Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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h/v Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Straat NIGEL

25April 2017


Truck hijackings escalating Gauteng police say there's been a significant increase in truck hijackings in the province, which Commissioner Lesetja Mothiba says, in most instances involve foreigners colluding with officers. Crime increased in the province by 0.7 percent from April last year to March this year. The murder rate has also increased by more than 10 percent. Gauteng police say the majority of truck hijackings have taken place on the N3 Highway. After deploying undercover detectives, the hotspot was cleared but then criminals moved to Midrand. Police say foreigners have been caught hijacking trucks transporting goods, which are taken to storerooms in townships. Mothiba says authorities are still working on stopping these criminals. "In truck hijackings there are cellphones that are involved. Within 48 hours, the consignment is in Lagos, Nigeria." He says national police are now also working on dealing with truck hijackings. In recent years we have become aware of an increase in road-related crimes. Not only have we reported on the hijackings, car theft and incidents of smash-and-grab, but have also seen the much more organized crime of truck hijacking. Not only has there been an increase in specif ically truck hijackings, but disturbing evolutions in the modus operandi has been detected. When truck hijackings first appeared as an “issue” in South Africa, as far back as 2000, it was almost always about product. Most hijackings would be limited to Cashin-transit operations, electronics and valuable goods. It would normally involve cash money or products that are easy to sell (think Electronics, Cell Phones, etc) and mostly involved “inside jobs” where staff or employees have been coerced into cooperating with product-specif ic syndicates. As security measures increased, so the complexity operations, methodology and interest evolved. Now, we would detect trends, ranging from type-specif ic vehicles (certain makes of trucks, certain types of trailers, etc) being targeted often. Where the product was sold into a predefined market in South Africa, more and more syndicates are starting to appear with apparent international links and interests. The latest trend we are seeing is that the cigarette industry is being targeted.

Burned after highjacking.


The Truth will set you Free


Poor air kills! Poor air quality is commonly known for its contribution to, among others, respiratory and cardiac diseases. According to the World Health Organisation poor air quality kills people, causing an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths. The World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, under the theme “Beat Air

Pollution”. The City of Ekurhuleni being an industrial hub, has deployed 10 Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations across the City to identify sources of potential harmful emissions. Waste is also one of the many contributors to air pollution. The toxic substances in air contaminated by waste include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. With the approaching winter season, residents are encouraged to think twice before burning any rubble as it also directly adds to the pollution. Where sources of air pollution are identified, the City dispatches Air Quality Practitioners to the premises suspected as sources to evaluate compliance with the Air Quality Standards. The standards prescribe the acceptable level of pollutants that cannot be exceeded during a given time in a defined area.. The community can get involved by reporting any air pollution, or odour problems in their area to the following Air Quality Practitioners in their areas for intervention: Region Air Quality Practitioner contact details: North Samukelo Shongwe (011) 999 3525. South Edmund van Wyk.(011) 999 2470.

East Flip Visser/Chris Kapp F l i p . V i s s e r @ e k u r h u l e n i . g o v. z a ( 0 1 1 ) 999 8768 (011) 999 8759.

C.J.J. STEEL cc.


Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale 011 Tel: 01 1 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 086 671 7253 email: -

Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing






EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5...................... R175.00 30x30x3 .................... R135.00 30x30x5 .................... R220.00 40x40x3 .................... R170.00 40x40x5 .................... R280.00 25x25x2 .................... R 75.00 30x30x2 .................... R110.00 40x40x2 .................... R120.00


38x20 .... R146.00 ..... R180.00 38x25 .... R175.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R185.00 ..... R235.00 50x38 .... R238.00 ..... R280.00 76x38 .... R273.00 ..... R340.00 76x50 .... R310.00 ..... R400.00 100X50 ..................... R490.00




20MM .... R73.00..........R 90.00 25MM .... R92.00 ....... R110.00 32MM .... R120.00 ..... R160.00 38MM .... R142.00 ..... R187.00 50MM .... R191.00 ..... R240.00 76MM .... R292.00 ..... R370.00

12x12 .... R 70.00 16x16 .... R 85.00 20X20 ... R 88.00.......R110.00 25X25 ... R100.00 ..... R148.00 32X32 ... R142.00 ..... R200.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R230.00 50X50 ... R233.00 ..... R300.00 76X76 ... R350.00 ..... R460.00 100X100 ................... R600.00






12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x3 ......... 50x5 .........

R 41.00 R 45.00 R 52.00 R 69.00 R 62.00 R 83.00 R 75.00 R103.00 R100.00 R136.00 R131.00 R171.00

SQ BAR 6M 10MM ..... R68.00 12MM ....... R95.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 87.00 R 115.00 R 120.00 R 101.00 R 250.00

75x50x20x2.....R305.00...R465.00 75x50x20x2.....R308.00...R469.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R340.00...R519.00 100x75x20x2...R388.00...R591.00 6MM .......... R21.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R375.00...R572.00 8MM .......... R34.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R410.00...R625.00 10MM ........ R52.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R75.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 55.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 78.00




3mx600mm...R 455.00 3mx1.0m.......R 522.00 3mx1.2m.......R 617.00 3mx1.5m.......R 675.00 3mx1.8m.......R 750.00 3mx2.0m.......R 800.00

600mm....R 16.00 1.0m........R 22.00 1.2m........R 27.00 1.5m........R 34.00 1.8m........R 41.00 2.0m........R 46.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLA TES PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R615.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R730.00 2450x1225x2.5........R920.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1090.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1600.00 2500x1200x5.0......R1980.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2350.00


11 JUNE 2019

TruLight Radio XM – Teaching Article Warning against the Hebrew Sacred Names Cult This False Doctrine is taking South Africa by storm! Related to the Hebrew Roots Movement, the Sacred Name Movement developed from the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the 1930s. Supposedly, the movement began in response to study of Proverbs 30:4, “What is his name, and what is the name of his son?” The Sacred Name Movement teaches that only “Yahweh” is to be used as the name for God, only “Yahshua” is to be used as the name for Jesus and another name for the Holy Spirit. According to the Sacred Name Movement, the use of any other name is blasphemy. In addition to a strong emphasis on the use of the original Hebrew names for God and Jesus, the Sacred Name Movement also teaches that followers of Yehshua must obey the Old Testament Law, especially the commands regarding the seventh-day Sabbath, the kosher food laws, and the Jewish festivals. The Sacred Name Movement errors in many ways. But the primary error is the same as that of the Hebrew Roots Movement. The Sacred Name Movement fails to understand that Jesus did not come to expand Judaism or the Old Covenant. The Saviour came to fulf il the Old Covenant and establish the New Covenant. Jesus Messiah’s death and resurrection fulfilled the requirements of the Law and freed us from its demands (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15). The Old Covenant was but a shadow (Hebrews 8). The New Covenant, established by our Saviour/Messiah, is a fulfilment, not a continuation. The particular focus of the Sacred Name Movement on the names of God and Jesus is unbiblical. The human authors of the Old and New Testaments, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, had no qualms about referring to God as Elohim (Hebrew) and Theos (Greek) or referring to the Son as Iesous (Greek). If it is biblically appropriate to use generic terms to refer to God and to use a Greek version of Jesus’ name, why is it wrong, in English, to refer to the Heavenly Father as “God”

and the Messiah as “Jesus”? Why would it be wrong to use the Chinese, Spanish, or Russian pronunciation and spelling of those names and titles? Further, not even the adherents of the Sacred Name Movement can completely agree on what the sacred names actually are. While “Yahweh” and “Yahshua” are the most common, some propose “Yahvah,” “Yahwah,” “Yohwah,” or” Yahowah” for God and “Yeshua” or “Yahoshua” for Jesus. If there is only one nonblasphemous name each for God and Jesus, we better be sure to get it right. Yet adherents of the Sacred Name Movement cannot even agree on the very core of what their movement is supposed to be all about. The Sacred Name Movement began with an unbiblical premise and has continued by building unbiblical doctrines on top of that premise. Our salvation is not dependent on our ability to properly pronounce God’s name in Hebrew. Our relationship with God is not based on our obedience to the Old Covenant that our Messiah perfectly fulfilled. Jesus’s death and resurrection fulfilled the requirements of the Law and freed us from its demands, Romans 10:4; For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Galatians 3:23-25; But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justif ied by faith.But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; More Bible Truths are available on our website! Or request your free eBook on the Great Falling Away via the Doctrines of Demons by Pastor Dirk, by emailing “ Free eBook” to


11 JUNE 2019


Die statistieke van die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie verklaar dat elke jaar meer as sewe miljoen mense aan tabakverwante siektes sterf en meer as ses miljoen van dié sterftes is die gevolg van direkte tabakgebruik. Die gevolg hiervan is dat sowat 890 000 nie-rokers blootgestel word aan tweedehandse rook. Vrydag, 31 Mei was “World No Tobacco Day” en die doel van hierdie dag is om gemeenskappe bewus te maak van die van die gevare wat tabak inhou. Verskeie praaitjies is oral oor aangebied en mense is ingelig oor regstreekse rook of tweedehandse rook en die gevolge daarvan. Oorlewendes van tabakverwante siektes het die effek van wat tabak op hulle lewens, die van hul geliefdes asook hul ervarings gedeel. Die tabak-epidemie is een van die grootste bedreigings vir openbare gesondheid wat die wêreld ooit ervaar het en meer as 8 miljoen mense per jaar vermoor. Ongeveer 80% van die 1,1 miljard rokers wêreldwyd woon in lae- en middelinkomste lande, waar die las van tabakverwante siekte en dood die swaarste is. Tabakgebruikers wat vroegtydig hul families van inkomste ontneem, die koste

van gesondheidsorg verhoog en ekonomiese ontwikkeling belemmer. Daar is meer as 4000 chemikalieë in tabakrook, waarvan minstens 250 skadelik is en meer as 50 is bekend om kanker te veroorsaak. Daar is geen veilige vlak van blootstelling aan tweedehandse tabaksrook nie. By volwassenes veroorsaak tweedehandse rook ernstige kardiovaskulêre en respiratoriese siektes, insluitend koronêre hartsiekte en longkanker. By babas, verhoog dit die risiko van skielike kindersterftesindroom. Statistieke toon dat 65 000 kinders jaarliks sterf van siektetoestande wat toegeskryf kan word aan tweedehandse rook. Beeldwaarskuwings Harde slaan anti-tabak advertensies en grafiese pak waarskuwings, veral diegene wat foto's insluit, verminder die aantal kinders wat begin rook en verhoog die aantal rokers wat ophou. Grafiese waarskuwings kan rokers oorreed om die gesondheid van nie-rokers te beskerm deur minder binne-in die huis te rook en om nie naby kinders te rook nie. Studies wat uitgevoer word na die implementering van die beeldpakket waar-

skuwings in toon konsekwent dat beeldwaarskuwings die mense se bewustheid van die gebruik van tabakgebruik aansienlik verhoog. Massamedia-veldtogte kan ook tabakverbruik verminder deur mense te beïnvloed om nie-rokers te beskerm en oortuigende jeugdiges om op te hou om tabak te gebruik. Belasting op tabakgebruik Tabakbelasting is die mees kosteeffektiewe manier om tabakgebruik te verminder, veral onder jong en arm mense. 'N Belastingverhoging wat tabakpryse met 10% verhoog, verminder tabakverbruik met ongeveer 4% in hoë-inkomste lande en sowat 5% in lae- en middelinkomste lande. Tog is hoë tabakbelasting 'n maatreël wat selde geïmplementeer word. Slegs 32 lande, met 10% van die wêreld se bevolking, het belasting op tabakprodukte ingestel, sodat meer as 75% van die kleinhandelprys belasting is. Tabakbelastinginkomste is gemiddeld 250 keer hoër as besteding aan tabakbeheer, gegrond op beskikbare data. Onwettige handel in tabaksprodukte moet gestop word. Die onwettige handel in

China Cash & Carry stores, one of the biggest shopping trends that specialises in products made in China are taking root. Owners Connie and Andy a Chinese couple opened the China Cash & Carry store in Ferryvale Shopping Centre in Nigel recently. They specialise in local and imported goods sold at discount prices, ranging from small electronic components, building material, tools & hardware, garden supplies, home & kitchen, vehicle accessories, sports, entertainment, lights, pet products, beauty & personal care, packaging, stationary, security & protection, telecommunications, toys & hobbies, gifts & crafts, baby accessories,

plumbing, party accessories and plenty more. The number of cash and carry stores has grown signif icantly and the shopping habits of customers of such stores, clearly implicates the marketing activities in this increasingly competitive sector. The cash and carry stores performs typical of the large full-services they cater for. It can be concluded that the cash and carry stores definitely plays an important role in the economic situation readers f ind themselves and because of this they can reach their target market. Clients love to shop at this store because of cheaper products and it concentrates primarily on a large range of products in all areas and obtain the competitive

advantages of purchasing in bulk. The general public can purchase products for personal or domestic use. The scope of the cash and carry market grew dramatically over the years and therefore they are in a position to market products at a cheaper price. There objective is to be able to sell almost anything to their customers to render a specific and unique service to all with their wider product range. The premises are spacious and readers can comfortably pass through the shelves to browse. The friendly, competent staff and management are ready to serve clients to the best of their ability to make sure every customer is a satisf ied customer. Very convenient shopping hours to suit everybody. Visit us at Shop no 5.


tabaksprodukte hou groot gesondheids-, ekonomiese en sekuriteitsbekommernisse in die wêreld. Daar word beraam dat 1 uit elke 10 sigarette en tabaksprodukte wêreldwyd onwettig is. Die onwettige mark word ondersteun deur verskeie aspekte, wat wissel van kleinhandelaars tot georganiseerde misdaadnetwerke wat betrokke is by wapens en mensehandel. Belastingontduiking ondermyn die doeltreffendheid van tabakbeheerbeleid, veral op hoër tabakbelasting. Die bewyse toon egter dat nie-belasting faktore, insluitend swak bestuur, hoë vlakke van korrupsie, swak regering se toewyding om onwettige tabak aan te pak, ondoeltreffende doeane- en belastingadministrasie, en informele verspreidingskanale vir tabakprodukte dikwels van groter belang is. Die implementering en afdwinging van sterk maatreëls om die onwettige handel te beheer, verhoog die doeltreffendheid van aansienlik verhoogde tabakbelasting en -pryse, asook sterk tabakbeheerbeleid, die vermindering van tabakgebruik en sy gesondheids- en ekonomiese gevolge.

Browse until you drop!

Plenty gift ideas instore for that special dad for Father’s Day.

China Cash & Carry Shop No 5, Ferryvale Shopping Centre, NIGEL. 076 822 388

OPEN Bronwin Jacobs, Pieter Dreyer and Chantel van Wyk, looking forward to welcome the public at Shop No 5, Ferryvale Shopping Centre, Nigel at China Cash & Carry.

Monday - Friday 9 - 17:30. Saturday 9 -17:00 Sunday 9 - 15:00 Public Holidays 9 - 15:00



11 JUNE 2019

Sk enkings wink el spog met nuw e baa djie Skenkings enkingswink winkel nuwe baadjie

Solidariteit Helpende Hand se skenkingswinkel op Heidelberg, wat nou onder die vaandel van “Ons Winkel” handeldryf, spog nou met ’n nuwe baadjie. Hante du Toit staan aan die stuur van sake by Ons Winkel op Heidelberg, wat deel is

van byna 45 soortgelyke liefdadigheidswinkels landwyd. Dié Ons Winkel is geleë in Pretoriusstraat 50, waar die ou OK gebou destyds was, die systraatjie by die hoof ingang van Laer Volkskool. Die winkel spog saam met ’n uitleg met Helpende Hand se nuwe korporatiewe identiteit. “Ons sien baie daarna uit om ’n verskil in die gemeenskap te maak en ons verwelkom alle inwoners met ope arms,” het Du Toit gesê. Enigiets kan by Ons Winkel afgegee word, van klerasie, meubels, oudhede, kombuisware, beddegoed, gordyne, speelgoed, skoene, sporttoerusting en tegnologiese ware of enigiets anders wat in die pad staan. Hante vertel dat die gemeenskap van Heidelberg en Nigel gewillig is en met blymoedige harte goedere inbring vir skenkings. Sy is verstom dat mense se harte so oop is om ywerig te voorsien. Hante

doen moeite met die items en verseker dat alles reperasies gedoen word voordat sy dit op die rak sit. Daar is natuurlik ‘n groot tekort as dit kom by baba klere en items asook meubels. Sy vertel ook verder dat van die items wat geskenk word nog so goed soos nuut is. Ons Winkel neem hierdie goedere en omskep dit in geld wat onder meer vir Helpende Hand se studiefonds benut word. Helpende Hand se studiefonds bied rentevrye studielenings aan behoeftige studente wat kwalifiseer om verder te gaan studeer, maar nie die nodige fondse het om dit te doen nie. Die opbrengste word ook aangewend vir verskeie ander projekte van Helpende Hand wat poog om Afrikaner-armoede te verlig, te verbreek en te voorkom. Saam en in ’n japtrap kan ons almal ’n groot verskil in die gemeenskap maak, stap bloot net by die winkel in en koop of skenk iets.

Dit is die ideale manier om van oorbodige huisware ontslae te raak en te weet dit gaan reg aangewend word om ’n verskil in die gemeenskap te maak. Hante moet alle items uitsoek en verpak op die rakke nadat dit versorg en skoongemaak is om sodoende te verseker dat dit in goeie bruikbare toestand is. Dit verg vreeslik baie tyd en sy is oorweldig met die hantering en verpakking van die talle items. Indien daar dames is wat dit goedvind om handjie by te kom sit wat graag iets soek om te doen in die dag sal hulp en bystand waardeer word. Let wel dit is ‘n welsynswerk en daarvoor word vrywilligers benodig. Sy doen dit vir die liefde van die saak. Vir meer inligting of om ’n skenking te maak skakel Hante by 081 276 9143. Foto: Hante du Toit met die wavrag items te koop by Ons Winkel op Heidelberg.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198



Plaasl ike pastei hoekie

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

Op die hoek van Kingsway en Van Riebeeck straat is die hoekwinkel wat bekend staan as Pastry Delights. Pastry Delights en Rekord Koerant is binne in een perseel, selfde eienaars net een van ons nuwe lyne. Ons verskaf die heerlikste tuisgemaakte pasteie in 7 verskillende soorte. Familie pasteie is onder andere ook beskikbaar. Vleisrolletjies, meer bekend as sausage rolls word in pakkies van 12 pasteitjies verkoop. Groot pasteie is vullend en hoë kwaliteit vleis word vir vulsels gebruik. Pastei deeg, eie in sy soort krummel nie soos die

gewone pasteie nie. Mini pastei pakkies bevat elke 6 mini pasteie ook beskikbaar in 7 verskillende soorte. Pasteie kan ook in groot hoeveelhede gekoop word en vir solank as 6 maande gevries word. Hierdie is nie jou tipiese rennie pastei waar jy nadat jy die pastei geeet het smag na ‘n rennie nie. Hier het kwaliteit ‘n naam. Allerlei beskuite en smullekker koekies om van te kies en keur. Besoek ons gerus. Die lesers wat weet waar Rekord Koerant se kantore is sal ons maklik vind gebruik dieselfde ingang.

11 JUNE 2019



Dink wildsvleis

Vir die egpaar Theunis en Cindy Steyn het alles begin by ‘n feestelike lekkerte elke keer wanneer hul gaan jag. Hierdie uitdagende jagekspedisie wat hul naderhand bemeester het, het gegroei en met al die bestellings van kennise, vriende en familie kon hul nie voorbly met die bemarking van wildssnitte nie. Die einde van die saak was dat hierdie lekkerte kopkrap en harde bene kou meegebring het. Theunis met sy vaardighede deur al die kennis en ondervinding wat hy so met die jare opgebou het was genoodsaak om sy huiswerk te begin doen en vandaar die groot taak om marknavorsing na te speur. Na talle laat nagte se studies het die jagliefhebbers tot die slotsom gekom en dit was die begin vir BUSHVELD MEAT. Met al die opwinding en groot drome is hul ouers ook betrek om van hierdie besigheid ‘n familie besigheid te maak en elkeen se kennis op sy unieke manier te implimenteer. Om ‘n besigheid te begin is nie net om ’n goeie idee te hê nie. Jy moet die vermoë hê om jou besigheid te laat bou, groei, strukture in plek te sit, administrasie onder beheer te kry en dan ook nog aan allerlei kontraktuele vereistes voldoen. So behalwe vir ’n blink idee en entrepreneuriese dryfkrag om jou produk aan enige Jan Rap en sy maat te verkoop, moet jy jou huiswerk doen. Dit is opwindend om ’n nuwe besigheid op die been te kry en te sien hoe jou produk of diens begin verkoop. So het hierdie entrepreneurspaar hul sterkpunte aangewend en besluit om te spesialiseer in wildsvleis. Elkeen se vaardighede word ten volle uitgeleef en so is Helen Steyn, Theunis se moeder dan as f inansiële bestuurder aangestel. Cindy se ouers Hans en Tryna Veldhuis, al 28 jaar inwoners van Heidelberg se wysheid en inspirasie is deel van hierdie suksesverhaal. Bonnie spesialiseer in alle algemene take en kwyt haar uitstekend van haar taak. Moenie die klein Dominique agter laat wat enige iets en alles vir jou uit pak in hierdie familiewinkel. Buiten wildsvleis word hierdie slaghuis

gekenmerk aan sy A graad biltong en droëwors. Die bees en lamvleis is slegs goeie kwaliteit AAA en AA graadvleis. Hulle beoog om alle vleis relevante produkte aan hul kliënte te voorsien. Produkte is vars en hul wil bekend staan as die nommer een braaiwinkel. Souse, marinades, speserye, braai benodighede en vele meer is hier te koop. Selfs word heerlike platters en vleispasteie asook brood en melk vir skoliere hier bemark. Theunis en Cindy het hul logo en alle handelsmerke self ontwerp. Die hele familie het ingespring met die uitleg van die slaghuis en alles is handgemaak en self gedoen. Die perseel is ruim, skoon en aantreklik, wat jou die lus gee om te koop. Die naam is uniek omdat dit verwarring uitskakel en verseker dat lesers weet dat die vleis eie aan die bosveld is. Kenmerkende geure van wildsvleis kan hier bekom word soos lekker koedoe, rooibok en eland en kliënte kan dit hier regdeur die jaar vind. Hierdie wildsvleis sal lesers nêrens anders die hele jaar beskikbaar vind nie. Met die smaak van die geur, sal jy elke hap van hierdie wildsvleis geniet. Alle snitte word kundig gesny en verwerk. Die bees- en lamvleis is maer en is ‘n gunsteling verkoper en alle snitte word na kundige standaarde gesny, vakuum verpak met ekstra sagtheid. Hul hamburger patties maak ‘n fees van ‘n burger en die beeswors ‘n nommer een voorloper verkoper. Braai niks minder as hulle beste-sappige en pragtig gebalanseerde beeswors nie. In die nabye toekoms sal ‘n roomysmasjien ook beskikbaar wees. Kyk uit vir hul Vadersdag verrrassende idees. Hierdie slaghuis maak braai ongelooflik maklik, want jy kan op die internet jou braaivleis en pap bestel en dit word selfs afgelewer op jou voorstoep. Vra eenvoudig die bekwame personeel in die winkel om u te help kies, die perfekte sny te berei, hier word alles selfs gesny, gradeer en debatteer! Die span is baie energiek en gefokus.

Baby stolen at Bara Hospital A new-born baby was kidnapped last week at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. A female suspect was spotted on the CCTV cameras wearing blue jeans, flip-flops and a long-sleeve white top. This is a heinous crime. This incident is hugely distressing and highlights the need to tighten up on security at all maternity wards as baby snatching has happened at other hospitals as well. The baby has since be found.


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11 JUNE 2019

rekord@rekordpaper PETS / TROETELDIERE


NOAH’S ARK PET SHOP Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinne-koppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156. BRID AL/BR UIDE/MA TRIEK BRIDAL/BR AL/BRUIDE/MA UIDE/MATRIEK

WEDDING WORLD SPRINGS 011 811 5776/083 280 4584. Matriekafskeid kompetisie deur Wedding World Springs. Groot pryse. Kompetisie slegs geldig indien beide paartjie hul uitrustings by Wedding World aanskaf. Metgesel onderbaadjies, dasse, sakdoeke. Meisies kan uitrustings by Wedding World laat ontwerp, huur of koop. Volledige volkleur foto van paartjies moet voor 25 November ingehandig wees saam inskrywingsvorm. Bespreek nou om teleurstelling te voorkom.

SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441

tt 77 Porter Rd. DUNNOTTAR

D.F. AIRCON Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.

Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896. All work guaranteed


MOBILE PAWNSHOP Open 7 days a week. We buy, pawn, sell. Furniture/tools/ Gold Jewellery/TVs / Fridges / Washing machines. We come to you.Otto 073 937 9710 or Vanessa 074 235 7006. SHOP 011 739 4570



SuperMeubels, 2 Milnerlaan, Noycedale, Nigel, tel: 011-8141406 / 079 378 1229 Kom koop ‘n nuwe Siesta Baseset kontant en ontvang ‘n kussing gratis dit terwyl voorraad hou. Spandeer harde kontant op enige 2de handse item in die winkel en kry 10% afslag. Dit raak net al hoe lekkerder hier........hierdie aanbod geldig tot einde Mei 2019 KOOP KONTANT, BETAAL PER KAART OF BEREKOOP.

LAUNDRY MATE Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366

REFRIGERA TION / AIR CONS REFRIGERATION AIRCONS NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at the cnr of North Street & 6 Avenue, PERSONEL L OANS LO PERSONAL LOANS from R10 000.00 UP TO R250 000.00. (No Administration or Debt Review). Send your NAME, SURNAME, ID , EMPLOYER AND BRUTO and NETTO SALARY via SMS/ WHATSAPP/FAX or EMAIL to Cell no : 081 467 9242 fax no : 086 517 0712 or email adress: TO RENT / TE HUUR

TE HUUR NIGEL - Veilige eenslaapkamerwoonstel. Motorhuis met elektroniese motordeur. Klein tuintjie. Koopkrag. Water ingesluit. R3500.00pm & deposito. Beskikbaar 1 Julie. Skakel 084 403 6963. TE HUUR NOYCEDALE NIGEL - 2 slaapkamer Woonstel, sitkamer, badkamer en kombuis. Ingeboude kaste. Koopkrag, afdak vir motor en eie oprit. R3 800 pm plus deposito. Kontak Petrus 084 894 1394 of Tanja 074 966 3667. WENDIES SPECIALS

Heidelberg AA Meetings Mondays & Thursdays from 19:0020:00 at the SUIKERBOS OORD, FREEMAN STR, Heidelberg. If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. For any anonymous donations contact Marius. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 or email

Koos van Staden looking for any “scrap” to sell. Available for garden duties, cleaning of garages and handyman work in and around the house. Contact 072 254 2945.

AAABCD WENDIES. SPECIAL IN HEIDELBERG, NIGEL & BALFOUR. Treated for ants, termites & water proofing. All sizes in stock. 2x2 R4000. 3x3 R4700. 3X4 R5500. 3X6 R9400. 10 Year guaranteed. Joe 073 283 5945.

NOTICE/KENNISGEWING NOTICE OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PROCESS BASIC ASSESSMENT AND WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION Upgrading and Refurbishment of Balfour/Siyathemba Bulk Water Supply Scheme in Ward 1,2, 3,4,5 and 6 within Dipaliseng Local Municipality within Gert Sibande District Municipality, Mpumalanga Province. Proponent: Gert Sibande District Municipality Notice is hereby given in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) in accordance with the amended 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (2017) (Government Notice No. 326, 327) and the requirements for Water Use License Applications in terms of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998): Intent is to carry out the Basic Assessment Process, and the Water Use License Application for the Upgrading and Refurbishment of Balfour/Siyathemba Bulk Water Supply Scheme in Dipaliseng Local Municipality within Mpumalanga Province. In brief the works involve: · Construct a new 250mm diameter uPVC pipeline to convey 3.5ML/day; · Upgrading of all booster pump stations supplying water to Greylingstad · 3 ML reservoir at Siyathemba and 1.5Ml reservoirs at Nthorwane. The full content of the application and reasoning thereof have been outlined and can be made available upon request. In order to receive further correspondence, you would have to register as either an Interested or Affected Party. The legislated 30 days public comment period will commence on 01st of June 2019 until the 30th June 2019. Your comments are to reach us by no later than 5 o’clock on the 30th June 2019 (closing date) and must be submitted to our office in the methods of communication provided below. Should you have any comments or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Environmental Consultant at the following contact details Consultant Company: Thlaho Environmental Contact Person: Mrs Sthembile Ngcobo-Molefe P.O. Box 2828, Pinetown, 3600, Tel : 031 703 1154, Cell : 072 752 3755, Fax : 086 517 5202, Email : Date of Advertisement: 01st June 2019 This advertisement will be available on:


11 JUNE 2019


Jo y dogs visited the elderly Joy at Advent Haven Care centre

Sue Green has always had a special interest in dogs and has been involved in dog handling and training for 20 years. She has assisted in running support groups together with a psychologist and social worker, focusing on helping people with personality disorders and psychological problems. The JOY Dogs : They belong to the breed Old English Sheepdogs Jazmine is 11 years old and comes from Port Elizabeth; Oscar passed away at 9 and a half and was from Belgium; Yola is 6 years old and comes from Hungary. New addition in July 2018 is Orion from Russia. We Care Different options exist for the JOY Dogs to work as therapy dogs, ranging from a full show with the dogs showing off their tricks, interesting facts about them and the breed and also a display of products made from spun dog hair, or just a visit where everyone can interact with the dogs and touch them and take photos.


Winter Care

Many children have to go through this winter with blankets that’s torn and has holes in it they have to share 1 blanket with their siblings, some has no blanket at all and has to rely on a plastic bag or box to cover themselves. For these families it’s a difficulty just to have bread to eat, not to mention to be able to take a few rand and buy a blanket. There are situations where children gets into fights with their brothers or sisters over a jersey. The elderly suffers just as much some of them are staying in garages, shacks back rooms with raw cement floors, holes in the walls, broken windows, this is elderly’s that the state feels do not qualify for a pension grant, they also cannot find employment due to their age and illnesses. In a lot of elderly care centers the number of death rises in the winter time as the cold makes it difficult to fight against viruses and already illnesses. The one thing we seldom hear about is the number of deaths of elderly people during winter time, who mostly suffers because they do not have warm clothing and bedding. Winter is a beautiful season but a dreadful one for all destitute families, children and elderly, it’s the longest months of your life if you have no warm clothes, no warm bedding. Readers can change these situation by providing blankets, warm clothing and warm food to Helping SA. The children, families and elderly that they assist is located across South Africa, there is so many that need assistance that they have start this drive as soon as possible and not wait for when the coldest days arrives.

It Cost them +/- R1800 per month per family for their food parcel this includes healthy balanced meals. It Cost them R 800- R1200 for a family of 3 for blankets and at least 2 jerseys and pants for each. The fundraising will be done by asking for a R100 donation towards their hope for warmth project. Readers can do a bank transfer to help them save on cost so they can help many more in return readers will receive a tax (Section 18A) invoice to claim back from tax and a Helping Sa Warmth Hope ribbon that they hope you will wear with pride knowing what a difference you have made. Examples of what your R 100 donation WILL do: Feed a child / elderly for 3 days / 1 pair of warm shoes and socks / 1 Winter pants / 1 Jersey / 1 Jacket / Warm bedding/ Blankets /1 Child will be able to take the bus to school for a week and no need to walk over 6 km. You can give hope where there is none!! If you are doing a donation through the bank for this worthy project, please reply to this email with your details and postal address to ensure you receive your Invoice and special Ribbon. ABSA. HELPING SA. ACC NR; 4080 925 296.BRANCH: 632005. Current account. Please use reference LC and your name or company name when doing a transfer. NEDBANK. HELPING SA. ACC NR; 1162 381 620. BRANCH: 198765 Currant account. To view our NPO and Section 18A certificates visit our website, while you are visiting enjoy our photos and videos. For any information conact Leonie Botha, Vice-Chairperson/Fundraiser Helping SA at 081 703 6774.

Focus on heritage museum

Heidelberg Heritage Museum and its staff aims to keep the history alive through their historic buildings, heritage tours and the allround experience that is offered. Paired with an unforgettable dining experience and their famous Heidelberg beer this is certainly a trip that won’t be easily forgotten. Their brewery specializes in 4 different beer tastings and are any beer lovers dream. One’s a month there is a fleamarket to enjoy. May 8 was international knitting and crochet in public day and residents joined in the fun. More aboat this in our next issue date June 25.

Residents joined in the fun and taught some youngsters the basic skills of knitting and crochet.



11 JUNE 2019

Done it again! Students of Tenshinkan Karate Club Nigel who competed in the Shihan Championships in Benoni on May 18. The club achieved a total of 32 medals (gold, silver and bronze) for Kata and Kumite divisions. Back row left to right: Monica Windsor, Erika Visagie, Veronica Vorster, Ziaan Nortje, Sensei Leon Gagiano, Assistant Sensei Nathan Helen, Michelle Glen and Marlize van Rooyen. Center left to right: Juan du Preez, Edward Kies, Leon’e Gagiano, Ywanke Engelbrecht, Tristan Louw and Theunis van Rooyen. Front row left to right: Kaylee de Necker, Zayden Windsor, Connor Vorster, Zayne Koekemoer, Fabio de Jesus, Ruan Bezuidenhout, Zarius Windsor and Angelica Vorster.

CO S TEEL DEALERS ELCO STEEL EL TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last “D” fence 1.8x3 Glv 100x50x4x4mm wire panel


Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

1.8X3. 75x12.5x3x3mm wire panel R1332.05



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 72.00 25X25X3 R 99.00 25X25X5 R 159.00 30X30X3 R 130.00 30X30X5 R 199.00 40X40X2 R 111.00 40X40X2.5 R138.00 40X40X3 R 168.90 40X40X5 R 279.00 50X50X3 R 229.00 50X50X5 R 339.00 60X60X6 R 519.00

R 41.90 R 64.90 R 52.00 R 77.30 R 62.90 R 96.50 R127.00 R 83.00 R104.00 R165.00


R64.00 R66.00 R94.50

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 19.90 R 32.50 R 51.90 R 73.90 R135.00 R210.50



87.00 123.50 103.10 101.20 269.00

EXP/METAL 6320C R199.00 6320D R240.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R148.30 80MM R205.80

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R599.00 R729.00 R825.00 R1050.00 R1599.00 R1950.00 R2350.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R430.00 900x3mm High R521.40 1.0x3mt High R556.10 1.2x3mt High R625.50 1.5x3mt High R729.50 1.8x3mt High R833.20 2.0mt High R903.30 2.4mt High R1041.90 LOOSE PALES 600mm R17.50 900mm R24.00 1.0mt R26.20 1.2mt R31.40 1.5mt R39.20 1.8mt R47.10 2.0mt R52.30 2.4mt R71.10

CHANNEL 76X38 6.70kg/mt R684.00 100X50 10.73kg/m R899.00 152X76 R1799.00 178X54 R1480.10

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R91.00 R140.40 R153.50 R184.50 R225.00 R249.00 R269.00 R300.00 R399.00

Welding Rods 5kg 2.5mm R132.25

R120.00 R172.90 R190.00 R234.00 R279.00 R309.00 R338.50 R390.00 R478.90


500 2yr Warrenty, 2 remotes, 4mt rack & anti theft bracket + battery


SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm 20X20 R 87.90 25X25 R 99.90 32X32 R141.80 38X38 R174.90 50X50 R231.90 76X76 R349.00 100X100

R109.90 R141.50 R190.00 R219.90 R299.10 R450.00 R599.00

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225x0.5 R219 2450X1225x0.6 R299 2450X1225x1.0 R499 2450x1225x0.2 R960 2450x1225x3.0 R1447.

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM MESH SALE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 69.00 R 90.00 R120.00 R141.00 R165.00 R189.00 R288.00

R 90.00 R109.90 R150.00 R179.00 R205.00 R235.00 R365.00 R500.00

REF100 REF156 REF193 REF295 REF311 REF617 REF888

R207.00 R322.00 R391.00 R609.50 R638.25 R1265.00 R1782.50

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R299.00 R319.00 R359.00 R399.00 R433.00 R469.00

R455.70 R486.10 R547.10 R608.10 R659.90 R719.10


PURLINES 6mt R295 9.1mt R449.60 Glv Sht 2450x1225x1.2mm R481.85


R62.80 R79.50 R99.00 R42.50

Glv Sht 2450x1225x2.0mm R799.00 C/R Sht 2450x1250x0.4mm R155.25 C/R Sht 2450x1250x0.8mm R323.15 C/R Sht 2450x1250x2.0mm R803.85 H/R Sht 2450x1250x3.0mm R1099 H/R Sht 1850x920x3.0mm R630.23 H/R Sht 3000x1500x4.0mm R1955

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE

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