Crispi 2013

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Sebastien Mayer Location: St Anton Photo: Jacob Slot


W W W . C R I S P I . I T

2013 | 2014

Alpine Touring Freeride - Telemark - Backcountry

SNOW 2013 | 2014 INDEX “Looking ahead is what this company is about. Improving every day is our objective and our strength”. A.M.

Sebastien Mayer Location: Verbier Photo: Fabrice Borgazzi

ATF - Technology 4 TLK - Technology 6 ATF - Alpine Touring Freeride 8 SKWO:L 10 SKR!!M 12 SYNTHESI 14 ENIGMA 16 TLK - Telemark 18 EVO RANDO 20 SHIVER RANDO 21 EVO NTN 22 EVO NTN World Cup 23 SHIVER NTN man - lady 24 XR 25 XP man - lady 26 CXP 28 BACKCOUNTRY 29 BACKCOUNTRY Technology 30 SYDPOLEN GTX® 32 ANTARTIC 33 MOUNTAIN BLACK 33 SVARTISEN 75 mm 34 SVARTISEN BC 35 JØKULEN GTX® 36 STETIND GTX® 37 NORDLAND GTX® 38 TOP EXPEDITION 39 BC TIUR 40 LINERS 41 UNDERWEAR 42 SOCKS 43





IT - Il pivot avanzato della lingua e la sua completa rotazione in avanti permette una agevole calzata dello scarpone sia in entrata che in uscita. EN - The advanced tongue pivot and its complete forward rotation permits and easy in/out boot fitting. FR - L’axe avancée de la langue et sa complète rotation en avant permet une chaussée plus facile même en entrée et en sortie

IT - Il singolo movimento della leva permette l’agevole apertura e chiusura dei lembi frontali del gambale nonché il simultaneo blocco-sblocco del meccanismo posteriore. Questo permette il veloce passaggio dalla posizione di camminata a quella di sciata in un solo click, evitando perdite di tempo e diminuendo così lo sforzo nei movimenti in alta quota. EN - The single lever movement favours the easy opening and closing of the frontal flaps and the simultaneous lock/unlock of the rear mechanism. These features permit to simplify the passage from walking to skiing position avoiding loss of time and decreasing the effort of the movements on high altitudes. FR - Le seule mouvement de levier permet l’ouverture et clôture des pans frontales du collier et le simultané blocage/déblocage du mécanisme postérieure. Cela permet le passage rapide de la position marche à ski par un seul click , en diminuant les efforts en haute altitude. DE - Dieses System erlaubt durch eine Schnalle den Geh-/Skimechanismus zu ent- oder verriegeln. Dies spart Zeit und Kraft beim Wechsel zwischen Aufstieg und Abfahrt insbesondere in großen Höhen.

DE - Der Drehpunkt und die komplette Vorwärtsbeweglichkeit der Zunge erlauben ein einfaches und bequemes Ein- und Aussteigen.

IT - L’unione di due materiali tecnici ed innovativi, il Pebax e la fibra composita, comporta precisione nel posizionamento degli inserti per gli attacchi superleggeri, rigidità strutturale durante la sciata, resistenza alle basse temperature e leggerezza durante la camminata. EN - The union between two high technical material, Pebax and a special composite fibre, allows the maximum precision to the positioning of low weigh bindings, torsional rigidity during the skiing, lightness while walking and high resistance on low temperature. FR - L’union de deux matériels hautement techniques et innovants, le Pebax et la fibre composite, comporte une précision dans la position des inserts pour les attaques super-légers, rigidité structurelle durant la position ski, résistance à basses températures et légèreté durant la marche. DE - Die Verbindung zweier innovativer und hoch technischer Materialien, von Pebax mit einer speziellen Verbundfaser eröffnet viele Vorteile. Maximale Genauigkeit bei der Positionierung von Low TechBindungsinserts, eine hohe Torsionssteifigkeit bei geringen Gewicht und hoher Widerstandsfähigkeit während Abfahrt und Aufstieg auch bei niedrigsten Temperaturen.

IT - Rinnova totalmente il concetto di supporto nel mondo ATF introducendo uno speciale inserto in materiale composito nella parte posteriore del gambetto, il quale trasmette un’ottima stabilità e sostegno sicuro in fase di appoggio durante la discesa EN - This technology renews the concept of support on the ATF world by introducing a special insert on the rear part of the cuff that transmits stability and support during the downhill. FR - Cela renouvelle totalement le concept de support dans le monde ATF en

IT - Nasce grazie all’utilizzo di materiali altamente innovativi nello sviluppo dei propri prodotti. All’iniezione dello scafo in Pebax vengono inserite delle speciali alette in materiale composito, leggero,robusto e non soggetto a variazioni di stato. EN - It rises thanks to the use of innovative materials on products developing. CRISPI® adds to the Pebax shell injection an exclusive wingstructure made by a light and tough composite material.

introduisant un spécial insert en matériel composite dans la section postérieure du collier, laquelle transmet une optimale stabilité et soutien en phase d’appui durant la descente.

FR - Cela naît grâce à l’utilise des matériels hautement innovants dans le développement de ses produits. A’ l’injection de la coque en Pebax , on ajoute des petits ailes en matériel composite, léger , robuste et pas exposé aux variations d’état.

DE - Diese Technologie führt eine völlig neues Konzept in die AFT Welt ein. Ein spezieller Einsatzes aus Verbundwerkstoff in der Rückseite der Stiefelmanschette erhöht deren Stabilität und unterstütz bei der Abfahrt.

DE - Synergie durch die Entwicklung und Verbindung von hoch innovativen Materialien und Produkten. CRISPI® verstärkt die Pebax ® InjektionSchale mit einer speziellen Flügel-Schalenstruktur aus einen leichten und strapazierfähigen Verbundwerkstoff.




IT - Un innovativo sistema di doppia iniezione permette l’uso di diverse densità di Pebax nelle varie parti dello scafo EN - An innovatory double injection system allows the use of Pebax in diverse densities on the parts composing the shell. FR - Un innovant système de double injection permet la réalisation de différents densités de Pebax dans les diverses zones de la coque.


DE - Ein innovatives double-injection-system erlaubt die strukturoptimierende Verwendung von Pebax (unterschiedliche Dichten) in den Bauteilen der Schale.

IT - L’autocontrollo dato dalla corretta posizione sullo sci anche in situazioni estreme come il freeride, grazie alla rigidità dello spoiler posteriore, facilita la ricerca del giusto punto di bilanciamento. EN - Thanks to the back spoiler rigidity that facilitates the searching of the perfect balancing point, the extension power cuff leads the self control in the correct position on the ski, even on extreme situations such us freeride.

IT - Lo spessore strutturale differenziato del soffietto e la diversa densità rispetto alla struttura dello scafo,permettono di ottenere una flessione graduale necessaria per effettuare la piega Telemark

FR - Grâce à la rigidité du spoiler postérieure, l’autocontrôle donné par la position correcte sur le ski même dans les contextes les plus extrêmes, rend plus facile la recherche de la juste axe d’ équilibrage.

EN - The differentiated structural thickness of the bellow and the different density compared to the shell structure, allows a gradual flexion necessary to make the Telemark turn.

DE - Der steife Heckspoiler (extension power cuff) unterstützt die perfekte Balance und richtige Position auf dem Ski, insbesondere beim Freeriden und in extremen Situationen.

FR - L’épaisseur structurelle différenciée du collier et la différente densité comparé à la structure de la coque permet d’obtenir une flexion graduelle nécessaire pour effectuer la pli Telemark. DE - Die differenzierte strukturelle Stärke des Balg und seine unterschiedliche Dichte im Vergleich zur Schalenstruktur garantiert einen graduelle Flex und einen perfekten Telemarkschwung

IT - Esclusivamente brevettato da CRISPI®, questa tecnologia lega saldamente la sovrainiezione plastica alla fibra composita di Carbonio. Questo permette di ottenere una flessione progressiva ad alte velocità, limitando al massimo la torsione del piede anche durante la piega. EN - Exclusively patented by CRISPI®, this technology joins together plastic injection and Carbon Fibre. This allows a progressive flex on high speed and during the turns. FR - Exclusivement breveté par CRISPI®, cette technologie associe la sur–injection plastique et la fibre composite en carbone. Cela permets d’obtenir une flexion progressive à haute vélocité, en limitant la torsion du pied même durant la plie. DE - Diese exklusiv von CRISPI® patentierte Technologie verbindet die Werkstoffe Kunststoff-Spritzguss und Carbon Fibre. Dies ermöglicht einen progressive Flex auch bei hoher Geschwindigkeit und während jeder Schwungphase.

IT - Grazie agli inserti laterali in fibra di carbonio,il Carbon Side Support mantiene pressoché inalterate le strepitose proprietà di stabilità torsionale nelle situazioni estreme, velocizzando e rendendo immediata la ricerca dello spigolo. EN - Thanks to its features, the Carbon Side Support maintains unaltered the torsion stability even on extreme situations, by accelerating and making immediate the edge searching. FR - Grâce aux inserts latéraux , le Carbon Side Support maintient inaltéré les propriétés de stabilité torsionnelle dans les contextes les plus extrêmes , en rendant plus rapide la recherche des angles. DE - Carbon-Side Support (Karbon-Seiten-Unterstützung): Durch laterale Kohlefasereinsätze bleibt die Torsionsstabilität auch in extremen Situationen unverändert. CSS beschleunigt die direkte Kraftübertragung auf die Skikanten.



Telemark and ski alpinism have been Conny’s primary focus for more than 15 years. Her extensive telemark activity led her to move to the most remote areas in the world. The classic steep skiing descents throughout the alps has turned what started as a hobby to a life-style. Her true passion belongs to the winter season, especially in her home village of St.Anton am Arlberg, where almost every day

Cornelia Zamernik Location: ST Anton

she spends her time in the mountains. Conny is famous for her smooth soulful skiing style (alpine equal telemark) and her ability to haul heavy packs away during the various expeditions she has ex perienced in her whole life. Thanks to her passion fro skiing, she visited Peru, Columbia, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Tibet, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Greenland, and Japan. Most of her climbing projects are influenced by her skills as an extreme skier and alpinist always looking for the ultimate steep couloirs. Together with Jacob Slot she

Photo: Jacob Slot

owns the Piltriquitron - Skiers Lodge in St. Anton am Arlberg / Austria



SKWO:L white pink cod. 7575033 SKWO:L black gold cod. 7575093 SKWO:L white gold cod. 7575039

Vibram Sole

SKWO:L blue gold cod. 7575038

IT | Taglia: 25.5 - 30.0 Scafo e Gambetto: Pebax® rigido Inserti: Materiale in Fibra Composita Termoplastica, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Lingua: Pebax® rigido Suola: Vibram® Enigma Leve: Alluminio Micrometriche Scarpetta: Aero Thermo Liner Chiusura: Leve Micrometriche e “Power Strap” Suoletta Interna: Shock Absorbing Midsole. Compatibilità: Low Weight Binding Alpine Touring Freeride Peso: 1885 gr

EN | Size: 25.5 - 30.0 Shell and Cuff: Rigid Pebax® Inserts: Thermoplastic Composite Fibre “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Tongue: Rigid Pebax® Sole: Vibram® Enigma Buckles: Alluminium-Micrometric Innerboot: Aero Thermo Liner Innersole: Shock Absorbing Midsole Fastening: Micrometric Buckles and “Power Strap” Compatibility: Low Weight Binding – Alpine Touring Freeride Weight: 1885 gr

FR | Taille: 25.5 - 30.0 Coque et Collier: Pebax® rigide Inserts en Fibre Composite thermo plastique, CRISPI® Power Torsion stability. Langue: Pebax® rigide Semelle: Vibram® Enigma Leviers: Aluminium- Micrométrique Chausson: Aero Thermo Liner Fermeture: Levier Micrométrique “Power Strap” Semelle intercalaire amortissante Compatibilité: Low Weight Binding Alpine Touring Freeride Poids: 1885 gr

DE | Größe: 25.5 - 30.0 Schale und Schaft: Pebax® rigido Schalenversteifung/ Inserts: Thermoplastischer Faserverbundwerkstoff, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability“ Zunge: Pebax® rigido Sohle: Vibram® Enigma Schnallen: Aluminium-Micrometric Innenschuh: Aero Thermo Liner Verschlusssystem: Micrometric Schnallen and “Power Strap” Innensohle: Stoßdämpfende Zwischensohle Kompatibilität: Mit allen marktüblichen Alpin-/Touren und Freeridebindungen Gewicht: 1885 gr

SKWO:L This is the freeride boot par excellence. The Brand New Skwo:l has something to say to all freeriders always looking for the steepest slopes. The classic design matches perfectly with special technologies that this boot offers. The lateral supports made in Thermoplastic Fibre carefully positioned on the inside of the shell revolutionize the skiing performances. The result is a stable and precise freeride boot that is even lighter on uphill walking phase. The rear Walk System easily transmits an outstanding walk sensibility while blocking the cuff with an easy CLICK for the freeride mode. The last allows an easy and fast fitting without any compromises, transmitting a perfect edge control and power transmission.

Low Weight Binding Inserts

Power Strap

Power Torsion Stability



SKR!!M black black cod. 7574099 SKR!!M ocean black cod. 7574051

Vibram Sole

SKR!!M green black cod. 7574027

IT | Taglia: 25.5 - 30.0 Scafo e Gambetto: Pebax® rigido Inserti: Materiale in Fibra Composita Termoplastica, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Lingua: Pebax® semirigido Suola: Vibram® Enigma Leve: Alluminio Micrometriche Meccanismo di Chiusura: Aggancio/ Sgancio Rapido “Quick Action Locking System” Scarpetta: Subtech Thermo Liner Chiusura: Leve Micrometriche e “Power Strap” Suoletta Interna: Shock Absorbing Midsole. Compatibilità: Low Weight Binding Alpine Touring Freeride Peso: 1580 gr

EN | Size: 25.5 - 30.0 Shell and Cuff: Rigid Pebax® Inserts: Thermoplastic Composite Fibre “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Tongue: Semi-Rigid Pebax® Sole: Vibram® Enigma Buckles: Alluminium-Micrometric Locking System: “Quick Action Locking System” Innerboot: Subtech Thermo Liner Innersole: Shock Absorbing Midsole Fastening: Micrometric Buckles and Power Strap Compatibility: Low Weight Binding Alpine Touring Freeride Weight: 1580 gr

FR | Taille: 25.5 - 30.0 Coque et Collier: Pebax® rigide Inserts en Fibre Composite thermo plastique, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Langue: Pebax® semi-rigide Semelle: Vibram® Enigma Leviers: Aluminium-Micrométrique Mécanisme de Fermeture: accrochement/ décrochage rapide “Quick Action Locking system” Chausson: Subtech Thermo Liner Fermeture: Levier Micrométrique Power Strap Semelle intercalaire amortissante Compatibilité: Low Weight Binding Alpine Touring Freeride Poids: 1580 gr

DE | Größe: 25.5 - 30.0 Schale und Schaft: Pebax® rigido Schalenversteifung / Inserts: Thermoplastischer Faserverbundwerkstoff, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Zunge: Pebax® rigido Sohle: Vibram® Enigma Schnallen: Aluminium-Micrometric Gehmechanismus: Einschnallen Schnellöffnung Innenschuh: Subtech Thermo Liner Verschlusssystem: Micrometricschnallen and Power Strap Innensohle: Stoßdämpfende Zwischensohle Kompatibilität: Mit allen marktüblichen Low Tech-, Alpin-, Touren- und Freeridebindungen Gewicht: 1580 gr

SKR!!M Skr!!m represents the evolution of the Alpine Touring Freeride Boots. The lateral support made in Thermoplastic Fibre carefully positioned on the inside of the shell revolutionize the skiing performance as well as making the boot stable and precise; and still lighter on uphill walking phase. Light and versatile Skr!!m mounts micrometrical buckles and the new system “Quick Action Locking System” (cuff closing/opening system) in light alloy to pass quickly from walk to ski position. The new Velcro upon the top buckle has the function of 4th buckle giving extra support and safety while skiing downhill. The new liner Sub-Tech Thermo offers excellent comfort and incredible performances thanks to the outstanding foot wrapping features. Exclusive design and a plus of technology on a Sr!!ming boot where no wind can stand at!!

Low Weight Binding Inserts

Power Torsion Stability

Quick Action Locking System


Vibram Sole

SYNTHESI black orange cod. 7574599

SYNTHESI The perfect compromise between lightness, versatility, toughness and comfort. The technology put into CRISPI® high tech products has been reflected into this extraordinary boot. Dedicated to Nature Lovers and to all those who are experiencing the Alpine Touring world for the first time. High stability and edge control, fitting easiness, extra comfort while skiing and up hilling. What you are looking for Synthesi resumes it all.

IT | Taglia: 25.5 - 30.0 Scafo: Pebax® rigido Gambetto e Lingua: Polimero Plastico semirigido Inserti: Materiale in Fibra Composita Termoplastica, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Suola: Vibram® Enigma Leve: Alluminio Micrometriche Scarpetta: Synthesi Thermo Liner Chiusura: Leve Micrometriche e “Power Strap” Suoletta Interna: Shock Absorbing Midsole. Compatibilità: Low Weight Binding - Alpine Touring Freeride Peso: 1550 gr

EN | Size: 25.5 - 30.0 Shell: Rigid Pebax® Cuff and Tongue: Plastic Semi-rigid Polymer Inserts: Thermoplastic Composite Fibre “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Sole: Vibram® Enigma Buckles: Alluminium-Micrometric Innerboot: Syntesi Thermo Liner Innersole: Shock Absorbing Midsole Fastening: Micrometric Buckles and “Power Strap” Compatibility: Low Weight Binding - Alpine Touring Freeride Weight: 1550 gr

FR | Taille: 25.5 - 30.0 Coque: Pebax® rigide Collier et Langue: Polimèr Plastique semirigide Inserts: en Fibre Composite thermo plastique, CRISPI® Power Torsion stability. Semelle: Vibram® Enigma Leviers: Aluminium-Micrométrique Chausson: Sintesy Thermo Liner Fermeture: Levier Micrométrique “Power Strap” Semelle: Intercalaire amortissante Compatibilité: Low Weight Binding - Alpine Touring Freeride Poids: 1550 gr

DE | Größe: 25.5 - 30.0 Schale: Pebax® rigido Schaft und Zunge: Plastik aus halbsteifen Polymeren Schalenversteifung / Inserts: Thermoplastischer Faserverbundwerkstoff, “CRISPI® Power Torsion Stability” Sohle: Vibram® Enigma Schnallen: Aluminium-Micrometric Gehmechanismus: Einschnallen Schnellöffnung Innenschuh: Synthesi Thermoinnenschuh Verschlussystem: Micrometric Schnalle and “Power Strap” Innensohle: Stoßdämpfende Zwischensohle Kompatibilität: Mit allen marktüblichen Low Tech-, Alpin-, Touren- und Freeridebindungen Gewicht: 1550 gr

JACOB SLOT Location: Southern Patagonian Ice-Cap Photo: Cornelia Zamernik



ENIGMA GT blue black cod. 7573150

Light Alloy Mechanism

Vibram Sole

ENIGMA GT yellow black cod. 7573105 IT | Taglia: 24.5 - 28.0 Scafo: Pebax® rigido. Scafo e Gambale: Materiale in Fibra Composita Termoplastica Suola: Vibram® Enigma Leve: Alluminio Scarpetta: Termoformabile E/Light Meccanismo di Chiusura: Aggancio/ Sgancio Rapido “Quick Action Locking System” Chiusura: Leva Micrometrica. Peso: 1150 gr Compatibilità: Low Weight Binding – Alpine Touring Freeride

EN | Size: 24.5 - 28.0 Shell: Rigid Pebax® Shell and Cuff Inserts: Thermoplastic Composite Material Sole: Vibram® Enigma Buckles: Aluminium Innerboot: Thermo Liner Locking System: Quick Action Locking System Fastening: Micrometric Buckles Weight: 1150gr Compatibility: Low Weight Binding – Alpine Touring Freeride

FR | Taille: 24.5 - 28.0 Coque: Pebax® rigide Coque et Colier: Matériel en Fibre Composite Thermo plastique Semelle: Vibram® Enigma Leviers: Aluminium Chausson interne: Thermo E/Light Mécanisme de Fermeture: Accrochement/ décrochage rapide «Quick Action Locking system» Fermeture: Levier micrométrique Poids: 1150 gr Compatibilité: Fixation low weightAlpine touring Freeride

DE | Größe: 24.5 - 28.0 Schale: Pebax® rigido Schaft und Zunge: Thermoplastischer Faserverbundwerkstoff Sohle: Vibram® Enigma Schnallen: Aluminium Innenschuh: Synthetischer wärmeformbarer Innenschuh Gehmechanismus: Einschnallen Schnellöffnung Verschlusssystem: Micrometricschnallen Gewicht: 1150 gr Kompatibilität: mit allen marktüblichen Low Tech-, Alpin-, Touren und Freeridebindungen

ENIGMA GT Carefully studied and developed by CRISPI®, Enigma has confirmed to all of us to be qualified for a high level performance. It achieves the maximum toughness and lightness thanks to the particular structure made by a Thermoplastic Composite Fibre and to the Pebax® bottom shell. The “Quick Action Locking System” and the presence of light alloy mechanism enable to open and close the cuff in a “Click”. The absence of the tongue and the presence of a special bellow make Enigma even lighter and free on movements that are features required by a high level costumers continuously looking for a high technical boot. Pebax® shell with Vibram® Enigma sole mounts inserts that adapts to Low Weight Binding and Traditional Alpine Touring. Micrometric Buckles and E/Light Thermo Liner. Enigma... The revolution has begun!

Light Bellow

Low Weight Binding Inserts

Quick Action Locking System


TLK TELEMARK New Telemark Norm - 75 mm

JACOB SLOT Location: St Anton Photo: Christian Penning

Jacob Slot’s telemarking exploits have taken him to some of the most remote spots on the planet, from 8000 meter peaks in Tibet, to the Wakon region in Afghanistan. He has skied major mountains in Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Greenland, Spitzbergen, Japan and has numerous first descents throughout the Alps. He aims to keep pushing the boundaries of ski-mountaineering and continue exploring the world’s most isolated mountain regions. Using the Austrian ski resort St.Anton am Arlberg as his base, Jacob’s big dream is to settle in Patagonia, somewhere between Rio las Vueltas and the Patagonian ice cap, fly fishing those rivers he seen from the summits. His extensive knowledge of these areas is nearly unsurpassed. Each year finds him searching out new areas in Patagonia and testing new lines in the Arlberg area. A talented film maker and story teller. Jacob has shared his adventures with through internationally shown films and published articles. Together with Cornelia Zamernik he owns the Piltriquitron - Skiers Lodge in St. Anton am Arlberg/ Austria



EVO rando

SHIVER rando

EVO RANDO acid green black cod. 5577828

Evo’s descendent; Rando is absolutely the unique expression of a Telemark boot. Provided with the same features as Evo it has the vantage of a matchless style versatility and practical employment. The Pebax® shell is wrapped on a Carbon frame “Carbon Side Support” CRISPI® patented which raises stability to the maximum level. Micrometrical aluminium buckles and rear regulation Ski/Walk. Evo Rando is compatible with NTN binding and has inserts for Low Weight Binding.

4 Buckles

IT |

Taglia: 25.5 - 29.0 Colore: Acid Green - Black Flessione: Morbida Scafo: Pebax® Carbon Suola: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio. Scarpetta: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilità: NTN System - Low Weight Binding Peso: 1890 gr

Low Weight Binding Inserts

EN | Size: 25.5 - 29.0 Color: Acid Green - Black Flex: Soft Shell: Pebax® - Carbon Sole: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Buckles: Aluminium Micro-Adjustable Innerboot: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibility: NTN System Low Weight Binding Weight: 1890 gr

FR | Taille: 25.5 - 29.0 Couleur: Acid Green - Black Flexion: Souple Coque: Pebax® Cabone Semelle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Levier: Micrométrique réglage en aluminium Chausson: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilité: système NTN - fixation low weight Poids: 1890 gr

SHIVER RANDO acid green black cod. 5577628

Shiver Rando is the right balance between a high performance boot and an everyday’s toy. Based on the Shiver Concept it has the vantage to be a versatile boot by being compatible with Low Weight Binding in addition to the NTN system. Three micrometrical buckles and Velcro with function of 4th. Available with CRISPI® Dynamic Liner.

Carbon Side Support

DE | Größe: 25.5 - 29.0 Farbe: Acid Green - Black Flex: Weich Schale: Pebax® Carbon Sohle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Schnallen: Microregulierbare Aluminiumschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Bindunssysteme: Kompatibel mit NTN System und Low Tech Bindungen Gewicht: 1150 gr

3 Buckles

IT |

Taglia: 25.5 - 29.0 Colore: Acid Green - Black Flessione: Morbida Scafo: Pebax® Carbon Suola: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio Scarpetta: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilità: NTN System - Low Weight Binding Peso: 1685 gr

Low Weight Binding Inserts

EN | Size: 25.5 - 29.0 Colour: Acid Green - Black Flex: Soft Shell: Pebax® - Carbon Sole: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Buckles: Aluminium Micro-Adjustable Innerboot: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibility: NTN System - Low Weight Binding Weight: 1685 gr

FR | Taille: 25.5 - 29.0 Couleur: Acid Green - Black Flexion: Souple Coque: Pebax® Carbone Semelle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Leviers: Micrométriques réglables en aluminium Chausson: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilité: Système NTN - Fixation Low Weight Poids: 1685 gr

Carbon Side Support

DE | Größe: 25.5 - 29.0 Farbe: Acid Green - Black Flex: Weich Schale: Pebax® Carbon Sohle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Schnallen: Microregulierbare Aluminiumschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Bindunssysteme: Kompatibel mit NTN System und Low Tech Bindungen Gewicht: 1685 gr



PHIL LAU Telemark World Champion

EVO NTN neon green black cod. 5570605

The Telemark revolution bears from the concept of a product of extraordinary performances. If a skier is constantly looking to dare well, Evo will satisfy every single need taking him to the seventh heaven. This is the reason why the World Champions choose it! Shell and Cuff in Pebax® with micrometrical buckles for a high level fitting; rear mechanism for a quick change from Walk to Ski mode. Maximum skiing stability thanks to the “Carbon Side Support” system exclusively patented by CRISPI®. The revolutionary cuff with double density injection gives rigidity and support; the special “Bellow Flex Control” allows an out standing flexion. Available with CRISPI® Dynamic Liner (Thermoformable).

4 Buckles

IT | Taglia: 24.5 - 30.5 Colore: EVO Neon Green-Black / EVO WC Orange-Black Flessione: EVO Semirigida / EVO WC rigida Scafo: Pebax® Carbon Suola: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio. Scarpetta: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilità: NTN System Peso: 1815 gr

Bellow Flex Control

EN | Size: 24.5 - 30.5 Colour: EVO Neon Green-Black / EVO WC Orange-Black Flex: EVO Semi-rigid / EVO WC rigid Shell: Pebax® - Carbon Sole: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Buckles: Aluminium Micro Adjustable Innerboot: Crispi Dynamic Liner Compatibility: NTN System Weight: 1815gr

FR | Taille: 24.5 - 30.5 Couleur: EVO Neon Green-Black / EVO WC Orange-Black Flexion: EVO Semi - rigide / EVO WC rigide Coque: Pebax® Carbone Semelle: CRISPI® kogatz Evo Levier: Micrométrique réglables en Aluminium Chausson: Crispi® Dynamic Liner Compatibilit: Système NTN Poids: 1815 gr

Carbon Side Support

DE | Größe: 24.5 - 30.5 Farbe: EVO Neon Green - Black / EVO WC Orange-Black Flex: EVO mittel / EVO WC hart Schale: Pebax® Carbon Sohle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Schnallen: Microregulierbare Aluminiumschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Bindungssysteme: NTN System Gewicht:1815gr

EVO NTN World Cup EVO NTN World Cup black orange cod. 5570508



SHIVER NTN XR green ice cod. 5571327

SHIVER LADY NTN white fuxia cod. 5577513 SHIVER MAN NTN white anthr. cod. 5577259

Shiver ntn carries on the whole experience developed on the Evo’s construction and it is exclusively dedicated to those who are searching for advanced technology, lightness, practicality, highly performance and in a cutting edge boot. Micrometrical buckles for a sensible and outstanding fitting sensation. NTN binding compatible, Shiver is available with CRISPI® Dynamic Liner (Thermoformable).

3 Buckles

IT |

Taglia: Man 24.5 - 30.5 / Lady 24.5 - 27 Colore: Man White-Grey / Lady White-Fuxia Flessione: Morbida Scafo: Pebax® - Carbon Suola: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio Scarpetta: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner - Disponibile anche con scarpetta tradizionale (ABSS Technology) Compatibilità: NTN System Peso: Man 1610 gr / lady 1580 gr

Bellow Flex Control

EN | Size: Man 24.5 - 30.5 / Lady 24.5 - 27 Colour: Man White-Grey / Lady White-Fuxia Flex: Soft Shell: Pebax® - Carbon Sole: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Buckles: Aluminium Micro Adjustable Innerboot: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Available also with traditional liner (ABSS technology) Compatibility: NTN System Weight: Man 1610 gr / lady 1580 gr

FR | Taille: Man 24.5 - 30.5 / Lady 24.5 - 27 Couleur: Man White-Grey / Lady White-Fuxia Flexion: souple Coque: Pebax® - Carbone Semelle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Levier: Micrométrique réglable en aluminium Chausson: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner - Disponible aussi avec chausson traditionnelle (ABSS Technologie) Compatibilité: Système NTN Poids: man 1610 gr / lady 1580 gr

This boot does not need any description. This is the best Telemark Freeride boot par excellence, and who goes to employ it knows what we are talking about. The performance offered by XR are unquestionable and to catch these emotions it should be absolutely experienced. The side cut feeling is immediate thanks to revolutionary use of Carbon inside the shell; “Carbon Power Insole®” and “Carbon Power Support®” are the main technologies CRISPI® patented dedicates to the exigent target of PRO RIDERS: on matter of fact they do not need anything else than top performances by the Free Riding! Hard flexion, Pebax® shell and the revolutionary “Power Extension Cuff”. Micrometrical aluminium buckles, Velcro with 5th buckle function and rear Walk system for a quick change from Ski to Walk mode. CRISPI® Kogatz sole and CRISPI® Dynamic Liner. 75mm binding compatible.

Carbon Side Support

DE | Größe: Man 24.5 - 30.5 / Lady 24.5 - 27 Größe: Man White-Grey / Lady White-Fuxia Flex: weich Schale: Pebax® Carbon Sohle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Schnallen: microregulierbare Aluminiumschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner - wahlweise auch mit traditionellen Innenschuh (ABSS Technology) Bindungssysteme: NTN System Gewicht: man 1610 gr / lady 1580 gr

4 Buckles

IT |

Taglia: 23.5 - 31.5 Colore: Green - Ice Flessione: Rigida Scafo: Pebax® - Carbon Suola: CRISPI® Kogatz Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio Scarpetta: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilità: 75mm Peso: 1980 gr

Bellow Flex Control

EN | Size: 23.5 - 31.5 Colour: Green - Ice Flex: Stiff Shell: Pebax® - Carbon Sole: CRISPI® Kogatz Buckles: Aluminium Micro Adjustable Innerboot: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibility: 75mm Weight: 1980 gr

FR | Taille: 23.5 - 31.5 Couleur: Green - Ice Flexion: Rigide Coque: Pebax® - Carbone Semelle: CRISPI® Kogatz Leviers: Micrométrique réglables en aluminium Chausson: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Compatibilité: 75mm Poids: 1980 gr

Carbon Side Support

DE | Größe: 23.5 - 31.5 Farbe: Grün - Eis Flex: Hart Schale: Pebax® - Carbon Sohle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Schnallen: Microregulierbare Aluminiumschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner Bindungssysteme: 75mm Gewicht: 1980 gr



JACOB SLOT Location: ST Anton Photo: Christian Penning

XP LADY Cielo - Ice cod. 5575453 XP MAN Ocean - Ice cod. 5575451

Defined as superior and highly technical boot built on incomparable features. It brings on the experience that CRISPI® has dedicated over the years on this trade, gaining satisfactions and incomparable results. Pebax® shell, “Flex Control System” and “Carbon Side Support®” technologies. 75mm binding compatible. Power strap and CRISPI® Dynamic Liner.

3 buckles

IT |

Taglia: Man 26.5 - 31.5 / Lady 23.5 - 27 Colore: Man Ocean-Ice / Lady Cielo-Ice Flessione: Morbida Scafo: Scafo: Pebax® - Carbon Suola: CRISPI® Kogatz Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio Scarpetta: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner – Disponibile anche con scarpetta tradizionale (ABSS Technology) Compatibilità : 75mm Peso: Man 1740 gr / Lady 1590 gr

bellow flex control

EN | Size: Man 26.5 - 31.5 / Lady 23.5 - 27 Colour: Man Ocean-Ice / Lady Cielo-Ice Flex: Soft Shell: Pebax® - Carbon Sole: CRISPI® Kogatz Buckles: Micro adjustable aluminium Innerboot: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner – Available also with traditional liner (ABSS technology) Compatibility: 75mm Weight: Man 1740 gr / Lady 1590 gr

FR | Taille: Man 26.5 - 31.5 / Lady 23.5 - 27 Couleur: Man Ocean-Ice / Lady Cielo-Ice Flexion: Souple Coque: Pebax® Carbone Semelle: CRISPI® Kogatz Leviers: Micrométriques réglables en aluminium Chausson: CRISPI® Dynamic Linerdisponible aussi avec chausson traditionnelle (ABSS technologie) Compatibilité: 75mm Poids: Man 1740 gr / Lady 1590 gr

Carbon Side Support

DE | Größe: Man 26.5 - 31.5 / Lady 23.5 - 27 Farbe: Man Ocean-Ice / Lady Cielo-Ice Flex: Weich Schale: Pebax® Carbon Sohle: CRISPI® Kogatz Evo Schnallen: Microregulierbare Aluminiumschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Dynamic Liner – wahlweise auch mit traditionellen Innenschuh (ABSS Technology) Bindungssysteme: 75mm Gewicht: Man 1740 gr / Lady 1590 gr



CXP CXP black - black cod. 5573699

If somebody is looking for a high quality boot, solid and stable; CXP will fully hit your target. The soft flexion supported by a rigid structure helps to achieve the maximum skiing control. Micrometrical buckles in high resistant plastic polymer to obtain the best fitting precision and a considerable lightness. CRISPI® Vibram® sole. CXP is available with Traditional Liner and compatible with 75mm binding.

3 buckles

IT |

Taglia: 24 - 30 Colore: Black - Silver Flessione: Soft Scafo: Pebax® Suola: CRISPI® Vibram® Leve: Micrometriche Regolabili in Alluminio e Polimero ad alta resistenza. Scarpetta: Tradizionale CRISPI® Compatibilità: 75mm Peso: 1695 gr

Crispi® Flex System

EN | Size: 24 - 30 Colour: Black - Silver Flex: Soft Shell: Pebax® Sole: CRISPI® Vibram® Sagarmata Buckles: Aluminium Micro Adjustable / High Resistant Polymer Innerboot: CRISPI® Traditional Liner Compatibility: 75mm Weight: 1695 gr

FR | Taille: 24 - 30 Couleur: Black - Silver Flexion: Souple Coque: Pebax® Semelle: CRISPI® Vibram® Leviers: Micrométriques réglable en Aluminium et Polymère à haute résistance Chausson: CRISPI® traditionnel Compatibilité: 75 mm Poids: 1695 gr

Micrometric Buckles

DE | Größe: 24 - 30 Farbe: Black - Silver Flex: Weich Schale: Pebax® Sohle: CRISPI® Vibram® Schnallen: Mikrometer verstellbare Aluminium-und hochfeste Kunststoffschnallen Innenschuh: CRISPI® Innenschuh Bindungssysteme: 75mm Gewicht: 1695 gr

BACKCOUNTRY Sebastien Mayer - Location: Montgenèvre - Photo: Laurence Morel


BACKCOUNTRY IT - CRISPI® A.B.S.S. - La tecnologia dentro. Dopo lunghi anni di lavoro, studio di materiali e test, CRISPI® ha sviluppato il sistema battezzato A.B.S.S. dall’Inglese Ankle Bone Support System che in Italiano suona all’incirca come Sistema di Supporto Malleolo. L’A.B.S.S. rivoluziona il comfort e la protezione di tutta l’area malleolo grazie ad un sistema di materiali innovativi, che accoppiati consentono alla calzatura di plasmarsi dolcemente attorno alla caviglia del camminatore. Questo sistema garantisce la massima protezione contro distorsioni anche nei terreni più scoscesi e difficili e, al contempo, sostiene il malleolo in ogni situazione e quindi limita l’affaticamento delle articolazioni inferiori anche dopo lunghissime camminate. Il sistema A.B.S.S. rappresenta un notevole passo in avanti nella costruzione di calzature, e CRISPI® dedica questa tecnologia esclusiva alla propria clientela. EN - CRISPI® A.B.S.S. - The technology inside. After many years of research into materials and experimentation, CRISPI® has developed a system called A.B.S.S. (Ankle Bone Support System). A.B.S.S. revolutionises the comfort and protection of the entire ankle area thanks to a combination of innovative materials that allow the footwear to contour gently your ankle. This system offers outstanding sprain protection even on the roughest terrain whilst supporting the ankle in all conditions, thus limiting fatigue on the lower joints. The A.B.S.S. is a huge step forward in the manufacting and of footwear and CRISPI® dedicates this exclusive technology development to its customers. FR - CRISPI® A.B.S.S. - La technologie intégrée. Après de longues années de travail, de recherche sur les matériaux et de tests, CRISPI® a mis au point un système dénommé A.B.S.S. de l’anglais “Ankle Bone Support System”, que l’on peut traduire en français par “Système de soutien de la malléole”. L’A.B.S.S. révolutionne le confort et la protection de toute la zone de la malléole grâce à un système de matériaux innovants qui, assemblés, permettent à la chaussure de se modeler doucement autour de la cheville du marcheur. Ce système garantit une protection maximale contre les entorses, même sur les terrains les plus accidentés et les plus difficiles, tout en soutenant la malléole dans toutes les situations. Il limite ainsi la fatigue des articulations inférieures, même après de très longues marches. Le système A.B.S.S. constitue un progrès décisif dans la construction des chaussures et CRISPI® offre cette technologie exclusive à sa clientèle. DE - CRISPI® A.B.S.S. - Technologie als Herzstück. Die größte weltweite Neuheit der OUTDOOR-Schuhe liegt im Inneren der Spitzenmodelle der CRISPI®Bergschuhe. Nach langjähriger Forschung und aufwändigen Materialtests hat CRISPI® das A.B.S.S.-System, benannt nach der englischen Bezeichnung Ankle Bone Support System, entwickelt, das ein System zum Schutz des Knöchels bezeichnet. Das A.B.S.S. revolutioniert den Komfort und Schutz des gesamten Knöchelbereichs dank einer innovativen Materialkombination, durch die sich das Schuhwerk spezifisch auf den Knöchel seines Trägers anpasst. Das System gewährleistet höchsten Schutz gegen Verstauchungen auch auf schwierigem und abschüssigem Gelände und stützt den Knöchel in jeder Situation, wodurch ein frühzeitiges Ermüden der Füße und Beine auf langen Wanderungen vermieden wird. Das A.B.S.S. stellt einen wesentlichen Meilenstein in der Weiterentwicklung der Bergschuhe dar. CRISPI® widmet diese exklusive Neuheit speziell allen seinen Kunden.


IT - CRISPI® SKELETON FRAME - Tecnologia e Stabilità Torsionale. Il CRISPI® Skeleton Frame, CSF, trae ispirazione dalla tecnologia maturata nel Telemark da CRISPI®, da anni campione del mondo in questa disciplina. Uno scarpone telemark deve assicurare la massima stabilità torsionale e permettere la flessione del piede durante la sciata ed entrambe queste caratteristiche rappresentano un obiettivo ideale anche per le calzature da trekking. Il CSF grazie ai due supporti laterali di contenimento permette il massimo controllo torsionale e al contempo una rollata ed una flessione ottimale nella parte anteriore. Il sistema CSF permette prestazioni normalmente raggiungibili con calzature da alta montagna ma con un peso contenuto ed una più confortevole camminata. EN - CRISPI® SKELETON FRAME - Technology and Torsional Stability. The CRISPI® Skeleton Frame CSF was born from the experience developed by the company in the Telemark skiing world, field where CRISPI® is and has been world champion for years. The characteristics of a Telemark boot of the latest generation are maximum stability while twisting, together with a right and gradual foot bending: both these qualities are ideal for a trekking shoe. The CSF system, thanks to two lateral containing supports allows the maximum torsional control ensuring however the best foot bending. The CSF system achieves levels of performance usually reached by high altitude footwear with however much lower weight and more comfortable walking. FR - CRISPI® SKELETON FRAME - Technologie et Stabilité Torsionelle. Le Skeleton Frame CRISPI®, CSF, s’inspire de la technologie élaborée par CRISPI® dans le télémark où la marque est depuis des années championne du monde. Une chaussure de télémark doit assurer le maximum de stabilité torsionnelle tout en permettant la flexion du pied durant la descente sur les skis et ces deux caractéristiques représentent l’objectif idéal aussi pour les chaussures de trekking. Le CSF, grâce aux deux supports latéraux de maintien, permet un excellent contrôle torsionnel associé à un déroulement parfait et à une flexion optimale dans la partie avant. Le système CSF atteint des performances qui sont normalement réservées à des chaussures de haute montagne mais avec un poids limité et un confort de marche remarquable. DE - CRISPI® SKELETON FRAME - Technologie und Torsionsstabilität. Der CRISPI® Skeleton Frame, CSF, inspiriert sich an den im Telemarkbereich erworbenen Technologien, in denen CRISPI® seit Jahren führend ist. Ein Telemarkschuh muss höchste Verdrehfestigkeit gewährleisten, gleichzeitig aber die Fußflexion während des Skifahrens erlauben. Genau diese Vorgaben setzt sich CRISPI® auch für die Trekkingschuhe zum Ziel. Dank der zwei seitlich stützenden Halterungen des CSFs ist eine optimale Torsionskontrolle garantiert; gleichzeitig bleibt das Abrollen und Biegen der vorderen Schuhpartie gewährleistet. Das CSF-System ermöglicht Leistungen, die normalerweise nur für hochalpines Schuhwerk erreichbar sind, denen die Trekkingschuhe als Vorteile ihr geringeres Gewicht und den wesentlich höheren Tragekomfort entgegenhalten.

IT - GORE-TEX® footwear mantiene i piedi asciutti e protetti grazie alle sue qualità di impermeabilità e traspirabilità. Progettato per dare un comfort climatico ottimale. GORE-TEX® footwear è ideale per un’ampia gamma di attività outdoor. EN - GORE-TEX® footwear keeps feet dry and protected by being durably waterproof and breathable and is engineered to provide optimized climate comfort. GORE-TEX® footwear is ideal for a wide range of outdoor activities. FR - GORE-TEX® footwear maintient les pieds secs et protégés car il est durablement waterproof et transpirant. Il a été projeté pour donner le maximum confort climatique. GORE-TEX® footwear est l’idéal pour une large gamme d’activités outdoor.

IT - CRISPI® DUAL TECH LINING - Tecnologia e Pelle. Nella progettazione di ogni singola calzatura, CRISPI® ripone una attenzione estrema alla dinamica del piede durante la camminata. Ed è proprio studiando il movimento del piede che CRISPI® ha realizzato una nuova tecnologia costruttiva della fodera interna che associa un GORE-TEX® footwear con maggiore isolamento termico ed estrema resistenza all’abrasione con un GORE-TEX® footwear accoppiato a vera pelle naturalmente confortevole. Questo nuovo abbinamento porta ad una calzatura resistente, impermeabile al 100%, traspirante e duratura. EN - CRISPI® DUAL TECH LINING - Technology and Leather. When designing every single footwear item, CRISPI® pays almost fanatical attention to the dynamics of the feet while walking. Actually, it was while studying foot movements that CRISPI® has developed a new constructive technology of the inner lining that associates a kind of GORE-TEX® footwear characterized by high thermic insulation and extreme resistance to abrasion with a GORE-TEX® footwear coupled with naturally comfortable real leather. The result is 100% waterproof, breathable, long-lasting and healthy footwear products. FR - CRISPI® DUAL TECH LINING - Technologie et Cuir. Dans le projet de chacun de ses modèles, CRISPI® accorde une attention extrême à la dynamique du pied durant la marche. C’est justement en étudiant les mouvements du pied que CRISPI® a étudié une nouvelle technologie constructive qui associe un genre de GORE-TEX® footwear extrêmement isolant et résistant à l’abrasion avec un GORE-TEX® footwear couplé avec cuir, naturellement très confortable. Cette nouvelle association donne naissance à une chaussure résistante de longue durée, et saine, imperméables à 100%, respirantes et durables. DE - CRISPI® DUAL TECH LINING - Technologie und Leder. Bei der Entwicklung jedes einzelnen Schuhs legt CRISPI® ein besonderes Augenmerk auf das dynamische Verhalten der Füße während des Gehens. Durch eine genaue Analyse der Fußbewegung hat CRISPI® ein neues Herstellungsverfahren des Innenfutters verwirklicht, bei welcher ein GORE-TEX® Footwear mit hohem Wärmeschutz und extremer Abriebbeständigkeit mit einem zweiten GORE-TEX® Footwear verbunden wird, das mit weichem Echtleder gekoppelt ist.

DE - Die Wasserundurchlässigkeit und Atmungsaktivität dieser Schuhe versichern stets trockene und geschützte Füße mit einem optimalen Klimakomfort. GORETEX® Footwear ist das ideale Schuhwerk für eine breite Auswahl von Aktivitäten im Freien.

IT - I prodotti isolanti PrimaLoft® offrono prestazioni superiori per l’equipment di alta qualità destinato alla protezione dal freddo. PrimaLoft® è leggero, traspirante ed ha un’ottima idro-repellenza per mantenervi asciutti, caldi e comodi anche in condizioni atmosferiche più avverse. EN - PrimaLoft® insulation products offer superior performance for high quality cold–weather gear. PrimaLoft® is lightweight, breathable with excellent water repellency so you remain dry, warm and comfortable even under the most extreme conditions. FR - Les vêtements pour temps froid de haute qualité offrent des performances bien supérieures grâce à l’isolation PrimaLoft®. Le PrimaLoft® est une matière légère, perméable à l’air et déperlante qui vous permet de rester confortablement au sec et au chaud même dans les conditions météorologiques les plus difficiles. DE - PrimaLoft® Isolationsprodukte bieten überlegene Leistung für hochwertige Kaltwetter-Bekleidung. PrimaLoft® ist leicht, atmungsaktiv und besitzt hervorragende wasserabstoßende Eigenschaften, damit Sie selbst unter den extremsten Witterungsbedingungen trocken, warm und komfortabel bleiben.




Sydpolen GTX


cod. 5540299

cod. 5546399

Classic on CRISPI® 75mm leather line; the upper is in Water repellent amphibious 2.6 mm - 2.8 mm. CRISPI® adds a Cambrelle®+Primaloft® Lining for a maximum thermal insulation, ideal on low temperatures. Compatible with 75mm binding. Soft flex and double Norwegian stitching.

IT |

Taglia: 36 - 48 EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Anfibio Idrorepellente 2.6 mm 2.8 mm Fodera: Cambrelle® + Primaloft® Suola: Vibram® Chiusura: Lacci Compatibilità: 75 mm Peso: 950 gr

The accurate experience CRISPI® has developed over the years has taken to the development of a product bonded to tradition and at the same time to innovation. Sydpolen presents a classic upper in Water repellent amphibious mm. 2.6 - 2.8mm with Gore-Tex® Insulated Footwear Lining and CRISPI® A.B.S.S. technology; A.B.S.S. offers outstanding sprain protection whilst supporting the ankle in any conditions thus limiting fatigue on the lower joints. Double Norwegian stitching and Vibram® sole. Compatible with 75mm binding.

EN | Size: 36 - 48 EU Colour: Black Flex: Soft Upper: Water repellent amphibious 2.6 2.8 mm Lining: Cambrelle® + Primaloft® Sole: Vibram® 75mm Fastener: Laces Compatibility: 75 mm Weight: 950 gr

FR | Taille: 36 - 48 EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tige: Amphibie Hydrofuge 2.6 mm 2.8 mm Doublure: Cambrelle® + Primaloft® Semelle: Vibram® Fermeture: Lacets Compatibilité: 75mm Poids: 950 gr

DE | Größe: 36 - 48 EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Amphibian 2.6 mm - 2.8 mm Innenfutter: Cambrelle® + Primaloft® Sohle: Vibram® Klassische Schnürung Bindungssysteme: 75 mm Gewicht: 950 gr

Mountain Black cod. 5510999

Gore Tex®

IT |

Taglia: 36 - 47 (48 - 50) EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Anfibio Idrorepellente mm.2.6-2.8 Fodera: Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Suola: Vibram® Chiusura: Lacci Tecnologie: A.B.S.S (Ankle Bone Support System), Cucitura Norvegese Compatibilità: 75mm Peso: 940 gr

Classic Fastener

EN | Size: 36 - 47 (48 - 50) EU Colour: Black Flex: Soft Upper: Water repellent amphibious mm. 2.6 - 2.8 Sole: Vibram® 75mm Fastener: Laces Lining: Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Technologies: ABSS (Ankle Bone Support System), Norwegian Stitching. Compatibility: 75mm Weight: 940 gr

FR | Taille: 36 - 47 (48 - 50) EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tige: Amphibie hydrofuge mm. 2.6-2.8 Doublure: Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Semelle: Vibram® Fermeture: lacets Technologies: A.B.S.S (Ankle Bone Support System), Cousu Norvégien . Compatibilité: 75mm Poids: 940 gr

Classic on the CRISPI® 75 mm leather line. Coupled with its upper in Water repellent leather, CRISPI® adds a high resistance fabric lining. Compatible with 75mm binding. Soft flex and double Norwegian stitching.

75 mm

DE | Größe: 36 - 47 ( 48 - 50) EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: wasserabweisendes Amphibian mm.2.6-2.8 Innenfutter: Gore-Tex ® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Sohle: Vibram® Klassische Schnürung ABSS Technologie (Knöchel Support System), Norwegische Nähte. Bindungssysteme: 75mm Gewicht: 940 gr

IT |

Taglia: 36 - 48 EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Anfibio Idrorepellente 2.6 mm Fodera: Vellutino Suola: Vibram® 75 mm Chiusura: Lacci Compatibilità: 75 mm Peso: 880 gr

EN | Size: 36 - 48 EU Colour: Black Flex: Soft Upper: Water repellent amphibious 2.6 mm Sole: Vibram® 75 mm Fastener: Laces Lining: Vellutino Compatibility: 75 mm Weight: 880 gr

FR | Taille: 36 - 48 EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tige: Amphibie hydrofuge 2.6 mm Doublure: Vellutino Semelle: Vibram® 75 mm Compatibilité: 75 mm Poids: 880 gr

DE | Größe: 36 - 48 EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Amphibian 2.6 mm Innenfutter: Samt (Vellutino) Sohle: Vibram® 75 mm Klassische Schnürung Bindungssysteme: 75 mm Gewicht: 880 gr


Svartisen 75mm cod. 5512899

Location: Vercors Mountain France Photo: Règis Cahn Evolution brought CRISPI® to develop an extremely technical product on the Backcountry branch. Svartisen represents the perfect splice between professional skills of our shoe -makers and the employment of technical materials. Perfect is the cuff support, given by the CRISPI® CSF technology

75 mm

IT |

Taglia: 75 mm 38-46 EU / BC 37-48 EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: Gore Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Suola: Vibram® 75mm / Rottefella NNN BC Chiusura: Lacci + leve Tecnologie: CSF Crispi® Skeleton Frame Compatibilità: 75mm / NNN BC Peso: 75 mm 1020gr / BC 950gr


EN | Size: 75 mm 38-46 EU / BC 37-48 EU Colour: Black Flexion: Soft Upper: Water repellent leather Sole: Vibram® 75mm / Rottefella NNN BC Fastener: Laces+Buckles Lining: Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Technologies: CSF Crispi® Skeleton Frame Compatibility: 75mm / NNN BC Weight: 75 mm 1020gr / BC 950gr

FR | Taille: 75 mm 38-46 EU / BC 37-48 EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Semelle: Vibram® 75mm / Rottefella NNN BC Fermeture: Lacets +leviers Doublure: En Gore-tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Technologies: C.S.F. Crispi® Skeleton Frame Compatibilité: 75mm / NNN BC Poids: 75 mm 1020gr / BC 950gr

CRISPI® Skeleton Frame

DE | Größe: 75 mm 38-46 EU / BC 37-48 EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Innenfutter: Gore Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Sohle: Vibram® 75mm / Rottefella NNN BC Verschlusssystem: Klassische Schnürung sowie Schnallen CSF Tecnologie: Crispi® Skeleton Frame Bindungssystem: 75mm / NNN BC Gewicht: 75 mm 1020gr / BC 950gr

Svartisen BC cod. 5511099



Jøkulen GTX

Stetind GTX



cod. 5511798

Jøkulen is undoubtedly the top Backcountry boot. The accurate experience CRISPI® has developed over the years has taken to the development of a product bonded to tradition and at the same time to innovation. While CRISPI® A.B.S.S. and D.T.L. protect and wrap the foot keeping its natural comfort, C.S.F. technology transmits torsion control and the best foot bending. Water repellent amphibious mm. 2.4 - 2.6mm and Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining. Rotefella sole NNN BC.


IT |

Taglia: 36 - 48 EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Anfibio Idrorepellente 2.4 - 2.6 mm Fodera: Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Suola: Rottefella NNN BC Chiusura: Lacci + Velcro Tecnologie: ABSS, DTL, CSF Compatibilità: NNN BC Peso: 887 gr

CRISPI® Skeleton Frame

EN | Size: 36 - 48 EU Colour: Black Flex: Soft Upper: Water repellent Amphibious 2.4 2.6 mm Sole: Rottefella NNN BC Fastener: Laces + Velcro Lining: Gore-Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Technologies: ABSS, DTL, CSF Compatibility: NNN BC Weight: 887 gr

FR | Taille: 36 - 48 EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tig: amphibie hydrofuge 2.4 - 2.6 mm Doublure: Gore-tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Semelle: Rottefella NNN BC Fermeture: Lacets+velcro Technologie: A.B.S.S. , D.T.L. , C.S.F. Compatibilité: NNN BC Poids: 887 gr

cod. 5511199

Protection and comfort are assured thanks to the A.B.S.S. technology that defines this excellent Backcountry shoe. Water repellent amphibious mm. 2.4 - 2.6mm and Gore-Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining for a perfect waterproof action. Rottefella sole NNN BC.


DE | Größe: 38 - 46 EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: Amphibian Wasserabweisend 2.4 - 2.6 mm Innenfutter: Gore Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Sohle: Rottefella NNN BC Verschlusssystem: Klassische Schnürung sowie Klettverschluss CSF Tecnologie: ABSS,DTL,CSF Bindungssystem: NNN BC Gewicht: 887 gr

Classic Fastener

IT |

Taglia: 36 - 48 (49) EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Anfibio Idrorepellente 2.4 - 2.6 mm Fodera: Gore-Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining Suola: Rottefella NNN BC Chiusura: Lacci Tecnologie: ABSS Peso: 860gr

Gore Tex®

EN | Size: 36 - 48 (49) EU Colour: Black Flex: Soft Upper: Water repellent Amphibious 2.4 - 2.6 mm Sole: Rottefella NNN BC Fastener: Laces Lining: Gore-Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining Technologies: ABSS Compatibility: NNN BC Weight: 860 gr

FR | Taille: 36 - 48 (49) EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tige: amphibie hydrofuge 2.4 - 2.6 mm Doublure: Gore-tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Semelle: Rottefella NNN BC Fermeture: Lacets Technologie: A.B.S.S. Poids: 860 gr


DE | Größe: 38 - 46 EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: Amphibian Wasserabweisend 2.4 - 2.6 mm Innenfutter: Gore Tex® Insulated Comfort Footwear Lining Sohle: Rottefella NNN BC Verschlusssystem: Klassische Schnürung CSF Tecnologie: A.B.S.S. Bindungssystem: NNN BC Gewicht: 860 gr



Nordland GTX

Top Expedition


cod. 0510509 Reinforced Gaiter

cod. 5512199

Classic on the CRISPI® Backcountry line, Nordland has an upper in full grain leather and a Gore-Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining. The rear bellow makes the ankle movement natural. Rottefella sole NNN BC.

Telealp Sole

Strap Available also with NNN BC sole

Back Bellow

IT |

Taglia: 36 - 48 EU Colore: Black Flessione: Morbida Tomaia: Pelle Pieno Fiore Fodera:Gore-Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining Suola: Rottefella NNN BC Chiusura: Lacci Compatibilità: NNN BC Peso: 729 gr

Side Support

EN | Size: 36 - 48 EU Colour: Black Flex: Soft Upper: Full Grain Leather Sole: Rottefella NNN BC Fastener: Laces Lining: Gore-Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining Compatibility: NNN BC Weight: 729 gr

FR | Taille: 36 - 48 EU Couleur: Black Flexion: Souple Tige: Cuir plein fleur Doublure: Gore-tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining Semelle: Rottefella NNN BC Fermeture: Lacets Compatibilité: NNN BC Poids: 729 gr


DE | Größe: 38 - 46 EU Farbe: Black Flex: Weich Obermaterial: Vollnarbiges Leder Innenfutter: Gore Tex® Extended Comfort Footwear Lining Sohle: Rottefella NNN BC Verschlusssystem: Klassische Schnürung Bindungssystem: NNN BC Gewicht: 729 gr

IT |

Taglia: 6 - 11 UK Colore: Black - Yellow Flessione: Morbida Scafo: Poliestere laminato con EVA Ghetta: Cordura® rinforzata con fibra Aramidica. Suola: CRISPI® Vibram® Telealp. Chiusura: Velcro + Zip Scarpetta: Poliestere laminato con EVA Compatibilità: 75 mm Peso: 1390 gr

EN | Size: 6.0 - 11 UK Colour: Black - Yellow Flex: Soft Shell: Polyester Laminated to E.V.A. Gaiter: Cordura® reinforced with Aramidica Fiber Sole: CRISPI® Vibram® Telealp 75mm Fastener : Velcro + Zip Innerboot: Polyester Laminated to E.V.A. Compatibility: 75 mm Weight: 1390 gr

FR | Taille: 6 - 11 UK Couleur: Black - Yellow Flexion: Souple Coque: Polyester laminée à EVA Guêtre: Cordura® renforcée avec fibre aramidique. Semelle: CRISPI® Vibram® Telealp Fermeture: Velcro+ zip Chausson: Polyester laminée à EVA Compatibilité: 75 mm Poids: 1390 gr

DE | Größe: 6 - 11 UK Farbe: Black - Yellow Flex: Weich Schale: Polyester beschichtet mit EVA Schneefang: Cordura® mit AramidFasern verstärkt Sohle: CRISPI® Vibram® Telealp Verschlusssystem: Klett- und Reißverschluss Innenschuh: Polyester beschichtet mit EVA Bindungssystem: 75 mm Gewicht 1390 gr




Bc Tiur

• Self-molding material: it adapts to the anatomy of the foot of the skiers with improvement of the comfort and increase the performance. • overlapping construction, for easy in and easy out fitting • 4 density internal foam - 1 layer of soft open-cells foam - Mid layer of soft moldable foam - External layer of supported moldable foam - Reinforced tongue and cuff for better support. • heel inserts for better fitting. • available neoprene toe box for toe customizing.

Aero Thermo Liner cod. 9090698

cod. 5512099

Upper in water repellent leather wrapped on a special Cordura® gaiter thermo welded on the upper. Excellent climatic comfort thanks to the first quality materials used on its construction. Rottefella sole NNN BC.


IT |

Taglia: 38 - 47 Colore: Black Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Ghetta: Cordura® idrorepellente. Suola: Rottefella NNN BC Chiusura: Velcro + Zip + Lacci Compatibilità: NNN BC Peso: 930 gr


EN | Size: 38 - 47 Colour: Black Upper: Water repellent leather Gaiter: Water repellent Cordura® Sole: Rottefella NNN BC Fastener: Velcro + Zip + Laces Compatibility: NNN BC Weight: 930 gr

FR | Taille: 38 - 47 Couleur: Black Tige: Cuir traité hydrofuge Guêtre: Cordura® hydrofuge Semelle: Rottefella NNN BC Fermeture: Velcro + Zip + Lacets Compatibilité: NNN BC Poids: 930 gr

Sub-Tec Thermo Liner cod. 9090709 cod. 9090707 cod. 9090750

•• •

Synthesi Thermo Liner cod. 9090899

Traditional Liner cod. 5512598

E-Light Thermo Liner cod. 9090907 cod. 9090950

Dynamic Liner cod. 9090506

Dynamic Low cod. 9090406

Cordura Gaiter

DE | Größe: 38 - 47 Farbe: Black Shaft: Wasserabweisendes Leder Schneefang: Wasserabweisendes Cordura® Sohle: Rottefella NNN BC Verschlussystem: Velcro + Zip + Schnürung Bindungssystem: NNN BC Gewicht : 930 gr






Colour Version: Green And Black - Taglie / Sizes / Tailles: S/M L/XL IT • Materiale antibatterico e antimicotico ad alta permeabilità in polipropilene puro al 100% • Comfort elevato anche a basse temperature • Fibra elastica • Seamless (senza cuciture nei fianchi) • Rapida asciugatura grazie alla naturale idrorepellenza dei filati • Assemblati a cucitura piatta (non creano fastidiosi sfregamenti sulla pelle) EN • Antibacterial and antimycotic high permeable tissue in pure 100% polypropylene • High comfort even on cold temperatures • Elastic fibre • Seamless (at the hips) • Quick drying system thank to naturarl water repellent action of the material. • Flat seam assebled (to avoid the annoying friction with the skin) FR • Matériel antibactérien et anti-mycosique à haute perméabilité en polypropylène pure au 100% • Confort élevé aussi en conditions de climat froid • Fibre élastique • «Seamless» (sans cousu sur les hanches) • Séchage rapide grâce à la naturelle étanchéité du tissu. • Assemblé à piqûre plate (cela ne donne pas des fastidieux frottements sur la peau)


PRO 441441 SSF PRO Grey9006040 - Orange Cod.

SKILIGHT 43001 FW SKYLIGHT 43001 Cod. Black 9005899

green - beige - black primaloft 60% acrilico 16% polyamide 20% elastam 4%

grey - orange lana merinos 30% acrilico 30% polyamide 15% polipropilene 20% elastam 5%

black thermolite 60% acrilico 20% polyamide 15% elastam 5%

Green - Black Cod.- Beige 9006070

DE • Antibakterielles Material, vorbeugend gegen Hautpilzerkrankungen, extrem atmungsaktiv, 100%iges Polypropylen. • Hoher Tragekomfort auch bei niedrigen Temperaturen • Elastische Fasern • Nahtlos (keine Nähte an den Seiten) • Rasches Trocknen, dank der natürlich wasserabweisenden Fasern. • Durch die flachen Nähte werden unangenehme Abriebstellen auf der Haut vermieden.

EGO 662662 SFW EGO Green9006061 - Orange Cod.

GREEN OTC 42001 FW GREEN OTC 42001 Green - Melange Cod. 9015300

green - grey thermoelite 40% ego (seta e viscosa) 46% polyamide 10% elastam 4%

green - grey lana merinos 54% acrilico 33% polyamide 10% elastam 3%

Sizing Conversion Table Mondo point French English Cod. 9009111

Usa Men Usa Lady

Cod. 9009011

Cod. 9009421

CRISPI SPORT Srl Via Nome di Maria, 14 - 31010 Maser (TV) - Italy tel. +39 0423 524211 - fax +39 0423 524299 e-mail:


IT - CRISPI si riserva il diritto di modificare in ogni momento e senza preavviso i propri modelli al fine di migliorare la qualità e la funzionalità. EN - CRISPI reserves the right to change its models at any time and without prior notice in order to improve quality and functionality. FR - CRISPI se réserve le droit de modifier à tout moment et sans préavis ses modèles afin d’améliorer la qualité et la fonctionnalité. DE - CRISPI behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit und ohne Vorankündigung ihre Modelle zu verändern, zum Zweck der Verbesserung der Qualität und der Funktionalität. 01/2013 - 1000

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