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In this article I will be discussing how to improve your short game all the way from your iron shot to putting on the green. These tips will ensure you play to the best of your ability out there on the course.



The first step in producing a successful iron shot is knowing what club to choose. Each iron club is used pertaining to the distance the golfer is from the hole. Depending on each player, you must match your personal distance with each club with your distance from the hole. For example, I personally hit my 7 Iron around from 150-170 yards, so if I am within that range on the course, that is my club of choice. The next step in a successful iron shot is to line up your stance. The higher the number on the club, the more you want to place the ball even with the back half of your stance in order to provide loft to the shot. And vice versa for lower numbers; place the ball closer to the front of your stance. Since each club will provide you with a matched distance, you want to make sure you take a full swing no matter what club you have. Many beginner golfers make the mistake of shorting their swing if they are closer to the pin. However, if you have chosen the right club, there will be no need to do that.


If you are not an exceptional golfer, chances are you have not yet reached the green on your second shot. Chances are that your second shot ended up in the rough near the putting green. If this is the case, chipping is probably your best option for your third shot. There are multiple clubs with wchich golfers choose to chip their balls.The most common type of club is a pitching wedge or 52 Degree Wedge. The 52 Degree Wedge provides a bit more loft to your shot, but both clubs are very similar. Depending of your distance from the green, a chip shot should be swung light and with proper follow-through. Many golfers use punch chip shots, which are sometimes effective, but are inconsistent at times. You truly want to swing through the ball and finish through to give your chip shot maximum loft. Chipping is a very delicate type of golf shot because it is all dependent on the golfers touch. You don’t want to swing too hard or to light, in the end your speed of the club is up to the golfers own perspective.

Another type of chip shot commonly used in golf is the runner. The runner is a chip shot (usually used with the 8 Iron) where you have to bounce the ball far across the green. This club ensures that you won’t loft the ball that high, allowing the ball to run across the green toward the hole. This shot is for more experienced golfers, but can be very useful in certain situations out on the course.


Probably the most frustrating part of the game of golf, putting can turn your game around for better or worse. The first part of ensuring a good putter shot is to read your ball’s lie. This means read the greens angles and elevation to predict the path of the shot you are about to take. This is seen a lot when you watch pro golfers. They usually stand behind their ball to get a key for the shot. The next part of a great putter shot is the swing itself. Many beginner golfers bring their putter head back to far in their shot, causing them to lose the path that they lined up. The correct shot is to bring the head back slightly, then push your club through the ball in the path you want it to travel.

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