1 minute read
from May 2022

FREE WHEELIN’ ........................................ 3 WHATCHATHINKIN’................................... 4 ON THE MARK .......................................... 5 BACKLASH............................................... 6 THOUGHT FROM THE ROAD ..................... 8 INDUSTRY INFOBITES............................... 9 BIG CITY GETAWAY.................................12 GREAT ALL AMERICAN DINER RUN.........14 WE’RE OUTTA HERE ...............................16 MYSTERIOUS AMERICA ..........................18 INSIDE SCOOP .......................................20 WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE ....................48

NETTESHEIM BMW MUSEUM ..................22 SOUTHBOUND SOJOURN .......................25 OFF MY BUCKET LIST.............................38 ROCK-NOTCH-LOBSTER........................44
FIX-N-ZIP................................................11 KERSHAW FEDERALIST ..........................36 iXS SPORTS CARBON JACKET................36 SARGENT WSP SADDLE..........................37

25 22
Motorcycles, Travel & Adventure
Publishers Brian Rathjen • Shira Kamil Contributors Dan Bisbee, Mark Byers, Stephanie Feld, Lance Lamberton, Kristin Von Donop, Dr. Seymour O’Life Editorial Office BACKROADS, POB 620 Augusta, NJ 07822
phone 973.948.4176 fax 973.948.0823 email editor@backroadsusa.com online www.backroadsusa.com Advertising 973-948-4176
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BACKROADS (ISSN 1087-2088) is published monthly by BACKROADS™, Inc. 2022. All rights reserved. BACKROADS™ may not be reproduced in any manner without speci c written consent from the publisher. BACKROADS™ welcomes and encourages submissions (text and photos) and suggestions. Include phone number with submissions. BACKROADS™ will only return material with enclosed suf cient postage. The written articles and opinions printed in BACKROADS™ are not necessarily those of the publisher and should not be considered an endorsement. The Rip &Rides® published are ridden on the sole responsibilty of the rider. BACKROADS™ is not responsible for the conditions of the public roadways traversed. Please respect the environment, read your owner’s manual and wear proper protective gear and helmet. Ride within your limits, not over them.