Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Springkasteel drama 'N 11-jarige seun van Heidelberg is op 6 April geëlektroleer, oënskynlik met die motor van 'n springkasteel wat sy ouers gehuur het. Volgens Rapport is Pedré de Beer, ‘n graad ses leerder van AG Visser Laerskool deur 'n vriend om die springkasteel gejaag toe hy oor die motor geval het en begin bewe van die elektrokutuur. Die ma van die seun, Rhödine, het glo probeer om Pedré van die motor weg te trek en het self 'n elektriese

skok gekry. Die ouers het probeer om hul seun se lewe te red, maar was onsuksesvol en hy is volgens berigte deur paramedici dood verklaar. Volgens Pedré se pa, Paul, is dit onduidelik wat die kortsluiting veroorsaak het wat tot die dood van sy seun gelei het. Die De Beers het volgens berigte die springkasteel drie weke lank gehuur om 'die kinders besig te hou' tydens die landswye koronavirus-sluiting. Kolonel Amanda Viljoen, stasiebevelvoer-der van

die Heidelberg-polisiekantoor, het aan Rapport bevestig dat die saak ondersoek word. Die eienaar van die onderneming wat die springkasteel aan die De Beers gehuur het, sal volgens berigte eers kommentaar lewer nadat die ondersoek afgehandel is. In Augustus 2017 is die vyfjarige Vinisher Christians, wat een van ses kinders was wat beseer is tydens 'n verjaardagpartytjie in Delft, Wes-Kaap, dood as gevolg van ‘n springkasteel

waarop hulle gespeel het, berig News24. In 2013 het die landdroshof in Vanderbijlpark die Stonehaven-on-Vaal-oord R200 000 beboet vir strafbare manslag, na die elektrokusie van 'n 5-jarige seun. Beeld berig destyds dat Ruan Pieterse in Oktober 2012 dood is nadat 'n kragkas langs 'n springkasteel omgeslaan en op sy bene beland het toe hy die handvatsel gebruik het om homself regop te trek nadat hy geval het.

Die skreiende werklikheid Die misdaadsyfer wat drasties afgeneem het, toon weer groei in die verkeerde rigting tydens 2020. Die statistieke het toegeneem vanaf 2018. en die meeste aangemelde misdade is tans aan die orde van die dag, as gevolg van werkloosheid en ekonomiese stilstand. Die moordsyfer in Suid-Afrika is skrikwekkend hoog en het die afgelope boekjaar toegeneem. Die jongste misdaadsyfers skets ’n donker prentjie vir SuidAfrika se misdaadsituasie. Die meeste bendeverwante moorde het in die WesKaap voorgekom terwyl Gauteng bo-aan

die lys is ten opsigte van moorde wat verband hou met taxi-geweld. Gauteng is ook bo-aan die lys wat betref moorde deur mense wat die gereg in eie hande neem. . Die syfers vir die 2018/2019 finansiële jaar is skokkend en beaam die werklikheid dat Suid-Afrikaners in vrees lewe. In elke jaarlikse verslag word ’n misdaad geïdentifiseer wat feitlik daagliks plaasvind. In 2017 was dié misdaad plaasaanvalle, in 2018 was dit transitorooftogte in 2019 was die jaar van geweldsmisdaad teen vroue en kinders, met goeie rede, onder die vergrootglas. Vanjaar 2020 staar ons huisin-

Urgent action needed against Easter land grabbers Gauteng Premier David Makhura and the Johannesburg Mayor Geoff Makhubo need to ensure that provincial and municipal assets are protected by putting an immediate end to land grabs. On Good Friday, residents of Johannesburg South woke up to the scene of more than 1000 people, including undocumented foreign nationals, helping themselves to government owned land at the expanded Jackson’s Drift Informal Settlement near Eikenhof, bordering Midvaal. It is clear that the land invasion was orchestrated to take advantage of the limited presence of law enforcement agencies who are monitoring compliance of the Covid-19 lockdown regulations during the Easter period. Previous housing projects to provide permanent solutions at this informal settlement have been insufficient, and provided

an excuse to those who are desperate for housing to relocate to this area in the hope of accelerated delivery. What we are seeing is pure criminality. The DA has been reliably informed that the stands that were marked and taken over by land grabbers, were illegally sold by local coordinators. Readers call for immediate action to be taken against these fraudulent land sellers. Land grabs over the Easter period are particularly common in Gauteng, and many similar invasions have happened over the years, with the most recent being at the Sicelo Informal Settlement in Midvaal. In a recent parliamentary reply to a DA question, Deputy President David Mabuza made it abundantly clear to the National Council of Provinces, that provinces and municipalities must protect their assets and not allow land grabs.

brake, algemene diefstal. plunder en vandalisme in die sig. Altesaam 617 210 kontakmisdade is in hierdie tydperk aan die SAPD gerapporteer en sluit moord, poging tot moord, seksuele oortredinge, aanranding, aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, roof en roof met verswarende omstandighede in. Altesaam 52 420 sake van seksuele oortredinge is in die tydperk geopen, ’n toename van 4.6%. Alhoewel dié soort misdade meestal ‘agter geslote deure’ plaasvind, en gevolglik moeilik is om te voorkom en te polisieer, is dié syfer waarskynlik hoër

omdat die misdade nie altyd aangemeld word nie. Roof met verswarende omstandighede het ook toegeneem veral in die huidige sluitingsstadium. Publiek word gewaarsku om paraat te wees omdat rowers uit is om te buit wat hul in beslag kan neem. Die aantal polisiereserviste oor die laaste nege jaar het met 96% afgeneem. As dit wel die geval is, het die wetstoepassers van Suid-Afrika geen duidelike plan om die landsburgers se veiligheid in die nabye toekoms te verseker nie. Die publiek word versoek om enige iets wat verdag voorkom by SAPD aan te meld.



14 APRIL 2020

Grendel periode wenke Terwyl ons in ‘n verpligte staat van nasionale rampbestuur verkeer, en die tydperk reeds weer met twee verdere weke verleng is, is daar baie maniere om voor te berei en te voorkom dat die hele voorraad toiletpapier en boontjies in die supermark opgekoop word! Ons het kundiges geraadpleeg, wenke van mense wat reeds ingeperk is aanlyn gevra en verskillende artikels van kenners nagevors. Hier is top praktiese wenke wat sal voorkom dat ons nie onvoorbereid betrap word nie. Watter nuttige dinge is daar vir mense om te doen terwyl hulle ingeperk is? Vergeet hare- en skoonheidsafsprake, aangesien dit ‘n nie-noodsaaklike diens is en haarkappers deel van die inperkingkorps is. Dit kan nuttig wees om ‘n tandarts of oogkundige te besoek maar hoewel hierdie dienste steeds beskikbaar is, kan dit langer duur as gewoonlik om ‘n afspraak te maak. Ons kan bly wees oor die dinge wat ons kon doen in die weke voor die inperking, dinge wat mens gewoonlik as vanselfsprekend aanvaar soos bv ‘n vakansiereis na die see net voor die aankondiging, of om jou ouers ‘n paar weke gelede te gesien het, en selfs oor die laaste keer wat hardlopers kon oefen voordat dit ingestel is. Tans is ‘n huisdrukker baie nuttig vir ouers om die huiswerk vir hul kinders uit te druk en om take mee te doen, asook videospeletjies, bordspeletjies en boeke, want boekwinkels en biblioteke is natuurlik gesluit. ‘n Rekenaar-sleutelbord en ‘n tweede skerm is ‘n goeie toevoeging indien mens vir ‘n verlengde tydperk

Uitgestel hou spasie dop vir datum

vanaf die huis moet werk. “Ons besef nie hoe sosiaal-afhanklik ons is voordat daardie kontak verwyder of verminder word nie, soos wanneer ons nie ons huise mag verlaat nie,” het dr Fanie Van Der Linde gesê. Wat is die beste raad om mense emosioneel te ondersteun? Dink daaraan dat die inperking om ‘n goeie rede is en dat dit tydelik is. Probeer om nie ‘n obsessie met die nuus te ontwikkel nie, maar eerder om bietjie te ontspan, tuis te oefen en met familie en vriende te praat. Probeer iets nuuts wat jy nog altyd wou gedoen het, maar nooit die tyd voor gehad het nie. Luister na die kulturele, politieke en ekonomiese situasie met bietjie humor en lag selfs daaroor. Maak seker dat jy altyd alles wat jy normaalweg tuis sou hê, daar het. Dit is nie moeilik nie, en jy kan dit doen deur een keer per week winkel toe te gaan. As alles verby is, sal dit wonderlik wees om weer die vanselfsprekende te doen - koffie saam met vriende te drink, in ‘n park te stap, werk toe te gaan. TER OPSOMMING Eet normale, lekker, gesonde kos. Onthou dat kos nie net gaan om aan die lewe te bly nie. Vermy om te geïsoleer te wees. Kry ‘n bietjie fiksheid in. Maak huis skoon. Gaan aanlyn, maar pasop vir vals inligting. Beplan jou vermaak. Soek professionele hulp as jy regtig sukkel. As jy tuis werk, doen dit reg. Onthou om gesond te bly en goeie higiëne te beoefen. Intussen bly tuis!

14 APRIL 2020



Ex tended lockdown The government, led by president Cyril Ramaphosa, is formulating a plan to breathe life into South Africa’s economy and to avert further job losses following the outbreak of Covid-19 coronavirus. This comes as the 21-day nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the virus has been extended by a further two weeks until the end of April. The Sunday Times reports that the national command council will discuss industry proposals to ease some of the lockdown restrictions, including lobbies from the tobacco and alcohol sectors, and a call to allow fast food shops to reopen. “The results of these discussions are expected to be taken to the cabinet later in this week, where a raft of proposals that include a comprehensive f inancial package geared at scaling up the production of essential goods will be tabled,” the Sunday paper said. Call to sell beer The Beer Association of South Africa (BASA) representing the Craft Brewers Association, Heineken and South African Breweries has called for the ‘offconsumption’ beer trade to resume. This is a licence granted for the sale of liquor for consumption off of the premises where it is sold. These premises include liquor stores, distribution centres and wholesale entities. BASA warned of major job losses for its industry if these restrictions continue. “In the last 15 days, we have had news of many beer outlets shutting their doors with several people being retrenched. With an industry that employs close to 250,000 people, these are many lives that are now being placed at risk. “Secondary industries are also impacted by the shutdown i.e. glass and bottle manufacturers, print and design companies, transportation, retailers, equipment manufacturers, electricians, plumbers, farmers and many more,” BASA said. The association said it has made a number of submissions along with the other liquor associations to the president as well as minsters with proposals as to how to ensure the survival of the industry. Some of these include: Allowing licensed off-consumption outlets to sell beer subject to strict social distancing requirements and within restricted hours of trade. Allowing licensed on-consumption outlets to be granted a special dispensation to operate strictly as off-consumption outlets subject to the strict social distancing requirements and within restricted hours of trade. This includes Licenced taverns to support the township economy. Restriction on volumes sold per consumer to avoid irresponsible consumption. Placing hand sanitisers at outlets to ensure good hygiene practices. Allowing for online ordering and delivery of beer with strict quantity controls in place. Restricted Hours of Trade: Between 09h00 – 18h00 on all weekdays; Between 09h00 – 16h00 on Saturdays; and no beer sales on Sundays and Public Holidays.The sale of alcohol during the national lockdown has been prohibited as the government tries to contain the spread of Covid-19. Police minister, Bheki Cele, has warned of heavy fines and jail time for those who flout the law. The minister attributed the decrease in serious crimes over the lockdown period, to the non-sale of alcohol. “I just hope that one day there will be no liquor. I don’t run the country but, what has happened when you look at the crime stats, for that fact that shebeens are closed, people are sleeping,” he was reported as saying. The lockdown has been rough on all of us, including the smokers of South Africa. However, cigarettes are back on the shelves in some parts of SA. The decision was made in an attempt to curb the manufacturing and production of illegal cigarettes. They are cheap, nasty and circumvent the basic tax laws of South Africa. With all forms of prohibition, the outlawed product gets pushed underground, creating ‘black market’ sales. Therefore, officials have decided to go with the lesser of two evils. It must be clarified that tobacco-only stores cannot open for business, but rather, the ciggies

will be available once more over the counter in recognised supermarkets and stores. That’s because rumours were abound Sunday that the government were considering a full reverse of their cigarette ban. However, these claims went up in smoke Sunday night, as senior police sources dismissed the notion. It is yet unclear whether the sale of cigarettes will be “illegal” during the lockdown, but it is clear that the product is categorised as a “non-essential” item. Supermarkets have been mandated to only sell products that are considered essential. “Traders are limited ‘only to sell the essential goods that are set out in the regulations’. We have a 40-day lockdown, it’s not a year, it’s not two years. It’s a 40-day lockdown to try to see if we can contain this. We have to contain the spread of the virus, we have an enormous population of immuno-compromised persons,” Minister of Trade and Industry Ebrahim Patel said. “On the items that people can buy, obviously we wanted to keep the list as short and simple as possible so that we can do a quick turn around at shops so that people spend the minimum amount of time there, and travel as infrequently to the shops as possible. Cigarettes is not a basic good.” Call to reopen certain business sectors. The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Sacci) has also called on the government to allow certain business sectors to reopen after the lockdown extension. The business body, which has a membership comprising approximately 20,000 small, medium and large enterprises, commended president RamaCnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale phosa on his leadership and Stockists of Steel Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 086 671 7253 Sections, Rail, Piping management of the current email: - Plante and Tubing crisis. SERVICES: GUILLOTING, BENDING, PUNCHING, PROFILING & LASER CUTTING. Sacci suggested “a staggered return to business, starting SQ TUBE 6M PIPE 6M FLAT BAR 6M with industries which can 1.6MM 2.0MM 12X3 ........ R 37.00 1.6MM 2.0MM demonstrate high levels of 16x3 ......... R 40.00 20MM .... R77.00..........R 94.00 12x12 .... R 73.50 social distancing and health 20x3 ......... R 49.00 25MM .... R96.00 ....... R115.00 16x16 .... R 89.00 control, like the Fast Food 20X20 ... R 92.50.......R110.00 20x5 ......... R 69.00 32MM .... R126.00 ..... R168.00 Outlets (FFOs) industry”. 25x3 ......... R 60.00 25X25 ... R104.00 ..... R148.00 38MM .... R148.00 ..... R196.00 FFOs in South Africa currently 32X32 ... R149.00 ..... R200.00 25x5 ......... R 83.00 50MM .... R200.00 ..... R250.00 30x3 ......... R 73.00 employ more than 150,000 38X38 ... R185.00 ..... R235.00 76MM .... R300.00 ..... R385.00 30x5 ......... R103.00 people. Many businesses are 50X50 ... R244.00 ..... R310.00 EQ ANGLE 6M 40x3 ......... R 95.00 76X76 ... R367.00 ..... R460.00 likely to close down and there 40x5 ......... R136.00 100X100 ................... R600.00 25x25x3 .................... R100.00 will be major job losses as a 50x3 ......... R124.00 25x25x5...................... R157.00 result, said Sacci chief exeREC TUBE 6M 50x5 ......... R171.00 30x30x3 .................... R121.00 cutive officer, Alan Mukoki. 1.6MM 2.0MM 30x30x5 .................... R198.00 SQ BAR 6M “To protect the SA economy 38x20 .... R153.00 ..... R189.00 40x40x3 .................... R153.00 10MM ..... R62.00 from a total collapse, we have 38x25 .... R184.00 ..... R200.00 40x40x5 .................... R252.00 12MM ....... R91.00 to look beyond the lock-down 50x25 .... R192.00 ..... R235.00 25x25x2 .................... R 67.00 as the only option,” he said. WINDOW 50x38 .... R248.00 ..... R280.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 Covid-19 numbers rising 40x40x2 .................... R108.00 76x38 .... R283.00 ..... R355.00 SECTION 6M South Africa has 2,028 76x50 .... R325.00 ..... R400.00 RT6 ......... R 91.00 0.5 IBR/COR ROOF conf irmed cases of 100X50 ..................... R490.00 RT13 ....... R 115.00 SHEETING R83.00p/m Coronavirus (COVID-19), with RX7 ......... R 130.00 LIP/CHANNEL 25 deaths. “The total number LIP/PURL F7 ............ R 105.00 of COVID-19 tests conducted F4B .......... R 250.00 6M 9M 6M 9M to date is 75,053,” minister of 75x50x20x2.....R295.00...R450.00 75x50x20x2.....R300.00...R450.00 ROUND BAR 6M Health Dr Zweli Mkhize said 100x50x20x2...R340.00...R519.00 100x75x20x2...R350.00...R530.00 6MM .......... R21.00 POLYCARB SHEETING in a statement last Saturday. 125x50x20x2...R368.00...R560.00 8MM .......... R34.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R410.00...R625.00 Last Saturday, there were 25 10MM ........ R52.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R75.00 more cases of virus compared WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 52.00 Terms & Conditions to Easter Friday’s 2,003 VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 74.00 apply confirmed cases. The minister APRIL 2020 SPECIALS reported one additional death H/R SHEETS & PLATES to the 24 deaths announced on PALISADE PANELS LOOSE PALES 2450x1225x1.6........R610.00 3mx600mm...R 455.00 600mm....R 16.00 Easter Friday. 2450x1225x2.0 .......R750.00 3mx1.0m.......R 522.00 1.0m........R 22.00 2450x1225x2.5........R950.00 In a series of tweets following 3mx1.2m.......R 617.00 1.2m........R 27.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1125.00 the updated figures, minister 3mx1.5m.......R 675.00 1.5m........R 34.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1650.00 Mkhize said KwaZulu-Natal 3mx1.8m.......R 750.00 2500x1200x5.0......R2040.00 1.8m........R 41.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2420.00 2.0m........R 46.00 has a high death toll with more 3mx2.0m.......R 800.00 than six patients having died FIBRE GLASS SHEETING WELDING RODS GEMINI GATE MOTOR R90.00p/m at one hospital. “We need to Cut to size 4 MM RACK, 2 REMOTES get into why this is so. We have 1KG 2.5mm...........R 40.00 Doggy Bars ANTI-THEFT BRACKET & now decided the hospital needs 1KG 3.15 mm........R 35.00 BACK UP BATTERY optional 5KG 2.5mm...........R 145.00 to be closed-down and an 5KG 3.15mm.........R 135.00 investigation needs to be extra launched.”

C.J.J. STEEL cc.


R4 100




14 APRIL 2020

Local Government’s response to convid-19 The National Executive Committee (NEC) of South African Local Government Association (SALGA) convened a special video conference to assess the State of Local Government’s contribution to curbing the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. The SALGA NEC acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all aspects of the society and require unprecedented action on the part of the government, across all three spheres, to curb the spread of the virus. The impact of the President’s decision on the 23 March to direct a 21 days national ‘lockdown’ has far-reaching implications for municipalities, in particular, who are at the coalface of the delivery of essential services. The impact of the virus will be felt by municipalities far beyond the 21 day lockdown period, which is extended. Whereas the SALGA NEC is very encouraged that municipalities are strictly and without exception adhering to the range of directives issued by national and provincial government departments, in direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are several areas of concern including matters related to the negative impact on municipalities. Changes to regulations and media Statements It is evident that municipalities, due to their proximity to communities, have a central role to play in the government’s response to combat the spread of the virus. Where these regulations and directives are changed at short notice and without due consideration of the practical implications,

it negatively impacts on the municipal response. This is further exacerbated by the contradicting media pronouncements, during a time when tensions are high and may create confusion and have unintended consequences. Acknowledging that the country is dealing with extraordinary circumstances, which requires extraordinary action and responses, the SALGA NEC is, therefore, calling for a more coordinated response informed by meaningful consultation, particularly with organized local government as the collective voice of municipalities, on matters that materially impact municipalities. Water Delivery Water has been identified as a critical element in fighting infections and as such access to water services by communities is vital. SALGA welcomes the intervention by the Department of Water and Sanitation in the procurement of water tanks and tankers which are currently being deployed to municipalities across the country. The SALGA NEC has however expressed the importance of sustaining the service delivery interventions far beyond the lockdown period and therefore is calling on: The development and signing of agreements to regulate the transfer of the assets purchased by the Department of Water and Sanitation to municipalities, including the related budget commitments; Using Budget prioritisation to address the capex and opex requirements to ensure sustainable service provision during the fight against COVID-19 and beyond; Appropriate water sources, where necessary, should be identified including the

operation and maintenance capacity; and the expectations of communities on water issues must be managed post the 40 day lockdown period. Issuing of Permits to Informal Food Traders Following the relaxation of the regulations issued by the Minister of Small Business relating to the issuing of permits to informal food traders, the NEC is pleased that the relevant authority within the municipality, tasked with the processing of permits, has been clarified. Municipalities have been called upon to ensure that the relevant business units that issue these permits are opened and that staff is appropriately equipped and protected to limit their exposure to the virus. Disbursement of the Disaster Management Fund to municipalities The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed extraordinary burdens on the country at large and local government in particular. Added to this the fiscal ability to respond to the pandemic is constrained due to the prevailing economic conditions of the country. With short turn-around times to respond and respond with urgency to the pandemic, the SALGA NEC is calling for the disbursement of the disaster management funding to be efficient and agile in nature and it must assist municipalities to respond swiftly to the directives and regulations pronounced to combat the pandemic. The SALGA NEC sponsors an approach of an upfront allocation of funds to municipalities based on equitable share modelling and further applying a vulnerability component which considers the short to

the medium financial health of a municipality, its community viability, institutional capacity and state of municipal infrastructure. To this end, the NEC has proposed to the Minister of COGTA to consider the redistributive model that favours vulnerable municipalities. The SALGA NEC welcomes the Minister of COGTA’s proposal to reprioritize Municipal Infrastructure Grants for disasterrelated purposes. The 40 day lockdown period occurring in the last quarter of the financial year-end of local government will impact negatively on major infrastructure projects and this will result in under expenditure of infrastructure grants. The President of SALGA, Cllr Thembi Nkadimeng concluded the NEC meeting by reiterating President Ramaphosa’s call at the recently convened Presidential Coordinating Council that municipalities are required to sustain efforts to deliver services to South Africans post COVDI-19 with the same passion and dedication displayed in f ighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Municipalities will continue to work in unison with provincial and national government to deliver essential services during this period. SALGA will continue to advocate and lobby on behalf of local government, to ensure that the sector is adequately supported and enabled to perform its function considering that it is the sphere of government that interfaces closely with communities. Issued by Government Communications (GCIS) on behalf of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).

COVID-19 taking its toll on mental health Fear and anxiety have gripped the globe as COVID-19 continues to take its toll on human life, economies and society at large. Experts are becoming increasingly concerned about the psychological effects of the epidemic particularly on the poor, elderly, children and teens, and frontline healthcare workers. Abdurahmaan Kenny, Mental Health Portfolio Manager at Pharma Dynamics says levels of distress are bound to increase as more South Africans become infected, lose their income and social isolation becomes a way of life beyond the lockdown as a consequence of the out-break. “Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, those with mental health conditions and pre-existing health concerns are likely to experience higher levels of psychological distress due to the major threat that the outbreak poses to their own personal health. “Another high distress category is likely to include the poor who rely on odd jobs to make a living. Staying at home means they cannot provide for themselves or their families. “Doctors and nurses, particularly those at the frontline of the crisis may experience secondary traumatic stress (STS) reactions – a by-product of working in a traumatic environment. “Equally, parents who are dealing with

childcare responsibilities during school closures and work-from-home obligations, may experience greater levels of anxiety as they try to juggle it all while taking care of elderly parents during the lockdown and reassuring their children.” He says that stress during the outbreak can include fear and concern about one’s own health and the health of loved ones, which is completely normal. More detrimental changes to watch out for include sleeplessness, difficulty concentrating, feelings of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and worsening of chronic health problems. Those with pre-existing mental health conditions are also encouraged to continue with their treatment. Should their symptoms worsen, they should contact their healthcare provider (remotely if possible). Advice to parents “Arming yourself with the real facts about COVID-19 and the risk that it poses to yourself and your family can make the outbreak less stressful. If you remain calm and provide reassurance, children will follow your lead. However, teens are likely to be exposed to more communication from friends and social media, which may lead to excessive worry or sadness, unhealthy eating or sleeping habits or acting out. “Keep the lines of communication open

between you and your children. Answer questions they may have around COVID19 based on facts provided by credible organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) or the SA government: Share advice on how to cope with stress and try stick to a routine with educational, fun and relaxing activities to make the days meaningful. “Be a role model to your children. Limit your news coverage of the outbreak to once a day, including social media. Stick to a wholesome routine of your own by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising and connecting with friends and family. Your children will take their cue from you.” Supporting frontline responders “Many of our doctors, nurses and other healthcare personnel will be directly involved in the diagnosis, treatment and care of people with COVID-19, which places an extraordinary burden on them both physically and mentally. “It is vital that they remain focused by taking care of their own health in order to continue to respond to the outbreak. “Take regular breaks, eat right, practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques, get enough sleep and work in teams to help ease the burden. Also ensure that childcare, household and pet care responsibilities are

in hand while you’re on duty and communicate with loved ones, even if it’s just once during a shift. Helping those in quarantine “For those who have been released from quarantine, many of whom have been separated from their families for more than 65 days a range of emotions may follow. “These could include feelings of relief, stress from constant monitoring for signs and symptoms, sadness, frustration and even anger. Guilt about not being at home and caring for children or other emotional or mental health challenges may surface. Families should be extra supportive and allow those returning from quarantine time to adjust.” “It can also be traumatic being separated from loved ones after testing positive for COVID-19. Remain in contact as much as you can via phone or video calling to provide patients with the love and support they need.” Kenny says knowing how to respond to these challenges when they arise will help you to stay mentally focused while caring for those closest to you. “For now, we need to embrace the new rhythm of life and the chance it gives us to connect with others in different ways.” The public is also being encouraged to share photos and ideas of their own on the platform to help others get through this challenging time.

14 APRIL 2020



New The obligation to be tested SASSA grant payment dates JJC Kruger & Vennote changed

Lessons learnt from the last payment cycle during the National Lockdown have compelled SASSA to review the payment dates going forward. As from the month of May 2020 disability and Older Persons Grants will be paid from the 4th day of the month. All other grants will be paid from the 6th of every month. The grant payment for April was brought forward to the 30 March 2020 and the first two days were dedicated to people with disabilities and older persons to ensure compliance with the State of Disaster requirements. Impatient child support grant beneficiaries could not wait for the 1 st of April and descended upon payment channels as early as 30 March. This posed all sorts of health challenges and it became difficult at some stores and ATM’s to maintain social distancing. There was also a nasty scene in a Dobsonville shopping centre in Soweto where a group of youngsters were captured on video pushing older people in order to access payment infrastructure first. In response to this unpleasant experience, SASSA started consulting role players such as National Treasury, South African Post Office, the banking association, retailers, and the consumer goods council among others. What came out of the consultations is that people with disabilities and the aged need to be protected from the month end rush at payment outlets and therefore payment needs to be staggered in such a way that these categories of beneficiaries receive their grants before others. To effect this SASSA will make use of two payment files. The first one will cover the aged and the disabled while the second payment file will cover all other grant types. Some older persons use one card to also receive child support and foster child grants. In such cases they will be able to access all linked grants from the 4 th of every month. Once the money is in the account, it will remain there until it is needed. “Money deposited into your account is safe and will not be taken back if not used. There is no need to rush to withdraw cash on the first day we deposit it into your account. The SASSA card can be used as a debit card to pay for purchases, therefore it is not necessary to withdraw cash and thereafter purchase goods with the cash.

There has been a lot of speculation as to whether an employee can be obligated by an employer to be tested when a Covid19 infection is suspected. There is a view that placing such an obligation on any person would violate his/her constitutional rights. This would be true under normal circumstances. However, due to the national disaster, it will be viewed as a fair and just limitation on certain constitutional rights. The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs promulgated regulations determining that a person who is suspected to have Covid19, or who has come into contact with someone who has Covid-19, may not refuse to be tested or quarantined. Should any person refuse to be tested or quarantined, a warrant may be obtained to enforce such testing or quarantine.

Take note The South African Revenue Service has determined that businesses that import essential goods, as defined in the regulations, do not have to pay VAT on these imported goods. However, when the same essential goods are resold locally, the normal VAT rules apply. The purpose of this regulation is to assist with the cash flow of these businesses, as they now do not have to set-off the VAT paid on imports against the VAT charged on sales, but can simply pay over the full VAT on sales to SARS.

Therefore, no person may refuse to be tested. In addition to this, both the employer and employees have the responsibility, in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, to provide a safe working environment. Therefore, an employer is well within his/ her rights to demand that an employee must be tested for Covid-19, in order to comply with this obligation. There is in any event an obligation on an employee to disclose to the employer if he/she suspects that he/ she has contracted the virus or if he/she suspects that a co-employee may have contracted the virus. It is, therefore, clear that an employer can insist on testing and an employee does not, at this moment in time, have a right to

refuse. Anyone who may have been in contact with a carrier of the virus may then also be subjected to no-choice testing. South Africa has ventured on its 40-day lockdown and now the president has briefed us on his next mission to start early testing to prevent a further spread of the virus. In the briefing, the president promised to send 10 000 health officials doorto-door to start testing people. How do you know that the health officials and their test kits aren’t contaminated? Rumours are going around globally that this virus was manufactured and for all we know it is possible. Readers should exercise their constitutional rights and refuse to allow people into their homes.

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14 APRIL 2020

Sit ‘n stop aan emosionele etery Indien ons almal sou eet wanneer ons werklik honger is, sou niemand waarskynlik oorgewig wees nie. Ongelukkig is daar meer as een rede behalwe om honger te wees wat ons laat eet. Daar is baie redes hoekom ons eet wanneer ons nie honger is nie, maar een van die grootstes en mees algemene is wanneer ons eet as gevolg van ‘n sekere emosie, of gevoel wat ons het. Hoekom eet ons al is ons nie honger nie? Die grootste rede hiervoor word emosionele eet genoem. Jy mag dalk hartseer of op jou senuwees wees, vol stres en kommer en dan besluit jy om sommer ‘n dubbele kaasburger te verorber en daarmee saam ‘n aarbei melkskommel. ‘n Hele pak slap tjips help ook vir die verveeldheid. Emosionele etery mag dalk jou dieet se grootste vyand wees. Hoe weet jy dat jou rede vir eet nie hongerte is nie? En, die belangrikste vraag is, hoe kan jy dit stop? Volgens kenners moet jy identifiseer wat die redes vir jou emosionele etery is. Dit is die eerste stap om die probleem op te los, en daar is gewoonlik ‘n hele paar snellers wat sorg dat die rede vir eet nie hongerte is nie. Sosiale etery: Jy word aangemoedig deur ander om te eet, of jy eet om in te pas. Dit kan gebeur wanneer jy by die huis al klaar geeet het, vriende ontmoet vir

drankies en dan sommer ‘n tweede aandete verorber want almal eet dan nou. Of jy kan selfs net agter die lekkerte aan eet. Emosionele etery: Dit gebeur gewoonlik wanneer negatiewe emosies oorneem, soos moegheid, angstigheid, alleenheid, hartseer, en stres is almal snellers wat sorg vir ‘n onnodige meer as een happie. Waaraan dink jy: Eet jy as gevolg van ‘n negatiewe selfbeeld? Baie keer word dit veroorsaak deur om oorgewig te wees en so word die nare kringloop keer op keer voltooi. Dit kan ook wees dat iemand al knaend vir jou gesê het kyk hoe lyk jy as ek jou sien eet jy of eet jy alweer. Situasies: Heelwat situasies, geleenthede en omstandighede word outomaties met eet vereenselwig. Die feit dat kos oral adverteer word help natuurlik nie, wanneer jy verby ‘n bakkery loop is die lekker reuk oorweldigend. By die fliek is die eerste stop na die kaartjies koop tog maar die lekkergoed toonbank of hoe? Selfs as jy tuis is en die weer saam speel met koue of reenbuie wil jy heeltyd smul aan allerlei snoeperye. Fisies: ‘n Sjokolade gaan mos help vir my kopseer? En jy gaan mos ekstra honger wees indien jy nie geeet het toe dit etenstyd was nie? Maak seker jy neem alles hierbo in ag, skryf neer elke keer wanneer jy geeet het as

gevolg van een van bogenoemde. Skryf neer hoe jy voel indien jou emosies wipplank ry, hoe jy gevoel het voor en na die tyd en wat die oorsaak was daarvan. Hoe hou ek op? Wanneer jy besef wat jou emostionele etery veroorsaak is die oorsaak alreeds ‘n gewoonte. Die antwoord is om hierdie gewoontes heeltemal te stop. En om dit te laat gebeur moet jy iets anders doen in plaas van eet wanneer jy voel jy kan nie meer funksioneer daarsonder nie. Hoe meer jy iets anders doen in plaas van eet, hoe vinniger gaan jy die gewoonte etery verhoed. Die oomblik wanneer jy lus raak vir kos en nie honger is nie probeer een van die volgende in plaas van om ‘n toebroodjie te maak, ‘n pakkie slap tjips te verober, ‘n sjokolade papiertjie af te trek . . . Lees ‘n boek of tydskrif, luister na musiek of gaan stap. Wat van ‘n lekker borrelbad? Speel ‘n bordspeletjie, kaart of doen ‘n blokraaisel. Gesels met ‘n mater maar moenie vir koffie en koek gaan nie. Wees produktief, daardie huiswerk wat jy uitstel? Was wasgoed, gaan werk in die tuin. Doen enige iets tot die lus na kos verby gaan. Vra ander vir hulp Soms is ‘n eenvoudige manier van afleiding nie genoeg nie, en dan is dit tyd om hulp te kry. Kry berading by iemand wat jou die nodige

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raad kan gee om verandering in jou lewe mee te bring, na aanleiding van jou individuele nood. Dit is altyd goed om ‘n goeie vriend, huismaat of selfs iemand wat saam met jou werk te kry om te sorg dat jy nie jou voorneme agter laat nie. Laat hulle toe om jou tereg te wys wanneer jy eet wat jy nie moet eet nie, en ook wanneer jy nie moet eet nie. En onthou, jy mag nie vir hulle kwaad raak nie, jy het gevra vir hulp en dit is tot jou voordeel en behoud. Gebruik ‘n natuurlike aanvulling As ons bloedsuiker vlakke stabiel is, is dit makliker om nee te sê vir ons emosionele kosdrange. Neem aanvullings wat natuurlik is om jou te help en sien die resultate. Dan die mees belangrikste aspek is kyk wat jy eet en waaraan jy peusel. Leef ‘n gesonde leefstyl deur reg te eet, soveel groente en vrugte as wat jy kan, gesonde vette en maer vleissnitte. ‘n Baie unieke manier is om interessante gesprekke met geliefdes aan te knoop, dinge waaroor mens min tyd kry om te gesels of om oor te debateer, sodoende leer mens mekaar beter ken. Neem jou gedagte wêreld gevange, veral in hierdie tyd en dink waaroor of waaraan jy dink is dit positief of negatief, hoe beinvloed dit jou. Soos die woord van God ons leer in Spreuke 18 vers 21 “dood en lewe is in die mag van die tong” Wat jy van jouself sê is wie jy is, wat jy eet is wie jy word.

14 APRIL 2020



WhatsApp update for April 2020 More than half the planet’s population is currently adhering to restrictions which prevent them from living their lives freely due to the ongoing global health crisis. Now more than ever, it is necessary to stay connected, and remain informed. But the platform itself has been abused by the peddlers of fake news. Unfounded rumours and misinformation spread quickly on whatsapp. The latest update addresses this directly. The application has now introduced a feature which makes it more difficult to forward messages. Forwarding is usually a quick process and allows users to copy and paste messages they’ve received into other chats. A lot of unverified information gets bandied around that way, and once one person shares a communication in a group – and another member of that chat passes it on to another group – the post has passed unchecked between dozens of people, before the cycle escalates to a much larger scale.

Other changes coming to WhatsApp WhatsApp will now stop messages being repeatedly forwarded, in bulk, to groups. If a message is being relentlessly passed on, users will only be able to send it to one chat at a time, rather than the previous limit of five. It’s hoped that this will, at the very least, limit the spread of potentially “hazardous” misinformation. Meanwhile, the platform is also looking at another method of verifying information shared by its users. They are working on a feature that would display a small magnifying glass next to each forwarded message, allowing whatsapp subscribers to double-check the text via a web-search – something that could seriously help debunk the tide of fake news. Finally Those of you with access to the beta programme will today benefit from some “under-the-hood software tweaks”. This is designed to make the app faster, operating at a greater speed than before. In these times of uncertainty, quick communication and rapid-f ire messaging is vital for

friends and family across the world. The world may have come to a standstill for many of us, but the latest whatsapp update shows that their developers are continuing to evolve. The latest round of whatsapp updates will come into effect this week as developers look to stem the tide of fake news and keep billions of users in touch during the prolonged worldwide lockdown. The messages you send on whatsapp are end-to-end encrypted they say. This means that only your device, and that of the recipient, can decode them. The feature prevents your messages from being intercepted during transmission, even by facebook themselves. However, this doesn't secure them once they are decrypted on your device. The reality is that the whatsapp hack is a reminder that we all need to stay proactive and vigilant when communicating. Here are 5 things to know when it comes to the hack, whatsapp, and secure communications as facebook itself: Be extra cautious. This attack primarily

targeted high-profile individuals—like politicians, journalists, and political dissidents so the number of phones that were hijacked was only in the dozens. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be careful with the conversations you have on whatsapp or any messaging app. Never share anything that you wouldn’t want posted on a bulletin board. It’s worse than phishing. The latest hack is more complex, even if users ignore the phone call, the spyware is still installed. Become more aware about security and privacy as these attacks continue to evolve. Facebook, WhatsApp’s parent company, announced it had fixed a bug that allowed hackers to take over users’ applications if they answered an incoming video call. Your messages are (probably) being saved to the cloud. WhatsApp settings default to saving your conversations to the cloud. Those back-ups are not protected by endto-end encryption and anyone with access to your cloud, or who can hack it, can access those conversations. Your device is the weakest link.

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14 APRIL 2020

14 APRIL 2020





14 APRIL 2020


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What the Future Holds No one knows how long the current crisis will last, but COVID-19 has changed how consumers want to do business. Consumers will continue to seek digital capabilities and experiences from retailers and brands that have a positive impact on their lives. These new digital experiences are already showing a 42% increase in online shopping, a 13% increase in click and collect, a 12% increase in ordered takeout for the first time and 19% ordering takeout more frequently. So, we must ask: Are these new behaviours becoming part of everyday life? And If so, how will convenience and fuel retailers compete without them? If the answer is yes, then we must be prepared to do one thing: change. Change requires a deep look at the people, processes and technology needed to prepare for the future. It requires a serious look at what inside the business model needs to be adjusted or all together scrapped. And finally, it warrants a serious discussion regarding what life lessons were taken from the experience that will help drive future events. Even during a pandemic, keeping a pulse on consumer behaviour is imperative. Interestingly enough, it's during these times when consumers create new habits. By building upon existing digital technologies, innovating, and listening to consumers, retail merchants will mitigate the risk of falling behind. We are likely to see an acceleration in the depth and breadth of “contactless” click and collect and home delivery services, and retailers realize the criticality of servicing a need and desire, forged out of the adversity of COVID-19.

COVID-19 has without a doubt changed business as usual. It’s spread has forced every industry to rethink its business models, product offerings, and even how to transact with its customers. For all of us living in this global pandemic – nothing is normal. For retailers and their business partners, the collective No.1 focus is the safety and well-being of families, customers and colleagues. After that, they turn to the business. Once consumers have experienced the benefits of mobile payments and touchless commerce as a necessary means to obtain food, beverages, fuel, personal care, household goods and medical items, will they switch back to their pre-COVID-19 behaviours? Plummeting sales during the COVID-19 lockdown could force petrol stations to close leaving some hauliers facing fuel shortages, fuel retailers are warning. The closures could particularly impact on smaller hauliers that do not have the facilities to bunker fuel, particularly those located in rural areas, according to the Petrol Retailers Association (PRA). PRA chairman Brian Madderson, said: “To help freight move and help key workers travel safely and independently through this period of crisis, petrol filling stations must remain open. Petrol f illing stations understand the importance of good cleaning and hygiene for their customers and teams. They reviewed their cleaning practices in alignment with the ministry of health recommendations and are following the Ministry of Health guidelines to ensure they all help keep everyone safe, so when you come onto their sites, you can expect to see social distancing practices and responsible coughing etiquette.

14 APRIL 2020



Geletterdheid in die hande van die leerder Taalonderrig is 'n ingewikkelde kwessie in Suid-Afrika en is daar moontlik ‘n afwesigheid van leesonderrig of -materiaal in leerders se huistaal. Volgens kenners is een van die belangrikste struikelblokke wat die ontwikkeling van leesvaardighede by baie kinders belemmer, die afwesigheid van leesonderrig of -materiaal in hul huistaal. Die harde werklikheid is dat, ondanks lofwaardige pogings om te verseker dat alle amptelike tale in ons kurrikulums voorgestel word, daar steeds 'n gebrek aan hulpbronne is, van onderwysers tot skole of materiaal. Gevolglik leer die meeste kinders lees in 'n taal wat hulle nog nie behoorlik bemeester het nie, wat aan hul vaardigheid aansienlik afbreuk doen.

'n Kind wat nie goed kan lees nie, kan nie meer ingewikkelde materiaal leer nie. Op individuele vlak bring dit die hoop vir 'n suksesvolle akademiese loopbaan in beslag, maar aangesien dit 'n probleem is wat soveel van ons land se kinders raak, hou dit 'n risiko in vir Suid-Afrika se mededingendheid op die wêreldtoneel. Leesinstruksies in 'n gesof istikeerde formaat, kan dit maklik maak vir lesers tussen ses en agt jaar om letters met mekaar te pas klanke te verstaan asook hoe daardie klanke kombineer om woorde te vorm, en kyk hoe woorde voortgaan om betekenisvolle sinne te skep. Op hierdie manier kan kinders hul geletterdheidsvlak verhoog tot vroeë graad twee. Daar is verskeie programme wat 'n oplos-

Why schools need to go cashless Cash may have been king for centuries, but its reign has ended. As much as we may not want to believe it, the world is swiftly migrating to a cashless environment. It’s time to ditch the germ infected R50 notes and start utilising technology. There are apps that give parents a virtual card terminal that allows schools to manage, collect and easily reconcile payments being received by parents. So let’s dive into top 5 reasons why a school needs to go cashless: It’s healthier, cleaner and safer for everyone Cash and debit or credit cards can carry germs and nasty microbes for up to 48 hours. So why do we insist on sending dirty money to school with our kids? A recent study by LendEDU shows that the average credit or debit card had a germ score of 285 and the average cash germ score was 160. The higher the germ score the dirtier the surface with food establish-ments required to have germ score of 10 or less. This critically shows that the money we are handling on a daily basis, be it cash, debit or credit cards, are filthy and just as likely to be passing on diseases and germs as physical contact with another person. With Karri, there is no need for a parent to come onto the school premises to use a card terminal; or for children to be moving around dirty money. Create your collection on Karri and do your part to help prevent the spread of germs. Remove temptation for opportunists Sadly in recent months, schools across South Africa have become a soft target for criminals. Having little to no security at schools and thousands of rands sit-ting in an office is a worry for everyone. Plus, sending your child to school with a small fortune puts them at risk too. Remove all of the anxiety by adding all of your school collections onto Karri or internet banking. The payment system allows schools to create collections online

within minutes. Parents then simply download the Karri app, create a profile and make the payment, removing the need for the child to be responsible for cash and putting the school at risk of theft. Schools become more efficient Schools can also save hours of administration time, improve efficiency and provide transparency on f inancial reports. The Karri app not only provides a simple, secure gateway for parents to pay for school-related transactions; it also provides the school with a fully comprehensive f inancial management system. It will also saving the finance team hours and hours of painful reconciliations. One can use the Karri system to track every payment made to the school even if this is not via Karri. Plus, you can send out reminders to parents who are yet to pay. Collect more for your fundraising events Rather than scrambling for cash, school can now create a variable donation style collection, allowing parents to donate however much they want to the cause. These collections are sure to raise signif icantly more due to the ease and convenience provided to the parent. Time and time again our schools have proven that running their fundraisers on Karri has allowed them to collect double, sometimes triple what they used to collect pre-Karri days. Be assured that your money is always secure When choosing a product to implement into your school, it is important to provide a trustworthy service to parents and teachers alike. Having the security of a bank-backed product means there are absolutely no grey areas when it comes to the security of your money. Karri is the only product in this industry which is backed by a bank, meaning your money is always safe and secure. For more information email

EFFEKTIEF & GOEDKOOP Almal gaan so gaande oor sanitizers het die vrees dat dit uitverkoop raak. Wel hier is ‘n wenk vir jou eie huisgemaakte hand sanitizer. Neem 20ml skotterlgoedwasseep, 250 ml pers spirits en een liter water en gebruik op alle oppervlaktes vir effektiewe en doeltreffende skoonheidbeheer.

sing bied vir leer- en geletterdheidsuitdagings wat deur leerders, onderwysers en ouers gebruik kan word. Dit is veral relevant gedurende die 21 dae sluiting waarin ons verkeer. As ons net nadink oor hoe 'n gebrek aan geletterdheid kinders in die toekoms gaan beïnvloed as hulle nie behoorlik kan lees nie, is dit noodsaaklik dat ontwikkeling hetsy afstandsonderrig, onderrigpakkette wat beskikbaar is deur skole, of self tuis leesplanne gedurende hierdie tyd toegepas moet word. Let daarop dat skoolsluitings 'n bykomende uitdaging bied vir kinders wat ongeletterd is of sukkel om te lees, omdat hul onvermoë om dit te doen 'n invloed het op die hantering van ander akademiese take. Aan die ander kant kan selfversekerde

leerders die geleentheid gebruik om hul vaardighede te verbreed om 'n ander taal te leer. As daar iets positiefs uit die krisis tyd ontstaan is dit die groter gevoel van sosiale verantwoordelikheid wat voortvloei uit 'n toenemende bewustheid van die nadele wat soveel gemeenskappe in die gesig staar, waarvan ongeletterdheid een is. Die bevordering van lees in meer as een taal is ‘n oplossing van een van die kritiekste kwessies wat 'n langdurige uitwerking op leerders se toekoms kan hê. Laat kinders geskiedenisboeke, storie boeke en so meer lees om hul taalgeletterdheid te beoefen. Daar is selfs apps wat gebruik kan word soos vir meer inligting.

Compromising The South African Real Estate Invest/ ment Trust (SA REIT) Association, the South African Property Owners’ Association (SAPOA) and the SA Council of Shopping Centres (SACSC) have encouraged consultations between businesses and landlords in an attempt to mitigate the devastating effects of the lockdown on tenants and malls. Many of the country’s largest chains said no paying rentals due to the lockdown. It is reported that a relief package was unveiled by a newly-formed alliance of retail property landlords, the Property Industry Group. It is offering relief in the form of rental discounts between 15% and 100%, as well as interest-free rental deferrals for

April and May to help mitigate the impact on retail businesses that are not allowed to operate during the lockdown. To qualify for the relief benefits, retail tenants will need to have an income of less than R80m and undertake not to retrench staff during the relief period. It is difficult to understand how this can be a requirement for relief. An undertaking is given to the effect that all tenants whose accounts were in good standing at 29 February 2020, can be assured that there will not be any evictions for the next two months. Landlords will, on a case-by-case basis, also consider providing relief for office, industrial and hospitality tenants. Tenants need to negotiate relief terms directly with their landlords.



14 APRIL 2020

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SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R598.50 R807.50 R897.80 R1133.00 R1479.00 R1889.00 R2257.50

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R462.80 900x3mm High R532.90 1.0x3mt High R537.00 1.2x3mt High R638.60 1.5x3mt High R744.20 1.8mt High R849.90 2.0mt High R1012.30 2.4mt High R1061.20 LOOSE PALES 600mm R17.70 900mm R24.10 1.0mt R26.30 1.2mt R31.60 1.5mt R39.50 1.8mt R47.40 2.0mt R52.70 2.4mt R74.00

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R88.70 R140.88 R157.50 R183.50 R222.50 R241.50 R283.50 R310.80 R367.50

Weld Rods 2.5X5kg R131.56

R126.00 R177.48 R199.50 R226.80 R273.10 R304.60 R346.40 R386.40 R462.00


SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm 20X20 R 89.20 25X25 R104.90 32X32 R151.20 38X38 R189.20 50X50 R242.50 76X76 R367.50 100X100

R109.20 R150.40 R186.90 R227.80 R304.30 R472.30 R612.20

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 69.30 R 93.40 R136.30 R143.90 R161.60 R193.20 R293.00


2450X1225x0.5 R238 2450X1225x0.6 R327 2450X1225x1.0 R545 2450x1225x0.2 R1139 2450x1225x3.0 R1580


R 84.00 R115.50 RED OXIDE 5LT R145.90 R177.50 R200.00 R239.50 BLACK GLOSS 5LT R363.30 R488.20

R267.95 R402.50

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R271.52 R344.94 R389.04 R430.02 R469.26 R508.20

R478.47 R520.81 R592.69 R655.14 R715.05 R778.99

APRIL SPECIALS PURLINES 6mt R240.40 Cold rolled Chane! 9.1mt R366.40 76x50x3x6m R57.49 p/m Incl Lip Chane! 150x50x20x3x6m CHANNEL ROOF SHEETING R87.40 p/m Including 76X38 light R662.50 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R65.55 Lip Chane! 200x50x20x3x6m 100X50 light R864.90 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R83.50 R104.65 p/m Including 152X76 R1871.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R109.50 Lip Chane! 300x75x20x3x6m 178X54 R1539.30 CORR 0.3MM FH R44.50 R155.25 p/m Including Lip Chane! 250x75x20x2.5x9m A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE R138.00 p/m Including

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