4 minute read
from August 2022
BACKROADS • AUGUST 2022 Page 37 seat and engines wearing the patina of age, acted like two-wheeled fashion models exhibiting the latest in retro motorcycle chic, proving good motorcycle design never feels out of style.
Castrol oil scented the air and the Triumph exhaust notes provided the soundtrack as owners rode some of their old machines around the fairground. The rally also featured an extensive swap meet for riders

Summertime kicks off family reunion time, and that tradition holds true for Triumph motorcyclists, too. June marks family get-together time for Triumph brand riders when the annual Triumph National Rally rolls into the Fire Company Fairgrounds in Oley, Pennsylvania.
This year’s event, held June 24th through the 26th, drew crowds once again, as riders came to ogle, compete, socialize, and reconnect, enjoying the common bond forged by an appreciation of the British motorcycle marque. In its highlighted Concours d’Elegance motorcycle show, old and new Triumphs, as well as Nortons, BSAs, Vincents, and more, vied for judging in categories ranging from new bikes to classic, racing, custom, and more, as well as best in show and people’s choice categories.
Green, berry, red, creamsicle orange, and sky blue…the multi- and candy-colored motorcycles, dressed in Triumph’s iconic and famous single- and two-toned paint schemes, sporting that iconic bench
Lake and Schroon Lake. We made a stop at the Star Trek Original Series Set tour in Ticonderoga as Brother Dave and Ed Straub had not been there. Well worth the visit if you are in any way a series fan. It now has William Shatner’s stamp of approval having made annual visits the past few years.
That evening we had dinner in Glens Falls and took our last stroll through Canada Street. The crowd was large but not enough to clog sidewalks. All manner of custom, vintage, sport, touring and ADV motorcycles were on hand with a few hot rods and muscle cars thrown in to make it more interesting. A robust crowd, but much smaller than peak years of a decade or so ago. Everyone we saw seemed to be in good spirits and having a good time.
All in all, Americade had to be deemed a success despite the lower turn out and lighter vendor presence. The crowds grew towards the weekend as they usually does. If you measure the event simply by what it was 10-15 years ago, you may have been disappointed. If you measure it by the yard stick of where things were two years ago, you would be more than satis ed. The event had all the essential Americade elements we know and look forward to each year plus a few new events. Will it ever be the same as it was in the mid 2000’s? Who knows, but like the song says, “it feels like I’ve been here before”. And that familiar late spring feeling we experience at our annual get together we know and love as Americade is still alive and has nowhere to go but up. See you on Canada Street next year. , ~ Tony Lisanti

looking for hard to nd parts and other memorabilia, and several speakers offered technical and educational programs. The fairgrounds, set amidst the charming town of Oley (near Reading, PA), provided paved parking and walking for guests and shady spots to escape the seasonal summer temperatures and enjoy the breezes of a perfect-weather weekend. Riders looking to camp can pitch a tent at the fairgrounds as well.
This year marked the rally’s 28th anniversary, according to organizer Al Hartman, who describes the event as “really about the people, the interesting people and the family-friendly camaraderie. Mostly everybody knows everybody.”
Triumph Motorcycles of America doesn’t offer support or have a presence at the event, but the rally does have sponsorships from throughout the United States and Canada. Hartman says the show usually receives about 120 motorcycle entries and about 1,500 people attend the rally every year, including riders from England and Canada.
Oley sits amidst lush, rolling farmland, off the beaten path, in the middle of some beautiful riding roads and scenic countryside, making getting there another reason to ride to the rally.
Hartman says the Triumph National Rally occurs every year during the last full weekend in June. For more information visit the website at www. triumphnationalrally.com. , ~ Pamela Collins