Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Mense is opsoek na hoop! Van die grootste Christelike uitgewers berig dat daar ’n toename in die verkope van Bybels is tydens die koronaviruspandemie. Die toename is na bewering soortgelyk aan vlakke soos waargeneem ná die terreuraanvalle in Amerika op 11 September 2001. Die Christian Post het berig dat Tyndale House, ’n uitgewersf irma in Illinois, Amerika, gesê het sy Bybelverkope vir Maart 2020 is aansienlik hoër as die ooreenstemmende tyd verlede jaar. Jim Jewell, die uitvoerende beampte van Tyndale, het aan die Christian Post gesê: “Dit is nie verbasend dat mense hulle in tye van onsekerheid en bedreiging na die Bybel wend vir troos en insig in die

omstandighede nie.” Jewell het bevestig dat daar ook so ’n toename in Bybelverkope was in die maand ná die 9/11-aanvalle toe “Tyndale se Bybelverkope 57% meer was as in Oktober 2000.” Die Alabaster Co. in Kalifornië het ’n styging van 143% in Bybelverkope getoon in vergelyking met verlede jaar, berig die Christian Post. LifeWay Christian het ook verlede week ’n toename van 62% in Bybelverkope getoon, in vergelyking met verlede jaar. Mense gebruik die Bybel dikwels as ’n bron van hoop wanneer hulle ’n krisis beleef. Hulle ontvang hoop uit die Skrif, omdat hulle ’n God sien wat met ons is gedurende ons tyd van nood. Ek het nog nooit 'n tyd in my lewe geken

New fines SA lockdown laws – what you will pay The South African Judiciary has published a series of directives which outline how much citizens will have to pay in ‘admission of guilt’ fines if they are found to breach the country’s lockdown rules. The South African Police Service may give a person, who has been arrested on suspicion of a less serious crime, an option to pay an admission of guilt fine. Such a fine allows a person to admit guilt for a less serious offence without having to appear in court. This prevents an unnecessary overload of the court system. It is meant to resolve less serious matters quickly where an accused person accepts responsibility for having committed a minor offence. The directives are based on provincial and magistrate districts, and are in line with the new level 4 lockdown regulations which were introduced from 1 May. The directives also provide on how the court plans to deal with these cases, with KZN indicating that it will reserve judgement for breaches it deems trivial. While the fines differ between regions, the below table provides an idea of what you can expect to pay based on the directive for Tshwane.

Not all regions have published directives, but details are available for these areas: Gauteng; KZN; North West. Charge Fine Making a misrepresentation that any person is infected with Covid-19 R3 000 Publishing any statement to deceive any other person about Covid-19 R2 000. Publishing any statement to deceive any other person about the infection status of any person R3 000. Intentionally exposing another person to Covid-19 R5 000. Disclosing any information in the Covid-19 database R1 000. Convening a gathering R3 000. Failure to confine oneself to one’s place of residence R500. Going to work without a permit R500. Buy goods that are not permitted R500. Illegally move children R1 000. Illegally walk, run, or cycle R500. Illegally leaving residence during curfew (20h00 – 05h00) R500. Ille-gally moving between provinces, metropolitan areas and districts R1 000.Illegal eviction of a person R5 000. Visit places and premises closed to the public R1 000. Sell, dispense or distribute liquor R2 000. Sell tobacco products, cigarettes, and related products R1 000. Retail stores selling illegal goods R1 000.

waarin mense meer oop is vir God se woord as wat hulle nou is nie,' het Nicky Gumbel, predikant van HTB, op 'n aanlynPaaskonferensie gesê. Inderdaad, nog nooit is so baie mense in die moderne geskiedenis na hul huise gesanksioneer nie, noem dit ’n gedwonge tydperk van besinning. Mense reik uit na hulp veral in magtelose en weerlose tye. Bybelverkope word daagliks meer en talle mense selfs in hierdie onsekere tydperk, lees hul bybels en ander ondersoek die skrifte en wil graag bekend wees met die waarheid wat in die woord staan. Ander is weer bekommerd en vrees of die eindtyd voorspellings besig is om tot realiteit te kom. Meeste van die heilige boeke wat op die rakke verkoop word praat oor bekering en dat mense weer tot inkeer moet kom en geloof moet opbou en beoefen. Die belangrikste godsdienste in die wêreld is nie die enigstes wat van toenemende betrokkenheid getuig nie. Rowan Williams sê die pandemie beklemtoon ander belangrike kwessies in ons wêreld en beskryf dit as 'n “merkwaardige oomblik van waarheid.”

Om lyding gelyk te stel aan God se wil is niks nuuts nie. Van die vloed van Noag tot die vigs-uitbraak sien sommige individue niks anders as goddelike straf nie. Ander, soos Williams, sien vrye wil. God het ons vryheid van keuse gegee ons moet kies. Koronavirus is veroorsaak deur menslike optrede, of 'n gebrek daaraan, argumenteer sommige. Inderdaad, ongeveer 3,1 miljoen kinders sterf jaarliks aan wanvoeding, 'n tragedie sonder 'n wêreldwye ineenstorting wat makliker vergeet of geïgnoreer word. Vandag het ons 'n wêreld geskep waarin ons verplig is om aanpas as dinge moeilik raak. Met die koronavirus is hierdie ongemak alomteenwoordig. Daar word reeds lesse geleer. Baie mense wil byvoorbeeld nie 'n volledige terugkeer tot die lewe voor die grendeltyd hê nie, as gevolg van skoner lug en 'n sterker gemeenskapsgevoel. Is dit nie tyd vir die wêreld om terug te draai na God toe? Ons het 'n werklike herontdekking van geestelike leiers nodig, leiers wat 'n gevoel van openbare sake, aanspreeklikheid en diens het. Leiers wat vertroue skep.



12 MEI 2020

Boost your career

Die Familie in Krisis

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Suid-Afrikaners is nie vreemdelinge vir ‘n krisis nie. Van droogtes tot beurtkrag tot die staatskaping en nou Covid-19, is baie storms afgeweer. In die tyd van inperking moet Suid-Afrikaanse gesinne ondersteun word om te funksioneer en te oorleef. Dit vra dat gesinne ‘n sentrale rol speel in die Covid 19 ramp wat die land getref het, asook die bykans vernietiging van die ekonomie wat die grendeltyd tot gevolg het. Die herbou van ‘n gebroke samelewing en waarskynlike depressie sal die gesinslewe en die versterking van die gesin in die land bevorder moet word. Besprekings deur kundiges op die gebied van sosiale welstand erken dat baie sosiale probleme in Suid-Afrika die resultaat is van swak gesinsisteme of gesinne wat nie bestaan nie. Riglyne en strategieë vir die bevordering

van die gesinslewe en die versterking van gesinne is van kardinale belang om sekere vlakke van welstand te bereik waarop die land se herstel in die toekoms aangewys is. Die bevordering om gesinne in staat te stel om hul vereiste rolle en verantwoordelikhede in die samelewing te vervul sal hulle uiteindelik katalisators van vooruitgang en nasionale ontwikkeling maak. Die bekommernisse en angs wat ervaar word is verstaanbaar omdat die Covid-19pandemie regoor Suid-Afrika chaos veroorsaak het aangesien maatreëls teen die virus verantwoordelik is dat duisende mense verlies aan inkomste het, duisende werksgeleenthede verlore is en talle besighede hul deure moet sluit. Werkloosheid is aan die orde van die dag. Baie mense sit met lewe-en-dood-situasies of ernstige ekonomiese gevolge vir hul gesinne. Talle is bekommerd oor die angstige en argumenterende familielede en kinders wat in hierdie tyd saam vasgevang is. Een van die grootste probleme gedurende die sluitingstyd is die ook die feit dat miljoene kinders in Suid-Afrika afhanklik is van skoolvoedingskemas waar hulle minstens een voedsame maaltyd per dag ontvang. Ouers moet noodgedwonge instaan om hul kinders se luister- en taalvaardighede tuis te verryk tydens grendeltyd. Die Departement van Basiese Onderwys (DBE) het nuttige wenke aan ouers wat sedert die Covid-19-pandemie in die onderwyserrol moes inspring aangesien dagsentrums, skole en tersiêre instansies regoor SA en die hele wêreld gesluit moes word. Aan die einde van die dag is dit die staat wat moet sorg dat alle kinders hul beste kans kry om in 2020 te leer. Die tye is traumaties vir alle partye. Daar is geloof dat elke ouer sy bes sal doen en nie ‘n onderwyser hoef te word nie. Die geheim is: wees kalm, alles sal uitwerk. Almal gaan saam deur hierdie tyd en niemand het soortgelyke situasies ervaar of voorheen deurgemaak nie. Dit mag soms oorweldigend voel om saam met die gesin te woon sonder om uit te gaan. In isolasie word ‘n gevoel van “kajuitkoors” ervaar. Dit behels dikwels dat mense ontevrede, rusteloos, prikkelbaar en verveeld voel wanneer hulle ingeperk is. As dit onmoontlik voel om iets opvoedkundig te doen sonder om uitmekaar te val, doen hierdie een ding per dag - gaan sit saam en lees hardop vir die kinders. Selfs die veerkragtigstes onder familielede sal soms simptome van angs ervaar en gedurende hierdie tyd van ongekende verandering ervaar baie kinders dieselfde soort onsekerheid, gebrek aan beheer en angs wat normaalweg deur ‘n hoë persentasie outistiese kinders ervaar word. Ondanks die feit dat die kinders mens tot raserny kan dryf, neem die gewone daaglikse take steeds baie van die tyd in beslag, wat dit ‘n uitdaging kan maak om positief te bly. Probeer om in hierdie tyd tuis te raak en die verhouding met jouself en met familie, vriende, spanlede en gemeenskapslede te verdiep, al is dit afstand gerig. Danksy die sluiting herbesin mense, verander hul prioriteite en maak hulle groot veranderinge. Ons kan miskien nie almal met dagbreek vertrek om lewens te verander nie, maar ons kan elke oggend opnuut wakker word met ‘n begeerte om ons kinders groot te maak deur aan hulle hoop en sekerheid te gee dat hulle nie alleen is nie. Onthou: Ook hierdie sal verbygaan!

Working from home has brought into sharp focus the importance of soft skills and global competencies and are allowing those employees who were previously overlooked in the office environment to shine, an education expert says. “Until recently, soft skills had to be content with a nod, while applause was reserved for technical skills. But as everyone who can is currently working from home, it is clear that these previously nice-to-have skills are now of crucial importance,” says Peter Kriel, General Manager of The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. He says this period provides an excellent opportunity for students and workers to develop those skills which will, without a doubt, become even more highly valued in workplaces when the world starts returning to a new version of normal. “We were all thrown in the deep end when we had to start working remotely with little notice, but those who have had the opportunity to develop skills such as resilience, self-management, collaboration and effective communication, have arguably settled into our new paradigm somewhat more easily. And outside of the office environment, with everyone working remotely and battling to juggle a myriad of balls from home, the necessity of these skills are truly coming to the fore,” he says. Kriel says he expects recruiters will in future pay close attention to whether prospective candidates are able to demonstrate that they have a track record and skills base beyond technical mastery in their field. “Good institutions of higher education have been inculcating these skills in their students, and those who have not yet done so, will certainly start considering the implementation of programmes which will ensure they produce well-rounded graduates who aren’t just academically proficient, but who will be able to apply their knowledge in a world where nothing is certain anymore,” he says. “And for those working from home right now, you can take this opportunity to develop these skills, which will allow you to demonstrate your competence and contribution not only to your current employer, but also position you for promotion in future.” He says people should consider how they can work on – and showcase – thinking skills, research skills, communication skills, social skills and self-management. “Many offices will continue to have remote working arrangements in future, and all the above skills will be absolutely essential to making a success of your career. Employers will want people who show resilience and adaptability, trustworthiness and very importantly, the desire and ability to problem-solve and show initiative. In addition to working on soft skills and global competencies, working people and students must also ensure they get a solid grip on technology during this time, as getting the logistics of doing work out of the way will increase their general efficiency. “It is time to become a digital ninja if you haven’t yet done so,” says Kriel. “You need to get to a space where you are comfortable with those platforms that will help you survive and thrive in the world of work and our changed world of tomorrow.

12 MEI 2020


Ranked amongst top ten most dangerous cities in the world Did you now that Gautengs province two big citieas, Pretoria and Johannesburg have been ranked amongst the top ten most dangerous cities in the world by the Numbeo’s 2020 Crime Index. According to the Numbeo’s 2020 Crime Index, four South African cities are among the ten most dangerous cities globally. These cities are ranked as follows: 3. Pietermaritzburg 4. Pretoria 5. Durban 6. Johannesburg These rankings are worrying and clearly indicates that our cities lack adequate policing and that our people’s lives and safety is under serious threat. People do not feel safe in their homes and communities as crime continues to rise while the SAPS is riddling with corruption

Kospakkies Volgens berigte het die ANC-raadslid van die Tshwane-munisipaliteit, Tshepo Mudau, na bewering kospakkies uit sy huis in Mabopane-uitbreiding, Tshwane, versprei. Dit is teenstrydig met die opdrag wat deur die waarnemende Gautengse LUR vir maatskaplike ontwikkeling, Panyaza Lesuf i, uitgereik is dat geen openbare verteenwoordigers by die verspreiding van kospakkies betrokke mag wees nie. Verder het die departement 'n magtigingsbrief aan donateurs uitgereik waarin gesê word dat slegs die departement skenkings fasiliteer en ontvang van alle organisasies, maatskappye, burgerlike organisasies en individuele burgers wat graag wil help. Alle skenkings moet by die Booysenpakhuis in die stad Johannesburg afgelewer word en as 'n organisasie voedsel of donasies direk aan die gemeenskappe wil versprei, moet hulle aan die voorwaardes voldoen. Hierdie bewerings moet dringend ondersoek word om te verseker dat almal die departement se voorskrifte ten opsigte van verspreiding van kospakkies nakom. As hierdie aantygings waar is, moet die Raadslid die gevolge vir sy optrede in die gesig staar soos enige ander inwoner. In werklikheid is dit belaglik om te dink dat daar perke, reëls en regulasies moet wees as dit kom by voeding van mense wat honger het, as ons nie mekaar help nie hoe gaan jy anders gehelp word?

and unable to fight crime. Leaders has been calling for the professionalisation of SAPS so as to make the police force honest, professional and one that serves and protects all South Africans. Furthermore, our police are ill-equipped, untrained and under-resourced to adequately ensure that law and order is maintained in our communities, and that there are effective arrests, prosecutions and convictions of criminals. The nation will continue to call for the establishment of specialised units within SAPS to help combat crime. Tabling questions to the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) to determine what measures are being put in place to more effectively fight crime in Johannesburg, Pretoria and surrounded areas.

Nine vehicle pile-up on N3 freeway, seven hospitalized The N3 freeway north bound was brought to a standstill after nine vehicles were involved in a pile-up crash between Total Petro-port and Berry Marais road off ramp outside Vosloorus in the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) and seven casualties hospitalized with injuries ranging from serious to minor. Emergency services rescue team and paramedics from CoE, received the call at 12H40 on May 6 and swiftly responded to the scene for intervention. Nine light motor vehicles were found to have been

involved in a crash allegedly caused by grass fire burning adjacent to the freeway producing heavy dense smoke which obscured vision of the motorists. Both two lanes had to be closed for traffic flow for the duration of the operation till at around 17:20 when it was opened. Prehospital medical treatment was rendered to all the injured prior transportation by various ambulances to medical facilities. The scene was handed over to the City of Ekurhuleni traff ic off icers for further investigations

Patient stabbed to death An 86-year-old patient was allegedly murdered by a 17-year-old mentally ill patient at the Bheki Mlangeni Hospital last week on Friday. The suspect apparently managed to get hold of a sharp object to stab the man multiple times and also injure another elderly patient. It seems that there are inadequate facilities and security at this hospital as there have been at least seven previous assaults by psychiatric patients. Answers are needed as to why the hospital still does not have a properly staffed and dedicated psychiatric ward. There needs to be a full investigation and the hospital management held accountable for this terrible incident. Patients go to hospital to be healed, not killed. It is yet another reason to replace the hospital CEO Ruth Mabyana as the hospital has been poorly managed, including a jobs for pay scandal, since she was appointed six years ago when the hospital opened.

SA Government pulls the plug on Qatar to bring South Africans home The five Qatar flights scheduled to take place over the next ten days have all been cancelled leaving hundreds of South Africans stranded again across the world. Home Away From Home, a volunteer project, has been working hard to support and assist with the repatriation of more than 4000 South Africans. We operated as nonpartisan and supported governments efforts at all times. Our entre focus remains to get all South Africans who want to return home, the opportunity to do so. Last week the South African Government has put on hold all Qatar’s upcoming flights stating that quarantine facilities were the issue. Home Away From Home made contact through various channels to ask the Minister of Transport as to why this flight could not take place and they certainly


hope that the National Government has not blocked these flights due for political reasons. Who is going to be responsible for the South African’s left stranded at Heathrow? Who will repatriate our South Africans in other places such as New Zealand and Asia and those that flew in from South America to catch this flight? It is time that South African Government take on the full responsibility and cost to bring our people home. We thank Qatar Airlines who are willing to do so, but we call on the President to intervene into what is actually happening around quarantine facilities linked to flight approvals, involving repatriation flights and charters. Home Away from Home will continue to fight to bring our South Africans home.

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Is it about more than just the virus? by Gerhard Papenfus It has never happened before, and it is not supposed to be happening now. In South Africa, since the outbreak of Covid-19, 131 people has died as a result of Covid-19 symptoms. That is 1 fatality out of every 452 000 people. Yet, as a result of the lockdown, large parts of the economy lies in tatters. How is this even possible? Is this the result of scientists’ need to understand everything and, unless they do, to go into panic mode, advising others to take ridiculous, unjustifiable actions, like locking down the world, hiding in bubbles and acting in incomprehensible ways? Is this the way in which we are, in future, going to deal with every new bug challenging our safety? It would seem so, if we continue to rely on clever, albeit not wise people. Robert Hanlon once said that we must “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”. In simpler terms, some bad things happen, not because of people having bad intentions, but because they did not contemplate properly. Let’s give government the benefit of the doubt, at least as far as their initial approach towards the handling of the Coronavirus is concerned, when they enjoyed overwhelming support, including that of the author hereof, for their ‘give up your liberty or you are all going to die’ approach. Like the rest of the world, they acted on incorrect advice. Like the rest of the world, they did not think this through. They simply wanted to excel in tackling this challenge in the manner that the popular narrative, at the time, dictated. Here is a government that wanted to show the world how it is done. Although government’s poor policies, in almost every respect, caused South Africa’s financial woes, over many years prior to Covid-19, they almost convinced us that they got this one right. It may well prove that this was their biggest blunder ever. There is the saying that you must never allow a good crisis to go to waste. And surely, government is not wasting this one. Both

the President, with his ‘fault lines in society’ emphasis, and our de facto Prime Minister, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, adding that “Covid-19 offers ‘us’ (by which she means ‘them’) an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of long agreed-upon structural changes to enable reconstruction, development and growth”. By now we know what that means: deconstruction, regression and declining growth; increased unemployment, more poverty and deepened inequality. In this, they see their opportunity. Minister Zuma continues to say that “these opportunities call for more sacrifices and if need be, what Amilcar Cabral called ‘class suicide’ wherein we must rally behind the common cause”. Long lines of hungry people, waiting for food parcels where there is, incidentally, no so-called ‘social distancing’, does not pose any concern; that is ‘their’ opportunity. Make them poor, make them dependent, then feed them; but always insist that you are busy uplifting them. What a sham? The initial purpose may have been the three-week lockdown, to lower the curve in order to buy time for the medical services to prepare for the hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients. It may have been the purpose then, but it is no longer government’s purpose. The purpose now, driven by a Zumaîte, is radical economic transformation. One of the sacrifices that Minister Zuma asks from us is “responsible behaviour which includes not spreading fake news”. Then start acting responsibly and stop spreading fake news, Minister. The ‘sound scientific data’, which caused the overreaction at the beginning, is no longer credible, unless one irrationally favours that type of data over other credible data. Many governments, like ours, which overreacted, and now finds themselves in a corner, continues to confirm the initial narrative created at the outset, and now have to live with it while society carries the burdensome consequences. NEASA Media Department

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

12 MEI 2020

Gauteng Traffic Police pounce on criminals impersonating police officers The Gauteng Department of Community Safety welcomes the arrest of two men impersonating police officers on the N12 near the R558 in Bekkersdal earlier this morning. The arrests were effected by the members belonging to the Gauteng Traffic Police during a routine stop and search operation. According to preliminary reports, the off icers pulled over a black Toyota Fortuner and requested a driver’s license. While the driver was on the verge of handing out his driver’s license, one of the officers spotted a police identity in the driver’s wallet. The officers asked the driver and the passenger if they were members of the South African Police Service and they both confirmed to be police officers. Upon examining the identity card closely, the officers found that it was tempered with and fraudulent. The off icers immediately

arrested the two male suspects. They are detained at Bekkersdal Police Station, West Rand. The suspects will appear in the Magistrate Court and will face charges of impersonating police officers and fraud amongst others. The department commends the diligent work of the off icers in stopping these alleged criminals in their tracks. “It is because of the alertness of our officers from Gauteng Traffic Police that these alleged criminals were apprehended. The law enforcement agencies in the province will continue to work across the clock to deal with crime prevention and ensure the safety and security of the people of Gauteng. We urge members of the public to work closely with our law enforcement agencies and report criminal activities in their respective areas.” said Ofentse Morwane, departmental spokesperson.

Ons wag mnr President! Talle mense versoek president Ramaphosa om uit sy skuilplek te kom en die land toe te spreek oor die stygende Lockdownkrisis. Dit is nou 19 dae sedert die president laas met Suid-Afrikaners gepraat het oor die regering se landwye ineenstorting in reaksie op Covid-19. Sedert sy aankondiging van 'n skuif na vlak 4 van die sluiting, het hy in aksie vermis geraak en dit aan 'n handjievol ministers oorgelaat om die twyfelagtige besluite van die Nasionale Kommanderaad te kommunikeer. Suid Afrika wil meer gereeld toegespreek word en versoek dat hierdie inligtingsessies die geleentheid moet bied om vrae uit die media te beantwoord. Daar word ook 'n beroep gedoen om alle Covid19-data openbaar te maak, tesame met die NICDmodellering wat hy gebruik om die voortgesette sluiting te regverdig. Hierdie data behoort statistieke oor die werklike Covid-sterftes volgens ouderdom, MIV-status en komorbiditeit in te sluit. Dit moet die presiese toestand van

gesondheidsorg en hospitaalgereedheid in elke distrik en stad insluit. Dit moet volledige deursigtigheid insluit oor wat 'n skuif na 'n ander vlak van toesluit veroorsaak. En dit moet belangrik wees dat dit 'n duidelik omskrewe rede - en dus ook die doelwit - van die sluiting insluit. In die konteks van hierdie ineenstortingskrisis is 19 dae 'n baie lang tyd. Dit kos die land miljarde rande elke dag wat ons ekonomie tot stilstand bring. Sedert die president laas gepraat het, moes ontelbare meer besighede hul deure sluit, wat duisende meer Suid-Afrikaners sonder werk en sonder inkomste plaas. Die afgelope 19 dae was verwoestend vir diegene wat reeds in armoede leef. Desperate en honger Suid-Afrikaners moes toekyk hoe kospakkies deur ANC-raadslede gekaap is, en hoe goeie burgers wat deur sopkombuise en ander uitreikprogramme die armes probeer voed, geteister en gearresteer is. Ons het gesien hoe 'n outoritêre staat die stadige opmars van burgers, pensioenarisse in hegtenis neem en kleuters terroriseer weens die 'misdade' van hul daaglikse lewens. En steeds het die President verborge gebly. Dit is ondenkbaar dat enige land in hierdie gevaarlike situasie byna drie weke sonder 'n teken van sy leier sou wees. En die vakuum wat president Ramaphosa agtergelaat het, is gevul deur die klein outoritarisme van die slegste van sy ministers - mense wat blykbaar min begrip het van wat 'n land aan die gang hou en hoe mense moet oorleef wanneer alle ekonomiese aktiwiteite opgeskort word. Suid-Afrikaners wil die waarheid weet. Daar word beslis nie aan ons gesê dat belangrike inligting oor die virus en die voorbereidingstoestand doelbewus van ons weerhou word, tot ons eie beswil nie. Ons doen 'n beroep op president Ramaphosa om te erken dat hy verantwoordelik is vir 58 miljoen burgers - nie onderdane nie - van hierdie grondwetlike demokrasie. Hy het 'n plig om sy verskyning te maak en nie net te verduidelik hoe hy en sy regering van plan is om lewens en lewensbestaan te beskerm nie, maar ook waarom. Met ander woorde, die redenasie, die gegewens en die modellering daarvan om die land toegesluit te hou, wanneer kundiges op alle terreine toenemend 'n einde aan die krisis in die agteruitgang wil bring.

12 MEI 2020


Korrupsie as 'nie-noodsaaklik'





Lede van die parlement is woedend oor die feit dat president Cyril Ramaphosa nie antikorrupsiewerk en grondwetlike mandaat oor die staatsdiens as 'n noodsaaklike diens beskou nie. Tydens 'n vergadering van die portefeuljekomitee oor staatsdiens en administrasie verlede week het die direkteur-generaal van die Staatsdienskommissie (PSC) onthul dat Ramaphosa se nasionale kommanderaad (NCC) alle aspekte van die PSC se werk, insluitend die teenkorrupsie daarvan, geklassif iseer het. hotline, as "nie-noodsaaklik." Dit beteken dat die ANC-geleide nasionale regering effektief alle vorme van toesig oor die hele staatsdiens opgeskort het. Dit is ondanks die feit dat die rol van die PSC belangriker is as ooit te midde van die afswaai-krisis wat die regering geskep het. Daar is toenemende verslae van regeringsamptenare wat die gebrek aan effektiewe toesig tydens die toeslagkrisis ontgin om belastingbetalers te befonds, onder meer deur geld te steel wat bedoel is om voedsel aan die honger burgers te voorsien. Om die PSC te verhoed om sy belangrike

waghondwerk te verrig, beteken dat president Cyril Ramaphosa die deure oopgemaak het vir ANC-kaders in die staatsdiens om 'n plundery te voer soos wat hierdie land nog nooit gesien het nie. Soos beskryf in hoofstuk 10 van die Grondwet, is die PSC 'n belangrike instelling in ons demokrasie wat “sy magte moet uitoefen en sy funksies moet verrig sonder vrees, voorkeur of benadeling in die belang van die handhawing van effektiewe en doeltreffende openbare administrasie en 'n hoë standaard van professionele etiek in die staatsdiens. ” Die Grondwet bepaal verder uitdruklik dat “Geen persoon mag inmeng met die werking van die Kommissie nie.” Daar is van mening dat die besluit om te verhoed dat die PSC sy grondwetlike toesig en korrupsie-pligte nakom, waarskynlik ongrondwetlik is. Advokate gaan geraadpleeg word ter voorbereiding vir regstappe om die optrede van Ramaphosa ongrondwetlik te verklaar en die NCC te dwing om die toesig- en teenkorrupsiewerk van die PSC as noodsaaklik te verklaar.

Diskriminerende gebruik van Coronahulpfondse moet gestop word Talle is gekant teen die gebruik van die Korona-ramphulpfondse op 'n rasdiskriminerende wyse. Die Internasionale Monetêre Fonds (IMF) se hulpfondse is meerderheid afkomstig van 'n lening wat aan die IMF verskaf is, en daar word 'n beroep gedoen op hierdie internasionale instansie om die SuidAfrikaanse regering te sensureer en opdrag te gee om op te hou om IMF-gelde te gebruik op 'n manier wat diskrimineer op grond van rasse, en die rassespanning in Suid-Afrika vererger. Die ANC-regering se keuse om hierdie geld te gebruik om slegs aan BBEEE-ondernemings te voldoen, in 'n tyd van nasionale ekonomiese krisis, is onbedagsaam. Die virus diskrimineer nie op grond van ras nie, en dit is onverdedigbaar dat die regering dit moet doen as hulle besluit wie hul hulp verdien en wie nie. Verder het die wedloop van 'n besigheidseienaar geen invloed op die wedloop van die werknemers van die onderneming nie. Ondernemings in wit besit het swart werknemers wat op hul beurt gesinne ondersteun. Deur hierdie besighede doelbewus kritiese verligting van die regering te ontken, is dit nie net die eienaar van die onderneming nie, maar wel hierdie gesinne wat sal ly as die onderneming misluk. Daar word geensins betwyfel dat die IMF geen voorneme gehad het om rassekonflik in Suid-Afrika aan te wakker nie. Daar word vertrou dat die IMF nie sal huiwer om die Suid-Afrikaanse regering te gelas om nie sy leningsf inansiering te gebruik op 'n manier wat rassediskriminasie bevorder nie. In werklikheid is die IMF se finansiering wêreldwyd gebruik vir die opbou, ontwikkeling en vooruitgang van lande, insluitend alle mense in daardie lande. Dit moet die gebruik en doel daarvan wees. Die ANC-regering het egter besluit om hierdie leningsfinansiering in 'n rasverdelende instrument te omskep.


Gaan munisipaliteite tydens Covid-19-pandemie hulp kry? Daar word beweer dat die Gautengse provinsiale tesourie (GPT) geen plan het om sekere munisipaliteite tydens die Covid-19-pandemie by te staan nie. In plaas daarvan om 'n gedetailleerde plan te formuleer oor hoe munisipaliteite gedurende hierdie tyd gehelp gaan word, het GPT aangedui dat die munisipaliteite intussen die gebruik van hul voorwaardelike toelaes vir noodgevalle in Covid-19 moet hergebruik. Sedert die inperking van die sluiting van Covid-19-pandemie op 26 Maart 2020, sukkel baie munisipaliteite om skuld van inwoners in te vorder. Sommige munisipaliteite onder die ANCgeleide regering, het onbefondsde begrotings gehad soos Lesedi Plaaslike Munisi-

paliteit, Mogale City Plaaslike Munisipaliteit en Rand-Wes Distriksmunisipaliteit wat sukkel om vir grootmaat dienste van Eskom en Rand Water te betaal. Dit is duidelik dat hierdie munisipaliteite nie die vaardighede het om hul begroting te hergebruik nie en dat hulle leiding van GPT sal benodig. As hierdie munisipaliteite nie finansiële hulp van die GPT kry nie, sal hulle nie in staat wees om basiese dienste aan inwoners te lewer nie. Daar word 'n beroep op die LUR vir f inansies, Nomuntu NkomoRalehoko gedoen om dringend Covid-19begrotings aan die munisipaliteite in die provinsie toe te ken, sodat dienslewering sonder onderbreking kan voortgaan.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging By River Square kruising 016 423 3553




6 Kosse wat gewigsverlies maklik maak Daar is deesdae soveel kosse wat ons moet vermy. Dit voel asof daar niks meer is wat ons kan eet wat ons nie laat gewig op tel nie. Maar wat as daar kos was wat ons kon help om gewig af te skud, in plaas daarvan om dit op te tel? Dis reg – daar is sekere kosse wat die liggaam help om vet te verbrand! Maar HOE kan hierdie kosse dit doen? Wel, die groot ding is dat hulle nie die bloedsuiker vlakke die hoogte in laat opskiet nie. Inteendeel help hulle om bloedsuiker vlakke te reguleer en stabiel te hou. Sodra die bloedsuiker vlakke stabiel is, dan is dit baie makliker vir die liggaam om vet te verbrand. Kom ons kyk na 6 kosse wat help om die kilogramme af te skud… Appels en Pere Appels en pere is gelaai met vesel, wat beteken dat hulle jou laat versadig voel en help om te voorkom dat jy te veel eet. Slegs een appel of peer bevat sowat 15% van jou minimum daaglikse vesel. Vesel help om bloedsuiker vlakke stabiel te hou deur die suiker vanaf kos stadig in die bloedstroom vry te stel. Hoe om dit by te voeg in jou dieet: Eet ‘n peer voor ete om die ergste honger weg te vat en te voorkom dat jy ooreet aan die etenstafel. Maar hou die skil aan, want meeste van die goeie vesel is in die skil. Pomelo’s Daar is gevind dat pomelo’s help om insulien in die liggaam te reguleer. Die gewigsverlies voordeel van pomelo’s word bereken op die feit dat enigiets wat help om insulien te verlaag kan jou help om gewig te verloor. Hoe om dit by te voeg in jou dieet: Sny dit op en gebruik dit in vrugte slaaie, of selfs ander gewone slaaie.

‘n Pomelo is ook ‘n fantastiese vrug om te eet vir ontbyt saam met ongegeurde jogurt. Amandels Amandels is uitstekende peuselhappies met ‘n hoë proteïen inhoud. Dit beteken dat dit goed werk saam met lae-koolhidraat en lae-suiker diëte. Dit help jou liggaam om vet te verbrand deur jou versadig te laat voel tussen etes, sonder om jou bloedsuiker vlakke te laat opskiet. Hoe om dit by te voeg in jou dieet: Gebruik dit as ‘n gesonde peuselhappie tussen maaltye. 22 Amandels is een porsie. Eiers Eiers is gelaai met proteïne. Dit is laag in kalorieë, en hoog in voedingswaarde. Dit is ‘n fantastiese kossoort om in jou dieet in te werk as jy probeer gewig verloor. Hoe om dit by te voeg in jou dieet: Eet eiers in die oggend om jou dag met ‘n goeie ontbyt af te skop. Jy kan dit ook in verskeie slaaie of ander geregte insny. Brandrissies Branderige kosse, veral die wat gemaak word met brandrissies, help jou om meer versadig te voel nadat jy dit geëet het. Hoe om dit by te voeg in jou dieet: Sny dit in groente geregte, bredies, of selfs saam met vleis in na jou smaak. Sjokolade Wel, meer spesifiek donker sjokolade. Dit is ‘n wonderlike antioksidant, en voorkom dat vet saampak in die selle van die liggaam. Dit is ook natuurlik goeie nuus vir die van ons wat nie sonder ons daaglikse blokkie sjokolade na ete kan klaarkom nie! Hoe om dit by te voeg in jou dieet: Eet ‘n blokkie of twee na ete as nagereg. Of smelt dit in die mikrogolf en smeer dit op ‘n volgraan koekie vir ‘n gesonde peuselhappie.

12 MEI 2020

Die Gevaar Van Kits-Diëte Daar is deesdae baie nuwe diëte en dieet foefies. Hierdie diëte mag dalk sorg vir vinnige gewigsverlies aan die begin, maar dit hou gewoonlik nie lank nie. En ‘n paar weke later is al die gewig, plus nog ‘n paar kilos terug! Hierdie kits-diëte en ander foefies is nie net onbetroubaar vir gewigsverlies nie, maar ook baie nadelig vir ons gesonheid. Maar hoe moet ons dan nou maak? Bly weg van die foef ie diëte af. Die resultate bly nie lank nie. Daar is beter, gesonder opsies beskikbaar. Ons kan met veiligheid 1,5kg per week verloor deur ‘n gesonde eetplan te volg en oefening te doen by die huis! Hoe is dit moontlik om vinnig gewig te verloor? Indien ‘n mens 500 kalorieë meer per dag verbrand as wat mens inneem sal ‘n mens tussen 500g en 1kg per week verloor. Indien mens vinniger as dit gewig wil verloor moet mens minder eet, en meer oefen. Dis nogal eenvoudig! Byvoorbeeld, as ‘n mens 1050 tot 1200 kalorieë per dag inneem, en mens oefen vir een uur per dag kan mens 1.5kg tot 2.5kg in die eerste week verloor. Mens kan selfs meer verloor as mens swaarder as 115kg weeg. Dit is baie belangrik om nie te veel kalorieë uit te sny nie, want dit kan gevaarlik wees vir die gesondheid. Sodra sout en stysel inname verminder word, sal ‘n mens aanvanklik meer gewig verloor. Alhoewel dit meestal vloeistowwe en nie vet is nie. ‘n Mens verminder jou liggaam se water retensie wat kan sorg vir die verlies van 2 tot 3 kilogram se vloeistof. Wat moet ek eet? As ‘n begin; verminder stysel, bygevoegde suiker, diere vet en suiwel produkte. Vir effektiewe en volgehoue gewigsverlies fokus op: vrugte, groente, eier witte, soja produkte, hoender sonder die vel, vis, skulpvis, lae-vet suiwel, en maer vleis. Hier is ‘n paar wenke om te sorg dat jy versadig bly… Eet groente, dit hou jou vir langer vol. Drink baie water. Verwyder die kos verlydings uit jou huis. Bly besig en moenie eet omdat jy verveeld is nie. Eet uit ‘n bord terwyl jy sit by ‘n tafel, niks gepeusel voor die yskas nie. Moenie maaltye oorslaan nie, dit veroorsaak dat jy te veel eet by jou volgende maaltyd. Hou vir jou ‘n kos dagboek. Skryf alles neer wat jy eet. Dit sal jou ook help om op die regte pad te bly. Skryf sommer neer wat jy eet op ‘n servet, en al gooi jy dit weg, die geskrywery sorg dat jy aan jouself verantwoording doen. Neerskryf is ‘n effektiewe manier om jou gewig af te skud. Jy sal ook sien hoe dit wat jy eet verminder, die kwaliteit verbeter en dit sal jou ook aanspoor om gewig te verloor en uit en aan te hou met jou keuse tot ‘n gesonde leefstyl. Behalwe deur neer te skryf kan jy ook skryf hoe jy gevoel het voor jy geëet het. Was jy kwaad, hartseer, vervelig? Ons

emosies speel ‘n belangrike rol in ons eet gewoontes. Indien jy ‘n patroon sien in hoekom jy eet (jou gemoed voor jy eet), oorweeg dit om met iemand te praat wat kan help. ulle kan van groot hulp wees om jou te help om jou gevoelens/emosies te hanteer. Watter oefening help met gewigsverlies? Dit is tyd om meer te beweeg! Gewigsverlies vereis oefening van ten minste 1 uur per dag. Doen kardio en krag oefeninge. Kardio oefeninge, oefeninge wat jou hartklop opjaag, verbrand die meeste kalorieë. Dit is ideaal vir gewig verlies maar moet opgevolg word met krag oefeninge. Dit sorg dat die vet vinniger verbrand en dat jy aanhou sweet na jou opwarming. Indien jy nie nou oefen nie, en jy dalk ‘n chroniese kondisie (siekte) het of ‘n groot hoeveelheid gewig het om te verloor is dit ‘n goeie idee om jou dokter te spreek. Moenie te veel te vinnig doen nie, maar vermeerder jou oefensessie gelydelik. Een manier om die intensiteit van oefening te verhoog is om interval oefeninge te doen. Doen ‘n 30 sekonde sessie voluit en volg dit op met ‘n rustige sessie van 60 sekondes. Probeer om 8 sulke intervalle te doen. Hierdie tipe van oefening laat ‘n mens toe om harder te “werk” maar nie die hele tyd intense oefeninge te doen nie. Hoe meer jy dit doen, hoe makliker verbrand kalorieë. Hoekom werk kits diëte en foefie diëte nie? ‘n Kits dieet is so aanloklik. Jy het ‘n hele klomp kilogramme om te verloor, en jy hoor en van bekende persoonlikhede en sien hulle op TV hoe hulle vinnig gewig verloor en hulle lyk ongelooflik goed! Maar onthou, wanneer ‘n dieëtplan te goed is om waar te wees, is dit waarskynlik! Dis nie goed vir jou liggaam nie Hou ook in gedagte dat ‘n eetplan/program wat detoksif ikasie (ontgifting) pille, purgeermiddels, om te vas of enige konkoksies insluit, en gewigsverlies van meer as 1kg to 1.5kg per week belowe, nie tot voordeel vir jou liggaam kan wees nie. Dit verbrand spiermassa in plaas van vet. Die waarheid is dat indien jy minder as 1050 tot 1200 kalorieë per dag gaan inneem, jou spiere daaronder gaan ly. Wanneer jy te eet verloor, verloor jy nie net vet nie maar ook spiermassa. Hierdie tipe gewigsverlies en eetplan verminder jou metabolisme en maak dit moeilik om jou oefeninge te vermeerder. Jy kry nie al die nodige voeding nie. ‘n Foefie dieet veroorsaak ook dat jy jou liggaam ontneem van wat jy nodig het. Jy kan nie op hierdie tipe dieet vir lank bly nie, want jy gaan rebelleer en teruggaan na waar jy was. Hou by jou strewe om jou ideale en gesonde gewig te bereik, maar hou ook jou gesondheid en wat jy nodig het as gesonde wese in gedagte! Dit sal jou verseker van blywende gewigsverlies. Laai die GRATIS Manna Weight Loss e book af, volg die program vir vinnige, effektiewe en gesonde gewigsverlies.

12 MEI 2020

Madness It has come to light that Social Development Minister, Lindiwe Zulu, is considering draft directions on the distribution of food parcels that will see civil society organizations (CSOs) prohibited from distributing cooked food to the hungry. According to the draft directions, CSOs will only be allowed to deliver food parcels, not cooked meals. The document also suggests that these directions will be the status quo well after the lockdown has ended. The looting of trucks and corruption around the distribution of food parcels by ANC public representatives in particular, have hampered Government’s food relief efforts, catapulting CSOs into action to feed our nation. In a misguided and nonsensical attempt to stop food parcel corruption, a draft document dated 7 May 2020, seeks to give direction on food parcel coordination between Government and CSOs, but if implemented, will see South Africans dying from starvation, not the Coronavirus. The authoritarian styled food parcel distribution will mean that any organization or individual must attain a permit/authorization letter from the Department of Social Development, with their application to be submitted no less than 48 hours before the distribution date. This implies that South African citizens are prohibited from making up food parcels from their own grocery trollies and cupboards to give to the hungry without approval from the Department. It further implies that Aunty Mina, who runs a soup kitchen out of her own purse, will not be able to feed her neighbors a warm cooked meal as the evenings grow colder without a permit from the department. These new directions will not get food relief to the hungry. Instead it will create more red tape and administration challenges while placing unnecessary tasks on already strained provincial departments. At a live press briefing held on 11 May 2020, Minister Zulu answered a question as to whether NGOs can distribute food independently from government. The Minister’s response was disingenuous as her department’s document dated 7 May indicated that “all food parcels (procured and donated) must be reported to DSD province offices”. Responding to the same question, Minister Zulu spoke about her concerns for sustainable long-term solutions to hunger. While they share the Minister’s view that government must change their approach to food security dependency in South Africa, we cannot ignore the immediate crisis. If sustainability is the issue, we are at day 48 of lockdown, and CSOs and everyday South Africans have sustained feeding our country in the absence of natio-nal government and the department. Minister Zulu was advise that at the first virtual portfolio committee meeting on 23 April 2020, the portfolio committee was reassured that no South African or Civil Society Organization would be arrested for and barred from feeding hungry children and families as with the case of Ms Tauhiera John from Capricorn, Western Cape who works in partnership with an NGO and who was later released. Minister Zulu’s draft directions are deliberate fearmongering. We cannot have police officers confiscating pots of cooked food or worse, throwing out food in the face of starvation. The suggestion of these directions on the distribution of food parcels and cooked food is a slap in the face to every CSO and South African who has risen to the challenge to feed their neighbor in the spirit of Ubuntu.





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12 MEI 2020

12 MEI 2020





12 MEI 2020


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081 334 4956

Really!! People are stunned by the bizarre and extraordinary clothing list that has been gazetted by Trade, Industry and Competition Minister, Ebrahim Patel. These new clothing regulations are frankly mad. There is simply no justification for the Minister to be determining what clothes people can buy and worse, how they should wear them. According to the regulations: You can buy shirts so long as they are promoted “to be worn under jacket coats and/ or knitwear” which is ridiculous and insulting to South Africans’ intelligence; You may only buy crop bottom pants so long as they worn with boots and leggings which is just ridiculous; And finally, you can only buy “closed toe” shoes which is just laughable. According to same goverment leaders to

put it bluntly, Minister Patel has become the laughing stock of South Africa with these regulations. These regulations are nothing other than the continued paternal obsession by Minister Patel and the ANC to dictate to South Africans what they can and can not do. It may be acceptable in a communist state but not in a free country like ours. Residents believe that people should be able to buy whatever they want, as long as it is done in a safe way with health protocols. There is no rationale for a clothing list. It is now beyond doubt that Minister Patel is running amok without any restraint from President Ramaphosa. He has been allowed to pick winners and losers in the economy, to determine what is “fair” and now has gone to the extreme to determine what clothes people can buy and how they should wear them.

12 MEI 2020



Lockdown learning - maintain a positive environment at home Families are going through tremendously challenging times as most continue to stay at home during the country’s extended lockdown. While it is not yet clear when schools will start to re-open, thousands upon thousands of learners are working hard to stay on top of their educational journeys, while those parents who can do so are still working from home. External pressures combined with fear and anxiety about the future are taking their toll on parents who are, at the same time, tasked with ensuring their children don’t fall behind. These, and other factors, are exacting an undeniable emotional toll in homes during this time, an educational expert says. The current situation facing those parents who are trying to do their best on the work front to ensure the sustainability of their companies and their livelihoods, while having to oversee their children’s schoolwork is without a doubt extremely stressful, and it is important to take a step back and gain perspective at this time. It is no easy task to keep children productive and learning at home, while also trying to get your own work done under trying circumstances. But we urge those parents who are ready to throw in the towel, and who quite simply have had enough, to aim to regain a sense of equilibrium and a positive environment

even if it seems impossible right now. ADvTECH, in its preparation ahead of lockdown, introduced Pastoral Care Teams at all their schools in recognition of the fact that the current situation would come to pass. “From the start, we were ready and committed to continuing our teaching and learning through our online and distance offering, and recognised that parents and family members would need to support, guide and monitor the learning taking place at home. “But addressing the continuation of the curriculum was only one part of the story. We realised very early that this was going to be an unsettling and uncertain time for everyone concerned, and that we also had to support our parents and learners in the challenges and demands that would accompany this time in addition to the learning aspects. “So we put in place Pastoral Care Teams at each school to help learners, staff and parents maintain a sense of community by maintaining regular contact, and to ensure that we are firstly aware of, and then able to help them address issues arising during this time. Many of these issues, as flagged by our partner schools abroad who went through lockdown for up to nine weeks before South Africa did, are now being realised in homes across the country.” Despite the fact that public and private

schools are all planning and preparing for the return to physical sites, the approach will be phased, which means that many learners outside of the designated first returning grades will still be learning from home for several weeks and even months. “It is very important that the educational journey continues for these learners so that they do not fall behind their peers. But at the same time, the situation needs to be managed in a way that no harm is done do the relationships within the family, as a result of this pressure to continue.” So parents should aim to re-establish a productive yet calm environment even in the face of the challenges of this time. One way in which this can be achieved, is by creating a schedule which allows for both family connection and deep focus time. We as parents must set the example by demonstrating that while things are different, we can build our resilience muscles. “In the mornings, before children start their work and parents dive into their todo lists, make the time to connect – read your children a book, get some fresh air, and just be. When the work starts, be realistic. Don’t try to make your average 9-to-5 happen. Structure the day to allow for work-immersion slots, and during this time don’t feel guilty for not engaging

directly with your children. Too much screen time is still not advisable, but if it allows the children to decompress while you can apply intense focus to your own work, it will do more good than harm.” Parents should also dedicate some time to being able to assist their children – and must ensure that they can focus on their child’s needs and learning during this time - without running over their own pending work repeatedly in their minds. Try to banish your own concerns during this time, and give your child your full attention. It may only be half an hour, but make that half an hour count in terms of connection. Finally, everyone should have some downtime together during the day, potentially around lunchtime. Build up your reserves for the afternoon shift by going offline, taking a tea break, hanging up the washing, and so forth. It is important for parents during this time to look after our own wellbeing and state of mind by actively managing these factors, and not allowing our fears and anxieties to rule our entire days or our interactions with our families. By realising the need for, and then ensuring we maintain positive space and connection despite challenging times, we will be better positioned to continue our lives post-lockdown without having to start rebuilding our personal relationships as well.

Befondsing vir vroeë kinderontwikkeling Daar word 'n beroep gedoen op die Minister van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling, Lindiwe Zulu, vir die oorweging van befondsing van hulpbronne vir die Vroeë Kinderontwikkeling (VKO) -sektor tydens hierdie Covid-19-sluiting. Minister Zulu het tot dusver nog geen aanduiding gegee of en wanneer die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling hulpverleningsfinansiering sal uitbrei na die sektor wat die Covid-19-sluiting erg getref het nie. Weens die huidige toesluitregulasies moes ECD-sentrums hul deure sluit. Dit beteken dat die meerderheid ECD-operateurs gedurende hierdie tyd nie 'n bron van inkomste het nie. Nie net word die lewensonderhoud van ECD-operateurs en versorgers beïnvloed nie, maar die kinders wat hierdie sentrums bywoon, word ook geraak word. Volgens 'n onlangse verslag, hou die geraamde 20 000 tot 30 000 VKO-operateurs die gevaar van permanente sluiting, en byna 1 miljoen kinders word geraak as die regering nie die verligting vir die sektor oorweeg nie. Die parlement is oorval met navrae en kommer van die rolspelers van die VKO wat alarm gemaak het oor die versuim van die regering om in te gryp in wat moontlik in 'n krisis kan verander. Daar was geen duidelike kommunikasie oor die vraag of die VKOsektor gedurende hierdie periode vir verligting oorweeg sal word nie, en die departement het oënskynlik 'n blinde oog laat draai vir hul geldige kommer. Die minister moet duidelikheid gee oor wanneer die VKOsentrums heropen, want noudat ons na vlak 4 beweeg het, sal baie van die ouers wat weer werk toe gaan, duidelikheid moet kry oor die versorging van hul kinders. Die regering moet toesien dat die nodige verligting beskikbaar gestel word omdat vroeë kinderontwikkeling belangrik is vir die toekoms van ons land en nie toegelaat kan word om in duie te stort nie.

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering

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* Persoonlike aandag * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30



12 MEI 2020

Basic Education to give an update on school reopening Minister van Basiese Onderwys, Angie Motshekga, sal hierdie week die departement se voorbereidings met betrekking tot die heropening van skole aankondig. Tydens die media-inligtingsessie van Donderdag word verwag dat die Minister besonderhede sal insluit wat die f inale datums en gespesifiseerde planne insluit, vir die fase-benadering tot die moontlike heropening van skole.

Die geskeduleerde inligtingsessie volg op 'n reeks vergaderings wat die Minister Maandag met belanghebbendes in die basiese onderwyssektor gehou het. Die doel van die vergaderings was om die gereedheid vir die heropening van skole te oorweeg. “Hierdie konsultasiesessies het plaasgevind voor die terugkeer van die Minister in die Nasionale Raad van die Coronavi-

rus-opdrag wat vandag Dinsdag 12 Mei plaasgevind het. Die kabinet is ook geskeduleer om Woensdag, 13 Mei te sit waar die verwagting is dat die herstelplan van die onderwyssektor ook bespreek sal word. Die eerste vergadering wat gehou is, was die Raad van Onderwysministers (Ministers en LUR'e). Dit is gevolg deur nog 'n vergadering met die leierskap van

Legal actions to unban tobacco continue The Fair-trade Independent Tobacco Association (Fita) is happy with the concession by government to allow its members to manufacture and export tobacco products after it went to court over the ban of tobacco sales in South Africa during the lockdown to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Fita chairperson Sinenhlanhla Mnguni said tobacco companies would now be allowed to manufacture and export products under the level 4 revised lockdown regulations announced by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma on April 29. However, the sale of tobacco products in South Africa is still banned, despite Presi-dent Cyril Ramaphosa’s initial announce-ment that cigarettes could be sold under level 4 regulations.

The decision to allow the exports was a result of ongoing negotiations with government. “We are heartened that we have already received a concession from government in relation to some of the relief we sought, which allows the companies that fall under us to manufacture and export [tobacco products],” Mnguni said. The concession was made after Fita went to court on Monday to challenge the ban. The association also wanted government to prove a link between the dangers of smoking and the Covid-19 coronavirus, as well as why it was necessary to ban the sale of tobacco products in the country. There are 11 million smokers who can pay the salaries of Fita members and their staff. Those are the people we are fighting for; we have to see it through for them.

onderwysersvakbonde. Die laaste sessie is gehou met die Verenigings vir Beheerliggame van die Skool en die Vereniging van Suid-Afrikaanse Prinsipale. “Die minister wil Suid-Afrikaners gerusstel dat die veiligheid van onderwysers en leerders en alle werknemers van die allergrootste belang is in al die besluite wat geneem word.

My fellow South Afrcans please stop stressing about this virus. We have got an amazing system in our country.

There are symptoms related to nicotine withdrawal,” he said. Last week, SA Revenue Service commissioner Edward Kieswetter said the country had lost about R300 million in tax revenue in just one month since the ban on the sale of tobacco had came into effect.

Every thing disappears, money, cars, airline’s, Guptas, electricit y this virus has no chance.

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Elco Steel is abiding by all safety protocols as indicated by our government, ensuring that our clients and staff stay safe and adhere to all the regulations. We require that all clients ensure that they have masks and to make use of the sanitation stations we have available at various points. We wish that all our clients stay safe in these precarious times.

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