Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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h/v Kingsway & Van Riebeeck Straat NIGEL

25April 2017


Verlos uit dwelmhel

deur Janie Monsieur, Maroela Media

Maruschka Joubert (26) se lewe het handomkeer verander toe haar dwelmverslawing daartoe lei dat sy haar rug breek en die gebruik van haar bene heeltemal verloor. Maar selfs om vir ewig aan ‘n rolstoel gekluister te wees, was nie genoeg om haar te oortuig om dwelmgebruik finaal te los nie. Vandag lyk die donkerkop ma van ‘n driejarige se lewe egter baie anders. In haar huis in Nigel, is alles silwerskoon en netjies. Ja, Joubert woon in haar eie huis, bestuur haar eie motor en woerts gemaklik in haar rolstoel rond. Haar huis is goed ingerig vir ‘n rolstoel, en vir haar is hierdie die norm – haar lewe is gemaklik en sy verkies dié lewe enige dag bo haar “vorige lewe”. Eerste stap na die afgrond Joubert was ‘n doodgewone 14-jarige skoolmeisie toe sy ‘n verhouding met ‘n matriekseun aangeknoop het. Dit was ook in dié tyd wat sy vir die eerste keer met dwelms begin eksperimenteer het omdat die paar gereeld saam dagga gerook het. In gr. 9 het sy na ‘n skool in Heidelberg geskuif en dáár sê sy het haar moeilikheid eintlik begin. “Ek het ‘n vriendin ontmoet wat in matriek was, ek was 15. Sy het een aand vir my gevra of ek saam met haar Ecstasy wil gebruik. Ek het nuwe vriende gemaak in die nuwe skool en ek het ingepas by hulle, so ek het ingestem al het ek nie geweet wat dit is nie.”By die vriendin se huis het sy vir die eerste keer Ecstasy gebruik. Sy het ook met Candy flip geeksperimenteer, wat ‘n mengsel tussen Ecstasy en LSD is. Van daar het Joubert in ‘n warrelwind van dwelms verval. Sy het verhoudings begin met mans wat reeds uit die skool was, wat hul eie karre gehad, reeds hul eie geld gemaak en self ook dwelms gebruik het. Sy erken dat haar verslawing in haar gr. 11 en gr. 12 jare die ergste was. Sy het steeds Ecstacy gebruik, maar dit was CAT en kristalmetamfetamien wat haar veral ingetrek het. In ‘n stadium het Joubert slegs 45 kg geweeg omdat die dwelms haar eetlus so gedemp het. “Ek het selfs voor my eksamens CAT gesnuif. Ek sou dit saam met my skool toe neem, en dan vir die onderwyser vra om badkamer toe te gaan, sodat ek nog kan gaan snuif, en dan verder eksamen gaan skryf,” sê sy. Volgens Joubert het sy nie in daardie

stadium gedink sy is verslaaf aan dwelms nie, sy het gedink sy gebruik dit bloot sosiaal. Dit is eers toe sy haar ma se geld uit haar handsak begin steel om vir die dwelms te betaal, wat sy besef het sy het ‘n probleem. Maar tog het sy nie iets daaraan gedoen nie. Sy erken die grootste rede hoekom sy keer op keer terug na dwelms gegaan het, is omdat sy in die verkeerde vriendekring was. Joubert is die jongste van vier kinders en het ‘n rustige kinderlewe gehad, maar daar is tog ‘n oomblik wat sy kan onthou wat kon aanleiding gee vir haar latere dwelmverslawing. Sy het as gr. 7-dogter by ‘n maat se huis gaan oorslaap toe sy daar deur ‘n volwasse man gemolesteer is. Sy het die geheim vir lank binne haarself gehou omdat sy bang was sy maak haar ma seer as sy haar vertel. “Ek dink dit is waar ek my kop so bietjie verloor het. Ek het myself ook op my arms gesny, so ek dink dit was maar alles maniere waarop ek dit probeer hanteer het,” sê sy. Joubert het eers in gr. 9 vir haar ma in ‘n brief vertel wat met haar gebeur het, maar toe was dit reeds te laat en het sy reeds in die dwelmmaalkolk beland. Die aand toe alles verander Op ‘n noodlottige aand toe Joubert in haar matriekjaar was, het sy saam met vriende van ‘n klub in Heidelberg gery om dwelms te gaan koop in Springs. “Die man wat bestuur het, was baie dronk en hy het begin huil. Ek het gesê ons moet vir hom gaan CAT koop omdat dit hom sal laat beter voel. Ons was almal dronk in die motor,” sê sy. Sy kan nie veel van die ongeluk onthou nie, maar onthou dit het daardie aand gereën. Die laaste wat sy kan onthou, is dat hulle 200 km/h gery het. Sy het ‘n slag gehoor en toe in ‘n mielieland op die grond wakker geword. Joubert het op die agtersitplek van die

motor gesit en is tydens die ongeluk uit die motor geslinger. Die man wat bestuur het, het van die ongelukstoneel gevlug en sy het hom nooit weer gesien nie. “Ek kon nie opstaan nie en ek kon nie my bene voel nie. Ek onthou nog hoe ek gate in die grond gegrou het soos wat ek probeer opstaan het,” sê sy. Mense wat Joubert se ma ken, het op die ongelukstoneel afgekom en haar dadelik gebel. Sy was daarna vir sowat vier maande lank in hospitale. Vir mense wat nie aan dwelms verslaaf is

nie, sal só ‘n traumatiese ervaring ‘n duidelike omdraaipunt wees, maar Joubert was meer afhanklik van die dwelms as wat sy besef het. Sy het reeds in die rehabilitasiesentrum waarin sy was om te leer hoe om met haar rolstoel oor die weg te kom, weer begin kristalmetamfetamien en CAT gebruik. Ná haar ongeluk het sy nog twee jaar lank in haar rolstoel dwelms misbruik. “Ek was baie depressief en ek kon nie alles hanteer nie. Ek was kwaad vir die wêreld en het almal blameer.” Vervolg op bladsy 7

EL CO S TEEL DEALERS ELCO STEEL TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last Fen y std 2mt R30.Fen y std 2.45mt R90 Fen y std 1.8mt R80 Fen Feny kstdstd3.05mt 2.4mtR125 R77



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3

25X25X2 R 67.10 25X25X3 R 93.60 25X25X5 R 149.00 30X30X3 R 114.50 30X30X5 R 183.10 40X40X2 R 111.00 40X40X2.5 R136.70 40X40X3 R 157.50 40X40X5 R 250.00 50X50X3 R 204.50 50X50X5 R 316.70

R 43.40 R 67.80 R 54.20 R 84.80 R 65.10 R101.70 R 88.80 R135.60 R108.50


R66.60 R67.80

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM

R 17.60 R 31.30 R 48.90 R 70.30 R125.00



90.40 128.40 107.20 105.20




SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5

R623.00 R758.20 R858.00 R1092.00 R1663.00 R1923.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R447.20 900x3mm High R542.30 1.0x3mt High R578.40 1.2x3mt High R650.60 1.5x3mt High R758.80 1.8mt High R866.50 2.0mt High R939.50 2.4mt High R1083.60 LOOSE PALES 600mm R18.20 900mm R25.00 1.0mt R27.20 1.2mt R32.70 1.5mt R40.80 1.8mt R49.00

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50

R84.50 R139.00 R150.00 R175.00 R210.00 R230.00 R270.00 R296.00

Welding Rods 5kg 2.5mm

R120.00 R169.00 R190.00 R216.00 R260.00 R290.00 R330.00 R368.00


500 2yr Warrenty, 2 remotes, 4mt rack & battery

SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm 20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76

R 85.00 R105.00 R144.00 R175.00 R231.00 R350.00

R104.00 R139.00 R178.00 R217.00 R287.00 R436.00

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225x0.5 R227 2450X1225x0.6 R311 2450X1225x1.0 R519 2450x1225x0.2 R1085

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM MESH SALE 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM

R 66.00 R 89.00 R113.00 R137.00 R154.00 R184.00 R279.00

R 80.00 R110.00 R139.00 R169.00 R191.00 R228.00 R346.00

REF100 REF156 REF193 REF395 REF311 REF888

R215.30 R334.90 R418.60 R633.90 R663.80 R2194.70

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 PURLINES 6mt R225.00

R297.00 R337.00 R371.00 R410.00 R447.00

R453.00 R514.00 R565.00 R625.00 R682.00


Glv Sht 2450x1225x1.2mm R481.85 Glv Sht 2450x1225x2.0mmR1043.20 CHANNEL ROOF SHEETING C/R Sht 2450x1250x0.4mm R161.50 76X38 6.70kg/mt R711.40 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R61.80 C/R Sht 2450x1250x0.8mm R336.10 100X50 10.73kg/m R935.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R79.50 C/R Sht 2450x1250x2.0mm R836.00 152X76 R1871.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R99.00 H/R Sht 2450x1250x3.0mm R1092 H/R Sht 1850x920x3.0mm R655.40 H/R Sht 3000x1500x4.0mmR2911.60 A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE Tool Box & 2 Ton Trolley JackR3499



Illegally operat ing NPOs operating

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


MEC for Social Development in Gauteng, Ms Thuliswa Nkabinde-Khawe has made a stern warning against unregistered Non-Prof it Organisations (NPOs), particularly those who work with vulnerable groups. The Children’s Act defines Child and Youth Care Centre (CYCC) as a facility that provides residential care to more than six children outside the child’s family environment in accordance with the residential care programme suited for the children in facilities. Any organisation that is providing service to children should be registered according to the Children’s Act, guided by specific norms and standards. Having an unconstitutional board, mismanaged of funds as the board fails to account for funds, facilities not meeting registration requirements as prescribed by NPO Act and Children’s Act and social worker violation of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 is unacceptable. “Gauteng Provincial Government has adopted a 365-child protection programme to ensure that children are and feel safe. Gauteng, Social Development, will remove children from such facilities and the movements will be done through the court if the children were placed through court orders. The department will continue to assist the organization to be registered for compliance, however we cannot keep children in the centre that is contravening the laws of the country and put children at risk,” says MEC Nkabinde-Khawe.

30 JULY 2019

The Truth will set you Free

TruLight Radio XM - The False Doctrine of Hyper Grace The term hyper-grace has been used to describe a new wave of teaching that emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin. Hyper-grace teachers maintain that all sin, past, present, and future, has already been forgiven, so there is no need for a believer to ever confess it. Hyper-grace teaching says that, when God looks at us, He sees only a holy and righteous people. The conclusion of hyper-grace teaching is that we are not bound by Jesus’ teaching, even as we are not under the Law; that believers are not responsible for their sin; and that anyone who disagrees is a pharisaic legalist. In short, hyper-grace teachers “pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality” (Jude 1:4) and flirt with antinomianism. Jesus’ words to the seven churches in the book of Revelation strongly contradict the idea that Christians never need to repent. To the church at Ephesus, Jesus said, “Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place” (Revelation 2:4). Jesus rebukes five of the seven churches and demands repentance from them (Revelation 2:4, 6, 20; 3:3, 15–19). Far from believers being unaccountable for their sin, they must answer to Jesus for their disobedience (see also 2 Corinthians 5:10). Preachers of hyper-grace doctrine discount the Old Testament and the Ten Commandments as irrelevant to New Testament believers. They even teach that Jesus’ words spoken before His resurrection are part of the Old Covenant and no longer applicable to born-again believers. But is this true? In Mark 13:31, Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised that the Father would send the Holy Spirit who “will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you” (John 14:26). If Jesus’ words are no longer applicable to believers, why would we need to be reminded of them? Hyper-grace teaching is a good example of mixing truth with error. An emphasis on the beauty and power of God’s grace is good, but some teachers are neglecting what Paul called the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). For example, it is true that Christians have been forgiven by God. But that doesn’t mean we never have to confess our sin. James 5:16 says, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” If we are to confess our sins to each other,

why would we not need to confess them to God, since every sin is ultimately a sin against God (Psalm 51:4)? Also, 1 John 1:9 gives clear instruction to believers about confessing sin. It begins with the word if: “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This is a cause/effect statement implying that we cannot have the second without the first. As blood-bought children of God, we do not continue to confess our sin in order to be saved from hell. We confess and repent in order to reestablish an intimate relationship with our Father. We are “positionally righteous” but “practically sinful.” To counter this argument, hyper-grace preachers deny that John’s letters were written to believers. However, 1 John 2:1 begins with this: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” John is clearly writing to believers whom he personally knew. He indicates that his believing friends may indeed sin, and that, when they do, they need to confess it. Hyper-grace preachers also claim the Holy Spirit will never convict Christians of their sin. Mature Christians should recognize this fallacy right away. Every disciple of Christ has felt the overwhelming conviction of the Holy Spirit when he or she has sinned. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit “the Spirit of Truth” (John 15:26). Truth, by its very definition, will not tolerate anything false. When the Spirit of Truth abides in a believing heart (1 Corinthians 6:19), He brings conviction about anything that is not truth. In summary, much of what the hyper-grace preachers teach is valid. We are indeed saved by grace, not our works (Ephesians 2:8–9). And God’s grace is marvellous, great, and free (1 Timothy 1:14). However, hyper-grace teaching is out of proportion to the rest of Scripture. Any time one doctrine is emphasized to the exclusion of the rest, we fall into error because we fail to “correctly handle” the Word (2 Timothy 2:15). Jesus was full of both “grace and truth” (John 1:14). The two are in delicate balance, and a tip to either side can result in a false gospel. We must always compare any new teaching with the “whole counsel of God” and learn to disregard anything that veers even slightly from the truth (1 John 4:1). More Bible Truths are available on our website! Or request your free eBook on the Great Falling Away via the Doctrines of Demons by Pastor Dirk, by emailing “ Free eBook” to

Gupt a looting, bailout budget

30 JULY 2019

The 2019 Appropriations Bill is, unfortunately, a bailout budget. The impact of state capture on Eskom means that South Africans are now being asked to endure public service cuts to bail out what has been stolen by wealthy associates within the leadership of the ANC. A criminal syndicate, which has siphoned away the resources that should have been used to keep lights on. R17 billion will be allocated to Eskom from the fiscus, as an emergency bailout, with R6 billion more on the way. What are the conditions of this bailout? We were told in Committee meetings that the Minister would announce these conditions – but hitherto it looks like a blank cheque. Ordinary South Africans are being asked to pay twice for electricity - through their energy bills - and through their taxes. Ordinary South Africans, not the looters and capturers, are being asked to pay back the money. Whenever a parent buys a textbook for their child, a portion of that Value Added Tax (VAT) is being used to bail out captured state-owned entities (SOEs). Whenever a taxi driver refuels his taxi, a portion of the fuel levy is being used to bail out captured SOEs. So, who is truly suffering to pay for this bailout budget? Commuter trains lose R4.2 billion, municipal Infrastructures lose R1 billion, SASSA sees cuts, Human Settlements will see a cut, special


economic zones experience cuts. This is what the f iscal cliff looks like – when public services are forced to endure budget cuts in order to allow the ANC to balance the shortfalls caused by Gupta looting. The people entrusted to administer this bailout budget are also suspect. Ace Magashule, of Gangster State fame, has been described by the President as ‘his boss.’ If this is the case, then the government is asking Parliament to allow R1.4 trillion of peoples’ money to be administered by a criminal syndicate masquerading as a political party. A large portion of this budget – 70% of the main appropriation, some R630 billion, are transfers and subsidies. The issue here is that there is poor and ineffective oversight over these transfers and subsidies. Let me use local government to illustrate this point - 14 municipalities illegally deposited R1.5 billion of public money into the Venda Building Society Mutual Bank (VBS) – some of which were transfers from national government - and in a grand act of political irony, VBS gave the public money deposited by the ANC, straight to the EFF. Madame Speaker, the reaction to VBS being placed under curatorship, and the assault on the independence of the South African Reserve Bank, demonstrates that there is a struggle being waged against our

One dead six teen injured One man was killed and sixteen others injured last week following a collision between two taxis on the R549 in Ratanda, south of Heidelberg. ER24 medics, along with other services, arrived on the scene at 08h24 to find the two taxis in the middle of the road. The passengers had already climbed out of the vehicles and were found walking around on the scene. Medics assessed the patients and found one man, lying inside the one taxi, had sustained numerous injuries and showed no signs of life. Nothing could be done for the man and he was declared dead. Sixteen other patients were assessed and found to have sustained injuries ranging from minor to moderate.

The patients were treated for their injuries and were thereafter transported to nearby hospitals for further care. The details surrounding this incident are not yet known but local authorities were on the scene for further investigations.


economic institutions by the criminal syndicate masquerading as the governing party. We have a responsibility to fight to ensure that economic sanity prevails, and that the President’s boss, Ace Magashule, is not allowed to print unlimited amounts of money to destroy our economy, as was done in Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Pulling our economy back from this brink is the struggle that we must now fight. Economic freedom is the freedom to find

work and opportunity, to provide for our families, to save for our retirement and live a fulfilled, dignified life, knowing that no criminal syndicate, masquerading as a political party, will be able to destroy our opportunities. This is the economic freedom that has been denied to South Africans for too long. Aluta continue means that the struggle continues – not that the looting should continue.

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Shane Ramsammy 67 Schoeman str. Heidelberg,

Oasis Centre. 079 540 8105




EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R100.00 25x25x5...................... R157.00 30x30x3 .................... R121.00 30x30x5 .................... R198.00 40x40x3 .................... R153.00 40x40x5 .................... R252.00 25x25x2 .................... R 67.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R108.00


38x20 .... R146.00 ..... R180.00 38x25 .... R175.00 ..... R200.00 50x25 .... R185.00 ..... R235.00 50x38 .... R238.00 ..... R280.00 76x38 .... R273.00 ..... R340.00 76x50 .... R310.00 ..... R400.00 100X50 ..................... R490.00




20MM .... R73.00..........R 90.00 25MM .... R92.00 ....... R110.00 32MM .... R120.00 ..... R160.00 38MM .... R142.00 ..... R187.00 50MM .... R191.00 ..... R240.00 76MM .... R292.00 ..... R370.00

12x12 .... R 70.00 16x16 .... R 85.00 20X20 ... R 88.00.......R110.00 25X25 ... R100.00 ..... R148.00 32X32 ... R142.00 ..... R200.00 38X38 ... R176.00 ..... R230.00 50X50 ... R233.00 ..... R300.00 76X76 ... R350.00 ..... R460.00 100X100 ................... R600.00






12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x3 ......... 50x5 .........

R 37.00 R 40.00 R 49.00 R 69.00 R 60.00 R 83.00 R 73.00 R103.00 R 95.00 R136.00 R124.00 R171.00

SQ BAR 6M 10MM ..... R62.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 87.00 R 115.00 R 120.00 R 101.00 R 250.00

75x50x20x2.....R305.00...R465.00 75x50x20x2.....R308.00...R469.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R340.00...R519.00 100x75x20x2...R388.00...R591.00 6MM .......... R21.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R375.00...R572.00 8MM .......... R34.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R410.00...R625.00 10MM ........ R52.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R75.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 52.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 74.00




3mx600mm...R 455.00 3mx1.0m.......R 522.00 3mx1.2m.......R 617.00 3mx1.5m.......R 675.00 3mx1.8m.......R 750.00 3mx2.0m.......R 800.00

600mm....R 16.00 1.0m........R 22.00 1.2m........R 27.00 1.5m........R 34.00 1.8m........R 41.00 2.0m........R 46.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLA TES PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R615.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R730.00 2450x1225x2.5........R920.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1090.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1600.00 2500x1200x5.0......R1980.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2350.00


Cut-off day for refuse bins



The City of Ekurhuleni reminds customers that it will no longer collect waste contained in any container/bin that is not issued by itself. The commencement date for implementation of this change has however been rescheduled to 1 August 2019. This move to reschedule the commencement date serves as a grace period for residents (who do not have a 240L wheelie bins) to ensure that they acquire the 240L wheelie bins by 31 July 2019. The 240 wheelie bins have been distributed to residents and remain available at all the City’s waste management depots and selected Customer Care Centres for residents who have not collected theirs yet. The City’s fleet of refuse trucks are fitted with an automated mechanism to pick up the bins and empty the refuse into the compactor. The City is therefore urging all residents who missed the mass roll out to collect their

wheelie bins from the waste manage-ment depots and selected Customer Care Centres between Monday and Friday from 8h00 to 15h30. Residents must ensure that they bring copies of their IDs and municipal account statements to collect the 240L wheelie bin. The bins are issued for free, while the refuse collection is charged at R174.41 per month for each bin. Residents who are in need of more than one bin may apply for such a bin, at an additional monthly charge. Residents who use the bins are urged to place them outside their homes at 7:00 on calendar days provided by the City and take them back as soon as the collection

is done. There are many advantages of using the 240L wheelie bins, which include that they: • provide more storage capacity than the refuse bin used previously • are compatible with the truck’s lifting mechanism, and thus workers do not have to carry bins on their back • have a longer lifespan than a bag (approximately 8 years) • minimizes tearing of bags by rodents and stray dogs, and infestation of rodents • are durable to utilize and easy to clean • are easy to handle with low risk of being exposed to sharp objects • do not generate water vapour and are

30 JULY 2019

made of pest repellent material • are cost-effective in that they do not require continuous acquisition of refuse plastic bags • promote uniform service standards and cleanliness of the city. In an instance where a resident loses their 240L wheelie bin, they need to report and get a case number from the South African Police Service and take it to the nearest waste depot together with a copy of the municipal rates account statement and an ID copy to get a new 240L wheelie bin. For more information, media may contact Themba Gadebe on 011 999 1522 / 076 303 7594 or

Clicks bederf bejaardes Die flinke en vriendelike personeel van Clicks, Angelo Mall Nigel het in Julie maand, die koue winter maand uitgereik na die Tehuis vir Bejaardes in HF Verwoerdstraat, Nigel. Die inwoners is lekker bederf met die heerlikste verversings saam met lekker warm boere koffie en tee. Die personeel het tussen die inwoners rondbeweeg en bloeddruk en bloedsuiker toetse op die bejaardes gedoen om seker

te maak almal is in goeie gesondheid. Die personeel van Clicks het ook leesbrille geskenk aan elke inwoner wat die behoefte daarvoor gehad het. ‘n Tannie van 84 jaar was verheug oor haar gratis bril en het aan die bestuur van die Tehuis borrellend vertel dat sy nou haar ou gunsteling Bybel kan lees na jare wat dit vir haar onmoontlik was. Die bestuur van die Tuiste betuig opregte dank aan almal by Clicks Angelo Mall vir hierdie pragtige gebaar.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


Die lekkernye en lekker versorging en bederf met gratis brille het voorwaar inwoners se harte gesteel.

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

30 JULY 2019





30 JULY 2019

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SMART KITCHENS & HOME IMPROVEMENTS For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441

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30 JULY 2019



Verlos uit dwelmhel!

Vanaf bladsy 1 Keerpunt Joubert sê sy het ophou dwelms gebruik omdat dit die lewe in ‘n rolstoel vir haar nog moeiliker gemaak het. “Kristalmetamfetamien vorm kristalle wat in jou rugwerwels gaan lê. My lyf wou nie meer nie. Ek het erge spasmas gekry, myself natgemaak en in my broek gemors,” vertel sy. “Die nadele was te veel. Ek moes besluit: Dis óf ophou, óf ek gaan myself doodmaak.” Joubert was 18 jaar oud toe sy by die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Raad teen Alkoholen Dwelmmisbruik (Sanca) op Heidelberg gaan aanklop het. Daar het haar pad na herstel ná sewe jaar in die dwelmgreep begin. Gelukkig vir haar het al die vriende wat voorheen saam met haar dwelms gebruik het, ná die ongeluk stuk-stuk begin wegbly. Saam met haar ma en Lezanne Schölly, wat ‘n sielkundige by Sanca is, het hulle die lang pad begin stap. Vandag is sy al ses jaar lank dwelmvry. “Ek kry steeds baie keer drange om dwelms te gebruik, veral as ek die dag baie emosioneel is. ‘n Spesifieke reuk of liedjie kan dit ook aanwakker,” sê sy. Maar wanneer dié gevoelens kom, bel Joubert vinnig haar ma, wat deesdae haar grootste ondersteuner is. Voorheen sou Joubert en haar ma weke gaan sonder om met mekaar te praat, maar nóú sukkel hulle om een dag sonder ‘n telefoonoproep te gaan. “My ma sê altyd sy gee nie om of sy die hele aand lank saam met my moet kom sit nie, ons moet dit net deur maak – en ons doen, ons maak dit elke keer. Ek kan haar enige tyd bel as ek haar nodig het. As dit nie vir my familie was nie, sou ek dit nie baie ver gemaak het nie.” Fotos voorsien deurJanie Monsieur, Maroela Media

‘n Nuwe begin Joubert se lewe het vir ‘n tweede keer handomkeer verander toe sy in 2016 geboorte geskenk het aan haar seuntjie, Heinu. Sy het nie geweet sy kan swanger raak nie, en het eers op 16 weke daarvan uitgevind. “Dit was baie emosioneel vir my, maar dit was fantasties. Aan die begin was ek baie bang, ek het heeltyd gedink: ‘Hoe gaan ek vir hom sorg?’ en ‘gaan ek self vir hom kan sorg?’” Vir die eerste jaar van Heinu se lewe het Joubert ‘n helper gehad, maar daarna het sy agterkom dat sy eintlik goed self regkom. “Om ‘n kind groot te maak is baie harde werk, maar dit is ‘n seëning op verskeie maniere. Meeste van my tyd gaan na hom toe. As ek nie swanger geword het nie, dink ek. ek sou dalk op dwelms teruggeval het. Maar omdat ek vir Heinu het, gaan ek nie meer uit nie. Ek sal eerder in die aande lekker rustig in my bed saam met my seuntjie wees, dis is beter as enige kuier,” sê sy.

Joubert onderhou tans vir haar en Heinu met geld wat maandeliks deur die Padongelukkefonds aan haar uitbetaal word. Sy stuur gereeld haar CV uit, maar het nog geen werksaanbod gekry nie. Sy wil ook nie te ver van haar huis af werk nie, omdat sy nie so baie tyd op die pad wil bestee nie. ‘Vul jou beker met die regte goed’ Joubert vertel met ‘n glimlag dat sy altyd ‘n dansinstrukteur of ‘n sjef wou word, maar dat daardie drome nie meer vir haar ‘n realiteit is nie. Nóú wil sy haar aandag daarop fokus om ander jongmense te help wat in dieselfde posisie is as wat sy was. Sy wil graag teen die einde van die jaar begin om opleiding in maatskaplike werk te kry. “Ek wil nie hê ander mense moet so lank wag soos ek voordat hulle hulp kry nie,” sê sy. “My mikpunt is om kinders wat uit moeilike omstandighede kom, te help sodat hulle nie hul beker vul met die verkeerde goed nie, maar dat hulle eerder

gehelp word om hul beker met die regte goed, soos Die Woord en die Here te vul.” Joubert sê dit vir haar baie belangrik om jongmense aan te moedig om te praat oor dinge wat hulle pla, omdat sy spyt is dat sy so lank gevat het voordat sy haar ma vertel het van die molestering. “Omdat ek nie daaroor gepraat het nie, het ek my beker met die verkeerde goed volgemaak, omdat dit vir my ‘n manier was om daarmee vrede te maak. Mens moet nie vasgevang raak in daardie situasie nie,” sê sy nou met oortuiging. Haar geloof het ook ’n groot rol gespeel in haar herstelpad en Joubert hou styf vas daaraan. “Hy sal jou nie daarheen bring as Hy jou nie daardeur kan help nie. Alles gebeur vir ‘n doel,” sê sy met’n glimlag. “Die lewe gaan aan, en jy kan nie gaan stilsit nie. Daar is baie mense wat erger af is as ek, wat hul lewens verloor het. Ek is dalk in ‘n rolstoel, maar ek kan darem nog myself help en goed regkom. Ons moet net opstaan en aangaan, more skyn die son weer. Dit kan seker net beter gaan van hier af.”

Voor die ongeluk.

By ‘n matriekafskeid.

Vandag gesond en gelukkig.

MEES REKENA ARS 011 814 1188

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082 853 4071

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30 JULY 2019

Summer Bodies Are Made in Winter How to keep your fitness goals firmly on track. It’s that time of the year when winter embraces us in an icy grip and our beds seem like the only place to be. This is exactly why few of us consider keeping up a regular gym routine. However, we still want to look fit when Summer arrives. Thankfully, there is a lot of truth in the fitness mantra “Summer bodies are made in winter”. So for those planning on emerging out of the cocoon of winter as a bright new butterfly, now is the time to work on it. To help, here are a few helpful insights: Habits you start in winter are powerful. Research indicates that habits you form in the wintertime are more likely to stick. This is because you’ve mastered your resis-

tance against strong temptations like comfort food and the thousands of tasty calories. When Summer arrives, so does the sundowners after work, farmer’s markets and the braais we love so much. But by creating healthy habits in winter, you’ll find that by the time the party season comes around you’ll already know ways to f it your workouts into your days and nights out, rather than finding excuses for skipping them. Technology can be one of your best fitness friends. Monitoring your success and creating goals to match your needs is always a good idea. Smart technology can lend a helping hand here. Strap on a device like the stylish, sporty Samsung Galaxy Watch Active, to

help keep track of your progress. It takes a holistic approach to monitoring everything that matters most. Its exercise, sleep, stress and health tracking features make it a personal lifestyle coach you’ll appreciate. And with plenty of motivational apps to download you can customise your daily goals and put them to use next time you head out the door. Few things are more seductive to the human brain then spending a chilly winter morning all wrapped up in your duvet. The fact is though, that nobody has gotten fitter by lying in bed all day. In bed, the snooze button is your first obstacle. Never, ever hit it. It’s best to just jump out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off and before your brain has time to realise how snuggly and warm it is under the covers.

Placing your phone on another side of the bed helps. It also useful to join a gym class with other people or have a personal trainer, as this is more likely to force you out of bed and into the gym. And while you at it High Intensity Interval training is amazing for burning calories and getting results faster. Keep your motivation firmly in mind. It’s easy to be tempted to skip a gym session or to give into the comfort food cravings in the cold of winter. The trick is to keep one thought in your mind – ‘’Why am I doing this?”. If, for example, it’s to have your ideal bikini body, then visualise it and keep that image of the future you f irmly in your mind every time you waver. The future-you will thank you, over and over again.

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