Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

Page 1

Skok moord! Hans van Rooyen, 'n geliefde en gerespekteerde sakeman, welbekend in Nigel en omgewing, is deur rowers aangeval, sy hande en voete is vasgebind en hy is wreedaardig vermoor by sy woning in Nigel. Op Maandag 25 November, omstreeks 14:00, het Hans van Rooyen (83), 'n gesonde en produktiewe senior burger, sy werkswinkel verlaat om middagete tuis te geniet. Omstreeks 14:30 is verdagte persone voor Hans van Rooyen se woning opgemerk deur 'n lid van die NCOP. Die verdagtes het haastig ontvlug in 'n voertuig op die toneel, nadat hul deur die patrollie lid genader is. Daarna is die voertuig naarstiglik agtervolg na Alrapark, waar die verdagtes beheer oor die voertuig, naby Laversburg, verloor het. Die polisie is in kennis gestel en daar is vasgestel dat die voertuig die eiendom van Hans, die slagoffer is, na aanleiding van die voertuig se registrasienommer. Geen arrestasie is te persgaande bekend gemaak nie.

Oorlede Hans van Rooyen.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiĂŤle- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30



Wees paraat! Talle vrae ontstaan onder Rekord lesers met betrekking tot die skrywe op bladsy 2 van 26 November 2019. Soveel verskeie amptenare wat hul voordoen as werkers van die musisipaliteit of selfs ander soortgelyke staatdienste bring talle mense in verwarring. Die wekkende kommer onder lesers is dat jy nooit weet of die offisiere werklik werksaam is by die munisipaliteit of staat nie. Eerstens is die voertuie wat uitkom deesdae privaat voertuie met geen aanduiding van watter dienslewering hul is nie. Tweedens is daar geen indikasie rondom die kleredrag om aan te toon dat hul wel van die munisipaliteit is of nie. Buiten dit als kry jy twee tot vier keer ‘n

offisier wat kom aanklop wat jou kragmeter moet lees of aandui dat jy geen kragmeter het nie. Op die einde van die dag in die tye wat ons leef kan jy nie anders om nie toegang tot jou woning of eindom te gee nie. Talle lesers kry ‘n kennisgewing wat hul in die tuin optel. Sommige offisiere besoek jou woning en neem ‘n foto van jou meter buite asook jou metereenheid binnekant die huis. Paar weke later het jy ‘n soortgelyke geval en die prosedure herhaal homself. Sommige kennisgewings het geen meternommer of selfs verkeerde erfnommer of adresbesonderhede. So ontvang sommige lesers dan ‘n finale kennisgewing en geen werk word verrig nie. Die skryfwerk op die vorms is baie verwarrend en nie baie intelligent nie. Het lesers rede om bekommerd te wees? Wees waaksaam en laat geen persoon op jou perseel toe nie.

082 853 4071

Verminder jou versekeringsrisiko gedurende die feesseisoen Dis weer die’ tyd van die jaar waar vakansie en wegbreek aan die orde van die dag is. Ongelukkig is daar geen veranderinge in kriminele aktiwiteite en weersomstandighede nie. Dit gaan voort soos altyd. Gebruik die volgende paar wenke om seker te maak dat jou rus in hierdie tyd nie versteur sal wees nie: · Skakel warmwatertoestelle af. Niks bederf jou tuiskoms meer as n huis wat oorspoel is water nie. · Indien jy n alarm het, maak seker dat dit in werkende toestand is. Let op na seine wat uitgaan as gevolg van kragonderbrekings. Kriminele se modus operandi sluit in om die krag te onderbreek en die alarm se battery te laat afloop sodat hulle ongestoord met hulle aktiwiteite kan voortgaan. · Maak seker dat jou dekking op waardevolle draagbare items voldoende is. Jou inhoud versekering is net beperk tot jou huis en wanneer jy reis, kan items soos skootrekenaars en selfone moontlik nie gedek wees nie. · Doen navraag by jou versekeraar of makelaar wat hulle noodnommer is en watter nooddienste hulle aanbied. Dit kan insluit: Die insleep van ‘n voertuig na meganiese ontklaraking, bystand met brandstof in ‘n noodgeval. Versekering het ook bystanddienste w soos bv loodgieters en elektrisiëns.

Amicos wens u ‘n vreugdevolle en geseënde feesseisoen toe.


Weight Problems and Eating Disorders TruLight Radio XM Healing Article: The Spiritual and Physical Mechanisms Behind Weight Problems and Eating Disorders The spiritual roots behind excessive over eating, weight gain, anorexia and bulimia is low self-esteem, self-hatred, self disapproval, self-rejection, condemnation and/ or guilt. There is both a genetic and a spiritual component to weight gain. Remember the hypothalamus is the area in the brain that connects the mind to the body, it converts everything that is going on in a person’s thought life into a physical reaction. The hypothalamus controls many functions in your body including thirst, eating and the rate of your body’s metabolism. The rate of your metabolism can be determined by what you think about yourself! In response to thoughts of condemnation, guilt, self disapproval and a low selfesteem the hypothalamus sends electrochemical signals to the thyroid gland which releases thyroid hormones. One of the functions of thyroid hormones is to control the rate at which the body metabolizes food. When your thoughts are filled with self disapproval, self-condemnation, guilt, a low self-esteem and so on, the ypothalamus via the thyroid slows the body’s rate of metabolism, which causes the person to put on weight more easily. It doesn’t matter what diet the person is on, whatever food he eats is going to make him put on weight because the body just does not burn it. When you have a lack of self-esteem and your thought life is dominated by self disapproval, self-rejection, shame, selfcondemnation, guilt etc, your hypothalamus gland senses these spiritual and emotional problems. One way that the hypothalamus responds to this is to lower the levels of a chemical in your brain called serotonin. Serotonin is the chemical that was designed to make you feel good about yourself. Therefore when the levels of serotonin are low, you feel low and depressed. The mouth was designed as the contact place for love and security. That is why there is a strong emotional bond that takes place between a mother and her baby during breast feeding. When young children are feeling insecure they put their thumb in their mouth. When you have lowered serotonin levels due to a low self-esteem and are feeling depressed, you want comfort. Instead of your thumb, you put food to your mouth. The food is a pacifier which produces a calming reality. In other words it is a false comforter. Putting food to your mouth triggers the release of a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is the pleasure chemical in the brain. A rush of dopamine makes you feel good. It gives a satisfying, pleasurable, fulfilling feeling. However, this is short lasting. When the pleasurable sensation wears off, guilt, shame and self-condemnation about over eating comes in. Also as the person over

eats and puts on weight, when they look in the mirror, they don’t like what they see. They attack themselves spiritually with self disapproval and self-condemnation, they feel disgusted and ashamed because they cannot control their eating and as a result they have self-hatred… and how does the hypothalamus respond to these thought patterns? It lowers the serotonin levels and the negative viscous cycle starts all over again. The devil sure knows how to keep us in bondage. Excessive eating is a direct result of not feeling good about you. Fear of man, fear of failure, fear of abandonment and fear of rejection can also be involved. The bottom line is you don’t like yourself and when you look in the mirror you don’t like what you see. Our relationship with food becomes unhealthy when we turn towards food to meet a need in our life. That need is impossible for food to meet. We are supposed to receive our comfort from God. In John 14:26 Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is “the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby).” When we turn to food as our source of comfort we are sowing to the flesh and we will reap a worsened state. Galatians 6:8a: ”For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction…” When you are in bondage to overeating, you have made an addiction out of food. Behind addictions is the need to be loved unfulfilled, a low self-esteem and the insecurities that come from that. You are spiritually hungry and what you really need is the unconditional love of God to fill you up and to comfort you. We are supposed to hunger for God and we do: Psalm 42:1 – 2a: “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God. My inner self thirsts for God, for the living God.” The Prayer - Please pray this with me: “Father, I repent for a low self-esteem and for believing the enemy’s lies that I am not special. You said that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). In the Name of Jesus I release myself from that unloving spirit of self-hatred that is accusing me to myself. In the Name of Jesus I release myself from insecurity and self-rejection. I release myself from that need for nurturing that is inordinate. I release myself from the desire to eat too much and gluttony because of a need to be loved. I command serotonin levels to be normalized and the craving for food to be broken in the Name of Jesus.” Amen and Amen For the Full article visit our website :



Unieke studio TW Wellness Studio is waarlik 'n unieke oase van ontspanning en persoonlike verjonging, waar Tina Winter en haar personeel hul passie uitleef om vir elke kliënt goeie gesondheid te verseker. Hierdie studio is geleë in Republiek straat, Noycedale, Nigel onder die bekwame en professionele bestuur van Tina Winter die eienaar van TW Wellness Studio. Met jou eerste besoek word jy omring met sagte, kalmerende musiek wat deur die studio vloei, wat vir jou die ontvlugting en die atmosfeer gee waarna jou verstand, liggaam en siel verlang. Tina se fokus punt is om lesers te inspireer om hul meer bewus te maak van om in goeie gesondheid te lewe. ‘n Lekker kuier plekkie te skep om elkeen van hul gaste 'n spesiale, onvergeetlike ervaring te bied in 'n rustige omgewing, weg van die spanning, gewoel en gejaag in die daaglikse lewe. “Om elke dag vroeg op te staan dou voordag en in die verkeer te sit, het net te veel geword en met ondersteuning van my geliefde man, Michael, het ek besluit om die besigheid te open op 5 Oktober 2019” vertel Tina. Gesondheidsprodukte onder andere Manna health, Annique, Hannon, Sir Fruit sappe en Avon word hier bemark en is beskikbaar, asook bestellings kan geplaas word en afhaal word binne drie tot vyf dae verseker. Ons velsorgkliniek sal u help om die horlosie terug te draai. Manna Health is ‘n produk wat met baie navorsing van organiese plante gemaak is en dek verskeidinheid gesondheids probleme soos oorgewig, hormoon probleme vir mans en vrouens, kolestrol, sinus, PH balans en vele meer. Annique se produkte word alles deur die rooibos plant gemaak en bied verskeiden-

heid gesondheids tees en vel produkte vir alle vel tipes. Hannon het geen bekend stelling nodig nie en is die perfekte produk spesiaal gemaak en getoets vir Suid Afrikaanse klimaat. Sir Fruit bied gesondheidssappe waarvan meeste 100 persent suiwer vrugte en groente bevat. Sappe is van beet, wortel tot groen sappe. Avon produkte is vir mans en vroue asook jonk en oud van velsorg tot ideale kersgeskenke! Die studio beskik oor sy eie professionele, vriendelike naeltegnikus, Monica Windsor, wat dienste aanbied onder andere akriel naels, verskillende tipes wakse, pedikuur en manikuurs wat jou bederf van kop tot tone. Monica, voorheen bekend as Fantasy Fingers Nail Salon, het 8 jaar ondervinding in die bedryf en bied goeie kwaliteit naels wat hou tot 6 weke lank. Buiten ons aromaterapie masserings, gesigs behandelings het ons ook onlangs ‘n Infra rooi Sauna geinstalleer, wat uitstekende gesondheidsvoordele soos gewigsverlies, verligting vir pyn en seer spiere en skoonmaak van jou hele gestel verskaf. “Ons leuse by TW Wellness Studio is om te streef om die beste diens te lewer en ons passie vir die vrou, om haarself te versorg, ten alle tye sprankel en met gelukkige en tevrede kliënte te spog, het Tina gesê. Ons personeel is vriendelik en bereid om u soos 'n koning of koningin te behandel. Ons pakkette word aangepas vir almal. Daar is ongelooflike spesiale aanbiedinge om dit vir almal bekostigbaar te maak. Tina glo en vertrou dat die studio groot bekendheid gaan verwerf en oral gaan getuig van groot suksesverhale. Kom loer gerus in as jy in die area is!!

251 children die as a result of gender-based violence in Gauteng Over the past five years 251 children have died as a result of gender-based violence in Gauteng. This was revealed by the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko in a written reply to a questions tabled in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature. According to MEC Mazibuko from 2014 to 2018, 251 children died with 13 children dying alongside their mothers or grandmothers as a result of gender-based violence in the province. Statistics shows that 131,210 genderbased violence cases has been opened at the Police Stations around Gauteng from in this period. Of these cases opened only 44,522 arrests have been made with only 9,786 convictions. It is worrying that many cases have been opened but the arrest and conviction rates are very low. It is high time that cases of gender-based

violence are prioritised to ensure justice for the victims. There are no specialised units within SAPS that deal solely with gender-based violence. The only way to f ight the scourge of gender-based violence is through professionalising the police service. Police off icers need to be specifically trained to deal with gender-based violence and must have a thorough knowledge of the legislative frameworks for women’s rights and the rights of child crime victims. As we mark 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, we call on communities to speak out on issues of gender-based violence as this social ill has a negative impact on the well-being of all our people. The awareness against gender-based violence for No Violence Against Women and Children must be in 365 days of the year.

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TW Wellness span : Tina Winter, Monica Els (groep foto links) en Essie Els regs.



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EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R100.00 25x25x5...................... R157.00 30x30x3 .................... R121.00 30x30x5 .................... R198.00 40x40x3 .................... R153.00 40x40x5 .................... R252.00 25x25x2 .................... R 67.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R108.00 0.5 IBR/COR ROOF SHEETING R85.00p/m


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12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x3 ......... 50x5 .........

R 37.00 R 40.00 R 49.00 R 69.00 R 60.00 R 83.00 R 73.00 R103.00 R 95.00 R136.00 R124.00 R171.00

SQ BAR 6M 10MM ..... R62.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 91.00 R 115.00 R 120.00 R 105.00 R 250.00

75x50x20x2.....R295.00...R450.00 75x50x20x2.....R300.00...R450.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R340.00...R519.00 100x75x20x2...R350.00...R530.00 6MM .......... R21.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R368.00...R560.00 8MM .......... R34.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R410.00...R625.00 10MM ........ R52.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R75.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 52.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 74.00



3mx600mm...R 455.00 3mx1.0m.......R 522.00 3mx1.2m.......R 617.00 3mx1.5m.......R 675.00 3mx1.8m.......R 750.00 3mx2.0m.......R 800.00

600mm....R 16.00 1.0m........R 22.00 1.2m........R 27.00 1.5m........R 34.00 1.8m........R 41.00 2.0m........R 46.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R610.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R750.00 2450x1225x2.5........R950.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1125.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1650.00 2500x1200x5.0......R2040.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2420.00





R12 billion stealth tax increase for working families A Parliamentary Debate on rates and monetary amounts and amendment of Revenue Laws Bill rises a few questions .

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198

From the outset of the medium-term budget process, the focus on whether the proposals by the government helped to advance fairness in our society. To govern is to choose. No government can have everything, or satisfy every one. That is why the government is ethically obliged to make choices which are fair to the country as a whole. This means choosing to prioritise the basic

services on which the poor depend and choosing to emphasize investment overconsumption. It means protecting the incomes of working families, over the ideology of out-of-touch policymakers. The Bills before us today contain a stealthy R12 billion effective tax increase for working families. According to some political parties this is done by failing to adjust tax brackets for inflation. This R12 billion in additional revenue comes straight from the pockets of every hard-working South African. Is it fair? No, it is not fair. And it is not ethically defensible. The government has prioritised bailouts for zombie state-owned entities and has prioritised the salaries of millionaire managers in the civil service, over the working families who are already struggling to get through the month. These good, hard-working people have faced electricity increases, petrol tax

increases, VAT increases, public transport increases, and school fee increases. Their jobs are less and less certain, and their wages have been growing slower than inflation. These are the people who are paying for this tax increase. These are the people paying more of their hard-earned wages every month to bailout SAA and Eskom, and to keep millionaire managers in the sheltered comfort to which they have become too accustomed. Is it fair? No, it is not fair. And it is not ethically defensible. Last week the DA showed that the party that claims to govern for the poor, was cutting R50 billion in services to the poor. This week, the DA is showing that the party that claims to govern for the working class, is making working families pay R12 billion more in taxes. Government must create a fairer society, where the interests of the poor and of working families are protected and advanced.


TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591




What NOT to ask for this Christmas: the most frequency abandoned toys Every parent knows the frustration of presenting your child with a toy that they’ve been nagging you for ages, only to abandon it within a few days. According to Claire Cobbledick, GM of Gumtree South Africa can easily spot which toys didn’t live up to the hype by analyzing the listings on the site. “Parents start listing abandoned toys between 28 December and the end of the first week of January, once it’s clear that their kids are not as enthusiastic about their expensive toys as anticipated,” she says. According to an analysis on the site from 2018 to date, the following toys are the most frequently listed for sale. Hatchimals These adorable animals remain a surprise until they noisily hatch from their eggs, but that is usually where the excitement begins and ends. Costing between R800-R1000 a toy, the hatched Hatchimals are often

resold for R250-R500. Build-a-Bear Similar to Hatchimals, the fun of this toy lies in putting it together and customizing it. Build-a-bear range in price from R250 – R1000 depending on accessories and type. You can pick up wardrobes full of shoes, sunglasses and clothes for your bears for a tenth of the price.” Hoverboards This was all the craze in 2018 but frustrated parents started listing their hoverboards on 25 December already. “Last year we had dozens listed by Boxing Day for half price,” says Cobbledick. The cause is unknown but reports of injuries and accidents might be behind the steep abandonment rates. Lego Lego is incredibly popular, but once assembled, pieces invariably go missing and the novelty wears off. “The good news

is that you can often buy secondhand Lego in bulk as incomplete sets - leaving your little ones free to use their imagination to assemble their own world.” Battery-powered cars Car enthusiast parents will shell out thousands for mini Ferraris and BMWs for their little ones, but they often end up for sale soon after. “The batteries need to be replaced, kids lose interest or simply outgrow them.” Don’t shell out on big presents, kids outgrow toys quickly. Before committing to a big ticket item, shop secondhand. You can teach healthy money habits by having your child sell their old toys to buy new ones. Make a point of donating or repairing old toys rather than throwing it out.

Vir plasing van alle kersboodskappe en nuwe jaars wense kontak 082 853 4071 For bookings for all your Christmas massages and new year wiches contact 082 853 4071




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Heidelberg AA Meetings Mondays & Thursdays from 19:00-20:00 at the SUIKERBOS OORD, FREEMAN STR, Heidelberg. If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. For any anonymous donations contact Marius. Contact Person: Marius 083 566 4569 or email


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Gholfers tree as wenners uit die stryd!

Gwen Botha stap met die louere weg en is as die Hoêrskool John Vorster gholfdag mans tweede plek dames wenner by Hoêrskool John Vorster se gholfdag wenner Richard Sharp. aangewys. Adjunkhoof van Hoêrskool John Vorster, Mnr Jaap de Beer oorhandig aan al die wenners van die skool se suksesvolle gholfdag, wat elke jaar in November die hoogtepunt van die jaar is, hul pryse waarmee hul weggestap het. Hierdie is ‘n jaarlikse instelling waarna Nigelliete met groot afwagting uitsien. Die suksesverhaal van hierdie dag het geen einde nie, dit groei jaar na jaar van krag tot krag.

Dawie Steenkamp behaal die derde plek tydens Hoêrskool John Vorster se gholfdag in die mansafdeling.

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PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R420.80 900x3mm High R484.50 1.0x3mt High R516.50 1.2x3mt High R580.50 1.5x3mt High R676.50 1.8mt High R772.60 2.0mt High R836.60 2.4mt High R964.70 LOOSE PALES 600mm R17.70 900mm R24.10 1.0mt R26.30 1.2mt R31.60 1.5mt R39.50 1.8mt R47.40 2.0mt R52.70 2.4mt R74.00

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R88.70 R140.88 R157.50 R183.50 R222.50 R241.50 R283.50 R310.80 R367.50

Weld Rods 2.5X5kg R131.56

R126.00 R177.48 R199.50 R226.80 R273.10 R304.60 R346.40 R386.40 R462.00


SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm 20X20 R 89.20 25X25 R104.90 32X32 R151.20 38X38 R189.20 50X50 R242.50 76X76 R367.50 100X100

R109.20 R150.40 R186.90 R227.80 R304.30 R472.30 R612.20

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 69.30 R 93.40 R136.30 R143.90 R161.60 R193.20 R293.00


2450X1225x0.5 R238 2450X1225x0.6 R327 2450X1225x1.0 R545 2450x1225x0.2 R1139 2450x1225x3.0 R1580


R 84.00 R115.50 RED OXIDE 5LT R145.90 R177.50 R200.00 R239.50 BLACK GLOSS 5LT R363.30 R488.20

R269.10 R391.70

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R271.52 R344.94 R389.04 R430.02 R469.26 R508.20

R478.47 R520.81 R592.69 R655.14 R715.05 R778.99

DECEMBER SPECIALS PURLINES 6mt R240.40 Cold rolled Chane! 9.1mt R366.40 76x50x3x6m R57.49 p/m Incl Lip Chane! 150x50x20x3x6m CHANNEL ROOF SHEETING R87.40 p/m Including 76X38 R662.50 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R64.90 Lip Chane! 200x50x20x3x6m 100X50 R864.900 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R79.50 R104.65 p/m Including 152X76 R1871.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R109.50 Lip Chane! 300x75x20x3x6m 178X54 R1539.30 CORR 0.3MM FH R44.50 R155.25 p/m Including Lip Chane! 250x75x20x2.5x9m A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE R138.00 p/m Including

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