Voz Portuguesa

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Representing the Portuguese Community in South Africa Tel : 011-578-5653/4 Fax : 011-395-1070


Tel : 011-578-5653/4 Fax : 011-395-1070

Jornal Da Comunidade Portuguesa Na África Do Sul / Portuguese Community Paper of South Africa


Ano 8 Número 82


Janeiro 2011

Forum Meets With Police Commissioner T he Portuguese Forum team met with Lieutenant General M. Petros, the Provincial Police Commissioner for Gauteng, at his office in Parktown on 4 February 2011. The agenda of the meeting was as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Portuguese Forum working together with the SAPS 3. Unlawful arrests 4. Worker's strikes 5. Security companies 6. Tow truckers 7. Police cases 8. Rural safety plans Manny Ferreirinha, President of the Steering Committee of the Portuguese Forum, kicked the meeting off working through each point on the agenda. The subsequent reports, accounts, and facts were brought to the attention of Lt. Gen. Petros: 2. Portuguese Forum working together with the SAPS The Forum promotes responsibility in engaging with authorities and that it is very important for members of the community to know who their

A IMBISA – ASSOCIAÇÃO INTERREGIONAL DOS BISPOS DA ÁFRICA AUSTRAL – é a associação das Conferências Episcopais da África Meridional (Austral). Tem 9 países membros com 6 Conferências Episcopais, a saber: Angola e São Tomé e Príncipe: Conferência Episcopal de Angola e S.Tomé e Príncipe (CEAST) Leshoto: Conferência Episcopal dos Bispos do Lesoto (LCBC) Moçambique: Conferência Episcopal de Moçambique (CEM) Namíbia: Conferência Episcopal dos Bispos da Namíbia (NCBC) África do Sul, Botswana e Suazilândia: Conferência Episcopal dos Bispos da África A.(SACBC) Zimbabwe: Conferência Episcopal dos Bispos do Zimbabwe (ZCBC) A IMBISA procura tratar dos problemas da Igreja na África Austral, partilhar as suas preocupações, analisar os problemas existentes e procurar soluções comuns e fraternas e também entrar em acção com os governos regionais, especialmente a SADC, para aumentar a visibilidade da Igreja nesta região da África. A IMBISA realizou a sua Assembleia Plenária trianual, com o tema: Adopção de uma boa ética de trabalho para a promoção da auto-suficiência, boa governação e desenvolvimento sustentável na África Austral. O Plenário teve lugar no Burgers Park Hotel, Pretória, de 6 a 13 de Dezembro de 2010. Antecedentes da Nona Assembleia Plenária: Nas duas últimas assembleias Plenárias (Harare, 2004 e Luanda, 2007), os Bispos

Station Commander and Ward Councillor is by name, face, and telephone number. This way,

the community will empower itself in terms of being better connected to the police and thus

Plenário da IMBISA tomaram decisões em duas áreas chave que eles pensaram ser centrais para o desenvolvimento sustentável tanto dentro da Igreja como nas diversas comunidades que compõem a Igreja África Austral. Estas foram a auto-suficiência (2004) e a boa governação

Conjunto de Bispos da África Austral para o desenvolvimento sustentável (2007). Em ambos as Assembleias Plenárias, os Bispos tomaram decisões que eles tinham a certeza penetrariam até às raízes das comunidades que eles servem.

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Ambos os temas das duas últimas Assembleias Plenárias apontam para a necessidade de a Igreja e as suas comunidades, que estão dispostas a trabalhar por elas próprias, se tornarem auto-suficientes (Assembleia Plenária de 2004 em Harare) e justas na sua maneira de

improving communication between Police and the Community, which in turn helps to deter crime. The Portuguese Forum is prepared to help the SAPS if they have a communication problem with a member of the Portuguese Community who does not speak or understand English or Afrikaans. The availability of the Forum's 24/7 National Helpline 0861 111 126 was also made known. Establishing relationships with SAPS has already proven to be successful with the Community Patrol Project in Tembisa. Foot patrollers were appointed in the area, each with radios. These patrollers report any incident to the area control room where the operators then contact the SAPS. This has significantly reduced crime levels in the area as the community is now more aware of crime and knows that the patrollers are there to immediately report whatever criminal activity comes to their attention. The Forum is also in a partnership with Emperor's Palace, who built pavements in Tembisa amongst other community work. Another good example of a working

foram estas: temos na Igreja uma boa ética de trabalho? Têm as comunidades, uma boa ética de trabalho? Enquanto Igreja da África Austral, promovemos uma boa ética de trabalho nas comunidades que durante anos se sentiram marginalizadas pelos regimes coloniais e por sucessivos governos após a independência? Nesta Assembleia Plenária de 2010 os Bispos tomaram decisões sobre este tema chave da Boa Ética de Trabalho, na sequência do que foi discutido nas últimas duas Assembleias Plenárias e que esperam por em prática nas comunidades das diferentes Conferências. O Plenário foi aberto a todos os Bispos, Arcebispos e Cardeais na África Austral. Os padres secretários gerais das Conferências Episcopais da região participaram na sua capacidade de encarregados da implementação das resoluções e recomendações da Assembleia. Alguns convidados e financiadores também participam. Os Bispos emitiram também dois poderosos comunicados: um sobre o tráfico de seres humanos nesta parte da África e outro sobre a situação no Zimbabwe, pedindo à SADC, que Mugabe reconhece, que mediasse junto dele para adiar as eleições, porque as condições políticas não eram conducentes a eleições pacíficas. E as eleições foram adiadas. Para encerrar a Assembleia, os Bispos celebraram Missa na Igreja Católica “Regina Mundi”, para se encontrarem com a Igreja local e partilharem o resultado do Plenário com os fiéis. Na categoria de tradutor intérprete tive também o privilégio de participar na Assembleia.

agir e no que ela espera dos seus membros (Assembleia Plenária de 2007 em Luanda). Por outras palavras, uma boa ética de trabalho. Algumas das questões que os Bispos tentaram responder durante esta Assembleia Plenária Padre Carlos Gabriel / insf@ananzi.co.za


Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011

Cont from front page relationship between the SAPS and the Community is with the farmers. The farmers in the Nigel area formed a committee that meets with the SAPS on a regular basis to discuss issues of crime in the area and strategies to combat it. He is The Commissioner's response: satisfied with the Forum's efforts in encouraging the building of these relationships and in the education of the community in terms of self-empowerment. He states that he will continue to work with and support the Forum in its endeavours with the community and in the combat against crime. The Commissioner emphasizes that we not only get know our Station Commanders, but also the policemen patrolling our residential areas. 3. Unlawful Arrests Several cases of unresolved, unlawful arrests in our community were brought to the attention of the Commissioner. These cases were said to unnecessarily taint the relationship between the SAPS and the community. The Forum will continue to inform the Commissioner of such incidents in the future. The Commissioner's response: He urges that we keep informing him of these unlawful arrests and that he will see to them personally by contacting the relevant Station Commanders or Captains involved to find out as to why these arrests took place, and thus will see to it that these cases get resolved. 4. Worker's Strikes Workers have the right to strike but NOT to damage property (vandalism) or to violate other people's rights. Striking workers may not intimidate any other persons. The Commissioner's Response: Agreed. 5. Security Companies PSIRA (Private Security Regulatory Authority) is inundated with job applications, some of which are by unqualified and unfit individuals with potential criminal tendencies. It is due to this that networks between criminal syndicates and private security companies exist. One way to help deter crime related to these networks is for the Police to go round and introduce themselves to business owners, make themselves known in the area, and even hand out copies of the Act. This kind of Police presence has already demonstrated its effectiveness with positive changes in crime levels in the respective areas. The farmers also agree that the increase in Police patrol vehicles has had a positive effect in the rural areas. The Forum also commends the Commissioner on increasing police presence on our highways, that it was an effective move on his part. The Commissioner's Response: The SAPS are currently rolling out a total of 123 new patrol vehicles for all the different routes throughout the Province. This roll-out should reach Gauteng's borders by the end of March 2011. The Commissioner believes that this kind of police presence will be a significant deterrent against crime. It is a fact that the bulk of Gauteng's crimes are committed by repeat offenders more so than one-timers or spontaneity. The only action that will decrease this kind of crime is effective arrests together with considerable police presence throughout the province, i.e. criminals need to be made Carla,of Idalina, Tony, Abel Manny aware the punishment that and follows criminal action. Crime in our country will never be eradicated even if every household had a police officer as a member, but at least it will be curbed to an extent. 6. Tow Truckers Tow trucking businesses serve a purpose but some often victimise and abuse people that desperately need their services. An example

of victimisation or abuse would be impounding an individual's car and charging him/her anything up to R20 000 for the services before releasing their vehicles. Other risks with these operations are the fact that these cars could result in being stolen or even stripped at these impounds or elsewhere. The The Commissioner's Response: Commissioner acknowledges this matter and states that it will be observed and monitored. 7. Police Cases Several Police cases currently being investigated by the Forum were brought to the attention of Lt. Gen. Petros. These cases all involve a member of the Portuguese Community. The Commissioner's Response: These cases will be followed up. The Commissioner was given the case numbers for each case and he then requested the dockets for each. He will have a report on his follow-up on these cases in one week's time. 8. Rural Safety Plan As mentioned earlier, the farmers in the Nigel area hold rural safety meetings which included the presence of a police official/representative, on a regular basis. However, a different official is present at each meeting. This is leading to a loss of confidence by the farmers in the police and thus do not know who to go to. These farmers request that a single official individual should be appointed to attend these meetings and to take the matters that come up forward. The farmers experienced high levels of theft of electrical motors, cable and more, and believe in reporting every incident. The number of these incidents became so great that Police officials were constantly present at the farmer's offices. Lately, the major problem is the increase in livestock slaughter. The farmers suggest that a CPF is formed for rural safety in the area, and to make them known amongst the community. The The Commissioner's Response: outcome with his meeting with “Agri-Gauteng” was the decision to deploy the 123 vehicles throughout the province, as mentioned earlier. These vehicles will mainly be patrolling routes running through the province's rural areas, thus the roads surrounding farms and more. This is the new Rural Safety Plan. One should always follow protocol when reporting a case, which is why it is necessary to get to know your local Station Commander. The Provincial Police Commissioner will not attend to individuals as they should follow protocol by approaching their local authorities. However, national groups or organisations such as the Portuguese Forum often have a direct channel of communication with Commissioner, and so the importance of mandating the Forum to represent you as the community is emphasised once again. Download the mandate form from our website www.portugueseforum.org.za and email it to carlab@mannys.co.za or fax it to 011 578 5734/5689.




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A New Year Full of Potential! The Portuguese Forum has come a long way since the March Against Crime that took place in front of the Union Buildings in Pretoria, 2001. In this past decade, the Forum established a national structure consisting of Provincial leaders categorised as Provincial Presidents and VicePresidents as well as Provincial Youth Presidents and Provincial Youth Vice-Presidents. A substantial amount of effort has gone towards accumulating mandates from the community. The Forum needs a significant amount of mandates that state that the community member wishes to be represented by the Forum or that he or she acknowledges the Forum's existence and its functions. This is essential in order for the Forum to achieve proper representation so that it is then acknowledged by members of the Government and thus taken seriously. The Forum's mission is simple: The Portuguese Forum acts on behalf of its members and facilitates in all matters affecting the South African Portuguese communities' relationship with the South African Government and with provincial, municipal and other authorities. The Forum's aim is to build solidarity within the Portuguese community while highlighting the devastating effects of crime on all sectors of the population. We believe that it is the joint responsibility of both Government and all South African communities to address crime, while safeguarding the religious, civil rights, status and welfare of all South African communities in South Africa. We are still far from reaching the required number of mandates and so encourage the community to please fill out a mandate form and send it to us. This form is available on the Forum website: www.portugueseforum.org.za. Once filled, it can be sent to us via email to c a r l a b @ m a n n y s . c o . z a o r

info@portugueseforum.org.za, or you can fax it through to 011 578 5734/5689 or 086 686 3480. Please encourage fellow members of the community to take part and thus BE A PART of the community. The sooner we have proper representation, the sooner we can get answers and support from the government on pressing issues such as crime and lack of municipal service delivery, and more. Our Youth have become the main focus of the Forum for this year and we would like to involve them as well as inform them about the happenings in our community as much as possible. We have launched a brand new userfriendly website as well as a Facebook group page which acts as a channel of communication amongst members of the community. The Forum's community Newspaper is also currently undergoing a re-vamp in layout and structure, however will remain a free newspaper as it belongs to a non-profit organisation. Due to this, the paper (which is also available online) depends on selling advertising space in order to fund its printing and distribution. The paper is distributed nationally, with the bulk of it remaining in Gauteng. Anyone interested in advertising in this newspaper is welcome to send us a message on the submit form found on the contacts page of our website. The website also features a memorial page where every victim of crime from our community will be named in their memory. These names are engraved into the marble monument which can be found at the Lady of Fatima Catholic church in Brentwood Park, Benoni. This memorial has up to date 402 names of victims of crime. The Forum, together with the church arranges a memorial service in honour of the wrongfully deceased once a year, usually taking place in the month of November. The sight of all the faces and names of these victims on this monument is enough to send chills accompanied with resentment, frustration and regret down one's spine. Resentment for the injustice that takes place in this country; frustration for not being able to do something about it and feeling as though we are all sitting ducks waiting to be taking out by the discrimination that this country secretes, and regret for acting too late if you acted at all… regret for the loss of the lives that our community has and still continues to endure. It is for this reason that the Forum urges us all to unite and become one. This is why the Forum desperately needs the mandate forms from the community. Supporting the forum is supporting you. Add to the strength of our community. Add to the influence of our presence. Let this year be a profound year for the Forum and the Community's existence! Força em unidade! Strength in unity!

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Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011

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Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011


PORTUGUESE FÓRUM No 1 Porterfield Road Tableview, Cape Town Tel & Fax: 021-556 4416 E:mail.pforumwc@telkomsa.net

Do Cabo Ocidental

40º aniversário das Festas Natalícias na Cidade do Cabo Associação Portuguesa do Cabo da Boa Esperança na noite de 24 de Dezembro foi pequena para acolher o grande número de fiéis que na véspera de Natal se deslocaram até lá para assistirem, (e alguns tomarem parte) na Celebração da Missa do Galo.. A comunidade portuguesa nesta cidade é, na sua maioria de origem madeirense, muito agarrada às tradições da sua terra natal, muito em especial às celebrações religiosas... a bênção dos barcos de pesca e a celebração da Quadra de Natal são as festividades de mais relevo.


cantam na Ilha da Madeira ....No dia 24 de Dezembro véspera de Natal celebra-se a tradicional Missa do Galo. A Comunidade junta-se para celebrar o nascimento de Jesus, usando os seus trajes tradicionais, os músicos com os seus instrumentos que irão acompanhar as canções alusivas à data. O Anjo anúncia o Nascimento de Jesus, o palco com a cortina aberta deixa ver a cena do presépio com Maria, José, Menino Jesus , Pastores , Anjos e alguns animais (criados por crianças que querem fazer parte do quadro). ..Os 3 Reis Magos deixam as suas

companhia/.... Um pouco da história dos 40 anos da Missa de Natal na A.P.C.B.E. Tudo começou no ano de 1970 quando uma senhora do Paúl do Mar (Carminda Rebelo) de visita a uma filha emigrante na África do Sul e a residir na cidade do Cabo iniciou os Cantares e Romarias de Natal uma prática muito comum na sua freguesia . A Comunidade acolheu de bom grado a ideia, deitaram mãos à obra e nesse mesmo ano realizaram-se as primeiras Romarias do Natal na Igreja Católica de St. Agnes em Woodstock (era nesta área que residia o maior número de portugueses). A comunidade inglesa não viu com bons olhos a ideia dos seus vizinhos madeirenses. No ano seguinte para não deixar morrer a tradição e evitar problemas , as Romarias do Natal foram celebradas na A.P.C.da Boa Esperança, onde se mantém até hoje. Em Dezembro de 2010 celebraram-se assim os 40 anos desta tradição bem querida da nossa comunidade madeirense na Cidade do Cabo. As organizadoras têm a seu cargo a escolha dos cantares, trajes, músicos , e no final de cada ensaio ( ultimamente realizados nos Centros de Woodstock e Parow) providenciar alguns petiscos para todos os participantes. A escolha para o próximo ano é feita no último dia de ensaio geral, com os nomes postos dentro de uma caixa , que só será revelado no final da Missa do Galo. As organizadoras do ano passado foram : Judite Virissimo, Felismina Andrade e M. José Petim, que se esmeraram na comemoração do

quadragésimo aniversário destas Romarias, no final da Missa, à boa maneira madeirense, foi oferecida uma canja de galinha às mais de 400 pessoas presentes. Para este ano (2011) a organização estará a cargo de Margarida R. Faria, Lídia Cabóz Paiva e de Maria dos Anjos de França. Que a nossa Comunidade na cidade do Cabo não deixe morrer esta tradição tão bonita na qual participam pessoas de todas as idades mantendo um elo do passado com o presente... Idalina Henriques

E d e FADOS T O I N DE N A GR Portuguese Welfare “ Centro Português de Cultura e Beneficência do Cabo “

Dia 26 de Fevereiro pelas 19h30 Fadistas: Luisa Fernandes/ Xico Infante E ainda a jovem Carla Marques Guitarristas: José Fernandes/ Tino Duarte Tudo começa com a preparação do presépio, e as Missas do Parto , em Cape Town ,cada uma das nove missas é dedida às várias freguesias madeirenses. Os grupos representando as diferentes freguesias organizam-se em número de 20 elementos cada ,e nasce assim uma saudável competição entre eles como nos disse Judite Virissimo , que no ano passado foi uma das organizadoras das Romarias do Natal. Os Grupos entoam cânticos de louvor ao Menino, a Maria e a José, e ainda de agradecimento... Quando há pessoas que sabem compor versos, os cânticos são originais..... mas como nem sempre isso é possível, os versos interpertados são os que se

prendas...Os pastores aparecem em cena seguidos de grupos de crianças de alguns dos subúrbios de C.T. A Missa, foi celebrada pelos Padres, Ivaldo Bettin, Capelão para a comunidade portuguesa na cidade do Cabo, Jonas Donassolo e Patrick Zompeti, no final foi dado a beijar o Menino ... nos últimos anos tem sido um bébé recém-nascido (menino ou menina),no papel do Menino Jesus. No dia 5 de Janeiro os 3 Reis Magos vestidos a rigor, acompanhados por um grupo de pessoas vão de porta em porta cumprimentar todos os que a abrirem e cantam versos alegres aos que os recebem ....Como este exemplo: ......Aqui vimos, Aqui estamos/...Hoje é dia de alegria/...Viva o Senhor desta casa/...E a sua

Preço: R 200.00 Menu: Caldo Verde/ Bacalhau assado/ Sobremesa Morada:

Portuguese Welfare, 27 Frankfort str.,Parow Cape Town

Contacto para bilhetes: Carlos 083 778 9006


Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011

Roteiro Pelas Nossas Provincias NORTHERN CAPE - UPINGTON LIMPOPO -


Cheias Destruidoras


s mudanças climáticas são evidentes e estão a provocar frequentes, destruidoras e trágicas alterações em todo o mundo, provocando verdadeiras hecatombes e o futuro não se mostra promissor. Inundações, avalanchas de neve e gelo, tsunamis, temperaturas extremas tornaram-se quase comuns nas notícias dos jornais, revistas televisão e radio, deixando um rasto de demolição, morte, miséria, fome e luto. Brasil, Austrália, Alermanha, África do Sul, e outras paragens têm sofrido as inundações e suas negativas consequências. O leito do Rio Orange, qual Nilo impetuoso, galgou as margens, espraiou-se caudaloso por elas e submergiu culturas: vastas áreas de vinhedos com uvas prontas a ser cortadas e uva sultana para secagem e empacotamento, hectares de luzerna, terras verdejantes de frescos e abundantes vegetais, e outras culturas diversas desapareceram na voragem das águas insofridas, que consigo arrastam tudo sem piedade. As baragerns a montante de Upington, cheias a 110% abriram as comportas, escoando um caudal de 5.200 m³ de água por segundo. O ano passado a mesma barragem foi aberta com 80% de capacidade cheia e houve 3.200m³ de líquido por segundo, absolutamente controlável. As pessoas perguntam-se sobre as razões desta aparente negligência e incompetência, agravadas pelas chuvas torrenciais que se têm verificado. Diga-se, em abono da verdade que a Força Policial e outras instituições de apoio e ajuda têm sido incansáveis no trabalho exigido pelas circunstâncias, desdobrando-se em

actividade e acções apropriadas. A todas essas instituições rendemos a nossa homenagem e respeito. Com verdade ou mentira, os agricultores brancos, mestiços e mesmo negros perguntam-se sobre a razão do facto, sugerindo uma intenção sonegada de arruinar os agricultores para os forçar a vender por preços da uva mijona a fim de serem distribuídas pelos agricultores emergentes. Os agricultores preparam-se para levar a MInistra da Agricultura a tribunal, para reivindicar compensações, uma vez que a detentora da pasta terá afirmado, e citamos “se me levarem a tribunal não haverá nem mais um cêntimo de ajuda aos agricultores da área…”. Linguagem, a ser certa, grave e menosprezante do trabalho de um sector crucial e básico da vida de uma Nação. Os portugueses directamente não foram prejudicados, mas os negócios a que se dedicam sofrem os efeitos económicos da catástrofe que reduziu o poder de consumo em cerca de 50%. Na hora em que escrevemos este apontamento, prevêem-se mais chuvas e nova abertura das comportas das barragens, com os efeitos desastrosos derivados dessa acção. Como consequência de todos estes desastres ecológicos, contemos todos nós com o aumento de todos os produtos da terra. Não se pode brincar com o pão de cada dia e a agricultura merece maior atenção das autoridades, ou teremos o caos total. De Upington, Kakamas, até Augrabies são zonas altamente afectadas. Joaquim Marques Presidente do FP - Upington

MPUMALANGA – BARBERTON With Crime being a constant reminder to many South Africans, a Security Company is sometimes taken a bit for granted. Not many people value the work of their staff. Understandably, many security companies might not be strict enough in the employment of staff, but a company employing good staff usually gets its merits as in the case of Hi-Tech Security in Barberton, Mpumalanga, and perhaps in their other franchises as well. In 1990, Rassie Schoeman established a Security Company in Barberton and called it Hi-Tech. Over the years it expanded into various established franchises in Nelspruit, Badplaas, Dulstroom, Whiteriver, Hazyview, Onderberg, Komatipoort, Malelane, Hectorspruit, Kaapmuiden, Machadodorp and Kanyamazane. The Barberton franchise has been under the ownership of Sakkie and Yvonne Dednam since November 1999. Management and staff are very efficient at their jobs, but most importantly, they care for the people of Barberton. They are there to look after their

clients and think highly of providing personal touches that would not be expected somewhere else. Experiences I have had with Hi-Tech: When my son had a bike accident they helped me get him to hospital. I was helped getting my elderly Mom to hospital. When I am away they feed my pets – staying a few minutes to give them a little attention. I have had friends that were not Hi-Tech clients but when they got attacked and robbed, HiTech had no problem helping them as the police was not available. During strikes, the Xenophobic unrest, or any incident involving crowds, we feel secure with the presence of Hi-Tech staff. These men and women have risky jobs, but their services and friendliness is appreciated and should be merited. They not only give their company a good reputation but prove that good workmanship makes a good company. How many of those are around today? Cezarina Leitao-Freitas Mpumalanga

The Hi-Tech team: Mr Sakkie Dednam (owner), Riaan Venter, Riaan Venter Senior, Malcolm Thompson, Hannes Van Wyk, Riaan Prinsloo, Tina McPherson and Colin Walker Not Present: (on another shift): Lucky Lubede, Fanus and Aletta Janse Van Rensburg, David Nel, Eugene Swanepoel, Martin van Zyl, Jeanetta Nel, Leon Koen Reception: Pikkie and Yolande

festiva devem ter absorvido as reservas acumuladas para esse efeito e agora há que repôr fundos, para em tempo retomar a vida normal. A pequena Comunidade portuguesa continua as suas actividades comerciais ou agrícolas como habitualmente e, felizmente, sem acidentes de maior. Se não temos os benefícios dos grandes centros urbanos e comerciais, somos privilegiados em paz, tranquilidade e pacatez das pequenas urbes em que as pessoas se conhecem pelo nome e proximidade. Aguardamos com esperança uma nesga de progresso, embora ele exija o pagamento de um preço.

A calma e tranquilidade reinam ainda nesta provincia com uma transição de ano igualmente pacífica, apesar de uma sessão de fogo de artifício espectacular, atractivo tradicional da provincia. A vida nesta nossa área decorre sem sobressaltos de maior, sobrtudo ainda liberta dos crimes relatados pelos órgãos de informação que nos causam susto e repulsa. Há, certamente, actos de furto, de pequena monta, quando a fome aperta e quando o Acácio de Sousa nosso descuido os permite. Os negócios mostram-se bastante calmos, um Presidente do FP-Limpopo pouco parados, pois os gastos da época

Negligência e falta de planeamento em Rondebult Olhando para as fotos que se seguem pouco há a acrescentar... enxurradas e mais enxurradas... Isto tudo provocado não por chuvas mas por negligência humana. A área de Rondebult é essencialmente uma zona agrícola.... é aqui que estão localizados grande parte dos agricultores produtores de vegetais que abastecem diáriamente o Mercado Abastecedor de Joanesburgo. Tudo começou há aproximadamente 8 meses quando um último complexo de habitação ficou concluído. Tudo leva a crer que não houve a devida preocupação dos responsaveis em criar

condicões para a retenção das águas da chuva que vão como um cavalo à desfilada pela Estrada R554 e inundam 16 a 20 hectares de terra de cultivo. Os agricultores que estão nas partes mais baixas sentem na pele este “esquecimento”. A Agriveg já teve um encontro com os agricultores, onde ficou o compromisso de levar o problema ao Departamento responsável pelo sector da Câmara de Germiston a que pertence a área de Rondebult. Idalina Henriques


Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011

PIE Youth Group


eople Into Evangelization, more commonly known as PIE is a youth prayer and recreational group, associated to the Santa Maria Dos Portugueses Catholic Church in Pretoria. PIE was established in 2000 by the Portuguese youth who identified a need to create awareness and educate young individuals to remain active within the community and more importantly to the Christian and Catholic faith. Their affiliation to the Pretoria Catholic Charismatic Renewal signals the principle ideology surrounding the group's purpose, that being to spread the Catholic faith among the Portuguese youth community and continue to bind the chains that make us who we are in South Africa's vast background and cultural opulence. Over the years the group managed to grow by over one hundred active and semi-active members, transform conservative rigidities and achieve a respectable place within the community.

The true success of PIE comes from the group's frame of reference comprising of devoted and talented participants within the levels of higher decision-making all the way to the general social behaviour of each and every person. To any one's appreciation the group carries a repertoire of musicians, artists and devoted Catholics committed to drawing the youth around them together with Christ as their centre. In no small measure can such an achievement be had without the strong leaders and dedicated participants who work feverishly to ensure the message is driven home to all youth in every social platform. 2007 marked a fundamental year when PIE joined the One Way Christian Football League by entering their first male soccer team. The team has since grown to three male and one female team playing the beautiful game amongst other Christian doctrine, PIE has therefore further enhanced its allure to youngsters of all divides to combine recreation with faith. In 2009 Niki Duarte was

Marco Veludo is 20 months old. Ricardo and Sandra, Marco's parents, came home from work on a Friday and found that a lump had formed just under Marco's ear. Ricardo and

Sandra immediately took Marco to the doctor who believed that the lump might have been a reaction to a measles injection he had received a few days earlier. They were told


Please contribute towards his treatment by making a deposit into the following account Marco Veludo Trust Nedbank Current Account Account No: 1003705855 Branch No: 13012610 THE VELUDO FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED THEM DURING THIS TRYING TIME

diagnosed with acute leukaemia, the devastating news shattered fellow member's and prompted immediate action; thus the Niki Duarte Project was born together with the aid of the Sunflower Fund , a non-profit organisation, which runs a national call centre, to recruit donors representative of all ethnic groups for the SA Bone Marrow Registry. The Sunflower Fund also raises awareness and much-needed funds to increase the number of donors on the SA Bone Marrow Registry which will improve the chances of a life saving transplant for patients suffering from serious blood disorders such as leukaemia. Apart from the numerous charity works, recreational and sport activities, attention is also paid to spiritual cleansing and nourishment. Through their affiliation to the Pretoria Catholic Charismatic Renewal, retreats occur throughout the year to prepare and nourish Christians alike for the everyday challenges and ordeals facing modern society. PIE has grown into a presentable, well structured organisation comprising of multiple divisions and subdivisions that offer any individual the opportunity to explore his faith and spirit within an encouraging environment catering for the demands of younger and more active individuals. Approaching another year new challenges arise prompting yet a further addition to the groups offerings, which will include a bi-weekly youth Mass whereby hosted by visiting Priests at the Santa Maria Dos Portugueses Church, Saturday evening from 18h30. The PIE group (30 members) together with the Arch-diocese of Pretoria will also be attending the World Youth Day Event in Madrid, Spain. As a result, PIE will be holding many fund raising initiatives to assist those who need financial assistance to attend this Pilgrimage. PIE can be followed on many social and media platforms, from Facebook, the web, O Seculo and Radio Veritas. PIE is more than a prayer group, it's more than a soccer team and it's more than a music team, it's a family of friends who are united in the Love of Christ, it's a way of life. Gilberto Ribiro

to wait and see if the lump would go away as blood tests did not show anything wrong. They ended up going back and forth to the doctors for a month with no answers as to what was wrong with little Marco, until one day his whole cheek swelled up, doubling in size! It was then that the surgeon stated that they would have to operate on the lump and perform tests on his facial glands. The results of the biopsy confirmed their worst fears. Little Marco was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). Ricardo and Sandra burst into tears and cried for two weeks without end. Marco is now receiving rigorous chemotherapy every week which leaves him nauseous, weak, and experiencing hair and weight loss. The duration of his treatment will be 3 to 5 years. Marco was diagnosed with ALL in October 2010, so he is now 4 months into his treatment. This heartbreaking sickness has affected the Veludo Family emotionally as well as financially as the treatment is very expensive. Their lifestyle has changed completely as Marco has to be isolated from people, thus no shopping centres, no parks with people nearby, no social gatherings, etc. His immune system is too weak, and so a single germ could infect him and lead to dire consequences. He has already had pneumonia, therefore it is important to keep Marco as healthy as possible in order for him to undergo his treatment. Ricardo and Sandra have started organising fundraisers and have also opened a trust fund account for Marco. The details to the trust fund account are displayed above in the pamphlet. All donations into this account will help pay for little Marco's lengthy and expensive treatment. The Veludo Family have suffered with this painful diagnosis. Sandra says that she feels helpless as a mother and never knew that bringing Marco into the world would bring her so much joy, yet so much suffering for him. Marco's older brother, Dino, is 5 years old and has been an inspiration, being by his brother's side making him laugh and giving him love.

ISSN 1028-5070 Ano 6 Número 70 - 5 De Dezembro 2009 JORNAL MENSAL DA COMUNIDADE PORTUGUESA Design & Layout : Brent van Zyl Escritórios: Manny's Hardware Supplies Cnr Great North & Louisa Rd Brentwood Park, Benoni P.O. Box 15531, Farrarmere, 1518 Telefone: (011) 578-5653/4, (011) 395-2492 Escritório Cabo: 021-556-4416 Fax: (011) 395-1070 E-mail: voz@mannys.co.za Web: www.portugueseforum.org.za

THE BIGGER PICTURE It is always interesting to know what other like-minded citizens have to say about a certain subject, and what the overall feeling is over a situation. We will also benefit from it in terms of statistical information about our community. This is why a new poll will be held in every issue of the Voz Portuguesa, with each issue supplying the results of the poll from the previous issue. All are welcome to take part in the poll. Not only the youth.

Results of last month’s poll Are you currently unemployed and looking for a job?



· NO


The results of the above poll indicate the diversity of the feelings of the Portuguese residents of South Africa with regards to emigration. There seems to be a gentle yet significant increase in numbers from those not wanting to, to those considering, to those that do want to emigrate, with almost half of the responses selecting (a) I want to emigrate within the next 10 years. This could possibly be a common feeling and could represent a general national statistic of certain ethical groups in South Africa. This means that generally, the feeling is that the community believes that they could find a better life elsewhere.

THIS MONTHS POLL Were you a victim of violent crime in the past five years? · YES · NO How to take the poll: Email your answer to ; poll@vozportuguesa.org.za Take the poll online at www.vozportuguesa.org.za

or Write on the Portuguese Forum Facebook wall of the Portuguese Forum South Africa Group.


Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011


riday, February 4th, is World Cancer Day, where we can all reflect on those that have passed on with some or other form of the condition or are currently fighting for their lives with it. It is a sickness that strikes entire families, and whole circles of friends. Most of us have had a loved one struggle with

the disease, and if not, then you know of someone that has or has lost a loved one to cancer. On this day, we need to think about how we can prevent cancer and what we are willing to change in our lives that will do so. The best start to preventing cancer is adding

exercise to your weekly schedule together with healthy eating habits. The next step would be to cut down on alcohol consumption and smoking, and be sun-smart. Use sunscreen at all times. This alone will significantly decrease your chances of a cancer diagnosis.

Safe Blood for South Africa Foundation Opportunity for Medical Laboratory Scientists or Technologists:

Let's make this part of our new year's resolution. Let's act to live longer and healthier. Let's prevent cancer. The next issue will include signs of different forms of cancer. Be sure not to miss it.

A Health Sector NGO is looking to engage Portuguese speaking consultants who are experienced Clinicians, Medical Laboratory Technologists or Scientists to work with nonPortuguese speaking experts to provide technical assistance in Blood Services. Ideally the candidate should be familiar with the Blood Service environment, but health laboratory experience in haematology or virology would also be suitable. Experience in Quality Management Systems and sound laboratory practice will be added advantages. Intermittent short term consultancy opportunities are available in Angola, and possibly other Lusophone countries, such as Mozambique in the near future.� For further information please contact Dr Pete Zacharias +27-11-884-8905 or petezac@safebloodforafrica.org.


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Voz Portuguesa Janeiro 2011


Professor Cavaco Silva ganhou, pela segunda vez e na primeira volta as eleições presidenciais em Portugal. Entre 53% de abstencionismo, o candidato de um mundo de seis, venceu e eliminou os adversários por margem bem expressiva, pois o mais directo e forte candidato do PS, Manuel Alegre, perdeu “de forma inapelável”. Segundo Paulo Portas: “Isto deve merecer meditação por parte de quem conduziu o País ao estado em que ele se encontra”. Por seu lado, o candidato Passos Coelho, ao ser abordado sobre as consequências da entrada do Fundo Monetário Internacional ( FMI ), afirmou que a economia “está a afundar, realçando a reeleição de Cavaco Silva como um sinal de esperança para os porugueses”. Desta vitória do candidato presidencial podem ser tiradas diversas conclusões. Do elevado índice de abstencionismo se conclui que os Portugueses perderam a confiança nos executivos que desde a revolução de Abril de 74 que têm governado o país. Estado perigoso e arauto de maus augúrios, porque

demagogos e mostra-se agora nua e crua na sua frieza utópica. Como dizia Margareth Thacher, os governos socialistas só se aguantam, enquanto houver dinheiro dos outros para gastar. A outra grande conclusão a tirar desta vitória aponta para a clara mensagem dos Portugueses para o presidente reeleito: a de que os nossos compatriotas deixam nas mãos de Cavaco Silva a responsabilidade de agir com firmeza para serem ultrapassadas as momentosas dificuldades com que o País e os Portugueses se debatem. Felicitamos o Professor Aníbal Cavaco Silva, reeleito Presidente da República de Portugal, por quem temos respeito e a quem reconhecemos o mérito que de direito lhe cabe. E fazemos votos sinceros para que esta vitória se não esfume numa vitória à Epaminondas. pode desaguar no vazio politico, de que, aliás, já falámos anteriormente. A política de

esquerda, a que não é alheia a de centrodireita, saturou a massa amorfa dos

Um frémito de ansiedade abalou o País e sacudiu o Mundo Nelson Mandela, o primeiro Presidente da África do Sul, democraticamente eleito, baixou a unidade hospitalar a fim de ser submetido a « testes de rotina ». Considerando a emergência da sua admissão à unidade especial de recursos médicos, a enorme afluência de jornalistas ao MilPark Hospital, a presença em peso dos seus familiares, o laconismo das informações médicas sobre o seu estado de saúde, gerou-se em todo o país uma atmosfera de perplexidade e mal-estar entre os sul-africanos que nutrem pelo seu primeiro Presidente-Nelson Mandela-um carinho filial e um respeito mais que humano pelo mesmo. Até nós chegaram perguntas de gente humilde, alguma conhecida outra anónima, a indagar:« sabe como se encontra o Presidente Mandela ?», « pensa que o nosso Presidente Mandela vai aguentar?», « que pensa do estado de saúde do nosso Presidente Mandela?». Estas e outras perguntas foram-


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nos dirigidas por gente da rua, especialmente mulheres e jovens. Nas suas faces pudemos notar a sensibilidade de seus sentimerntos, e graves apreensões face à possibilidade de um desfecho menos agradável dos acontecimentos em curso. Graças a Deus que este icon da ribalta política mundial continua vivo e a reagir bem à medicação prescrita no seu caso. Uma onda avassaladora de novas refrescantes percorreu a Nação Sul-Africana e acalmou a impertinência dos jornalistas. Mas, acima de tudo, insuflou na alma do seu povo uma forte brisa de suavidade nos corações de todos os seus compatriotas, que o guardam bem no íntimo das suas almas, como relíquia acrisolada. Que Deus o proteja, Senhor Presidente, Nelson Mandela, pela Paz, pelo Mundo, pela África do Sul!

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