Back2Basics Magazine - August/September 2016

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August/September 2016

YOUNG, FLY & SAVED Willie Moore, Jr. uses humor and music to penetrate the hearts and minds of all people.


* Master of None * Run to Win * STEMedia * FruitionLab * Upcoming Events * New App

LOVE HATE How does the church

balance the love/hate relationship with the world?

Publisher Brittany N. Winkfield Contributors Kymone Hinds, Mariam Kazadi, YouVersion Web Development Marcus Winkfield Advisory Board Tracy Augustin, Philip Baptiste, John Boston, Ramona Davis, Dean Dennis, Juanita Farmer, Kymone Hinds, Marisa Jackson, Timothy Olaore, Donald Rolle, Terri Roston, Michele Solomon, Jennifer Stone, Samuel Thomas Editorial and Advertising Inquiries 303-351-8180, Information is correct at press time. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official company policy. Copyright Š 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Back2Basics Magazine is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit in the United States of America.


A Christian lifestyle magazine designed to inform and inspire young people in their walk with Christ




Twitter @back2basicsmag

volume 5 | number 3

features 5 B2B Events 6 Words from the Way by Mariam Kazadi 7 Run to Win 8 Young Fly & Saved with Willie Moore Jr. 12 Let My People Vote 14 Love & Hate by Kymone Hinds 16 STEMedia 18 FruitionLab

B2B Tip: Be satisfied with what you have. Dont love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. So we can say with confidence the Lord is my helper so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Hebrews 13:5-6 NLT Don’t be obsessed with getting money and material things. With recent events in the world, it’s easy to look around and be tempted to feel afraid or dismayed. Circumstances may seem overwhelming. In this issue we share Willie Moore Jr.’s story of a struggling ministry and marriage. It’s important to remember that God has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, not only is He with us, He has promised to strengthen us and harden us to difficulties as we learn from Miriam Kazadi in Words from the Way. Also in this issue is how to balance the love/hate relationship with the world by Kymone Hinds. There’s only one good way to live life, and that is with contentment. What you have or don’t have ultimately doesn’t determine the quality of life. Be content with what you have.


B2B events


Words from the way Encouraging you to let go of the world’s ways and reach for God’s ways This is Mariam

A COLUMN By Mariam KazaDi


od has asked us to live a certain way, He has planned ahead by giving us the word which is full of instruction for our daily life. Words from the Way is a writing series where I will share lessons and encouragement God has showed me as I aspire to live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him and encouraging others to do the same.

This month God has me focusing on my focus. In a series titled Master of None I tackle issues that surround the topic of focus, from what you hear and what you watch to planning and purpose. All in an effort to live a life focused on God’s will for you. As we prepare for new seasons, new classes, new jobs, and new lessons, God calls us to a new level of focus. The saying “Jack of all trades, a master of none” is true AND doesn’t always mean you can just work; just go to school or just own a business, but you have to be in tune with what God is telling you to do so you don’t have too much going on. When you focus on everything at once you can’t be great in one area just good-enough in all areas. Eventually you will lose focus and end up discouraged and defeated; feeling as if nothing is being accomplished. As you walk into your new season you will have to rearrange how you focus and what you are focusing on in order to be successful. Maybe you took the summer off to re-group and relax. Well now summer is almost over and it’s time to reorganize. Where you may have had time to binge watch your shows (I’m guilty of this), you now should use that time to plan for the week or catch up on that “to-do” list you wrote and never revisited (also guilty of this). I believe that God calls us to living a well-balanced life, which is filled with purpose and focus. Proverbs 5 urges us regarding our focus and its benefits by saying (and I paraphrase) “My son (and daughter) stay focused; listen to the wisdom I have gained and give attention to what I have learned about life, so you may be able to make sensible judgements and speak with knowledge.” A very powerful command. No matter what new season and what area in your life you are focusing on, apply the principle of reaping and sowing – if you sow focus you will reap success; if you sow diligence and disciple you will reap balance and results. -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mariam Kazadi is a Blogger and founder of The Good Fight Blog. For more encouragement you can read the rest of the “Master of None” series all through the month of August at GOODFIGHTFAITH.COM All inquiries email

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Run to win The world will be watching as this year’s Games begin in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To commemorate the occasion, we’re challenging you to to discover the true heart of a champion by connecting with God’s Word every day. Use the hashtag #b2bmag to track your progress. | 7

YOUNG FLY & SAVED What started as a YouTube ministry, Willie Moore Jr. is now leading out on a great stage to be a witness for Christ. Consistency and faithfulness has guided this servant leader of the Young Fly and Saved Movement to build an alliance of influential people using their talents to bring light to the kingdom. 8 |


orn in St. Louis, Missouri, Moore was just 3 months when he was adopted by the loving Willie Sr. and Flora Moore. A taste of fame in the R&B/Hip-Hop music industry came to Mr. Moore, formally known as Pretty Willie, in the early 2000’s. With this came the lifestyle of getting money and living for himself. When he made the decision to leave that career, he didn’t know what he was going to do. “It took a long time to get that stuff off me.” Serving God and following the Bible gave Moore the knowledge to know that God has the power to ressurrect dead things. He says unapologettically, “If you don’t know Jesus, you’re missing out.” Get excited about the goodness of God! By 2005, Moore was a newlywed transitioning into ministry. “We were in financial turmoil, going broke. It was confusing and scary,” recalls Willie. “We lost our home, we lost our cars and we had to stay in an apartment as big as my Suburban.” When life is not going how you want it, that’s just a location. No matter where Willie would find himself, he know that his location was not as important as his direction. You get back on the right path by getting in to the Word of God and getting the direction that He wants for you. For example, when Willie started in radio, he was on at night. He petitioned the Lord with his desire to tuck his son in at night. In five short months he was promoted to the daytime slot of 3-7 p.m., allowing Moore to be home at night to put his children to bed.

Your location is not as important as your direction

Ministry is a family affair in the Moore household and everyone is involved from the one-year-old to the thirteen-year-old. As a father of three young men, Moore is intentional about displaying the ups and downs of life and maturation of a man to his children. “They’ve seen me cry, they’ve seen me fight, they’ve seen me stay up.” He’s teaching them about entrepreneurship and giving them real life experiences. His oldest son, Khalil, served as his road manager this summer. His son Peyton will be traveling on the road with his t-shirt line. “Being a parent is what I’m most satisfied with,” says Moore. “My finish line will be their starting point.” “Sending people to Jesus does not compare to what you get in the world.” You can make a decision for Christ that will last for eternity. We serve a God who loves us, not because we’re so good, but because He’s so good. I’m not trying to be wonderful, I’m just trying to do what I have to do to let the world know that Jesus Christ is Lord and you can win through Him versus yourself. We all have the privilege to acknowledge God, even when we’re wrong.”

We serve a God who loves us, not because we’re so good, but because he’s so good

Today Willie and his wife, Patricia, work together as a team toward milestones and accomplish their goals. A recent milestone reached is their book titled Happily After All: Relationship 101. Through their transparent story they share their beginnings and foundations. Described as “Novel meets self-help, meets gossip and testimony. With chapters like “I Cheated” and “That’s Just His Thing,” referring to Willie Moore Jr.’s ministry, they reveal their perceptions of what they thought a relationship was. “Ministry was my chick on the side because my wife wasn’t involved.” Stay tuned for book release date just in time for the Moore’s anniversary week in October 2016. | 9

Success is an international language for all people. The recipe is:

Get to the throne of grace to receive wisdom Execute the plan Become successful Give the glory to God Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 “I have total faith in the next generation,” saya Moore. They are the most transparent and realest generation I’ve ever met. They keep it 100. Though I am older, I feel like I was supposed to be in their generation. They want to be successful by any means necessary. What I tell them is I don’t mind their attitude or position they are in, I’m just trying to get their direction correct. They don’t have to win on what the world is giving them, they can win on the purpose that God has for them. The reality is they are not walking by faith, but by sight. Until they can walk by faith, it is our job to represent the Kingdom as desirable. A unique way that Mr. Moore does this is by using a DJ as the worship leader.

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Just in case you didn’t know... Willie Moore Jr’s on your radio! | 11

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How does the church balance the love/hate relationship with the world? A SERIES By Kymone Hinds


modern philosopher once said, “You can’t hate what you didn’t once love.” Her contention is that love and hate are the extremes of the same emotion. To hate is a commitment. This philosopher and scholar says that in order to hate something, you have to have had some emotional tie to it at first. In order to hate something, you could not have been indifferent to it. Then it turns on its head from a strong positive to a strong negative feeling. It’s interesting that for many of us, we can have a love/hate relationship with the same thing or same person, at the same time. We can have a strong affinity for something but have a strong dislike for it at the same time. Simple case in point: My body has a love/hate relationship with chocolate. My taste buds love it. My tummy hates it. Love/hate relationship. As we discuss the church and the world, it is clear that there is a love/hate relationship going on. When we examine how the church has been called and sent into the world, we find a tension. There is a love/hate relationship between the church and the world. If we are not careful, we can be confused about our role and function. We can be confused as to how to relate, interact or connect with the world around us. John 3:16 & 17 tells us: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. It is clear that God loves the world and God sends His Son into the world. We should love what God loves. So we are to love the world. When it talks about the world here, it is talking about people. The people of the world. God loves the people of the world. But 1 John 2:15-17 (same author, by the way) says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” 14 | 14 |

All that is in the world…it is talking about things. It’s talking about ideals and values. It’s talking about ideology of the world. It explains it: The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. God loves the world so much that He sent His Son to die for it. We should love what God loves. But on the other hand, don’t love the world! If you love the world, the love of the father isn’t in you. Love the world. Hate the world. Love/hate relationship. Let’s stay on this a bit more... 2 Corinthians 6:17 in the NKJV says: Therefore,“Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” Come out from the world. But then Mark 16:15 says: And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Go into the world. Come out from the world. Do you catch the tension?Do you feel the strain? Are you seeing this weird relationship?

It can be confusing. We like either or. We like black and white. We want to know yes or no. But in this case this tension does not go away. It’s not an either or. It’s a both and. We love the world AND hate the world at the same time. The key for the church is figuring out how to love the world and hate the world at the same time. The foundational principle of worldliness is selfishness. And the Bible says, hate that. The world’s value system, we are to hate that. Unfortunately we too often do the opposite. We love the value system and the ideology of the world and we live by it. But we hate the people of the world and we disengage from them. God is calling the church to love the world – the people in the world and God is calling the church to hate the world – the value system of the world. So how does the church accomplish this? How do we develop and maintain the right love/hate relationship? How do we ensure we’re loving the people and hating the values? In the next issue we will look at the powerful reality that God uses the same thing to call us out of the world that He uses to send us back into the world with.

God calls us to love the world. God calls us to hate the world. We can go text after text. One that says, I’m sending you into the world. Another says, Come out from the world. God has a heart and a love for the world. You are to hate the world. The world will hate you. It’s a love/hate relationship.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kymone Hinds, his wife and their three energetic children live in Memphis, TN. He pastors two churches - Overton Park SDA and Journey Fellowship. He also speaks and writes regularly on different life issues. You can connect with Kymone via twitter (@kymonehinds) or on his blog at | 15 | 15

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The video below was submitted to the National Academy of Engineering as a Engineering For You 3 (E4U3): Mega Engineering Project.

What if our infrastructure had a higher IQ? We encourage you to vote for this project and spread the word! | 17

Learn more at

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May/June 2015

Awaken Your Potential


Pastor Nirup Alphonse is engaging the world by building a dynamic Christcentered, Gospeldriven church where people experience the presence of God.

March /April 2015 Special Oakwood University Alumni Edition

January/February 2015



team are challenging leaders who love the Church to find the courage to embrace and radiate bold change

Carmen Cruz is a ray of light to the new generation bringing songs about real issues and hope on her debut album, Plan For Me

The Levite


Lola Moore serves by sharing messages that encourage and strengthen the people of God

The sisters of Virtue learn that in order to survive this journey, you have to be fearless.


MAKERS Tyler Reagin and his

Plan For Me

August/September 2014

October/November 2014


The Fashion Issue

Beautiful Epiphany Demia Doggette inspires in fashion, purpose, beauty and empowerment through Beautiful Epiphany, a fashion social network


The Anti Grind

* God’s Plan for Success * The Christian Radio Revolution * iEngage * Generation Youth for Christ * The Blessed Life * YG University

* Adventist Fashion * Overcomer- Dee Knight * The Giver * Die Trying * The Prayer Challenge * 25 Random Things about B2B Fashion Editor, MelanieJoyce

A dancer at heart, Jacquelyn Doggette gave up everything to pursue her purpose in performing arts

December 2013


January/February 2014

Kierra Sheard to inspire young people to live for Christ and to care about their communities.

A. Allan Martin shares how he gets back to basics equipping and empowering young adults in a digital world



* inspire2aspire ft. Suzanne Ocsai * Biblical mentor/mentee relationship * Calvin Manley * B2B App

The key to building a more successful future both personally and professionally

Budget Basics It’s time to get your feet wet with budgeting

I Still Have Hope Michael Vick and Pastor John T. Boston share a story about second chances and redemption


* Melissa Charles ART * inspire2aspire ft. Alejandra Torres * Him & Her Series on Relationships * What Are You Thinking?


* iPress ft. Izzy & Adaeze * Designed by God * Healthy Meal Planning * Him & Her Series on Relationships * What Are You Thinking?

Building A Great Life Transform your life by memorizing these scriptures to increase your joy!


3 steps to experience freedom from your baggage


Next Level Living

* The Big Picture * Overcomer- Kara Baxter * Your Personal Mission Statement * Club Sin Devotional

Back2Basics with Jeremy Anderson, taking your spiritual life to the next level

Global Youth Day

8 million young people engaging in a day of active service

They Overcame By

Featuring Rhyanne Carrington

They Overcame By

March 2013 Special Oakwood University Alumni Edition

31 Status Lizzie and Blake Young take the world by storm in the movement they created called 31 Status, showcasing the Proverb’s 31 lifestyle.

* * * * * *


iPress ft. Simone Paris Him & Her series on Relationships Men’s Summer Fashion What Are You Thinking? Poetry Corner Simple Church

Summer Guide to Spiritual Fitness What does a spiritually fit person look like?


* iPress ft. Akeem Mitchell * Him & Her series on Relationships * Young Adult Ministries * Summer Book Reading List | 1

Inspiring people through music and creativity spreading the message of “with God all things are possible.”


* iPress ft. Elizabeth Schlinsog & Demarco Williams * The Twilight Zone by Simone Paris * Remember the Sabbath Day by Shawntrielle Tilmon * Break-up to Make-ups by Zoë Fisher

Sabbath Movement Do you really want to get to know God? We have the answer to how you can in one easy step.

Fish Food

The Ghetto Preacher

Rachel Lemons, author of Fish Food targets young adults in her new devotional book.

"Preachin' da WORD like they aint neva heard!" Pastor Willy Ramos is capturing the hearts of youth everywhere.


Living the Dream!

A conversation with Karla Boston, owner of Go-Go Chic (A Mobile Boutique)


* Let My People Vote * iPress ft. Pseanna Barnes

7 Ways to Stay Focused on God during the week by Zoë Fisher


* iPress ft. Diamond Taylor * Game Time with God by David Robinson * Thrifting Time by Alinka Johnson * Good Eats - Empanada Recipe by Aminta Cross

The One Project




* iPress ft. DaMarrus Miller & Kristal Rawls * Now is the Time to Shine * Spring Trend Report: 6 Staples for your Spring/ Summer Wardrobe, by MelanieJoyce Pullman * Seven by Seven: 7 Scriptures to Live By, by Kimberly Pearson | 1

* iPress ft. Anthony Hackett & Donnette Roston * Compassion, A Movement of Youth and Young Adults * The Emperor’s New Clothes by Pastor Donald Rolle * Fall of Eden by Aaron Roston * Global Youth Day, March 16

More than 700 people came together in Chicago, IL to celebrate Jesus in preaching, worship and adoration.

Premier Edition

August/September 2012

DeQn Sue is burning up the music scene and determined that no one can kill her dream.

* RE/NEW * B2B Reading List * What Love is Not * Biblical View of Love

February 2013 June 2013

December 2012

Girl on Fire


Video testimonies used to create positive thoughts of change in the lives of each viewer

Douglas, a young and innovative Pastor expanding God’s kingdom one day at a time.

Singer/Songwriter Sheléa is pushing the musical envelope forward and bringing us back to the basics!

An exciting new web series, which describes an overarching conflict that exists from heaven at the beginning of all time, extended to the last days of earth’s history.

Next Level Living

Andy Mineo shows off his love for God and passion for hip hop getting back to basics through Bible study, prayer and community

Innovate Faith Get to know Kory Paul

Musical Mastery

Great Controversy

Special Oakwood University Issue

Spiritual Fitness with Jeremy Anderson

July/August 2013

Bold Right Life Created by

New Generation

Meagan Good is living out her purpose moving beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance— living on purpose


Benefits of knowing your purpose

Purpose Driven Life

March 2014

April 2014

June/July 2014


* Balancing Family and Ministry * F.R.E.S.H. Apps * State of the City * Saved by an Angel

Rolle’s Role

Meet the new Youth Ministries Director for the Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Exercising your Faith on Social Media

+ * Camp High Point Summer Camp Adventure Photos * iPress ft. Henry Chaney

So In Love Amber Bullock shares her story on being crowned BET’s 2011 Sunday Best

The Real Mike Moss An in-depth look at the man God is working on behind the scenes



Souvenir Journal

I Am The Church Responsibility. Is it in you? God says “Yes!”


We have the tools you need to design your plan of action for Christ


Plus * iPress ft. Zoe Fisher & Marqwan Sirls

* “Fruit of the Spirit” - Devotional * iPress ft. Karyle Barnes & Thalia Stewart * Biggest Loser * Summer Fashion Guide * Camp Meeting Schedule

* “The Voice” Devotional * Full Youth Congress Guide * Purpose by Design Going not Gathering

Shaping Leaders who


Do You Believe? DeVon Franklin speaks on having more faith and less fear in “Produced by

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