Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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082 853 4071

15 DESEMBER 2020

No more cheques - cash nex t No more cheques the notice that everybody have received from one or another bank saying “the issuance of cheques to be discontinued on 31 December 2020.” In August this year the banks forward a letter to all dear business customers, to advise people that the banking industry had made the decision to stop cheque issuing with effect from 31 December 2020. This date is now fast approaching and they would like to remind all of the following important points: Special clearances on all cheques were discontinued on September 1, this year and a mandatory 7 business day clearance period now applies. They stopped ordering and issuing new cheque books with effect from October 1. You can continue to use cheques as a payment mechanism until your current stock of cheques/cheque books runs out, or until 31 December 2020, whichever comes first. You can only accept cheque deposits and continue to cash cheques until 31 December 2020. Cheques deposited after 31 December will be returned unpaid. Have you made the switch to digital? If you haven’t already done so, they urge you to make use of their digital banking channels to make and receive payments. Not only a safer and more convenient alternative to cheques, it is also a far more efficient and cost-effective way of doing business. Options include: Online banking, the Mobile Banking App and Business Online, which allow you to pay benef iciaries (including businesslisted beneficiaries) immediately and securely. You can also send SMSs and emails to beneficiaries as proof of payment, view your transaction history, track payments and repay saved beneficiaries without having to re-enter information. Cost-effective Point of Sale, SnapScan, and referenced deposits are just some of the convenient solutions available to businesses to make collecting payments from your customers easier. For some, cash is still something they use every day. For younger

JJC Kruger & Vennote

generations, cash is becoming more and more obsolete. The future of cash. The future of cash has become an ongoing debate, but mostly among economists. For the average person, it’s a moot point, since we have access to a variety of forms of payment, there’s no conflict. Does it mean a cashless society. The case against the future of cash If you stand back and view the situation from afar, it seems clear that cash’s days are numbered. Here are some of the primary reasons why! The rise of electronic payment methods. It’s simply too convenient to make payments electronically, particularly with the Internet, as well as the fact that merchants and vendors can now be hundreds or thousands of miles away. It might just be a question of time before all payments are electronic. There are a couple of potential issues here. The first is that heavy use of cash has been commonly associated with crime, particularly drug-related crimes. The elimination of cash may seriously impair criminal activity. The other issue is theft. Today, a lot of people are afraid to carry cash, particularly large amounts. While debit and credit cards can be cancelled and replaced if stolen, once cash disappears, it’s gone forever. There’s little doubt the elimination of cash would enable banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions to reduce staff. After all, it takes more people to handle the business of cash transactions. Far fewer people are needed to manage the process.

TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAX: 011 815-3427

Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Valid while stocks last Q.D OXIDE RED 5LT THINNERS ALUMINIUM SHEETS


20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X3 40X5 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 71.52 25X25X3 R 111.00 25X25X5 R 163.02 30X30X3 R 124.98 30X30X5 R 199.92 40X40X2 R 109.44 40X40X2.5 R105.84 40X40X3 R 168.90 40X40X5 R 273.90 50X50X3 R 219.90 50X50X5 R 363.24 60X60X6 R 536.40

R 46.50 R 74.04 R 58.02 R 97.86 R 69.90 R109.02 R 92.52 R144.00 R115.02 R181.98

SQBAR 6MT 8MM R 71.00 10MM R 64.02 12MM R100.02 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM


R 19.50 R 35.52 R 66.20 R 80.52 R165.70 R225.00


078 804 2401


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


R321 R211 R 40 pkg




tion is left with the vendor or merchant. As electronic payment methods become more widespread, the move away from cash is building steam. In the global scheme of things, the US is well placed among countries going cashless. Will cash disappear or become obsolete? With the increase in the number and dollar value of transactions happening by electronic payment methods, the share of cash transactions is steadily declining. It may be that at some point in the future, cash is eliminated by government decree. Ultimately, cash may in fact disappear. But it’s mostly a question of where and when.



88.98 129.00 117.06 173.04 286.02

6320C R236.21 6320D R248.58 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R163.98 80MM R209.30


76X38 light 100X50 light 152X76 178X54

2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R858.74 R943.00 R1180.70 R1199.00 R1773.00 R2346.00 R2731.20


RECT.T 1.6MM 2.0MM

Weld Rods

R123.90 2.5X5kg R158 R245.76 3.2X5kg R173 R274.56 Equal Angle R332.40 Bonanza R393.04 R439.20 R507.30 R8500 per ton excl vat R557.00 R664.10 random lenghts SQ. Tube 1.6mm R2.0mm - must take in bundles 20X20 R129.54 R159.06 25X25 R175.74 R216.70 GALV SHEETS 32X32 R222.00 R274.56 2450X1225x0.5 R241 38X38 R268.20 R332.40 2450X1225x0.6 R299 50X50 R360.66 R447.90 2450X1225x1.0 R499 76X76 R545.58 R679.14 2450x1225x0.2 R1074 2450x1225x3.0 R1611 100X100 R895.62 25X12 38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R129.54 R198.78 R222.00 R268.20 R317.34 R353.20 R406.90 R427.02 R536.90

PIPE 1.6MM 2.0MM 19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 99.54 R136.08 R172.14 R208.68 R235.62 R281.22 R426.54

PALISADE PANELS 600x3mm High R495.00 900x3mm High R615.00 1.0x3mt High R656.00 1.2x3mt High R736.00 1.5x3mt High R857.00 1.8mt High R977.00 75X50X20X2 2.0mt High R1057. 100X50X20X2 2.4mt High R1218. 125X50X20X2 LOOSE PALES 150X50X20X2 600mm R18.00 175X50X20X2 900mm R25.00 1.0mt R28.00 200X50X20X2 1.2mt R33.00 1.5mt R42.00 IPE SECTION AA 1.8mt R50.00 100X55 R96.9m 2.0mt R56.00 140X73 R115m 2.4mt R67.00

R121.56 R167.22 R212.22 R258.06 R291.54 R348.80 R530.30 R711.70


DTS R4 542 Complete kit CUTTING DISC

115MM R22.00 230MM R43.00

Lip Channel 6mt 9.1mt


Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Though many believe a cashless society is inevitable, there are a few significant reasons why that may not be the case. Cash remains the primary medium of exchange among the poor. Despite the popularity of electronic payment methods among middle income and wealthy households, the poor remain disproportionately dependent on cash. The problem for many of the poor is bank fees. This can be compounded by low or unsteady income and deposits, resulting in non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees and even account closures by banks. Cash virtually eliminates the possibility of identity theft because no informa-


R770.00 I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R87.26 R985.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5mm R106. R2149.02 I.B.R/CORR.0.6mm R108.40 R1749.00 CORR 0.3MM FH R56.34

R340.00 R399.00 R407.00 R468.00 R480.00 R499.00

R455.00 R516.50 R620.00 R644.10 R704.00 R762.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE. Prices subject to change without prior notice due to national steel price increase and shortage at stock.



15 DECEMBER 2020

May this Festive Season end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Season’s Greetings to you all.

Ons wens u ‘n vreugdevolle Feestyd en ‘n gelukkige en vreedsame nuwe jaar toe!

011 814 1009/3444 Dankie vir u ondersteuning!

Komplimente van die seisoen en beste wense vir ‘n Geesvervulde Gesonde 2021!!

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15 DECEMBER 2020



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Dankie vir u ondersteuning 6 Chris str, Unit A8 Heidelberg




15 DECEMBER 2020




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Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinne-koppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 17:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS

The future of e-Tolls

Staal tekorte! Staalprodusente implementeer 'n aantal maatreëls om die kritieke tekort aan staalprodukte aan te spreek, wat die bou/ konstruksie- en vervaardigingsektor ernstig negatief beïnvloed. Desember is ‘n stil maand vir die staalbedryf en verskaffers van die industrie vertel dat in Desember produksie weer kan hervat om vanaf Januarie 2021, meer te kan voldoen aan staalvereistes. Daar is tydelike agterstande wat ervaar word en 'n reeks plat en lang produkte plaaslik en wêreldwyd is tekorte by die meeste staalfabrieke. Vergrendeling en ander faktore het ‘n eislike rol gespeel. Hierdie tekorte word toegeskryf aan byna drie maande se produksie tydens die grendeltyd, asook ander tydelike produksie-vertragings veroorsaak deur eksterne faktore". Daar is verhoogde deurlooptye vir die verskaffing van staalfabrieke regoor die wêreld, en die meeste fabrieke bied nou aflewering in die eerste kwartaal van 2021 of vir sekere spesifieke produkte tot in die tweede kwartaal van 2021. Soortgelyke tekorte word in baie ander bedrywe ondervind. Produksie was vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van die geïntegreerde staalbedryf in die land gestaak. Dit het gelei tot 'n skielike ontwrigting in die hele staalvoorsieningsketting, waarvan die gevolge geleidelik aandag kry. Die verhoging van verkope by kleinhandelafsetpunte en die aflewering van die laer voorraadvlakke in die staalwaardeketting voor die landwye toesluiting, het egter tot gevolg gehad 'n toename in die vraag na staal teen 'n vinniger tempo as wat aanvanklik verwag is. Suid Afrika staar meer as net staaltekorte in die gesig en daar word beweer dat die staalbedryf ‘n styging van 9% in Januarie 2021 in die sig staar.

Heidelberg AA Meetings Mondays & Thursdays from 19:0020:00 at the SUIKERBOS OORD, FREEMAN STR, Heidelberg. If you think you have a DRINKING problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovering alcoholics addicts. Contact Person: Oliver 072 869 3163 / Eastrand office 011 421 1748 / AA Helpline 086 143 5722.

Onwaar bewer ings! bewerings!

Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your FOR SALE / TE011 K OOP KOOP computer requirements. 814 2156.

The e-Toll contract with Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) has once again been renewed. This clearly means that the ANC government does not have any intention to scrap e-Tolls any time soon and they are making empty promises that the matter is at a critical stage and is being looked into. It is now more than a year since President Cyril Ramaphosa indicated that cabinet will make a decision on the future of the e-Tolls, but yet we are still waiting on a decision. It is unacceptable that the ANC government continues to mislead people on the e-Toll matter to the extent that they used it as an


electioneering tool last year, when they knew that they had absolutely no intention of finding a viable solution to e-Tolls. Gauteng residents have made it clear that they are not willing to pay for e-Tolls as it was something that they were not consulted on before it is implementation. Given the current economic climate, e-Tolls is something that residents are unable to pay and e-Tolls is an unfair tax burden on the residents. There was a suggested that a portion of the fuel levy be used to pay for the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project. It is clear that the ANC has no resolution to e-tolls. A solution to e-Tolls by suggesting that a few cents from the fuel levy be ring-fenced to pay for the e-Tolls, with no result, but instead it is being used to bail out State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The e-Toll system must be scrapped before it turns motorists into criminals.

Outstanding traffic fines

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) says that it will be in full force over the December holiday period to ensure that South African motorists comply with traffic rules. The corporation said that traff ic law enforcement officers have arrested more than 500 motorists for various traff ic offences throughout the country since the launch of the festive season road safety campaign in Polokwane last week. The majority of the arrests (219) related to drunken driving followed by an execution of 189 outstanding warrants. Other offences include speeding and operating public transport vehicles without permits. A total of 128 roadblocks have been conducted so far during which, 71,328 vehicles have been stopped, 56,805 traffic fines issued, 312 vehicles discontinued, 525 vehicles impounded and 541 arrests made. Road safety education and awareness campaigns and law enforcement operations will be intensif ied this week as the country prepares for the year-end peak travel period, it said. “The Road Traffic Management Corporation advises all motorists to check if they have any outstanding traffic fines before embarking on their festive journeys. “Traffic officers are being deployed on all major routes and those found with outstanding traffic fines will not be allowed to proceed.

Ekurhuleni verwerp die ongegronde en opspraakwekkende bewerings wat die DA in Ekurhuleni gemaak het, ten sterkste. In 'n mediaverklaring wat op 3 Desember 2020 uitgereik is, beweer die DA dat die stad se paaie-departement se teer opgeraak het en dat hul die 'oorlog teen slaggate' verloor. Ekurhuleni wil ‘n regstelling maak en die publiek inlig dat daar geen teermateriaal ontbreek nie. Vanweë die onverwagse aard van die COVID-19 wêreldwye pandemie en die regulasies van die landwye uitsluiting, het 'n voorval van vertraagde aflewering gedurende kwartaal 2 van die boekjaar plaasgevind en is dit reeds reggestel. Die Stad vind dit jammer dat die DA 'n wêreldwye gesondheidskrisis wil benut om goedkoop politieke punte aan te teken. In hierdie krisistyd kan verwag word dat alle lede van die Raad sal saamwerk om die gemeenskap eerste te plaas tydens hierdie pandemie en daar sal toegesien word dat alle partye saamwerk om enige onderbreking in die kwaliteit van dienste wat die Stad tot dusver gelewer het, te vermy. Die Stad is steeds daartoe verbind om openbare dienste van hoë gehalte aan die inwoners van Ekurhuleni te lewer. Hierdie verbintenis is vroeër vanjaar gekwalifiseer, toe die stad Ekurhuleni 'n tweede plek in die Consulta Suid-Afrikaanse kliëntetevredenheidsindeks in plaaslike regering vir 2020 behaal het. Ekurhuleni bly die voorste metropolitaanse munisipaliteit wat dienslewering in Gauteng betref. Die Stad wen die oorlogop slaggate en sal voortgaan om die stad se paaie veilig en bruikbaar te hou gedurende die feestyd in Desember. Geen bedrag van goedkoop politiekery sal ons ontspoor deur kwaliteit en volhoubare dienste aan ons mense te lewer nie, insluitend die instandhouding van ons paaie.

Closing of services The City of Ekurhuleni wishes to inform its ratepayers of the closure of Council offices between Christmas and New Year. All administrative offices, libraries, selected rates halls and pay-points will be closed from 13:00 on Thursday, December 24 and will re-open on Monday, January 4, 2021. However, emergency and essential services such as refuse collection, electricity and water services will not be affected by the recess, though refuse will not be collected on December 25. Thereafter refuse collection will resume as per the schedule, which is also available on Residents are advised to utilise the following numbers: Life Threatening Emergency Line 011 458- 0911/10177-112 from mobile phones. Municipal Services Call Centre 0860 543 000. Residents are reminded to pay their municipal accounts on time and utilise facilities such as the online rates payment platform, Siyakhokha. The municipality wishes all its residents a wonderful and blessed festive season and prosperous New Year.

Re-opening of Bunny Park

EXTENDED DRIVER’S LICENSE Ekurhuleni’s Member of the Mayoral Is your driver’s license or professional driver’s permit expired? Did it expire on the period from the 26 March to date? The good news for motorists is that the Ekurhuleni has extended the validity period of learner’s licenses, driving license cards, temporary driving licenses and professional driving permits. The validity period was initially planned to expire on 31 December 2020 and has now been extended to 31 August 2021. Visit the Driver’s License Testing Centres for more information.

Committee (MMC) for Environment Resources and Waste Management Services Ald Makhosazana Mabaso lead the officially re-opening of Bunny Park in Benoni on Friday, December 4. Bunny Park has gone through extensive renovations since 2018, and it is now ready and set to welcome members of the public to come and enjoy the cute bunnies and other domestic animals found at the facility. The park also boasts various family recreational and leisure facilities for those wishing to spend the whole day at the park.

Top 10 word beloon

15 DECEMBER 2020



Hoërskool John Vorster se graad 9 top 10 leerders vir 2020. Kwartaal 1, eerste op Hoërskool John Vorster se top 10 leerlinge is verlede week bederf met ‘n heerlike be- die rang is Marlize van Rooyen, Jonathan Roberts, Tamar Gertenbach, AJ Cronje, soek aan die Walter Sisulu Nasionale Botaniese tuine. Dit was ‘n asemrowende beleKay-Lee Meyer, Karla Horn, Alexander van Schalk, Elske Stander, Muhammad wenis so in die skeppende buitelug. Die dag is begin met ‘n opvoedkundige sessie, Mogalia en Daniel Palitha. Kwartaal 3 eerste op die rang is Marlize, AJ, Tamar, Kaywat op vakke soos lewenswetenskappe van toepassing was. Hierna het die pret begin Lee, Karla, Alexander, Muhammad, Elske, Samira Geja en Anja Lourens. en kon al die leerders deur die tuine stap en die mooi skeppings van die natuur verken. ‘n Interessante insek hotel is ook te sien gewees. Dit was ‘n merkwaardige uitstappie en voorreg om die jaar so af te sluit en die vrugte van die harde stryd deur 2020 te pluk! Graad 8 kwartaal 1, eerste op die rang is Ayesha Patel, Johanè Grobler, Rael du Plessis, Ankia van der Merwe, Katy-Ann Walker, Shakira Ribeiro, Nomathemba Feliti, Charissa Brandao, Naledi Dyantyi en Levaan Rose. Kwartaal 3 eerste op die rang is Katy-Ann, Johanè. Rael, Charissa, Levaan, Ayesha, Shakira, Naledi, Ankia en Casiana Frade.

Hoërskool John Vorster se graag 10 top 10 leerders wat die Walter Sisulu Nasionale Botaniese tuine besoek het. Vir kwartaal 1, eerste op die rang is Shaazia Patel, Elaine Hartkopf, Jennifer Klein, Nqobile Radebe, Hanna van Zyl, Mpilo Ngidi, Abigail Gabrielli, Monja Britz, Neo Mohale, Jaydn-Dwayne Haasbroek en Nokuthula Lukhele. Kwartaal 3 eerste op die rang vir 2020 is Mpilo, Elaine, Hanna, Monja, Jennifer, Shaazia, Neo, Abigail, Nqobile en Ishani Das.

Well done ouens!

Die graad 11 top 10 leerders van Hoërskool John Vorster vir 2020. Kwartaal 1, eerste op die rang is Jo-Lin Grobler, Stefan Horn, Hendre Horn, Jessica Els, Abigail de Waal, Kaylee van de Venter, Eldon Cockcroft, Johannie van der Merwe, Katanga Tshimanga, Michaela du Plessis en Mariesa Manenti. Kwartaal 3 eerste op die rang is Jo-Lin, Stefan, Mariesa, Abigail, Katanga, Jenavive Olivier, Jessica Els, Hendre, Andrea Eland, Christine Nyathela en Caslin Sibeko.



15 DECEMBER 2020

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