Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Skep van sentrale fonds word bevraagteken! Die wysiging van die wetsontwerp op nasionale gesondheidsversekering (NGV), is besig om soos ‘n veldbrand te versprei en wek groot kommer by talle lesers. Kom ons kyk na wat die NVG behels en of dit kan werk of nie. Wat is dit? Die NGV het sy ontstaan in 2007 by die ANC se nasionale leierskonferensie in Polokwane gehad en is dus 'n partypolitieke besluit wat nou deur die regering uitgevoer gaan word. Dit behels die skep van 'n sentrale fonds waarin belastinggeld gebruik sal word om die program te finansier en waaruit daar betalings ten opsigte van gesondheiddienste vir die publiek gemaak sal word. Die staat sal mediese dienste namens die publiek by geakkrediteerde openbare en private mediese geriewe aankoop en hierdie dienste behoort omvattend te wees. Die bedoeling is dat die dienste gratis by die punt van lewering is. Die algemene publiek sal ten eerste tot hierdie fonds moet bydra, voordat persoonlike en/of privaat mediese fondse se premies betaal word en almal sal verplig wees om aan die stelsel te behoort. Die NGV fondse sal uit hoër belastings verkry word, maar dit is nog onseker hoe presies dit belastingbetalers gaan beinvloed. Dit mag byvoorbeeld hoër inkomstebelasting of ‘n verhoging in BTW behels. Die NGV sal sentraal geadministreer word, maar provinsiale gesondheidsdepartemente sal vir die verskaffing van dienste verantwoordelik wees. Dit sal daarbenewens prysbeheer vir toerusting, medisyne en dienste insluit. Hoekom dit nie kán gebeur nie Die NGV is eenvoudig onprakties en onbekostigbaar. Diegene wat dit voorstaan en in werking wil stel, is uiters vaag oor die detail daarvan. Dit gebeur waarskynlik om 'n rede, omdat dit uiteindelik ‘n gratis en ten volle omvattende diens sal moet wees. Huidiglik kan minister van gesondheid, dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, nog nie sê watter dienste uiteindelik gelewer gaan word of hoe die NGV gefinansier gaan word nie.

Hy laat die befondsing oor aan die tesourie, wat ook baie snoep is met inligting ten opsigte van die verkryging van fondse vir hierdie massiewe bestedingsuitleg in Suid-Afrika se lae ekonomiese groeiomgewing. In Suid-Afrika is daar bloot te min mense wat werk en belasting betaal. Hulle kan nie die res van die bevolking “dra” ingevolge die NGV nie. Hulle betaal klaar heelwat aan hul eie mediese fondse se premies om sodoende nie aan die openbare geriewe se swak sorg uitgelewer te wees nie. As geld iewers verhaal moet word, gaan iets anders daaronder lei. Gratis mediese sorg is nie gratis nie; dit het bloot ander verskuilde kostes. Meeste staatshospitale is in ‘n haaglike toestand en dit sal jare en baie geld neem om dit op selfs ‘n redelike funksionele standaard te bring. Die provinsiale gesondheidsdepartemente is in 'n ewe beroerde toestand en deurtrek van wanbestuur en korrupsie met geen vooruitsig op verbetering nie, omdat die regering nie sy beleid van kaderontplooiing en regstellende aksie wil laat vaar nie. Die NVG gaan dus 'n huis wees wat op sand gebou is en uiteindelik meer mense van staatsgeriewe afhanklik gaan maak as wat tans die geval is. Die NVG mag tewens intussen die private sektor en mediese fondse doodwurg en almal aan die uiters beroerde openbare sektor uitlewer. Hoekom die NGV nie móét gebeur nie Dit bring ons vervolgens by die volgende. Die minister en regering is uitgesproke oor hul vyandigheid jeens die private sektor en mediese fondse en teiken dit juis met maatreëls soos hierdie. Hoewel hulle nie die private sektor per dekreet uitwis nie, maak gedwonge bydraes aan die NGV dit vir die middelklas moeilik en later selfs onmoontlik om ook mediesefonds-lidmaatskap te onderhou. Dit kan lei tot die einde van mediese fonse, private hospitale en ook wêreldklasgesondheidsorg. Terwyl Motsoaledi en die regering dink dat meer gegoede mense bloot moet aanvaar dat hulle verder belas word en uiteindelik aan swak mediese dienste sonder keuses uitgelewer gaan word, gaan mense in die

middel- en hoër klasse ander opsies soos emigrasie oorweeg as hulle kan, omdat kwaliteit gesondheidsorg nie onderhandelbaar is nie. Dit laat al minder mense om die stelsel en trouens die hele land se besteding te onderhou. Ditto mediese personeel en praktisyns. Indien hul fooie vasgestel word en hul keuses rondom werk aangetas word, gaan hulle groener weivelde soek. Tesame met die prysvasstelling van medisyne, gaan mediese innovasie geknou en die koste van mediese dienste drasties styg. Die fonds gaan, soos ander groot staatsfondse en -entiteite, waarskynlik ook net nog 'n bodemlose put van korrupsie word wat die land siek en die politici ryk gaan maak. Met die verhore wat in 2019 vanaf Oktober geloots is blyk dit dat groot dorpsgebiede by die proses uitgesluit was, omdat geen openbare verhore daar plaasgevind het nie. Dus is die grootste gedeelte van belastingbetalers in die provinsie van die proses uitgesluit, terwyl dit juis dié mense is van wie daar verwag gaan word om NGV te help befonds. Dit is duidelik dat die plekke wat gekies is vir hierdie openbare verhore om plaas te vind meestal in wyke geleë is waar

die regerende party meer steun geniet. Dit wil voorkom of daar geen bemarking gedoen is om die publiek bewus te maak van hierdie openbare verhore, sodat lesers meer ingelig kon word. Na bewering blyk dit dat die openbare proses om die publiek se insette te kry van die begin af gemanipuleer was om ’n uitkoms te kry wat die implementering van NGV bevorder. Volgens die ANC regering belowe die NGV om al die land se vele gesondheidsprobleme en gebrekkige stelsels en instansies aan te spreek en op te los. Dit maak geen melding van die massiewe gebreke wat hierdie voorgestelde stelsel inhou of die feit dat dit onbekostigbaar is nie.



Fire Whats the Difference between Incident Judging & Reproof ?

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


After a lightning strike caused fire at Balfour substation, power has been restored to 5 800 customers in Siyathemba, and there is significant progress to restore power to the whole of Dipaleseng Local Municipality. Of the three power transformers in the substation, Transformer 1 burned down completely and they are in the process of replacing it. Transformer 3 was tested and found to be safe to be switched back on December 24. Tests continue on Transformer 2 and is switched back on. This will restore power supply to half of Dipaleseng Local Municipality to which the municipality will rotate on their side. We place a high value on the safety of our customers, contractors and employees and for this reason safety will be prioritised. Customers will be kept informed of the progress on various media platforms. Readers that went on holiday or out for the day had to switch off everything on their properties to prevent damages when power was restored. Remember to always treat all electricity lines, wires and installations as live during any power outage. Eskom’s Mpumalanga Operating Unit General Manager, Ms Phil Khumalo said: “We would like to thank the Eskom teams that have been working around the clock to resolve this fault. We also want to apologise to the customers for the inconvenience, especially this time of the year.

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20MM .... R77.00..........R 94.00 25MM .... R96.00 ....... R100.00 32MM .... R126.00 ..... R168.00 38MM .... R148.00 ..... R196.00 50MM .... R200.00 ..... R250.00 76MM .... R300.00 ..... R385.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R100.00 25x25x5...................... R157.00 30x30x3 .................... R121.00 30x30x5 .................... R198.00 40x40x3 .................... R153.00 40x40x5 .................... R252.00 25x25x2 .................... R 67.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R108.00 0.5 IBR/COR ROOF SHEETING R85.00p/m




14 JANUARY 2020


12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x3 ......... 50x5 .........

R 37.00 R 40.00 R 49.00 R 69.00 R 60.00 R 83.00 R 73.00 R103.00 R 95.00 R136.00 R124.00 R171.00

SQ BAR 6M 10MM ..... R62.00 12MM ....... R91.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 91.00 R 115.00 R 120.00 R 105.00 R 250.00

75x50x20x2.....R295.00...R450.00 75x50x20x2.....R300.00...R450.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R340.00...R519.00 100x75x20x2...R350.00...R530.00 6MM .......... R21.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R368.00...R560.00 8MM .......... R34.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R410.00...R625.00 10MM ........ R52.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R75.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 52.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 74.00



3mx600mm...R 455.00 3mx1.0m.......R 522.00 3mx1.2m.......R 617.00 3mx1.5m.......R 675.00 3mx1.8m.......R 750.00 3mx2.0m.......R 800.00

600mm....R 16.00 1.0m........R 22.00 1.2m........R 27.00 1.5m........R 34.00 1.8m........R 41.00 2.0m........R 46.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R610.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R750.00 2450x1225x2.5........R950.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1125.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1650.00 2500x1200x5.0......R2040.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2420.00


TruLight Teaching Article – We hear the words DO NOT JUDGE every day ! Jesus and the Scriptures tell us not to judge hypocritically. “…in which the unlearned and unstable people are twisting them as they also do the rest of the Scriptures to their own destruction.” –2 Peter 3:16 “Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked to turn from his way: if he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life. –Ezekiel 33:9 “Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” –2 Timothy 4:2 “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” –See Matthew 7:1-5, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24 Caring: Loving someone by reproving them for compromising with evil. There is a difference in judging people and judging what people do. Christians are not to condemn people, but are called to “reprove the world of sin,” to discern between good and evil, sin and righteousness of God as defined by the Word of God. “…in which the unlearned and unstable people are twisting them as they also do the rest of the Scriptures to their own destruction. “ 2 Peter 3:16 (One New Man Bible) “The one who justifies the wicked and the one who condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD*. “ Proverbs 17:15 ; Ezekiel 33:7-9 (One New Man Bible) – So you, O son of man, I have set you as a watchman for the House of Israel. Therefore you will hear the word at My mouth and warn them from Me. When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you will surely die, if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man will die in his iniquity, but I shall require his blood at your hand. Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked to turn from his way: if he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (One New Man Bible) – Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Stop being deceived: neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor homosexuals nor thieves nor covetous people, nor drunkards, nor abusive people, nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God. And some of you were these things: but you have been washed, but you have been made holy, but you have been made righteous by the name of the Lord Y’shua Messiah and by the Spirit of our God. Luke 6:35-38 (Jesus) – But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the children of the Highest: for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be therefore merciful, as your Father also

is merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged: condemn not, and you shall not be condemned: forgive, and you shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Jesus, In the same discourse (Luke 6:4346) For a good tree brings not forth corrupt fruit; neither does a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Those who selectively pick and choose the Words of God in an attempt to justify their sin do so at their own peril as Peter declared (2 Peter 3:16). …It is astonishing that so many churchgoers believe that the church is not the place to bring up politics or the cultural issues that fly in the face of the Word of God. The Great Commission seems to have been rendered the Great Accommodation. While it is true that some people are ready to repent and become disciples after hearing that God loves them, it is also equally true that some people (like the woman at the well in John 4) need to have their sexual immoralities exposed while others (like the crowd at Pentecost in Acts 2) need to be reminded that they had demanded the death of the Son of God. …I understand that no one wants to be demeaned, ridiculed, hated, or reviled (and that includes me!). But we are not told to “cherish the truth in love.” No, it’s “speaking the truth in love…” (Ephesians 4:15). It’s not “love the light within” but “let your light shine before others” (Matthew 5:16). Jesus didn’t promise His disciples they would be loved and appreciated by all for their personal faith in Him and their sacrifices for Him. No, they were told, “you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake” (Matthew 24:9). If you want to be accepted and liked and not have to deal with unpleasant situations and people then continue to live a lie. Pretend you believe that whatever anyone wants to do it is none of your business. When “progressives” say “the Bible says ‘Do not judge’” Inform them they have taken what Jesus proclaimed out of context by selectively quoting only part of the teaching of Christ. …But evil men and seducers who shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2 Timothy 3:13) Pastor Dirk email .

14 JANUARY 2020



Suid-Afrikaners die vetste nasie in Suider Afrika Gesondheidsowerhede met reg bekommerd Obesiteit of vetsug is ‘n mediese toestand, waar ‘n persoon soveel vet in die liggaam opgebou het, dat dit sy gesondheid negatief kan beïnvloed. Dit kan aanleiding gee tot gesondheidsprobleme en selfs ‘n korter lewensverwagting. Volgens Thinus Markgraaf van Solidariteit se omvattende navorsing is vetsug ‘n algemene en toenemende probleem in die wêreld en beïnvloed miljoene kinders en volwassenes. Die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) definieer vetsug as “’n abnormale of oormatige akkumulasie van vet wat ‘n risiko vir gesondheid inhou”. Hoewel dit ‘n gevestigde probleem in ontwikkelde lande soos die Verenigde State is, het dié siekte nou ook in SuidAfrika kop uitgesteek. Ons land het tans die hoogste voorkoms van vetsug in subSahara-Afika. Volgens ‘n studie wat in 2014 in die mediese tydskrif, The Lancet, gepubliseer is, het sewe uit elke tien vroue en vier uit elke tien mans in Suid-Afrika aansienlik meer liggaamsvet as wat gesond is. Hierdie bevindings stem ooreen met dié van twee ander studies oor die verontrustende toename in vetsug onder SuidAfrikaners. Die farmaseutiese maatskappy, GlaxoSmithKline, het in 2011 in ‘n gesondheidsopname verklaar dat SuidAfrika die derde vetste nasie in die wêreld is. ‘n Studie wat deur die SA Mediese Navorsingsraad uitgevoer is, het bevind dat 61% van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevol-

king oorgewig is, dit is meer as dubbel die globale. Die oorsake? Suid-Afrika het oor die laaste paar dekades ‘n verhoging in die lewenstandaard, toenemende verstedeliking en ‘n groeiende middelklas-leefstyl ervaar, en hierdie faktore het ‘n uitwerking op die verbruikerspatroon gehad. Die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking maak vandag meer gebruik van kitskos en suiker, en volg toenemend ‘n sittende leefstyl. Ons beweeg dus minder en kry al hoe minder oefening, sodat die kalorieë wat ons verbruik nie verbrand word nie, en die oormaat word as vet gestoor. Eetgewoontes en oningeligte voedselkeuses bring toenemend vetsug mee. Oormatige hoeveelhede verwerkte of kitskos, te veel alkohol, gereelde besoeke aan restaurante (met beide ‘n voorgereg en ‘n nagereg), meer as die nodige voedselinname, te veel koeldrank en trooskos wanneer jy depressief voel, verhoog almal die risiko van vetsug. Kantoorwerkers sit gewoonlik die grootste gedeelte van die dag en keer dan huiswaarts om aan die etenstafel te sit of voor die TV te ontspan. Hulle gaan bed toe en kyk nog TV totdat hulle aan die slaap raak. Nóg ‘n faktor is dat ons baie meer met motors ry en minder loop en hardloop as ons voorsate. Baie min in ons leefstyl kan dus ons vet- en suikerverbruik aan bande lê. Dit is ook ‘n bekende feit dat medikasie

soos antidepressante, onvoldoende slaap en ‘n persoon se genetika bydra tot vetsug. Vetsug is wêreldwyd een van die belangrikste voorkombare doodsoorsake en kom steeds meer gereeld by volwassenes en jeugdiges voor. Owerhede beskou dit dan ook as een van die ernstigste gesondheidsprobleme van die 21ste eeu. Tog is dit vroeër algemeen as ‘n simbool van rykdom en vrugbaarheid gesien, en in sommige dele van die wêreld is tot vandag toe die geval. Volgens Hannes de Beer van die NWU Potchefstroom se navorsing kan vetsug rook binnekort inhaal as vernaamste oorsaak van kanker. Vetsug: oorsaak van 5% van alle sterftes; 1 uit elke 5 sterftes word verbind met vetsug; 8 vetsug verwante siektes = 75% van alle gesondheidsorg kostes, tipe 2-diabetes, hoë bloeddruk, hartsiektes, nie-alkoholiese vetterige lewer siekte (NAFLD), demensie, kanker en nog baie ander siektes Vetsug sal waarskynlik binne die volgende dekade die plek inneem as die vernaamste oorsaak van 10 verskillende tipes kanker Die skakels tussen vetsug en kanker is baie duidelik en oortollige gewig kan jou risiko van kanker aansienlik verhoog. Oorgewig vroue verhoog byvoorbeeld hul risiko van baarmoeder kanker met 600%. Jou risiko vir bors-, prostaat-, kolon-, en al die ander ginekologiese kankers is ook verhoog,

hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die hormoon wanbalanse wat verband hou met vetsug, wat geneig is om tumor groei aan te vuur. Daar is ook ‘n korrelasie tussen vetsug en ‘n verhoogde risiko vir kanker om te hervat. Oorgewig oorlewendes van prostaat kanker het ‘n drie persent hoër koers van terugval in vergelyking met hul skraler eweknieë. Hulle het ook ‘n sewe persent hoër kans dat die kanker kan versprei.

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


How much more you’re paying for fuel than a year ago The petrol price dropped in January, but is still R2.15 a litre higher than a year ago. The new year started happily for drivers of petrol cars when fuel prices dropped, though diesel owners were hit by a 9c a litre increase. However, all motorists are paying substantially more for fuel than they did a year ago. Inland pump prices are now R16.16 for a litre of 95 octane unleaded petrol and R14.67 for 50 ppm diesel. This is R2.15 (petrol) and R1.51 higher (diesel) than in January 2019, meaning that the cost of filling a 50-litre tank costs R107.50 (petrol) and R75.50 (diesel) more compared with a year ago. The good news is that the latest prices are still lower than their peak in 2018, at

R17.08 for a litre of 95 unleaded and R16.12 for 50 ppm diesel. Fluctuations in the international oil price and the rand/dollar exchange rate see fuel prices adjusted monthly by the Central Energy Fund (CEF). June 2019 also saw the introduction of a carbon tax levy, which added 9c a litre to the price of petrol and 10c a litre for diesel. The best advice to beat high fuel bills is to buy a more economical car, but even owners of gas guzzlers can keep their driving costs down by accelerating smoothly, ensuring the tyre pressures are correct, avoiding rush hour and shifting gears sooner. Cost of fuel in SA - Janurary 2019 vs January 2020. Petrol unleaded 93 inland January 2019 R13.79 January 2020 R15.84

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Swart op swart geweld Die gemeenskap van Mackenzieville is nog steeds in rep en roer en geweld neem daagliks toe oor die onvoltooide lae koste behuisingsprojek wat 2020 ingaan soos wat dit in 2019 laat staan is. Die mooi beloftes rondom hierdie projek wat gemaak is, met fantastiese vooruitsigte vir inwoners van uitbreiding 2, wat verband hou met lae koste behuising in die algemeen en vir Betty Radebe, Dali Mofokeng, Domincas en Rheinland Konstruksie, het nie net die gemeenskap belieg nie, maar almal rakende die projek verraai. “Onthou daar is nie 'n perfekte misdaad nie, laat staan nog ‘n perfekte moord. U is die oorsaak van die geleidelike groeiende spanning tussen desperate, arm, kwesbare en swak gemeenskapslede in die Almacomgewing. Dit was 'n baie effektiewe strategie wat die vyand van die volk tydens die sterwende dae van apartheid gebruik het, swart op swart geweld. U sal verantwoordelik gehou word vir die

hangende geweld wat nooit eindig nie” vertel Golden Miles Bhudu. GRENUPP-BUF doen weer 'n beroep op u kantoor om die gemeenskap te kom oortuig dat hierdie projek voltooi sal word. Kom vertel die gemeenskap van ALMAC wat gebeur het met die geld van die meerderheid miljoen belastingbetalers wat beskikbaar gestel is om hierdie projek te begin en te voltooi? Wat het gebeur met beide konstruksiemaatskappye Diminges en Rheiland wat die projek toegereken is en wanneer sal die projek hervat word, want die projek sal hervat word.” GRENUPP-BUF het intussen behoeftige en afgetrede lede van die gemeenskap aangemoedig om nie onafgehandelde huise te beset nie. Die belangrikste rede is om verdere vandalisme te voorkom en die hangende verskynsel van swart op swart geweld tot niet te maak. Golden Miles Bhudu

RDP Project at a standstill …. again The Mackenzieville Ext 2 RDP housing project is once again at a standstill, as beneficiaries are not yet allocated to their houses. Subsequently, criminals are plundering the empty houses, since the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) refuses to prioritise the allocation of houses to their rightful beneficiaries. It appears that the Ekurhuleni Human Settlements Department or the Gauteng Housing Department have allowed certain people to move into a few of the houses. I find this very peculiar, as I am yet to see the housing beneficiary list. Furthermore, I have not received an invitation to any handover ceremony, despite being the Ward Councillor. During a public meeting held on 11 May 2019, the MMC for Human Settlements, Cllr. Lesiba Mpya, boldly stated that this housing project would be completed within two months. It has been eight months since MMC Mpya’s bold utterances and the project is at a standstill again! Interestingly, two Human Settlements off icials involved in this project were allegedly suspended towards the end of 2019 and a new Project Manager has subsequently been appointed. This definitely smells of housing corruption. Also to note, Afrisam will be funding 20 RDP houses for people with disabilities and youth headed households, as part of their obliged Social and Labour Plans. Six local Ward Councillors were afforded the

opportunity to identify potential beneficiaries in their respective wards. My eff icient Ward Committee, Ward Coordinator and I prioritised this request and I am proud to announce that 12 out of the 20 qualifying benef iciaries currently reside in Ward 88, Nigel. I have also submitted numerous questions to Council regarding this project, and the Mayoral Committee has not been forthcoming with answers. My suspicion is that both the Ekurhuleni and Provincial Human Settlements Departments have run out of funds, as both contractors have abandoned the RDP project site. I wish I had better feedback for the Nigel residents that have applied for RDP houses. However, this is once again proof that the current ANC Mayoral Committee is just not up to the task of running this City. My plea to all registered voters in Ward 88 is to seriously consider whom they will vote for in the upcoming elections. The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Ekurhuleni would like to invite Nigel residents who are frustrated and have had enough of the ANC’s corruption to become actively involved in our branch structure in order to prepare for the 2021 Local Government Elections. Cllr. Wollaston Labuschagne DA Ward Councillor in Ekurhuleni

14 JANUARY 2020

The resignation of Jabu Mabuza as Eskom chairman comes at a critical moment Mr Mabuza’s resignation presents an opportunity to appoint an Independent Chairman of the Board of Directors and a reconstituted board to interface with the various governmental, political matters and labour unions, allowing the executive team, which the newly-appointed CEO is no doubt assembling, to focus on the critical financial, operational restructuring and immediate challenges that beset the utility. Bold steps are required to fill the new key roles at board level with the requisite competence at this critical hour. In parallel, the executive team needs to be bolstered from competent existing, but often hitherto side-lined employees. The time for cadre deployment is over. Competent people abound locally and internationally. Ideally, the new incoming chairperson should have experience in the design and implementation of multiple new business initiatives in the global infrastructure sector including electricity generation. Experience in the area of negotiation and relationship management with industry regulators including Public Utilities Commissions (PUC’s), Independent Transmission Grid Operators (ISO’s) and the National Energy Regulators would be crucially important, as well as an unimpeachable record in sound and ethical governance. Now is the time to act. These appointments

should have nothing to do with colour, party allegiance or political pliability. Any failure to act in accordance with these critical requirements will be yet another dereliction of duty which South Africa can ill afford. In the words of Seneca the Younger, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. We urge the President and Minister Gordhan to act accordingly. Eskom as an entity is archaic in its design and cannot continue in its current format. An urgent change in its structure is required. We cannot set up the board to fail. We have repeatedly asked Minister Gordhan and the President for a meeting to sit around a table, as South Africans, setting politics aside, to discuss solutions to the Eskom crisis. The DA’s Chief Whip in Parliament Natasha Mazzone, has tabled a Private Member’s Bill to the Energy and Mineral Resources Portfolio Committee. Minister Mantashe did not even bother going to the committee briefing on the Bill and ANC and EFF committee members continue to highlight their lack of understanding concerning changes that are sorely needed at Eskom. We repeat our offer to meet on a partyagnostic basis to deal with the crisis. This now calls for strong leadership. Ghaleb Cachalia MP Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises

Two people killed in a plane crash in Springs on sunday evening A pilot and his passenger were instantly killed after a two-seater mini aeroplane crashed in Springs on Sunday afternoon not far from Springs air field, in the City of Ekurhuleni. The City‘s Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) f irefighters, rescuers and paramedics swiftly responded to Mimosa avenue in New-Era Springs immediately after the reception of the call. The call was received around 18: 20 and within ten minutes, the personnel arrived on scene to render necessary rescue and medical treatment to the parties affected. Unfortunately, both the pilot and the passenger didn‘t respond positively to prehospital medical treatment rendered and they were declared deceased on scene by paramedics. As on scene, they were found to have sustained severe internal and visible multiple external trauma hence they lost their lives. Both the deceased identities are known but withheld for safety and investigation reasons by the police. It is alleged that the aircraft was approaching the landing strip in the nearby Springs Air Field prior the incident. Both patients were found still inside the wreckage when the paramedics and

rescuers arrived on scene. The Civil Aviation Authorities (C.A.A.), the SAPS Officers and the Forensic Investigators were summoned and collectively started with the investigations.

082 853 4071

14 JANUARY 2020







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NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at the cnr of North Street & 6 Avenue, COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

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6 Ways to get back on track Matrics from the Class of 2019 who failed, didn’t perform optimally, or didn’t get the results they needed to pursue their chosen field of study should not despair, as there is a range of options available to them to address the situation, education experts say. REDO MATRIC A Grade 12 student may opt to redo their entire year so that they can improve all of their marks. REDO MATRIC + UPGRADE SOME SUBJECTS Grade 12 learners who only need higher marks in some of their subjects do not need to redo all of their subjects. Instead, they can enrol on a part-time basis for 1-6 subjects. “Good institutions will assist learners with making decisions about the best course of action. WRITE SUPPLEMENTARY PAPERS LATER IN THE YEAR You won’t be attending any formal classes to help you overcome the challenges, you need to be extremely self-disciplined and focused to make this option work. It can be done, but be sure that you are 100%

committed when going this route.” DO A BRIDGING COURSE Another option is to do a bridging course through a tertiary institution. Be careful to ensure that the bridging course will provide access to your preferred degree down the line, by speaking to a student advisor at the institution. MATRIC THROUGH DISTANCE LEARNING “The benef it of doing Matric subject rewrites or your entire Matric via distance learning, is that it is affordable and can be done from the comfort of your own home. VOCATIONAL TRAINING A vocational qualif ication makes you more employable, by providing the specific skills and theoretical knowledge required in fields such as, for instance, off ice management, childcare, small business management, and hospitality and catering services. “All of the aforementioned qualifications can be completed without having a Matric certificate and via distance learning, which means that you can even start earning while you’re learning.”

14 JANUARY 2020



Back-to-school hacks that will save you bucks Getting your children everything they need to go back to school can stretch budgets that may already be under pressure after Christmas and the summer holidays. Marlies Kappers, head of marketing at financial services provider, DirectAxis, and a mother of school-going children, teamed up with some colleagues, who are also parents, to come up with some backto-school hacks to help you save money. Here are their top five hard-earned tips:

Do your homework: Most schools provide a list of the stationery and other supplies your child will need for the year. It’s better to rely on this than to depend on your child, who may be tempted to include items that they want but aren’t really necessary. If the school doesn’t provide a list, ask a teacher, they’re usually back a few days before school starts. You could also ask a parent with older

Schools becoming an easy target for criminals †With large amounts of cash and very

little security, schools are now becoming an easy target for criminals. Numerous schools across the country have already been raided with several serious incidents and even fatalities. Parents must act swiftly to ensure the safety of their children by forcing schools to adopt a cash free policy. In partnership with Nedbank, Karri has introduced a mobile payment app to address this growing problem. The app enables parents to send money securely to their child’s school at the click of a button. There are already hundreds of schools countrywide that are using Karri successfully, with most now refusing to accept cash payments from parents. The app offers a simple alternative to children bringing cash to school by allowing parents to make payments via an app on their smartphone. It is free for parents to use and there are no hidden costs or sign-up fees for the school. Karri’s CEO Doug Hoernle says a cashless future should be pursued. “With little to no security in schools, having large amounts of cash on school premises is a constant worry for everyone. It is scary to think that this could make your school an easy target for criminals and the thought of your child being caught up in a school robbery is a truly frightening one.”

“The reality is that there are still schools asking parents to send their children to school with cash for events and collections. Why are they still sending children to school with cash, surely with the rising number of school robberies in South Africa, it is now time to change,” he stresses. The app is directed at parents, teachers and schools, and aims to alleviate the inconveniences of paying for all types of school activities and other fundraising efforts. For schools, using this app will help eliminate collecting, counting and banking cash. It also reduces time spent on administrative tasks by teachers, and allows for an overview of all funds being transacted for all events throughout the year. With a system like Karri, there is absolutely no reason for schools to have cash on site at any point. The app offers a fully comprehensive financial management system with a user-friendly dashboard where teachers can create events and collections with ease, monitor payments and consolidate collections. “Parents, take action now and recommend Karri to your child’s school today. By completely eliminating the element of cash on your school’s premises you are creating a safer, happier environment for everyone,” he concludes. The app is available for download from the iStore or Google Play Store.

children. It’s also worth asking what is needed when school starts and what can be bought later. That way you can spread the expenditure. Do a supply sweep: Do an inventory of schoolbags and pencil cases. Although children like to get new pens and pencils, they may have supplies left over from the year before that are still perfectly usable. If you come up short, chances are that you have pens, notepads, rubbers, rulers, staplers and other assorted stationery lying around the house. Use these before buying new supplies. Once you’ve collected a pile of unused or re-usable stationery, you might want to consider throwing a back-to-school swap party. Invite some of your child’s friends around and get them to swap any excess stationery with each other, so everyone has a full set. Work out a budget: Once you’ve inventoried stationery, books and uniforms, and ticked off everything that can be used again, work out a budget for what you’ll need to buy. The best way to do this is to research and compare prices online. Ideally get your child to do this with you. It’ll teach him or her the value of their back-to-school supplies and hopefully encourage them to look after these. It’ll also be a valuable lesson in managing

money. With a list of what you need and an estimate of what it should cost you’ll save money when you do the shopping. Shop smart: Many schools have second-hand clothing stores and bookshops. These are a good place to start. Try to get in as early as you can so you get the pick of items that are in the best condition. If you can, focus on buying costly items that aren’t used that often or which your child might soon outgrow, such as blazers. Don’t wait until the day before school starts to do the rest of the shopping. Rather try to take advantage of post-Christmas sales. Another handy hint is to buy unbranded stationery. Books, files, pens, backpacks and other items designed for children with glitzy trimmings or cool branding can be more expensive than the run-of-the-mill office supplies. Keep saving: You can keep saving once school starts by continuing to be sensible with money. For example, it’s usually more affordable and healthier to pack a school lunch than to give a child money to spend at a shop or tuck shop. It’s also safer, because children carrying cash are a target for criminals and bullies. For more information and tips about how to better manage your money visit: https:/ /

What is Short Term Insurance? Short term insurance encompasses all types of insurance policies other than life insurance. Amongst others this includes vehicle, property, household, personal liability, travel and business insurance. The reason why these policies are classified as short term insurance is because your insurance needs in this regard will change over time. Unlike life insurance, short term insurance is taken out only for the period that you have need of it. This insurance option has provided many South Africans with the opportunity to cover the financial risks to their material possessions and those of their loved ones without paying hefty premiums.

The Basics Short term insurance is quite simply an agreement between a policy holder and an insurer. This agreement is binding for a limited amount of time or is flexible according to the individual’s circumstances. Basically, you are able to insure your car, your property, your household possessions or your person annually or on another short term basis. The great thing about short term insurance is that it caters to your changing needs, allowing you cover for your assets without the long-term commitment to one house, one car or one standard of living.

How it Works The amount of money that you will pay to your insurer at prearranged intervals is called a premium. This amount will be worked out according to your individual risk profile. For example, if you’re looking to insure your car, an insurance provider will generally investigate your age, gender and driving record; the value of the car; where the car is parked and whether it has anti-theft devices in place. These factors will determine what premium you should pay. The greater your risk profile, the higher your premium will be.



14 JANUARY 2020

Rabada steeds SA se voorste bouler Die Proteas, se snelbouler Kagiso Rabada is in die vierde plek op die ICC-toetsranglys vir boulers aangewys en steeds Suid-Afrika se voorste bouler. Rabada is nou agter Pat Cummins (Australië), Neil Wagner (NieuSeeland) en Jason Holder (WesIndiese Eilande). Rabada is gewapen met die vermoë om die bal konvensioneel te laat swaai. Hy het ook die tempo om die bal om te draai met die ou bal en die nuwe rigting van die naat, en hy het al verskeie kere verwoesting met die ou bal in sy kort toetsloopbaan gemaak. Op so 'n jong ouderdom maak hierdie vaardighede en die beheer en konsekwentheid waarmee hy boul, 'hom n waardevolle aanwins vir die Suid-Afrikaanse kant.

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAX: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last HITECH Q 11 690w INVENTOR WELDER 1500

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20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 67.10 25X25X3 R 93.60 25X25X5 R 149.00 30X30X3 R 114.50 30X30X5 R 183.10 40X40X2 R 106.00 40X40X2.5 R136.70 40X40X3 R 148.90 40X40X5 R 250.00 50X50X3 R 204.50 50X50X5 R 316.70 60X60X6 R 455.50

R 43.40 R 67.80 R 54.20 R 84.80 R 86.90 R101.70 R 86.80 R135.60 R108.50 R169.60


R66.60 R68.00 R97.60

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

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90.40 128.40 107.20 105.20 279.80

EXP/METAL 6320C R217.30 6320D R262.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R154.20 80MM R214.00

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R598.50 R807.50 R897.80 R1133.00 R1479.00 R1889.00 R2257.50

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R462.80 900x3mm High R532.90 1.0x3mt High R537.00 1.2x3mt High R638.60 1.5x3mt High R744.20 1.8mt High R849.90 2.0mt High R1012.30 2.4mt High R1061.20 LOOSE PALES 600mm R17.70 900mm R24.10 1.0mt R26.30 1.2mt R31.60 1.5mt R39.50 1.8mt R47.40 2.0mt R52.70 2.4mt R74.00

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R88.70 R140.88 R157.50 R183.50 R222.50 R241.50 R283.50 R310.80 R367.50

Weld Rods 2.5X5kg R131.56

R126.00 R177.48 R199.50 R226.80 R273.10 R304.60 R346.40 R386.40 R462.00


SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm 20X20 R 89.20 25X25 R104.90 32X32 R151.20 38X38 R189.20 50X50 R242.50 76X76 R367.50 100X100

R109.20 R150.40 R186.90 R227.80 R304.30 R472.30 R612.20

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 69.30 R 93.40 R136.30 R143.90 R161.60 R193.20 R293.00


2450X1225x0.5 R238 2450X1225x0.6 R327 2450X1225x1.0 R545 2450x1225x0.2 R1139 2450x1225x3.0 R1580


R 84.00 R115.50 RED OXIDE 5LT R145.90 R177.50 R200.00 R239.50 BLACK GLOSS 5LT R363.30 R488.20

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R478.47 R520.81 R592.69 R655.14 R715.05 R778.99

NEW YEAR SPECIALS PURLINES 6mt R240.40 Cold rolled Chane! 9.1mt R366.40 76x50x3x6m R57.49 p/m Incl Lip Chane! 150x50x20x3x6m CHANNEL ROOF SHEETING R87.40 p/m Including 76X38 light R662.50 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R65.55 Lip Chane! 200x50x20x3x6m 100X50 light R864.90 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R83.50 R104.65 p/m Including 152X76 R1871.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R109.50 Lip Chane! 300x75x20x3x6m 178X54 R1539.30 CORR 0.3MM FH R44.50 R155.25 p/m Including Lip Chane! 250x75x20x2.5x9m A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE R138.00 p/m Including

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