposition defences, and his willingness to move forward and join the attack, which brought him in his

defensive duty, he played with savage aggression and a fearlessness that aided his team greatly, often producing heroic and result-defining tackles. His first international cap came aged 22 against Argentina in Buenos Aires on the 1993 tour. The following year he scored two tries in a memorable performance against Scotland at Murrayfield. An August 2013 BBC Sports report illustrated the progress of his disease. By then, Van der Westhuizen was confined to a wheelchair, and his speech had grown increasingly slurred. He told reporter James Peacock “I realise every day could be my last. It’s been a rollercoaster from day one and I know I’m on a deathbed from now on. I’ve had my highs and I have had my lows, but no more. I’m a firm believer that there’s a bigger purpose in my life and I am very positive, very happy”. In January 2014, he returned to the United States to participate in clinical studies with ALS researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He planned to visit the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Center in New York City, which provides support to MND patients, as Van der Westhuizen hoped to start a similar organisation in South Africa. He set up a charitable organisation, the J9 Foundation, to raise awareness, funds and to support research. He regularly spent time with his children, Jordan and Kylie. A public memorial service was held on February 10 at Loftus Versfeld in Pretoria. About Motor neurone disease (MND) MND is the name given to a group of diseases in which the nerve cells (neurones) controlling the muscles that enable us to move, speak, breathe and swallow undergo degeneration and die. Motor function is controlled by the upper motor neurones in the brain that descend to the spinal cord; these neurones activate lower motor neurones. The lower motor neurones exit the spinal cord and directly activate muscles. With no nerves to activate them, muscles gradually weaken and waste. MND is known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in many parts of the world, and as Lou Gehrig disease in the USA.

During the Nitro Drag Wars event held at Brakpan Airfields on February 5, Fred de Beer claimed victory with Bike Addicts Kawasaki ZX14R. The bike was tuned and modified by Bike Addict in Nigel. The bike picked up +-20% horsepower from standard. They broke the 10 seconds barrier by doing 9.83 seconds on the quarter mile. Looking forward to the next event on Sunday March 5, 2017.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE PURLINES 6MT 9.1MT 75X50X20X2 R238.74 R392.50



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 72.60 25X25X3 R 101.64 25X25X5 R 164.70 30X30X3 R 121.56 30X30X5 R 203.04 40X40X2 R 116.70 40X40X2.5 R125.94 40X40X3 R 151.44 40X40X5 R 273.66 50X50X4 R 265.86 50X50X5 R 305.82 60X60X6 R 521.58

R 42.78 R 59.22 R 55.76 R 73.50 R 69.18 R 97.80 R119.20 R 82.44 R120.54 R152.82


R61.14 R68.40 R93.42

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 18.96 R 30.90 R 49.74 R 65.58 R118.20 R225.72


R 82.62 R 98.34 R 91.68 R 97.56 R239.88

EXP/METAL 6320C R189.79 6320D R226.19 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R117.97 80MM R152.10

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R502.91 R583.55 R743.87 R860.49 R1185.29 R1622.11 R2015.91

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R398.18 900mm High R471.82 1.0mt High R501.54 1.2mt High R577.98 1.5mt High R649.12 1.8mt High R737.81 2.0mt High R796.86 2.4mt High R937.04 LOOSE PALES 600mm R15.60 900mm R21.26 1.0mt R23.20 1.2mt R27.82 1.5mt R34.77 1.8mt R41.72 2.0mt R46.28 2.4mt R55.29

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 559.50 100X50(10.73kg/m)R1089.66 152X76 R1830.72 178X54 R1573.20

RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R115.38 R132.90 R149.58 R194.94 R228.12 R253.68 R233.34 R296.04 R402.66


2.0MM R118.02 R169.74 R191.04 R243.18 R297.12 R321.00 R374.56 R401.40 R367.62

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 74.16 R 92.70 R126.24 R159.04 R209.64 R319.44



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 59.16 R 78.00 R105.54 R117.78 R172.92 R159.18 R243.90

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R260.22 R273.24 R325.74 R334.80 R407.16 R437.42

R 95.46 R129.42 R167.52 R204.24 R270.54 R410.58 R583.50

2.0MM R 91.86 R106.08 R186.24 R199.62 R212.94 R266.16 R399.24 R482.76

9.1MT R399.73 R416.46 R496.48 R510.29 R620.58 R667.64

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3803.81 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt 5kg 2.5mm rack & anti theft bracket battery R99.18

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R63.50 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R75.72 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R90.71 CORR 0.3MM FH R37.56

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R238.73 R258.03 R452.52 R697.00 R1543.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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