Back2Basics Magazine - September/October 2015

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September/October 2015


FIGHT FOR YOU Micha Logan believes in the healing powers of God. Her faith is stronger after an uphill cancer battle.


* Eddie Hypolite Focused on Jesus * Inspired to Inspire Movement * God’s Point of View Clothing * 3 Cancer Fighting Smoothies



BACK2BASICSMAG.COM Twitter @back2basicsmag

volume 4 | number 3

features 6 Medicine for the Soul 7 Inspired to Inspire: i2iMovement 8 Healthy Eating Go-to Scripts 9 God’s Point of View 10 Fight For You with Micha Logan 13 B2B FEED 14 Focused on Jesus with Pastor Eddie Hypolite 16 Your Health is Your Wealth 17 Cancer Fighting Smoothie Recipes

B2B Tip: The Lord will fight for you; You need only to be still. (Exodus 14:14, NIV)

When was the last time you can remember being still? In today’s fast-paced culture, people are constantly multitasking, on the go, seeking information, trying to do more in less time and checking off to-do lists. In this issue, Micha Logan shows that working hard to survive is important, but depending on God is more important. Christians, we can’t give up on the fight! It is a daily struggle indeed, but God has the final say and He doesn’t want anyone to perish! All the work in the world doesn’t even come close to His ability to give you the desires of your heart. Also in this issue, Pastor Eddie Hypolite reminds us that life is not about your failures. You are guaranteed to lose at something. From the moment we take our first breath, we are fighting for our life. Life is about how you handle your battles. Do you have faith? Are you hopeful? How do you see yourself? Either way, at the end of the day the Lord your God goes before you, He shall fight for you!

Publisher Brittany N. Winkfield Contributors Charles Beason, Shauna Ryan, Jennifer Workman, Rikki Wright Cover Photo: Charles Beason Web Development Marcus Winkfield Advisory Board Tracy Augustin, Philip Baptiste, John Boston, Ramona Davis, Dean Dennis, Juanita Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Marisa Jackson, Timothy Olaore, Donald Rolle, Terri Roston, Michele Solomon, Jennifer Stone, Samuel Thomas Editorial and Advertising Inquiries 303-351-8180,

#b2bmag @back2basicsmag

Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright Š 2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics Magazine is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit in the United States of America.

A Christian lifestyle magazine designed to inform and inspire young people in their walk with Christ

This infographic points out the health benefits of laughter. It’s not only good for the soul but good for the body. It’s cheap medicine. Get your giggle on!

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Laughter Medicine for the Soul By: Jennifer Workman

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22, NKJV).” As a child I consistently was told to smile and laugh because laughter is good for you. I found biologically when you smile and/or laugh, you positively alter the functioning of your body and you feel a sense of euphoria. I look around me all the time and see many people that look so sad or have a disgruntle look on their faces. From outward observation, they appear to be so unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. You would never know if “life” is as difficult as it seems, unless you sit down and have a heart to heart conversation with them. I love to smile and laugh about the almost “mundane” types of situations because it is “truly medicine for the soul.” Laughing can truly change your entire day even if you’re having a “bad day” try laughing at yourself or thinking of something humorous and “you won’t stay in that condition for long.” I would go as far as to ask you to try that exercise at least once every day that would improve your overall physical, mental and emotional health. I know we as people are constantly inundated with negative news coverage about the economy, gas prices and various other world issues but, regardless, make it your aim to laugh and live every day to the fullest despite circumstances all around you! No one has the power to change what is going on all around us but God and we can release everything in his capable hands. Furthermore, laughter is an important part of the process. Sadness, bitterness, and other negative emotions makes us sick on the inside because our bodies weren’t created to adequately function in a constant state of upheaval and emotional unstableness. God cares about our overall wellbeing and wants us to be happy, laugh and live victorious lives. He knows that we are imperfect people and that we oftentimes make many mistakes that challenges our overall health and wellbeing but regardless, he cares for us deeply. So, as you go through your day, envision it as being a wonderful day. The Bible tells us “as a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV).” If you envision yourself as victorious and see every day positively, then you will find many reasons to laugh and have a wonderful day. On the other hand, if you view life as a series of struggles, disappointments and failures, you will manifest that internally and externally. So I implore you to “laugh, laugh, laugh and again I say laugh!” | 5

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What goals do you have for your work?

Hugo E. Flores

I want to inspire others to love life and enjoy life while they're young following 1 Timothy 4:12 and Ecclesiastes 11:9 NIV: “You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.� I want my followers to open their Instagram and see something that will better their day. Whether it is a Bible verse, a quote, or a funny meme that will make them smile. I just want to brighten their day with positivity on their newsfeed. For some kids, social media is their reality. So I'm just speaking their language.

The best part of waking up is...

Being able to see another day next to my family. Being given another chance at life.

What single piece of technology makes your life easier? iPhone.

How do you get back to the basics in your walk with Christ? I came across this quote a few days back and said; "Read your Bible more than you listen to sermons, more than you listen to worship music, more than you read books written by believers." When I was younger I tried all these things to get close to God. But nothing got me closer than the Bible and Prayer. I guess that's what you call |7 Back To Basics, no pun intended.

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What goals do you have for your work?

I have some goals and milestones I would love to reach. I first want to become a published author. I’m almost there! I would love to expand my clothing line reaching the masses to inspire people through inspirational sayings. I love to travel. I love the streets! I love the community! It would be so awesome to purchase a Sprinter Van to travel across the United States sharing my testimony, doing book signings, speaking to young people, doing seminars, leading out in fun activities, passing out food to the homeless and doing community programs all while taking my clothing brand on the road with me. That’s another big dream! Sounds fun! I want to have a small team of people who can travel with me to share their testimony as well. I want to record everything I do and share it with the world. To do all of these we are raising funds to start our non-profit organization. This is in the works with a great friend of mine, Joseph Wilson. If it’s in God’s will, this will come through for us!

The best part of waking up is...

Encouraging people who have lost themselves. It's knowing that I can help that one person who is one day away from taking their own life. Why? Because I almost took my life and I want to prevent that by letting God use me in this idea. Everyday it's a creative way to get a positive message out to people who are hurting. If one person receives hope! If one person receives love! If one person’s life is spared because God used this dream to save them, then I’m all in. Why? Because He saved mine!

What single piece of technology makes your life easier?

Marcus D. Porter

My iPhone 6 Plus is that one piece of technology that makes my like easier because of my everyday use. I am able to not only use this device for personal needs but I can effectively use it for business and ministry needs as well. Every week, I put out motivational and inspirational quotes, pictures, and videos on social media to uplift people who need a little encouragement.

How do you get back to the basics in your walk with Christ?

There are a couple of ways I get back to the basics of life through my walk with Christ. Early every morning, five days a week, I seek counsel, share testimonies, and pray with some of my great mentors on the PrayerLine! Some of these mentors include Dr. Eric Thomas, Jeremy Anderson, Mason West, Quest Green, Chris Crumplers, Kaggia Scott, and many more! I also connect with God in personal devotion and worship time. The last thing that brings me back to the basics of life is community service. I love walking the streets of Memphis passing out free food and playing basketball with the youth of our communities. Those simple things bring me back to the basics of life. | 9

Cancer. The one word that can shatter your perfect life and take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. On May 20, 2013, Micha Logan heard this word and her name in the same sentence. This was a wake-up call at age 31 to look at her faith, fight back and evaluate where she is on her walk with Christ.

What seemed to be a routine annual exam, led to a series of tests, including a biopsy, that ultimately led to Micha's diagnosis of stage two breast cancer. As she recalls the sequence of events, she describes the tears flowing down her face and being at a loss for words. She wondered how she would tell her family and her job. "I don't want to die!" recalls Logan. As an on-air radio personality known as ML6, Micha is a servant leader. She believes that a goal without a plan is just a wish... "You must plan, take action, and have faith. All things are possible through and with Christ," says ML6. In her profession, her goal is to encourage young woman to live regardless of what the doctors say. "Make the most of every day regardless of your diagnosis. I'm a walking miracle. Each day that I am able to open my eyes is a blessing that I don't take for granted." When you're told at a very young age that you have cancer, it changes you. It sculpts you into someone who understands more deeply, hurts more often, appreciates more quickly, cries more easily, hopes more desperately, loves more openly, and lives more passionately. Pastor AD was one of the first people ML6 called to share the news. "I was broken," says Micha. He said for whatever reason you have this, you will be victorious. Through prayer and encouragement of her family, she was carried through the nonstop doctor visits and treatments. "I've never been to the doctor so much in my entire life." ML6 endured 37 treatments of radiation, 18 weeks of chemo, hair loss, paralyzation, soreness, insomnia and a lumpectomy surgery. 10 |

Photo: by Charles Beason

Fight For You


Photo by Rikki Wright

eing a woman of faith with a praying family, living a healthy life, not drinking or smoking, even having a vegetarian diet, Micha was in a state of depression for one week. It was after talking to her God-Aunt who was a survivor of cancer, that she received the message to "Buck up and survive." She fell to her knees and prayed this prayer to God: "For whatever reason I have this illness, you're going to get the glory after this." With a heavy heart, Micha went to church the next day and remembered the prayer she prayed at the beginning of the year. There were three things she asked for specifically and they were to: 1. "Increase my faith." 2. "Appreciate my job more." 3. "To be more active in the community." God answered all three prayers through ML6 having breast cancer. The radio platform that she has to reach people allowed her to encourage thousands of people in the Tennessee Valley. Seeing God work through her in this test made it possible for ML6 to talk freely about the love of God on the job at a Hip Hop and R&B radio station, which is unheard of. She made up in her mind that dying wasn't an option because she has things to do. "I was determined to live and God took special care of me." Getting back to the basics with Christ requires you being real with Him, owning your stuff and laying it at His feet. One must desire real relationship with Christ. Not just calling Him when we need Him. How would you feel if you were dating someone and they only called you when they needed you or once every blue moon? What type of relationship is that? Not one I want. Christ doesn't want that nor does He deserve that. "My faith has never been stronger." Imagine Micha's joy on January 20, 2014 when she received her last radiation treatment. Now living free of cancer, her journey is her story. Her test is her testimony. The life of this native Detroiter is now a walking miracle.

@middaysml6 MLSIX @ML6


learn about your breast cancer risks. love your body. commit to

regular preventive health screenings.

learn: Breast Cancer Facts do you know the facts?

• Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women, after skin cancer. • Breast cancer rates are dropping • Finding and treating breast cancer early greatly increases your chances of surviving it. • Cancer treatment options are changing almost every day.

what increases my risk?

Know the facts about your personal risk for developing breast cancer. While some risks, such as family history, can’t be changed, other risk factors, such as the amount of alcohol you drink, can be. Check the list below and ask your health care professional for guidance. • Older age; breast cancer • Long menstrual history (startrisk increases with age ing periods at an early age and ending at an older age) • Personal or family history of breast cancer

• Never having children or having your first child after age 30

breast cancer screening guidelines

finding answers

• Not breastfeeding

• Drinking alcohol excessively • Being significantly overweight • Dense breast tissue

Screening Type


How Often



Every year

Breast Exam by a Health Care Professional

20 – 39 40 and older

Every 3 years Every year

Breast Self-Exam



American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345

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National Women’s Health Resource Center 1-877-986-9472


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The wonderful thing about being a Christian is that there’s nothing I can do to impress Jesus or make Him love me more. So I’m chilled.


Eddie Hypolite

Senior Pastor of Avondale College Church, Australia



“I am a Christian without apology.” With nearly 20 years in ministry, Pastor Eddie Hypolite tells us that there is not a “one size fits all” method that God will use to draw people to Him. We are complex as human beings and the beauty is that God can reach us through a countless numbers of ways.

“Christianity is a lived experience, based on the life of a living person.” Pastor Hypolite’s health testimony is an example of God’s grace. After losing vision in his eye, it led doctors to find a cancerous tumor growing inside of his kidney. God revealed to Eddie through prayer that “if you didn’t go blind, you wouldn’t have seen.” Sometimes God has to blind you in one area of your life so that you can see what’s taking place in the other areas of your life. Sometimes you can’t see because it is dark or painful because of the loss, but God helps you to resolve it and see the beauty in things. “The blessing is that I’m alive,” says Hypolite. Pastor Hypolite’s present focus is creating culture, contexts and spaces that enlarge the kingdom and the way we see worshipping communities (Church). Like most of us, Eddie’s working, social and creative world all occupy one space.”Ultimately I want to create a God space and reality around my 11 year old daughter, that she wouldn’t consider walking away from when she’s 18 years old,” shares Hypolite. He describes the best part of his day being the five minute school run with his daughter, as short and routine as it can be. Practical steps that Pastor Hypolite takes to get back to the basics in his walk with Christ includes: deeper reading, prolonged prayer, older school gospel music and the release of tears. As painful as it is, he forces himself to be honest with himself. “I have great accountability friends who I’m answerable to and who take great pleasure in handing my butt to me sliced and diced (in Jesus name of course) in order to keep me true to my call.”

@eddiehypolite | 15

your health is your wealth

God calls us to care for our bodies, treating them with the respect a divine creation deserves. Gluttony and excess, even of something good, can be detrimental to our health. The key to wellness lies in a life of balance and temperance. Nature creates a wealth of good things that lead to vibrant health. Pure water, fresh air and sunlight—when used appropriately—promote clean, healthy lives. Exercise and avoidance of harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol and mind-altering substances lead to clear minds and wise choices. A well-balanced diet with intake of legumes, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, along with a source of vitamin B12, will promote vigorous health. Such health is a gift from a loving God who wants us to live life in its abundance. When we benefit from such love, we feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation toward our creator. You can praise God with joyful living! 16 |

Cancer Fighting Smoothie Recipes Berry Ginger Health Bliss This smoothie contains: Dark leafy greens – they are packed with cancer fighting antioxidants. Ginger – contains powerful antiinflammatory substances called gingerols. Chia seeds – high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are responsible for metabolic processes that help fight inflammation. Ingredients: 1 cup berries of your choice (such as blueberries, raspberries, cranberries) 1 compressed cup of leafy greens of your choice (such as kale, spinach) 2 inch (5 cm) piece of ginger 1 tablespoon unrefined coconut oil 1 teaspoon, or more, of fresh chia seeds A little bit of honey or maple syrup to sweeten Blend all the ingredients for about 2 minutes and add water according to your desired consistency.

Golden Turmeric Health Miracle

Vita-mineral Super Smoothie

This smoothie contains:

This smoothie contains:

Turmeric – anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory super spice. The coconut oil and the quercetin found in green tea and berries greatly enhance the absorption of turmeric in our bodies

Spinach / kale – high in vitamin C Strawberries – contain antioxidants Banana – rich source of vitamins and minerals Coconut water – rich in natural vitamins, full of amino acids, organic acids, enzymes, antioxidants, and phytonutrients

Ingredients: 1 cup green tea 1 cup berries of your choice (such as blueberries, raspberries, cranberries) 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1/2 teaspoon each of ground turmeric and ginger 1 teaspoon ground flaxseed or chia seeds A little honey or maple syrup to sweeten Blend all the ingredients for about 2 minutes and add water according to your desired consistency.

Ingredients: 1 cup spinach or kale 1/2 cup strawberries 1 banana 1 orange water or coconut water Place all ingredients in blend for about 2 minutes until smooth. | 17

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18 | OakwoodUniversity



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