Rekord - Nigel & Heidelberg

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Cluster Water 5L & 500ml Call 082 853 4071

Onstuitbare vlamme Nigel Boere oorleef die grootste veldbrand wat boere in hierdie distrik nog ooit in die afgelope 40 jaar beleef het. Boere kyk hulpeloos toe hoe hul plase in vlamme gehul is ná verwoestende brande op 22 Augustus, ‘n datum wat sekerlik nooit vergeet sal word nie. Vlamme het oor al die voorbrande en brandpaaie, selfs oor die snelweg gespring en net aanhou voortstu. Duisende hektaar veld, weiding, landerye en plaas inplemente is tot niet en boere ly miljoene rande se skade. Die oorsaak van verlede Dinsdag se snellende

brande wat onbeheerbaar was, word nog ondersoek. Daar word beweer dat die brande wat in Heidelberg ‘n aanvang geneem het tot by Kinross voort gewoed het. Lucas Stoltz, plaasboer van Witkop het aan Rekord vertel dat die skade op sy plaas alleen ongeveer R6 miljoen rand beloop. Sy grootste skade was sy drie trekkers en ander items soos ‘n planter, plukkerkoppe, koringtafel, weiding, drade, oesreste en sy lapa het deurgeloop. Tien speen kalwers asook 5 van sy beeste het omgekom. Vervolg op bladsy 5

ELCO STEEL DEALERS TEL: 011 362-1551/2 FAKS: 011 815-3427 Cnr. Ermelo & Dagbreek Rds, Largo, SPRINGS Prices valid while stocks last / incl vat / E&OE

GWM 100X100X1.8 RECT. TUBE 1.6MM 2.0MM R350.00 25X12 R100.02 R118.02 1.8HIGH 30MT ROLL F/BAR 6MT


20X3 20X5 25X3 25X5 30X3 30X5 40X5 40X3 50X3 50X5

25X25X2 R 64.98 25X25X3 R 78.54 25X25X5 R 129.90 30X30X3 R 106.02 30X30X5 R 169.92 40X40X2 R 99.96 40X40X2.5 R185.58 40X40X3 R 142.02 40X40X5 R 198.96 50X50X4 R 265.86 50X50X5 R 279.00 60X60X6 R 400.14

R 46.98 R 59.94 R 46.14 R 76.02 R 67.02 R 81.90 R109.02 R 78.00 R 92.34 R136.98


R61.02 R55.86 R79.92

R/BAR 6MT Benoude oomblikke oorval boere tydens vlamme see wat onbeheers voort woed. Boere ly miljoene rande se skade.

6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 16MM 20MM

R 16.50 R 28.98 R 40.92 R 61.92 R118.02 R199.98


R 79.02 R 93.00 R 94.98 R 99.00 R229.02

EXP/METAL 6320C R189.33 6320D R226.19 WHEEL KIT SETS 60MM R119.70 80MM R152.00

SHEETS/PLATES EA 2450X1225X1.6 2450X1225X2 2450X1225X2.5 2450x1225x3 2450x1225x4 2500x1200x5 2500x1200x6

R489.90 R575.00 R740.00 R894.99 R1239.00 R1599.00 R1799.00

PALISADES PALISADE PANELS 600mm High R340.00 900mm High R420.00 1.0mt High R440.00 1.2mt High R461.70 1.5mt High R521.55 1.8mt High R616.51 2.0mt High R627.00 2.4mt High R750.00 LOOSE PANELS 600mm R13.05 900mm R17.98 1.0mt R19.63 1.2mt R23.11 1.5mt R29.44 1.8mt R35.33 2.0mt R39.26 2.4mt R47.11

CHANNEL 76X38(6.70kg/mt) R 519.00 100X50(10.73kg/m)R879.96 152X76 R1830.72 178X54 R1573.20

38X20 38X25 50X25 50X38 76X25 76X38 76X50 100X50

R106.02 R109.86 R154.98 R179.88 R177.84 R216.48 R227.10 R283.32


R109.08 R129.96 R194.94 R221.88 R222.00 R274.98 R304.50 R399.00

1.6MM R2.0MM

20X20 25X25 32X32 38X38 50X50 76X76 100X100

R 67.74 R 88.92 R109.86 R150.12 R194.88 R291.90



19MM 25MM 32MM 38MM 42MM 50MM 76MM 100MM

R 57.90 R 77.80 R 99.90 R119.04 R135.00 R169.02 R244.98

LIP CHANNEL 6MT 75X50X20X2 100X50X20X2 125X50X20X2 150X50X20X2 175X50X20X2 200X50X20X2

R249.00 R279.00 R303.00 R328.98 R400.14 R430.02

R 89.88 R129.90 R160.74 R167.22 R264.96 R360.00 R519.00

2.0MM R 88.98 R 99.00 R129.00 R159.00 R189.00 R210.00 R319.02 R469.02

9.1MT R378.97 R419.03 R464.93 R489.07 R600.00 R659.36

Welding Rods DURA CONDO ACDC R3799 2yr warranty, 2x remotes, 4mt rack 5kg 2.5mm & anti theft bracket battery R93.48

ROOF SHEETING I.B.R 0.4MM CQ R56.80 I.B.R/CORR. 0.5MM R70.00 I.B.R/CORR. 0.6MM R90.71 CORR 0.3MM FH R42.12

GALV SHEETS 2450X1225X0.5 2450X1225X0.6 2450X1225X10 2450X1225X2.0 2450X1225X3.0

R235.92 R265.00 R452.52 R770.00 R1543.00

A grade prices include vat subject to availability E&OE



Geweerskote skok inwoners

JJC Kruger & Vennote Springs Parkland Kliniek Spesialiste Spreekkamer 011 812 4172


Drie Riviere - Vereeniging Umgenistraat 54, H/v Bashee Straat Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (By River Square kruising 016 423 3553


29 AUGUST 2017

‘n Rustige oggend wat Sophia Jansen in haar tuin beplan het, is wreed versteur deur ‘n mislukte kaping van ‘n wit afleweringswa wat ‘n pakkie aan die oorkantste bure moes besorg. Donderdag, 24 Augustus om 10:20 het Sophia by die ingang van haar oprit met haar tuingrafie ewe luiters geskoffel toe ‘n onbekende VW Polo met 4 insittendes vlak voor haar ingang stilhou. Die volgende oomblik spring die persoon links agter uit die Polo en vuur skote af op die afleweringswa wat aan die anderkant van die pad staan, wat hulle vermoedelik wou kaap. In Sophia se skokkende toestand hardloop sy blindelings die pad kaalvoet af en skreeu aan almal om binne in hul wonings te gaan. Intussen het die verdagte met die vuurwapen die bestuurder van die wit afleweringswa gewond. Die bestuurder het haastig probeer wegjaag en binne in ‘n

ander erf tot stilstand gekom en beswyk. Die persoon wat saam met die bestuurder in die afleweringswa was, wat die pakkie moes aflewer wat hy in sy hand gehad het, het ylings die straat na bo ingevlug. Die gewapende verdagte het teruggespring in die Polo en hulle het met ‘n spoed weggejaag. Sunette van Eck, ‘n vriendin van Sophia het haar in die straat gekry en haar terugbesorg by haar woning, nadat die toneel afgespeel het. Die CPF, Metro en SAPS was blitsig op die toneel en word bedank vir hul flinke optrede. Sophia bly reeds 20 jaar in Sheffieldweg en dis die eerste keer dat sy ‘n toeskouer van so ‘n grusame gebeurtenis was. Laasweek is ‘n tyd wat Sophia nie weer wil beleef nie, want net voor hierdie voorval was sy reeds betrokke by die brande waar haar kinders tot veiligheid gebring moes word.

Die wit afleweringswa met die koeël merke

Sophia wat op die plek staan waar die VW Polo stilgehou het en wys na die oorkant waar die wit afleweringswa gestaan het. Wit afleweringswa

Heining van die woning in Sheffieldweg, Nigel waar die wit afleweringswa tot stilstand gekom het en die bestuurder op die toneel gesterf het.

29 AUGUST 2017


Multiple vehicle pileup on N3 Three motorists burnt beyond recognition and, four others hospitalised after a multiple vehicle pileup on the N3 north at the R550 Interchange between Heidelberg and Vosloorus. Six articulating trucks, and eleven light motor vehicles were involved in a pileup and subsequently, three of the articulating trucks, two Pick-up trucks and three sedans caught alight. Two occupants in one of the Pick-up trucks and one occupant from an articulating truck were trapped and burnt inside their vehicles. Rescue teams from both Heidelberg and Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) collectively battled the blaze and used specialised rescue tools to recover the deceased from the wrecks. Both directions of the freeway were closed to traffic for the duration of the rescue operations. The traffic was diverted onto R103 road (Old Heidelberg road) as an alternative. The preliminary reports revealed that


STORAGE TO LET NIGEL Massive Storage Space & Ex tra Large Facilities for Boats, Caravans, Trucks & Large Goods

Shops to let NIGEL Size 125m²

Contact 082 456 8417 smoke from the grass fire that was blowing across the freeway and obscuring the vision of the road users led to this pileup. South African Police Services (SAPS) off icials from the Accident Unit are investigating the incident.

Springs National Fresh Produce Market, Paul Kruger Highway, Springs

Tel: 011 815 1494/011 089-7000 * 082 718 4562 SPECIALS VALID FROM: WED 30/08/2017 - TUES. 05/09/2017 Gift Vouchers Available Bulk Chuck, ShortRib, Bisket or Shin



99 p/kg

Bulk Tenderized Steak


7999 p/kg

4kg Frozen Chicken Bulk Homemade Breast Fillets Back Bacon



99 p/bag

Smoked Pork Spare Ribs





7999 p/kg


99 p/kg


Meat World 1kg German Frankfurters



99 p/kg


12999 p/bag

Meat World Footlong Red / Smoked Vienna


4999 p/kg

SATURDAY ONLY 02/09/2017 Meat world Safari Biltong




We reserve the right to limit quantities

4kg Frozen Chicken Drumsticks

Bulk Pork Bangers



We cut and pack to your specifications. Large variety of home-made, smoked and marinated products. We also do portion control for restaurants and the catering industry.



29 AUGUST 2017

Choosing the right pet So, you’ve made the decision to adopt a pet – good for you! Now, it’s just a case of choosing the right pet to suit your lifestyle and circumstances – an important decision all of its own! All too often we see pets being neglected or given up for adoption because they are inconvenient or do not fit well into the owner’s life. Taking time to research your options, before making an adoption decision, is one of the most important things to do, and will set you up for a fulfilling relationship with your new pet. The Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa (PFI) has compiled the below list of considerations to help you decide on what type of pet to bring into your home: Personal preference and history: To start with, it’s important to be clear on what type of pets interest you and which do not. Often this is influenced by one’s history – the pets they may have grown up with and the relationship that they had with those pets. Also consider your own preferences now and what sort of consequences of the pet you’re willing to live with – would you be happy to have a litter box in your house that needs to be cleaned regularly? Can you live with pet hair on your furniture? Are you sensitive to noise or will a certain level of barking be acceptable to you? Do your allergies allow you to live in harmony with the pet? These are all indicators that will not only lead you to a specific type of

pet, but perhaps a certain breed too. Space: What is your living arrangement like, how much space does it allow and is it secure? Based on this you should pick a pet that can happily exist in the space available. If you are renting, be sure that your lease allows for you to keep pets. Time availability: do you have ample time at your disposal to focus on your pet? Regular play is very beneficial for both cats and dogs and training and regular walks a must for most dogs (especially those more active breeds and types). Limited availability may mean a more independent cat or fish is more suitable. Level of activity: are you able to incorporate more strenuous activity and exercise into your routine, which more active breeds of dog, for example, require? Or would a less active breed or cat be more suitable? Budget: pets do not come cheap. Aside from the adoption fee that most shelters charge there is the ongoing expense of health care and veterinary checkups, grooming, routine pest control, food, toys and pet insurance to consider. Feeding a registered pet food that meets your pet’s nutritional requirements is essential for longevity and good health. Find a brand that suits your budget, confirming they’re a member of the PFI to ensure you’re feeding the best that you can afford – a brand that has committed to producing safe, nutritious pet food. Family dynamic: It’s very important that the entire family is on board when deciding to get a pet, as they will no doubt need to help out with raising the pet from time to time. Whether or not you have or plan to have children may also influence the type of pet you decide to adopt. Also consider your future plans and desires to ensure that this is indeed the right time to be getting a pet. Knowledge and understanding: It’s a good idea to research the type of pet and breed that you’re considering. There’s a great deal of information available, which will aid you in understanding your future pet’s unique needs and make it easier to commit to their general life expectancy. The better equipped and prepared you are to meet these needs, the more relaxed and settled your pet is likely to be. A pet is a lifetime commitment, as in, the pet’s lifetime, and is not a decision that should be taken lightly or made impulsively. The Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa (PFI) is a non-profit, industry Association, made up of industry players that, by becoming a member, commit to the same principles and ethics of the PFI – to uphold safe, quality pet nutrition, which has the best interests of the pet as its sole purpose. For any adoptions, now that you have the knowlegde visit Nigel SPCA @ Spaarwater Road, off Nigel Road between Dunnottar & Nigel or call them on 084 485 7020/ 084 485 7029. Heidelberg SPCA can be visited @ 1 Retief Street, Heidelberg or contact them on 016 342-4114 / 071 994-9960.

TEL: 011 819 1575 / 082 690 7591

29 AUGUST 2017



Onstuitbare vlamme Vanaf bladsy 1

Lucas het vertel dat hul tuis was toe die brande uitgebreek het en dat hy hul voertuie tot veiligheid gebring het, waarna hul moes toekyk hoe die vlamme verwoesting saai. Hy vertel dat sy plaaswerkers dapper geveg het en hul lewens op die spel geplaas het om te red wat te redde was. Hy vertel dat hy ‘n vrou tussen die smeulende vlamme gewaar het en hom gehaas het om haar te hulp te snel. Met nadere ondersoek vind hy dat dit Suster Wilma, van Nigel Tuiste vir Bejaardes was, wat kaalvoet hardloop om van haar brandende bakkie te ontvlug. Verward en paniekbevange deel sy hom mee dat haar hondjies nog in die bakkie is, maar helaas moes hul na veiligheid vlug. Na afloop van die skrikwekkende gebeure is die hondjies ongedeerd gevind en slegs een kant van Wilma se bakkie is deur die vlamme geskroei. Van die boere se stoetkoeie en skape het doodgebrand en moes geslag word. ‘n Ander boer se huis op sy plaas Uitsig het afgebrand. Karkasse van skape en blesbokke het orals rondgestrooi gelê. ‘n Rampfonds is op die been gebring, boere het saamgestaan en hulp van verskeie oorde is aangebied. Voerbale by die duisende het ingestroom en instansies het op verskeie maniere bygedra. Oesreste is voorsien. Vervoer vir die bale is beskikbaar gestel. Bale is van sover as Ermelo en Witbank geskenk. Individue wat beserings en brandwonde opgedoen het is almal gestabiliseer. Volgens berigte het slegs een slagoffer aan beserings beswyk. Dirk Lourens is steeds in ICU in die Baragwanath-hospitaal nadat hy brandwonde oor sowat 35% tot 65% van sy liggaam opgedoen het toe sy klere in die veldbrand vlam gevat het. Volgens medisie gaan Dirk nog ten minste 2 weke in ICU moet deurbring as gevolg van die erge brandwonde, selfs sy hande het so gebrand dat Dirk nie eers ‘n selfoon kan vashou nie. Alicia, Dirk se vrou, vertel dat so baie om hul verwoes is. Sy vertel dat sy Dirk net een keer op ‘n dag kan besoek vir 2 ure en die koste beloop R200 net aan brandstof daagliks. Die besoeke beteken die wêreld vir Dirk omdat hy elke more met afwagting uitkyk na Alicia se besoek sodat sy hom kan versorg en hom die gemoedsrus kan gee dat sy gesin veilig en versorg is. Alicia vertel sy is baie dankbaar vir die voedselskenkings en die ondersteuning en liefde van die gemeenskap. Alhoewel die koste om net daagliks by Dirk besoek af te lê van so aard is dat sy finansieel dit nie kan bybring wil ons graag ‘n beroep op ons lesers doen wat fondse kan skenk om hierdie besoeke vir haar moontlik te maak. Die fondse kan by tjekrekening A Lourens FNB 62205077036, takkode 251042, Nigel inbetaal word. In tye soos hierdie kan mens sien dat hierdie klein plaaslike gemeenskap van ons hande vat en mildelik bydra. Rekord kantoor kan ook geskakel word of as afsetgebied gebruik word vir items wat lesers wil skenk. Daar is talle mense wat met niks gelaat is enige skenkings is welkom om te voorsien in behoeftes van hierdie gesinne.

Lucas hier by een van sy trekkers

NIGEL SCR AP METALS BUYERS BUYERS & & SELLERS of all FERROUS NON-FERROUS NON-FERROUS METALS METALS WE BUY: Glass Bottles & Sell LP Gas, Oxygen & Coal Die lapa wat afgebrand het enkele meters vanaf Lucas se woning.

MON-THUR 7:30-16:30 FRI 7:30-15:00 SAT 7:30-12:00


60 STANDARD STR, NIGEL 011 814 4962/072 190 9799

We have sufficient coal and anthracite stock for the cold months

We deliver Dirk Lourens en sy 4 kinders voor die nagmerrie van 22 Augustus afgespeel het.



Wanneer vroue bid In die konsentrasie kamp, meer as 100 jaar gelede, sit Anette Marais op ’n stomp en skud die stof van haar verslete klere af. Rondom haar sit die groepie bekende gesigte van moeë vrouens. Net ’n paar tree verder is die hoë draad van die konsentrasie kamp. Sy slaan haar Bybel oop en begin lees. Sy het in die donker ure van die nag geworstel met God en Hom gesmeek vir ‘n boodskap om hierdie vrouens te bemoedig, want wie weet hoe lank nog . … Anette lees die woorde van Matt 10:29 – “Is twee mossies nie vir ’n sent te koop nie, en tog sal nie een van hulle op die grond val sonder die wil van julle Vader nie.” Terwyl sy besig is om hierdie woorde te lees, kom sit daar ’n vaal klein mossie op haar skouer. Die groepie vrouens staar in verbasing na wat voor hulle gebeur, en so word die mossie, die teken van hoop in die onmoontlike omstandighede van die konsentrasie kamp in Bethulie. Dit was fantasties om in die maande wat volg te sien hoe die mossies van Bethulie ’n baken van geloof en hoop word vir hierdie vrouens. Op 21 Mei 1902 was die oorlog verby, Anette het op pad terug na haar huis gestop by ’n vrou met invloed en haar vertel van die mossie-boodskap, sy het dit weer oorvertel en Genl Jan Smuts het in 1923 die mossie op die land se kleinste muntstuk (kwartpennie) laat verskyn. Amper 80 jaar later sit Jak de Priester in ’n park in Londen. Sy geld is op, hy kry nie werk nie, hy mis die meisie van sy drome en sonskyn en biltong. Hy slaan sy klein silwer Bybeltjie oop en lees die “mossie” boodskap en bid vir die soveelste keer vir werk! Vroeg die volgende oggend lui sy telefoon en dis die oproep waarvoor hy gewag het, hy spring op die eerste trein en begin met ‘n lang dag se onderhoude. Moeg maar gelukkig en met ’n permanente werk klim hy weer laatmiddag op die trein. Toe hy inklim sien hy ’n muntstuk op die vloer lê, hy tel dit op, en daar op ’n trein in Londen hou hy ’n Suid-Afrikaanse 1c in sy

hand, met ’n mossie agter op. Hy vertel dat die wêreld rondom hom gaan stil staan het, dat hy besef het dat God daar by hom op die trein is en dat gebed sy waarborg is in hierdie stukkende wêreld. Vandag ’n paar jaar later, skud ek my beursie uit. Ek sit ‘n 1c neer vir my vriendin met borskanker, nog ‘n 1c vir huwelike wat sukkel, ’n 1c vir iemand na aan my hart se werksomstandighede, vir enkel ouers en weduwees, en ek besef die mossie boodskap is dalk net een versie in ’n dik Bybel, maar ’n Almagtige, liefdevolle God staan agter dit! Here, dankie, dat daar altyd hoop is. Dankie, vir bakens langs die pad wat ons help om geduldig te wees, terwyl ons wag vir U, om op die perfekte tyd ons omstandighede te verander. Gister terwyl ek vir my kliënte sit en wag en ek dieselfde boodskap vir my vrou gestuur het, het 3 mossies op my voertuig se voorste “bushbar” kom sit en het ek dadelik geweet ons Koning praat met my om my gerus te stel. Daar is niemand soos Hy nie en Hy sal altyd na ons kyk en ons versorg. Hy’s net ‘n gebed ver. Geseënde “mossie” dag vir jou. Nuusbrief - Suidlanders

29 AUGUST 2017

Marriage week ‘Your marriage matters.’ This is the theme of SA Marriage Week 2017 that takes place, like in the past, from 1-7 September. So many people lose their faith in marriage as an institution and the question on the lips of many youths today: “Is it worth getting married?” This campaign confirms that marriage is indeed worth it! “The purpose of SA Marriage Week 2017 is to sow the maximum amount of good seed in marriages,” says Liezel van der Merwe, editor of INTIEM magazine and founder of SA Marriage Week. “We want to encourage the restoration of marriages and remind couples that what you sow, you will reap – also in your marriage.” SA Marriage Week is an initiative that was launched in South Africa by INTIEM magazine and is part of International Marriage Week that is celebrated worldwide every year. Various South African celebrities act as ambassadors for this campaign. On 1-7 September marriage as theme will be discussed across South Africa on radio and television. How do you and your spouse celebrate SA Marriage Week? Every married couple in South Africa is invited to take part in this initiative with a two-part action: ‘Do something and give something’. By registering on the website for free, you become a member of the campaign, which means that every day from 1-7 September you will receive free ideas and digital gifts in your inbox. Be involved in this free campaign and take a stand for marriages in South Africa. Register on the website

267 6198 SKAKEL 083 267 6198

TEL: 016 341 2187/8

017 773 0220

HEIDELBERG, 23 Schoeman Str. BALFOUR 93 Mury Str.

29 AUGUST 2017



Corruption 46 Pedestrians Residents owe Art development R31.8 billion arrested school open

Traffic Officer contributing in bribery will face charges of corruption and theft for abusing entrusted power for personal benefit. This type of action usually occurs by taxi operators that are stopped during stop and search operations for vehicle overloadings. “I applaud our Law Enforcement Agencies for the swift arrest of one of our Traffic Officer on R55 Olievenhoutbosch. I will never allow off icers to dent the image of Police when they should be discharging their duties with loyalty and dedication. Overloaded vehicles threaten road safety and contribute to fatal crashes on our roads. The overloaded vehicles put the driver’s lives at risk, passengers and other road users. Our Law Enforcement Agencies will continue to intensify the law on vehicle overloading and corruption,” said MEC Nkosi-Malobane. The MEC cautioned members of the public who pay bribes to the officials to refrain from such bad practices. She further urged officers to arrest without any hesitation any officer who solicit bribe and urged the public to report fraud and corruption on 0861-400-800.

Rekord readers travelling on the N3 freeway daily to attend jobs will be relieved to be informed that the majority of the pedestrians were arrested for crossing on the busy freeway while others were found to be walking under the influence of substance abuse. Gauteng Community Safety MEC Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane has welcomed the arrest of 46 pedestrians by Law Enforcement Agencies on the N3 freeway. The pedestrians were arrested in Marlboro, Linksfield as well as Van Buuren roads after a Joint Law Enforcement Agencies operation on August 14. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road user group to road traffic fatal crashes and contribute more than 50% of the total fatalities recorded annually. Gauteng continue to experience mass exodus of fatalities due to pedestrians crossing on busy highways. “Our Law Enforcement Agencies will continue to intensify the operations in 132 pedestrian’s hazardous locations. I call upon pedestrians to stop crossing and walking on the busy roads to ensure their own safety,” added MEC Nkosi-Malobane. Gauteng Community Safety appeal to pedestrians to use only pedestrian bridges to cross to minimize fatalities on Gauteng roads.

Manne staan saam

Gauteng residents owe municipalities R31.8 billion for services and taxes, says Finance MEC Barbara Creecy in response to Legislature questions on municipal debt. This amount represents 65% or the largest share of debt due to municipalities for services in the province. The second biggest debtors are commercial customers with R13 billion or 27%. Government is the smallest debtor accounting for 3%. Overall all district, local, and metropolitan municipalities in Gauteng are owed R49 billion at 30 June 2017. About R39, 5 billion is overdue (over 90 days old). Households debt is the biggest (65% of R 49 billion) at R31, 8 billion, all Government debtors is the smallest at 3% of the total outstanding total, but Gauteng debt only R443 553 476, 25. Commercial customers the second biggest at R27% or R13, 5 billion. Debtors in terms of water is the highest at 30% or R14, 6 billion of the R49 billion. Property rates and electricity debtors at 19% (R9, 1 billion) and 18% (R8, 8 billion) respectively. MEC Creecy says the significant improvement in settling debts by departments has been due to the Debt Management Committee. This committee meets on a monthly basis and work through outstanding balances with the goal to reach an agreement. Over the next three years, the provincial government has allocated a total budget of R2.4 billion for the devolution of property rates which is disaggregated into an amount of R757.5 million in 2017/ 18, to date R277 million was spent out of the 2017/18 budget allocation.

The City of Ekurhuleni is inviting scholars and aspiring artists, aged between 13 and 25 to join free regular art classes. Registration is now open, and interested candidates should apply not later than Friday September 01. The programme is set to provide mentorship and guide future artists to pursue careers in the field of arts. Over the past decade, this programme has produced some of the f inest artists in Ekurhuleni and empowered them to access visual art careers and creative art industry at large. The classes will run from September 2017 until May 2018. Details for the art classes are as follows: Springs Community Hall (Saturdays 09:00 – 11:30). Geluksdal Library (Wednesdays 14:00 – 16:30). Kwa Thema Library Group ActivityRoom (Mondays and Tuesdays 14:00 – 16:30). For more information on registration, interested artists may contact the following people: Lephina Hlangu on 011 999 4473 or 072 292 2015 or email: or Sonja Sanders, Education and Development Officer: Springs Art Gallery at 011 999 8821 or 084 753 9976. Email:

C.J.J. STEEL cc. ~ STEEL MERCHANTS ~ Cnr: Grootvlei Rd, and Partridge St, Strubenvale Tel: 011 815 4700/1/2 * Fax: 011 8153088 Stockists of Steel Sections, Rail, email: -

Piping Plante and Tubing

Terms & Conditions apply



Custom Riders Motorfietsklub loots insamelingsprojek vir een van Busa Riders se lede Jurie na sy ongeluk wat plaasgevind het. Op die foto is die manne hier saam met Jurie van links Steve, Hermie, Jurie en Matt. Die dag was ‘n sukses. Hermie het alle motorfiets lede bedank asook die publiek wat die projek ondersteun het.



12x12 .... R88.00 16x16 .... R100.00 20X20 ... R72.00.........R100.00 25X25 ... R90.00 ....... R135.00 32X32 ... R125.00 ..... R180.00 38X38 ... R160.00 ..... R210.00 50X50 ... R210.00 ..... R290.00 76X76 ... R315.00 ..... R400.00 100X100 ................... R540.00

20MM .... R65.00.........R90.00 25MM .... R82.00 ....... R105.00 32MM .... R112.00 ..... R170.00 38MM .... R125.00 ..... R195.00 50MM .... R180.00 ..... R230.00 76MM .... R260.00 ..... R340.00

EQ ANGLE 6M 25x25x3 .................... R105.00 25x25x5 .................... R160.00 30x30x3 .................... R123.00 30x30x5 .................... R209.00 40x40x3 .................... R160.00 40x40x5 .................... R250.00 25x25x2 .................... R 73.00 30x30x2 .................... R 99.00 40x40x2 .................... R116.00



38x20 .... R135.00 ..... R160.00 38x25 .... R145.00 ..... R175.00 50x25 .... R160.00 ..... R200.00 50x38 .... R205.00 ..... R235.00 76x38 .... R230.00 ..... R300.00 76x50 .... R265.00 ..... R330.00 100X50 ..................... R420.00

Fibre Glass Sheeting R82.00 p/m



R70.00p/m Cut to size


75x50x20x2 100x75x20x2


R250.00 ..... R412.00 R314.00 ..... R517.00

REINFORCING BAR/Y-BAR 10MM ..............R 52.00 12MM...............R 73.00


FLAT BAR 6M 12X3 ........ 16x3 ......... 20x3 ......... 20x5 ......... 25x3 ......... 25x5 ......... 30x3 ......... 30x5 ......... 40x3 ......... 40x5 ......... 50x5 .........

R 30.00 R 34.00 R 40.00 R 55.00 R 49.00 R 67.00 R 59.00 R 82.00 R 79.00 R109.00 R137.00

SQ BAR 6M 8MM ......... R66.00 10MM ....... R62.00 12MM ....... R81.00

WINDOW SECTION 6M RT6 ......... RT13 ....... RX7 ......... F7 ............ F4B ..........

R 78.00 R 93.00 R 110.00 R 90.00 R 225.00

ROUND BAR 6M 6MM .......... R21.00 8MM .......... R34.00 10MM ........ R44.00 12MM ........ R65.00


LIP/CHANNEL 75x50x20x2 ............... R278.00 100x75x20x2 ............. R312.00 125x50x20x2 ............. R345.00 150x50x20x2 ............. R379.00



R423.00 R480.00 R525.00 R577.00

2450x1225x1.6 .............................. R520.00 2450x1225x2.0 .............................. R620.00 2450x1225x2.5 .............................. R750.00 2450x1225x3.0 .............................. R900.00 2450x1225x4.0 ........................... R1 280.00 2500x1200x5.0 ........................... R1 650.00 2500x1200x6.0 ........................... R1 998.00







MOBILE PAWNSHOP: Open 7 days a week. We buy, pawn, sell. Furniture/ tools/ Gold Jewellery/TVs / Fridges / Washing machines. We come to you. Contact Otto 073 937 9710 or Vanessa 074 235 7006. SHOP 011 739 4570

Voëls, voëlsaad, hokke, visse, viskos, akwariums. krieke, Hondekos, Avi-Plus. Bearded dragons, hamsters, spinne-koppe, meelwurms, hondehokke, honde jassies en bedjies. Honde, katte en hasies. Oop weeksdae 9:00 - 18:30, naweke en vakansiedae 09:00 - 16:00. Tel: 083 456 6601. 011 814 4514. SHOP 7, FERRYVALE SHOPPING CENTRE. NIGEL COMPUTERS / REKENAARS Matrix Warehouse Nigel. For all your computer requirements. 011 814 2156.


RENTAL UNITS available in Springs Secure complex. 24-hour security.

Close to Selcourt towers, Blue Crane Eco Mall 1km, school 1km, N17 Highway & 8km from Springs

BUILDERS/BUILDING NIGEL PAVING : No job too big or too small!! 38 Years of experience in professional paving.All workmanship gauranteed. For Free quote call CALLIE VOLSCHENK @ 082 560 0175 OR 011 814 1058 . Email

BOUWERK Alle bouwerk en aanbouings. Bou van Nuwe Huise en Woonstelle (Granny Flats). Seel & verf van dakke Skakel Gerald 083 384 9599


Bring all your blankets, duvets, comforters, linen, curtains, clothing, etc. to us for a professional wash. We will take care of your laundry as if it is our own. Laundry can be fetched and delivered at a small fee within Nigel and Heidelberg Town areas. Contact us on 011 814 3597 / 072 511 4366


42 Schoemanstr, Heidelberg, 016-341-4445, sms 071 545 3868 Whatsapp: 072 317 7001


S uperMeubels,

Ons het die grootste verskeidenheid gebruikte meubels te koop. Nuwe Siesta Beddens, nuwe kar, bakkie & taxi bande, oudhede, nuwe comforters (stelle) R295, walkers, groot verskeidenheid krukke en rollators, badstoele, kerkbanke, pine meubels, riempiesbank - so baie om te sien, so baie om te koop.... VACANCY

SALES MANAGERS !!Expanding!! 23 Immediate openings. No exp req. Full training. Own car a must. App set by CO.

WE OFFER: * R12 000 to start, * Comm/Inc/Med * Petrol incentive Call 011 609 2119 SMS or Whatsapp name, area & age to

084 780 3136. VAS rares apply

For 3D Designer Kitchens or kitchen revamps, BIC, Bathr, Vanities, No compromise on Quality and Service. Free Quotations. Phone Andre at 082 738 1441



Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108


ER Pools & Thatchers We build quality new pools. Repair and renovate pools. Lapa repairs and New Lapas. For a free quote contact Erick @ 072 334 1287 CATERING & VENUES PLAAS UITKYK OF ELDERS: Troues, onthale, jaareindfunksies - ANLU Spyseniering. Markiestent, tafels, stoele, breekware en linne te huur. Kontak Annatjie 011WENDYS 819 1679 of 083 469 7099. WENDY’S

AALPHA WENDYS : any size available from treated pallet wood. Floor, roof , door all included. 2x2, 2.4 x 2.4, 3 x 3, 3 x 4 ,3 x 6. 10 Year guarenteed. Contact 072 928 1724 GRATIS RIETE

Gratis Riete Beskikbaar. Skakel vir Rita Dreyer vir meer inligting op 082 966 4411 of 011 819 5006

tt 77 Por ter Rd. DUNNOT TAR


NIGEL - FRENCH Refrigeration & Airconditioning. Installation, repair and services. Contact 082 701 1946. or visit us at 143 Von Geusau Street, NIGEL.

GJ SERVICES: Garden Service, Plumbing, Gutter Cleaning, Transport, Rubble Removals, General Services. HEIDELBERG, NIGEL, DUNNOTTAR EN SELCOURT . Contact Gert de Toit @ 083 740 1124 / 065 872 7256

Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines “Stroopers”.


Wedding World Springs 011 811 5776/083 280 4584. Skitter in die rok van jou drome! Bring idee of prentjie vir asem-rowende skeppings deur Elize – ontvanger van internasionale ontwerper toekenning (Parys, Frankryk) vir kreatiewe styl. Koop, huur of kies uit ons groot verskeidenheid elegante trou & aandrokke. manspakke, hemde, dasse en onder-baadjies te huur. Bespreek jou plek vir jou matriekafskeid rok nou! Betaal af tot funksie datum. Redelike pryse. Professionele vriendelike diens. H/v 3de straat & 3de laan Geduld, Springs.

Mobile Automotive Aircon & Repairs.

All work guaranteed


Emil 060 550 4688 Office 012 809 2044

D.F. AIRCON Daniel 082 348 4499/ 079 876 9896.


All units: 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom – R3 230/ month. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom - R2 970/ month. Deposit: 1 months’ rent + R300 key

29 AUGUST 2017


R&I TYRES & MAGS Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. Kontak Ivan of Darren by 699 Voortrekkerstr, Brak-pan, 011-7400477 of 011-744-3544

ELECTRICAL / ELEKTRIES New Installations Maintenance Electrical Private Prepaid Meters Contractor Private Meter Readings COC’s Werner 083 417 8157

Notices / kennisgewings LOST TITLE DEED


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in terms of Clause 32 of the above mentioned Town Planning Scheme, I undersigned, Brown Jan Percy, ID no: 820405 5529 082 use erf V14001100000293 Certuville XL, n0 15 Zambesi Street, AlraPark, Nigel and the existing building there on for the following purpose(s)**TAVERN LIQOUR LICENCE the land is zoned “RESIDENTIAL” in terms of the abovementioned Town Planning Scheme. Plans nad/ or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the following Customer Care Centre NIGEL AREA MANAGER CITY PLANNING (name). Physical Address CERTUVILLE X1 NO. 05 ZAMBESI STREET,ALRAPARK, NIGEL. Postal Address PO BOX 23, NIGEL 1491. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application must lodge such objection in written together with the grounds thereof with the area Manager: City Planning of the abovementioned address, not later than 28 days. Logan Nair Associates (Liqour Consultance). 133 Balfour Road. Mckenzieville. Nigel 1490. 072 4423256.

AA MEETING: Thursday 7pm Heidelberg Methodist Church, 59 Strydom Street &Friday 6pm Acts Family Church, Extension 23 6027, Nyathi Street.If you think you have a DRINKING or DRUG problem. Please come listen to the testmonies of sober recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. Marius 083 566 4569 (

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section Thirty Eight of the Deeds. Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Title Deed Number T1 05950/2007 dated 7 August 2007 passed by: ABUBAKER GANI. Identity Number: 710625 5063 08 1. Married out of Community of favour of MOHAMED FIAAZ SHARIFF Identity Number 760919 5227 08 8 Married out of Community of Property In respect of certain ERF 1994 BALFOUR, EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP REGISTRA-TION DIVISION I.R. PROVINCE OF MPUMALANGA MEASURING 842 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY) SQUARE METERS. Held by Deed of Transfer T1 05950/2007 which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit, 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit within six weeks from the date of the first publication in the Rekord Newspaper.

29 AUGUST 2017



Licensing service update Open day at Birnel College The rendering of services at the Dipaleseng Municipality, particularly traffic and licensing have been adversely affected by the ongoing renovations of the municipal buildings which commenced late last year and are presently at an advanced stage. This second phase includes the construction of the first floor level on the east wing and renovation of the existing west wing off ices which are going to house the traffic and licensing section. After engagements between the management of the municipality and the contractor, the affected section within the building has been prioritized in an attempt

to restore the delivery of these services as soon as possible. Based on this information, it hereby makes it possible to complete the construction work on the particular section and reinstate the services by the end of September 2017. The municipality greatly apologizes for the inconveniences caused to the community members during this period of upgrading and renovations to municipal buildings. On the same breath gratitude needs to be extended to communities for their continued understanding and tolerance during these times.

Municipal employees, engineers and contractors during the site inspection.

Highly qualified personell from Birnel College in Dunnottar from left: Margot Heydenrych, Roche Watt, Clare Botha, Ailsa Nel, Tracy Kruger and Paula Birbeck during the great opening day of the college on Saturday, August 26.



Cindy trek die wa deur die drif Die kranige Cindy van der Westhuizen hier in aksie tydens die wedloop.

29 AUGUST 2017

011 739 2074 011 739 2083 Shop 4 & 5, Ferryvale Shopping Centre, 25 Beverley Road. NIGEL Vehicle Parts & Accessories

Inlasfoto: Cindy hier deur die moddergate

The MX2 proactive, early-warning features that allow Matrix to identify potential dangers as quickly as possible. The MX2 includes all the features of the MX1 plus additional security benefits designed to reduce the risks faced by road users.

Cindy van der Westhuizen wat geen bekendstelling nodig het nie het die naweek van 26 Augustus aan die FBBosveld Pretrit Sanddrif 4 x 4 fondsinsamelings projek te Brits deelgeneem. Cindy is deur Rough Stuff Suspension Shaun Van Den Vywer geborg en Andrea Houghton was die navigator tydens die byeenkoms. Cindy vertel dat hul Vrydag vertrek het en die naweek by Kokoriba tuisgegaan het. Saterdagoggend 7 uur is sy ingeskryf om die wedren aan te durf wat om 18:00 geeindig het. Dit was ‘n snikhete dag en die roete het gestrek deur mooi groen wuiwende lande, sandduine en riviere. In die begin van die roete was daar baie koppies en Cindy moes die draai en rotse

met manne durf trotseer en sy vertel dit was ‘n opwindende uitdaging. Die prettigste deel van die byeenkoms was waar die navigators se kennis getoets is deur legkaarte te bou en tennisballe op ‘n skinkbord te balanseer. Navigators moes ook aan die buite kant van die voertuie plek inneem met twee rigting radios, waar sy aan die drywer wat geblinddoek was die pad moes verduidelik oor die bulte en draaie. Die moeilikste hindernis was die modder gate wat al jou inspanning vereis het. Een van die deelnemers is na die naaste hospitaal vervoer nadat hy ernstige beserings met ‘n ongeluk opgedoen het. Verskeie manne het nie daarin geslaag om die wedren te voltooi nie as gevolg van die rowwe baan toestande. Uitslae was gister nog nie bekend nie.

All of these great features for only

R189pm (bundled)

c/o Kinsway & Tulbach Streets. NIGEL (Next to Nigel Diesel )

(011) 814 2103

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