Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Wat, kanselleer die Bybel? Pous Francis kanselleer die Bybel en stel voor om ‘n nuwe boek te skep. Pous Francis het die wêreld in April 2018 verras deur aan te kondig dat die Bybel totaal verouderd is en radikale ingrypende veranderinge nodig is. Sodoende word die Bybel amptelik gekanselleer en word ‘n vergadering met die hoogste persoonlikhede van die kerk waar die boek wat dit vervang, sowel as die naam en die inhoud, daarvan beslis word. Name word reeds bestudeer en die mees waarskynlike is “Biblia 2000”. Hy het beweer dat die nuwe norm nie kan aanhou probeer om in ‘n heeltemal nuwe wêreld met ‘n ou boek van etlike duisende jare met die wêreld te praat nie. Volgens hom verloor ons volgelinge en ons moet probeer om die kerk te moderniseer. Die Woord van God moet herskryf word, al is dit slegs die Ou Testament waarin daar sekere gedeeltes is wat beter is om nie herhaal te word nie besluit die pous. Hierdie nuus val soos ‘n bom onder die mees konserwatiewe en selfs waaragtige kinders van God, wat hierdie idee as uiters waansinnig beskou het. Van watter Bybel praat hulle? Pous Francis het 'n reeks omstrede uitsprake gemaak oor godsdiens en sosiale kwessies, maar daar is geen bewyse dat hy die Bybel gekanselleer het nie. Daar is die valse profeet wat God se wette wil verander II Tessalonisense 2: 3-4 KJV “Laat niemand julle op enige manier mislei

nie; want eers moet afval kom en die mens van sonde openbaar word, die seun van die verderf, die teëstander wat hom verhef bo al wat God genoem word of voorwerp van aanbidding is, sodat hy in die tempel van God as God sit en voorgee dat hy God is. Die lees van hierdie Skrifgedeelte bevestig dat die man in hierdie posisie ‘n ‘man van sonde’ genoem word. Waarheen gaan die wêreld? Owerspel word in alle lande toegelaat. Geen man of vrou het die reg om die ander te verwerp weens egbreuk nie. Alle lande in die wêreld moet nou huwelike van dieselfde geslag aanvaar (vrou-vrou of man-man). Sommige lande verklaar dat bloedskande nie meer bestaan nie, dit wil sê broers en susters kan trou, moeders kan trou met hul seuns en vaders met hul dogters. Daar is stede wat verklaar word as ‘n stad waar openbare seks gekoop kan word. Dit beteken: in die strate, in die kerk, op die mark, op die voetbalveld, as u seks nodig het, kan u uself op straat geniet sonder enige probleme. Bestialiteit (seks met diere)word in sekere gebiede toegelaat. Pornograf iese f ilms word in talle skole en universiteite toegelaat. Minderjarige meisies mag hulself prostitueer. Daar word verklaar dat enige meisie op die ouderdom van tien jaar wat seksuele plesier ervaar, nie verbied moet word om te ontdek hoe haar liggaam funksioneer nie.

Uiteindelik is daar reeds sataniese kerke in die openbaar geopen. Dit klink vir my soos meer mense van genot as van God. Hoe naby is die einde? Die Here Jesus kom regtig binnekort terug! Die duiwel wil soveel as moontlik siele saam met hom neem om hulle van goddelike genade te beroof. Laat ons versigtig wees. Moenie aan die slaap wees nie, maar wees wakker. Waarom is dit so moeilik om oor God te praat, maar so maklik om te skinder?

Waarom is dit so maklik om boodskappe van God te ignoreer, maar maklik om vuil boodskappe terug te stuur? Wat sou gebeur as ons die Bybel behandel soos ons selfone? As ons omdraai om dit te gaan haal wanneer ons dit vergeet? As ons dit altyd saam met ons dra, selfs 'n klein sakweergawe? As ons God se boodskappe in die Bybel lees soos ons boodskappe op die selfoon lees? Sou die wêreld in ‘n ander toestand gewees het!

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAX: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last HAND SANITIZER STANDS R950.00 FACE MASKS R 25.00



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 72.00 25X25X3 R 147.50 25X25X5 R 159.50 30X30X3 R 122.50 30X30X5 R 198.00 40X40X2 R 125.00 40X40X2.5 R146.00 40X40X3 R 159.50 40X40X5 R 267.50 50X50X3 R 219.00 50X50X5 R 330.00 60X60X6 R 487.00

R 46.50 R 72.60 R 58.00 R 88.30 R 73.80 R109.00 R 93.00 R145.00 R116.00 R181.50

SQBAR 6MT 8MM R71.00 10MM R72.50 12MM R90.00

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 22.30 R 42.40 R 52.00 R 79.00 R133.80 R200.00



90.40 128.40 107.20 105.20 279.70

EXP/METAL 6320C R232.00 6320D R280.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R157.50 80MM R225.00


SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R640.00 R727.00 R960.00 R1177.00 R1661.00 R2021.00 R2415.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R420.00 900x3mm High R475.00 1.0x3mt High R499.00 1.2x3mt High R550.00 1.5x3mt High R599.00 1.8mt High R699.00 2.0mt High R720.00 2.4mt High R899.00 LOOSE PALES 600mm R17.70 900mm R24.10 1.0mt R26.40 1.2mt R31.60 1.5mt R39.50 1.8mt R47.40 2.0mt R52.70 2.4mt R74.00

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM

Weld Rods

R135.00 2.5X5kg R152 R190.00 R214.00 Equal Angle R242.00 Bonanza R292.00 R326.00 R370.00 R8500-R8900 R413.00 per ton excl vat R494.40 random lenghts SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm - must take in bundles 20X20 R 95.50 R117.00 25X25 R110.70 R157.00 GALV SHEETS 32X32 R148.20 R202.00 2450X1225x0.5 R255 38X38 R195.80 R242.50 2450X1225x0.6 R350 50X50 R259.50 R322.00 2450X1225x1.0 R583 76X76 R353.00 R491.00 2450x1225x0.2 R1218 2450x1225x3.0 R1690 100X100 R671.20 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R95.00 R151.00 R168.50 R196.00 R238.00 R258.40 R298.50 R332.50 R393.00

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 74.00 R 99.90 R134.00 R154.00 R173.00 R196.50 R313.00


R 89.90 R133.00 R162.00 Jimmy Locks R189.00 R215.00 R99 R244.00 Hand Sanitiser R389.00 R69.00 500ml R522.00

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2 PURLINES 6mt R257 9.1mt R392

R291.00 R339.00 R384.00 R427.00 R502.00 R544.00

R433.00 R538.00 R585.00 R651.00 R765.00 R837.00


ROOF SHEETING FORD TOOLS AVAILIBLE 76X38 light R761.00 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R70.14 Blue Buddy Car Kit R699 100X50 light R999.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R89.34 152X76 R2001.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R117.18 Tool Box with 2ton Jack R3499 178X54 R1647.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R47.60 Angle Grinder 115mm R799 Trolley Jack with stands R999 A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



28 JULY 2020

10 Gevaarlike kosdrange

Die Tragedie van Gesinsmoord Die dryfveer agter hierdie tipe geweld bly meestal steeds onverstaanbaar. Suid-Afrika is onlangs deur ‘n vloedgolf gesinsmoorde getref. Van die mees sensasionele hofsake en gesinsmoorde in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika het in die laaste dekade plaasgevind en het intense mediaaandag ontlok. Dit het heeltemal sinneloos en ongewoon gelyk vir persone uit hooggeagte, stabiele en welaf gesinne om op so ‘n afgryslike wyse vermoor te word deur ‘n gesinslid. Die jong Don Steenkamp en Henri van Breda is voorbeelde van hierdie onverklaarbare tragedies. Die media doen gereeld verslag oor polisiebeamptes wat hulle hele gesin en geliefdes afmaai, oënskynlik weens werkverwante stres en gefasiliteer deur maklike toegang tot vuurwapens en ander wapens. Min wetenskaplike navorsing oor gesinsmoord is al in Suid-Afrika gedoen. ’n Nasionale ondersoek van die RGN deur Louise Olivier en ‘n span navorsers, wat oor ’n tydperk van twee jaar gestrek het, het meer lig op die onderwerp geplaas. Die navorsing is wyd en omvattend en alhoewel dit nie antwoorde op al die vrae oor gesinsmoord bied nie, het dit wel sekere sielkundige en sosiale faktore uitgewys wat moontlik tot die verskynsel bydra. In die Wes-Kaap alleen het daar in 2005, in een week, 13 persone omgekom in gesinsmoorde. Dit is toe geskat dat in Suid-Afrika ‘n vrou elke ses uur deur haar maat vermoor word. Die skok van hierdie soort tragedie veroorsaak dat mense met uiterste verslaentheid daarop reageer, want gesinslede behoort

mekaar tog lief te hê en dit veronderstel versorging en ondersteuning van mekaar, uitwissing bestaan nie in die normale denkraamwerk wanneer die gesin ter sprake is nie. Tog kom dit al hoe meer voor. Profiele en motiewe Wie is die waarskynlike verdagtes wanneer dit kom by gesinsmoorde? ‘n Ondersoek het getoon dat gesinsmoorde byna altyd deur die vader gepleeg word. Hy het dikwels ‘n misplaaste sin van plig en ‘n onvanpaste, oordrewe sin van verantwoordelikheid. Die gesinsmoordenaar voel meestal buite beheer en oorweldig deur aspekte van sy lewe, soos huweliksprobleme of toesigdispute. Dit is baie raar, maar nie onmoontlik nie, vir moeders om gesinsmoorde te pleeg. In sulke gevalle is dit gewoonlik ‘n enkelmoeder wat sommige van die rolle aangeneem het wat aan die tradisionele hoof van die gesin, die pa, toegeskryf word. Dieselfde oordrewe sin van verantwoordelikheid en van oorweldig te wees deur omstandighede kom in hierdie situasies voor. Kundiges bevestig dat faktore soos depressie, middele-misbruik en persoonlikheidstipe iemand kan aanspoor om sy gesin uit te wis voordat hy sy eie lewe neem. In ‘n verhandeling van H Conradie van UNISA word gesinsmoord gedefiniëer as die eliminering of poging tot eliminering van ’n gesin deur een lid van die gesin wat daarna selfmoord pleeg. Talle navorsingsprojekte verwys na die aard van oorsake, belig waarskuwingstekens en wys daarop dat dreigemente tot gesinsuitwissing ernstig opgeneem moet word. Dit kan help met voorkomingsaksies. Daar is talle oorsake wat aanleiding tot dié desperate daad kan gee en wat ekonomiese, sielkundige of sosiale faktore insluit. Werkloosheid, f inansiele probleme en skuld kan lei tot erge ekonomies stres. Verwerping, depressie en swak selfbeeld kan volslae wanhoop, onstabiele gedrag, emosionele uitbranding en aggressie veroorsaak. Soortgelyks kan sekere situasies byvoorbeeld ongelukkige huwelike, vervreemding tussen man en vrou, seksuele jaloesie, drankmisbruik, genadedood en swak gesinsverhoudinge tot gesinsmoord lei. Voorkomingsaksies: Soek hulp, kry berading, erken en bespreek probleme. Leer konstruktiewe lewenswyses aan. Reik uit na mekaar, ongeag kleur, ras, kultuur, geloof of geslag. In hierdie tyd van ongekende onsekerheid, ekonomiese en geestelike stres het dit gebiedend noodsaaklik geword om uit te reik na mekaar, ongeag kleur, ras, kultuur, geloof of geslag. Enige persoon wat vermoed dat ‘n gesinsmoord ‘n moontlikheid is, skakel dringend die KRISISLYN. Tel: 0800 567 567.

Kosdrange is ‘n dieët se grootste vyand. Soms is jy net lus om ‘n hap van ‘n sappige burger te vat, of om pizza te eet terwyl jy op die bank sit en film kyk, of om ‘n stuk romerige sjokolade in jou mond te laat wegsmelt. Algemeenste kosdrange? Wat kan ek in plaas daarvan eet? Roomys is ‘n klassieke slaggat in enige dieët. ‘n Enkel porsie roomys bevat omtrent 230 kalorieë. En wie stop na net een porsie? Eet eerder bevrore joghurt wat minder vet bevat minder en helfte van die kalorieë. Aartappelskyfies kan ‘n absolute pes wees. As jy eers een geëet het, kan jy nie jou hand uit die pak hou nie. ‘n Klein pakkie aartappelskyfies bevat meer as 150 kalorieë. Dit kan regtig ‘n probleem word as jy jou gunstelingprogram op TV kyk terwyl jy weglê aan ‘n pak skyfies en ‘n bakkie doopsous. Eet eerder seldery of wortelstokkies. Hummus of avokado maak heerlike doopsouse en dit is die beste gesonde alternatief vir TVkyk peuselhappies. Sjokoladegenot veral groot hoeveelhede sjokolade wat jy so lekker verorber, waaraan jy so maklik weglê daardie soet, romerige stafie. Eet eerder donker sjokolade. Dit is ‘n eenvoudige bederfie. Maak seker dit bevat ten minste 60% kakao – hoe meer, hoe beter. Hou ook by 1-3 klein blokkies per dag. Verslaaf aan suiker of soetigheid, oorkom dit in 6 eenvoudige stappe. Springmielies wat sonder olie gemaak word, is ‘n gesonde peuselhappie wat min kalorieë bevat. Die springmielies wat by die fliekteaters verkoop word, is egter alles behalwe gesond. Dit word in ongesonde olie en botter gespring. ‘n Groot houer fliek springmielies bevat nagenoeg 1000 kalorieë. Eet eerder springmielies wat sonder olie gemaak word, ‘n wonderlike peuselhappie. Gebruik natuurlike kruie en speserye vir geur. Ons hou almal van goeie Italiaanse pizza. Maar pizza voeg baie kalorieë by ons dieët. ‘n Sny pizza bevat tussen 250 – 350 kalorieë of selfs meer, hang af van wat jy alles daarop sit. Eet eerder jou eie tuisgemaakte pizza deur ‘n volgraan basis te gebruik. Sit dan gesonde groente en ‘n bietjie vleis bo-op, asook ‘n bietjie laevet kaas. Nog ‘n gunsteling van Italiaanse oorsprong is ‘n groot bak ryk, romerige pasta. Hoewel baie pastasouse taamlik ongesond is, is die grootste probleem egter die feit dat ons dit bo-op ‘n groot hoop verfynde pasta skep. Die koolhidrate hierin sal jou kalorietelling die hoogte laat inskiet. Eet eerder volgraan pasta en sous met ‘n groente-basis. Dit kan baie moeilik wees om kos by ‘n restaurant te bestel en te sê dat jy nie slaptjips daarmee saam wil hê nie. Slaptjips bevat egter genoeg kalorieë om ‘n hele ete op sy eie te wees. Eet eerder slaai of vrugte as bykos. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat nie alle neute goeie neute is nie. Neute wat gesout en gerooster is, kan baie vinnig die kalorieë laat saampak. En, soos met aartappelskyfies, kan dit moeilik wees om op te hou eet as jy eers begin het. Eet eerder rou amandels, okkerneute en pekanneute wat baie gesond is, maar bevat steeds baie kalorieë, so hou dit in gedagte. Koffie self bevat min kalorieë. Die probleem is egter die suiker, volroommelk, room of selfs geklopte room wat ons by ons boeretroos voeg. Nadat jy dit alles bygevoeg het, sit jy dalk met ‘n koppie wat omtrent 400 kalorieë bevat. En dit maak jou nie eers versadig nie. Die beste opsie is om koffie sonder melk of suiker te drink. As dit vir jou te drasties is, kies dan laevet melk of sojamelk en bly steeds weg van die suiker. Die 3-uur Peusel-aanval: As jy gewoonlik smiddae lus is om iets by die kiosk te gaan koop, ervaar jy heel moontlik ‘n daling in bloedsuiker tussen etes. Ongelukkig is ‘n pakkie sjokoladekoekies net ‘n korttermyn oplossing, met boonop baie kaloreë. Eet peuselhappies wat ‘n proteïen met heelgraan kombineer, soos ‘n laevet kaas op heelgraan kraakbeskuitjies. Gesonde peuselhappies kan kosdrange in bedwang hou en help dat jy by jou dieët hou. So wat kan ek doen om kosdrange te keer? Kosdrange vind gewoonlik tussen etes plaas wanneer jy begin honger word. Om klein, gesonde peuselhappies tussen etes te eet kan die drange help verminder. Maak seker dat jou peuselhappies nie meer as 200 kalorieë bevat nie. Goeie opsies is vars vrugte, ‘n hardgekookte eier of vars groente soos baba ertjies. Dit is algemene kennis dat jy genoeg oefening moet inkry saam met ‘n gesonde dieët as jy jou figuur wil behou. Wat meeste mense egter nie weet nie, is dat ‘n kort entjie se stap (10-15 minute) jou kosdrange kan help wegneem. Maak net seker jy stap nie verby die lekkergoedmasjien nie! Lae-koolhidraat Dieët Hoewel baie mense skepties oor lae-koolhidraat diëte is en daarna verwys as ‘n “foefie”, het studies egter al bewys dat mense wat so ‘n dieët al vir 1 – 2 jaar volg, wel baie minder kosdrange het as ooit vantevore. Dit sluit ‘n lus vir soetgoed en koolhidrate sowel as vetterige kosse in.

28 JULY 2020



Is Eskom paving a way for an internal deal? It seems to be true that Eskom has put out a comprehensive Request for Proposals (RFP) for Treasury and Financial Services. The RFP covers almost every aspect of services aimed at understanding and restoring the viability and f inancial stability of the entity, from Advisory Services, Balance Sheet Optimisation, Cost and Debt Analysis, Expected Future Exposure through almost every letter of the alphabet, ending in Valuations, Xerus/ Xpac Models and Zeta Models. The problem is however that (a) much of this has been done before – repeatedly and at huge cost, (b) the delivery of this falls squarely in the lap of its highly remunerated Treasury Unit and, (c) all these efforts aimed at wooing investors to make Debt

How accurate are Gauteng Covid-19 hospital figures? Official figures by the Gauteng Health Department indicate that the number of people in hospitals with Covid-19 has decreased from 5576 to 2487. This sharp reduction is welcome but does not seem credible as infections continue to increase and hospitals are all crowded with patients. The National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) gives a figure of 2703 Covid-19 patients in Gauteng hospitals, with 2453 in private hospitals and 250 patients reported from only 5 public hospitals. It appears that there is a severe underreporting from public hospitals in Gauteng which needs to be rectified urgently as we need accurate figures to assess progress in fighting this pandemic.

for Equity Swaps will amount to nothing as no international bond investor will touch it with a barge pole. This then may well amount to a costly exercise to pave the way for an internal deal with the Public Investment Corporation (PIC). Towards the end of May this year, the PIC submitted a proposal to government on converting bonds it holds in struggling state utility into equity. However, National Treasury’s 2019 Medium Term Budget Policy (MTBP) statement announced that the Ministers of Finance and Public Enterprises had appointed independent financial experts to assess Eskom’s daily cash flow management to eliminate continual requests for government support and determine the

Reduction of isolation period The Minister of Health has announced that the isolation period for persons who have tested positive for Covid-19 has been reduced from 14 to 10 days. This means that the sick leave burden on employers, in respect of employees who have tested positive, has been reduced accordingly. Employees who have tested positive and displayed no symptoms may return to work 10 days after confirmation of a positive test. Employees with mild symptoms may return 10 days after the date of symptom onset and employees with severe symptoms may return 10 days after clinical stability has been achieved. There is no requirement for employees who have tested positive to be tested again before returning to work but a simple confirmation by a doctor that he/she is fit to work will suffice.

The prospective results from the RFP will hardly provide a magic wand to conjure up the investment and financial relief that is being sought. It might just pave the way of the yellow brick road towards the Emerald City of the PIC coffers – 87.12% of which comprises the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF). The problem is the GEPF is mandated to protect the members benefits and to ensure that all investments are in the best interest of members and pensioners. Given the parlous state of Eskom’s finances, we need to keep a beady eye on the forks in this road. The wisest route to take would, of course, be the one that leads to a break up of Eskom’s monopoly and that allows for the private sector to step in to fix this public sector market failure.

Budget adjusted It is clear that the impact of COVID-19 on the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) expenditure budget is minimal and that the bulk of the additional funding would come from reprioritizing current departmental budgets through savings, but the a concerned rises about the serious impact this may have on the f inancial sustainability of local municipalities. During her special adjustment budget speech, the MEC announced an upward adjustment of R4 billion from the March budget that was tabled. Economic relief measures are being implemented to assist the economy to recover and build a new economy. While we welcome this, it is a little too late as we have seen many

Korrupsie Ramaphosa het dit duidelik gemaak dat almal wat skuldig bevind word aan die verduistering van COVID-19-fondse vervolg sal word. 'n Ondersoeksentrum is opgerig om alle beweerde korrupsie met betrekking tot COVID-19-fondse te ondersoek. Ramaphosa sê verskillende departemente van die staat sal saamwerk aan hierdie

degree to which operational efficiencies are being implemented across the business. This was to include considering whether capital expenditure should be halted or deferred given Eskom’s weak f inancial position. Additionally, the MTBP statement was clear that the capital structure will be modif ied to reduce and ultimately end Eskom’s reliance on government support. Moreover, debt relief was only to be considered once operational efficiencies had been achieved. Now that operational inefficiencies have plunged the country into rolling blackouts yet again and successive draining bailouts to SOEs and Covid-19 have emptied Treasury’s basket, options are few and far between.

ondersoeke. Die Ouditeur-Generaal het ook spesiale maatreëls getref om fondse te beveilig wat verbind is tot die stryd teen COVID-19. Spesiale oudits is onderneem om die misbruik van hierdie fondse op te spoor en te voorkom en om risiko's in die stelsel te identifiseer. Ondersoeke na die verspreiding van kospakkies, toelaes vir maatskaplike verligting, die verkryging van persoonlike beskermingsapparaat en ander mediese voorrade, en die UIF-spesiale COVID-19skema is reeds begin. Ten minste 36 sake is tans in verskillende stadiums van ondersoek en vervolging. Ramaphosa het ook 'n spesiale proklamasie onderteken wat die spesiale ondersoekeenheid bemagtig het om enige kontrak of tender wat by COVID-19-korrupsie betrokke is, te ondersoek. Om seker te maak dat daar vinnig opgetree word, kry Ramaphosa elke ses weke tussentydse verslae oor ondersoeke.

businesses close because there were no relief measures in place earlier. Whilst Growing Gauteng Together projects remains a priority this government needs to be proactive when it comes to protecting businesses and jobs in the province. Furthermore, the MEC reiterated that fiscal sustainability remains critical. The additional funds were allocated to the following departments:· R2.1 billion for Health for phase 1,2 and 3 of HR capacitation and R786 million for Covid 19 infrastructure relief· R5.2 billion for Education for getting schools ready, financing catch up programmes, screening of teachers and pupils as well as for water

and sanitation·R257 million for Social Development for PPE equipment and shelter for the homeless· R46.5 million for Community Safety for community patrollers and overtime for traffic officers· R79.4 million for Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture for artists and sporting professionalsIn addition, the MEC also stated that safeguarding our residents’ livelihoods is important and government needs to make sure that their hard earn taxes are used appropriately so that there is value for money. In addition, there should be transparency and accountability in order to eliminate corruption and inflating of prices by the suppliers.



28 JULY 2020

Debt distress and payment holiday A dipstick survey by a finance website, has revealed that a third of the readers would be in severe financial distress if they were not offered payment holidays, and a similar number would experience financial distress when their payment holidays come to an end. Payment holidays, when you take a short break from your repayments on a credit agreement such as a loan or bond have been one of the lifelines that lenders have offered customers who might be floundering in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. To see various options available from f ive major banks, look at debt relief options. Close to 1400 readers answered six survey questions in June. The key takeaways were: 50% are not considering taking a payment holiday. 69% were not offered a payment holiday by their banks or creditors. More than 60% were not taking a payment holiday for any of their accounts. 27% said their payment holiday was three months and more. 33% would be in severe financial distress if they were not offered payment holidays. 36% would experience financial distress if their payment holiday came to an end.

Relief plans Examining the feedback in more detail, close to 50% of participants said they were not considering taking a payment holiday for the accounts they have with their credit providers. Besides this, 22% said they were def initely considering the relief plan, while 17% of readers said they were not sure. When asked whether they were offered a payment holiday by any of their creditors, 69% said no, and 31% confirmed that they were indeed offered a payment holiday. Regarding the number of accounts they were going to take a payment holiday for, more than 60% said they were not taking one for any of their accounts, while just over 18% said they would apply for only one account. Around 12% of readers said they were going to need a payment holiday for two of their accounts, while close to 5% said they were taking a payment holiday for three accounts. Close to 2% said they were taking for four accounts, and another 2% said they were taking for five and more accounts.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

When asked how long the payment holidays were that they had been offered, about 8% of readers said this was for one month, nearly 8% said it was for two months, and 27% said it was for three months. Financial stress Readers were also asked to rate the severity of their financial stress on a scale from one to five if they were not offered a payment holiday, with one meaning “limited” and f ive meaning “severe”. Approximately 16% of readers rated one; 6% rated two; 11%, 12%, and 33% rated three, four and f ive respectively. Readers were asked whether they were concerned that they’ll experience financial distress again when their current payment holiday ends. To this question, 36% said they’ll def initely experience financial distress and 28% of readers said no. The survey confirmed the pressure that many South Africans are experiencing, but also showed that many are doing their best to maintain payments. If you can possibly afford to carry on making payments as normal, then certainly do so. Payment holidays often only delay

the pain, you still have to service your debt. If you are struggling financially, it is im-portant not to miss or change payments without discussing this with your lender in advance. Both parties must understand one another, and get the amendment in writing. Keep in good standing with your lender and you will be in a better position to negotiate. A payment holiday may sound appealing in the short term, but could well come at a high cost later. Make sure you understand any altered conditions. Banks and other lenders, like most other busines-ses, are also under strain because of the pandemic and need to ensure they will survive. Dealing with debt For those who feel overwhelmed by debt and unsure of where to turn, debt counselling or consolidation could be an option. Debt consolidation involves paying one affordable monthly payment over a longer period, instead of multiple repayments. It offers more breathing room and protects assets from repossession. You can access a guide on various debt rehabilitation solutions.

Onwettige verkope van sigarette Die regering sê dat dit nie die laaste keer in die COVID-19-sluiting sal uitblaas en die verkoop van tabakprodukte verbied nie, maar die bloeiende swart mark word opgewarm deur onwettige verkopers van sigarette. In 'n onlangse opname is meer as 90 persent van rokers aan die lig gebring. Dit is 'n ope geheim waar 'n mens sigarette kan kry tydens die toesluit in Johannesburg. Die Checkpoint- span is gelei na persone wat vervaardigde sigarette vir byna dubbel die prys verkoop. Kleinskaalse tabakboere sê dat hulle arm en honger gelaat is, dit omrede Suid-Afrikaners sedert die begin van die sluitingstyd nog nie daarin kon slaag om tabakprodukte te koop nie. Hulle bereik die punt waar die seisoen veronderstel was om te begin en daar geen teken van die opheffing van die verbod is nie, wat beteken dat hulle deur die regering uit die sak gestoot word. Dit is die klein spelers in hierdie groot industrie wat die meeste sukkel. Daar word beraam dat die belastinginkomste wat weens die verbod verloor is, meer as R4 miljard beloop. Die stryd oor die voortdurende verbod op die verkoop van tabakprodukte word in die hooggeregshof in Pretoria aangehoor. Die Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association wil hê dat die besluit wat die verkoop van sigarette as irrasioneel verklaar, verbied word. President Cyril Ramaphosa het aanvanklik aangekondig dat die verbod opgehef sou word, maar die besluit is later herroep.

28 JULY 2020



Liquor groups fight ban Legal action on the cards as industry faces crisis and complains it was not consulted. Distell, the world’s second-largest cider producer, plans to exhaust every possible communication channel in the coming weeks in its bid to get the alcohol ban lifted, with CEO Richard Rushton saying the industry faces an “unprecedented crisis”. Distell is also seeking legal advice on the ban, “the fact that we have not been consulted at all”, and whether this could be “considered fair and reasonable”, Rushton said. SAB is also trying to find a solution. Zoleka Lisa, vice-president of corporate affairs at SAB, which is owned by AB InBev, said the company had engaged with government departments “to try [to reach] a solution that safeguards as many livelihoods as possible from a health-care perspective as well as an economic one”. It was “unclear whether we’ll be pursuing any legal action as of yet”. Rushton said Distell, which is Africa’s biggest wine, cider and spirits producer, making Nederburg wines, Savanna cider,

Klipdrift brandy and Amarula liqueur, intends asking its biggest shareholder, the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), to help it “engage” with the government. The PIC, which has a 30% stake in Distell, held on behalf of the Government Employees Pension Fund, did not respond to a request for comment. Rushton said: “We tried reaching out to the PIC during the first round of bans and we will approach them again because they are a shareholder that is materially impacted by the drop in our share price and the loss in income from dividends. We are unlikely to pay dividends this year.” “I got the shock of my life. The ramif ications of this decision are enormous” (Sean Robinson, Chair of Liquor Traders Association of SA). Last week, Distell’s share price fell 10.15%, and since the start of the lockdown is 7.64% lower, while AB InBev’s share price has risen 18.37%, given its larger international exposure. Lisa said SAB will be “affected in insurmountable ways” involving its own employees and the beer industry’s value

Nestlé sets the record straight Nestlé South Africa has confirmed that the Nestle Chocolate Log, Nestle Bar One Peanut, Nestle Milkybar Peanut, and Milky Bar Double will not be returning to shelves from August 2020. After tantalising South African taste buds for over half a century, one of the country's favourite sweet treats will no longer be produced. Nestlé South Africa has confirmed that it has discontinued production of Chocolate Log, the creamy marshmallow on crisp wafer covered in milk chocolate. "The Nestlé Chocolate Log has been a loved brand for over 50 years and we thank our loyal consumers for their support over these years, The company is also saying goodbye to certain sizes and flavours of other sweet treats. Only certain sizes of Peppermint Crisp and Quality Street will be discontinued - you’ll still be able to find the brands in stores. Nestlé SA's Zumi Njongwe says the manufacturer is excited about the new products that will be hitting South African shelves very soon.

She's encouraged Chocolate Log lovers to stock up on the product before it disappears for good. What caused the confusion is that we are discontinuing Chocolate Log in its entirety, but we are also discontinuing some flavors and sizes of existing chocolates. They are discontinuing Milky Bar peanut [flavour] Bar One peanut [flavour] and Milk Bar [double]. These are our slowmoving lines. So which chocolate bars will be discontinued? They equally understand that the discontinuation may somehow disappoint some of their loyal consumers. Excitedly though, they are bringing a variety of delicious chocolates in the coming months and they urge their consumers to be on the lookout!"

chain. SAB’s supply chain incorporated 3,739 suppliers, of which 1,345 were SMMEs supporting more than 140,000 jobs. SAB also sourced agricultural inputs from about 1,277 farmers, including 757 “emerging farmers”. Rushton said though the ban affected Distell’s prof it and debt levels, it had planned a number of scenarios around demand and the spread of Covid-19 and the consequent risk actions it would have to take. “We are, right now, as we speak, implementing some of those risk actions. We are deferring further expenditure and revisiting all costs in the business that we possibly can to ensure the sustainability of the business. “We are really concerned about livelihoods and it starts in our own business. Our own employees [are] understandably massively anxious about what this new round of bans may mean for them.” Rushton said retrenchments would be the “absolute last resort”. Distell employs 4,500 people in SA and Southern Africa. He said the ban would “create a massive structural crisis for the industry” and it was estimated that 80 small wine farms and wineries would close. Vinpro spokesperson Maryna Calow said

exports may be a saving grace for the wine industry, but only for those businesses that have contracts in place, as finding international buyers was a long process. For retailers, the ban is devastating. “I got the shock of my life,” said Sean Robinson, chair of the Liquor Traders Association of SA. “Almost 50,000 taverns are now not able to trade. The ramif ications of this decision are so dire and enormous.” The association is getting an opinion on taking legal action, but Robinson believes this should be in consultation with the other players in the industry, like SAB. The losses for the government are also substantial. Rushton said 58c in every rand generated by Distell was paid as corporate and employee tax. In terms of the liquor industry, about R400m in tax revenue would be lost and 13,000 jobs were at risk for every week the ban is in place. This is compared to an estimated health saving from the ban of R1.3bn over eight weeks, according to a presentation in parliament. Lisa said the first ban, which lasted nine weeks, cost the South African liquor industry about 100,000 jobs. “The longer we are unable to operate, the bigger the ripple effect,” she said.

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28 JULY 2020


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Burst geyser? A sudden cold spell can wreak havoc on water pipes, geysers and your sense of humour. The last thing anyone wants to contend with is water pouring out of your ceiling in the middle of an icy winter’s night. But since it is ‘geyser season’, it is good to know that you have homeowner’s insurance to protect you from the financial implications of such an unforeseeable and inconvenient mishap. Prevention is better than cure: Contrary to popular belief, geysers usually don’t suddenly burst, but rather suffer wear and tear and corrosion over time which eventually causes a rupture or leak. Regular maintenance will extend the life of your geyser and it should be serviced every three to four years if the water quality is good, and every two years if you have what is known as ‘hard’ water. A service involves checking the magnesium sacrificial anode element and thermostat and replacing these if necessary, clearing any scale build-up and checking the overall state of the system. The sacrificial anode protects the geyser from rust by attracting any corrosion to the anode, and thus protects the metal components in the geyser. Anode rods typically require replacement every five years depending on the water quality – regular servicing of this will extend the life of your geyser and help

avoid unplanned geyser ‘bursts’. Install a drip tray: Ensure that you have a drip tray installed and that it is level - this will catch any leaking water and in the event of a major burst, will channel most of the water outside the ceilings via an outlet pipe. Know where your electricity board, water mains and water stop-cock are: The midst of a watery crisis is not the time to try and find out where the household safety features are. Familiarise yourself with where your electricity and water mains and stop cock are located. If your geyser has burst, immediately switch off the geyser electrical isolator switch on the main distribution board, it should be marked with a ‘geyser’ label. Turn off the water mains and the stopcock fitted to the inlet pipe of the geyser. This will stop all the water flow to your house. Open all the hot water taps in your house to relieve the pressure inside the geyser – this will lessen the amount of water pouring out of your geyser and reduce the chances of further water damage. Contact your insurance broker to log your claim and make ar rangements for an accredited and qualified plumber to assist you. Make sure that you are properly covered for replacement costs, burst pipes and damages.

28 JULY 2020



Grade 9s choosing your subjects Choosing the subjects they will sit for during the National Senior Certificate exam three years from now is an important and challenging task facing grade nines at the moment, because this combination of subjects will influence their choices down the line, and impact on performance and motivation over the next three years and beyond. Therefore grade nines should, with the help of their parents, guardians, teachers and outside experts, give careful consideration to the factors at play before settling on their final subject combination, an education expert says. “Trying to cover all your bases taking into account all eventualities can become quite confusing, particularly if you don’t yet know what you want to do after school, so we advise grade nines to consider the holistic 3-P approach when weighing the pros and cons of various subject combinations,” says Dr Gillian Mooney, Dean: Academic Development and Support at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. She says grade nines are required to select at least seven subjects on which they will be tested in matric, four of which are compulsory: Home language, Second language, Maths or Maths Literacy, and Life Orienta-

tion. The balance then, are elective subjects, and should be chosen after careful consideration. “When considering your options for this balance of subjects, you should take into account your passion, your performance, as well as the potential options available to you in future,” she says. Passion Dr Mooney says one of the benefits of the current situation, where much work is done independently at home by learners and therefore without peers or teachers influencing perceptions, is that learners will be able to get a better idea of which subjects they are passionate about. “If you find yourself drawn to a particular subject, or that you have a natural feel for it, that’s a definite sign that you should consider it as part of your subject choice bundle. Of course it may be that you are good at something but have no idea how that can translate into a possible career down the line. “In that case, it would be a great idea to approach career centres and student counsellors, online for now of course, at higher education institutions, and discuss with them potential fields in which this subject may play a role. That will have the double benefit of revealing careers you may not have been aware of, as well as providing a boost of motivation to commit to doing even better because

Sluit van skole President Cyril Ramaphosa het aangekondig dat alle openbare skole vanaf 27 Julie tot 24 Augustus vir vier weke sal sluit. Graad 12-onderwysers en leerlinge kry 'n weeklikse onderbreking, terwyl graad 7's slegs twee weke tuis sal bly. Benewens wil onderwysersvakbonde hê dat skole die hele Augustus gesluit moet wees. Dit is as gevolg van die toenemende COVID-19 infeksies. Die vakbonde het verlede week met die departement van basiese onderwys vergader om hul finale voorstel te beklink. Die onderwysersvakbond, Sadtu, sê dit vra nie vir 'n onbepaalde sluiting van skole nie, maar tot 'n skorsing tot ná die COVID-19piek. Sadtu sê die akademiese jaar 2020 is nie verlore nie. Chris Klopper van die Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie, sê onderwysers hou 'n groot risiko vir infeksie by leerlinge in. Klopper sê die gemiddelde ouderdom van 'n onderwyser is tussen 48 en 60. Die regering sal na verwagting binnekort sy besluit neem. Professor Salim Abdool Karim sê daar is geen bewyse dat COVID-19 by skole oorgedra word nie. Karim sê die meeste gevalle van onderwysers en leerlinge kom van buite af. Daar word gevra dat skole gesluit moet word, aangesien die koronavirus onvermydelik versprei, maar Karim bevestig dat kinders in skole moet bly, mits daar aan die regte COVID-19-regulasies voldoen word. 'Ek is nie seker of daar 'n deel van die land is wat aanbeveel dat kinders nie skool toe moet gaan nie. Ek dink op hierdie punt, alhoewel die gevalle toeneem, is die werklike

breukdeel van infeksies taamlik klein, en op hierdie stadium as die reëls gevolg word, as ons seker maak dat ons sosiale distansiering het en dat ons protokolle volg wat vir skole aanbeveel is, daar regtig geen kommer hoef te wees dat kinders groot gevaar inhou wanneer hulle skool toe gaan nie, ”sê Karim. President Cyril Ramaphosa het die land toegespreek oor openbare skole wat 'n maand lank sluit en die bestuur van die hulpbronne wat die regering vir die stryd teen COVID-19 opgedra het. Ramaphosa het aangekondig dat alle openbare skole tot 'n maand sluit, weens die toename in COVID-19-infeksies. Hy het die aankondiging gemaak ná konsultasies met verskillende belanghebbendes. Die president het ook gesê die skooljaar sal na Desember verleng word. Hier is 'n samevatting van Ramaphosa se aankondigings oor die sluiting van skole. Alle openbare skole moet die volgende vier weke 'n pouse neem. Skole is gesluit vanaf 27 Julie en open weer op 24 Augustus. Graad 12-leerders en onderwysers neem eers vanaf 3 Augustus 'n weeklikse pouses. Graad 7-leerders neem 'n pouses van twee weke en keer op 10 Augustus terug skool toe. Spesifieke reëlings sal getref word vir verskillende kategorieë rondom spesiale skole. Die huidige akademiese jaar sal na die einde van 2020 verleng word. Die Nasionale Skoolvoedingsprogram sal voortgaan om te werk sodat alle leerders of hul ouers kos direk by skole kan afhaal.

now you know where your passion might take you in future.” Potential Even if you already have an idea of what you want to study after school, you should still leave as many doors as possible open to allow for a change of heart later, and that is where so-called ‘gateway’ subjects enter the picture. “Certain subjects such as Maths and Science allow you to keep your options open, as many areas of further study require them. If you are one of the many who struggle with precisely these subjects, it may be worth keeping only one of them so that you can focus your efforts,” says Mooney. “The aim is to ensure that your choice positions you well to pursue as wide a range of qualifications as possible, that will allow you to demonstrate a wellrounded foundation when you leave school.” Learners struggling with a particular subject now because of the changed circumstances of lockdown should not just give up and walk away from it. “Things may be harder now, but it is worth persevering and getting additional help if necessary,” she says. Performence It is important to also include subjects that will boost your Matric aggregate, Dr Mooney says. “Because of the greater academic demands at higher education level, and the

limited space at public universities and private higher education institutions, admission to higher education is performance-based, meaning simply that those with better marks stand a better chance of landing a space. “So it makes sense to choose one or two subjects which will boost your aggregate and improve your chances of being accepted into the higher education institution and qualification of your choice,” she says. Mooney says although our current environment is challenging due to Covid-19 and the resultant lockdowns, Grade Nines should still look to the future and focus on what they can do now to broaden their options in future. “We don’t know what the future will look like, not in the short term nor the long term. Yes, we are facing unprecedented challenges, but with that, we will also be facing new opportunities and different ways of doing in future. Where in the past the road after school was pretty standard for many, who opted to pursue historically prestigious degrees without giving it much thought, the world of work has been changing and will change dramatically. “So be sure you are aware of emerging careers, and that you position yourself in such a way that you’ll be prepared for the workplace of the future, not the workplace of the past.

Water stress The national statement made by the President of South Africa wherein the fight to deal with corruption, the closure of public schools and the fact that South Africa has one of the highest outbreaks of Covid-19 in the world took centre stage, the South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (“SAFSC”) was disappointed that the current access to water crisis that is currently unfolding in South Africa was not highlighted. SAFSC is therefore left without any option by to report for the fourth time and publicly write to the President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Minister for Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu and the Minister for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, requesting that urgent action be taken in order to provide clean water so as to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to create an environment that is not harmful to people’s health or well-being. The importance of water cannot be emphasised enough. Without water humans will die. However, during the covid-19 pandemic, water is a key player in curbing the spread of the virus by providing sanitation and to allow society to function with some level of normality. Without water, the spread of the virus could be far greater. SAFSC has shared, publicly and to the Department of Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation, three reports on water stressed communities, based on our community driven self-reporting tool on the following dates: Report was issued on April 16, 29 and May 26. Reported that there was water stress in 32 additional communities, which increased the overall tally from 47 to 79: 57 in Eastern Cape, 3 in Western Cape, 3 in KwaZulu Natal, 1 in Free State, 1 in Gauteng and 14 in Limpopo.

In all three previous reports, SAFSC called on the Minister for Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation to be responsive and to act decisively to meet the needs of these communities. Unfortunately, up to now SAFSC have not had a response from the Minister for Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation nor has the Minister for Human Settlement, Water and Sanitation indicated publicly or to the specific communities listed in the previous reports, that any action will be undertaken to provide water. Notwithstanding the fact that the Minister for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, not renewing the Declaration of a National Disaster for the current national drought, the impact of not having access to basic supply of 25 litres per person per day within 200 meters of a household without interruption of access to water for more than 7 days as detailed by Regulations Relating to Compulsory National Standards and Measures to Conserve Water, 2001 is as follows: People’s right to live in an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being is being violated; the right to have access to sufficient food; the right to life; the right to dignity; the right to basic health care; and children’s rights to to basic nutrition, shelter and basic health care services. Some communities have been relying on rain-water and have received little to no support with regards to water and food relief. Other, therefore only has access to 2 litres of water per person (+/- 10 000 people) for four months. Some have been experiencing water shortage since 18 May 2020. The taps are ‘empty’ they are no longer producing water. Although there is a pandemic and a water crisis gripping South Africa, there is a need to provide water and sanitation.



28 JULY 2020

Bofbalspeler buig nie die knie Politieke standpunte word dikwels deur middel van sport aangevuur, maar ’n bofbalspeler van die VSA het geweier om die knie voor ’n wedstryd vir die Black Lives Matter-beweging te buig. Sam Coonrod, wat vir die San Francisco Giants speel, het staande gebly terwyl die res van sy spanmaats die knie gebuig het vóór hul wedstryd teen die Los Angeles Dodgers. Net voordat die Amerikaanse volkslied gespeel is, het al die spelers en afrigters ’n stukkie swart lap vasgehou. Hoewel Coonrod ook die lap vasgehou het, het hy nie die knie gebuig nie. “Ek bedoel niks slegs daarby nie en ek dink beslis nie dat ek beter as enigiemand anders is nie. Ek is ’n Christen en ek glo

ek kan slegs voor Jesus Christus kniel,” het hy in die Amerikaanse media gesê. “Dit was my keuse om nie die knie te buig nie. As ek gekniel het, sou ek skynheilig gewees het en ek wil nie as so ’n persoon bekendstaan nie.” Volgens Coonrod is daar ’n paar aspekte van die BLM-beweging waarmee hy nie saamstem nie – onder meer dat hulle glo meer tot Marxisme neig. Die Giants se bestuurder, Gabe Kapler, het met Coonrod oor die gebeure gepraat. Volgens The Mercury News het Kapler gesê dat hy al sy spelers sal ondersteun, ongeag hul politieke oortuigings of hul sienswyses. “Ons gaan vir spelers die keuse bied om self te besluit of hulle die knie wil buig,

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staande wil bly, of iets anders wil doen. Hierdie was Sam se persoonlike keuse,” het Kapler gesê.Hoewel Kapler die BLMbeweging ondersteun, het Coonrod hom bedank vir die wyse waarop hy die situasie hanteer het. “Kapler gaan nie kwaad word as ek nie met hom saamstem nie. Ek dink dit is tans een van die wêreld se grootste probleme: Mense word kwaad vir ander wat nie met hulle oor ’n kwessie saamstem nie. Ek is byvoorbeeld nie vies vir die persone wat wel gekniel het nie; en ek sal graag wil hê dat hulle my op dieselfde wyse sal hanteer,” het Coonrod gesê.

Die voormalige Bafana Bafana-verdediger, Mark Fish, het verlede week ook ’n storm op sosiale media ontketen toe hy op Twitter gesê het dat alle lewens saak maak. “Ek is jammer as ek aanstoot gegee het. Ek is beslis nie ’n rassis nie, maar ek glo in alle mense; dus maak alle lewens saak. Maak nie saak wat jou verlede is nie, konsentreer op vandag en op die toekoms,” het Fish op Twitter gereageer nadat hy onder meer deur die kletsrymer Cassper Nyovest gekritiseer is. Hy het verder gesê dat hy die wêreld deur God se oë sien en slegs voor God sal kniel.

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