Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Tweede golf is hier Deur doelpale te verskuif en nie die grendelstaat op te hef nie veroorsaak president Cyril Ramaphosa se regering die werklike tweede golf: ‘n ekonomiese insinking met blywende dalings in lewensstandaard en lewensverwagting naas toenemende sosiale en politieke onstabiliteit. President Ramaphosa moes met sy laaste toespraak ‘n einde aan die grendelstaat aangekondig het. ‘n Verantwoordelike regering sou dalk selfs wetenskaplike kriteria kon aankondig, oor wanneer die regering sou oorweeg om ‘n ramptoestand te hervat. In stede daarvan het die regering gekies om ‘n onwetenskaplike, skadelike en korrupsiegeknelde strategie voort te sit, al was dit oorspronklik vir ‘n scenario van tot meer as 350 000 sterftes ontwikkel. Op 15 September het President Ramaphosa gesê: “Gemeet aan enige maatstaf is ons steeds midde in ‘n dodelike epidemie.” Dit is nie korrek nie. Gemeet aan die maatstawe wat sy regering gebruik het om die grendelstaat in Maart te regverdig (met sterftes potensieel meer as 350 000) en soos weerspieël in die dalende Covid-19 sterftekoers, is daar ander, veel dodeliker gevare in Suid-Afrika. Dit is noodsaaklik dat beleids- en openbare aandag dringend verskuif weg van Covid-19, wat tot dusver ongeveer 15 000 sterftes veroorsaak het, na die oorsake van die ander 450 000 tot 600 000 sterftes wat tipies jaarliks in Suid-Afrika voorkom. Die skade aan lewens en lewensmiddele veroorsaak deur die verlenging van die grendelstaat – insluitende beperkings op samekomste, handel, toerisme, internasionale reis, en meer, en veroorsaak deur die mobilisering van alle openbare hulpbronne teen één sterfte-oorsaak in stede van op ‘n gebalanseerde wyse, weeg nou veel swaarder as die risiko’s van Covid-19. Doelpale verskuif In Maart vanjaar, gebaseer op opnames wat moontlike sterftes met tussen 1 000% en 2 000% oorskat het, het die regering ‘n grendelstaat begin toepas. Die argument het gelui dat die gesondheidstelsel tyd nodig het om voor te berei op die druk wat dit sou ervaar. President Ramaphosa se argument was uitdruklik nie dat die virus se verspreiding verhoed kon word nie, maar dat die gren-

delstaat “die kromme sou afplat.” Toe, in die weke en maande daarna, is die ramptoestand herhaaldelik verleng en selfs op irrasionale, onkonstitusionele en nodeloos skadelike wyses verskerp, nieteenstaande die feit dat druk op gesondheidsfasiliteite deurgaans ver benede projeksies gebly het. Nou is President Ramaphosa se regering besig om die land in ‘n grendelstaat te hou ver anderkant enigiets wat met die afplatting van die kromme te doen het. Trouens, sterftes is steeds benede selfs die mees optimistiese scenario’s waarvoor die grendelstaat en die ramptoestand aanvanklik verklaar is. Business for Ending Lockdown-veldtog Die grendelstaat hou vandag ‘n veel groter gesondheids- en ekonomiese risiko as Covid-19 in. Saam met die Business for Ending Lockdown-veldtog dring Sakeliga aan: beëindig die grendelstaat, hef die ramptoestand op en omskep alle regulasies in vrywillige aanbevelings. Die 16% daling in BBP van die eerste tot die tweede kwartaal van 2020 is ‘n mensgemaakte ramp. Herstel begin met die beëindiging van die grendelstaat, soos wat ‘n verantwoordelike regering onmiddellik behoort te doen. Dit sluit in die oopstel van internasionale lugreise en deur nie die ramptoestand op 15 September te verleng nie. Die volgende stap op die lang pad na herstel is om die staat en staatsinmenging, wat die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie oor baie jare wesenlik verswak het, se omvang en ambisies drasties af te skaal. Herstel verg minder politiek, meer besigheid. Die 16% daling in BBP tussen die eerste en tweede kwartaal is nie deur ‘n virus ver-

oorsaak nie, maar deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se grendelstaat. Om verkeerde aannames oor die gesondheidsimpak van Covid-19 te maak was een ding, maar wat onverskoonbaar is was die roekelose intensiteit, irrasionaliteit en skadelike verlenging van die grendelstaat wat die ergste produksie-ineenstorting nóg in

Suid-Afrika veroorsaak het. Herstel begin met die beëindiging van die grendelstaat. Sakeliga herhaal sy ondersteuning van die Business for Ending Lockdown–veldtog: Beëindig die grendelstaat. Lig die ramptoestand. Verander alle regulasies na vrywillige aanbevelings.

EL CO S TEEL DEALERS ELCO STEEL TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAX: 011 815-3427

Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last Q.D OXIDE RED 5LT THINNERS ALUMINIUM SHEETS

R321 R211.10 R 40 pkg



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 71.50 25X25X3 R 111.00 25X25X5 R 163.00 30X30X3 R 125.00 30X30X5 R 199.90 40X40X2 R 109.20 40X40X2.5 R145.90 40X40X3 R 168.90 40X40X5 R 273.90 50X50X3 R 219.90 50X50X5 R 363.00 60X60X6 R 536.00

R 46.50 R 74.00 R 58.00 R 98.00 R 69.90 R109.00 R 92.50 R144.00 R115.00 R182.00

SQBAR 6MT 8MM R 71.00 10MM R 64.00 12MM R100.00


R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 19.50 R 35.50 R 53.00 R 80.50 R145.10 R225.00



89.00 129.00 117.00 173.00 286.00

R649.90 R789.90 R960.00 R1199.00 R1599.00 R1799.00 R2399.90


Weld Rods

R123.90 2.5X5kg R179 R174.90 3.2X5kg R158 R199.00 Equal Angle R239.00 Bonanza R289.90 R384.10 R339.90 R8500-R8900 R423.00 per ton excl vat R509.20 random lenghts SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm - must take in bundles 20X20 R 96.60 R119.90 25X25 R137.50 R159.00 GALV SHEETS 32X32 R156.90 R195.90 2450X1225x0.5 R241 38X38 R198.00 R249.90 2450X1225x0.6 R299 50X50 R255.50 R329.90 2450X1225x1.0 R499 76X76 R390.36 R472.90 2450x1225x0.2 R1074 2450x1225x3.0 R1611 100X100 R679.00 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R98.90 R151.00 R168.00 R205.00 R238.00 R268.90 R309.00 R339.90 R399.00

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 74.00 R 99.00 R132.00 R154.00 R169.00 R215.00 R313.00

PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R480.00 900x3mm High R540.00 1.0x3mt High R570.00 1.2x3mt High R620.00 1.5x3mt High R670.00 1.8mt High R790.00 75X50X20X2 2.0mt High R840.00 100X50X20X2 2.4mt High R999.00 125X50X20X2 LOOSE PALES 150X50X20X2 600mm R21.00 175X50X20X2 900mm R25.00 1.0mt R31.40 200X50X20X2 1.2mt R36.00 1.5mt R45.00 IPE SECTION AA 1.8mt R55.00 100X55 R 92m 2.0mt R59.00 140X73 R114m 2.4mt R85.00

R 89.00 R129.00 R162.00 R189.00 R215.00 R256.10 R389.00 R658.40


DTS R4 542 Complete kit

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt


6320C R176.90 6320D R235.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R160.20 80MM R243.20


76X38 light 100X50 light 152X76 178X54

2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM


R679.70 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R79.20 R1074.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R95.10 R2149.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R108.40 R1749.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R45.20

R299.00 R339.00 R407.00 R423.00 R462.00 R499.00

R455.00 R516.50 R620.00 R644.10 R704.00 R762.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE. Prices subject to change without prior notice due to national steel price increase and shortage at stock.




Die verskuiwende rol van vaders in die moderne samelewing As vaders nie bestaan het nie, is 'n vakansie in Junie nie die enigste ding wat ons sou misloop nie. Kinders sal sonder die struktuur grootword, en ja, die versorging van vaders wat uniek is om te gee. 'n Vaderrol vandag Jare lank het hy die ikoniese kerngesin oorheers. Die broodwinnende pa wat saans na werk tyd voor die tv deurgebring het of sy koerant lees terwyl mamma die kinders in die bed sit. Vyf of so dekades vooruit, en pa's regoor die wêreld doen meer vir hul gesinne as om tydens die somervakansie met die bussie te ry en worsbroodjies te braai. Hulle is knie-diep in die alledaagse gesinspligte: maaltye voorberei, wasgoed vou, vervoer van kinders tussen die naskoolse aktiwiteite en selfs vaderskapsverlof van hul werk af neem om pasgeborenes te versorg. Wat meer is, pa’s breek uit van tradisionele rolle: baie is geskei, party is nooit getroud nie, en ander maak kinders saam met hul gay maats groot. Die veranderende gesin Tipiese gesinne na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het pa's gehad om geld te verdien, terwyl moeders by die kinders tuisgebly het. En vir dekades is 65% van kinders in die soort huishoudings grootgemaak, volgens die navorsing van die sosioloog Philip Cohen aan die Universiteit van Maryland.

Maar teen 2014 het die persentasie kinders in so 'n gesin tot 32% gedaal. Hoe het ons tot op hierdie punt gekom? Moeders is nou meer verplig om te werk om sodoende die pot aan die kook te hou. Gegewens toon dat tot 70% moeders werk. ‘n Ander verandering is gesinslewens. Statistieke blyk dat 88% van kinders by albei ouers gewoon het, in 2016 69%. Vandag is die tweede algemeenste lewensreëling dat kinders by 'n enkelouer woon. Pappa kook saam met dogter Veranderinge het ook binne die huis plaasgevind. Ouerrolle het begin oorvleuel. Volgens data spandeer sommige pa’s tot 7 uur per week aan kindersorg en 10 uur per week aan huiswerk. Hierdie getalle het aansienlik gestyg vanaf 1965 toe pa's ongeveer 2,5 uur per week aan kindersorg en 4 uur per week aan huishoudelike take bestee het. Voordele van die verskuiwing van pa's As hierdie nuwe model van manlikheid negatief is, praat niemand daaroor nie. ‘n Opname toon dat meeste pa's erken dat balans tussen werk en familie uitdagend is, maar dat dit die moeite werd is omdat ouer wees help om dit te definieer. En volgens die navorsing wat die National Fatherhood Initiative in aggeneem het, verbeter die pa's wat die rol van pa's aangeneem het, hul lewens met kinders beter. Kyk net wat kan gebeur as kinders nie vaderf igure het nie. Dit is meer waarskynlik dat hulle: leef in armoede, gedragsprobleme ontwikkel, verwaarlo-

sing en mishandeling in die gesig staar, dwelms gebruik en dra selfs gewere, het ‘n agterstand op skool, toon aggressie, raak betrokke by misdadigheid, eksperimenteer met vroeë seks en beland selfs in die tronk. Kan ps’s voed? Pappas doen dalk meer om kinders te help grootmaak, maar koester hulle die ouerkind-verhouding in hul DNA? Studies toon dat kinders beter presteer op skool en goed aanpas in die samelewing omdat 'n positiewe manlike rolmodel hulle beïnvloed het. Dit is waar, of hy nou 'n biologiese vader, stiefpa of 'n verantwoordelike volwassene is wat in dieselfde huis woon. Pa en seun lees Mans is selfs in staat om die band met hul nageslag te vorm wat so belangrik is gedurende die kinderskoene en vroeë kinderjare. Navorsingsbevindinge wat in 'n artikel in '' Pediatrics '' in Junie 2016 gerapporteer is, het bevind dat vaders net so bekwaam is as moeders om emosies te toon wanneer hulle met babas en jong kinders omgaan. Natuurlik verskil pappas van moeders as dit by ouerskapstyl kom. Ma's is geneig om hande vas te hou en pa's wil oplossings kry. Terapeute vertel dat dit gewoonlik die ma’s is wat die kind vir terapie bring, maar algemeen word die vaders aangemoedig om hier ook ‘n meer direkte ouerskapstyl te wys en aan te sluit terwyl kinders en

tieners raad ontvang. Die rede hiervoor is dat dikwels daar gemerk word dat die behandeling in die regte rigting eers ontwikkel wanneer die pa betrokke raak. ''Wanneer 'n vader openlik praat oor die probleme van sy kind, trek die kind nie net voordeel uit die raad van sy vader nie, maar ook omdat hy weet dat pa omgee,” vertel kenners Vaderbetrokkenheid is 'n belangrike bron van die gesonde ontwikkeling in alle stadiums van die kinderjare en dit is nodig dat pa's by primêre sorg betrek word. Vader Vooroordeel As die gesinshowe net so dankbaar kan wees as wat terapeute en dokters is vir pa's wat ouerpligte deel, hierna word verwys na wat sommige 'vadervooroordeel' noem of die eeue oue neiging van regters om moeders alleen toesig oor kinders na egskeiding te gee. Meer gereeld word moeders alleen toesig gegee. Kinders van egskeidings moet die liefde en koestering van albei ouers geniet. Uithoudende lesse Die lesse wat vaders leer en die indrukke wat hulle maak, pas nie altyd in standaardformules nie. Sommige seuns het geen vakansie nodig om die man te onthou wat hom geleer het hoe om te jag nie. Ander dink weer aan die vaderfiguur as hul die een alle-daagse taak na die ander verrig. Alhoewel goeie ouerskap opoffering en toewyding vereis, kan die lesse daarvan 'n leeftyd duur.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Dit is nooit te laat om vaderskap opnuut tot die beste van elke pa se skeppingskrag te ontwikkel en te koester nie!

267 SKAKEL 083 6198 267 6198


TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591




Traffic Police clampdown Illegal recycling over seventy speedsters

The Gauteng Traffic Police’s High Speed Unit arrested over seventy (70) drivers for reckless and negligent driving on Gauteng roads. The speedsters were arrested during the high-speed operations conducted along Gauteng major routes since the beginning of this month. The highest speed recorded recently was on Thursday night when a 27year-old male was caught driving a Mercedes Benz E 200 at 215 km/h on a prescribed maximum limit of 120 km/h on the N1 North Freeway, Botha Avenue. In another incident, a 35-year-old male driver was arrested on the same day on the R21 freeway in Irene after being found excessively speeding a Range Rover Sport at 204 km/h on a prescribed maximum limit of 120km/h zone. The driver claimed he was rushing his manager to a place of work. Both drivers were detained at Lyttelton Police Station where they were formally charged with reckless and negligent driving as well as exceeding the prescribed speed limit of 120km/h on a freeway. Both drivers have since been released on bail of R2000 and R2500 respectively and are

Urgent e-Toll decision required News that SANRAL has issued a tender for the management of the controversial e-toll system in July, makes a decision on the future of e-tolls by cabinet an urgent one. The tender was advertised (and closed last week) because cabinet has not yet informed SANRAL about which way it is going with e-tolls. The people of Gauteng have spoken and signalled to government in no uncertain terms that e-tolls must go. To waste time and energy in considering a tender that may never be awarded is counter productive. Even worse, if the tender is awarded and e-tolls is scrapped, it will leave a contractual burden for SANRAL. Government needs to make its decision on e-tolls known as a matter of urgency before the tender proceeds any further.

expected to appear at the Pretoria Magistrates Court this last week. Gauteng Traffic Police High Speed Unit have been successful in clamping down on speedsters due to the use of the latest technological devices during their operations such as the Moving Violation Recorders (MVR). The MVR records the average speed measured over a minimum of 500 meters. The event is recorded and downloaded for investigation and prosecution purposes. “Road fatalities are caused by driving under the influence of alcohol, reckless and negligent driving as well as excessive speeding. The Gauteng Traffic Police High Speed Unit will be on high alert by continuing to conduct patrol on Gauteng major routes to ensure that motorists adhere to the general speed limit,” said Sello Maremane. The Gauteng Traffic Police urge motorists to continue to exercise the necessary caution by adhering to the rules of the road, drive at a prescribed speed limit in order to save the lives of passengers and other road users.

The court order also provided for removal of machinery used to operate the facility. As such, EMPD had to remove all machinery in the premises. Meanwhile SARS officials found the company not to be registered with SARS. According to the City’s Divisional Head for Legislative Compliance in the Department of Environment Resources Thabang Mokoena, following the closure of the company other relevant City departments will move in to complete other necessary enquiries and operations to fully effect the court order. Furthermore, the City’s environmental inspectors will continue to inspect and monitor other companies with similar operations that are non-compliant with the City’s waste management by-laws and air quality legislation.

Waarskuwing Die publiek word gewaarsku om kennis te neem van vakanteposte wat aanlyn geadverteer en versprei word, wat aandui dat daar werksgeleenthede by Ekurhuleni beskikbaar is, wees bewus daarvan dat dit valse bewerings is en geen poste op hierdie wyse geadverteer sal word nie. Die posadvertensie bevat baie poste, wat wissel van sekuriteitsbeamptes, algemene werkers tot tegnici. Die posadvertensie lok die niksvermoedende publiek om met mnr. Makua kontak te maak vir aansoekbesonderhede. Die Stad waarsku alle werknemers wat vir die Stad se werkvakatures wil aansoek doen dat werk op die Stad se webwerf ( geadverteer word en die aansoeke word ook aanlyn via dieselfde webwerf gedoen. Werknemers word in kennis gestel dat geen vorm van betaling vir die werwingsproses van die Stad gedoen word nie. Die Stad doen 'n beroep op individue om baie waaksaam te wees en om inligting op die webwerf te verif ieer: Rapporteer bedrog en korrupsie by 0800 102 201.

Scam alert! The City of Ekurhuleni warns the public to be aware of Grant-in-Aid scam that is being carried by a person claiming to be an employee of the City. The City has been inundated with complaints from residents who are receiving calls from the scammer soliciting money to purportedly fast-track their Grant-in-Aid applications. The scammer who claims to be involved in Grant-in-Aid adjudication, solicits amounts of about R3 000 from applicants, and recite their personal information contained in their applications to gain their trust. The City informs all Grant-in-Aid applicants that applications for Grant-in-

The City of Ekurhuleni has obtained a court order to halt operations at the Steel Sheeting Company based in Wadeville following complaints of unbearable stench caused by illegal recycling and manufacturing operations. The company buys plastic recyclables from waste collectors and wash them to recycle into plastic granules that can be used to manufacture plastic furniture. On Friday, 18 September, officials from the City’s Environment Resources Department together with Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) and South African Revenue Services (SARS – Customs) raided the facility. The law enforcement off icers further discovered inhumane working conditions, illegal recycling operations and almost 50 illegal immigrants conducting unlicensed plastic recycling operations.

Aid are handled and processed free of charge. The following pointers provided below may assist to differentiate scammers from legit communication by the City: The name of the City is City of Ekurhuleni, not Ekurhuleni Municipality; Landlines in the City have the 999 prefix; The email address for staff is: persons’ and not or any other variation; and The City urges companies and individuals to be very vigilant and to verify information on the website ( Report fraud and corruption on 0800 102 201.

C.J.J. STEEL cc.


Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale 011 Tel: 01 1 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 086 671 7253 email: -

Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, Piping Plante and Tubing






12x12 .... R 80.00 16x16 .... R 97.00 20X20 ... R101.00.......R119.00 25X25 ... R130.00 ..... R161.00 32X32 ... R162.00 ..... R218.00 38X38 ... R202.00 ..... R256.00 50X50 ... R264.00 ..... R338.00 76X76 ... R400.00 ..... R505.00 100X100 ................... R650.00



38x20 .... R167.00 ..... R206.00 38x25 .... R200.00 ..... R218.00 50x25 .... R209.00 ..... R257.00 50x38 .... R270.00 ..... R305.00 76x38 .... R309.00 ..... R387.00 76x50 .... R355.00 ..... R436.00 100X50 ..................... R504.00




20MM .... R 84.00.........R103.00 25MM .... R105.00 ..... R126.00 32MM .... R137.00 ..... R183.00 38MM .... R162.00 ..... R214.00 50MM .... R218.00 ..... R273.00 76MM .... R327.00 ..... R420.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R107.00 25x25x5...................... R168.00 30x30x3 .................... R129.00 30x30x5 .................... R212.00 40x40x3 .................... R164.00 40x40x5 .................... R270.00 25x25x2 .................... R 72.00 30x30x2 .................... R106.00 40x40x2 .................... R115.00 0.5 IBR/COR ROOF SHEETING R91.00p/m




12X3 ........ R 38.00 16x3 ......... R 41.00 20x3 ......... R 51.00 20x5 ......... R 71.00 25x3 ......... R 62.00 25x5 ......... R 85.00 30x3 ......... R 75.00 30x5 ......... R106.00 40x3 ......... R 98.00 40x5 ......... R140.00 50x3 ......... R127.00 50x5 ......... R176.00

SQ BAR 6M 10MM ..... R67.00 12MM ....... R98.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ........... R104.00 RT13 ....... R 115.00 RX7 ......... R 137.00 F7 ............ R 118.00 F4B .......... R 310.00

75x50x20x2.....R320.00...R490.00 75x50x20x2.....R327.00...R498.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R370.00...R565.00 100x75x20x2...R381.00...R560.00 6MM .......... R24.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R400.00...R612.00 8MM .......... R38.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R445.00...R682.00 10MM ........ R59.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R84.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 61.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 85.00


PALISADE PANELS LOOSE PALES 3mx600mm...R 495.00 3mx1.0m.......R 566.00 3mx1.2m.......R 667.00 3mx1.5m.......R 736.00 3mx2.0m.......R 865.00 FIBRE GLASS SHEETING

R95.00p/m Cut to size

600mm....R 17.00 1.0m........R 24.00 1.2m........R 30.00 1.5m........R 37.90 1.8m........R 44.00 2.0m........R 49.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLA TES PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R660.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R815.00 2450x1225x2.5......R1030.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1220.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1800.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2620.00





4 Secrets to looking and feeling younger

Wenke Om Jou Dieet ‘n “Spring Clean” te Gee Lente is uiteindelik hier! Dit beteken dit is tyd vir see, sand, son, en somer. Maar dit beteken ook dat die dae nou min raak om daai somer lyfie reg te kry vir die strand! Fantastiese wenke om hierdie lente reg af te skop. Vind jou ware rede vir gewigsverlies Indien die enigste rede is om jou rok of broek grootte te verminder gaan jy nie slaag in jou doel nie, daar moet meer as net hierdie rede wees. Gaan dink daaroor, is dit om meer energie te hê? Om meer met jou kinders te speel of om jou algemene gesondheid te verbeter op die lang duur? Hou by jou hoekom! Stel realistiese en haalbare doelwitte. Dit is goed om ‘n doelwit te hê, maar is dit ‘n realistiese een? Daardie onmenslike hoeveelheid kilogramme wat jy wil verloor is dalk net genoeg om jou heeltemal van stryk te kry om jou doelwit te bereik. Stel maandelikse, weeklikse en selfs daaglikse doelwitte vir jouself op, nie net om gewig te verloor nie maar ook om gesond te eet en te bly. Jy weet wat jy in ‘n sekere tydperk kan bereik en hou daarby. Jy gaan jou korttermyn doelwit sommer spoedig bereik en voor jy weet is die langtermyn doelwit binne jou bereik. Maak jou koskas skoon Maak skoon en gooi weg! Skenk daardie hoog in kalorieë kos aan die welsyn, so verminder jy die versoeking binne armlengte. Koop gesonde kos in plaas van dit wat jy weet jou in die versoeking gaan lei. Sit ‘n groot bak vrugte op die toonbank neer. Net die kyk na daardie lekkerte sal jou herinner om gesond te eet, en ook om jou daaglikse porsie vrugte te neem. Dit is ook makliker om ‘n gesonde keuse te hê wanneer daardie lus vir die verbode


arriveer. Maar pasop vir te veel van ‘n goeie ding – selfs die gesonder suiker in vrugte kan negatiewe effekte hê as mens te veel daarvan eet. Maak seker om genoeg te slaap Het jy geweet dat indien jy nie genoeg kwaliteit slaap kry nie, jy gewig kan optel? Die beste manier om te sorg dat jy genoeg slaap kry is om in ‘n roetine te kom. Gaan slaap op dieselfde tyd elke aand en staan elke oggend dieselfde tyd op. Groente bly nog steeds jou beste vriend Groente is vol goedheid! Vesel, vitamiene en voedingstowwe – eet gesond en eet gereeld. Gebruik ‘n groente as ‘n lae kalorie peuselhappie. Eet vars Boeremarkte en “slow markets” neem toe in gewildheid en die vars groente en vrugte daar beskikbaar is oor die algemeen meer gesond as die wat jy in ‘n supermark sal koop. Koop vars en organies wat vry is van preserveermiddele en wat beter smaak as hul geprosesseerde familie! Tel jou kalorieë Indien jy minder kalorieë inneem as wat jy verbrand sal jy gewig verloor! Manna Lae Kalorie Eetplan is gratis om af te laai op jou tablet of rekenaar en begin sommer nou om daardie winter vetjies af te skud. Oefening kan lekker wees Indien jou leefstyl dit nie toelaat of jy nie daarvoor lus het om vier uur soggens in die gim te wees nie, gaan dit nie gebeur nie. Daar is soveel maniere om oefening te doen, sonder dat dit na oefening voel. Gaan stap ‘n ver ent langs die strand, gaan swem of neem die hele familie vir ‘n heerlike fietsry deur ‘n park of êrens in die natuur. Dit is altyd beter om saam met vriende en familie te oefen, julle kan mekaar motiveer en aanspreeklik hou vir daardie ekstra motivering.

The secret to looking and feeling younger not only lies in eating healthy, but it’s also in your ability to create balance in your life. According to Catherine Clark, Owner and Founder of The Harvest Table, you don’t have to wait for the ageing process to take a toll on your body before you can do something about it. “There is no quick fix. It is in our daily habits, including what we eat and how we manage stress, that has an impact on how we look and feel,” she says. Catherine says that the fountain of youth is as simple as taking care of yourself internally and externally. “Taking care of yourself is essentially an investment. It should not just be about your looks, but also about achieving all-round wellbeing. When you feel good, it shows, you look more vibrant, and that in itself makes you look younger,” she adds. Catherine offers 4 secrets to looking and feeling younger: Eat a healthy balanced diet: Ageing cannot completely be avoided, but you can improve early signs by consuming nutrientdense foods that repair your body from the inside out. A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and salt can reduce skin elasticity and cause inflammation in the body. If you incorporate foods that are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, you help your body’s repair process and rejuvenate your skin, leading to a more youthful appearance. Learn to let go: When you hold on to negative emotions and stress, your body will respond. One of the ways that most people are familiar with is the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach when you’re under pressure. When you don’t learn to let go, you will experience this daily, and it can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as acid

reflux, ulcers, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome. Another way your body responds to constant emotional distress is by speeding up cellular ageing, which means your body’s ability to eliminate worn-out cells is compromised. Although these are mostly symptoms that cannot be seen, they can make you feel run down. Embrace the idea that you cannot control everything and learn to let go. Take supplements: Eating healthy is a good start to ensure that your body functions optimally. However, as you age, your body doesn’t absorb nutrients as it should, so you don’t often get all the daily nutritional requirements from your food. Supplements like collagen granules reduce the signs of ageing, improve your immune system, contain high antioxidant properties, and promote gut and joint health. Collagen granules are the perfect all-inone supplement that will help you unlock unlimited benef its on the journey to a healthier, younger-looking you. Get better quality sleep: Many people f ind themselves chasing deadlines which can lead to high levels of stress that affect the quality of their sleep. This can have an impact on your physical health and emotional wellbeing. Sleep also plays a very important role in helping your body recharge, repair cells, f ight off disease and can significantly boost your overall health. You can improve your sleep by making sure you create a calm environment before bed by limiting distractions, avoiding caffeine, and going to bed earlier so that you have at least six to eight hours of sleep per night. “When you prioritise your health, both mental and physical, you look your best, you feel your best, and most importantly, you can fulfil all the things you set out to achieve. Ultimately, health is wealth!” Catherine concludes.

Cape Ash evergreen 2020 tree of the year The City participates in the National Arbour Month programmes every year. Community participation is at the centre of the City commemoration of National Arbour Month, mainly through activities such as planting memorial trees and observing celebration of the chosen tree of the year. This year’s tree of the year is the Ekebergia Capensis — Cape Ash tree. The Cape Ash is an evergreen tree which can grow up to

the height of about 15 metres and grows in a number of different habitats mostly found in the Eastern Cape and KwaZuluNatal. It is an attractive shade tree with glossy leaves. In favourable conditions the tree flower is visible every year but in other localities they may only flower once every few years. The main stem of the Cape Ash is characterised by a rough light grey to almost black bark, with few buttress roots at the base. The tree tends to produce sweetly scented small white flowers borne at the tips of the branches. According to the City’s environmental officer Alugumi Makushu, the best way to plant any tree, including the Cape-Ash tree, is to create enough insulation and sufficient watering for quick results. Furthermore, the Cape Ash has a number of traditional medicinal uses such as tanning, for treating headaches, heartburn, chronic coughs and intestinal worms.










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It is snak e season look out snake lookout ea tur es for the hissing cr crea eatur tures We are well into the Spring season and the weather is nice and warm. This also means that snakes will now be active after a long period of hibernation, hungry and in search of food. The City of Ekurhuleni wishes to caution pet owners to be on high alert and keep an eye on their domestic pets as they may fall prey to snakes. From mid-August until late May, a number of snakes, which are harmless to humans, such as the brown house snake,

084 485 7029

Aurora house snake, olive house snake and red-lipped snake are likely to be found in backyard gardens searching for food like rats and cats. Due to their harmless and less defensive nature, these species tend to be easily killed or captured as pets, an illegal and punishable act if one does not have a legal permit. Meanwhile, snakes such as the puff adder and rinkhals are extremely dangerous, with the puff adder known to be very instinctive, slow in pace and quick to sense danger. The rinkhals or ring-necked cobra is a fast moving multi feeder, which is good at faking death. It is easily identified by the two white stripes that are visible across its neck when it spreads its hood. In case of encountering a snake, residents can call the city’s snake catchers.

Ring-necked cobra

Puff adder

Nigel DBV het dringend die volgende skenkings nodig: ‘n Petrol Weed Eater. Daar is geen elektrisiteit vir n elektriese een nie. Kos en water bakkies, komberse, lei bande, speelgoed en kantoor benodighede soos skryfbehoeftes, koffie, tee, suiker, long life melk.

Olive house snake

Red-lipped snake

Aurora house snake




Oorwin 2020 matriekeindeksamen uitdagings!

Die tyd het aangebreek vir miljoene matrikulante, wat binne twee maande die eindeksamen in die gesig staar, waarvan 2020 sekerlik die uitdagendste jaar van hul skoolloopbaan is. Terwyl daar nog onsekerheid is oor baie van die toekomstige dinge, moet hierdie leerders nou sorg dat hulle in die regte denkpatroon kom om na die beste van hul vermoë te presteer ondanks die ongekende omstandighede en nuwe logistieke reëlings waarmee hulle te doen het vertel onderwysdeskundiges . Leerders moet nou 'n volledige opname maak van waar hulle akademies is, om sodoende vasstel watter voorbereidings nog getref moet word sodat hulle ten volle toegerus is vir die eindeksamens. Benewens moet hul die uitdagings wat die jaar gebied het oorkom, eksamenlogistiek en hul toekomsplanne deurwerk, sodat hulle die probleme wat angs veroorsaak het agter hul sit en uitsluitlik op hul eindeksamen konsentreer.

Hoewel hierdie jaar se matrieks bykomende stres in die gesig moes staar bo en behalwe die gereelde uitdagings wat verband hou met die matriekfinaal, moet hulle weet dat daar meer addisionele hulpbronne as ooit tevore is om te verseker dat hulle hul finale skooljaar so goed as moontlik voltooi. Dit is die tyd om jou prestasies tot op hede in aanmerking te neem en jou doelwit te stel op grond van hoeveel jy nou moet inspan om jou jaar met sukses te slaag. Dit is nou die tyd dat leerders 'n omvattende studieprogram moet opstel en daarby hou. Dit is nou maar eens ‘n feit dat hierdie jaar se matrieks dit vreemd sal vind om in die eksamenlokaal, hul eksamens te voltooi deur hul maskers te dra. Om nou beheer te neem vir jou eie prestasies, is die mees kragtigste benadering. Wees gefokus want dit sal en kan positiewe resultate verseker. Selfs wanneer leerders volgende jaar na

hoër onderwys beweeg, is daar waarskynlik steeds beperkings en veiligheidsmaatreëls, dus moenie kosbare energie vermors oor die ongewone aard van dinge nie, en omhels eerder die situasie en slyp jou onafhanklike leervaardighede. Hier is ‘n paar hulpbronne: Webwerwe van Provinsiale en Nasionale Onderwysdepartemente. 'Daar is uitstekende bronne beskikbaar in die openbare sektor, insluitend studie- en hersieningsadvies, vorige vraestelle, eksamendatums en konseplyste vir spesifieke vakke. Onthou dat dit nie saak maak waar jy woon nie jy kan raad op die webwerwe van ander provinsiale departemente ontvang. Hoër Onderwysinstellings het alles in plek gebring om te poog om addisionele hulp aan matrieks te verleen, soos deur kampe, hersiening van vakke, vorige papierhersiening, en so meer. Kontak 'n inrigting naby jou om meer inligting oor meer inligting te bekom of

volg dit op sosiale media om gereelde opdaterings en ondersteuning te ontvang. Algemene aanlynhulpbronne het 'n magdom advies wat op die internet beskikbaar is wat kan help met studies. Maak seker dat jy toegang verkry tot inligting van 'n betroubare en geloofwaardige bron. Alhoewel almal waaksaam moet wees teen die virus deur die nodige distansieering en veiligheidsmaatreëls te handhaaf, bly positiwiteit en streef na die toekoms. Almal is bewus van die unieke uitdagings wat 2020 bied, daarom is dit belangrik om nie paniekerig te raak nie, maar eerder om beheer uit te oefen binne jou vermoë en eie ingesteldheid. Alhoewel die huidige omstandighede moeilik is, is daar baie ondersteuning beskikbaar, en al is leerders nog nie op dreef nie, is daar genoeg tyd as jy nou skouer aan die wiel begin sit om 'n sukses van jou finale jaar te maak.

How will COVID-19 affect education after lockdown? There’s no question that coronavirus will leave a lasting effect on the education profession, but will it result in changes for the better, or end up compounding the problems we already haveIt will be a long time before the COVID-19 crisis is over. Yet even in the earliest days of the pandemic, many were already viewing it as a tipping point in the politics of education, and a chance for radical change. I’ve lost count of the numerous articles, blogs and papers currently circulating among academics and educational professionals, all pressing the case for ‘no return to normal.’ However, before we launch ourselves too enthusiastically into post-COVID fantasy politics, we have to recognise the immediate obstacles and confront some possible worst case scenarios, as well as the best. Heads and teachers will need to identify

the gaps in pupils’ learning, particularly among children from disadvantaged backgrounds, some of whom are at risk of falling out of the system altogether, while helping young people cope with the social and emotional fallout of the crisis. Hopeful indicators One scenario could see the government double down on the demands it’s placed on schools, pressuring them to get their pupils and results back up to speed. There may be a blitz of wholly unjustified blame directed against those schools and families that haven’t used the crisis to ‘develop resilience’, but instead fallen further behind in their performance. All of this makes it even more important that those of us who work in, or simply care about education use this period to push for positive reform. It seems that there are some hopeful indicators of change,

particularly in relation to assessment and accountability, and schools’ need for resources. Firstly, in place of setting exams this summer, the government has been forced to show trust in the judgements of teachers – who in turn have had to quickly learn how to prepare assessments that are both rigorous and fair. This could well continue, particularly in the event of further lockdowns or a cohort with too many gaps in their knowledge to be able to sit exams in 2021. According to ASCL general secretary Geoff Barton, the situation could well present an “Opportunity to demonstrate that principled, evidence-based assessment is the core business of teachers,” and facilitate wider moves away from stressful, high stakes exams. Second, it’s hard to see how an increasingly

clumsy ofsted and a broadly punitive accountability system will be able to carry on as before. Resistance to both among school leaders has been growing since before the crisis. Imagine the anger of heads forced to delve into pointless or partial data, or required to submit to a no-notice inspection after staff have spent the best part of two terms haring from home to home helping to feed pupils and their families… It’s now the job of all of us, not just those running our schools to ensure the government understands the true implications of this crisis. Like hospitals, schools need proper and generous funding. Heads and teachers must be trusted to do their jobs. Education has to be broadened beyond a range of narrow indicators. Every child, not just the academic child, matters.




a Facelif t for Nigel by caring residents!

The state of Nigel, it’s parks, sporting facilities, clubhouses, pavements etc have deteriorated at an alarming rate. We had two choices. We could stand by and watch the deterioration or we could try and make a difference. A number of residents came together elected a committee and we decided to act. We started by cleaning the park and the war memorial in the centre of town next to the library. Vagrant’s who slept at these premises left it in a disgusting manner, filths and rubbish were all over the place and we had to remove the rubbish on a daily basis. This problem will not be solved unless the park is fenced with access control, so that the park can be locked at night. Relevant

authorities have been contacted and they intend to act in the near future. This group started with the townhall gardens. The townhall itself is in a neglected state and as it is a heritage sight they contacted the Heritage Foundation to get their assistance or approval to repair it themselves. The overall town needs a good clean up. Car guards need to have a police clearance and must be certif ied. They conducted meetings with the police, the metro police and the CPF in this regard. Lets hope that this request will assist to alleviate crime in the main road. Thank you to Wian Engelbrecht who managed to get a sponsorship of fertilizer for the John Vorster Rugby stadium which will be used to upgrade the fields shortly. A project of this nature and magnitude can only be successful with the involvement of its residents. It was encouraging to see yougsters with their parents participate in this manner. This project could not have been launched if it were not for people like Neels Toerien from City of Gold, Armand van Rooyen, Wian Engelbrecht, Aileen Ceronio, who continually promotes our course. Margaret Groenwald donated plants and spent the whole day cleaning and planting. Hanna Kotze and Trudy Hayes was responsible for feeding the inner man. If we all have the motto to leave the place better than we found it we will all gain.

The Parks department is still close. We encourage everyone in Nigel to get involved and to support us. If you have a petrol mower and can assist it will be greatly appreciated It is also good fun, great exercise and you meet some new friends. The Blesbok spruit area must be cleaned

and we are busy putting a plan of action together to tackle this issue. We are a voluntary organization. Should anyone wish to make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. We are selling Nigel bumper stickers to raise funds for this project please call us if you would like to support the initiative in any way. Contact number Aileen 083 260 2957.

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