Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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TELL US YOUR STORY if you have an ex traordinary traumatic experience to share like Samantha's experience with a positive inspirational meaning for others in the same circumstances send your story to

This is my story! I hated this day cause of the accident in December 2019 but you know what? Now I am happy because I am alive. This is my story and with everything I’m a happy blessed girl. I don’t know if some people on my Facebook knows everything but if you don’t know everything about me please look at my page that my family did in December for me. “Support for our Samantha”. At the end of the day I am actually doing good, I have my bad and sad days but I am alive, I can talk and I can walk. Yes, unfortunately I have a TBI - traumatic brain injury, I hurt my brain on the right side but with time it will heal properly. Yes,

unfortunately I cannot remember certain things in my life, especially over the December period, but with time it will come back. Yes, I have some issues on the left side of my body. For instance, I used to be left-handed and I used to love writing, however, now it just looks like a doctor took over my handwriting, since I now have to write right-handed. Please, whoever is reading this, don’t feel sad. Do me a favour, please. I know people think that life is bad or making you unhappy, but during the last few months I realised that unfortunately life can be taken away in an instance without you knowing that something bad will happen.

The vehicle Samantha Spies nearly lost her life in seconds!

Please try to enjoy life, love your friends and family, be grateful with what you have because no matter how bad your situation is, there are people who prays at night to have exactly what you have, because what they have is so much worse. Samantha Spies

CO S TEEL DEALERS ELCO STEEL EL TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAX: 011 815-3427

Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last HAND SANITIZER STANDS R950.00 FACE MASKS R 25.00



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 72.00 25X25X3 R 147.50 25X25X5 R 159.50 30X30X3 R 122.50 30X30X5 R 198.00 40X40X2 R 125.00 40X40X2.5 R146.00 40X40X3 R 159.50 40X40X5 R 267.50 50X50X3 R 219.00 50X50X5 R 330.00 60X60X6 R 487.00

R 46.50 R 72.60 R 58.00 R 88.30 R 73.80 R109.00 R 93.00 R145.00 R116.00 R181.50

SQBAR 6MT 8MM R71.00 10MM R72.50 12MM R90.00

R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 22.30 R 42.40 R 52.00 R 79.00 R133.80 R200.00



90.40 128.40 107.20 105.20 279.70


6320C R232.00 6320D R280.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R157.50 80MM R225.00


SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R640.00 R727.00 R960.00 R1177.00 R1661.00 R2021.00 R2415.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R420.00 900x3mm High R475.00 1.0x3mt High R499.00 1.2x3mt High R550.00 1.5x3mt High R599.00 1.8mt High R699.00 2.0mt High R720.00 2.4mt High R899.00 LOOSE PALES 600mm R17.70 900mm R24.10 1.0mt R26.40 1.2mt R31.60 1.5mt R39.50 1.8mt R47.40 2.0mt R52.70 2.4mt R74.00

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM

Weld Rods

R135.00 2.5X5kg R152 R190.00 R214.00 Equal Angle R242.00 R292.00 Bonanza R326.00 R370.00 R8500-R8900 R413.00 per ton excl vat R494.40 random lenghts SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm - must take in bundles 20X20 R 95.50 R117.00 25X25 R110.70 R157.00 GALV SHEETS 32X32 R148.20 R202.00 2450X1225x0.5 R255 38X38 R195.80 R242.50 2450X1225x0.6 R350 50X50 R259.50 R322.00 2450X1225x1.0 R583 76X76 R353.00 R491.00 2450x1225x0.2 R1218 2450x1225x3.0 R1690 100X100 R671.20 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R95.00 R151.00 R168.50 R196.00 R238.00 R258.40 R298.50 R332.50 R393.00

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 74.00 R 99.90 R134.00 R154.00 R173.00 R196.50 R313.00

R 89.90 R133.00 R162.00 R189.00 R215.00 R244.00 R389.00 R522.00


Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2 PURLINES 6mt R257 9.1mt R392

R291.00 R339.00 R384.00 R427.00 R502.00 R544.00

R433.00 R538.00 R585.00 R651.00 R765.00 R837.00


ROOF SHEETING FORD TOOLS AVAILIBLE 76X38 light R761.00 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R70.14 Blue Buddy Car Kit R699 100X50 light R999.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R89.34 152X76 R2001.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R117.18 Tool Box with 2ton Jack R3499 178X54 R1647.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R47.60 Angle Grinder 115mm R799 Trolley Jack with stands R999 A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



25 AUGUST 2020

Kinderveiligheid Wenke om gewigstoename weg te hou! Hoekom kom die gewig wat ons verloor altyd weer terug na ‘n dieet? Daar is talle kits diete daar buite wat help om vinnig ‘n paar kilogram af te skud. Maar die probleem is om seker te maak dat die verlore gewig nie weer terugkom nie. Daar is geen twyfel dat baie van hierdie diëte heel goed werk nie, maar die meeste van hulle is nie volhoubaar oor die langtermyn nie. Hulle werk fantasties om ‘n hele paar kilo’s af te skud binne ‘n paar weke, maar hoe maak mens seker dat die gewig wat mens verloor verlore bly? Die eenvoudige antwoord: ‘n Volhoubare, gesonde leefstyl met ‘n gesonde eetwyse. Om ‘n volhoubare gesonde lewenstyl ‘n realiteit te maak, moet ‘n paar veranderinge aangebring word en ou gewoontes moet vervang word met nuwes. Dit kan oorweldigend wees en die moeilik-

ste deel is gewoonlik om net aan die gang te kom. So hier is eenvoudige wenke om jou op die regte spoor te plaas. Bly weg van verwerkte kosse wat gelaai is met verfynde koolhidrate en suikers wat gewigsverlies as ook algemene gesondheid negatief beïnvloed. Lees altyd eers die bestanddele op die etiket van enige produk voordat jy kos of drankies koop. Wees baie versigtig wanneer dit kom by dieet of suikervrye produkte Dis nie te sê hulle is gesond net omdat hulle nie suiker bevat nie. Hulle bevat dikwels chemikalieë wat net so nadelig vir jou soos suiker kan wees. Om gluten uit jou dieet te sny, maak dit heelwat makliker om gewig te verloor. Dit beteken dat jy die hoeveelheid ongesonde koolhidrate wat jy eet verminder, wat dan help om bloedsuiker stygings en ander skadelike newe-effekte daarvan te vermy. Eet proteïene vir ontbyt. Om jou muffin vir ‘n bietjie spek en eiers te ruil, kan help om iets genaamd “leptien sensitiwiteit” in die liggaam se selle aan te moedig. Om dit dood eenvoudig te stel: dit help om liggaamsvet te verminder. Verlaag jou spanningsvlakke, want wanneer ons dinge doen wat ons help om te ontspan, help dit om streshormone in die liggaam te verminder. Dit verminder dan die stoor van vet in die selle. Drink genoeg water en maak seker dat dit gesuiwerde water is. Kraanwater is goed genoeg as dit al is wat jy kan kry. Maar dit is beter as dit gesuiwerde water is soos die vanuit ‘n suiweringstelsel by die huis of kantoor, of die wat jy in bottels koop by die winkel. Die rede daarvoor is dat gewone kraanwater dikwels chemikalieë bevat wat gebruik word om die water skoon te maak, maar wat dan nadelig kan wees vir jou liggaam. Oefen gereeld sonder om ure op ‘n oefenfiets by die gimnasium te spandeer, 20-30 minute daaglikse oefening word aanbeveel. Jy kan gaan stap, of berg uitklim, enigiets om jou lyf te laat beweeg.

Volgens ‘n artikel in die toonaangewende joernaal, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, word indringend gekyk na die effek op kinders wat alleen tuis moet bly. Kinders arriveer elke dag van die skool af na ‘n leë huis. Ouers neem besluite om kinders alleen tuis te laat terwyl hulle werk toe gaan, opdragte beoefen of vir sosiale verbintenisse. Na raming word meer as 40% van die kinders op een of ander tyd tuis gelaat, hoewel hulle selde oornag. In meer ekstreme situasies spandeer sommige kinders soveel tyd sonder hul ouers dat hierdie kinders ‘sleutelkinders’ genoem word, met verwysing na die huis- of woonstelsleutel wat sigbaar om hul nek gespan is. Die film “Home Alone” en die opvolger daarvan vertolk ‘n kind se oorlewingsvaardighede op ‘n baie humoristiese, maar onrealistiese manier. Kinders wat hulself alleen tuis bevind, is baie anders. Daar is baie probleme en moontlike risiko’s wat ouers moet oorweeg voordat ‘n kind in hierdie situasie geplaas word. Ouers moet die ouderdom en ontwikkelingsvlak van hulle kind/kinders in ag neem wanneer hulle noodwendig alleen moet bly. Dit is nie moontlik om ‘n algemene stelling te maak oor wanneer ‘n kind tuis gelaat kan word nie. Baie lande het wette wat ouers verantwoordelik hou vir die toesig oor hul kinders. Ouer kinders is meestal verantwoordelik genoeg om hulle self vir beperkte tye te handhaaf, maar daar moet bewyse van verantwoordelike gedrag en goeie oordeel sigbaar wees. As ‘n kind gereed is om alleen gelaat te word, moet ‘n volwasse benadering gebruik word, deur te begin met ‘n baie kort periode (bv. een uur of minder) veral om skeidingsangs te voorkom. Dit kan later in die kind se lewe tot kwesbaarheid en probleme lei. Daar moet deur Mamma en Pappa met hul kleintjies gepraat word om hulle voor te berei op moontlike probleme. Daarbenewens moet ouers hul huis so veilig as moontlik teen duidelike gevare maak, en ‘n “noodplan” saam met hul kinders ontwikkel en inoefen. Kinders moet belangrike veiligheidsmaatreëls leer soos om die deur te sluit, om nie vreemdelinge of besoekers toegang te verleen in

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198 TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591


en om die huis nie, weet hoe om die stoof te gebruik en derglike klein dinge. Hier word na ‘n paar logiese riglyne gekyk vir ouers wat hul kinders wil beveilig (verkort uit ‘n artikel deur die Laerskool Proteapark, in Rustenburg): Lig u kind/kinders in en herinner hulle aan veiligheidsmaatreëls sonder dat vrees by die kind ontwikkel. Alhoewel kinders bewus gemaak word van gevaartekens, moet voorkom word dat hulle in vrees lewe. Indien ‘n kind vir jou iets vertel, luister aandagtig na wat die kind vertel. “Luister” ook na lyftaal van die kind. Kinders moet onder geen omstandighede persoonlike inligting oor die telefoon weergee nie. Indien die ouers nie gekontak kan word deur die kinders in geval van nood nie, moet alternatiewe kontakpersone en nommers tot die kinders se beskikking wees. Kinders moet hul eie adres en ouers se kontaknommers ken. Ouers en kinders moet afspreek waar hul mekaar sal ontmoet indien een van die twee partye om onvoorsiene redes mekaar nie kan opspoor nie. Bv. Mamma sal jou altyd in die klas kom haal. As jy nie vir mamma kry nie – gaan wag altyd by die klas. ‘n Kind mag nooit alleen gelaat word in ‘n voertuig, stootwaentjie of winkeltrollie nie. Gaan altyd saam met jou kinders na ‘n publieke badkamer. Kinders moet ingelig wees oor kinderontvoerings en die gevaar waarin hulle moontlik kan verkeer en mag nooit saamrygeleenthede en geskenke van vreemdeling aanvaar nie. Leer jou kind om moontlike gevaarsituasies te kan identifiseer en om na fynere besonderhede op te let om dit later deur te gee indien nodig. Lei jou kind om in “survival mode” te dink indien hul in ‘n gevaarsituasie verkeer. Daar is ‘n reeks selfoonsagteware beskikbaar wat ouers in staat stel om beheer uit te oefen oor inligting wat op hulle kinders se selfone verskyn. Die kind kan dus beskerm word teen selfoongevare soos kuber-afknouery, “sexting” en seksuele aanvoering. Sodra u kind onbehoorlike SMS’e, MMS’e of oproepe ontvang, word u as ouer onmiddellik daarvan verwittig via ‘n SMS of epos. Vir meer inligting, besoek die webtuiste: Om alleen tuis te wees, kan ‘n vreesaanjaende en potensieel gevaarlike situasie wees vir kinders en adolessente wat nie gereed is nie. Neem dus kennis van die gevare en pas u kinders op. Kinders is kosbaar!


Motordiewe sak toe!

Die getal kapings en rooftogte het beduidend toegeneem in die grendeltyd in vergelyking met die eerste 3 maande van die jaar veral nou die afgelope weke. Motordiewe is weer bedrywig in Heidelberg en Nigel omgewing. Volgens die polisie is daar ’n skerp toename in diefstal van motors en goedere uit motorvoertuie. Inwoners moet waaksaam wees by winkelsentrums en veral ouers wat hul kinders soggens en saans by skole. kleuterskole of dagsorg aflaai. Na mening is daar ’n tendens van diefstal vanuit motorvoertuie, veral by winkelsentrums waar motoriste waardevolle besittings in hul voertuie los. Maak seker dat alle waardevolle items buite sig is, verkieslik in die kattebak.

‘n Paar wenke wat grypdiewe kan verhinder om besittings uit voertuie te steel: Maak seker dat die voertuig se deure wel gesluit is deur aan die deure te voel, ‘remote jamming’ is ’n werklikheid. Wees bedag op vreemdelinge in die onmiddellike omgewing van jou voertuig. Vertrou jou instink. As iets nie reg voel nie, beveilig jouself. Motorvoertuigdiefstal in ons omgewing is ’n groot kommer, veral in woongebiede. As daar by vriende of familie gekuier word, moet voertuie binne die erf geparkeer en gesluit word. Vermy parkering of stilhou op afgeleë plekke. Wees bedag op vreemdelinge in die omgewing en meld enige verdagte mense of voertuie by die polisie of GPF aan.

Skorsing van drie amptenare Na bewering is drie senior amptenare van die Gautengse departement van sport, kuns, kultuur en ontspanning (SACR) geskors vir onreëlmatige uitgawes, naamlik die hoof finansiële beampte, Priya Lutchman; Direkteur vir voorsieningskettingbestuur, Koketso Lekalakala en waarnemende direkteur vir fasiliteite, John Mofokeng. Dit is onthul deur die Gautengse departement van sport, kuns, kultuur en ontspanning (SACR), Mbali Hlophe, in 'n skriftelike antwoord op vrae wat in die Gautengse provinsiale wetgewer (GPL) ter tafel gelê is. Volgens Hlophe is hierdie senior ampte-

nare geskors omdat die bewerings van onreëlmatige uitgawes gestaaf is en as sodanig aan tugstappe onderwerp sal word. Hierdie senior amptenare was betrokke by ongerymdhede in tender- en aanstellings ten bedrae van R43 889 200,32. Daar was onreëlmatige aanstellings, tenders en die PMDS-betalings vir prestasie-bestuur wat al jare aan die gang was, maar dit is eers aan die lig gebring nadat die DA vrae hieroor gevra het. Die uitkomste van die tugverhore is nog onbekend. Daar sal nou opgelet word of ‘n saak van bedrog en verraad by die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens geopen word.

Metr o rraids aids e xpir ed ffood ood etro expir xpired repr ocessing ffa acilit y eprocessing cility The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) and SAPS operation sparked by community activism led to the discovery of a facility in Springs on Friday, August 8 where expired and counterfeit food is reprocessed and repackaged. At least 13 people were charged with dealing with illicit goods and being in possession of suspected stolen property. City of Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Community Safety, Cllr Phaladi Mmoko said that the police were following the tip-off from the community when they raided the property. “In this property they are repurposing the expired consumables like sweets, chocolate, soft drinks and snacks, repackage them and resell to the community. All these illegal actions are done under very unhygienic environment,” he said. The preliminary investigation revealed that the expired products that are reprocess products were destined for disposal. The police are investigating the possibi-

lities of some of these products being stolen during delivery truck hijackings. During the investigation at the property it was discovered that the premises did not comply with legislation governing hygiene for food premises, and the processed food did not comply with legislation on foodstuff, cosmetics and disinfectants. MMC Mmoko said that the police and the City’s environmental health practitioners will continue to monitor informal food trading in the whole City as such products may end up being sold there. He commended the swift response of the EMPD and SAPS. “This brings confidence to the community. I can assure the community right now that during COVID-19 or not, we will never shy away from fighting crime,” he said. He added that more arrests may follow. MMC Mmoko urged community to report any suspicious activities to EMPD or SAPS by calling 08600 10111.


Verklaar plaasmoor de plaasmoorde tot haatmisdaad

Daar word 'n beroep op premier David Makhura gedoen om plaasmoorde in Gauteng tot haatmisdaad te verklaar. Volgens berigte word gemeen dat plaasmoorde wat as haatmisdaad verklaar word, die hoeveelheid plaasaanvalle in die provinsie sal bekamp. 'n Haatmisdaad is normaalweg geweld en word gemotiveer deur vooroordeel op grond van 'n gedefinieerde eienskap. Die meeste haatmisdade sluit in misdade wat gepleeg is op grond van ras, geslag en godsdiens. In die geval van landelike gemeenskappe word boere en plaaswerkers geteiken weens sekere eienskappe en motiverings. Dit sluit in hul relatiewe isolasie en kwesbaarheid, die afstand tot die polisie en ook die ouderdom van boere en plaaswerkers. Daarbenewens is daar duidelike bewyse dat politici en gewilde figure misdade teen landbou-gemeenskappe aanhits. Vir 'n geruime tyd word daar 'n ernstige beroep op die provinsiale regering gedoen

om met 'n omvattende plan vorendag te kom om landelike veiligheid in die provinsie te hanteer. Terwyl landelike veiligheid die gesamentlike verantwoordelikheid van die Departement van Gemeenskapsveiligheid en SAPD is, moet die Departement van Landbou en Landelike Ontwikkeling ook geraadpleeg word sodat die landbousektor hulp kan ontvang met landelike veiligheid en tegnologie-innovasie rondom landelike veiligheid. Wat nou nodig is, is die ontplooiing van hulpbronne en die politieke wil om verandering teweeg te bring. Dinge soos die direkte subsidiëring van privaat landelike veiligheids inisiatiewe soos plaaswagte en plaaspatrollies kan in plek gebring word. Die verskaffing van psigososiale ondersteuning aan plaaswerkers wat slagoffers van misdaad is, veral vroue. Die plattelandse gemeenskappe is moeg vir praat - hulle wil aksie hê!

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


25 AUGUST 2020


C.J.J. STEEL cc.


Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale 011 Tel: 01 1 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 086 671 7253 email: -

Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing






12x12 .... R 80.00 16x16 .... R 97.00 20X20 ... R101.00.......R119.00 25X25 ... R130.00 ..... R161.00 32X32 ... R162.00 ..... R218.00 38X38 ... R202.00 ..... R256.00 50X50 ... R264.00 ..... R338.00 76X76 ... R400.00 ..... R505.00 100X100 ................... R650.00



38x20 .... R167.00 ..... R206.00 38x25 .... R200.00 ..... R218.00 50x25 .... R209.00 ..... R257.00 50x38 .... R270.00 ..... R305.00 76x38 .... R309.00 ..... R387.00 76x50 .... R355.00 ..... R436.00 100X50 ..................... R504.00


20MM .... R 84.00.........R103.00 25MM .... R105.00 ..... R126.00 32MM .... R137.00 ..... R183.00 38MM .... R162.00 ..... R214.00 50MM .... R218.00 ..... R273.00 76MM .... R327.00 ..... R420.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R107.00 25x25x5...................... R168.00 30x30x3 .................... R129.00 30x30x5 .................... R212.00 40x40x3 .................... R164.00 40x40x5 .................... R270.00 25x25x2 .................... R 72.00 30x30x2 .................... R106.00 40x40x2 .................... R115.00 0.5 IBR/COR ROOF SHEETING R91.00p/m






12X3 ........ R 38.00 16x3 ......... R 41.00 20x3 ......... R 51.00 20x5 ......... R 71.00 25x3 ......... R 62.00 25x5 ......... R 85.00 30x3 ......... R 75.00 30x5 ......... R106.00 40x3 ......... R 98.00 40x5 ......... R140.00 50x3 ......... R127.00 50x5 ......... R176.00

SQ BAR 6M 10MM ..... R67.00 12MM ....... R98.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ........... R104.00 RT13 ....... R 115.00 RX7 ......... R 137.00 F7 ............ R 118.00 F4B .......... R 310.00

75x50x20x2.....R320.00...R490.00 75x50x20x2.....R327.00...R498.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R370.00...R565.00 100x75x20x2...R381.00...R560.00 6MM .......... R24.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R400.00...R612.00 8MM .......... R38.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R445.00...R682.00 10MM ........ R59.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R84.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 61.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 85.00


PALISADE PANELS LOOSE PALES 3mx600mm...R 495.00 3mx1.0m.......R 566.00 3mx1.2m.......R 667.00 3mx1.5m.......R 736.00 3mx2.0m.......R 865.00

City of Ekurhuleni’s MMC for Community Safety during the search at the food processing and warehouse facility in Springs


R95.00p/m Cut to size

600mm....R 17.00 1.0m........R 24.00 1.2m........R 30.00 1.5m........R 37.90 1.8m........R 44.00 2.0m........R 49.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLA TES PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R660.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R815.00 2450x1225x2.5......R1030.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1220.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1800.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2620.00





25 AUGUST 2020

COVID-19 pandemic causes surge in cases of broken heart syndrome

A condition described as ‘broken heart syndrome’, otherwise known as stress cardiomyopathy, has increased fourfold since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic according to a study conducted. Nicole Jennings, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics says the extended lockdown orders, having to isolate and cancel special events, and not seeing friends and family for an extended period has had a profound impact on our hearts. “In most cases, broken heart syndrome is triggered by severe stress and extreme emotions, such as having to deal with the sudden loss of a loved one, divorce or a major financial loss. The unexpected rush of adrenaline weakens the heart muscle, causing irregular heart rhythms. It also interferes with the pumping function of the heart, causing a ballooning effect. Sufferers may experience sudden chest pain and shortness of breath, similar to a heart attack, but fortunately in most cases its effect is only temporary. The condition usually reverses itself within a few days or weeks. “At first, patients seem like they may have experienced a heart attack, but further

examination reveals no signs of blocked coronary arteries or history of cardiovascular disease. “The pandemic has caused severe psychological, social and economic stress in people’s lives all over the world. This research gives us a glimpse into the broader impact that COVID-19 has had, not only on those with pre-existing health conditions, but also the broader population.” Most recover from broken heart syndrome without any long-term effects, 10% become critically ill and in 1-2% of cases it can be fatal. Jennings cautions that when sudden chest pain and shortness of breath are present, it should always be taken seriously as it could be a sign of a heart attack, which requires immediate action. Medical emergency numbers to save to your phone are as follows: 10177 for an ambulance (nationwide).112 can also be dialed from a cellphone. Netcare911 will respond to emergencies whether you are a member or not. Dial: 082 911 or contact, ER24: 084 124. “Once stabilised, your doctor may run a few tests, such as a coronary angiopathy or take X-rays to take a closer look at your

coronary arteries. Other diagnostic tests include blood tests, ECG and an MRI. Your doctor may also put you on medication.” Risk factors for broken heart syndrome include age, a history of a neurological condition such as epilepsy, previous or existing psychiatric disorder, such as depression and anxiety. Other symptoms include, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), cardiogenic shock, fainting and low blood pressure. As the pandemic progresses, selfcare is of utmost importance to our hearthealth. “Those who feel anxious and overwhelmed by the pandemic, both physically and mentally, need to reach out to their GPs for help.” She suggests the following ways to alleviate stress and anxiety: Stay in the present. When you f ind yourself fretting about what could happen, reel yourself back to the present and focus on what’s happening right now. Retraining your brain to deal with anxious thoughts and feelings in a rational way will help get you into a healthy pattern of thinking. Practice relaxation techniques to lower stress, headaches and ease tense muscles

through deep breathing, meditation, massage or listening to soothing music. Eat healthily. When you’re under a lot of stress, you tend to eat unhealthily, smoke and drink alcohol more often. Revise your diet and eat foods that are high in antioxidants to boost feel-good hormones. Exercise. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling can boost your mood and will help you to think more clearly. Get some sunshine. Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating mood and keeping depression at bay, so make a point of spending at least 20 minutes outside every day. Phone a friend or family member and speak to them about your concerns. Sometimes voicing your fears helps you to see things more clearly. Watch a funny movie. Laughter is good medicine for an anxious mind and has lots of benefits for your mental health and wellbeing. Being proactive about managing stress in your life is good for your heart and may help to prevent broken heart syndrome.

Rookvr ye verbintenis met die ophef fing van tabakverbod Die tabakfirma Philip Morris SuidAfrika (PMSA) verwelkom die regering se besluit om die verbod op tabakprodukte en e-sigarette op te hef. Alhoewel die kombersverbod 'n gemiste geleentheid was om verbruikers wetenskaplik gestaafde, beter alternatiewe vir sigarette te bied, is PMSA hoopvol dat die land die vermindering van tabakskade sal insluit in sy planne om rooksyfers in SuidAfrika aan te spreek en sodoende te verlaag. Die beste opsie is om nikotien en tabak heeltemal op te hou gebruik, maar die meeste rokers doen dit nie. Ondanks die strengste maatreël om tabakprodukte in Suid-Afrika te verbied, het 'n onlangse

onafhanklike studie aangedui dat die oorgrote meerderheid rokers wat ondervra is, steeds sigarette koop. Ons glo dat reguleerders toenemend moet saamtrek oor wetenskaplike bewyse en moet werk vir voortdurend verbeterde regulasies wat gebruik kan word vir mense wat rook en openbare gesondheid. Rookvrye produkte wat wetenskaplik gestaaf is, anders as sigarette, benewens die huidige maatreëls om die aanvang van die jeug te voorkom en om rokers aan te moedig om op te hou, sou verseker dat diegene wat aanhou rook, beter keuses maak as sigarette. Ons sien uit daarna om met reguleerders, die wetenskaplike gemeenskap, die

Visums vir buitelandse burgers, maar weier paspoortuitbreidings vir Suid-Afrikaners Die Minister van Binnelandse Sake, Aaron Motsoaledi, het onlangs 'n verdere uitbreiding van visums vir buitelandse burgers in Suid-Afrika aangekondig. Hy het egter geweier om voorsiening te maak vir Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland wie se paspoorte sal verval as gevolg van die uitgebreide toesluit. Die publiek doen 'n beroep op Minister Motsoaledi om dringend paspoortuitbreidings vir Suid-Afrikaanse burgers in die buiteland te vergemaklik sonder enige verdere vertraging. Artikel 21 (4) van die Grondwet verleen aan elke burger die reg op 'n paspoort en vir die Suid-Afrikaners wat in die buiteland woon, kan die verstryking van hul paspoort ernstige gevolge hê vir hul immigrasie-status, werk en toegang tot gesondheidsorg. Die enigste stap wat die minister geneem het, was die opening van paspoortnuwings by Suid-Afrikaanse missies in die buiteland.

Dit het egter weinig verskil gemaak omdat talle burgers wat geslote tekens in die gesig staar, met ontwykende behandeling, e-pos "onkantoor" en onbeantwoorde oproepe op eindig. Die grootste kantoor vir binnelandse sake buite Suid-Afrika, is in Londen, wat gesluit bly, terwyl die res van Londen weer op volle vaart kom. Aansoekers word aangesê om versoeke per e-pos te stuur, en hierdie e-pos ontvang óf 'n buite-kantoorantwoord valslik waarin hulle beweer dat die Hoë Kommissie gesluit is, of dat hulle grotendeels onbeantwoord bly. Telefoonoproepe word nog nie beantwoord nie, aansoekers wat kantoor toe gaan om dringend te pleit, vind geen toue nie en daar word nie kliënte bedien nie. Daar is tans 'n waglys van twee maande net om 'n afspraak te kry om 'n paspoortaansoek by die VAE-missie in te dien. Ingryping is nodig sodat Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland hul grondwetlike reg op 'n paspoort kan geniet.

burgerlike samelewing en die publiek hieroor te werk, ”sê Nico. Met die opheffing van die verbod, bevestig die maatskappy sy toewyding om 'n rookvrye Suid-Afrika te skep deur diegene wat andersins sou aanhou rook aan te spoor om na beter alternatiewe vir sigarette oor te gaan. Nico voeg by dat IQOS hier is om te bly, alhoewel hulle hul produkte amper vyf maande lank nie in Suid-Afrika kon verkoop nie, en hy wil voortgaan om uit te brei na verdere streke in die land. PMSA heropen sy 24 IQOS-kleinhandelwinkels en sal sy handelsvennote hervat om in die behoeftes van sy IQOS-gebruikers en die volwasse rokers te voorsien wat beter alternatiewe vir voortgesette rook

soek. “Baie van ons IQOS-verbruikers was teleurgesteld oor die feit dat hulle nie ons produkte kon koop tydens die sluitverbod nie. Ons werk om hulle te ondersteun en hul vertroue terug te wen. Ons het streng veiligheids-, sosiale distansie- en higiënemaatreëls in ons winkels toegepas om ons verbruikers en personeel te beskerm, ”sê Nico. IQOS is 'n tabakverwarmingstelsel. Dit verhit spesiaal ontwerpte verhitte tabakeenhede, gebrandmerk HEETS, tot 350 ° C, sonder verbranding, vuur, as of rook, en as dit heeltemal oorgeskakel word na IQOS, verminder dit blootstelling aan skadelike of potensieel skadelike chemikalieë aansienlik. IQOS is nie risikovry nie en bevat nikotien, wat verslawend is.

Has the national ventilator project run out of ox ygen? The continued delays and inaction on the much spoken national ventilator project are at question. The project, described as the “brain-child” of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) Minster, Ebrahim Patel was supposed to deliver 10 000 ventilators by the end of June to make up for the shortfall in the public hospitals in the fight against Covid19. In May, this delivery was increased to 15 000 units and pushed out to the end of July. In June, Minister Patel said these would be delivered by the end of August. However, just last week, it was announced that only 10 000 units would be delivered only by the end of September. The DTIC has stated that R11 million has been spent by the Solidarity Fund (which the Department gave money to) on the development of the ventilators but has no idea how much money in total has been made available for this project, despite Minister Patel sitting

on the board of the fund. With decreasing Covid cases and deaths, where will these ventilators go and which health departments have requested them? The Western Cape Health department has said that they do not require these machines as they have passed the peak and it will be of no use to them which begs the question, who exactly are they for? President Ramaphosa sold the initial lockdown and extended lockdown to South Africa on the basis that his government needed to “raise the line” on healthcare, which should have included the procurement and production of ventilators. Three million people sacrificed their jobs to allow the President and Minister to do so. We now know this line was not raised and Minster Patel has failed spectacularly in his “brain-child” project while citizens have paid with their livelihoods. Parliamentary questions has been submitted to get to the bottom of this growing scandal.

25 AUGUST 2020





25 AUGUST 2020




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Gibela shines a light on Duduza Three year ago, when Gibela took occupation of its factory in Dunnotar, the company viewed this as a move that would also bring the company closer to the issues of its neighbouring communities. As a way of going about understanding the needs of its surrounding communities, Gibela developed a community outreach plan that would outline a needs assessment as well as a roadmap of how the organization would play an active role in community matters. Gibela’s first point of call was getting to know its neighbours better and hearing directly from them where it would need to play a role in alleviating some of the socioeconomic challenges of the region. During an extensive listening exercise, Gibela’s local stakeholders were very vocal about community challenges and the social ills faced by the people of Ekurhuleni. Informed by this dialogue, Gibela launched the Make-A-Difference initiative which sets out to create a two-way dialogue with its local stakeholders as well as focusing on lending a helping hand to their needs. For Gibela, its surrounding communities such as KwaThema, Alra Park, Duduza, Tsakane and the others, form an important part of its value chain. Gibela’s localization strategy demands that the company sources its resources from within this region prioritizing the locals, to date, Gibela has employed over 1700 people

from the area and has spent R30 million on local projects. For Women’s Month based on the requests that Gibela receives on a daily basis from its partnerships with not-for-profit organisations, Gibela made an informed decision to initiate a programme that empowers young girls living under disadvantaged circumstances to lead fulfilling lives. In partnership with Duduza’s Inxuso Community Project, an NGO that focuses on poverty alleviation and drug rehabilitation, Gibela also host a community soup kitchen initiative in Duduza on Friday, the August 14 as part of its Women’s Month rollout donating school shoes to girl children and sanitary towels. This is one way of contributing towards personal change in young girls as well as to strengthen and capacitate community based programmes that can intervene in the lives of girls living under difficult circumstances. Various other community drop off initiatives are also planned throughout the month, bringing Gibela’s contribution to 300 school shoes and 600 hygiene packs in total. It is a difficult reality for some girls who can miss up to 50 days of school per year due to a lack of access to adequate feminine hygiene. The lack of access to such products puts a burden on the personal dignity and wellbeing of young girls. Achieving equitable dignity in South Africa requires a special intervention for girls to manage their needs with normalcy and dignity.

25 AUGUST 2020


Gereedheid van skole Daar word 'n beroep op die Minister van Basiese Onderwys, Angie Motshekga gedoen, om die land aan te spreek oor die gereedheid van skole, aangesien die meerderheid van die oorblywende grade op Maandag, 24 Augustus 2020, weer terugkeer het na die skool. Die heropening van skole is 'n onrusbarende tyd vir ouers, waarvan baie bang is vir skole se vermoë om hul kinders se gesondheid en veiligheid te verseker. Die Minister sal Dinsdag, 25 Augustus 'n voorlegging oor skoolgereedheid in die parlement doen, en hoewel boekhouding aan die parlement belangrik is, spreek die Minister die publiek toe om te verseker dat ouers en versorgers presies weet hoe die Departement van Basiese Onderwys (DBE) beplan om te verseker die veiligheid van die leerder wanneer hulle terugkeer skool toe, sowel as gesonde en effektiewe leer. Dit is langer as 'n maand sedert die minister die nasie toegespreek het en leerders en ouers in die duister was oor die departement en provinsies se gereedheid.

Die Minister moet die land dringend in haar vertroue neem en antwoorde gee op die blywende vrae van baie leerders, ouers en versorgers. Daar moet spesif iek duidelikheid gegee word oor die volgende: Die Nasionale Skoolvoedingsprogram (NSNP) en die feit dat agt provinsiale LUR'e vir onderwys in gebreke gebly het om miljoene kinders wat daarvan afhanklik is, maaltye te voorsien. Tekort aan personeel by skole. Studente van die finale jaar kan gebruik word om te onderrig by skole wat onderkapasiteit is om sodoende te help. Watter planne daargestel is om skole aan te spreek wat nie voldoende voorberei is vir heropening nie? Ons leerders en hul ouers was nog nooit tevore in soveel onsekerheid oor die skooljaar en opvoedkundige vooruitsigte gedompel nie. Dit is die Minister se verantwoordelikheid om soveel moontlik inligting en sekerheid te verskaf en toe te sien dat die res van die skooljaar vlot verloop.

Lockdown aler el 2 per mi alertt lev level permi mitt ted Alert Level 2 in effect means that all economic activity may resume in all sectors, subject to the required Occupational Health and Safety and social distancing measures. The following restrictions on movement and economic activity however remains: International borders remain closed for travel, except for business purposes. Alcohol may only be served at on-site consumption premises until 22:00 and may only be sold for off-site consumption between 09:00 and 17:00 from Monday to

Thursday. The curfew from 22:00 to 04:00, prohibiting movement of people except for work or medical emergencies, remains in place. Gatherings are still limited to a maximum of 50 people and visits to family and friends are permitted subject to a limit of 10 people. All regulations in respect of hy-giene, wearing of masks, social distancing, limitations on the number of persons permitted on the premises as well as the employers responsibilities in the workplace remain unchanged.

NOTICE / KENNISGEWING NOTIFICATION OF DECISION AND THE OPTION TO LODGE AN APPEAL AGAINST THE DECISION TO GRANT AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION FOR THE UPGRADE OF THE EXISTING N3 TOLL ROAD DUELLING FROM THE VAAL RIVER TO THE WILGE PLAZA, MPUMALANGA AND FREE STATE PROVINCES DEA REFERENCE NUMBER: 14/12/16/3/3/1/2121 In terms of Regulation 4(2) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 as amended on 7 April 2017, as per the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998, as amended), the Holder of the Authorisation instructed the Environmental Assessment Practitioner to notify all registered Interested and Affected Parties within 14 days that the National Department of Environmental Affairs has decided to grant an environmental authorisation for the application submitted on behalf of South African National Road Agency SOC Limited on 11 August 2020. Kindly note the Department’s reasons for the decision are set out in Annexure 1 of the Environmental Authorisation. A copy of the Environmental Authorisation is available on request. Please contact Mr. Etienne van der Lith should you wish to receive a copy of the Environmental Authorisation – An appeal may be lodged against the decision and the appeal procedure in terms of Chapter 2 of Government Notice No. R993, which regulates appeal procedures, applies. Should you wish to submit an appeal against the decision please note the following: 1. An appeal submission must be submitted to the Director: Appeals and Legal Review (at contact details below) within twenty (20) days from the date of publication. 2. A copy of the appeal submission must also be submitted to the applicant (at contact details below) and to any registered interested and affected party and any organ of state with interest in the matter, within twenty (20) days from the date that the notification of the decision was sent to the registered interested and affected parties by the applicant. Contact Details: Director: Appeals and Legal Review Mr Z Hassam Facsimile: (012) 399 9356 email: Post: Private Bag x 447, Pretoria, 0001 or By hand: Environment House, 473 Steve Biko, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 Contact Details: Applicant SANRAL Post: PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001 e-mail: Contact Details: Environmental Practitioner Etienne van der Lith Environamic Environmental Consultants 28B Jeugd Road Montana Park, 0159 Tel: 082 781 9454 Fax: 086 525 1007 E-mail:


Gauteng leerders gaan geen pakkette en skooldrag in 2020/21 ontvang nie

Die Gautengse departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling het tydens 'n voorlegging aan die Gautengse provinsiale wetgewer (GPL) se portefeuljekomitee vir maatskaplike ontwikkeling in 'n virtuele vergadering bekend gemaak dat leerders regoor Gauteng geen waardigheidspakkette en skooldrag gedurende die boekjaar 2020/21 sal ontvang nie. Volgens die departement se herprioritisering van die fonds in die spesiale aanpassingsbegroting vir die boekjaar 2020/21, is R83 miljoen hergeprioritiseer van erepakkies tot kospakkies sowel as R25 miljoen van skooldrag tot kospakkies. Die departement beweer dat die skole weens die sluiting van die Covid-19-pandemie nie leerders kon bereik wat begunstigdes van die erepakkette is nie en

gevolglik nie die diens kon lewer nie. Dit dui duidelik aan dat die departement nie 'n databasis het oor die kontakbesonderhede van die begunstigdes nie. Dit is kommerwekkend in terme van die verspreiding van hierdie items, wat beteken dat die leerders wat hulle die nodigste het, nie toegang tot hierdie diens kan kry as skole gesluit is nie. In totaal is R108 miljoen na kospakkies oorgeplaas rakende die groot behoefte aan voedselsekerheid in hierdie provinsie. Die departement word steeds gemaan om die situasie van minderbevoorregte leerders wat behoeftige pakke en skooluniforms benodig, in oorweging te bring, aangesien die meeste ouers swaar getref is deur die grendeltyd.

Upgr ade y our w ork Upgra your work orkfr om-home e xperience from-home experience It seems that working from home is the new normal. Many office-based workers aren’t going to be returning to the office any time soon. Even when the lockdown is over a proportion of will continue working from home at least a few days a week. The convenience of working from home, avoiding South Africa’s notorious urban rush-hour gridlocks and the increased productivity that most WFH advocates claim, all help make the case for a workforce that gets up and gets to work in the same place. If you’re one of them and working from home is a long-term reality, it’s time to prop up your laptop, telling the kids to stop using all the bandwidth before your next Zoom meeting, save a bit of money on the chiropractor and invest in some decent tech. By investing a little in a few bits of technology and some decidedly low-tech solutions you can make some of the pain and frustrations of working at home go away. Get a decent keyboard. Get your monitor at eye-height or buy a monitor. Invest in a luetooth mouse paired with a

gel wrist rest or a small bean bag can do the trick. Consider a USB hub which allows you to plug in and charge multiple devices. Decent technology will go some way to making your home office a more comfortable place to work. Get a comfortable chair if it is out of your budget, set a timer on your phone to remind you to have a break and stretch every hour or so. Natural light is best, but there may not be enough where you’ve set yourself up. Conferencing apps such as Zoom and Teams typically need fast broadband connections to run effectively and can consume quite a lot of data. You should also check your router. If children, noisy neighbours or other distractions are interfering with your productivity or interrupting your video calls, a set of noise-cancelling headphones might be the answer. Another consideration for a comfortable, efficient and effective home-office set up is a decent multi-function printer. Being able to print, scan and copy at home.



25 AUGUST 2020

Gauteng ready to roll-out the carpet for the resumption of Foot b a l l The Gauteng City Region welcomes the decision to bring football to its shores for the conclusion of the 2019/20 season. Over the next 4 weeks the golden province will be the exclusive home of football, where over 100 matches will be played for the crowning of champions of the Premier league, 1st division and the Nedbank Cup. The province has been adjudged ready and best suited to host 32 teams under a strict bio-safe bubble. The decision is a demonstration of its (province’s) ability to attract and successfully host quality global and local events. “We are delighted that we could be hosts of the resumption of the beautiful game. We want to thank the PSL for trusting us in helping them successfully concluding their programme after 4 months of inaction.

Looking back to the work and investment we did for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, we are excited to see our efforts carrying us through to be the preferred host of this major event albeit, unfortunately without fans in attendance,” says Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Mbali Hlophe. Throughout its municipalities, Gauteng has world class infrastructure that meets any required safety measures and standards. The games will be held across 16 venues in the cities of Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni. The safety measures include a “biobubble” method where players and officials of each team will be together in a strictly controlled environment. “Our collaborative infrastructure includes sporting facilities for training and matches, hotels and hospitality services, health and

Coronavir us ef fect s on athletes The Sport, Exercise Medicine and Lifestyle Institute, at the University of Pretoria, is looking for people to participate in a study on the effects of Covid-19 on athletes returning to training and competing. The study aims to answer questions by tracking the symptoms and recovery of athletes after they experienced a recent acute respiratory infection, including Covid-19. In this regard, the institute is also inviting athletes, who compete at all levels and in different sports, to be part of this important research. They must be aged between 18 and 60 and must have had symptoms of a respiratory infection (any flu-like illness, including Covid-19) in the past six months, among other requirements. Participants will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about their history of symptoms that are suggestive of a recent acute respiratory infection, including Covid-19. The study will allow guidelines to be established, that health professionals around the world can use to advise competitive and recreational athletes, as they return to sport after Covid-19 or some other respiratory infection. The study follows findings that about 50% of all acute illness in athletes, during competitions and tournaments, affect the respiratory tract. It was further found that some infections, such as Covid-19, negatively affect multiple organs in the body, which can cause a drop in exercise performance and increase the risk of medical complications occurring during exercise. The institute will head up the study through the International Olympic Committee Research Centre of South Africa. The study will also be done in collaboration with local academic institutions, among them the South African Medical Research Council, Stellenbosch University and Wits University, with international academic institutions, as well as sports organisations, such as Fifa and World Rugby.

“Since the f irst case of the novel coronavirus was discovered, the Covid-19 pandemic has added an unparalleled and extraordinary threat to the health of all people, including recreational and professional athletes around the world,” said Professor Martin Schwellnus, director of the sports institute at the University of Pretoria. As lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted, the institute’s community is being called on to urgently advise and guide organisations, and individual athletes, on how they can safely return to sports training and competitions, following a Covid-19 infection. “The current return-to-play guidelines for athletes are an adaptation of a clinical tool known as the ‘neck check’, where the decision to exercise or not is based on symptoms and signs, being either localised (above the neck) or systemic (below the neck),” said Schwellnus. “But limited research data supports its use, and the use of this tool to guide return-toplay following Covid-19 has been questioned,” he said. There is increasing evidence that the virus can affect multiple organs, including the lungs, kidneys and heart, and increases the risk of blood clot formation. There might also be neurological symptoms and potential negative effects on skeletal muscle. There is, however, no data that determines whether the negative effects on organs are exacerbated in athletes as they return to full training and competition. “Such residual symptoms might not affect only sports performance but could increase the risk of medical complications during high-intensity exercise,” Schwellnus said. “The decision as to when it is safe for an athlete, with recent or current symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, to return to exercise remains one of the most challenging clinical decisions for a sport and exercise medicine physician or health professional involved in the management of athletes.” For more information on the study and how to become involved, email

wellness, transport and communications networks which all provide an environment that meets the requirements to ensure that the remainder of football can be completed in line with Covid-19 health and safety protocols”, emphasised MEC Hlophe. As the city region of South Africa, it is our vision to position Gauteng as a globally competitive destination of choice. This principle also accompanies us during this difficult period of a COVID-19 global pandemic. Moments like these call upon to be the best of ourselves, and we remain committed to welcoming you with the same warmth and hospitality we have always had, whilst adhering to all the necessary health and safety protocols. “Since its birth, football has been integral to our communities. It is more than a game, more than a sport; it is a way of life that we all embrace. In this time of uncertainty, may we be reminded of this defining role - that every goal and every tackle gives

hope to those directly or indirectly affected by the virus, and continue to work together to combat the pandemic with the same spirit shown by the community of fans and supporters of the beautifulgame.” Highlighted Gauteng Tourism Authority CEO Yoland Kona. MEC Hlophe also paid tribute to fans. “Our decision to support the PSL conclude its season was made mainly with the fans in mind, to allow them to see all the action to the finish. We want football to be settled on the field and not in the boardrooms knowing the bragging rights and joy it brings to the supporters. “As Gauteng we are certain that amid the challenges brought about by the Covid19 restrictions and protocols, working together with our partners we’ll deliver a successful programme of football to conclude the 2019/20 season. In good times, and even more so in these challenging times, Gauteng is behind you all the way.” concluded MEC Hlophe

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