Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Help needed to prevent the SPCA from closing its doors The Nigel SPCA has been in operation for many years and, over this time, has seen many changes in both its staff and its committee members. However, the past 12 months has been a very difficult time for this small society for the prevention of cruelty to animals and it is now at a stage where it faces closure, if it does not receive urgent assistance from the community of Nigel. The SPCA belongs to the people of Nigel and the public are being urgently requested and encouraged to come forward to apply to be on the SPCA’s committee.

Currently the SPCA is unconstitutional, as it does not have 5 members and they are in desperate need for animal loving and business minded people to join the SPCA committee. A SPCA Committee can have up to 10 members, currently there are only two full time members on the Nigel SPCA committee and the society simply cannot continue without the support of a functional committee. The society is also asking for help from people to offer their assistance to the society. This can be builders, or handymen, to help with the maintenance of the

kennels/catteries/and SPCA grounds, or people who have spare time on their hands to assist with the vital function of fundraising ventures. The NSPCA have been involved in the running of the Nigel SPCA for the past three and a half years but this is no longer sustainable and it is vital that the public come forward with animal loving and business minded people that can take over the running of the society and ensure that it grows from strength to strength. The society take in unwanted, abused, abandoned and stray animals and attend

to animal welfare related cruelty complaints in the area, they also conduct proactive inspections and assist impoverished areas with both education and basic animal needs. It would be a tremendous loss for the community if this SPCA had to close its doors but, unless members of the public with the necessary skills and commitment come forward urgently, this will be the only solution left. Interested people are asked to email a one page CV to please, let’s save this small, but vital SPCA, from having to close its doors.

Christmas lights switch-on Christmas will not be the same in some areas of the country this year as many festive light switching-on events have been cancelled over coronavirus concerns. The festive season will be affected by Covid-19 this year as many councils have already scrapped plans for the annual light shows. Smiles, laughter and festivities could be

seen at Nigel Methodist Church when Christmas light switch-on this year and families fill this event. The church grounds will be filled with bright lights, families from in and around the town can attend this f irst popular Christmas event. The Nigel Methodist Church will be lit up with Christmas Lights from 18 November 2020, followed by a Christmas Night

Hernuwing v an van lisensies, w aarskuwing! waarskuwing! Tans is daar in Gauteng 'n groot agterstand in die hernuwing van lisensies in die provinsie en dit is wel so dat inwoners ‘n stryd het om tydlokale te kry vir die hernuwing van hul lisensies. Baie van ons is daarvan bewus dat daar ondernemings is wat aanbied om inwoners met hul lisensies by te staan en sodoende tussen R2000 en R3000 vir hul dienste vra. Dan is daar ook die groep mense wat buite die lisensie-afdeling staan, beskikbaar is en geld van inwoners vra om hulle te help om hul lisensies te hernu of vinniger te bekom. Volgens die regering is dit onwettig en wakker dit net eenvoudig korrupsie aan.

Daar word 'n beroep op alle lede van die publiek gedoen om geen geld aan hierdie sogenaamde 'diensverskaffers' oor te betaal nie of te oorhandig nie. 'n Strategie om die groot agterstande die hoof te bied, is lankal nie nodig nie en daarom word daar 'n beroep op die LUR vir paaie en vervoer, Jacob Mamabolo gedoen om 'n plan in te stel om hierdie agterstande te hanteer. As enige iemand deur ‘n persoon genader word wat beweer dat hulle jou te hulp kan kom met die hernuwing van jou lisensie, rapporteer dit aan die volgende adres tipoff-lyn

Market on 27 November 2020. The lights will be on from 18 November 2020 until around 27 December 2020 to attract many residents, especially children, from all over to share in the joy. All are welcome to come and enjoy this event on 18 November 2020 as it will be the first event of such a nature in Nigel. Something to look forward too, it will be a nice feeling, everyone being together, it is a small town and you will see everyone you know, is that not great." It will be a wonderful feeling, something to look forward to, just being able to come out after the long lockdown period into a joyful atmosphere.

Enjoying friends and family, laugther, fresh air and companionship. More detail in the next edition.


NIGEL/HEIDELBERG REKORD - ONLINE EDITION nie dieselfde nie. Sy slryf dat sy dit steeds saam met haar man moet oefen, al ken sy hom al meer as dertig jaar! Aanvanklik is dit moeilik om jou persepsies te ondersoek en te verander, maar as jy dit gedurende 21 tot 63 dae oefen, kan jy dit as 'n geestelike gewoonte in jou brein inbou, wat sal help om in die toekoms op ‘n beter wyse te argumenteer! Moenie vir argumente vrees nie, moenie Het jy geweet dat argumente goed vir jou Oefen genade: lank daarin bly nie, en onthou een uur se geestesgesondheid kan wees? Ons het almal soms 'n bietjie genade en behoorlike argumente kan jou jare se Stryery kan voordelig wees vir jou ge- medelye nodig, want ons is almal menslik! verhoudingsprobleme spaar! sondheid en jou verhoudings, indien dit Dit is so belangrik om mense 'n tweede kans korrek gedoen word. Dr Caroline Leaf gee te gee en te probeer verstaan, waarom ses punte oor hoe om te argumenteer, en hulle op 'n sekere manier reageer, en prodie geestesgesondheids voordele daaruit beer uitvind waarom iemand ontsteld is. te put. Miskien het hulle net 'n slegte dag of gaan Dr Leaf haarself het grootgeword in 'n ge- hulle deur iets moeilik. Probeer eers die sin waar baie dinge onder die mat ingevee beste sien, dit is wat ek 'n 'genade-houding' was, wat gelei het tot 'n aantal verhou- noem. Dit beteken om hierdie persoon op dingsprobleme al is almal lief vir mekaar. 'n medelydende en begripvolle manier te Dit is 'n algemene probleem in baie gesinne sien, wat die soort geestelike energie en vriendskappe en kan op die lange duur verander wat jy teenoor die persoon opwek meer probleme veroorsaak, Veral wanneer wat kan help om 'n plofbare situasie te die betrokkenes 'n groot stryd gehad het, ontduik. wat geneig is om alles in die openbaar te Maak selfrefleksie en selfregulering 'n kry ('n belangrike stap tot genesing!) om gewoonte: goed te redeneer, kan dit in werklikheid Neem die tyd om na te dink oor jou gedageen van die nuttigste vaardighede wees, en tes en gedrag soos jy aan die begin of te 'n uitstekende manier wees om nie net ons midde van 'n argument is. Miskien het jy geestesgesondheid nie, maar ook verhou- daardie persoon seergemaak? Is dit '' wat '' dings te verbeter! jou woorde en dade 'veroorsaak'? Wees ‘n Paar maniere waarop jy kan leer om eerlik met jouself. Soms Luister ons nie na goed te argumenteer? mekaar soos in die verlede nie. Onthou, die Kry verduideliking: verlede hoef nie die toekoms te definieer Voordat jy reageer en ontsteld raak, maak nie! Mense verander, en ons almal misluk seker jy verstaan wat die ander persoon soms. Moenie iemand se huidige optrede bedoel. Probeer dinge so rustig as moont- teen gedrag in die verlede hou nie. lik uit hul oogpunt te sien. Onthou, om net Vra jouself ook baie WAAROM vrae, want aan te neem is die moeder van alle gemors! daar is altyd 'n rede agter wat ons sê en Haal altyd 'n bietjie asem en oordink die doen en los jou ego! Vra jouself af hoe ander persoon se woorde voordat jy goed sal trots in hierdie situasie wees? sommer net argumenteer. Ons almal dink Inderdaad, wanneer ons ons ego los, genereer ons wat kwantumf isika toon "liefdesgolwe" wat regtig help om die manier waarop mense reageer, verbeter. Dr Leaf se nuwe app Switch is 'n uitstekende hulpmiddel om jou te help om selfrefleksie en selfregulering 'n gewoonte te maak. Dit is gebaseer op ‘n 5-stap-proCnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Stockists of Steel gram, wat ontwerp is om jou te help om Tel: 01 1 815 4700/1/2 011 Sections, Rail, Piping die wortel van jou giftige gedagtes en email: - Plante and Tubing reaksies te identifiseer en uit te skakel. Dit SERVICES: GUILLOTING, BENDING, PUNCHING, PROFILING & LASER CUTTING. help jou om gesonde, nuwe denkgewoontes SQ TUBE 6M PIPE 6M FLA T BAR 6M op te bou wat jou verhoudings kan verFLAT beter. 1.6MM 2.0MM 12X3 ........ R 43.00 1.6MM 2.0MM Hou jou verbale en nie-verbale kommuni16x3 ......... R 47.00 20MM .... R 98.00.........R119.00 12x12 .... R 94.00 kasie dop: 20x3 ......... R 57.00 25MM .... R146.00 ..... R150.00 16x16 .... R108.00 Raak bewus van wat jy sê en jou lyftaal. 20x5 ......... R 79.00 20X20 ... R117.00.......R138.00 32MM .... R158.00 ..... R212.00 Moenie omvattende uitsprake maak soos 25x3 ......... R 70.00 25X25 ... R148.00 ..... R186.00 38MM .... R189.00 ..... R249.00 "jy is altyd so nie" of "jy luister nooit nie"; 25x5 ......... R 94.00 32X32 ... R189.00 ..... R254.00 50MM .... R249.00 ..... R311.00 hierdie snellerwoorde sal dinge net 30x3 ......... R 84.00 38X38 ... R231.00 ..... R292.00 76MM .... R372.00 ..... R478.00 vererger, so kies jou woorde noukeurig en 30x5 ......... R118.00 50X50 ... R336.00 ..... R398.00 kyk hoe jy sinne konstrueer. Oefen deur EQ ANGLE 6M 40x3 ......... R110.00 76X76 ... R480.00 ..... R625.00 nie veroordeelde of beskuldigende spraak 40x5 ......... R156.00 100X100 ................... R850.00 25x25x3 .................... R114.00 te gebruik nie. Dit is ook belangrik om jou 50x3 ......... R143.00 25x25x5...................... R178.00 lyftaal in ag te neem, wat 50% van jou REC TUBE 6M 50x5 ......... R196.00 30x30x3 .................... R137.00 kommunikasie is! Spanning en woede het 1.6MM 2.0MM 30x30x5 .................... R224.00 SQ BAR 6M fisiese gevolge, let dus op jou houding, 38x20 .... R195.00 ..... R240.00 40x40x3 .................... R174.00 10MM ..... R71.00 gesigsuitdrukkings en liggaamsbewegings 38x25 .... R233.00 ..... R255.00 40x40x5 .................... R286.00 12MM ....... R104.00 tydens 'n rusie.

Wenke om korrek te argumenteer



50x25 .... R244.00 ..... R299.00 50x38 .... R315.00 ..... R414.00 76x38 .... R360.00 ..... R520.00 76x50 .... R404.00 ..... R499.00 100X50 ..................... R610.00


25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 30x30x2 .................... R112.00 40x40x2 .................... R122.00






13 OCTOBER 2020 Neem aksie: Moenie net jammer sê nie, neem aksie! Erken jou eie rol/verantwoordelikheid in die argument, en wees bereid om 'n outentieke verskoning te gee, nie net 'n vinnige of geïrriteerde "Ek is jammer" nie! Wees 'oplossingsgerig': dink aan tasbare, konstruktiewe maniere waarop jy die situasie en verhouding kan verbeter om aan te toon dat jy bereid is om te verander. Na 'n woordwisseling is dit altyd belangrik om te ontleed waarom dinge gesê is. Ons kan nie iets regstel as ons nie weet waarom dit in die eerste plek tot uitbarsting gely het nie! Sodra jy kalm is, dink na oor die situasie en kyk wat jy daaruit kan leer, moenie net "aanbeweeg" nie, anders kan dieselfde weer gebeur. Stel grense en wees waaksaam oor giftige denkpatrone. Voordele om goed te argumenteer? As ons leer om goed te argumenteer, verhoed ons om toksiese gedagtes te bou wat verband hou met verhoudings, breinskade en toekomstige interaksies of persepsies wat toekomstige argumente sal ver-erger! Deur op 'n gesonde manier te argumenteer, leer jy om saam of nie saam te stem nie, so kan jy geestesgesondheid en verhoudings verbeter. Elkeen van ons is anders en sien dinge anders. Ons sal ook leer om nie toe te laat dat seer in die verlede en pynlike interaksies huidige en toekom-stige interaksies beheer nie. Kies hoe jy jou geestelike energie wil gebruik. Gebruik jou beperkte energie deur gesonde reaksies in jou brein te kweek. As ons ons geestelike energie goed gebruik, kan ons 'n sterk, positiewe basis lê vir al ons verhoudings, omdat ons leer hoe om op 'n konstruktiewe en nuttige manier te luister en te kommunikeer, wat ons wys-heid vergroot en sterk bande bou wat ons help om die lewensuitdagings te navigeer. Aanstootlikheid, woede, irritasie en so meer neem baie geestelike energie en tyd in beslag en kan neurochemiese chaos in die brein skep, wat nie net ons vermoë om helder te dink beïnvloed nie, maar ook al ons verhoudings kan belemmer. Deur goed te argumenteer, skep jy neurale netwerke in die gees en bou dit ‘n grondslag van sukses, blydskap en vrede. Jy kan nie gedagtes en emosies onderdruk nie, dit sal ontplof en 'n aantal geestelike en fisiese gesondheidsprobleme veroorsaak, insluitend 'n aangetaste immuunstelsel! Goeie argumente kan pynlik wees, maar dit bring dinge na vore, wat help om dit te hanteer, sodat dit nie aanhou om terug te spook en u geestelike en fisiese welstand te beïnvloed nie. Ons kan nooit leer of groei as ons nie deur ons probleme werk nie. Om 'n saak te hanteer en daaruit te leer, moet ons eers erken dat daar een is, daarom is argumente so belangrik: Pas hierdie dinge toe in jou lewe en gebruik dit. Dit sal jou regtig help om te leer hoe om goed met jou gesin of selfs vriende te argumenteer, en sal jou vermoë om te kommunikeer dramaties verbeter.

RT6 ........... R110.00 RT13 ....... R 123.00 RX7 ......... R 160.00 F7 ............ R 126.00 F4B .......... R 331.00

75x50x20x2.....R356.00...R544.00 75x50x20x2.....R360.00...R551.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R411.00...R625.00 100x75x20x2...R424.00...R620.00 6MM .......... R25.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R445.00...R678.00 8MM .......... R40.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R495.00...R757.00 10MM ........ R63.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R90.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 66.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 92.00


PALISADE PANELS LOOSE PALES 3mx600mm...R 556.00 3mx1.0m.......R 636.00 3mx1.2m.......R 749.00 3mx1.5m.......R 826.00 3mx2.0m.......R 971.00 FIBRE GLASS SHEETING

R100.00p/m Cut to size

600mm....R 19.00 1.0m........R 26.00 1.2m........R 34.00 1.5m........R 41.00 1.8m........R 50.00 2.0m........R 55.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLA TES PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R742.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R915.00 2450x1225x2.5......R1155.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1367.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1995.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2940.00

GEMINI GATE MOTOR R4400 PRICES MAY DIFFER due to steel shortages


TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

13 OCTOBER 2020



Illegal Billboard advertiser dragged to court the billboards are structurally safe from a civil engineering perspective, and that the billboard is located on land appropriately zoned with approved way leaves. The billboard that was erected on Gilloolys Farm was situated on Boeing Road West on land owned by the City of Ekurhuleni, measuring 15m X 60m. The site is prime advertising frontage to the N3 North-bound. It was erected in 2016 without the necessary municipal approval.

An illegal billboard put up on Gilloolys Farm will be removed

Training College contravenes multiple regulations The Democratic Alliance in Ekurhuleni is gravely concerned over the state of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) Training College after it emerged that the facility had contravened a number of regulations within the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Parliamentary questions posed by DA MP, Mike Waters revealed the extent of non-compliance, which is adversely affecting the facilities ability to adequately train and recruit EMPD officials – a resource that the City of Ekurhuleni is in dire need of. The Department of Labour flagged the following areas where the College was found to be non-compliant: The toilets and related facilities were not in a good state of repairs. There was no certificate of compliance for the electrical installation. There was no certificate of conformity for the air conditioning. Lights or lamps were not working or damaged. There was no risk assessment conducted by the employer. No assessment of the building by the structural engineers to ensure safety for continued use. No maintenance of the yard, which included nonremoval of refuse and disposal of old furniture and appliances. The College was subsequently issued with a number of OHSA contravention notices, with an improvement notice issued for maintenance and external housekeeping. It is clear from the extent of the contraventions that the Training College is beyond repair. The City cannot afford new facilities every time the ANCrun Metro does not maintain its current facilities, especially now, during the Covid pandemic, where funds are of the utmost importance for service delivery to our residents. The City of Ekurhuleni is in urgent need of capable and well-trained off icers who can help turn the tide of extensive crime which plagues the City. A well-functioning and compliant EMPD Training College will contribute positively to achieving this goal. The facility needs to be upgraded to conform with the standards that they are regulated by, this 267 SKAKEL will ensure that training continues. Get 6198 done with corruption and ensure a well-trained police force that will serve and protect all resiH2410 dents.

078 804 2401

The billboard has over the years been used to advertise products from a number of corporations. In the absence of a lease by the owners with the City, the City has lost out on millions worth of revenue over the past few years while the owners of the billboard and the owners of the lighted advertisement, have had a visibility advantage from the N3 and other roads servicing the Gilloolys Farm and surrounding areas. The illegal billboard also hinders the City from considering other billboards on the area in line with the City’s By-Laws. If found guilty, the owners of this billboard, may face fines, imprisonment and the forfeiture of all revenue generated from the billboard. Owners of the previously approved billboards for which approval periods have expired and no application to renew the approval has been received, will also been subjected to the same sanctions and taken to court where necessary. The City of Ekurhuleni, through its City Planning Department, is continuing auditing and updating its database on outdoor advertising structures all over the City. The department will also follow up on where contravention notices have been issued.

The City urge the Outdoor Advertising companies and their media clients to follow the legal approval processes prior to erecting their advertising signs to avoid similar consequences of removal of their illegal and expired structures. The community is also urged to report any new advertising structures that they suspect are illegal to the nearest regional offices of the City’s Outdoor Advertising Section, within the City Planning Department. Corporations using advertising structures to advertise their products are urged to ensure that the outdoor advertising structures they use to flight their adverts are approved with a valid lease agreement by the City.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


Owners of an illegally erected billboard in Gilloolys Farm have been charged for contravening the Ekurhuleni’s Outdoor Advertising Bylaws by erecting the bill board without getting approval from the City. The owners will appear in Johannesburg High Court soon. The City loses potential revenue from unapproved advertisements, and they also posing danger to motorists, pedestrians and properties around them. The City’s approval process ensures that


Bestuur onder die invloed van drank en Voertuigversekering Terwyl die uurglas vir die jaar 2020 besig is om leeg te loop, gee dit die geleentheid vir sosiale aktiwiteite wat gewoonlik kenmerkend is van hierdie tyd. Dit het weer tyd geword vir afskeidsfunksies en jaareindfunksies. Daar word in die pers baie klem geplaas op ‘bestuur onder die invloed’. Dis belangrik dat jy weet hoe dit jou versekering beïnvloed as jy in `n ongeluk betrokke is en jy het alkohol gebruik. Alle versekeringskontrakte het ‘n uitsluiting vir bestuur onder die invloed van alkohol of dwelms wat as volg sal lees: “…jou gebruik van die voertuig terwyl jy onder die invloed van bedwelmende drank of verdowingsmiddels is, of jou bloed of asem alkoholkonsenstrasie die wetlike perk oorskry”. Let daarop dat die voorwaarde slegs ‘bestuur onder die invloed’ is. Dit beteken dat versekeraars ‘n eis kan weier, al is jy nie skuldig bevind of aangekla van ‘bestuur onder die invloed’ nie. Hulle het maniere om vas te stel of jy ‘onder die invloed’ bestuur het of nie. Hoe gaan hulle te werk om dit vas te stel? Eerstens sal ‘n versekeraar die omstandighede rondom die ongeluk ondersoek. Indien die versekeraar enige vermoede het dat alkohol of dwelms betrokke was, begin hulle ‘n ondersoek oor die doen en late van die bestuurder voor die ongeluk tot en met die dag en tyd van die ongeluk. Hulle doen navraag oor watter instansies/plekke besoek is. Hulle sal die mense van daardie instansies/plekke kontak en bevestig of die bestuurder wel daar was en wat die bestuurder gedrink of geëet het. ‘n Versekeraar kan ‘n eis weier slegs op grond van omstandigheidsgetuienis. Jy hoef nie aangekla te word van ‘onder die invloed bestuur’ waar jy bo redelike twyfel skuldig bevind moet word nie. Alle polisse het ook algemene voorwaardes wat jou, as versekerde, verplig om alle inligting en samewerking, wat hulle mag vereis, te gee. Die goeie nuus is dat die meeste versekeraars ‘n diens aan hulle kliënte bied wat hulle huis toe neem na ‘n aand uit of kliënte van so ‘n diens teen ‘n verlaagde tarief kan voorsien. Kontak u versekeraar of ons kantoor vir meer inligting oor hoe bogenoemde proses werk.

Klippies: 083 282 7577 / Wayne: 072 266 6157 / E-pos



13 OCTOBER 2020




NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at the cnr of North Street & 6 Avenue,

Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinne-koppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 17:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL

TE KOOP: Die MUIS PALEIS: muise en rotte te koop. Alle groottes. Beskikbaar 24/7 Kontak CARLA 072 471 6807 Vir Pryse. COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

Heidelberg AA Meetings Mondays & Thursdays from 19:0020:00 at the SUIKERBOS OORD, FREEMAN STR, Heidelberg. If you think you have a DRINKING problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovering alcoholics addicts. Contact Person: Oliver 072 869 3163 / Eastrand office 011 421 1748 / AA Helpline 086 143 5722.


Meenthuise te huur. Kingsway Gardens, h/v Kingswaystraat en Standardstraat, Nigel. 3 Slaapkamer 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, sitkamer. Enkel motorhuis. R5900. Skakel kantoor ure 011 814 3444 Cecilia. (Beskikbaar begin November)




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011 814 1577

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Maxine’s Dog Parlour

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National Wills Week Why you should take note!


By Alex Simeonides, CEO and co-founder of Capital Legacy

Bachelor flat @ R2500 p/m. 1 Bedr flat @ R2800 p/m. P/paid Electricity. Water to be advised. No children or pets. RACHELLE 073 598 9876

More than 75% of South Africans pass away without a valid Will in place, causing devastating consequences for their families and dependants. To help combat this statistic, the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) promotes National Wills week, every year, and participating attorneys offer their Willdrafting services for basic Wills at no cost to clients. Wills Week is normally in September, but due to Covid-19 and lockdown, the LSSA has off icially announced that National Wills Week will be from 26 – 30 October this year. Why have a National Wills Week? The reality is that most people know they need a Will, but statistics show that South Africans are notorious procrastinators. In a recent survey we conducted, we asked people why they haven’t got their Wills in order. The results? 43% of respondents said: “I just haven’t got around to it”. 27% said: “I’m not sure where to get my Will done”. 21% said: “I think it might be expensive to get a Will”.· Only 9% of respondents said they think they don’t need a Will. So, with more than 75% of South African’s passing away without a Will in place, it’s not necessarily an awareness issue – it’s an education issue. People need to know what devastating consequences their families and dependants will face if they were to pass away without a Will. In our business, we see the reality of families struggling to deal with the loss of a loved one almost every day. This struggle is infinitely more difficult when the parent’s affairs are not in order. “For us, every week is Wills Week.” Having a National Wills Week is so important, but it’s not enough. We’re actually

084 485 7029

Nigel DBV het dringend die volgende skenkings nodig: ‘n Petrol Weed Eater. Daar is geen elektrisiteit vir n elektriese een nie. Kos en water bakkies, komberse, lei bande, speelgoed en kantoor benodighede soos skryfbehoeftes, koffie, tee, suiker, long life melk.

making it Wills Month. When we see how we are helping families in their darkest hour, we are still further motivated to continue our quest to change the stats of a nation. The top 5 consequences of passing away without a Will You forfeit the opportunity to decide who inherits what and your Estate is distributed according to South African law. This means people whom you may not have wanted to benefit from your Estate may inherit your assets and family heirlooms. Your Partner may be left with nothing if you are not married, or your Will is not updated from a previous marriage. Your Children’s inheritance could pass to the Government Guardian’s Fund or appointed Guardian rather than to a Trust that will ensure your wishes for them are carried out. Family feuds often occur when family members argue over the distribution of your Estate if your final wishes are not clearly documented in a Will. Winding up your Estate can take years, without a Will appointing a professional Executor, the Government is essentially in control of the process. Five ways we make it easy for you to get your will sorted We have more than 100 consultants around the country who can meet you at a time and place convenient for you. No charge for drafting your Will. No charge for collecting your signed Will. No charge for safekeeping. We keep all our Clients’ Wills in secure vaults, barcoded and easily retrievable, at no cost to you.No charge for making amendments. Please don’t procrastinate – get your Will sorted today.

13 OCTOBER 2020


Check your body’s status update for early warnings Keeping up with the latest news updates and trends is a common routine for many, however, checking your body’s status update should be even more important as a human body constantly communicates its status. With October being Cancer Awareness Month, Sister Mmatlala Kgatla says that people need to constantly observe the changes in their body. “Our body communicates when there is an ailment present, and we need to react by visiting the clinic. Knowing what is normal for your body is important because you will be aware of any changes, and be able to identify some early warning symptoms of cancer,” said Sister Kgatla. There are different types of cancers affec-

ting men, women and children making it critical for everyone to seek medical attention when not feeling well, as early detection saves lives. The City of Ekurhuleni’s health facilities offer cancer health screening services such as: Pap smears – screening test for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Breast examinations and guide on how to do selfbreast examinations. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), a finger-prick blood test to help detect prostate abnormalities. Information on the cancer warning signs for adults and children. Next time when visiting your clinic, check your status update and ask your healthcare worker to guide you on the cancer screening services you may need.

Die ge vaar v an te v eel gev van veel vet om die middellyf Dit is nie altyd maklik om maagvet te verloor nie, maar dit is beslis die moeite werd. Maagvet kan lewensgevaarlik wees. Daar is tot onlangs nog geglo dat vet relatief passief is. Dit is gesien as niks meer as gestoorde energie nie. Maar onlangse navorsing dui egter daarop dat vetselle biologies aktief is. Hulle stel verskillende hormone en chemikalieë vry wat byna elke orgaan in die liggaam beïnvloed. Onder normale omstandighede is hierdie hormone en chemikalieë daar om te help om jou gesond te hou. As jy egter oorgewig is, is daar baie meer vetselle wat veel groter is. Dit beteken hulle stel baie meer van hierdie hormone en chemikalieë af, en te veel daarvan kan skadelik vir die liggaam en sy funksies wees. Dit kan lei tot ‘n groter risiko vir gesondheidskwessies soos diabetes, hartsiekte en selfs kanker. Hoe veroorsaak maagvet siektes? Navorsers probeer nog uitvind presies hoe skadelik maagvet vir die liggaam is, maar hulle het gevind dat sommige van die proteïene wat vrygestel word verskillende uitwerkings op die liggaam het. Daar is bevind dat een proteïen (Retinolverbindende proteïen 4) die risiko om insulien weerstand te ontwikkel, baie kan verhoog. ‘n Ander proteïen kan die bloedvate vernou, en dit lei tot hoë bloeddruk. Vroue met ‘n oormaat maagvet het ‘n baie groter kans om borskanker te ontwikkel, omdat die vetselle ook estrogeen vervaardig. Wanneer die liggaam te veel estrogeen het, kan dit lei tot gewasse in die bors. Is maagvet meer gevaarlik as ander vet? In kort: ja, dit is. Die grootste rede hiervoor is waarskynlik omdat dit tot lewersiekte kan lei. Hoewel vet in ander dele van die liggaam alles behalwe skadeloos is, plaas dit jou nie in so ‘n gevaar nie.

Maagvet is baie meer as wat ons op die oog af sien. Dit omring al die organe in die buik. In die geval van die lewer, dreineer die bloed wat deur hierdie vet vloei direk in die lewer deur die portale aar. Dit beteken dat die gevaarlike stof wat deur die maagvet vervaardig word, direk na die lewer gaan. Dit kan die risiko van vetterige lewersiekte en hepatitis B verhoog. Hoe weet ek dat ek te veel maagvet het? Almal het ‘n unieke bouvorm. Vir ‘n normale grootte persoon sal die volgende ‘n aanduiding van te veel maagvet wees: Mans: ‘n middellyf omtrek van 102cm of groter. Vroue: ‘n middellyf omtrek van 88cm of groter. Hoe raak ek ontsale van maagvet? Eet gesond. Bly aktief. Neem die regte aanvullings. Kry genoeg rus. Met die regte kombinasie kan jy verby maagvet werk en jou kanse om ernstige gesondheidskwessies te ontwikkel, verminder. Dieët: Die eerste ding wat jy moet doen is om jou daaglikse kalorie inname te verlaag. Ons kan dit doen deur ons porsiegrootte effens te verminder, en dan kan ons ongesonde kosse met gesonder kosse (wat laer in kalorieë is) vervang. Oefening: ‘n Dieët gaan nie baie effektief sonder oefening wees nie. Daar word aanbeveel dat jy vir ten minste 30 minute per dag, 5 dae per week moet oefen. Oefening hoef nie vervelig of uitdagend te wees nie. Jy kan ‘n ent gaan stap. Die belangrike ding is om dit vir jouself opwindend te maak. Slaap: Die uitwerking van ‘n goeie nagrus word heeltemal onderskat. Selfs een nag van slegte slaap kan jou gewigsverliespogings benadeel.


There is no health without mental health Mental health and well-being are integral to overall health, and the theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day on 10 October was ‘Greater investment, greater access. Everyone, everywhere seeks to address the barriers to accessing mental healthcare. Akeso, which has a network of mental health facilities across South Africa, is inviting the public to share their thoughts in an online campaign to promote understanding and tackle some of the misconceptions that fuel mental health stigma. “This year’s theme highlights the significance of mental health to everyone, how important it is to ensure that each and every one of us invest in our own mental well-being, and that as a global society, we must invest more resources in mental health services to ensure equitable access for everyone, no matter where they are,” says Dr Sandile Mhlongo, managing director. He notes that, perhaps only secondary to underfunding, the stigma around mental health remains one of the greatest challenges impacting access to care. “This happens when one worries what others might think of them should they seek care. Often there are misconceptions that mental health afflictions like depression and anxiety indicate a level of ‘weakness’ and that you should ‘just get through’ any issues you are facing,” he says. Mental well-being is fundamental to our ability to thrive and realise our full potential, to think and relate to others, and perhaps most importantly, to earn a living and enjoy a meaningful productive life. Mental health is an integral and essential component of health; there is no health without mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an increase in the demand for mental health services due to factors such as social isolation, anxiety and fear of illness or death, real or potential loss of income, among others. In many instances this has exacerbated pre-existing mental health conditions while in others it has brought about new mental health challenges and illnesses. Many people experience daily ruminations and afflictions of a stressful life and

anxiety about work or loved ones. In such cases, mental health self-care activities can often be helpful and offer preventative and health promoting benefits that are usually sufficient to maintain good mental health,. Others experience far more complex challenges that require professional and holistic multi-disciplinary care for appropriate management of a mental health condition and a return to optimal functioning. Assistance for mental health issues come with an array of services, which include support groups, outpatient consultations, medication and, in some cases hospitalisation. When is it time to reach out for help? Changes in eating or sleeping patterns, or changes to mood. Reactions to things – how are you reacting to your daily tasks and challenges? Are you getting frustrated or angrier more easily? Are you able to concentrate on a task? Do you have ideas that you may be better off dead or ideas about harming yourself. Symptoms of physical illness that cannot be explained e.g. chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, backaches, etc. Interactions with others – how have you been engaging with your loved ones, your colleagues, and others? Is this different to usual? Social withdrawal and lack of interest in things you previously enjoyed. If you notice these changes in your life, or are concerned about a loved one, get help from a professional near you to understand more about what might be happening and how you can address it. Often, that is the first step towards better mental health. This October, and every day, let’s make a conscious effort to speak up about mental health and try to empathise with those around us. Check in with your loved ones, your colleagues and friends, and reach out to someone if you are struggling. Together, we can change the views on mental health for the better. Remeber when it is well with your soul, you as a person is well. Capture positive thoughs and let you inner man grow and take time in Gods Word to give you a spiritual boost.



Voorspellings oor die toekoms van sport

Sien jy uit na die volgende dekade van die sport wêreld, wie weet dalk is daar nuwe vooruitsigte. As ons met 'n nuwe jaar begin, is dit altyd lekker om uit te sien wat ons in die komende jaar kan verwag. Hierdie keer is dit 'n bietjie anders of soos sommige kenners beweer meer spesiaal as ons met 'n nuwe dekade begin. Dit bied tog 'n uitstekende geleentheid om 'n paar moedige en minder gewaagde voorspellings te maak oor die belangrikste innovasies in sport gedurende die volgende dekade. Hier is ‘n paar voorspellings oor sportinnovasie saamgevat. Die sportmedia-landskap sal dramaties verander As een ding seker is, is dit die manier waarop ons inhoud sal produseer, lewer en verbruik. Om mee te begin, kyk en betaal ons inhoud op 'n ander manier. Ons sal slegs die inhoud na ons eie gemak sien en slegs betaal vir die inhoud wat ons kyk. Dit beteken dat tradisionele TV nie beskikbaar is nie, en dat streaming die standaard sal wees. Mense sal toenemend besluit wat hulle wil sien, insluitend kamerahoeke, statistieke, onderhoude, ens. Verwag dat 'n soort netflix vir sport na vore sal tree en 'n stryd om mediaregte. Al hoe meer ligas en klubs van sportfederasies gaan hul eie produksies vervaardig, verkoop of uitsaai. Verwag dat nuwe platforms sal verskyn! Sportifikasie en gamifisering sal momentum kry Nuwe sportsoorte sal ontstaan, terwyl sommige tradisionele sportsoorte stadig verdwyn. Daar sal ongetwyfeld groot veranderinge in die sportlandskap wees. Tradisionele sportsoorte wat nie hul formaat verander nie of nie betyds aanpas by die behoeftes van toekomstige geslagte nie, sal waarskynlik hul aandeel verloor.

Met tegnologie sal 'n hele reeks nuwe geleenthede ontstaan. Verwag dat huidige e-speletjies werklike nuwe sportsoorte sal word; e-atlete wat met VR-bril toegerus is, sal die stryd aansê. Kinders sal waarskynlik weer meer aktief wees in sport, aangesien tegnologie in sport saamgevoeg sal word, 'n vereiste vir toekomstige geslagte. Sport met 'n tegnologiese spelelement daarin! Interessante lees: Sportifikasie nuwe mantra van die spelbedryf Volhoubaarheid in sport sal nog belangriker word. Sport gaan groen! Stadions ontwikkel. Dit is 'n maklike voorspelling. Oor tien jaar sal 'n nuutgeboude stadion min ooreenkomste met die stadions van vandag hê. Ja, die gemiddelde stadion sal steeds 'n plek wees waar mense bymekaarkom. 5G sal intydse data en statistieke verskaf en eksklusiewe sosiale netwerkplatforms in die stadion moontlik maak. Kragbalans sal na die atleet skuif. Daar word voorspelling dat die toekomstige atleet sterker sal word. Spelerkontrakte sal volledig bepaal word deur groot data, wat 'n gedetailleerde beeld gee van wat die atleet in staat is om te doen in terme van atletiese en kommersiële prestasies. Die beste aanbod sal wen! Die kommersiële mag van atlete sal verder toeneem. Hul rolle as beïnvloeders en rolmodelle sal belangriker word. Daarom sal hulle in 'n sterk onderhandelingsposisie wees teenoor beide die handelsmerke en die klubs wat hulle verteenwoordig. Dit sal alles in die data wees! Professionele sportsoorte begin en eindig by die aanhanger. Geen aanhangers, geen sportsoorte nie, dit is so eenvoudig. Met 5G om die draai, sal interaktiwiteit tussen aanhanger en speler/span toeneem, gedurende die wedstryd sowel as op en buite die veld.

13 OCTOBER 2020

New hyacinth-removing machine deployed at Blesbokspruit Lake

The city’s newly purchased amphibious excavator has made a notable progress in clearing lakes and dams of the invasive hyacinth. The amphibious excavator has now been deployed to the Blesbokspruit in the Springs, which is also densely covered with hyacinth, making it hard for residents

and the various bird species to enjoy the recreational benefits of the dam. Furthermore, the City’s use of chemicals such as the herbicides to control water hyacinth has proven to be highly effective during the summer season when the plants are active.

Watermaster machine launched inside the Blesbokspruit lake to root out hyacinth.

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30

ELCO STEEL EL CO S TEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAX: 011 815-3427

Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last Q.D OXIDE RED 5LT THINNERS ALUMINIUM SHEETS

R321 R211.10 R 40 pkg



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 71.50 25X25X3 R 111.00 25X25X5 R 163.00 30X30X3 R 125.00 30X30X5 R 199.90 40X40X2 R 109.20 40X40X2.5 R145.90 40X40X3 R 168.90 40X40X5 R 273.90 50X50X3 R 219.90 50X50X5 R 363.00 60X60X6 R 536.00

R 46.50 R 74.00 R 58.00 R 98.00 R 69.90 R109.00 R 92.50 R144.00 R115.00 R182.00

SQBAR 6MT 8MM R 71.00 10MM R 64.00 12MM R100.00


R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 19.50 R 35.50 R 53.00 R 80.50 R145.10 R225.00



89.00 129.00 117.00 173.00 286.00

R649.90 R789.90 R960.00 R1199.00 R1599.00 R1799.00 R2399.90


Weld Rods

R123.90 2.5X5kg R179 R174.90 3.2X5kg R158 R199.00 Equal Angle R239.00 Bonanza R289.90 R384.10 R339.90 R8500-R8900 R423.00 per ton excl vat R509.20 random lenghts SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm - must take in bundles 20X20 R 96.60 R119.90 25X25 R137.50 R159.00 GALV SHEETS 32X32 R156.90 R195.90 2450X1225x0.5 R241 38X38 R198.00 R249.90 2450X1225x0.6 R299 50X50 R255.50 R329.90 2450X1225x1.0 R499 76X76 R390.36 R472.90 2450x1225x0.2 R1074 2450x1225x3.0 R1611 100X100 R679.00 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R98.90 R151.00 R168.00 R205.00 R238.00 R268.90 R309.00 R339.90 R399.00

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 74.00 R 99.00 R132.00 R154.00 R169.00 R215.00 R313.00

PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R480.00 900x3mm High R540.00 1.0x3mt High R570.00 1.2x3mt High R620.00 1.5x3mt High R670.00 1.8mt High R790.00 75X50X20X2 2.0mt High R840.00 100X50X20X2 2.4mt High R999.00 125X50X20X2 LOOSE PALES 150X50X20X2 600mm R21.00 175X50X20X2 900mm R25.00 1.0mt R31.40 200X50X20X2 1.2mt R36.00 1.5mt R45.00 IPE SECTION AA 1.8mt R55.00 100X55 R 92m 2.0mt R59.00 140X73 R114m 2.4mt R85.00

R 89.00 R129.00 R162.00 R189.00 R215.00 R256.10 R389.00 R658.40


DTS R4 542 Complete kit

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt


6320C R176.90 6320D R235.00 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R160.20 80MM R243.20


76X38 light 100X50 light 152X76 178X54

2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM


R679.70 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R79.20 R1074.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R95.10 R2149.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R108.40 R1749.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R45.20

R299.00 R339.00 R407.00 R423.00 R462.00 R499.00

R455.00 R516.50 R620.00 R644.10 R704.00 R762.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE. Prices subject to change without prior notice due to national steel price increase and shortage at stock.

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