5 minute read
from May 2022
Historic Canadian company Can-Am has announced it is returning to the two-wheel motorcycle market with a fresh range of electric on and offroad motorcycles.
A bold change of direction for the rm - owned by Bombardier Recreational Products - ahead of its 50th anniversary, Can-Am is best known for its ultrasuccessful dirt bike offerings of the 1970s and 80s that won numerous Motocross titles across North America.
Founded in 1971 by Bombardier - bestknown in a wider sense for its aviation and commercial jet business - Can-Am was wound down again by 1987 as the company focused on ATVs, snowmobiles and vehicles for military use, though it kept its hand in the motorcycle industry of sorts with the launch of the three-wheeled Spyder and Ryker roadster.
Now Can-Am is making a surprise comeback as a fully- edged motorcycle manufacturer specializing in electric power, con rming its intentions with a short clip that shows four new models, one dirt bike and three smaller models.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation elected board of cers. Croft Long of Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. was re-elected chairman; Jason Tolleson of Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc. was elected vice-chairman; and Chase Rastegar of Suzuki Motor USA, LLC was elected secretary/ treasurer. “As riding increases in popularity, our work with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation has never been more important,” Long said. “The MSF strives to help every motorcycle rider realize their full potential and ride Continue on Next Page
with another guy I worked with. I’ll never forget the day I crossed the Hudson River to get coffee in Woodstock.
During those early years I also joined Women on Wheels. I valued reading how women riders got started and about their adventures. My rst long distance trip was to an event at WoW member’s house in Vermont. I am not a camper and arranged to stay in her house. I wouldn’t have done that with a guy I never met. I felt safe showing up to the event and staying there.
I also read about Benka Pulko from Women on Wheels, the Slovenian Guinness World Record holder for longest solo motorcycle ride. I was a newbie and contacted her. We’ve ridden together and stayed in touch since. It mattered to me that she was the rst woman to ride a motorcycle through Saudi Arabia. She was pushing the boundaries.
When I started riding less than 10% of motorcyclists were women. A 2018 survey by the Motorcycle Industry Council reveals 20% of motorcycle riders are women. It still is a male dominated sport.
I’m curious, why does it bother you that women want to be with, learn from, and ride with other women? ~ Kristin Von Donop ,

their best. I look forward to continuing to work with staff and trustees to elevate the practice and awareness of motorcycle safety in order to save lives.” The MSF Baord also welcomed two new trustees. Ryan Stiles of Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Inc. was appointed to ll the seat vacated by longtime trustee, Paul Vitrano. Brandon Wilson of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. was appointed to ll the seat vacated by Robert Heilbron earlier this year.
The Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club is celebrating its 45th Anniversary this year. Founded in 1977, VJMC is the premier North American Club dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of vintage Japanese motorcycles (20 years old or older) and the promotion of the sport of motorcycling. The VJMC hallmark is “participation at all levels and to have fun” – for all motorcycle enthusiasts young and old. This year’s National Rally will take place in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, June 23rd - 26th . Pre-registration is required for all attendees.
Membership is $35 per year and includes a full-color 64+ page magazine printed six times per year, rides, rallies and shows at local, regional, and national events. The VJMC has over 3,300 members and is a totally volunteer-based, nonpro t Club.
Tom Kolenko, President of VJMC: “This club has been successful for 45 years because it brings people and vintage Japanese bikes together for fun, friendship, and new riding experiences. We have a great vintage community that celebrates the past while riding into the future.”
For more information visit www.vjmc.org or call (763) 420-7829.

Rhode Island has just had a 2022 budget proposal that could potentially provide a “sales tax exemption for the trade-in value of motorcycles.”
Governor Daniel McKee‘s proposed 2022 budget, H 7123, includes motorcycle tax cuts used strictly for pleasure purposes; (67) Trade-in value of motorcycles.
“From the sale and from the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of so much of the purchase price paid for a new or used motorcycle as is allocated for a trade-in allowance on the motorcycle of the buyer given in trade to the seller, or of the proceeds applicable only to the motorcycle as are received from the manufacturer of motorcycles for the repurchase of the motorcycle whether the repurchase was voluntary or not towards the purchase of a new or used motorcycle by the buyer.”
Gov. McKee‘s proposed tax break would only apply to the trade-in value of a bike, or reselling bikes in general, and could be a great way to get new riders on R.I. roads.
A recent new-and returning-model announcement from Honda is a reminder of the remarkable array of two-wheel products the company produces. Covered in the reveal are no fewer than 12 models from ve different categories including sport, miniMOTO, dual sport, scooter and trials – not to mention the side-by-side models that were unveiled separately today. Headlining the announcement is the legendary CBR1000RRR Fireblade SP, which in 2022 adopts important new performance upgrades to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Fireblade’s original Next Page