Voz Portuguesa

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Representing the Portuguese Community in South Africa Tel : 011-578-5653/4 Fax : 011-395-1070


Tel : 011-578-5653/4 Fax : 011-395-1070

Jornal Da Comunidade Portuguesa Na África Do Sul / Portuguese Community Paper of South Africa


Ano 8 Número 81

Director Dr. Fernando S. Capão


Decembro 2010



he Conference took place on Sunday, 14 November 2010, beginning at 9am and ending off at 4pm with a braai. This annual event is still a working progress and is the third conference since the start of the Forum's existence. It was a success, and

provided an opportunity for the attendees to share information and network, as well as express their thoughts and feelings about the situation of the Portuguese community in South Africa. Mr Carlos Silva was the Master of Ceremonies for the day.

The following is a brief overview of the outcomes of the agenda of the conference. The talks kicked off with an address by the President of the Steering Committee of the Portuguese Forum, Mr. Manny Ferreirinha. Mr. Ferreirinha started his address with an

explanation of the start of the Forum. The Forum exists to represent the Portuguese Community. It has been in place for nine years, it being ten years now since the March Against Crime. He emphasizes that the Forum is the community, and that the definition of a member

Some of the people and entities present at the Third National Conference of the Portuguese forum at the Os Poveiros Club. Ana Branquinho represented the consul general of Portugal-Johnnesburg, Dr. C Marques.


tempo, o suceder dos séculos e milénios, levaram a que o culto dos mortos adquiresse um significado em expressão cada vez mais preponderante na vida das sociedades, embora , por vezes eivado de erros, superstições e mesmo cultos satânicos e envenenados pela malícia e prerfídia dos homens muito particularmente dos corifeus dos nossos dias. O Cristianismo que deu ao Homem e à História uma nova dimensão mais sobrenatural, mais transcendental e sobretudo mais espiritual, indo ao encontro da realidade dicotómica ( Dualidade do homem, corpo e alma, materia e espírito) sublimam esta crença, essa realidade, focando a unidade substancial do Homem de materia e forma porque sendo o homem corpo físico possui funções que só lhe podem vir do seu componente racional, espiritual e emocional. Daí que o ser humano não é apenas materia mas também espírito, que são os alicerces da sua identidade total e lhe dão a dignidade do carimbo que os singularize e os identifica: A dignidade humana; porque sendo o homem um ser

Lembrar os nossos antepassados é tradição que vem de tempos imemoriais, pois mesmo o homem mais distante no espaço e no tempo em que todas as coisas e factos acontecem e se sucedem, o homem primitivo da idade da pedra, sentia em si a necessidade de manifestar aos seus ancestrais a sua homenagem e preito, porque algo lhe dizia que para lá do mundo terreno há um outro em que se movimentam realidades que não vemos, não sentimos não palpamos nem identificamos com o nosso sistema sensorial!O Mundo do além, o Mundo das realidades transcendentais e metafísicas, mas que não é menos real do que este em que nos movimentamos. São vários os sinais préhistóricos e historicos desse respeito manifestado pelo ser racional vivente, em honra e memória dos seus ancestrais cujo espírito ele reconhecia ultrapassar a cessessão da vida com aquilo a que se chama morte. Várias foram as acções, manifestações e os modos de materializar essa crença, que é tão antiga como o próprio Homem! A evolução do

Carla Fernandes Em representacao do C.G de P. em J. Dr C. Marques

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Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010

Memorial continued

racional , é consequentemente livre , e porque livre, ninguém lhe pode cortar, cersiar o pensamento e limitá-lo ao finito e temporal. A dignidade humana, assenta no próprio Acto da Criação e NADA NEM NINGUÉM, NEM O PRÓPRIO DEUS, QUE o criou lhe podem usurpar esse direito NATURAL e Inalienável, que supõe por outro lado e irreversivelmente a responsabilidade. Perdeu-se o verdadeiro alcance e o genuino significado deste acto de lembar os que partiram a caminho do destino final que comumente rotulamos de morte, em que é, afinal, o começo da vida que está para além do tempo e para um espaço que está para fora do espaço porque é infinito e permanente. O Fórum Português, todos os anos celebra a cerimónia de lembrança dos que morreram assassinados pela onda de violência feroz, selvagem desumana e irracional que explodiu em todo o país após a queda do “apartheid” em 1994. Instalou-se na sociedade global deste país a cultura da morte e com eles todos os malefícios derivados, como corrupção, violação, de mulheres e crianças dos dois sexos desumanismo , a corrida ao precipicio abismal que é a morte da textura social, dos valores da sociedade, da honra , do respeito, da palavra e das acções positivas. “ Abissos abissum invocat “ abismo chama abismo, acabando por ser mesmo o fim da História. O Fórum Português levantou a voz da nossa Comunidade contra esse flagelo hediondo contra essa onda, essa avalanche de destruição humana, social, económica e abaladora das energias nacionais e mesmo regionais do continente africano. Assim, em vez da Renascença temos a direcção oposta, célere e vertiginosa da alienação e hecatombe. Os mais de quatrocentos portugueses, nossos compatriotas cujos nomes se encontram registados no memorial, monumento em sua memória, assassinados covarde e barbaramente, foram chorados por suas mulheres, maridos, pais e filhos, irmãos, parentes e amigos e gente anónima que lhes dedicou o tempo as orações as lágrimas que a dor, a saudade e o sentido de pertença que lhes consagram.

Manny Ferreirinha, Andre da Costa e Senhora É preciso levantar a alma o espírito e as energias , para que as suas mortes não sejam em vão. É hora de despertar para o respeito e saudade dos que partiram no campo da dedicação total e, sobretudo, de nos lembrarmos de que amanhã pode ser qualquer um de nós, se mantivermos a atitude passiva de braços caídos, corpos vacilantes , alma adormecida e espírito paralizado e adormecido , como dizia Fernando Pessoa: É a hora! É chegado a hora de despertar de acordar, dar as mãos unir esforços e criarmos uma força coesa e firme, para merecermos as mortes dos nossos compatriotas, respeitar a sua memória e consagrar o sacrifício dos seus socessores e familiares ,fazendo com que eles,embora numa dimensão diferente, possam fazer parte da alma colectiva portuguesa que continuam a combater a trabalhar e esforçar-se e a compartilhar no futuro neste grande país de acolhimento que há mais de 500 anos tocamos pela primeira vez antes de qualquer outra cultura exterior. Os nossos mortos as suas familias, os seus filhos e todos mais, temos a

grave e histórica obrigação de perpetuar a sua memoria e a sua dedicação à Pátria , porque Portugueses , e seremos dignos da sua devoção total. Te m o s u m p a s s a d o q u a s e milinário, somos herdeiros de uma Cultura que espalhamos pelo mundo, somos construtores de nações e marcamos presença física, espiritual, economica e multicultural em todos os continentes, com a língua, o modo de ser e estar com os outros.. Porém somos apagados em propagar essa realidade e essa verdade. Porquê? Falta-nos por ventura a coragem, arrefeceu-se-nos o ânimo a antiga alma lusitana? Vamos reagir, acordar, cantar as glorias do passado e deixá-las bem marcadas no presente, para que fiquem bem indeléveis no futuro que os nossos filhos merecem que lhes legemos, com Orgulho, com Fé e com Amor

Padre Carlos Gabriel

Conference continued

Revista Portuguesa publicada mensalmente na Africa do Sul Tel : 011 614 3569 - Cell: 072-191-1115 · · · ·

Eastern Cape (was unable to attend) Mpumalanga (was unable to attend) Limpopo (was unable to attend) North West (was unable to attend)

The Youth sector had three speakers. These Speakers were André da Costa of Manjoh Ranch, Carla Barreto of the Forum, and Bernard de Gouveia.

Carla, Idalina, Tony, Abel and Manny of the Forum is someone of Portuguese Descent or through inter-marriage. One does not apply to be a member, one must just fall in to the definition thereof, and is automatically a member, thus the emphasis on the Forum not being an entity of some sort, but being the community itself. The Forum fights against the injustices towards members of the South African Portuguese Community, and urges that members mandate the Forum so that it can achieve proper representation. The Forum has a National Structure in place that is also necessary to have proper representation. Another aspect would be engaging with civil society, this would mean forming partnerships with authorities and getting to know our local ward councillors. The Forum has had representation at the Lusito Land Festivals for five consecutive years from 2005 to 2009. The Forum has decided that we have done what we can at these festivals and instead of representing the Forum at the 2010 Festival, chose to hit the road and go to the different corners of the community instead of waiting for them to come to the Forum.

André da Costa urged the importance of getting the youth to register themselves at the Consulate. Most youth go through stages in their responsibilities and awareness levels of what takes place around them in the community and in society. The Forum exists to fight for the future of the youth, since the youth is the future. The situation is desperate. We all need to stand up and help Manny Ferreirinha make our existence known. Also, there is a shortage in Portuguese Language teachers. There are many Portuguese youth in this country that want to learn the language but don't know where to go. So if the numbers of the population of our community were realistically reflected, then maybe the Portuguese government as well as the South African government would consider the needs of our community and also acknowledge our contribution to the economy and society. Go get yourselves registered at the consulate. Go make yourselves known at the embassy. Also, fill out the mandate forms for the Forum, as numbers are what count to make a presence known.

certain Affirmative Action initiatives. Is the country not shooting itself in the foot with some of these initiatives? Resources are wasted as people that are educated here end up leaving the country in search of employment as they are unable to find employment in South Africa. She, like André, also emphasised the importance of the Youth registering themselves at the Consulate so that Portugal would have a better understanding of the number of Portuguese individuals living in South Africa. Carla also mentioned that the Youth should apply for the EU passports if they are able to, as having both a Portuguese and South African passport could prove to be convenient.

A report from the presidents of each of the Provinces proceeded after Mr. Ferreirinha's Bernard de Gouveia is a registered accountant address. The following were the general and a Portuguese Forum founding member, points mentioned by the different and wants to inform people about annual representatives that were able to attend: returns. Private companies have to submit · Western Province – Manuel Esmeraldo: annual returns, and now Close Corporation Emphasis of the efforts of this province has must also submit annual returns. These are been on job creation, especially for the youth. needed to keep your business active. If you do Another area of focus is usually fisheries, for not submit these, your company becomes those members of the Portuguese Community deactivated, and you are then expected to pay whose livelihoods depend on this sector. all the outstanding returns as well as fines. All · KwaZulu Natal – João de Jesus: Discussed those starting new businesses are urged to crime levels during the Soccer World Cup. apply for a tax number very soon in the process · Gauteng – Manny Ferreirinha: Currently as it is taking longer and longer to receive a tax concentrating on certain murder cases. This number once applied for. Province is the hub if the Forum and puts a lot Also, be aware of fraudsters. And make sure of effort in fighting the criminal injustice that that your wills are up to date, that your spouses takes place against members of our will be able to have access to the estate. community. Every police station in Gauteng is covered. · Free State – Gabriel Jardim (problem with · A discussion of the various portfolios of the the recording) Carla Barreto brought up the situation of Forum followed:Security – Manny Ferreirinha: · Northern Cape – Antonio José de Almeida discrimination towards the educated youth of Manny appeals to everyone that we should all \ (problem with the recording) our community due to the implementation of get to know our station commanders. As long


Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010 Conference continued as we cannot deal with the crime situation, our businesses are affected, our schools are affected, everything is affected. We should not let ourselves be kept in the dark. The Forum's two projects, Etwatwa Community Patrol Project and the Winnie Mandela (Tembisa) Community Project, have both been in place for some time and crimes levels in both areas have decreased significantly. We have a memorial service that takes place every year in November in honour of the victims of crime. A marble monument, established in the Lady of Fatima Church hall in Brentwood Park, Benoni, has up to date over 400 names of those of our community that have been murdered. Everywhere we go in South Africa we happen to pass some or other memorial, being it a monument, crosses, or flowers. They kill our policemen. They kill our civil society. Manny then shortly discussed a few crime cases that the Forum is currently dealing with. · Agriculture – Johnny de Freitas: Spoke about the success of their meetings with civil society in improving security for the farmers, and improving rural safety. He thanks Manny Ferreirinha for his help in the situation. Johnny also mentioned that the agriculture sector is a difficult sector in terms of production and prices that keep on changing; the rand/dollar exchange rate that is not in favour of them, etc. At the moment, they are going through a rough patch. We as Portuguese have our roots here in South Africa and that Portugal will never be able to accommodate such a huge influx of Portuguese that want to move back to Portugal. We should all just make the best of what we can here, since we are after all South Africans. Manny da Costa also spoke with regards to agriculture: Farming isn't as negative as some people make it out to be. There is a great future for farmers, especially in Gauteng; Young farmer of the year has gone to a Portuguese Farmer for the past three years. There is also a greatly increasing farming opportunity throughout the rest of Africa as there have been 37 African countries that have come to South Africa looking for our farmers. If we look at China and India, which represent almost half the world's population, there are a lot of mouths to feed. There is not enough surplus milk that exists today in the world to make a cup of tea for every member of the population of India and China. There is also not enough beef in the world to make one McDonald's burger for every member of that population. Thus there being a big future for the farming industry, especially for South Africans. · Fisheries – Manuel Esmeraldo: The fishery industry makes up the livelihoods of a significant portion (about 30 percent) of the Portuguese Community of the Western Cape. An annual “blessing of the fleet” takes place where the boats go out to see and a priest/bishop blesses the boats. · Forestry – Manny Ferreirinha: A few years ago the industry went through a bad patch where certain sawmills were wiped out and thus many jobs too, leaving thousands without jobs. Today, there is a fear that the same thing is going to happen again. Many privatised sawmills have created much competition. We need to assist government in this industry, that we can save these jobs. · Sport – Manny Ferreirinha: All the soccer clubs came together for a meeting to discuss the Soccer World Club. The members at this meeting argued that the event would never take place and that if it did the Portuguese team

Manuel Esmeraldo ( Cape town )

Manny Ferreirinha

Manny Da Costa

Luis Baptista

Valentina Gouveia Liga da Mulher Jhb

Padre Carlos Gabriel would not be included as they would not qualify. Much to their surprise, they were very wrong. The meeting concluded with the establishment of the Portuguese Soccer Federation of South Africa. This establishment created some unity amongst the different clubs. A tournament between the clubs then commenced. · Publicity: · Journalists (information bill) – José Luis da Silva: Emphasized that the problems of the Forum, are in essence the problem of the Community, and that the community has the right to information. · Voz Portuguesa – Idalina Henriques: Emphasized that just as the Forum is the community, the Voz Portuguese Newspaper belongs to the community. It does not exist to

Johnny da Freitas

Rosa Jarim Blom make a profit. It exists to give members of the community a voice. It started seven years ago. 35 000 copies are printed. What feeds the funding of the newspaper? Advertising and donations. · Website and Facebook Group Page – Carla Barreto: · The Portuguese Forum has a brand new website that went live this past week. Visit it at www.portugueseForum.org.za. Mandate forms can be downloaded from this site filled in and then sent back to the Forum via email or fax. The Forum also has a Facebook group page that up to date has around 145 members. This group page allows members of the community to communicate with the Forum as well as each other thus providing a platform for networking

Manuel Jardim ( Welkom )

and more. · Churches: · Father Carlos Gabriel of the Lady of Fatima Church in Benoni: ·Fr Gabriel discussed the March Against Crime that took place in 2000. He spoke about the injustices against our community and the memorial services that are held at his church in honour of these victims every year. He then proceeded to put on view a slide show that displayed the faces of numerous Portuguese victims of crime as well as the details of the deaths. Everyone in the conference hall sat and observed in silence until the end of the slide show. ·He also stated that the community is strong but Fr Carlos Gabriel confirms that the community needs a voice. The Voz Portuguesa newspaper needs to go out weekly as the paper is the voice of the community. People tend to forget what was in the previous issue where as if it was weekly, people would remember it and would be more likely to get the next issue. · Women's Support Group – Encarnação de Freitas: A significant number of Portuguese people are surrounded or confronted by crime or a violent situation every day. She states that the police are trying hard to stop the attacks on shops. The group is trying to build a community of support and resources. The victims of crimes such as domestic violence, rape, high jacking, widowed women, etc, need therapy and counselling as soon as possible. Women need to be more educated in terms of finances, tax matters, policies, etc., especially if they are to be left widowed. The Portuguese Forum have been instrumental in developing a network of support and resources that we are fortunate to have available to us, being a support group established for widows to provide emotional support; a 24 hr Hotline available to anyone needing assistance in situations such as a robbery, attacks at home, domestic violence, medical emergencies and even if you just a flat tyre; and the iThemba rape and trauma centre that allows a women to receive medical and psychological assistance immediately, 24 hrs a day. · Liga da Mulher Portuguesa na A.S.(Jhb.) – Valentina Gouveia: Knowledge is power. The Forum is a vehicle to empower ourselves as a community. We exist to offer help to those women of the Community that need it. For example, a couple had a child that was mentally challenged, and did not have medical aid for treatment. We also support the CANSA association. · Folclore (problem with the recording)Federação das Associações Portuguesas na R.S.A. (unable to attend) · C.C.P. (unable to attend) · Wednesday Boys (unable to attend) · ANC – African National Congress - Gilberto Martins: We must understand what partnerships are. A member of a partnership does not have greater say over the other. Partnerships are about equal rights, equal command, and equal say. The existence of fraud and corruption in Government in general was emphasized on. Even out of the Government. And the members of the Government themselves are often victims of fraud, such as card duplication. He states that people in general are afraid to speak up. However, groups like the Forum do exist. And it is these groups that speak for the people. The people just need to make themselves known to the Forum and mandate the Forum so that it has better representation and can effectively approach government. Petitions are useful. Not small ones, but petitions of ten thousand or more. DA – Democratic Alliance (Manny de Freitas was unable to attend)

Wendy Ferreira


Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010


PORTUGUESE FÓRUM No 1 Porterfield Road Tableview, Cape Town Tel & Fax: 021-556 4416 E:mail.pforumwc@telkomsa.net

Do Cabo Ocidental Cape Town presente na 3ªConferência Nacional do Fórum Português.


anuel Esmeraldo presidente do W.C., Carlos Aguiar, Wayne de Freitas e Luis Marques marcaram presença na Conferência do Fórum Português que se realizou no passado dia 14 de Novembro na Casa dos Poveiros em Boksburg. Os trabalhos começaram dentro da hora prevista, ou seja 9 horas da manhã depois de ter sido servido o pequeno–almoço. Todos os pontos da agenda foram seguidos com interesse pelos presentes. No final dos trabalhos quisemos saber qual era a opinião dos nossos participantes da Cidade do Cabo . Manuel Esmeraldo disse: "A realização da conferência é sempre benéfica, há oportunidade de serem falados assuntos e problemas de interesse comunitário que muitas vezes não nos apercebemos,… como se costuma dizer passam de lado… Na província do Cabo Ocidental também há problemas como em qualquer outra, embora não tão graves como aqueles que existem por exemplo no Gauteng, um dos grandes problemas com que os nossos portugueses se debatem são as pescas, falta de quotas, ou quotas limitadas a uma certa qualidade e

quantidade de pescado, que em muitos casos, mal dá para sobreviver,… barcos parados na doca com todas as despesas inerentes que daí advêm, mas para que isso seja resolvido tem que haver unidade e falar a uma só vóz e não andar consoante os interesses de cada um. Por outro lado o crime também já vem fazendo as suas vítimas dentro da nossa comunidade como é do conhecimento geral ". Opinião compartilhada por todos. Carlos Aguiar ao ser questionado, sobre os trabalhos em que acaba de participar, com a frontalidade que o caracteriza, respondeu: - " Já há algum tempo que participo activamente no Fórum Português em Cape Town, mas, só agora é que tive a noção exacta do que é todo o projecto. Unidos, organizados com cabeça troncos e membros temos pernas para andar… há muito trabalho pelo caminho a ser feito… Mas também é preciso que cada indivíduo pense não em si próprio, nos beneficios que pode arrecadar, mas em termos de comunidade portuguesa e global…" Luís Marques salientou ainda, que:- " a união faz a força… em muitos casos a pessoa pensa …. não tenho problemas de maior…

Luis Marques, Carlos Aguiar, Manuel Esmeraldo, Wayne de Freitas pelo meu lado, tudo corre normalmente… no trabalho…no dia a dia,… mas é errado…. a constituição sul-africana confere às minorias o direito de se organizarem,… porque não fazê–lo?, e assim ajudar a encontrar soluções para os problemas que nos afectam e que são comuns a qualquer cidadão que com o seu trabalho participa no desenvolvimento económico e social do

país". Wayne de Freitas acrescentou:-" além de tudo o que foi aqui frisado só quero acrescentar que foi um prazer tomar parte pela 1ª vez na Conferência, tudo estava bem organizado, os trabalhos correram dentro dos tempos agendados, e fiquei mais esclarecido sobre o trabalho do Fórum Português em organizar a comunidade. Não dou por perdido o tempo que me desloquei a Joanesburgo".

Portuguese Forum: Women Support Group South Africa has progressed through a monumental transformation over the last 16 years. This transformation has brought about many exciting developments and opportunities. However, with this, crime has evolved into frightening reality for the people of this country. The Portuguese community is faced with this reality on a daily basis. Many of us, together with our husbands operate cash businesses where there is a high risk of armed robberies and violent attacks. The reality for many of us is that we live in fear of some violent act taking place against our loved ones, or ourselves. Many Portuguese women have been widowed, their children having lost a father or mother, all through these horrific acts of violence. The Portuguese Forum have been

instrumental in developing a network of support and resources that we are fortunate to have available to us: · A support group established for widows to provide emotional support. · A 24 hr Hotline available to anyone needing assistance in situations such as a robbery, attacks at home, domestic violence, medical emergencies and even if you just a flat tyre! · The iThemba rape and trauma centre that allows a women to receive medical and psychological assistance immediately, 24 hrs a day. The women of the Portuguese forum firmly believe that women in our community need to become more knowledgeable, independent and self sufficient. This will lead them to better

Encarnaçao, Isabel, Rosy, Gorrette-Helena and AnaIsabel

manage situations should something happen to their husbands or loved ones: They need to become educated and advised regarding legal and financial matters, including the importance of having wills in place for both husband and wife, the benefits of medical aid, disability and life insurance cover. Many Portuguese people overlook the necessity of these, with many having regrets later in life. Women also need to inform themselves and be prepared for any eventualities. They should know who and how to contact important people: Their lawyer, bookkeeper, banker etc. They should have their own bank accounts in the case of their husband's assets being frozen. Before marrying, they should consider have an anti-nuptial contract with accrual drawn up. Contracts such as these can be drawn up once women are already married, but this is much more difficult and needs to be done by an attorney. Women need to be educated about matters in their husband's businesses in case something should happen to them: bank accounts, partnership contracts, tax matters, policies etc. As difficult as it is to think about tragic things that may happen in our lives, we need to be prepared. In the case of being a victim of crime, it is of vital importance that the women follow through with reporting the crime and providing evidence where necessary. Follow up with the police about the case and latest developments. We are privileged to be given the opportunity to apply for Portuguese Citizenship for up to four generations living outside of Portugal. We should be encouraged to do so. Women need

to register their marriage at the Portuguese consulate, with their translated Anti-nuptial contract, marriage certificate and unabridged birth certificates for both husband and wife. Their children need to also be registered at the consulate in order to be eligible for the ID document and passport. One of the most important roles of the Portuguese woman is that of being a mother. Raising children who are disciplined, hard working, respectful and proud to be Portuguese is one of our most important jobs. Your child's education is one of the few tools you can give them to have a head start in life. Our children are our future and the future of the Portuguese community in South Africa. Invest in them.

O Festival do Fórum Português em Cape Town que se realiza habitualmente no mês de Dezembro foi transferido para o mês de Fevereiro de 2011

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Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010 continued from page 3

Uma conferência aberta, democrática e compartilhada


oram diversas as pessoas que nos deram o prazer e a honra de estar presentes à nossa conferência e que ajudaram a possibilitar o acontecimento. O casal Garrido do Clube dos Poveiros, o casal Sousa de Pretória,o Comendador Estêvão Rosa cujas palavras nos encheram de satisfação e, mesmo, e porque não dizê–lo, de orgulho, entidades variadas, cujos nomes e papel desempenhado contribuiram para os objectivos deste acontecimento que aponta para a estruturação e união da Comunidade Portuguesa. O Fórum Porttuguês sente-se e mostra o seu mais vivo reconhecimento e apreço a todos os que são genuínos nos seus sentimentos e atitudes, pois elas não são pata nosso benefício ou interesse, mas sim para o interesse de todos os nossos compatriotas

residentes neste país de arco-ires para cujo progresso todos contribuímos.Esperamos que na próxima conferência possamos ser muitos mais, mostrando a nossa solidariedade, o nosso apoio e a nossa união para que a nossa poderosa e valiosa Comunidade Portuguesa possa assumir e usufruir do lugar e regalias que merece e a Constituição Sul-Africana lhe confere, bem como a todas as minorias que vivem no país e integram a sua multicuiltural globanidade. Vamos dar as mãos e tornar-nos da Comunidade que devemos ser e fazer com que os nossos filhos se sintam orgulhosos dos seus progenitors que com sacricios os puseram na meta onde hoje estão. Dos Portugueses, reza, abundantemente, a História!

David Gonçalves

Manny Camara

Bino e Dódó Garrido - Clube Os Poveiros

Making your world...

viewpoint Farming

Grupo de agricultores

Comendador E. Rosa-Pretoria

Couve P en Now ca availabl for the e festive s eason

Olhe para nós, tão verdinhas, tão tenrinhas, tão frescas, tão saborosas, excitando o seu paladar e prazer e aguardando que nos venha buscar. Sem nós, o NATAL e o bacalhau, não têm gosto! Não se atrase…

Delivery charge to certain areas. Cnr of Rondebult & Main Reef Rd, Boksburg Phone: (011) 917 0493/4/0 E-Mail: viewpoint@webmail.co.za Jenna-Lee & Sharon Ferreirinha


Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010

Prémio Europeu Para DN Madeira O Diário de Notícias, propriedade de Blandy semanário Expresso e o diário “ i “. Brother, o mais antigo e de maior circulação na Ilha da Madeira foi galardoado com o título Para chegar às conclusões reveladas, o júri “ Jornal Europeu do Ano – Categoria Local “. do “ European Newspaper Award “composto de 12 jornalistas, designers e A 12ª edição da European Newspaper investigadores de oito nacionalidades – Award, distingiu o DN da Madeira “ Jornal analisou um total de 219 jornais de 27 países Europeu do Ano – Categoria Local” . Este europeus. Os trabalhos decorreram durante galardão é inédito na historia do jornalismo dois dias em Dusseldorf, na Alemanha. da Madeira que surge numa sequência de Voz Portuguesa aproveita esta ocasião para menções honrosas, em anos anteriores, que felicitar o seu administrador Dr. José premeiam o conceito gráfico do DIÁRIO. Bettencourt da Câmara, todo o pessoal da Outras publicações portuguesas foram alvo, redacção, incluindo o seu correspondente este ano,de menções honrosas. É o caso do na África do Sul J.L. da Silva

Crónica de uma professora portuguesa em Angola Há vários anos atrás, conheci num certo voo alguém que me disse, em jeito de ensinamento, que “a nossa terra é onde trabalhamos”… pisei o solo angolano a pensar naquela conversa e retomo muitas vezes esta reflexão. Sempre gostei de falar com estranhos nas viagens de transportes públicos… o bom senso dita que sejam isentos de juízos, pelo menos verbalizados. Pensam-nos, decerto, mas não se pronunciam… Algo me atrai na possibilidade de não dizer nada ou dizer tudo a um perfeito desconhecido que dificilmente voltarei a encontrar. De igual modo, atrai-me conhecer vidas de pessoas que não conheço de facto, como se de ficção literária, teatral ou cinematográfica se tratasse. Podemos conhecer a história, sob o ponto de vista do narrador ou das personagens, mas não podemos interferir na trama da ficção…ou talvez sim… Aquela pessoa, sem saber, interferiu na trama da minha vida, porque terei

sempre em consideração aquele pensamento em cada lugar onde trabalhe. Não me basta trabalhar num continente e “viver” noutro, repisando diariamente as frustrações e os condicionalismos de estar longe da minha “terra”. Onde estou, faço por viver da melhor forma que consigo. Angola não foge à regra. É nesta “minha” terra que contribuo para a formação de professores de Língua Portuguesa, na província de Benguela, com todas as dificuldades inerentes à aprendizagem da língua oficial num país africano de expressão portuguesa, onde várias línguas coabitam e moldam essoutra dita “oficial”; onde o défice de professores formados ascende ao milhar, nesta província; onde os hábitos de estudo e trabalho organizado escasseiam; onde as disparidades sociais pululam; onde as preocupações ambientais tardam em se fazer sentir… Não obstante, o trabalho na área da educação afirma-se como um desafio

peremptório, urgente, incontornável. Viver em Angola constitui igualmente um desafio, mas haverá lugar algum no mundo em que assim não seja? Ser emigrante significará procurarmos pedaços da nossa terra na terra de acolhimento? Ou, pelo contrário, significará a procura de pedaços da terra de acolhimento que encaixem no nosso mundo interior, social e profissional, de forma a garantirmos a estabilidade emocional necessária para levar a cabo um projecto de vida/contrato de trabalho? Enquanto procuramos estas respostas e outras perguntas surgem, desfrutemos de “visões” inspiradoras: a terra ocre e as montanhas rochosas a dançarem com um imenso céu azul, onde farrapos de nuvens brancas nos alimentam a imaginação e o pôr-do-sol de cores quentes nos transporta para além do(s) horizonte(s). Isto é Benguela… Catarina Neves

CLUB SPORT MARÍTIMO BAR e RESTAURANTE Gerência de Carlos Ferreira (Ex-PONTO FINAL) O local onde encontra pratos Típicamente Portugueses (6ª- Feiras) Cozido à Portuguesa TV com Ecran Gigante Esquina da Rua 11 e Forrest Avenida La Rochelle

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Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010

Paulo Adão


We wish all South-African Community, and our Portuguese countrymen a Happy Festive Season Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.





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O GRUPO COSIRA, deseja a TODA A COMUNIDADE SUL-AFRICANA, de modo especial à COMUNIDADE PORTUGUESA, a todos os seus quadros de pessoal e famílias um Natal cheio das melhores alegrias e um Próspero Ano Novo.


The Niki Duarte Project

The Niki Duarte Project was established soon after one of the P.I.E. Youth Prayer Group members, Niki Duarte (24 years old at the time), was diagnosed with Acute Leukaemia in August 2009. Leukaemia is a cancer of the blood where there is a massive over-production of defective white blood cells which displaces normal healthy red and white blood cells as well as platelets, thereby weakening the body. Red blood cells (carry oxygen around the body), white blood cells (fight infection) and platelets (prevent bleeding) are all produced in our bone marrow, and Niki was soon told that he needed a bone marrow stem cell transplant to have any chance of survival. Due to his ethnic background, Niki had an

estimated 1 in 120 000 chance of finding a match as there are thousands of tissue types and he needed a perfect tissue type match (those that are Portuguese or have a Latin background had a higher chance of being a match). With only + - 65 000 people on the South African Bone Marrow registry, chances were slim that Niki would find a donor in South Africa and would most likely have to search internationally. This is where P.I.E. came in and through The Niki Duarte Project proceeded to create as much awareness as possible about Niki, Leukaemia and The Sunflower Fund. Another objective was to try raise much needed funds to increase the number of donors on the SA Bone Marrow Registry (SABMR) as not everyone could afford to pay for their own tests, which cost R1 000 per person. The Niki Duarte Project managed to add over 100 people onto the registry through their efforts and fundraising initiatives which included fundraising lunches, the selling of shirts and vuvuzelas leading up to The World Cup and a few other initiatives. After countless hours spent in hospital and undergoing Chemotherapy, Niki finally found a 100% Stem Cell match mid July 2010. The donor happened to be a 60 year old American gentleman and Niki's transplant was set for the 22nd of September 2010. This was later moved to the 23rd of September as there was a delay with the stem cells coming over from the USA. Once Niki's donor was confirmed, it was decided that all funds raised would go towards paying for some of his medical costs as he did not have medical aid and his transplant would cost in excess of R1 million excluding future treatment. With the assistance of

hundreds of people and a number of organizations such as 'Os Lusiadas', 'A.C.P.P.' and 'Redskins', The Niki Duarte Project has raised around R450 000 to date which has all gone in some way to assisting the cause, be it paying for people to be added to the registry or paying for some of Niki's medical costs. Shortly before Niki's transplant a prayer chain was created where at any given time of the day, or night, Niki was being prayed for by someone. Through all of these countless prayers and more, as well as through God's grace Niki is currently recovering from his transplant and 2 months after his transplant has been declared Cancer free! He will continue to have weekly checkups to monitor his health and still needs to remain cautious in all that he does as his immune system is still very weak and in recovery. His road to recovery is still a long one and it will be months before his life is back to normal but he truly has come a long way since being diagnosed with Leukaemia over 13 months ago. The Niki Duarte Project is still continuing to raise funds to cover some of Niki's medical fees and have recently had a team of 5 cyclists raise funds by entering the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge. For more info or should you be interested in donating to this cause please contact the custodian of The Niki Duarte Project, Luis “Ze” de Olim, on 072 022 9256 or at jladeolim@gmail.com. Alternatively, donations can be made into the following account: Niki Project, Mercantile Bank, Call Account, 4000 503 685, Hatfield Branch (450 145). Luis “Ze” de Olim

Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010

THE BIGGER PICTURE It is always interesting to know what other like-minded citizens have to say about a certain subject, and what the overall feeling is over a situation. We will also benefit from it in terms of statistical information about our community. This is why a new poll will be held in every issue of the Voz Portuguesa, with each issue supplying the results of the poll from the previous issue. All are welcome to take part in the poll. Not only the youth.

Results of last month’s poll Select one of the following: a) I want to emigrate within the next 10 years

b) I am considering emigration as a possible future option

44.4% 33.3%

c) a.I will never leave South Africa so will never consider emigration


The results of the above poll indicate the diversity of the feelings of the Portuguese residents of South Africa with regards to emigration. There seems to be a gentle yet significant increase in numbers from those not wanting to, to those considering, to those that do want to emigrate, with almost half of the responses selecting (a) I want to emigrate within the next 10 years. This could possibly be a common feeling and could represent a general national statistic of certain ethical groups in South Africa. This means that generally, the feeling is that the community believes that they could find a better life elsewhere.

THIS MONTHS POLL Are you currently unemployed and looking for a job? · Yes · No How to take the poll: Email your answer to ; poll@vozportuguesa.org.za Take the poll online at www.vozportuguesa.org.za

or Write on the Portuguese Forum Facebook wall of the Portuguese Forum South Africa Group. PIE 94.7 Cycling Challenge Team Luis de OIlim, Mari-Liza Monteiro, Sergio de Almeida, Paulo Sebastiao, Gabriele Farelo

PIE and SANBS after a blood drive organised by The Niki Duarte Project on the 16th of May 2010

P.I.E. RCC - Soccer Team

The P.I.E. RCC (Roman Catholic Church) soccer team was founded in the year 2007 after 3 members of the P.I.E. Youth Prayer Group decided that, after playing action soccer together, it was time to start a social yet competitive outdoor soccer team. These founding members are Carlos Camara, Luis Camara and Luis “Ze” de Olim. Being part of P.I.E. (a prayer group established in the year 2000) and having the intention of glorifying God in all that they do, these members quickly identified the One Way Christian Soccer League (OWCSL) as the ideal league to enter. The OWCSL is a league that has been in existence since 1975 and is comprised of 2 divisions made up of 11 teams each. The league has the following aims: · To create fellowship with other Christians · Getting to know members of other societies and churches · Involving non-active members in church activities · To use the league for Christian outreach In P.I.E. RCC's first season partaking in the league the team finished at a respectable 4th place and had a total of 18 players registered. After winning the 2nd Division in 2008 and automatically being promoted to the 1st Division, the club soon realized the need to create another team as more

and more players showed their interest in joining. From 2009, P.I.E. Angels was chosen as the team that would represent the club in the 1st Division and P.I.E. Bishops would represent the club in the 2nd Division.

In the same year, P.I.E. Angels added the OWCSL Knockout Cup Trophy to P.I.E. RCC's trophy cabinet winning the final 3-1 against Bethesda CC in a competitive and thrilling encounter played at The Caledonian Stadium in Pretoria. In P.I.E. RCC's 4th year of existence the P.I.E. Angel's team won the Super Cup competition of the OWCSL as well as the annual Barney Stathakis League 6-a-side tournament. The Angels team also won a 6-a-side tournament held by the Queenswood Catholic Church, a tournament they had already won in 2008. The P.I.E. Bishops team finished 4th place in a competitive 2nd division while the Angel's team only managed a 6th place finish in the 1st division this year. The club currently has a total of 43players registered in the league, of which 90% are Portuguese, and has already entered a third team (P.I.E. Cardinals) into the OWCSL as the P.I.E. soccer team continues to be sought after. A girl's team called P.I.E. Saints was also created on a social level until a women's

division is added to the OWCSL, where the girls will then be able to play at a more competitive level. Meanwhile, the Saints team plays in a 6-a-side Corporate League in Sandton and have currently played 4 games, winning 3 and only losing 1. The P.I.E. Saints team is made of 15 players and is also a team that keeps growing in numbers. Being a soccer team affiliated to a Catholic prayer group P.I.E. RCC's mission is to win the league by: · Using our God given talents in a way in which we can glorify Him · Playing fairly and with respect for other team members and unifying with

other denominations · In all cases to do what Jesus would do, and spreading God's word to draw souls to God by our actions on the field. P.I.E. RCC is currently looking for sponsors for a number of things, namely soccer balls and kitbags as well as for kits for the ladies team. Should you be interested in sponsoring the team in any way please contact the manager of P.I.E. RCC, Luis “Ze” de Olim on 072 022 9256 or at jladeolim@gmail.com.

by Luis “Ze” de Olim


Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010

Opiniões de VIPs presentes à Conferência “A imprensa presente quis também apresentar o seu ponto de vista e, deste modo, José Luís da Silva, correspondente do Jornal Diário de Notícias da Madeira, que esteve connosco, assim como António Ramos e José Mendes, enviou-nos a sua opinião via e-mail.”


té ao presente Congresso, o Fórum Português, desempenhou – creio eu – a missão a que se propôs transcendendo as próprias expectativas. As suas actividades merecem divulgação intensa e atempada através dos meios à sua disposição. Sob a bandeira “ Na União a Nossa Força/Força em Unidade “ é necessário demonstrar de dentro para fora de forma inequívoca e isso parece não ter sido o caso, devido à ausência de figuras chaves da organização, salvo caso de doença ou outros afazeres inadiáveis.

Community Corner:

We give you a voice The Portuguese Forum exists to represent the community. We ARE the Portuguese Community, therefore we are here to make your voices heard, especially that of the youth. Please feel free to send us anything that you would like to share with the rest of the community.


am seventeen years old and am the first generation in my family to be born in South Africa. Both my parents are Portuguese and were born in Madeira. Although I am fluent in Portuguese, I tend to reply to my parents in English when they speak to me in Portuguese. As a toddler, all I knew was Portuguese, but attending English schools and having older siblings speak to me in English, Portuguese then became my second language. Throughout my primary school career, I attended extra Portuguese classes which is one of the main reasons why I am still able to confidently speak, read and write Portuguese today. As my grandparents are unable to speak English, I was obliged as their granddaughter to communicate with them in their language. During my earlier years, it was in fact an obligation to attend extra Portuguese classes, but at the time I was too young to even realise the point in learning such a language, as most of my friends my age, even the Portuguese ones, are unable to speak Portuguese. Now that I am older, I realise that there was in fact a point in bothering to learn, as now I'm reaping the benefits. You may be asking yourself what benefits could being fluent in Portuguese in South Africa possibly bring, especially for someone my age? Being able to speak a foreign language in the corporate world brings endless job opportunities, as it is so rare especially in South Africa. Being able to speak Portuguese automatically makes you more favourable than the average person who speaks the conventional English and

Afrikaans. How many people in South Africa can already speak those two languages in contrast with the number that can speak all three, Portuguese being the third? Seeing Asian and German friends my age proudly speak their language to their siblings and parents, makes me think why us as Portuguese people can't do the same. Many Portuguese people living in South Africa are only the first or second generation born in South Africa, but it is so disappointing that we are already forgetting our roots and what makes us, Portuguese people, different. Nowadays, having Portuguese parents or being of Portuguese descent is seen more as a fashion statement than what it truly means to be proudly Portuguese. It is said that as a child, learning a language is a lot easier than learning as an adult, but if you have the drive within you then by all means learn the language. Most Portuguese people have an advantage as they are likely to have a relative who will be willing to teach the language, even if it is the basics, while others may have to pay for extra classes. Whenever you are presented with the opportunity to learn Portuguese, take it. It's about time we come together as a community to regain our Portuguese heritage, whether it's through learning the beautiful language, visiting the country or simply just snacking on a mouth-watering Prego roll. So, what will YOU be doing to stay true to your Portuguese heritage? C. Teixeira

uma saída para fora do nosso grupo étnico com vista a optimizar a nossa inserção económica e ganhar alguma influência sócio-política .A ignorância, terá de ser considerada como um obstáculo a remover para uma política mais profunda de integração e a necessária Creio exigível a separação de emoções do compreensão de outras formas de estar na trágico, assim como apelos calorosos, vida, para além da nossa. individualizados, fazendo reviver emoções pretéritas, uma vez que o Fórum sucedeu na Temos de nos afastar daquele “ estatuto mudança o curso de acontecimentos que tradicional “, e não podemos continuar atingiram a comunidade portuguesa a que se resignados. É necessário desbravar o caminho “ propôs servir, devido à dedicação e do reconhecimento de molde a que persistência dos seus membros feita de forma ninguém pense que estamos aqui por favor “ tão consciente como inteligente, o que um conceito que prevalece no seio da melhorou de alguma forma a segurança débil comunidade, fruto do alheamento da realidade, do simplismo que muitas vezes fomenta um dos portugueses e não só. clima social adverso e de indiferença, pois Falámos na defesa da língua portuguesa, aí, somos criadores de milhares de postos de há que dar exemplos porque uma vez trabalho e não ladrões de empregos. passados muitos anos , embora se verifique Ao Fórum pelos seus contactos a vários níveis uma maior compreensão da língua, o mesmo tem neste aspecto uma tarefa a cumprir e, não se pode dizer da sua articulação. estou ciente da sua capacidade para o fazer. Convenhamos que o Fórum reúne condições para actuar como agente impulsionador na Sendo o Fórum uma ONG que devido ao sucesso conseguido em várias áreas incluindo divulgação da língua camoniana. Ou se fala agora em português, ou, então a política e que não pugna nem quer a temos de nos calar para sempre ( em desestabilização da África do Sul, que coopera português) e não falar mais nessa “ coisa da nos supremos interesses da nação sul africana e que respeita piamente a sua Constituição defesa da língua “… porque não passar também a ser um grupo de Foi notória a ausência da juventude. Creio que pressão ( lobby ) uma vez que tem alicerces deveriam ter sido já assumidas algumas para tal , mantendo a sua identidade criando directrizes e projectar mecanismos de atração um espaço sócio-cultural e manter as suas para que se evite uma fragmentação do Fórum, tradições tendo sempre em mente a melhoria idênticas a outras que conhecemos e caso das condições económicas da comunidade e para perguntar para quando um contacto de dos sul africanos menos protegidos. culturas , para que se ponha termo à confluência de interesses e conflitos e gizar José Luís da Silva

José Mendes - Revista Noticia

Antonio Ramos Journal Noticias do Porto


Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010


oram diversas as personalidades que tomaram parte nesta terceira conferência nacional do Fórum Português, entre elas, maioritariamente, líderes da organização de toda a África do Sul, membros e, muitas pessoas que acaitaram o convite que lhe foi formulado para tomar parte nos trabalhos. Aqui vamos deixar algumas por serem de maior relevância por serem emitidas por entidades que, não sendo desconhecedoras do que é o Fórum Português, adquiriram uma nova dimensão da sua envergadura e objectivos reais. Elas aqui ficam, Começando pela do SenhorArquitecto Gilberto Martins Sub-Director Geral de Obras Públicas do Governo do ANC na Província de Gauteng.

Carlos Silva, homem da Rádio, bem conhecido na Comunidade, membro do Fórum Português e Mestre de Cerimónias da Terceira Conferência Nacional deu-nos Foi sem dúvida um "MIND BLOGGING" ouvir o depoimento de alguns membros do fórum e foi também um "EYE OPENER" saber o que se passa lá fora.

It was a great honour to be there and hoping my inputs will assist in the FORUM growing from strength to strength If and when i may be able to assist please do not hesitate to contact me Well done and regards to all. Gilberto A segunda opinião veio-nos de Vasco de Abreu, funcionário do Banco Santander aqui em Joanesburgo e membro do Fórum Consultivo e do Conselho das Comunidades qualidade em que se pronunciou. Foi com grande prazer que aceitei o convite a estar presente na vossa Conferência Nacional. Gostaria de ter ficado todo o dia, uma vez que o debate vivo e os vários temas analisados foram para mim uma surpresa agradável. Por seu intermédio, agradeço a simpatia do acolhimento e queira transmitir, ao Presidente Manny Ferreirinha e restantes membros, o meu sincero obrigado. Com o os melhores cumprimentos, Vasco Abreu

Nunca é tarde para se começar, o nosso amigo Manuel Farrinha descobriu aos 71 anos o dom que Deus lhe deu para o desenho. Quando do Mundial em Junho de 2010,

pegou em papel e lápis para desenhar o seu Ídolo do futebol, Cristiano Ronaldo com tanta facilidade o fez que desde aí nunca mais parou… Aqui o temos junto de alguns dos seus trabalhos.

Somos Portugueses e homens da terra, trabalhando para todos os SulAfricanos de todas as nacionalidades, e queremos desejar a todos sem distinção de cultura o Natal mais belo e feliz e um Ano Novo inundado de Prosperidades e Sucessos.


Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010

CWL Cansa Tea

ophia Dooley, President of the C.W.L, thanks everyone for attending the 3rd Annual CWL Cancer tea. She also thanks all the sponsors who helped support cancer research and these fundraising events. Everyone was given a beautifully decorated cupcake to enjoy. Manny de Freitas, chairman of the Gauteng branch of CANSA gave a warm welcome and provided information about the CANSA website and how to access it to view how the


funds are spent (www.cansa.org). Gina Martins provided the entertainment for the afternoon with her singing, she got most of the guests clapping and singing along! An auction was held and was well supported by the guests. The lucky winner received stunning Guess merchandise. Elna McIntosh was the guest speaker for the afternoon. She is a cancer survivor who reiterated the importance of regular breast examinations and demonstrated how to self examine every 30 days. The tea was a great success and most importantly, it raised funds for this value.

Festa de Natal na Escola do Lusito Como vai sendo hábito no final do mês de Novembro as crianças da Escola do Lusito levam à cena a sua peça de de Natal . Este ano teve a realização no passado dia 28 de Novembro. O tema escolhido foi mesmo, o Natal, teve a participação de alunos e professores. As crianças viveram momentos como só elas o sabem, a alegria estava bem estampada nos seus rostos. Como Natal sem neve, não é o

verdadeiro Natal… este ano a neve caiu e com alguma insistência dentro do magnífico salão da Escola do Lusito, onde não faltou a presença do Pai Natal . A tenda montada nos terrenos da escola serviu para continuar o convívio, onde se pôde saborear os pestiscos confeccionados pelas professoras (como já vai sendo hábito). O conjunto português 8th Avenue deu a sua colaboração, actuando gratuitamente.

A crumbling health system have so much hope in it, the patients. Numerous letters have been written to heads of provincial health as well as national health. The answer: silence. This is the type of leadership that we have, cowards who hide behind their titles and would rather do anything else than do the job they were elected for. Their silence is deafening. To add to this already crumbling system, one of our Doctors was brutally attacked and raped at Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein in the early hours of 30 October while on duty. It has come to a point where our hospital staff are not even safe anymore. Despite the outcries from numerous heads of departments and requests for meetings to discuss this dire state of emergency, our Head of Free State health only came to meet us on the 3rd of November, 5 days after the incident took place. As a community of health professionals, we have tried to work together with the government to rid the health system of this crime against humanity, but to no avail. Now this same community is dealing with the shocking truth, that even rape and assault is not enough to bring about change that will really make a difference. If the hospital staff are not even safe anymore, then how can the patients be safe within the hospital. Efforts have been made since the incident to improve safety, but : a) these efforts are not good enough, and b) they should have started a long time ago. Our efforts as a community to bring about change and a health care system that is safe for both personnel and patients and that functions optimally for the patients, will continue. Our only hope is that our effort is supported by government and that this journey can be a safe one for all. I urge all of you that have family and friends working within the government health system, to continue to fight for your safety in the hospitals, and to continue to put pressure on your provincial leaders to make a change. I only pray that someone doesn't need to pay the ultimate price before the government wakes up and listens to your pleads.

We all know that the government health system is in an appalling position at the moment. Shocking events at Pelonomi hospital in Bloemfontein, has led to an outcry for the government to take action. Crime has become such a routine thing in our country that most of us are losing faith in our government to adequately provide us with a safe environment. Part of the mission statement of the forum says: “We believe that it is the joint responsibility of both Government and all South African communities to address crime, while safeguarding the religious, civil rights, status and welfare of all South African communities in South Africa.” Yes, I agree. It is a joint responsibility, but it seems that most of our pleads and ideas for improvement just fall on deaf ears in the government. Being in the health profession myself, I have witnessed first hand, the crumbling state in which we find our government hospitals at the moment. This in itself is a crime against humanity. Our poorest of the poor attend these hospitals with the hope that someone will be able to heal them. We try our best with the Patricia Jardim resources that we have, but sometimes, it is Forum Youth President of the Free State. not enough and the system fails those who

The portuguese forums website has been revamped! With its fresh new look and user friendly features, everything you need to know about the forum is at your fingertips. Feel free to leave a message, comment or give us feedback through the contacts link on the site.

Voz Portuguesa Decembro 2010


É NATAL! É NATAL! É NATAL! Um grito de alegria que ecoa por todo o mundo e ressoa pelos ares, como um ribombar de melodias a gritar por vida, pois NATAL significa NASCIMENTO. Nas lojas, nos cafés, nos restaurantes, nas ruas, nas Igrejas, toda a genie vive esta realidade da celebração do Nascimernto de Jesus Cristo em Belém. Celebração que se repete todos os anos no meio de uma atmosfera de luz, som, cor e calor humano e mesmo divino que enchem esta quadra festiva. Associando-se a esta atmosfera geral, o Fórum Português e Voz Portuguesa querem aproveitar a oportunidade para desejar a todos os Portugueses uma quadra de festas cheia das maiores venturas e felicidades na celebração do Nascimento de Jesus, Salvador do Mundo e um Novo Ano de 2011 repleto dos maiores sucessos familiares, sociais, económicos e financeiros! Seria imperdoável esquecer os nossos membros, que por todo este imenso país lutam, trabalham,, ganhando a vida e promovendo com a sua melhor vontade o Fórum Português, ou seja a NOSSA COMUNIDADE, os leitores de Voz Portuguesa, anunciantes, doadores, amigos e simpatizantes e para TODOS ELRD vai o nosso mais sincero agradecimento e desejos de um: FELIZ NATAL e PRÓSPERO ANO NOVO!...



Rio Douro Fisheries & Butchery

Todas as bebidas, a seu gosto Entregas ao domicílio para seu conforto Preços revolucionários! Para preços e encomendas, não hesite, Contacte Miguel e Ivone 011- 424 - 0626 ou 082-347-3888

Wholesale direct to the public

All type of drinks We deliver for your convenience Incredible prices For prices and deliveries don't wait another minute, Contact Miguel or Ivone on 011- 424 - 0626 or 082-347-3888

Fresh fish daily

Specializing in all seafood E.g. Prawns, Crab, Calamari

Fresh meat counter with top quality beef & pork Large variety of imported products A organização deseja a todos os Portugueses, em especial a clientes, amigos e apoiantes e respectivas famílias, Natal Feliz e Próspero Ano de 2011.

Delivery within 24 hours!! Delivery anywhere on the East Rand & most of Gauteng (minimum order 5 cases). We supply pubs, clubs, restaurants, hotels, liquor stores etc. Wholesale prices to trade. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices are subject to change without notice.

155 Main St, Rosettenville Tel: (011) 683-3617 / 8400 Fax: (011) 683-8471

Rio Douro

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