Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Ruan Supra en Doenè Harris

Henry van Biljon en Kamohelo Letiatla

Hoofseun, Izak van der Merwe en Anlie Fourie

`n Matriekafskeid is vanselfsprekend en `n moet-hê vir baie jongmense, maar die Covid-19 pandemie het dit amper onmoontlik gemaak vir die klas van 2020 om die jaar af te sluit met tradisionele vieringe. Ten spyte van die inperkingsregulasies en uitdagings wat 2020 gebied het, het Hoërskool John Vorster se ouers met unieke konsepte vorendag gekom om die matrikulante `n kans te gee om 2020 werklik onvergeetlik af te sluit soos wat dit jaarliks gedoen word. Die ouers het ‘n matriekafskeid vir leerders gereël buite skoolverband. ‘n Komitee is gestig en saam het talle ouers die groot dag beplan. Op Donderdag, 3 November is leerders, saam met die skoolhoof, onderhoof en verskeie graadhoofde en hul metgeselle genooi om die geleentheid saam te kom geniet by Nigel Italian Club met die tema

‘A wish upon a star’. Die pragtige dekor met die warm verwelkoming het boekdele gespreek en die kostafels was uit die boonste rakke. Daar word vertrou dat die toekomstige ouers hierdie tradisie sal voortsit, matrikulante sal sowaar hierdie dag nie vergeet nie. ‘n Hartlike dank aan die komitee, elke ouer en borg wat bygedra het tot die sukses van hierdie dag. Armand Nortje met Tenita Botha

Mieke Kapp, hoofmeisie.

Pierina Belotti en Keanon Muiton

Spesialiseer in: Persoonlike-, kommersiële- en boerderyversekering * Professionele en vriendelike diens * Persoonlike aandag * Vinnige en effektiewe eisehantering * Baie billike tariewe Derick Pieterse en Lucinda van der Merwe

Willie Bronkhorst en Elandia Marais

Klippies: 083 282 7577 Wayne: 072 266 6157 Kantoor: 011 814 8297 Kantoor ure: 08:00 - 16:30



2020 Vrees

As jy gaan kyk na die term vrees in jou gesin wat sien jy? In die tyd waarin ons is, na afloop van ‘n moeilike 2020, het vrees nie net ouers nie, maar ook kinders in paniek geplaas en almal is onseker oor die toekoms die dag van more. Misdaad, siekte, die dood, finansies, kwellinge, werkloosheid veroorsaak als vrees. Vrees bepaal dikwels hoe jou dag gaan verloop, in watter bui jy gaan wees of hoe jy gaan optree. Vrees motiveer jou om te veg of om te vlug. Vrees maak jou deurmekaar, verward, blind, neem jou gevange en vernietig jou ten einde. Vrees gee tande aan die duiwel of veroorsaak dat die vyand selfs groter lyk. Terwyl talle kanker vrees, is vrees die kanker van geloof. Wat doen geloof? Geloof versit berge. Geloof trek ons nader aan God. Geloof bring God in beweging. Geloof weet dat God alles kan doen en dat niks onmoontlik is by God nie. Opmerklik is dat geloof alle vrees verdryf terwyl vrees die vyand van geloof is. Job sê: “As ek iets vreesliks vrees, kom dit oor my; en die ding waarvoor ek bang is, kom na my toe.” Kies vandag om te glo eerder as om te vrees. Kom ons vergelyk vlugtig vrees en geloof: Vrees sê: “Ek weet nie wat môre gaan bring” Geloof sê: “Ek weet God hou môre in sy hand!” Vrees skree: “Misdaad” Geloof antwoord: “God sal my beskerm!” Vrees vra beangs: “Wat gaan van ons kinders word?” Geloof sê dat God hul onder sy vleuels hou. Vrees vra: “Hoe gaan ek alles betaal?” Geloof weet dat God sal voorsien. Vrees neem mense gevange terwyl geloof vry maak. Vrees maak dat ons moedeloos raak terwyl geloof ons moed gee. Vrees veroorsaak dat ons hopeloos voel terwyl geloof hoop bring. Vrees bring hartseer terwyl geloof vreugde gee. Vrees maak dat ons hulpeloos en nietig voel terwyl geloof ons vlerke gee. Vrees bring siekte terwyl geloof genesing bewerkstellig. Vrees kan tot die dood lei terwyl geloof lewe gee. Maar vrees bekruip ons dikwels, dreig ons en gryp ons. Hoe maak ons dan? Ons besluit om te glo en roep God aan. Ons maak gebedsake van ons vrese. Ons loof God, dank hom selfs vooruit vir verlossing en bevryding. Geloof glo dit, sien dit en neem dit. Kies om te glo: “Wees sterk en vol moed, en voer dit uit; vrees nie en Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Stockists of Steel wees nie verskrik 011 Tel: 01 1 815 4700/1/2 Sections, Rail, Piping nie, want die HERE email: - Plante and Tubing God, my God, sal SERVICES: GUILLOTING, BENDING, PUNCHING, PROFILING & LASER CUTTING. met jou wees; Hy SQ TUBE 6M PIPE 6M FLA T BAR 6M FLAT sal jou nie begewe 1.6MM 2.0MM 12X3 ........ R 43.00 1.6MM 2.0MM en jou nie verlaat 16x3 ......... R 47.00 20MM .... R 98.00.........R119.00 12x12 .... R 94.00 nie. 20x3 ......... R 57.00 16x16 .... R108.00 25MM .... R146.00 ..... R150.00 As jy geloof beoe20x5 ......... R 79.00 20X20 ... R117.00.......R138.00 32MM .... R158.00 ..... R212.00 fen beinvloed jy die 25x3 ......... R 70.00 25X25 ... R148.00 ..... R186.00 38MM .... R189.00 ..... R249.00 mense rondom jou 25x5 ......... R 94.00 32X32 ... R189.00 ..... R254.00 50MM .... R249.00 ..... R311.00 om dieselfde te wil 30x3 ......... R 84.00 38X38 ... R231.00 ..... R292.00 76MM .... R372.00 ..... R478.00 doen. Niemand kan 30x5 ......... R118.00 50X50 ... R336.00 ..... R398.00 vir jou onderneem EQ ANGLE 6M 40x3 ......... R110.00 76X76 ... R480.00 ..... R625.00 soos wat die He40x5 ......... R156.00 100X100 ................... R850.00 25x25x3 .................... R114.00 50x3 ......... R143.00 melse Vader kan 25x25x5...................... R178.00 REC TUBE 6M 50x5 ......... R196.00 nie. Ons het God 30x30x3 .................... R137.00 1.6MM 2.0MM nou meer as ooit 30x30x5 .................... R224.00 SQ BAR 6M 38x20 .... R195.00 ..... R240.00 nodig in alle aspek40x40x3 .................... R174.00 10MM ..... R71.00 38x25 .... R233.00 ..... R255.00 40x40x5 .................... R286.00 te van ons lewens. 12MM ....... R104.00 50x25 .... R244.00 ..... R299.00 25x25x2 .................... R 76.00 Gee jou gesin in Sy WINDOW 50x38 .... R315.00 ..... R414.00 30x30x2 .................... R112.00 hande met oorgawe.

is jy ingesluk deur vrees?



76x38 .... R360.00 ..... R520.00 76x50 .... R404.00 ..... R499.00 100X50 ..................... R610.00

40x40x2 .................... R122.00






10 NOVEMBER 2020

Vermy sla gga te slagga ggate Wanneer dit by dieët kom, is dit belangrik om te weet wat help, en wat gewigsverlies kan benadeel. Maar meer noodsaaklik moet jou gedagtes omskep word in reg eet as leefstyl. Jy het omtrent al alles probeer, en jy kan net nie van daardie ekstra gewig ontslae raak nie of in goeie gesondheid bly nie. Wel, hier is van die mees algemene foute wat alle mense maak. Kitsdiëte en kitskosse Die een is net so sleg soos die ander een. Daar is nie ‘n vinnige gesonde manier van gewig verloor nie. Verander jou eetgewoontes vir ‘n paar weke en wees streng, pas aan en hou daarby. Om na ‘n vinnige diëte te gryp maak jou metabolisme stadiger. Dit beteken dat, wanneer jou dieët verby is, jou liggaam nie in staat is om kalorieë so vinnig te verbrand soos dit moet nie, en jou gewig stagneer of neem selfs toe. Kitskos laat jou in ‘n kits gewig aansit. Dit is propvol kalorieë en bevat baie min voedingswaarde. Beperk dus jou wegneemete aande tot ‘n minimum. Ontbyt is ‘n moet Daar is fantastiese idees rondom ontbyt. Om jou etery te los vir later in die dag klink na ‘n maklike manier om jou daaglikse kalorie-telling te verminder, maar dit kan daartoe lei dat jy later in die dag vreeslik honger is en jouself ooreet of heeltyd peusel. As jy ‘n gesonde ontbyt van proteïen en vesel eet, bly jy vir langer versadig en sal jy nie sommer ooreet of ongesonde peuselhappies eet nie. Dit sal ook meer energie regdeur die dag gee en jy sal dus meer produktief wees! Oormatige peuselhappies is ‘n nee Jy tel dalk elke kalorie aan tafel, maar wat van dít wat jy tussenin eet? Daardie koekie wat jy saam met jou wegneem-koffie gekry het? En wat van selfs die koffie? Ons vergeet dat al hierdie klein goedjies jou kalorie-telling kan opstoot! Nadeel van geen peuselhappies Hoewel ongesonde peuselhappies jou gewig kan laat aansit, kan die regte peuselhappies jou in werklikheid help gewig verloor! Voorbeelde van goeie peuselhappies is neute, vars vrugte of vars groente soos komkommer, wortelstokkies of seldery. Moenie oorboord gaan met lae-vet kos Lae-vet beteken NIE lae-kalorie nie en dit is nie ‘n teken dat jy ‘n tweede en derde porsie kan skep nie. Lees die etiket van laevet kosse baie deeglik om te sien hoeveel kalorieë hulle bevat. Kalorieë Opdrink Dis gevaarlik as ‘n mens vergeet om die kalorieë te tel wat skuil in wat ons drink. Dit is glad nie bevorderlik vir jou dieët as jy suikerbevattende koeldranke of alkoholiese drankies drink nie. Selfs dinge soos vrugtesap of gegeurde koffies kan baie suiker bevat, en dit laat jou kalorie-telling baie vinnig toeneem! Drink ten minste 1.5 liter water per dag Hoewel dit een van die maklikste vinnigste dieët-truuks is, doen baie min mense dit. Wanneer jy nie genoeg water drink nie, dehidreer jy; en wanneer jy gedehidreer is, raak jou metabolisme stadiger, en verloor jy minder gewig. Verminder suiwel Te veel van enige iets is nie goed nie, pasop vir te veel suiwel inname, veral die geprosesseerde soort, probeer om voedsel in hul mees natuurlikste vorms in te neem. Daagliks weeg Om jouself elke dag te weeg, lei tot frustrasie. Gewig kan van dag tot dag verskil, so weeg jouself op ‘n weeklikse basis. Jou doelwit moet wees om so 0.5kg–1kg per week te verloor. Jou klere sal jou wel vertel of jy gewig verloor het. Moenie onrealistiese gewigsdoelwitte skep nie dit kan teleurstelling tot gevolg hê. Oefening gaan saam met reg of gesond eet die een kan nie sonder die ander een nie, al stap jy net.


RT6 ........... R110.00 RT13 ....... R 123.00 RX7 ......... R 160.00 F7 ............ R 126.00 F4B .......... R 331.00

75x50x20x2.....R356.00...R544.00 75x50x20x2.....R360.00...R551.00 ROUND BAR 6M 100x50x20x2...R411.00...R625.00 100x75x20x2...R424.00...R620.00 6MM .......... R25.00 POLYCARB SHEETING 125x50x20x2...R445.00...R678.00 8MM .......... R40.00 R180.00p/m Cut to size 150x50x20x2...R495.00...R757.00 10MM ........ R63.00 REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 12MM ........ R90.00 WE WILL MATCH OR BEAT ANY 10MM ............R 66.00 Terms & Conditions VALID QUOTATION 12MM ............R 92.00

November 2020 SPECIALS

PALISADE PANELS LOOSE PALES 3mx600mm...R 556.00 3mx1.0m.......R 636.00 3mx1.2m.......R 749.00 3mx1.5m.......R 826.00 3mx2.0m.......R 971.00 FIBRE GLASS SHEETING

R100.00p/m Cut to size

600mm....R 19.00 1.0m........R 26.00 1.2m........R 34.00 1.5m........R 41.00 1.8m........R 50.00 2.0m........R 55.00

apply H/R SHEETS & PLA TES PLATES 2450x1225x1.6........R742.00 2450x1225x2.0 .......R915.00 2450x1225x2.5......R1155.00 2450x1225x3.0......R1367.00 2450x1225x4.0......R1995.00 2500x1200x6.0......R2940.00

GEMINI GATE MOTOR R4400 PRICES MAY DIFFER due to steel shortages


TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

10 NOVEMBER 2020



Illegal dumping effect health Development Cllr Nomadlozi Nkosi urges residents to refrain from illegal dumping, as it can be a breeding ground for diseases. “Waste that is discarded in open spaces, especially in residential areas transfer various diseases that are transmitted by insects such as mosquitoes,” said the MMC. Mosquitoes can carry life-

TERS pa yments payments inexplicably stopped On Friday, 30 October 2020, the Minister of Employment and Labour unexpectedly announced that the TERS benefits for employees who are still unable to attend work, due to the Covid-19 Level 1 lock-down regulations, will cease on 15 September 2020, and that there will be no further extension. This unilateral act by the Minister flies in the face of a Government Gazette published by the Department on 7 September, which indicates that the TERS benefits will be extended until the end of the National State of Disaster, which, according to the latest exten-sion by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, is applicable until 15 November 2020. This was conf irmed by a media statement by the Department on 30 September 2020. The Minister and the Department’s denial that this is indeed the current state of affairs is quite unsettling. This about-turn by the Minister, after a meeting of the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), which has no constitutional, legislative or executive authority, is unlaw-ful. As long as the empowering regulation is in force, the Depart-ment of Employment and Labour has to comply with it. Should the Department wish to stop TERS payments, which clearly seems to be the case, they will have to repeal the prevailing Government Gazette first. Whether that can be done lawfully is questionable, especially in view of the fact that many employers, on the basis of the Regulations, have paid their employees, who are unable to work as a result of the lockdown regulations, in advance. This surprise announcement by the Minister will seal the fate of many thousands of employees who still cannot return to work as a result of the restrictive regulations imposed by, among others, the very same Department. This state of affairs is shameful and indefensible and needs to be addressed and /or rectified as a matter of urgency.

Waarskuwing! Aangesien die vernietigende gevolge van die landwye uitsluiting in die Arbeidsmagopname van Stats SA vir die tweede kwartaal duidelik gemaak is, het sommige aktiviste gevra dat die tydelike toekenning vir maatskaplike verligting in nood 'n permanente toelae word. Die gevolge van een van die wêreld se strengste en langste landelike Covid-19-uitsluitings word weerspieël in gegewens wat toon dat meer as twee miljoen Suid-Afrikaners hul werk verloor het. Dit het in werklikheid 'n dekade in die groei van werk binne enkele maande uitgewis. Dit is verstaanbaar en regverdigbaar om 'n tydelike toekenning in te stel om mense te help ondersteun gedurende hierdie moeilike tye. Om die ekonomiese gevolge van die uitsluiting te versag, het die regering die land se stelsel van maatskaplike hulp uitgebrei deur die bedrae van elke toelae op te vul, asook 'n spesiale toekenning van Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) van R350, beide vir ses maande. Onlangs het die humanitêre organisasie, Black Sash, die toekenning van sosiale verligting van nood gesien as die eerste stap tot 'n universele toekenning vir basiese inkomste. Black Sash ondersteun die instelling van so 'n toekenning. Bekende ekonome soos Dawie Roodt en professor Bonke Dumisa het egter gewaarsku dat Suid-Afrika nie die fiskale ruimte het om so 'n toelaag permanent te bekostig nie. Dit is duur en onbekostigbaar om die spesiale R350-toekenning meer permanent te maak, terwyl SuidAfrika in politieke en ekonomiese onrus verkeer. Reeds word daar elke maand meer as 18 miljoen toelaes uitbetaal. Die enigste manier om die aantal mense wat 'n maatskaplike toelaag benodig, te verminder, is om die aantal mense met 'n werk aansienlik te verhoog. Die vakbonde en die African National Congress self is egter die grootste struikelblokke vir werkskepping. Die gevolg van die nasionale minimum loon is dat ondernemings huiwerig is om aan te stel omdat die minimum loon arbeid in Suid-Afrika te duur maak. Daarenteen het 'n studie wat Afrobarometer hierdie jaar gedoen het, getoon dat die meerderheid Suid-Afrikaners 'n lae-betaalde werk bo geen werk verkies nie. Suid-Afrikaners heg duidelik 'n hoë waarde daaraan om werk te hê. Die regering moet dus arbeidshervormings implementeer wat mense in die prys sal plaas. Met meer mense in werk, sal die hoë sosiale afhanklikheidsverhouding in Suid-Afrika daal, wat f iskale verligting bied. Dit is tyd dat Suid-Afrika weer op welvaartskepping fokus.

threatening diseases, such as Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, and malaria. Stop the spread of diseases, report illegal dumping to the city’s call centre on 0860 543 000 and a fine will be enforced on the transgressors.

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172 Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553

267 SKAKEL 6198

078 804 2401


The act of illegal dumping is not only an unpleasant but it is also a serious health hazard to the public. Ekurhuleni health practitioners warn that wet garbage are a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and attract other unpleasant insects and trash-loving animals such as rats. Thus, the MMC for Health and Social



SEKURITEIT GEDURENDE DIE FEESTYD Die jaar is vinnig op pad einde se kant toe; die tyd van die jaar wanneer die meeste mense begin uitsien na ‘n welverdiende rus en tyd saam met geliefdes. Ongelukkig is dit ook dié tyd van die jaar wat gekenmerk word deur kriminele wat toeslaan op ‘n samelewing wat besig is om af te skaal om rustig te verkeer. Hier is ‘n paar waarskuwings en wenke wat u in gedagte kan hou gedurende u voorbereiding vir die feesseisoen. “Remote Jamming”: Teen hierdie tyd is “remote jamming” vir die meeste mense al ou nuus, maar daar is steeds slagoffers van hierdie kriminele aktiwiteit. Dit werk so: Wanneer jy jou voertuig met jou afstandbeheerder sluit, is daar ‘n misdadiger in die omgewing wat die sein van die afstandbeheerder met sy eie beheerder blokkeer. Jy aanvaar dat jou voertuig gesluit is en stap weg. Die misdadiger stap doodluiters na jou voertuig toe, maak die deur oop en vat wat hy wil. So kan slagoffers al hulle kersinkopies verloor sonder ‘n teken van ‘n inbraak in die voertuig. Staan naby u voertuig en bevestig dat dit wel gesluit is deur die deur te probeer oopmaak. Huisbrake: Hoewel huisinbrake dwarsdeur die jaar ‘n probleem is, neem dit geweldig toe net voor en tydens die feestydperk. Kragonderbrekings is ‘n instrument in die hande van misdadigers, veral die baie munisipale kragonderbrekings wat ons tans ondervind, speel reg in hulle hande in. Die idee is dat die kragonderbreking sal veroorsaak dat die alarm se battery sal pap word en nie meer in staat sal wees om `n sein uit te stuur, of nie geaktiveer kan word nie. Al sou jy dan ‘n oproep of sms van jou sekuriteitsreaksie-eenheid ontvang, word dit dan dikwels aan die kragonderbreking toegeskryf. Sosiale media kan baie in hierdie situasies help, want jy kan vinnig vasstel of dit ‘n geïsoleerde geval is. Grypinbraak (“Smash-and-grab”): Persoonlike besittings soos selfone wat op voertuie se sitplekke lê of in jou hande is terwyl jy bestuur of selfs in die straat loop, is ‘n groot teiken. Misdadigers beweeg ook van besigheid na besigheid in die dorp, vra algemene vrae en dikwels om die badkamer te gebruik. Wanneer sulke persone dan ingelaat word, gaan hulle dikwels nie met leë hane en sake weer by die deur uit nie. So verdwyn selfone en skootrekenaars van lessenaars af sonder dat enige iemand dit agterkom; net om later ‘n verrassing te kry. Wees paraat! Wenk: Uit ‘n versekeringsperspektief kan u seker maak dat kosbare mobiele besittings soos selfone, tablette, skootrekenaars en kameras apart verseker/gespesifiseer is, sou u sodanige verlies ervaar.

Klippies: 083 282 7577 / Wayne: 072 266 6157 / E-pos



10 NOVEMBER 2020




NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at the cnr of North Street & 6 Avenue,

Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinne-koppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 17:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL

TE KOOP: Die MUIS PALEIS: muise en rotte te koop. Alle groottes. Beskikbaar 24/7 Kontak CARLA 072 471 6807 Vir Pryse. COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.

Heidelberg AA Meetings TO RENT / TE HUUR

Mondays & Thursdays from 19:0020:00 at the SUIKERBOS OORD, FREEMAN STR, Heidelberg. If you think you have a DRINKING problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovering alcoholics addicts. Contact Person: Oliver 072 869 3163 / Eastrand office 011 421 1748 / AA Helpline 086 143 5722.

084 485 7029

HELP STOP NIGEL SPCA CLOSING ITS DOORS The SPCA belongs to the people of Nigel and the public are being urgently requested and encouraged to come forward to apply to be on the SPCA’s committee.A SPCA Committee can have up to 10 members, currently there are only two full time members on the Nigel SPCA committee and the society simply cannot continue without the support of a functional committee. The society is also asking for help from people to offer their assistance to the society. This can be builders, or handymen, to help with the maintenance of the kennels/catteries/and SPCA grounds, or people who have spare time on their hands to assist with the vital function of fundraising ventures. Interested people are asked to email a one page CV to please, let’s save this small, but vital SPCA, from having to close its doors.




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082 853 4071

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16 & 17 Year olds allowed to donate bone marrow South African youth aged 16 and 17 will be able to make history, alongside their peers in the UK, as the world’s youngest bone marrow donors. The South African Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) received the nod from its Clinical Governance Committee and board members, as well as the National Health Department to allow 16 and 17-year-old teens to become bone marrow stem cell donors. Recent changes in legislation and advances in stem cell donation have allowed registries to reduce the age limit of donors. South Africa now joins the UK in this move. The latter became one of the first countries to do so. Dr Charlotte Ingram, Medical Director of the SA Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR), the largest registry in the country, says it’s a landmark moment as the change in joining policy will contribute to saving more lives. “In general, young people make better donors. Research shows that younger donors are associated with better survival rates for patients following a stem cell transplant. It’s a step towards further enhancing the registry towards a younger and more ethnically diverse pool for blood cancer patients and others in need of a bone marrow transplant.” Previously, teenagers had to wait until they were 18 to join the SA Bone Marrow Registry. Now they can join by following the exact same procedure as others. Once youth have applied online: https://, they will be contacted to discuss the easiest way of dispatching and collecting swab kits. The only initial sample that is required is a cheek swab. Currently, 18-25-year olds only account for 6.8% of the SABMR registry but with

increased awareness of bone marrow donation among young people the f igure should increase substantially. “Studies tell us that generation WE (aged 14-20) and generation Z (21-25) are a lot more self-aware, socially-responsible and globally-minded than previous generations. They are more concerned about tackling social issues and want to roll up their sleeves and make a difference. Young people today are often drivers of social change movements and we look forward to engaging them.” She says there is no greater way to help another than to potentially save a life. “So many lives are lost if there is a delay in finding a donor match. While we have 74 000 donors on our registry, we often discover that many older donors can no longer donate stem cells as they have developed hypertension, heart disease or diabetes. When this happens, we have to start the search process all over again, which prolongs the agonising wait for a patient, who doesn’t have time to waste. By opening up the donor pool to a younger audience, means doctors and donors can choose the healthiest matches that substantially increases a patient’s chance of survival.” For now, social media will serve as the primary channel to create awareness among youth, but physical donor drives at schools and other initiatives, which encourage col-laboration between learners, peers and pa-tients are in the pipeline for 2021. If you are between the ages of 16 and 45 and want to become a donor, contact the SABMR on 021 447 8638 or email: Financial donations can also be made via donate.

10 NOVEMBER 2020



Secondhand tyres - a deadly cost

Due to the economic knock our country has taken this year, more than two-thirds of South Africans are resorting to using secondhand tyres to save on motor vehicle costs. The consequences of saving financially now, however, could be detrimental and life-threatening when on the road, particularly during the festive season. In 2019, it was reported that more than 60 % of secondhand tyres sold in South Africa are illegal. It is fair to assume that this number has increased with the rising unemployment rate and increased f inancial strain on consumers. “That’s a frightening thought when you consider that burst tyres are responsible for 73.5% of accidents caused by the mechanics of a car,” explains Darren Hayes-Powell, Chairperson of the South African Tyre Manufacturers Conference (SATMC). Every year there are more than 14 000 deaths recorded due to road accidents. Forty-one percent of these road accidents can be attributed to the mechanics of a car, including tyres, according to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC). A burst back-wheel tyre could cause the vehicle to ‘fishtail’ as one loses control of the back of the car, whereas a front-tyre burst results in the car instantly steering in the direction of the burst tyre. If driving at a fast speed, this could result in a serious and oftentimes fatal accident. To assist customers during this chal-

lenging time, some motoring and insurance companies have granted payment holidays on monthly premiums to support the overall maintenance of their vehicles and other essentials. To help prevent wear and tear in your tyres, and ensure that they are safe to drive, make sure that: The tyres have no lumps, bulges, cuts or exposed fabrics. The tyres will not cause any damage to the road, and the metal part of the wheel does not come into contact with the road surface. Each tyre has a tread depth that is 1.6mm or more, this ensures sufficient grip and, therefore, better brake performance. There must be no flat spots (the visible flattening of a tyre or bald spots with little to no tyre tread) on the tyres. Tyres are inflated to the correct pressure, making sure not to over or under inflate. Purchased your tyres from a reputable dealership and not on the side of the road. If you need to make use of a plugged or string repair, it is only a temporary solution to be used in an emergency. The tyre should be replaced as soon as possible to avoid blowouts on the road. “Driving with unfit tyres can lead to road accidents due to negligence,” says HayesPowell. “Furthermore, you could incur major financial debt as your insurance company can refuse claims should your tyres be considered secondhand or waste tyres. It’s one of the first things the assessor will check,” he adds.

It is also important to remember that criminal action can be taken against drivers or owners of vehicles with unroadworthy tyres. Developed countries like the United Kingdom (UK) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) urge consumers not to purchase second-hand tyres due to the risk it poses. The UK is planning to introduce a law to prevent the use of old tyres, and the UAE

has banned the sale of secondhand tyres since 2012. Closer to home, countries like Zambia and Tanzania are following suit. “Tyres are the only thing keeping your car safely on the road. We urge all motorists to check their tyres regularly and, if necessary, have them replaced with tyres that are deemed to be roadworthy, it’s a matter of life and death,” concludes Hayes-Powell.

Illegal secondhand tyres are dangerous and may lead to fatal accidents. It is essential to look after your vehicle’s tyres as they are considered the riskiest mechanical element of your car if not properly cared for.

Team Red Ra cing domina te 2020 season Racing dominate Nobody can deny the fact that the Universal Motorsport team are the kings of South African motorsport after they were crowned the 2020 Team of the Year for their dominant performance in a severely disrupted season. “It is an exceptional achievement for Universal Motorsport. Not only did we secure the Team of the Year award, but we also boast champion position as well as a second place in the Oettinger Polo Cup series. It has been an extraordinary year for our team despite the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr Johan Pretorius, the team leader of Universal Motorsport and chief executive officer of Universal Healthcare. Young up-and-coming star, Dario Busi, secured the championship during the 4 and final round of the series at Port Elizabeth’s Aldo Scribante racetrack. Busi, who

went to PE with a 22-point lead, took 4 placed in the second of the two Polo Cup races of the day, but that was enough for the young Capetonian to clinch the title. His teammate Clinton Bezuidenhout ended the season second on the championship table. An emotional Busi, who was the Rookie of the Year in 2019, was over the moon with his title. “It’s very rare to win both first and second place in a national championship, but then, this season is one for the history books,” said Dr Pretorius. Dr Pretorius was profuse in his praise for the young team: “Universal Motorsport is the title sponsor for the 2020 Volkswagen Polo Cup championship through the Oettinger brand, so the team were anxious to perform well. Covid-19 made this a difficult series, but they continued to work hard on their fitness and were using race simulators during the hard lockdown, so they lost none of their edge.”

From left Jeffrey Kruger, Dario Busi, 2020 Oettinger Polo Cup champion, JP van der Walt, 2020 Most Improved Driver and Clinton Bezuidenhout, 2020 Oettinger Polo Cup second place titleholder.

Motorsport only returned to South Africa’s racetracks in August after the worldwide coronavirus pandemic forced the teams out of competition for the first half of the year. Racing conditions were diff icult with empty stands and social distancing adhered to throughout all the events. After two earlier rounds at Pretoria’s Zwartkops Raceway and one round at the Red Star Raceway near Delmas, the series returned to the Eastern Cape on 30 October. For the 2020 COVID-19 adapted racing schedule, Motorsport South Africa (MSA) required that a series had to have at least

four race meetings to qualify as a national championship. The Aldo Scribante-leg of the series ensured that MSA’s requirements were met for the Oettinger Polo Cup championship and that Busi could secure his first Polo Cup title. Universal’s JP van der Walt walked away with the laurels for Most Improved Driver for 2020 – an indication that the team could be competitive for many future seasons. Racing star, Jeffrey Kruger has one more round to go for the team in the GTC SupaCup Championship final set to take to the tarmac at the Zwartkops Raceway in Centurion.



10 NOVEMBER 2020

Support rhino conservation Rhinos have been around for millions of years and play a crucial role in their ecosystem. They are important grazers, consuming large amounts of vegetation, which helps shape the African landscape. This benefits other animals and keeps a healthy balance within the ecosystem. This year Nigel Brick & Clay contribute to supporting Rhino Conservation! October 18, Nigel Brick & Clay hosted a very successful run/walk for this cause to help a ranger, save a Rhino for Insimbi Legacy Projects. Insimbi Legacy projek is ‘n NPC/Renoster bewaring, met ‘n verskil! Hulle is meer as 'n nie-winsgewende onderneming. Elke lid van die span is deel van die Insimbi-familie wat toegewy is aan die redding van 'n verskeidenheid spesies wat insluit, maar nie beperk is, tot die pangolien, bruin hiëna, skinks en natuurlik die unieke witrenoster. Elsie Ella Parkin en die personeel van Nigel Brick & Clay het die dag gekoordineer en op ‘n baie skitterende manier weer teruggesaai in natuurbewaring deur Insimbi Legacy Projekte te ondersteun. Hierdie gebeurtenis het uitstekend afgeloop en is besonders gekoordineer. Van die opstel en merk van die roete, die reel van sekuriteit en inskrywings, met die nodige Covid-19 protokolle, asook die voorsiening van alle verversings. Deelnemers vertel dat die smaaklike boereworsrolle en pannekoek verseker ‘n wenner was. Die roete was afgebaken 5km/10km op Nigel Brick & Clay se gronde in Nigel en het gegrens aan die bekende Marievale Bird Sactuary. Dit was ’ n ongelooflike mooi prentjie, so geskik vir ‘n pretloop. Brick and Clay Nigel het ook die “Goodie Bags” geborg. Die deelnemers was 70 in getal en almal

het hierdie gesellige dag geniet! Nigel Brick & Clay se harde werk het vrugte afgewerp, dit was ‘n reuse sukses. Insimbi Legacy beskik oor ‘n Seksie 18A liefdadigheidsertifikaat en borge kan die voordeel van belasting hieruit baat. Hierdie was die 4de suksesvolle “Run for a cause, Help a Ranger, Save a Rhino geleentheid wat deur middel van ‘n pretloop aangebied is en die borge en aanbieders is dankbaar vir die opkoms en tevrede met die doel wat hul hierdeur bereik het. They organized a 5th event on last Friday, November 6 which was a night run/walk, and took place at DL Accountants in Springs, 1 Wit Road, Springs across Springs Mall. The event started at 18h00. The purpose for this event is to generate funds for the “Anti-poaching Unit Rangers/ Veldwagters! If you would like to support Rhino Conservation, please contact Carmela 0834485820 or Sharon +27 83 626 6528.

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Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last Q.D OXIDE RED 5LT THINNERS ALUMINIUM SHEETS

R321 R211.10 R 40 pkg



20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 71.50 25X25X3 R 111.00 25X25X5 R 163.00 30X30X3 R 125.00 30X30X5 R 199.90 40X40X2 R 109.20 40X40X2.5 R145.90 40X40X3 R 168.90 40X40X5 R 273.90 50X50X3 R 219.90 50X50X5 R 363.00 60X60X6 R 536.00

R 46.50 R 74.00 R 58.00 R 98.00 R 69.90 R109.00 R 92.50 R144.00 R115.00 R182.00

SQBAR 6MT 8MM R 71.00 10MM R 64.00 12MM R100.00


R/BAR 6MT 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 19.50 R 35.50 R 53.00 R 80.50 R145.10 R225.00



89.00 129.00 117.00 173.00 286.00

R858.70 R943.00 R960.00 R1199.00 R1599.00 R2159.20 R2731.25


Weld Rods

R123.90 2.5X5kg R179 R174.90 3.2X5kg R158 R199.00 Equal Angle R327.90 R289.90 Bonanza R384.10 R339.90 R9500 per ton excl vat R423.00 R509.20 random lenghts SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm - must take in bundles 20X20 R 96.60 R127.40 25X25 R139.90 R159.00 GALV SHEETS 32X32 R156.90 R195.90 2450X1225x0.5 R241 38X38 R228.50 R249.90 2450X1225x0.6 R299 50X50 R255.50 R329.90 2450X1225x1.0 R499 76X76 R390.36 R472.90 2450x1225x0.2 R1074 2450x1225x3.0 R1611 100X100 R679.00 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R98.90 R151.00 R168.00 R205.00 R238.00 R268.90 R309.00 R339.90 R399.00

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 90.60 R 99.00 R132.00 R154.00 R169.00 R215.00 R313.00

PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R495.00 900x3mm High R615.40 1.0x3mt High R655.60 1.2x3mt High R736.00 1.5x3mt High R856.50 1.8mt High R977.10 75X50X20X2 2.0mt High R1057.5 100X50X20X2 2.4mt High R1219.2 125X50X20X2 LOOSE PALES 150X50X20X2 600mm R17.80 175X50X20X2 900mm R25.40 1.0mt R27.90 200X50X20X2 1.2mt R33.40 1.5mt R41.80 IPE SECTION AA 1.8mt R50.20 100X55 R96.9m 2.0mt R55.80 140X73 R114m 2.4mt R85.10

R 89.00 R129.00 R162.00 R242.20 R279.20 R256.10 R389.00 R658.40


DTS R4 542 Complete kit CUTTING DISC

115MM R22.54 230MM R42.10

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt


6320C R236.21 6320D R248.58 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R163.98 80MM R209.30


76X38 light 100X50 light 152X76 178X54

2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM


R679.70 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R87.30 R1074.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R105.5 R2149.00 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R108.40 R1749.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R56.30

R299.00 R339.00 R407.00 R423.00 R462.00 R499.00

R455.00 R516.50 R620.00 R644.10 R704.00 R762.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE. Prices subject to change without prior notice due to national steel price increase and shortage at stock.

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