September 2016

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W H A T ’ S




FREE WHEELIN’ ..................................................4 WHATCHATHINKIN’ ...........................................5 POSTCARDS FROM THE HEDGE.......................6 ON THE MARK ....................................................7 BACKLASH..........................................................8 INDUSTRY INFOBITES .....................................11 WE’RE OUTTA HERE ........................................14 BIG CITY GETAWAY .........................................16 GREAT ALL AMERICAN DINER RUN ..............18 MYSTERIOUS AMERICA..................................20 INSIDE SCOOP .................................................22 WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE ............................44 UPCOMING EVENTS CALENDAR ...................47


Motorcycles, Travel & Adventure

Brian Rathjen • Shira Kamil


Mark Byers, Bill Heald, Tom Larson, Steve Smith Mike Stackhouse, Dr. Seymour O’Life

Editorial Office BACKROADS, POB 317 Branchville NJ 07826


PR O DU C T S P OT L I G HT S A VICTORY AND TWO CHIEFS ........................36 GIVI METRO T LINE..........................................36 NATIONAL CYCLE VSTREAM SCREENS........37 AEROSTICH TEES ............................................39 ROK STRAPS....................................................39 VESSEL MEGA DORA IMPACTA.....................40











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BACKROADS (ISSN 1087-2088) is published monthly by BACKROADS™, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved. BACKROADS™ may not be reproduced in any manner without specific written consent from the publisher. BACKROADS™ welcomes and encourages submissions (text and photos) and suggestions. Include phone number with submissions. BACKROADS™ will only return material with enclosed sufficient postage. The written articles and opinions printed in BACKROADS™ are not necessarily those of the publisher and should not be considered an endorsement. The Rip & Rides® published are ridden on the sole responsibilty of the rider. BACKROADS™ is not responsible for the conditions of the public roadways traversed. Please respect the environment, read your owner’s manual and wear proper protective gear and helmet. Ride within your limits, not over them.

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Personally, I think gals look just great in an Aerostich suit. That being said I had an eye rolling moment when a bunch of FaceBook BRIAN RATHJEN threads were shown to me with the concerned conversation being about a recent cover of a German enthusiasts’ publication. Let me state right here – I am a member of this club and I think these peoZero Tolerance ple do an excellent job each month and I enjoy every issue. I rarely comment on other motorcycle The problem arose with a recent issue that featured a woman on the cover publications and many years back I sub– again. scribed to them all and would read every They had a gal on their cover a few months back, but the general thread one cover to cover. was about the latest which portrayed a young woman in ”mod” clothes astride I was a motorcycle enthusiast way before Backroads was ever born. an older custom BMW. These days my monthly gathering of motorcycle mags has whittled down It was a great shot; Cute in every way and really not sexist or adult at all to just a few that I really like. Understandably these are all a bit like Back– at least to me. She looked like a happy and cool woman astride a cool ride. roads in content and flavor. Give me real life stories End of story. But, nooooo. of travel and adventure any day. I don’t need to know The PC/feminist comments started on FaceBook the t might be a judgment call at that the latest shootout showed Bike Y is .00001 day we got our copy. To their credit most of the replies times to say that something is miles quicker than Bike Z or pictures of wheelie ridto these angry posts were light hearted and reasonable. acceptable or not. Let’s lighten The overall flavor was to “lighten up” and that the ing and knee draggin’ riders on public roads, alup and be reasonable here. though I appreciate the talent, they appeal to me not cover was a happy and motorcycle positive image. from a consumer point of view. Looking at it now I am thinking her get-up looked Other images make me wonder too. like something my friends 10 year-old daughters would be wearing . This One thing that we have tried to do in Backroads over the years is break was not the SI Swimsuit issue. away from the misogynistic sort of images that can be found occasionally in So here is my thought…. some magazine and plague others. When did we cross this line of reason? When did this Zero Tolerance come While most OEMs and many industry members have long ago walked about? Maybe it is hard to find the line between fun and the inappropriate. away from these images and have sincerely tried to bring women into the I talk to women in the industry all the time and the general thought is that fold as riders and not objects, some in the after market still feel that they pictures depicting women, simply for their boobs, butts and legs, have no need to use T & A to sell a motorcycle product. place in today’s market. Yes, we’re guilty too, as we have had our share of questionable ads on ocThey certainly don’t help bring women into the riding community and casion and we often wonder why some ads are chosen and paid for by adsome of these portrayals seriously piss off the ones that are already here. vertisers. I cannot be the only male that thinks that the Umbrella Girls on the MoBut, some of the images featuring females we have found in other, espetoGP Grid can go away. If I wanted tush I could go to another cable channel. cially local, publications have nothing to do with riding and everything in As far as images of humans go – both female and male – we have to realize portraying women in a very dated manner. (Continued on next page)





Tell Me SoMeThing good Just the other day, or week, or last month it happens so often I lose track of time – I was someplace with my motorcycle or talking with someone about riding. This other person involved in the conversation was not a rider, and probably had never ridden or been a passenger in their lives. Of course, the first thing out of their mouth was, ‘My cousin/neighbor/bestfriend/insert relation was hit /scared /killed by a motorcycle.’ Not wanting to do the first thing that enters my mind and just walk away, I listen for a minute and ask if they ever had any positive impression of motorcycling. None comes to mind, so I respond with my usual, ‘I suppose you could slip in the shower and hurt yourself – would that turn you away from showering?’ I take the cue from their perplexed look and, then, walk away. I’m sure that every one of us who ride has had these incidents. With the advent of viral videos and 24-hour news, the portrayal of ‘manic motorcycling’ and ridiculous imagery just adds to the negativity motorcycles receive. As Bill Heald says in his column this month, there are myriads of blogs, websites and online columns dedicated to anything you may want to find relating to motorcycles. I read a few, but limit that reading to the positive aspect of the sport. Being a rider, that is what I want to reinforce in my mind before and after I throw a leg over my saddle. Putting negative notions and disturbing scenes in my head might only serve to distract me from the joy and love of riding that I feel. I already have enough day-to-day bullshit that filters in while on the bike to do that. In fact, one of the reasons I enjoy riding so much is that it gives me ‘alone time’ to filter through those thoughts, sort through various problems and, sometimes, relate them to the words that end up on this page. I wonder if other people get the same reaction to their sports and hobbies? Do you think that when a soccer player shows up at a Starbucks in uniform anyone approaches them and says, ‘I know someone who died due to soccer.’? Does a kite-flyer, just back from a joyous day of beach kiting, engage with someone who says, ‘Oh my goodness, those things are so dangerous. How can you be around them?’ I know this sounds ridiculous, and if you are reading this you, most likely, are a rider and know the risks you take while enjoying two-wheels. Yes, we are responsible for our actions and I know that I do as much as I possibly can to limit those risks – full gear, riding classes of all types, clear head while on the motorcycle – but it definitely doesn’t help to hear these Negative Nancys and Debbie Downers who have never felt the exhilaration and thrill of the ride. Free Wheelin’

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that featuring guys and gals with motorcycles is the nature of the beast, but we need to know when to pass on a picture and when to simply be quiet and enjoy a happy image. We need not carpet bomb a motorcycle magazine for publishing an image that does not fit the norm. It might be a judgment call at times to say that something is acceptable or not. Let’s lighten up and be reasonable here. To paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart – I cannot say when an image has crossed the line exactly. But, I know it when I see it!

Page 5 What does help me to think that there’s hope is when I pull in someplace with my motorcycle or talk with someone about riding and their eyes light up, a smile comes to their face, and they relate a wonderful story about the first time they were on a motorcycle, the great trip they were able to take or the bikes that they used to ride ‘back in the day.’ There have been more of these, thankfully, than the opposite. I could listen for quite some time, and have, to someone with more years than me relating their past riding experiences and how it used to be. The trips they would take ‘before the tourists got there’ and the paths they discovered because they were on a motorcycle. No matter what kind of schedule I may have while on a ride, if someone is interested – positively – in my motorcycle or where I’ve been or am going, I will stop and take the time to talk with them, because you never know; that may be the impetus for that person to take to riding. And, as we’ve said before, new riders are a good thing. There are those who do ride that have this doom and gloom attitude as well. I’ve talked to several riders who dwell on all the bad things that may happen to them rather than enjoying the ride. They’ll talk about the rain, the weather and all the safety equipment they’ve added to their bikes (a good thing). They take safety riding classes (also a good thing) and refresher courses. What they don’t do is get on their bikes and RIDE. It’s not (Continued on page 10)

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wristwatches or donut franchises. It’s troublesome because I feel like people are becoming shadow marketers for the brands they like, and while this has always been out there well before the internet sent its first bit o’ data to mulBILL HEALD tiple parties, it has never been expressed out in the open the way it is now. We’ve all known that Harley-Davidson has had the kind of brand loyalty My Bike’S BeTTer, and you’re an idioT most corporations would sell their grannies for, and I want to make it clear As (apparently) there is some sort of election there’s nothing wrong in the least in having a strong affection for a brand or or lottery or mega bingo tournament approaching particular bike. Shoot, it’s part of the joy of the machine, and can bring people soon, I think it’s a good time to talk about tribaltogether who share the passion. But man, some folks get so deep into the ism. Some individuals like to think that loyalty to nameplate that they get downright hostile if you point out the motorcycle one’s tribe is a thing limited to primitive cultures, but I think most of us know they worship may actually be less than perfect. You’ve probably witnessed nothing could be farther from the truth. If anything, I think the instant comsome rather rank arguments among enthusiasts online, and unfortunately munication, always-in-touch nature of the internet has brought out (and fed) there’s rarely somebody there to yell BACK AWAY FROM THE KEYas much tribalism as it has new insights into people in different countries, BOARD before things get ridiculous. cultures, etc. Despite what should be a new Having opinions is fine, but we live in an age era of understanding and tolerance, people hen you have a deep abiding in- where people feel free to get all caustic when their seem to be more opinionated than ever. Natuterest in something and then positions, views or facts are contradicted. Arguments rally, that’s really not true. They’re just as some dink starts spreading ensue. What’s a person to do? Hold your tongue at all opinionated as they’ve always been but now porky pies (that’s lies in British times? Avoid any online forums altogether? There’s they have the means of sharing their viewrhyming slang) you get involved. bound to be something more useful to do with your points with the world, and fortifying their betime, like, I don’t know. . . go for a ride for example? liefs by associating with like-minded people that echo these opinions and I’ve always believed that there are certain things in your life that you keep even take them further in the same direction. Shoot, in the motorcycling “clean,” that is you try to keep them in an area where you just enjoy them world alone there are forums, YouTube channels and of course social media and you don’t drag them into other areas of conflict if at all possible. Motorthat cater to brands, riding styles, racing, etc. cycles have always had the mysterious power of putting me in a good place This is useful stuff, yes? Of course it is. Resources are lovely things, and when I’m riding, even when the weather is wretched and the road is crap. I if you can tap into other riders experiences, get amazing advice and learn of endangered this isolated island of peace when I started writing about motorthe best roads, places to stay, things to avoid, best dealers, etc. it is a fantastic cycles and touring back in the last century, but I’ve somehow managed to time to be alive and have all this literally at your fingertips. But, I have a keep the slings and arrows of the world of journalism, advertising, editorial problem with this new interweb of chat that technology has given us. I may discomfort and other threats from spoiling the riding experience. well sound like a curmudgeonly, stubborn, anti-social lone-wolf old fart of a Yet now, with this whole internet thing, there are all sorts of places where motorcyclist (and all these terms are on the money), but I am as disturbed by the temptation of getting information from countless riders on everything the bad information and tribal alliances as I am impressed with the scope of from reliability of a certain transmission to diner reviews is too great. It pulls instant information you can readily find online. What’s really wild to me is you in like a tractor beam, and before you know it you’re arguing with some the extreme version of brand loyalty that permeates the world of online comguy in London about the firing order of Honda’s various V4s. When you have munication, and this is evident whether the brand is a beer, Dual Sports, (Continued on page 10)





rainy day PeoPle It was raining in Louisville – a hard, wind-whipped rain that wetted the bike even though it was under the awning of the hotel. I dragged my feet getting ready, eating a leisurely breakfast and slowly packing my gear in the vain hope it would pass, but to no avail. I was between the rock of the rain and the hard place of a six-hundred-plus mile ride that had to be done. The radar displayed creeping green and yellow bands of wetness, so I resigned myself to it. I don’t really mind riding in the rain: I’ve got the gear for it. In the summer, it keeps the heat down and I like the smell of it and the hiss of the tires on the tarmac as they leave telltale tracks on the moist highway. I don’t even mind the little rivulets of water that run down the inside of my visor when I crack it to alleviate the misting from my breath. “It is what it is” becomes my mantra. The hardest thing is getting my gloves tucked inside the sleeves of my rain jacket so the gauntlets don’t collect water and funnel it down to my fingers. That’s the thing about wind-driven water: if you miss any aperture, the rain will inexorably creep in and announce itself as a cool worm that coils around whatever space it invades. My vulnerability is the zipper of my Darien pants: a pool of water invariably collects on the seat in that vicinity. It usually isn’t long before the telltale coolness invades my nether regions. Even so, once I’ve placed myself inside the nylon sausage casing that is my rain jacket, I’m anxious to get underway. I like the light of a rainy day and the way the highway glistens like a river of glass, decorated with the shimmers of car lights. Sometimes I’ll make a game of following the wheel tracks of the cars so my tires don’t have to do all the squeegee work, but I usually try to find a space in the traffic where I can be alone with my rain and my thoughts.



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Page 7 This time, I tried to remember all the rain songs I could. Since I was in Kentucky, Elvis’ “Cold Kentucky Rain” came quickly to mind, closely followed by Gordon Lightfoot’s “Rainy Day People.” For a while, I struggled to remember the lyrics, but I finally pulled Ronnie Milsap’s “Smokey Mountain Rain” from my mental archives. “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” arose, but I’m not a big fan of it. I laughingly remembered what David Allen Coe called “The Perfect Country and Western Song,” titled “You Never Even Called Me By My Name.” The pertinent rain lyrics are: “Well I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison And I went to pick her up in the rain But before I could get to the station in a pickup truck She got run’d over by a damned old train” After 200 miles, the rain abated and I stopped for gas, shedding my jacket like a snake sheds skin. I ate lunch and, after much dithering and prognosticating and consideration of weather sites, I elected to stow the rain gear and continue unadorned. For the next 400 miles, I played hide-and-seek with the rain, sometimes encountering wet roads, but never getting more than a sprinkle. My speed must have matched that of the front, because I always seemed to be keeping pace with the trailing edge of it. Eventually, I caught it and twenty miles from home, once again I sausage-skinned myself into the jacket and gloves for the denouement of the trip. Perversely, as I turned into the neighborhood, the streets were almost dry. In the final mile to home, I deliberately steered through a puddle that collects in a low spot like a kid who jumps in puddles just to be a kid. It wasn’t like I was going to get the bike dirty – it was already festooned with over six hundred miles of wet-road grime. As I put the bike in the garage and shed my damp outerwear, I realized that not only was I dry underneath, but that I was surprisingly not that fatigued. The rain had kept the July 4th temperatures down and the hiss of the highway had calmed any turbulence in my head. I shouldn’t have been surprised, for as Lightfoot said, “Rainy day people all know how it hangs on a peace of mind.”

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BACKLASH Dear Shira and Brian, I truly am more impressed, as it seems with every issue, the quality of the writing that you guys do continues. The travel articles, and Shira’s ice cream runs, are special. Don’t know how you do it - I loathe just “cutting and pasting” our newsletter each month. Hope all is well - my best, Phil levin - New Sweden BMW Riders P.S. In one of your pictures a member of our clubs K1600GT is clearly shown, I told him about it and he instantly subscribed... Good morning Backroads, Made it on the cover of the “Rolling Stone” welllllll almost ;-) Brian …..again a great editorial. Shira’s story sounded like Kathy could have written it. I can see that “I do not want to be a feminist” coming through like Kathy, she just wants to ride and just happens to be a woman. Bill’s in our world also. Just sent off my beloved 1997 TL1000S, the closest thing to my 900SS I had ever ridden - 19 years!! Sad sad, but happy happy. BUT I think it’s going to a great new home in Hawaii. My RT is JUST GERMAN and you know how that is somehow. Mark Byer’s is always fun. We have ridden and worked races for many years at bicycle events - Kathy and I are Moto Marshal wannabes but still help out a lot when needed. So what’s the point? How close we all are in this world - paths cross, stories are alike, we are all in it together! richard Battles - RKA Luggage Brian, That is one terrific photo of you on the Honda Africa Twin! Well done! Another great issue all the way around. Will I see you guys in CLASS at VIR in October? Hello to Shira! Stay safe! larry

Letters to the Editor Backroads, Just got the August edition today. First of all, love the mag and check will be in the mail soon for another year’s subscription. When reading Shira’s “Whatchathinkin” concerning the introduction of young riders to the awesome world of motorcycling, I thought of my own situation long ago. I purchased a CRV child restraint belt system for my children. My daughter started riding with me at age two and a half ~ on the road. That was about 25 years ago. We rode for hours at a time on occasion. It had a six-point harness for the child and a large ‘it ain’t coming off easily from me’ belt. A child does not have the strength to hold on to the rider in situations such as emergency quick lane changes, fast accelerations from a traffic light if an auto is fast approaching from behind and the light just turned green or other situations. We experienced these, but with the harness, I didn’t worry about my precious passenger having to holding on. I do not see CRV listed on the web, but, did find Motogrip and Motogrip Jr as well as a BackRider belt that seems similar. Just a thought I felt I should share. Peace of mind for sure. Ride safe, ride often and ride as long as you can. randal Whitehead Randal, Glad to here you have been able to share your love of riding with your children. We have found, with our own young ones, that it was best to wait for them to be large and mature enough to fit reach the footpegs and be aware of what they were actually doing. Many of these belts help the child hold on firmer and be more comfortable.

Bucket list Brian & Shira, I just got my monthly issue of Backroads. Great article about the North Fork, wish l had known you were coming out this way, we live in Huntington. l really know what you mean about a “bucket list”.

BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 Gigi says mine never gets shorter, because l keep adding as they get checked off. Bucket list: ride in Uganda and visit the gorilla sanctuary, ride in Romania, ride in northern Greece (Macedonia) and visit Phillip’s grave, couple of places in Turkey l want to see, ride in Scotland and Ireland, haven’t been to northwest Spain yet; the Dolomites would be nice; go see the big brown bears in the northwest in the fall when they are fishing in the streams, visit Machu Picchu, ride in Chile… l’ll think of others. Jerry Foster-Julian

August’s Letter of the Month Hi Brian and Shira I read the letter from Chris Lawrence and please do not change anything in Backroads. We find it very informative just the way it is. I am 78 and have been riding all of my life and I learn so much from your magazine. Some of the places I have been to and some I will visit, some I will not get to see but enjoy reading about them. I look forward to getting my copy; it is the best read. We ride different types of rides and we look for riding partners that like our type of riding. When I was younger I did enduro riding, now I do street riding. I do not care what type of riding you do just enjoy it and respect other riders. Chris, if you are reading this, you are in America; you do not have to read anything you do not want but do not stop us from reading it. I suggest you spend money and get a magazine that will not have any local information. Bob hartpence Brian, I’d like to buy a gift subscription for angry KLR man in CT. What do you think? ;-) In the meantime it’s a beautiful summer day in NH. Shortly I am gearing and gassing the mighty DR650 and heading out for some pavement and gravel. Jeff adam

Page 9 Dear Backroads, I couldn’t help being a bit taken back by Chris Lawrence’s letter to you last month. So I say: Thank gd for Backroads!! While I subscribe to 6 other motorcycle publications, yours is the only one loaded with all kinds of places and roads to explore, usually within 4 or 5 hours from my home. You suggest where to eat, where to sleep (almost never chains) and what new roads to try that I may have overlooked. Advertising? Love it. How else am I going to get such a big and little picture of what is available to me about All Things pertaining to motorcycling. You and your most excellent columnists’ regional perspectives are simply unavailable in any other publication. Throw in your photos and the overall personality of Backroads and I say WINNER! I love your magazine and in these times of everything on an electronic device it is a pleasure to hold Backroads in my hands and simply enjoy. THANK YOU SHIRA AND BRIAN!!! helene darvick

Kudos to Shira’s Ice Cream Ride and Cow’s Brow Winning Flavor via Facebook Brian and Shira, Just wanted to say thank you again for the National Ice Cream ride . We both had a good time with nice roads, great people, and also a great souvenir stamp. It was a good way to start the day with ice cream especially how hot it got. We got home and couldn’t wait to take a cool shower. Sorry we couldn’t make the next ice cream stop but I’m sure it was refreshing and delicious.

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FYI, the bakery store in Saratoga Springs is Mrs. London’s, right on Broadway which has delicious pastries and almond croissants to die for but you can be the judge if you decide and try them. Here is the website if you are interested; Regards and safe riding, Jack and Jean Jack and Jean, So glad you joined our National Ice Cream Day Ride and thanks for the suggestions for our stop during our Fall Fiesta in September. I’m sure there will be many folks who will enjoy it. Frank Susca: As an ice cream aficionado I think this is tremendous! Congrats Shira. Wish I had time to hit all the places you’ve reviewed!


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enough to have a motorcycle, the knowledge and the gear – it’s riding EXPERIENCE that will make you a better and safer motorcyclist and give you the tools to be safer on the open road with the wackjob drivers out there. If you are reading this and you are not a motorcyclist, here are a few things that will help when speaking to a rider: Please don’t bring up horror stories. We’ve heard them all and it doesn’t change what has happened or how you feel. Don’t ever start a sentence with, ‘I knew this person…’ Whether the rest of it is good or bad, we will have already tuned you out. Be positive. Mothers for generations have always said, ‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.’ Instead of telling someone who rides a motorcycle how dangerous it is, look twice before switching lanes, making turns or pulling out of a driveway; stay on your side of the road, especially in corners; don’t follow too closely; keep your eyes on the road and off your cell phones – THIS IS TRULY LIFE OR DEATH. I love talking to people, but if you are going to talk motorcycles, tell me something good. It will make the day that much better.

robin Seidel: What a fabulous combo! Will they serve it there or is it something you made up for them? Jilly leigh: Do you get a lifetime supply?? Jenny Shotwell: Wahoo double win my friends flavor my cousin’s business

Got something to say? We’d love to hear it. Letters may be edited, never censored, to fit.

PoSTcardS FroM The hedge

BACKROADS POB 317 Branchville, NJ 07826

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a deep abiding interest in something and then some dink starts spreading porky pies (that’s lies in British rhyming slang) you get involved. Engaged. Belligerent. Obnoxious. Etc. So the trick here is to not get too emotional, and learn to just let things go lest you mess with your bliss zone. It ultimately comes down to discipline, just like what James Bond told himself when Tilly Masterson nearly ran his Aston Martin off the road with her Mustang in Goldfinger. Especially heinous are arguments about brands, and the bare-knuckled loyalty that this often entails. Defend the Tribe. Destroy the Heretic. Oh, and always get in the last word. This way lies folly, destruction and madness. Avoid this behavior. Just walk away. Wait a minute: Did I just write a column to myself? Am I the one who’s been doing battle with people on the interwebs over ludicrous loyalties and opinions? Wow. I’m so embarrassed. I’m mad at the world I’ve help create, and criticizing my own behavior. Perhaps I should go for a ride, and discuss this with myself. No, keep the ride, ignore the discussion. That’s where I went astray to begin with. I Blame GPS.


I ND U ST RY INFOBITES LITTLE FREE LIBRARY OPENS AT CHATTERBOX IN AUGUSTA, NJ Good things take a long time and so it was with the Little Free Library that can now be found at the entrance to the Chatterbox Drive-In on Route 15 & 206 in Augusta, New Jersey. Last year our Backroads 200 Road Tour, covering exactly 200 miles of great roadway in three states, started and finished at the Chatterbox and now Don Hall, the owner, has been kind enough to put up the Little Free Library that was purchased with the 200’s proceeds. For those of you who do not know of the Chatterbox, you should, and drop by any time you are in the northwest New Jersey region, or better yet on any warm Thursday evening for one of the finest Bike Nights in the state. The library itself was hand-built by the Amish and took months to arrive. We were more than impressed with how well it is built and how big it is. Not even Erik Zoolander can say that it is too small for the children. Speaking of which, the lower level is for younger children’s book and the top shelf for the older kid’s (us) novels and such. If you have a book or need a book please drop by, drop off or peruse to see if there is a book for you. Remember Mr. Happy says “Read on!”

AIMEXPO DEALER REGISTRATIONS UP FOR 2016 SHOW Thru the last week of July, dealer registrations for this October’s American International Motorcycle Expo are up sharply for the same period last year, pacing at a 30 percent increase. Larry Little at AIMExpo, said: “Following last year’s show and listening to the exhibitor community, we knew our number one mission for 2016 was to increase dealer attendance. So shortly after the event, following a review of key data, we shifted our 2016 marketing approach to make increasing dealer turnout the absolute highest priority. We believe we’re seeing the initial results of better communicating the value of the AIMExpo proposition for dealers, which include learning better business practices through the seminars, networking with other dealers and industry contacts, and of course, seeing and learning about all the new products that will contribute to a dealership’s 2017 profitability.”

BIKERS ARE MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN DRIVERS The results of a new research study in England finally validate what we all know to be true: motorcycle riders are more attractive than car drivers. The study, by U.K. insurance specialists Carole Nash, asked over 1000 adults to rate the looks of the opposite sex when dressed in normal attire and riding kit. The aim of the experiment was to try and change perceptions of motorcyclists and overturn any negative stereotypes. In five out of six cases, members of the public dressed as motorcyclists were voted as more desirable than when dressed as drivers. It’s not just levels of attractiveness which came out in the bikers’ favor, because riders are also seen to have more positive personality traits - people who own a motorcycle are viewed as adventurous by a third of the opposite sex (34%), closely followed by daring (28%) and fun (26%). The research also revealed that “one in four blokes would pretend they owned a motorbike to impress a woman and almost a third (31%) said they’d go the whole way and learn to ride one if they knew it would impress a potential partner.”

REGISTERING “AUTOCYCLES” AS MOTORCYCLES IN NEW JERSEY; VETO S-1155 Despite lobbying efforts launched by ABATE of the Garden State, the New Jersey state Senate and Assembly disregarded input from motorcyclists and approved

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News from the Inside

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a bill that will register so-called “Autocycles” (typically a 3-wheeled vehicle with a steering wheel and cockpit) as motorcycles. As states across the country legislatively define Autocycles as a separate class of vehicle, and similar federal regulations loom, Trenton bucks the trend. “Both Houses have approved a version that will register Autocycles as Motorcycles,” writes ABATE of the Garden State in an e-mail request for legislative action, further disseminated through the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) to NCOM Member Groups; “The only hope is to convince the Governor that this is an inappropriate action so that he vetoes the bill.”

FIRST OF ITS KIND ON LONG ISLAND – BAMS UNIVERSITY A new, unique approach to on-road motorcycle training and education. BAMS University, presented by the award-winning Big Apple Motorcycle School, combines classroom time with on-the-road instruction for a positive one-day experience. Each BAMS University course includes: 2 1/2 hours of classroom 2 1/2 hours of on-road instruction The focus of these courses is to improve rider safety by focusing on cornering and street skills. There are two courses available: The first course offered is Cornering Finesse, which concentrates on skills with emphasis on improving cornering ability, corner setup techniques and smoothness, crash avoidance techniques, street skills and on-road riding. This course is limited to six and will be taught by BAMS co-owner, George Tranos, assisted by BAMS founder Diane Ortiz. This class is offered in the following levels: Experienced Riders – those comfortable cornering at moderate speeds but may need some practice before attempting very twisty or challenging roads. New Riders or those with limited experience – those who still feel unsure in moderate curves or feel they need to slow down for the corners.

Date: Saturday, September 3, 2016 – 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM The second course is called Getting to the next level of riding – for ladies only! This will be a general review of riding techniques geared to women who want to increase their skill and confidence on their motorcycle. The goal is to improve basic skills learn the nuances of group riding and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with meeting other women riders. Date: – Saturday, September 10, 2016 – 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM All courses include a 3-to-1 Student to Coach ratio, moderate speed riding and real world conditions, coaching on lane position, body position, cornering techniques and crash avoidance strategies. Online registration and more details are available at

INSIDE SCOOP’S SHIRA KAMIL CREATES AWARD WINNING ICE CREAM FLAVOR Continuing on the heels of her monthly ice cream shop reviews found in each issue of Backroads, our intrepid, and yet somehow still curvaceous, reporter has added to her ice cream gravitas by having her flavor chosen to be created by master ice cream creator Jake Hunt of Windy Brow Farms in Fredon, New Jersey. Selected from dozens of entries leading up to the Windy Brow Farms annual Ice Cream Festival – held this year on July 10th – Backroads own ice cream aficionado’s winning combination was named Dark & Windy and was a delicious mixture of dark chocolate orange, with rum candied ginger and orange zest. It seems that not only can Shira ferret out the neatest ice cream shops, she can get creative with the top dogs of the industry too. Congratulations Shira!

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THE EVOLUTION OF GIVI USA: 20 YEARS IN THE MAKING This month GIVI USA Inc. celebrates 20 years of bringing great riding products to the USA. GIVI would like to say “Thanks for the Ride” to all their dealers and customers.

1996 to 2016 has seen many changes; growth, dynamics, technology & riding needs. From the basic designed polypropylene scooter topcases and highway panniers of 1996, to stylish and sturdy aluminum adventure touring systems of 2016. Their products have evolved through the last 20 years along with your riding needs ... Does anyone remember the E40 topcase with built in backrest, and the rugged E36 side cases (now a classic in style)? They evolved into the luxurious V56 GIVI flagship case, with all the bells and whistles, the largest motorcycle top trunk yet to be molded and produced by GIVI, and the impressive adventure touring OBK Outback series; by way of the TRK Trekker series (part polypropylene, part aluminum!) Back in 1996 their catalog offered just 10 case solutions, 1 sport tank bag (in 3 different colors), 3 kinds of mounting hardware (rugged but unique), and 3 lines of windshields. Fast forward to 2016. The 2016 catalog now offers at least 28 case styles and sizes, in both polypropylene and aluminum construction7 ranges of soft luggage (with an

Page 13 average of 6 products per range) plus an extensive list of replacement and universal windshields It has been a great development which has taken the GIVI USA distribution from its origin of 9,000 sq ft in Charlotte NC to 41,000 sq ft expansion across the country into Reno NV. ‘Thanks again to all our customers and dealers, we hope for another 20 great years in the making, and appreciate you being part of our journey.’

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Bergen County Harley-Davidson Presents


a weekend destination keeping you on the backroads

race Brook lodge 864 S UNDERMOUNTAIN RD., SHEFFIELD, MA 01257 413 229-2916 • WWW.RBLODGE.COM RATeS: FRoM $105 AND uP, DePeNDING oN SeASoN AND DAy Along the backroads of the Berkshires there are many ways to travel and the further you ride into the mountains that border Massachusetts and New York, the more stunning the views will be and the deeper the history to be found. This is where we would like to bring you this month as we visit the Race Brook Lodge and their restaurant The Stage Coach Tavern. Both hope and the celebration of the end of winter can spring eternal and, with a Maylike warm snap in early March, we booked a room at the Race Brook Lodge for a Thursday night, knowing The Stage Coach Tavern would be open for business as well. Although our ride started out in the warmth and sunshine that morning things began to change as we crossed the Hudson at Bear Mountain and started to meander north toward the Berkshires. A fading sun and gathering cloud cover morphed into a spattering and then more steady precipitation. The temperatures dropped to a more March-like feeling and, already passed the point of no return, we soldiered onward undaunted. A warm up and solid barbeque lunch at Big W’s in Wingdale, New York helped keep the bodies toasty and the mission on. Our route up through New York, Connecticut and into Massachusetts was born along the thoughts of a brilliant day. Still, even though the confusing route of ups and downs and ins and outs through the mountains might have been a bit slower and attentive in the mist and rain, the flavor of the day was not lost on the Berkshires that took on an almost ethereal look this afternoon. By late afternoon we were pulling into the Race Brook Lodge and made our way up to the front desk trying not to drip too much while getting our room. Eve, the manager, was expecting us and took in our soggy aspect with ease and graciously showed us to our room. The Race Brook has over 30 rooms these days, spread out on a property that has been active for more than 300 years. The history of this part of Massachusetts goes back to 1690 when a settler named Johanas Reeyes made a homestead below the mountain that now bears his Anglicized name – Race. Over the years the Race farm expanded and in 1740 a three-story timber-pegged home was built with an attached carriage barn. In the 1800’s a brick Federal-styled farmhouse was raised and the property began to take on the look that it carries to this day. Over the years the property has changed many hands and has been purposed for a few different things, but has settled in nicely as an inn and restaurant, serving travelers making their way along the routes that head though this region of the Berkshires. Walking between the raindrops Eve brought us to our room - #15. This room was once the ice house and ice cut from local lakes during the cold winter was stored here under 5 feet of saw dust for insulation. Today the beautifully curved wooden ceiling that once held in the cold, brought a bit more warmth as we got comfortable and shook off the chill of the dreary day. With the rain abating we walked around the property with its brook babbling down through the forest from Race Mountain that shadows the lodge. High above we heard there was a waterfall worth hiking to, but that wasn’t going to happen this day. Instead a warm cup of coffee and an easy late afternoon was had in the large common room full of worldly knick-knacks, books and a bar that works on the honor system. Take a glass of wine or beer and make a note on the pad. You can settle up later. How nice. Conversation with the afternoon host Jolanta made for a quick hour.


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The lodge had been kind enough to make dinner reservations next door at The Stage Coach Tavern and we strolled over a bit early to have a cocktail and to take a look around a restaurant that has forgotten more history than most places have ever seen. It is said it was here that Shays’ Rebellion was born in the tavern – the first armed insurrection against our own newly formed United States government in 1786 and 1787. Perhaps in the very room we now sat. A painting of Daniel Shays greets you as you walk in the door. The Stage Coach Inn still retains that colonial feel and the warm fireplace simply added to the old world charm. The food was very, very good and prices moderate for any traveling budget. That evening they had live music down in the lower part of the old barn – which, unlike the colonial flair of the restaurant above, had more of a Greenwich Village in the 60s feel to it and the guitarist solo act was fun to watch and listen to. It made for an excellent way to end the evening. That night I was roused from sleep in the old ice house room by a violent storm that crossed the region. We knew it was coming and hoped it would be fast, and it was, as dawn found the clouds moving on and the sun popping out here and there between clearing skies. Breakfast of yogurts, fruits and cereals were found in the dining area and the coffee was both hot and delicious. As is customary at inns like this, small talk was made with other guests, some of which had come for the region’s great hiking trails and other just looking for a nice night away from the grind. We found the Race Brook Lodge to be a wonderful escape. In a region filled with over the top retreats and almost haughty inns the Race Brook is comfortable with itself. Unpretentious and welcoming it is the perfect escape for a night, a great base camp to park for a few days to explore the region or a wonderful stopover when traveling to other points on the map. I see us returning soon with a few friends in tow. We’ll give you a clean Rip & Ride up there on page 40 but you can find a bit more technical route for your GPS here

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Hanover Powersports Presents


daytrip ideas to get out of the daily grind

eagleS Mere auTo MuSeuM and air MuSeuM MERRITT FIELD, PA 42, LAPORTE, PA 17731 570-584-0247 • 570-946-7663 Steve Smith Nestled in the middle of nowhere in the Endless Mountains Region of northeastern Pennsylvania, just a few hours ride north and west of NYC or Philly, is the quiet summer resort borough of Eagles Mere. Designed and developed as a resort town in the late 1800’s this tiny community is home to a bit more than 120 full time residents, but during the summer the population increases to over 3000. The highlight of the town is a private lake and the many specialty shops, restaurants, and other activities it supports. On this trip I bypassed all of that, as it’s not what brought me here. While attending the Concours Owners Group Northeast Spring Rally, a club member organized a special visit to a pair of world class private museums that are relatively new and hidden gems of the region. Eagles Mere Auto Museum and Eagles Mere Air Museum are located atop a hill at the private Merritt Field Airport on Route 42 in Pennsylvania’s Sullivan County, between Eagles Mere and Laporte. The airport itself features parallel 3400+ foot asphalt and grass runways to handle both the vintage and modern airplanes. The air museum is housed in several hangers adjacent to the air field. The auto museum is situated to the west of the air hangers. Being a bit of a “gear-head” in my younger days, what really piqued my interest and enticed me to visit were the great things I heard about the auto museum’s private collection. Arriving on a rainy afternoon, I was delighted to see the long driveway and parking areas were paved. There is motorcycle specific parking near the main hangar and the museum provides aluminum diamond plate squares to prevent side stands from sinking into the asphalt. The exterior entrance of the two-floor auto museum is designed to look like an old time gas station. Just inside, the entry has an old malt shop feel complete with a booth and a functioning vintage jukebox fully loaded with great classic music. Drop in a quarter and listen to some tunes. I was fortunate to be greeted by curator Bob Heisman who provided a bit of history of the collection and museum. Like the airplanes, all the vehicles are part of a private collection and most are running and drivable. The owner’s total vehicle collection is around 350, with 70+ on display at this location. The remainders are either

115 Route 23N • Hamburg NJ • 973-875-2111 Experience the full line of Kawasaki motorcycles, side by sides, sales and service we have to offer.


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stored off site, undergoing restoration/repairs, or on display at the sister location, Turbotville Auto Museum, less than an hour south in Turbotville, PA. The collection owner is a wealthy investment firm owner with residences in New York and Connecticut, and also has a summer home in Eagles Mere. He wanted to do something to bring in more tourist revenue to the area. I’m told he is a “regular guy” and often frequents the auto museum, blending in as any other visitor. Stepping into the main auto display room transported me instantly down memory lane, as I was a 60’s era muscle car owner in my teens. A quick glance around reveals cars mostly from the 50’s and 60’s, but there are a few older and newer cars. Just inside is the only car from the 80’s I saw there - a pristine 1987 Buick Grand National with 48 original miles. The museum is organized and laid out very well, with car types grouped together. There is a section of drag muscle cars, and another with street roadsters. There are a few motorcycles among the collection, including a 1947 Triumph Cycle Tiger 100. I could easily see the 1957 GMC Surburban with NAPCO Power Pack 4x4 being the retro Backroads Surbubanator. In a downstairs corner is a trio of red Corvettes, two 1967 and one 1961, plus children’s Corvette ride on toys. Upstairs is the Camaro “Class of 1969” that displays fine examples of the well know Z/28 and RS/SS, but also rare to see Yanko and COPO models. It can be seen that the collection owner is a fan of GM cars, but there are a few other brands represented. Also upstairs is an exquisite lineup of “woodies” including a rare 1947 Ford Sportsman Convertible, and a 1951 Mercury Custom Hot Rod, and a Willys and CJ Jeeps side-by-side. Beyond the autos, there is a myriad of memorabilia that decorates the walls and integrated into displays that includes things like old style gas pumps, signs, vintage oil cans and the like. There is an authentic replica of an old style mechanics shop with most of the contents purchased from a local shop. It’s a great true-to-form example of small auto shops and reminded me in many ways of when my dad owned an auto repair shop in the Bronx in the 60’s. The air museum is home to a collection of airplanes, airplane engines, and airplane related items from the golden age of flying: 1908 to 1935. Not all the hangars were open when I visited, but I was told there are twenty airplanes on display and several more stored nearby that are in some stage of restoration. Some of the airplanes on display were at one time the personal property and actively flown by some of the “flying greats” of their time. One thing that makes this air museum special is that several of the airplanes are the only remaining flying specimens in existence, and the Travel-Air Model 10-D is the last known to exist. Another great thing is that most of the airplanes in the collection fly regularly, and the museum hosts fly-in events right there at Merritt Field on weekends during the museum’s regular operating season. The museums are open Memorial Day thru mid-October on Saturdays and Sundays 12 PM – 4 PM. Parking is free and admission is reasonably priced at $6 for one museum and $8 for both. Special group visits can be arranged by calling ahead. •

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Hannum’s Harley-Davidson Presents

GREAT A L L AMERICAN DINE R RUN SorrenTi cherry Valley VineyardS 130 LOWER CHERRY VALLEY ROAD, SAYLORSBURG, PA 18353 570-992-9790 • WWW.CHERRYVALLEYVINEYARDS.COM When we usually set off into Pennsylvania, with eyes turned towards the south and west, we have a few happy roads that have become part of our stable of routes heading out of PA’s Water Gap area. The first few ridges of Pennsylvania have some great roads running north to south and we are always taken with some of the properties we find along these roads. On the end of one these, Lower Cherry Valley Road, you will find Sorrenti Vineyards. Every time we pass Sorrenti’s we see the restaurant and the great location and say “Yep, we gotta get out here one day.” We were at a party recently and our friend Ray brought up this great pizza place he and his partner Billy had recently visited. He described Sorrenti’s to a T. “I know this place,” I said. They loved it.

tasty places to take your bike

We then got it in our minds to do lunch there the following day – and we did; with a ride following along with this year’s patriotic path to one of our George Washington historic spots in central New Jersey (Washington’s Rock and Middlebrook) before looping around to the Delaware River along tiny two lane roads and then up along the ridges of PA to Saylorsburg and then home. Once on Lower Cherry Valley Road the sign for the vineyard was not hard to miss. What’s not to love about a nice winery? Tastings are not drinking (well, they shouldn’t be) and this is why our bikes have bags on them if you need to bring some bottle home. But, we did not come to Saylorsburg to praise Bacchus (or even to have a taste), but rather to have lunch on the big porch of Pizzeria Mamma Lucia, which is Sorrenti’s popular pizzeria. The place was hopping on this last weekend of spring. It was Father’s Day and there were a number of tables full of families paying extra attention to the dad’s (before they picked up the check – again – that’s what dad’s do) and it was good to see that Sorrenti’s and Mamma Lucia had such an easy, relaxed and family feel to the place. Walking through the front door you pass their big oven. This is not your usual pizza oven but something very special indeed. It is a one of a kind Le Panyol wood fired brick oven. The special Lamage white earth stove bricks are made from clay mined and fired in the foothills of the Rhone Valley in France. Each hand stretched pie at Mamma Lucia uses only imported Italian flour which allows for a very thin crunchy disc of deliciousness. The oven’s unique construction and dome shape is small and intense and allows for only three pizzas to be fired at once. An incredible 750 degrees cooks the pies in a short three minutes, crafting a pizza that is very crispy on the outside, yet soft and chewy inside. Delicioso.

BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 So what do you want on your pie? They have nearly 20 from which to choose. We could go on and list them all, but (as BTO sang) that would be a bit too much like actual work that we avoid. Let’s just say you will be hard pressed to choose. But, we will leave you with four that are highlighted, as we are not sure if they are a nod to the artistic greats or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! The Michael Angelo, Donatello, Leonardo and the Raphael pizzas might just be the way to go. We split a salad and the Donatello and found the pie to be extraordinary. Ricotta, fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, pesto with a sweet balsamic

Page 19 glaze on their thin, crispy crust could not be beat. Well, maybe it could, but that will require a few return trips that we will be happy to undertake. If pizza is not your thing (really?) Mamma Lucia offers Brick Oven Wraps, Pastas a wide assortment of appetizers and the aforementioned salads. We chose the harvest salad that was easily big enough for two and was full of greens, apple slices, roasted walnuts, chunks of cheddar cheese and cranberries. A great way to start the meal. This Father’s Day Sunday they had a two-piece duet going playing classic rock songs. Their versions of Chicago and Steely Dan worked for me. We liked everything about Sorrenti Vineyard and Mamma Lucia. Not only do they offer great ambiance, superb food, friendly service – they are found at the end of a great road and we will bring you down that road at the end of this special Rip & Ride (page 41) that will start at a motorcycle historic site of its own – The old Red Apple Rest – now just a shell of what once was, but still a great location to meet up and go for pizza.

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Morton’s BMW Motorcycles Presents Dr. Seymour O’Life’s MY STERIO U S A MER IC A gaMBo PoWder Mill or orienTal PoWder Mill WINDHAM, MAINE Mike Stackhouse enue. You eventually come to a one way, two lane road. Stay in the right lane and proceed straight on River Road past the Sappi paper mill on the right. Follow River Road until you cross Rte. 202 (light) and then start looking for Gambo Road on the left, about a mile or so after the intersection. Turn onto Gambo and follow it to the river. Then, get ready for an interesting walk. Built around 1824, on Gambo Falls, the Oriental Powder Mill - as it was actually named - was in operation for around 80 years. The mill supplied much of the powder for the Civil War as it was far enough away from the front lines it didn’t have to worry about sabotage. Because it was on the Presumpscot River, which is fed by Sebago Lake, it had a water supply second to none. Built by Edmund Fowler and Lester Laffin it was, at the time, 4th largest powder maker in the United States. Following an explosion in 1828 that killed 7 workers, Oliver Whipple expanded the plant. At the same time, it incorporated the new Cumberland and Oxford Canal. Because the mill was close to Portland and the busy Portland waterfront, it made getting supplies such as sulfur from Italy and saltpeter from India easy. The Maine woods also supplied wood for charcoal and wood for powder barrels. As was the case with powder mills anywhere, explosions were all too common. Explosions in 1835, 1847, 1849, 1850 and again in 1851, killed many workers. On October 12, 1855, another one rocked the mill killing 7 including Whipple’s brother and son. The last blast must have been too much for Whipple to handle as the mill 67 North Broadway • Route 107 • Hicksville, NY was taken over by G.G. Newhall in 1855.

I grew up in Windham, Maine and knew there was once a powder mill on the Presumpscot River below my grandmother’s house. I never thought much about it as the cooling waters of the river was the destination on a hot summer day. However, a few years ago, I was told that the town of Gorham, on the other side of the river, had put in a new park and in doing so, had cleared around some of the old powder mill sites and made a walking path to them. Well, not one to miss out on a historical adventure in my own back yard, I headed over to check things out. What I found would be a fantastic side trip for anyone looking for an interesting walk when on tour in southern Maine. Getting to the old Gambo Powder Mill site is pretty easy and about 10 miles or 20 minutes off Maine Turnpike exit 48. Off the exit, go straight through the first light and follow that until you see a McDonald’s on the right. Take a right at that light and continue straight on Cumberland Av-

Long Island

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Page 21 Newhall organized the Oriental Powder Company to supply powder for the Crimean War. At that time, there was a charcoal house, saltpeter refinery, wheel mills, press mills, kernelling mills, glazing mills and storehouses. These were scattered up the sides of the river far enough apart so all stores wouldn’t be lost in an explosion. Also at this time, offices were moved to Portland so not to be disrupted by explosions! In the 1860s Oriental was one of 4 companies making 69% of the United States’ powder. Black powder demand declined after the Civil war but picked up briefly during the FrancoPrussian War. Water control issues (there were paper mills downstream that needed control of the water supply) as well as diminishing wood supplies and lack of demand, due to guns switching from black powder to smokeless powder, caused the mill to cease production in June of 1893. Production resumed in 1895 but after yet another explosion, switched to wood flour after 1904. Slowly, the old mill sites shut down and nature took over, hiding them from sight. Now, thanks to a local construction company and a bunch of volunteers, the old sites have been cleared and informative plaques installed on a walk path through the site. The foundation of the old wheel mill is still there with a plaque telling how two, threeton wheels would grind the powder ingredients on a STEEL bed. You had to maintain a 2-4” bed of the material to prevent the mill wheels from contacting the steel and causing SPARKS! You can also see foundations of storage buildings and other spots the powder was refined. There is also a stretch of the old canal and information relating to the Cumberland and Oxford Canal. Although it’s under water now, there is a plate pointing out the location of one of the charcoal houses where wood was burned and made into charcoal. So, we have fire burning to make charcoal for the powder, we have to keep mill wheels from touching the grinding pan, I’m sure no one smoked in those days either… No wonder so many lost their lives to the mill. There was one other interesting thing I learned while walking through the ruins. My grandmother’s old house is on the corner of River Road and Gambo Road. (Right as you turned onto Gambo to go see the mill) This is probably about a mile from the mill at the top of the hill. During the walk, I came upon a picture of her old house. It had been built for the supervisor of the mill! I’m sure it was there so the supervisor, as well, wouldn’t be disrupted by explosions…. Stop by if you find yourself in the area. It’s a fun walk.

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FroSTy rock creaMery 255 DUNNING RD, MIDDLETOWN, NY 10940 845-342-5700 • WWW.FROSTYROCKCREAMERY.COM MoN-ThuRS: 2-8PM • FRI-SAT: 12-9PM • SuN: 12-8PM

Sometimes you find things in the darnedest places. Needing to make a trip to have my BMW tweaked, I was headed to the sprawl of Middletown, NY. Since I always try to make lemonade out of lemons, I searched out a few shining stars to ease the trip. One will be mentioned under the column ‘I Know This Place’ but the other will land right here, right now. Family-owned Frosty Rock Creamery sits across from the Orange Plaza off Route 211 on Dunning Rd. Brian and Connie Tremper have been serving up their homemade treats for the past 2 years. Not only are they creative with their flavors, they translate these into some wonderful ice cream cakes, delivering over 400 cakes weekly for birthday, retirement, or any other type of party involving ice cream cakes. Inside, Frosty Rock is clean and welcoming, as are the staff who will serve you. The colorfully playful menus decorate the walls, inviting you to choose from a wide variety of flavors. They make their own ice cream as well as feature Perry’s and Hershey’s, both quality products. Daily, Frosty Rock has about 24 signature homemade flavors. On the day we stopped in they posted about 20 flavors in addition to the 10 from the ‘other’ folks. While I don’t know the particular makeup of their homemade ice cream, I do know that it’s made in small batches and was creamy, flavorful and delicious. I opted for Perry’s Cinnamon Bun (Cinnamon ice cream with cinnamon graham and white icing swirls), while Brian double dipped with a scoop of Roadrunner Raspberry and homemade Cappuchino Crunch. We took our treats outside to their ample covered seating area, complete with Adirondack chairs and high top tables. The small babbling stream behind it took away the traffic noise from the main road and we enjoyed our ice cream in peace. You can enjoy Frosty Rock’s delicious desserts every day of the week, and they


BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 will stay open throughout the year or, as Brian said, as long as they have customers. With this past winter’s weather, they were serving into November, as there is never really an off-season for ice cream. The next time you find yourself in the mall-sprawl of Middletown, or rocketing past on I-84 or 17



Page 23 in need of an ice cream fix, take a break from your hectic life and relax with some great ice cream from Frosty Rock Creamery. Or you can follow along with the Rip & Ride and have a lovely time. Enjoy and see you at our next Inside Scoop.


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The beginning of something grand?

This event, while held at the same time as the World’s Largest Touring Rally, is a separate experience, but your wrist band from Americade will get you into Dirt Daze that is held just a few miles south on Route 9N at the Painted Pony Ranch in Lake Luzerne. For a first time go round we were very impressed. Big ADV names like Twisted Throttle, MotoVermont, Wolfman Luggage were there, Puget Sound Safety Off Road, who do dual sport tours of the Pacific Northwest came across the continent and ADVMoto Mag, the #1 publication for all things ADV, had a booth as well. Honda gave the first public demo of their new Africa Twin and KTM had a fleet ready for demo rides as well. There were guided tour, with lunch and fun guaranteed as well as a three stage self-guided tour that you could do depending on your skill, commitment and schedule. There was camping that was included with admission and by the end of the week it had become a small tent city. Jimmy Lewis going through the paces

words + images: Brian Rathjen A few years back, during an Americade Rally, a dual sport ride was tossed into the mix of other rides and grand tours that Americade is known to offer. I remember getting a bit pumped up about this and brought my KLR along that week and took a nice, easy ride along the graded gravel roads that you will find more often than not through the Adirondacks of New york State. Jump forward to 2016 and the Adventure Motorcycle fad has morphed from a quirky cult to full blown religion. Christian Dutcher, an avid dual sport rider himself (he gets it from his dad), thought an ADV-style segment during Americade would be a good thing and perhaps attract some riders who might normally eschew a big touring event such as Americade. Thus Dirt Daze was born.

SAT., SEPT. 10 • VINTAGE + CUSTOM BIKE SHOW People’s Choice Prizes Awarded • Info @

Cross Country Powersports 911 Middlesex Ave, Metuchen, NJ (732) 491-2900 Find Us on Facebook •

BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 Winner of the first demo ride on Honda’s Africa Twin

Shira takes a spin on KTM’s 390 Duke

Dirt Daze had created three courses to work on off-road and ADV skills, one being a serious obstacle course that we spent some time walking around shaking our heads and then watched with open mouths as pros like Jmmy Lewis made it look not only easy, but matter of fact and day to day. What talent! Dirt Daze also had a school this week, and few explain dirt riding techniques as well as Jimmy and Heather Lewis. Also on hand, showing off his prowess and skill, was Mike Lafferty who held a two-hour coaching session. A point that I would like to make is that there is sometimes an intimidation factor that comes with dirt riding, especially for those who did not grow up on SL70s, RM80s and YZ80s.

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KTM’s demo fleet lined up for the taking

Although it irks me to say it, filmentaries like Long Way Round and such have opened up many riders minds to the idea that the end of the pavement does not mean the end of the road or the adventure. 99% of the roads on planet Earth are gravel and they lead to magnificent places and things. Dual sport bikes and adventure machines open up these roads and their endless possibilities. But, as is human nature we tend to dwell on some of the downsides of life and also tend to celebrate adversity – especially if we survive it and get a chance to tell a good story later. It is similar to fishermen talking after the boats dock. Many magazines go out of their way to show dragon-infested trails, upside down bikes, scary x-rays and the like. It makes for spectacular filling of the pages, but in the long run hurts this side of motorcycling. The truth is that bad things can always happen, but done right dual sporting

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is a blast and will bring you to places that the civilian automobile population will never see. The schools and the tours at Dirt Daze were here to show that happy side A little helping hand is all that’s needed to get through with wheels. of the sport. Jimmy Lewis explains the course, making it look quite easy. There will always be ego-driven riders, but they are the exception not the rule. I watched one guy muscling his KTM through the mud trap in the obstacle course. About 100 other riders 1269 DOLSONTOWN RD were watching. The pressure might have been on. He MIDDLETOWN NY 10940 got stuck, rear wheel spinning and slinging mud and muck high into the air as the bike began to swing around on itself. A gravity storm was imminent. 845-343-2552 • WWW.CYCLEMOTIONINC.COM

Christian Dutcher shows the finesse of riding the course sans wheels.

Cycle Motion is your provider of motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, snowmobiles, and utility vehicles by Kawasaki, Suzuki, Polaris, yamaha and Can-Am. With a large parts department, qualified service technicians and a full shop full of parts and accessories, we're here to meet all your power sport needs. For every rider - on or off road, whether they like doing it in the dirt, carving the twisties, or cruising the backroads, we have their weapon of choice.

There was an instant response of other ADV riders to his side lending a hand- some knee deep in muck. They were not helping him any more than he needed to finish the course and get out of the mud… and when he did 100 riders were clapping and cheering him on. No pressure, no judgment – just an honest desire to see this guy to well. This is what it is all about and it was great to see. Made me want to jump on that old KLR and show that course whose boss. Well, almost. Whether you are a veteran dirt rider or someone who just wants to expand their motorcycle universe – you are welcome in Lake Luzerne. I really hope Dirt Daze grows on to rival its big brother Americade. I type this with my Dirt Daze tee shirt on. I sincerely hope that 20 years from now I am wearing this shirt and bragging, “See this tee shirt? It’s from the very first Dirt Daze – it’s a classic!”


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National Ice Cream Day Run or My Favorite Day

Shira Kamil From the International Dairy Food Association: The eVoluTion oF ice creaM Ice cream’s origins are known to reach back as far as the second century B.C., although no specific date of origin nor inventor has been indisputably credited with its discovery. We know that Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar. Biblical references also show that King Solomon was fond of iced drinks during harvesting. During the Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Caesar (A.D. 54-86) frequently sent runners into the mountains for snow, which was then flavored with fruits and juices.

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Over a thousand years later, Marco Polo returned to Italy from the Far East with a recipe that closely resembled what is now called sherbet. Historians estimate that this recipe evolved into ice cream sometime in the 16th century. England seems to have discovered ice cream at the same time, or perhaps even earlier than the Italians. “Cream Ice,” as it was called, appeared regularly at the table of Charles I during the 17th century. France was introduced to similar frozen desserts in 1553 by the Italian Catherine de Medici when she became the wife of Henry II of France. It wasn’t until 1660 that ice cream was made available to the general public. The Sicilian Procopio introduced a recipe blending milk, cream, butter and eggs at Café Procope, the first café in Paris.

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Moving forward to the New World, George Washington had a sweet tooth for ice cream, having spent $200 on it during the summer of 1790, Thomas Jefferson developed an 18-step recipe for a dessert that was akin to Baked Alaska and Dolley Madison served a strawberry ice cream creation at her husband’s second inaugural banquet at the White House. In 1874, soda fountain shops and the newly formed profession of ‘soda jerk’ emerged, as did the ice cream soda. Religious criticism of eating such a sinful creation on the Sabbath saw the removal of carbonated water, leading to the ice cream ‘Sunday’ which evolved into sundae to cut ties from the connection to the Sabbath. With the increase in prepackaged ice cream, traditional ice cream parlors and soda fountains began to disappear. Taking their place now are boutique ice cream shoppes with homemade creations. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday as National Ice Cream Day. In the proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with “appropriate ceremonies and activities.” So, with my penchant for ice cream and all this knowledge, we decided to do exactly what Mr. Reagan asked and invite folks to join our celebration of the dairy deliciousness. Choosing Wednesday, July 6 (yes, we knew it was a weekday, but this is national celebration level and would require a ‘sick’ day), we put together a ride that would have us starting with a scoop or two, having a bite of lunch to cleanse the palate, and finishing with another ice cream delight. A sort of ice cream sandwich, if you will. We had a group of twelve at the starting point: Das’ Creamery in Budd Lake, NJ. Pankaj and Komal, father and daughter, make some of the best ice cream in New Jersey, with inventive flavors and international inspirations. In fact, they were voted one of the top 10 ice cream shops in New Jersey by Peter Genovese of Introductions were made, route sheets and newly issued 49-cent

ice cream stamps were handed out and we headed inside for the start of our day. A few folks opted for a small soft serve twist, but most were lured by the 32 very different flavors offered up this day. I filled my cup with a scoop of Evan’s Cantaloupe and Cuppa T Chai, both limited edition batches. Brian had a scoop of Kulfi, a traditional Indian ice cream with a denser and creamier consistency. Deb went for the mango and I saw Keith spooning up some blue ice cream – apparently Cotton Candy. By the time we were ready to ride, we were all happy campers. After an introduction to a ride led by Shira (head out in the wrong direction and make an immediate u-turn, then follow Brian), we were off to explore the backroads of western Jersey. I had put together

BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 a 40-mile route with a good mixture of open and twisty country roads, passing the Blue Army Shrine (something for Dr. O’Life to investigate) and following along some small streams, which kept us on the cooler, shady side of the road.

We arrived at Thisilldous, in Belvidere NJ, right about lunchtime. Mike, owner and fellow rider, serves up a terrific plate of food, no matter what you order. His breakfasts are epic and his lunches, especially anything barbecue, are tasty and top notch. Being we were consuming more ice cream than usual today, I went for a spinach salad (with hot bacon dressing) to neutralize the caloric intake. Fed and ready to ride, we were off to our next destination.

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I had chosen Windy Brow Farms for two reasons: they have great homemade ice cream and assorted other farm stand products and they are close to Backroads Central. The route heading back was on more familiar roads, and I was happy to show off the beautiful part of New Jersey I call home. At the lunch stop, I heard a comment that ‘I was on more backroads in that ride than I’ve ridden my whole life.’ Well, get ready for a few more, as we rode around Mountain Lake and through Jenny Jump State Park. We passed the Snowmobile Museum, where the resident heron across the road in the pond was busy trying to catch his or her own lunch. We followed the Paulins Kill for a short bit, spying some of its resident fowls.

As we got closer to more ice cream, I thought, ‘Great, I managed to avoid all dirt roads.’ NOT – the newly chipped Cedar Ridge Road ruined my perfect game, but I’m pretty sure the root beer floats at Cow’s Brow soothed the savages. I had to go with a double scoop, as the temperatures this day were pushing 90, so I ordered up a scoop of Dark Chocolate Sea Salt and Brown Butter Pecan Brittle. Brian tried the Roasted Strawberry and Honey Lavender. I took a taste and thought the strawberry was the best I’d ever had. He really enjoyed the Honey Lavender.

Turns out we were going to miss the Ice Cream Festival going on that coming weekend but, as seen on their Facebook page, I sent in my entry for their Summer Smashup Flavor Contest – Dark and Stormy: chocolate ice cream with rum, ginger and lime. Turns out Jake, the ice cream man at Cow’s Brow, took a liking to it and included it in their tastings with a little twist. Renamed Dark ‘n Windy, it was dark chocolate orange ice cream with rummy candied ginger and orange zest and it was truly delicious. Thanks, Jake, for taking my idea and making it a reality, and thanks for the cool shirt, ice cream and gift card. It filled my freezer with the other two suggested flavors: Coconut Campfire and Buttermilk Biscuit + Sriracha Peach Jam. With all the ice cream done and the roads ridden, we gave our thanks for those who came along and made our way home. We certainly hope you enjoyed the day and discovered some new destinations to share with your fellow riders. For those who couldn’t make it, you can still enjoy the ride anytime; just download it here (both GPS and printed routes) Enjoy, and we’ll see you on our next ride, be it for ice cream, hot dogs, history or just for fun.



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“I KNOW WHY YOU BROUGHT US HERE,” Marty said, squinting his eyes and looking right at me. His face was hard to read. I wasn’t sure if he was happy or calling me out and getting ready to kick my ass. I glanced at the other guys who were standing nearby to get a feel for the situation, but none of them had heard Marty’s comment. Like Marty they were all veterans, mostly of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I often have an inferiority complex and feel like a wimp when I’m around veterans. Not just because so many of them look like total badasses, but because they’ve served and I haven’t. They’ve put themselves on the line and faced down death in ways that I never have. I haven’t seen what they’ve seen. I haven’t done what they’ve done. That feels intimidating at times. Part of it has to do with my own insecurities, but part of it is the fact that I’ve heard many vets say they can’t relate to civilians the same way they can relate to fellow veterans. A friend who works with veterans once told me a joke. How many veterans does it take to screw in a light bulb? you wouldn’t understand. you weren’t there.

My Therapist’s Initials are GS Using Motorcycle Therapy to Help Heal our Veterans words + images: Tom Larson

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Marty and I were three days into a five-day “Relief Ride” with a nonprofit I founded called Motorcycle Relief Project (MRP). The mission of MRP is to honor, bless and encourage veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by taking them on therapeutic motorcycle adventures designed to help them decompress, get unstuck, connect with other veterans and take meaningful steps toward recovery. During the day we ride BMW adventure bikes both on- and off-road, and at night, back at the lodge, we do workshops on topics like stress management, overcoming obstacles and recovery through serving others.

Almost everyone in America these days has heard the statistic: 22 veterans take their own lives every day. Each case is different, but for vets of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, some common issues arise. Depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, nightmares, loss of camaraderie, loss of purpose, substance abuse and rage are common among combat veterans, especially those with PTSD. For many, serving with a unit in combat was one of the most energizing and fulfilling things they’ve ever done. They

The Charlesworth Hotel is New Jersey’s REAL backroads’ hideaway

spent months or even years training to become warriors, and when they finally got to put their training to use in battle, they couldn’t help but be filled with a sense of purpose. They bonded with their brothers and formed deep connections that most of us civilians will never be able to understand. Eventually the time to come home arrives, which for many is both a blessing and a curse. While it’s good to get away from war and be reunited with family, it can also be a struggle. Some wrestle with survivors’ guilt over the fact that they made it home while their buddies didn’t. Others struggle with anger over how clueless people back home seem to be over what’s really going on in the world, oblivious to the sacrifices the men and women of our armed forces make to keep us safe. Others miss the sense of camaraderie and purpose they had while deployed and miss the adrenaline rush that comes with putting your life in danger on a regular basis. It’s no wonder that many of the men and women of our military have a hard time reintegrating into “normal” civilian life, especially those with PTSD, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) or other invisible injuries. We train them to have steely resolve in battle, but the mindset that served them well in combat isn’t the same mindset they need to be successful in civilian life. All of that contributed to why I wanted to start MRP and led me to the specific place where Marty and


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BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 I were standing at the moment. “Okay,” I said, curious to know if Marty had really discovered my motivation for bringing the group there. “Why’d I bring you here?” “Here” was a 40-acre ranch near Lake George, CO., that belongs to Tom and Shelley Hedwall. Tom and his son Dustin are both world-class trials riders. Dustin, a 26-year-old whom I’ve known as Dusty since he was a little kid, is among the top trials riders in the U.S. Tom, his 53-year old father, still competes and brings home trophies for his wins in senior competitions.

We’d been at the ranch for about 90 minutes, during which time we’d seen Tom and Dusty do all kinds of mind-boggling things on motorcycles. They’d hopped, blipped, wheelied and splattered their way up and over boulders, ledges and stumps. They’d demonstrated the kind of balance that you normally only see on a tightrope. They wowed us for nearly an hour, leaving us shaking our heads in disbelief over and over again. After their trials demo we moved down to the bottom of their property.

Page 33 The father and son had built their own endurocross track, a crazy obstacle course comprised of loose logs, boulders and other gnarly impediments that, if encountered on a trail, would cause most motorcyclists to turn around and head for home. Endurocross, Tom explained to us, was a relatively new motorsport where competitors race motocross bikes over and through various obstacles. Forget about finesse; in endurocross the first one to the finish line wins. After doing several laps for us, Tom and Dusty stopped to answer questions. I asked Dusty to share a story he’d told me before about the difficulty he had making the switch from trials to endurocross. It was at this point that Marty had his ah-ha moment. “Trials is all about balance and finesse,” Dusty shared. “I’ve been riding trials since I was a little kid, so the mechanics and mindset of that type of riding are deeply ingrained in me. The thing is the approach to riding that made me successful in trials competition was holding me back in endurocross. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake all those years of riding with a trials mentality, where I was focused on finesse, choosing the perfect line, and never putting my foot down.” Dusty went on. “I ended up working with a coach who helped me change my habits and instincts in order to get faster at endurocross, and now I’m finishing higher in the competitions. But I couldn’t have gotten there without some help. I needed someone who could help me retrain my brain to operate with a new way of thinking.”

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I had hoped that Dusty’s story might prove relevant to some of the vets, and apparently it resonated with Marty. Retired from the Army after 20 years, Marty was now working in a job with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that he’d told the group was incredibly stressful. The proud owner of a beautiful 2015 BMW R 1200 GS, Marty learned about MRP when he met a fellow veteran named Travis at a gas station. Travis, a heavily tattooed Harley rider who’s still in the Army, had recently applied to go on an MRP Relief Ride for the chance to do some riding in the backcountry of Colorado on a BMW GS. Seeing Marty’s GS, Travis struck up a conversation with him and encouraged Marty to apply to go on one of our rides. Marty applied, and now here we all were.

“It was like a giant light bulb came on in my head while I listened to Dusty share his story,” Marty told me. “I need to retrain my brain. The mindset that served me well in the Army and in combat isn’t working for me now. It’s not working for my job, or for my marriage. I need a new mindset.” That night back at the lodge, other participants made similar comments. They shared how difficult it sometimes was to engage in normal life with spouses, kids, neighbors and coworkers. War had left its physical scars on them, but it had left mental and

emotional scars as well. While sometimes it seemed that the rest of the world expected they should be able to just jump right back into civilian life back home, it wasn’t that easy. How do you make the transition to being a patient and loving father and husband after so many years of being a battle-hardened warrior who thrived on conflict and intensity? How do you make small talk with a neighbor with whom you feel you have nothing in common and who has no context to relate to what you’ve seen and done in life? How do you successfully work with a team of coworkers who you think are self-centered, petty and inept compared to the loyal, brave and capable people you served alongside while deployed? After a few hours of discussion it became obvious that many of their struggles were universal. It was amazing how transparent they were with one another, especially after talking about how most people don’t understand them. There was something about the shared experience of combat and the shared experience of riding motorcycles together for several days that created a sense of safety and trust in the group. One veteran after another shared how the ride with MRP was the first time they’d felt comfortable talking about their struggles related to life after deployment. They talked about how they can’t share their thoughts of rage, depression and suicide with most people because they worry about being deemed crazy or broken or scaring the ones they love. They keep those thoughts bottled up inside with no way of releasing them – and it eats away at them. While I don’t pretend to understand what it’s like to be in combat, I can certainly relate to people thinking I’m crazy. Especially when I tell them I’m raising money for a nonprofit that takes veterans with PTSD on therapeutic motorcycle adventures. Most people don’t get it. Compared to finding a cure for cancer or providing clean water to peo-

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BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 ple in Africa, taking guys on motorcycle rides doesn’t sound like a very legitimate or worthwhile cause for a nonprofit. People who ride get it, though. Riders understand that there’s something about riding that is incredibly therapeutic, especially when you can get off the highway and point the bike down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. Although my own history of trauma is different from what these guys have been through, it was no coincidence that whenever I got on my motorcycle all my fears and anxieties subsided for a few hours. For me, riding through the backwoods of Colorado on forest roads is a remarkably effective form of relief. It was that realization that got me thinking about taking groups of veterans with PTSD on therapeutic adventure bike tours, and thus the Motorcycle Relief Project was born. After our final workshop the following night, Marty pulled me aside. “I want to thank you for doing this and allowing me to be a part of it,” he said. “Sure,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders. “I’m glad you came. It’s been great to get to know you.” “No, you don’t understand what an impact this week has had on me,” Marty said. “I have more mental clarity right now than I’ve had in three years. There’s something about the focus required for riding, especially riding on dirt, that is incredibly therapeutic. That, plus the ability to release some stuff I’ve kept bottled up for years, has really helped clear my head. I’ve been constantly stressed out for the longest time, but I haven’t even thought about work since I got here on Monday morning.” In the five days of our ride we rode more than 600 miles, a significant part of it on dirt. We rode forest roads through the Pike National Forest. We rode twisty paved roads through some amazing Colorado canyons. We rode to the top of Pikes Peak and even had a few snowflakes fall on us. We crossed the Continental Divide twice, once on pavement, and another time on dirt. We rode to the top of Mount Evans on the highest paved road in North America. We saw all sorts of wildlife, and not that many people. We had a few spills along the way, and a few broken pieces of plastic on a couple of our bikes, but fortunately no broken bones. In short, we had a real adventure. The week ended with a wrap-up celebration BBQ on Friday night. Everyone was worn out but also energized and in great spirits. We made new friends, blew off some steam, and saw some incredible scenery. Spouses were invited to come to the BBQ, and Marty introduced me to his wife, Michelle.


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Later that evening, Michelle pulled me aside. “Thank you for what you’re doing,” she told me, sounding a little serious. “Sure, it was great to have Marty along on the ride,” I said. “No, you don’t understand,” Michelle said. “The pictures that Marty posted on Facebook this week from the ride are the first pictures of him smiling I’ve seen in a really long time. I can’t believe how much a five-day motorcycle trip seems to have helped him. Thank you.” For once, I felt like I did understand. This time I was there. Motorcycle Relief Project is a 501c3 nonprofit based in evergreen, Colorado that depends on donations from people—people who understand the therapeutic nature of motorcycling—to help the veterans it serves. For more information or to donate, visit their website at or email Tom Larson at

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PRODUCT SPOTLIGHTS TWO CHIEFTAINS FROM INDIAN chieftain & chieftain dark horse - Indian Motorcycle proudly offers riders an opportunity to “Lead the Pack” with two of America’s most commanding, versatile and awe-inspiring bikes. Both feature the Thunder Stroke 111 engine, TPMS, ABS, fairing with integrated driving lights and power windshield, cruise control, remote locking hard bags, keyless ignition, and much more. The Chieftain Dark Horse, starting at $21,999, is the newest addition to Indian’s bagger family. Sporting a premium 100W audio system and an ominous nose-to-tail matte black finish with minimal chrome for a menacing presence that refuses to be ignored. The Indian Chieftain starts at $23,999 and comes standard with the all-new Ride Command™ system, blasting out 100W of premium audio and all the infotainment features a rider leading the pack could ever want. The Chieftain is available in Thunder Black Pearl, White Smoke, Silver Smoke, and a pair of two-tone palettes. cross country • Muscle for Miles Lead your pack anywhere with the overachieving Victory Cross Country bagger, now with even more standard features including ABS, cruise control and Bluetooth-enabled audio. Powered by our 106 cubic inch Freedom V-Twin delivering best-in-class horsepower and 106 ft-lb of torque, the Cross Country is a muscular bagger aided in its smooth running nature by inverted front fork, air-adjustable rear monoshock and dual front disc brakes with standard ABS. Carry along what’s important, and make sure it stays secure and dry in 21.3 gallon, lockable, weatherproof sealed saddlebags. Keep entertained with a standard AM/FM/Weather radio with Bluetooth capability to allow you to use your MP3/iPod as your music source, and amplify your riding experience with premium speakers that deliver powerful, crystal-clear sound. Want to increase your muscle mass? The “Made For Victory By S&S” Stage 2 Kit – S&S cams and high-flow air dam together with an available Victory Accessory exhaust system – offers 20% more horsepower and 10% more torque for Cross Country, Cross Country Tour and Magnum models. Available in Gloss Black ($19,499), Suede White Frost ($19,999), Suede Nuclear Sunset Orange ($19,999) and Sunset Red ($19,999).

GIVI METRO T LINE • BAGS FOR MILLENNIALS Leave it to GIVI to create a set of useful luggage with a modern hip flair – perfect for today’s urban naked machines. These are cafe-racer inspired range of bags, with classic style but modern features and advanced materials. Currently the METRO-T range includes four semi-rigid bags that can be purchased and used separately or as a set. There is one set of saddlebags, two tank bags and a tool roll. They are created from a light, laminated technical material, waterproof and UV ray resistant tested to 500 hours of exposure in Q-Sun Xenon enclosed chamber. The luggage also incorporates reflective inserts and anodized aluminum trims with contrasting lining and stitching. If the weather gets iffy they come with their own rain cover and the zippers are compatible with a security lock. MT 501 Top loading Saddlebags pair - $520 The Metro-T Bags can be bought individually and include the MT 501 Top Loading Saddlebags, an 18-liter pair of top loading saddlebags that are expandable, thermoformed and compatible with the brand new bike specific MULTILOCK mounts. They can also be purchased as a single side bag (MT501S) suitable for vehicles with a high mount exhaust. The bags have side-mesh pockets and a carrying handle. Mounts not included. MT 502 Multi Purpose Seat Bag - $230 The Metro 30-Liter is designed to be a tail bag (universal mount) but can be converted into a comfortable backpack using the removable straps and a double carrying handle. The seat bag can be used in combination with the MT503 roll bag. MT 503 roll Bag - $68 This 4-liter roll bag can be attached to the front forks or the seat. It can also be used in combination with the MT502 backpack. Double opening: the main compartment is accessed via a ‘roll down’ closure, the smaller compartment is accessed via a zipper (designed to carry small emergency items). Fitting system: buckles with adjustable straps. Worth the ride from anywhere!

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Page 37

MT 504 Magnetic & MT 505 Tanklock Tank Bag - $112 & $106 These 5-liter bags are available with a magnetic multi-pocket tank bag for metal tanks or GIVI’s Tanklock System, which requires bike specific ring/mount. Both bags have an internal pocket underneath the cover to hold a smartphone, side pockets for keys and other small objects, front cable port compatible with the range of GIVI Power Hub accessories, rubberized handle, shoulder strap and rain cover. You can reach out to GIVI at 704-679-4123, visit your local GIVI dealer or log onto their website at for more information.

VSTREAM SCREENS FOR KAWASAKI VERSYS National Cycle has just released VStream Windscreens in three sizes and tints for the versatile Kawasaki Versys KLE650 and KLE1000. Three sizes mean there is a perfectly sized windscreen for almost every rider. All will offer improved wind protection and riding comfort compared to other aftermarket windscreens. VStream gets its name from its unique patented shape. The advanced ‘V’ profile and dimensional contours push the wind vortex out and away from the rider’s helmet, resulting in a peaceful, quiet riding environment. These VStream Windscreens are made from tough FMR hardcoated polycarbonate. This high quality material, along with state-of-theart manufacturing techniques, provides outstanding clarity and strength characteristics unmatched by any windscreen maker worldwide. Optically, the VStream windscreen is extremely clear with virtually no distortion. FMR hardcoated VStream Windscreens are 30X more scratch resistant and have 20X greater crack and impact resistance than other aftermarket windscreens on the market made from commonly used acrylic or “aircraft plastic”. It’s a windscreen for the serious rider. All polycarbonate windscreens from National Cycle are protected by a 3-Year Warranty against breakage. N20115 VStream Sport Windscreen; Dark Tint; Retail $139.95 N20116 VStream Sport-Touring Windscreen; Light Tint, Retail $159.95 N20117 VStream Touring Windscreen; Clear, Retail $164.95 See your National Cycle dealer or log onto for this and other applications.

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FLIGHT OF THE LIGHTNING BOLT For over 100 years, the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah have attracted riders and drivers in search of world land speed records in a variety of classes. Until the 1970s most motorcycle records had been set by American, British and European powered machines – and then Don Vesco arrived from El Cajon, California. Over several years, the self-taught engineer and racer raised the record again and again with Japanese power, finally achieving 318.598 mph on a twin Kawasaki KZ1000-powered streamliner named Lightning Bolt. Measuring 21 feet long and weighing 1,100 pounds with Vesco aboard, the

which he and his team turned Lightning Bolt around, refueled and repacked the parachutes for the necessary return run. With the winds still favorably calm, Vesco and Lightning Bolt sped across four miles of salt before clicking into top gear and hustling through the measured mile at 318.952 mph to claim the new FIM world record. Always hungry for more speed, in September Vesco made an official oneway run at 333.117 mph. But there were still more surprises in store. He disconnected the front KZ1000 engine and put stuntwoman Marcia Holley into Lightning Bolt, where she broke the record for a single-engine, two-wheel vehicle, averaging 229.361 mph over two runs to become the “fastest woman on two wheels.” Today Lightning Bolt is being restored by Don’s brother Rick Vesco, elegant in its retirement and a reminder of the tremendous performance bandwidth of the original engine design of the Z1 motorcycle. From streetbikes to AMA Superbikes, and from police bikes to custom cruisers, drag racers, touring rigs and even world land speed record runs, the Z1 and the KZ900 and KZ1000 models that followed were simply out of this world for Kawasaki. And world-championship power for terrestrial heroes like Don Vesco.

turbocharged KZ1000 engines of this aerodynamically streamlined machine were enveloped in a steel chassis, which was outfitted with special highspeed Goodyear racing tires. Displacing 1,016cc and producing 300 horsepower apiece, the engines were nearly stock except for their custom-made turbocharger systems. The front and rear engines were connected by a toothed belt and drove Lightning Bolt through the rear engine’s gearbox. The liner was slowed by twin parachutes from near top speed to about 150 mph, after which a rear disc brake took over. In case of mishap, there was also a steel roll-cage built from 1 ½-inch chrome-moly tubing. On the afternoon of August 28, 1978, Vesco set out to make the back-to-back runs required to claim a new record. With the twin KZ1000 engines running 27 pounds of turbo boost, Vesco completed the first run at 318.330 mph, after

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Page 39

TWO NEW TEES FROM AEROSTICH • SAY HOW YOU FEEL…. Introducing two brand new all-original, 100% cotton, summer T-shirts. The ‘Make Every Commute a Vacation’ style comes directly from the 1966 school of T art…with a story for today: Moto-commuting makes getting to work (and riding back home again) the best part of any work day. Because with New Tees from Aerostich, every ride really is a vacation. Enjoy every ride. M-XXL. Light Grey for $20. The other new style is a Global Free Trade story, proudly made in the USA: Three Standard Mandarin characters ‘Ai Si Qi’ are a meaningful translation for…“Love and Think Riding” or “Happy Good Rider”. Or more simply, two-wheels-and-an-engine and wheeee! You may not speak or read Chinese (neither do we), but 1.3 billion people do, including a Chinese-based, American-made Aerostich R-3 suit wearer, who suggested this. M-XXL. Green for $20. Most Aerostich t-shirt are limited editions only available for a limited time. All are 100% heavy-duty cotton and sized M-XXL. To browse the entire collection of original t-shirts, visit

ROK STRAPS • SMART TIE DOWNS FOR TRAVELING strap • noun: strap a strip of leather, cloth, or other flexible material, often with a buckle, used to fasten, secure, or carry something or to hold onto something.


verb: strap fasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap or seat belt. “I had to strap the bag to my motorcycle” Strap - it’s both a noun and a verb; and a necessity if you ride overnight or for any sort of long distances. Straps are probably the least thought about piece of gear you can carry on your motorcycle as, until called upon, they simple lay about and take up space. But, when needed, they are indispensible and over the years we have used them all in everything from securing a cold six-pack back to the campsite, carrying extra jackets or to attaching a side case back onto a bike after a spill. There are a few different straps available on the market, in addition to the oldfashioned bungee cord (dangerous and eye removing technology), metal cam and velcro have a place and work, but we have found that more and more we stick with the proven winner – ROK straps. The ROK straps come in various lengths (18 to 60 inches) to be used in various applications. They come in tailored sizes as well as adjustable and a few different colors (moto plaid, pink, hi-viz green with black stripes, black, black with orange stripes, camo, and reflective X-pattern), but we find sticking to the brightest and most conspicuous they have are your best bet. The ROK straps Cargo Straps are flat, allowing for a firmer grip on whatever you are securing and combination of two elements allow for ease of use and dependability – the elastic section provides tension; the webbing section adjusts for size. The ROK straps are strong too – rated to 100 lbs. and with a burst limit of 200 lbs. Although you can get ROK straps with hooks (Sport Stretch), we prefer the simple

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Page 40

SEPTEMBER 2016 • BACKROADS basic strap that loops through itself on both sides and then uses a basic snap point attachment. Find two points for attachment, loop through, snap the easy two-piece buckle closed and cinch tight. As ROK says, “Attach, Buckle, and Tighten!” Easy! We do not travel without a couple pairs of ROK straps along for the ride; as they pack easily and can be used for all sorts of things while on the road. ROK straps are available from various motorcycle distributors from $14.99 to $26.99, for more information and list of dealers log onto


Come Ride the Dragon Deals Gap 318 Curves in 11 Miles 800.889.5550 17548 Tapoco Road, Robbinsville, NC 28771

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Have you ever had a screw on your Japanese motorcycle that would just not budge, was locked or frozen in place? Did you ever have a Phillips head screwdriver, from Craftsman or Snap-On, just start stripping a screw faster than a dancer at the Alaska Bush Company? There might be a reason for that. Many Japanese screws are made to the Japanese Industrial Standard, which is a bit different than the rest of the world. This standard for cross point screws and drivers fits differently and the tools for correct removal are a bit different too. Barely noticeable is that the JIS drivers have a straighter cut and the teeth are a tad longer and straighter compared to the stubbier Phillips.





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BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 JIS screws also have tiny dimples atop them - a good way of knowing yours will need a JIS-style driver to remove them. Many Americans are not aware of this – but the truth is that Japanese screwdrivers work better on Japanese motorcycles and cars. Vessel is the oldest screwdriver manufacturer in Japan and they have a tool specifically designed to tackle frozen, stripped and stuck or rusted screws on your Japanese machine. The Vessel Mega Dora Impacta. Not just a screwdriver but a spring loaded impact tool. Screws locked in and frozen use the Mega Dora Impacta and, with a few good whacks from a hammer (Japanese or American hammer - it doesn’t matter), the driver will loosen it up easily. I gave this a test on some fasteners on our venerable Kawasaki KLR650 that have never been loosened since the bike was created back in 1492. The ease in which the Vessel Mega Dora Impacta backed them out was impressive. Vessel makes complete sets of JIS screwdrivers, as well as the excellent Mega Dora Impacta, which can be found for about $20. A quick search of the web and you should be able to find them or just go to their own site at




Page 41

Touring North Central Virginia? Then ride on over to the NEW Comfort Inn & Suites in Orange

The newest motorcycle-friendly hotel closest to Skyline Drive… just 30 miles away! %

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Comfort Inn & Suites 334 Caroline St (James Madison Hwy), Orange, VA 22960 540-672-3121 •

Page 42



MORE SECURE ADJUSTABLE a MUST for any motorcyclist Find a dealer here:

WINTER GETAWAY DEC. 11-17, 2016 MOUNTAINS OF TENERIFE • SPAIN ENJOY A WEEK OF FANTASTIC ISLAND-HOPPING IN THE CANARY ISLANDS The Canary Islands are exotic Spanish provinces that lie off the coast of Morocco. Created by volcanic eruptions, these islands offer breathtaking vistas and a huge contrast in what nature can create. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREPARE FOR THE UPCOMING HOLIDAY SEASON THAN A WEEK OF RIDING IN AN EXOTIC LOCALE. GIVE YOURSELF AN EARLY PRESENT AND JOIN US IN THE CANARY ISLANDS.

YOU’LL THANK YOURSELF. While the first three days of the tour will be centered at Tenerife, you will spend one fantastic riding day each on La Gomera and Gran Canaria. All you need for the overnight on Gran Canaria can be put on your bike, but if you prefer to stay on Tenerife, you may like to switch from riding to sightseeing. Ride a cable car up Mount Teide – the highest point of the island, visit the Monkey Park at the Tenerife Zoo or ride a glass bottom boat out in the sea. This trip will challenge your driving skills, thrill your imagination and be a lifetime of memories.





Page 43

The Boat House Restaurant Perfect in Any Season Brunch, Lunch or Dinner on Swartswood Lake

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Route 739 • Dingmans Ferry, PA • 570.828.1920

Excellent Ride Destination

Page 44


Welcome to the Jungle - The Art of Learning to Ride Skillfully A column dedicated to your riding survival

Sock It To Me! This month we’d like to take a look at what is probably the least talked about piece of riding gear you have - your socks. After a day or riding and walking around your feet can take quite the beating. Your feet are important and the all-important layer that we wear around our feet makes a difference in comfort and wellbeing. Well-designed and padded socks also help manage the moisture produced by the 125,000 sweat glands located on the bottom of each foot, which can soften the skin and make feet more vulnerable to blisters and injury. Socks act as a “gasket” to help protect dynamic feet from static boots. Your feet are always moving and making little adjustments (mostly we are unaware of this) and the boots, well they are boots, and just sit there unless acted upon. When you walk or run, your feet expand, elongate and flatten out with each step; they return to their original shape and size during rest. Socks that are designed and made with the dynamic nature of the foot in mind help protect the feet as they move inside shoes. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons the calcaneus, the bone found in the heel of the foot, is one of the most important weightbearing bones in the body. Appearing in a ball-like shape, the calcaneus often experiences stress fractures because of

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high-impact activities and the tarsal bones, which are thin, long bones found on the top of the foot that can often be seen merely by wriggling the toes, also bear the brunt of weight and impact; so the correct choice of sock can really make a difference on a long day’s ride. This all being said, when we ride we don’t wear run of the mill or fashionable jackets, gloves or boots, so why would we wear civilian socks. No, we need better and we’d like to show your three different socks that can really make a difference while you are riding. We had a basic formula for this article. The socks all had to be geared towards the motorcycle rider or be sold as such. We wanted a higher sock that would not only offer support of the calf muscle, but help prevent any chafing from the boots as well. All the socks had little things that made them different from each others, so there is no best sock, just what your individual situation calls for, and all passed the Spenser T. Cat odor test.

SOKz Technical Socks The socks are created in Italy and are made by a small family-owned company whose socks are at the cutting-edge of the fiber technology and are brought to you by the good folks at Cima International, the same people who brought in the revolutionary Nolan modular helmets. The SOKz line includes three types of socks, the Arrow (summer), the Silver (threeseason) and the Ceramic (winter), all of which are stylish in that modern snazzy way.

BACKROADS • SEPTEMBER 2016 All the SOKz share some characteristics, like the excellent wicking quality of the fibers, the ergonomic foot specific fit and the fact that they will dry fast if you need to wash them on the go. They can also be machine washed without running the risk of shrinking. These socks are sized by actual shoe size, in men and women sizes, from ladies 6 -10 to men’s 13-15. The name of the Silver SOKz comes from an actual silver filament, which is added to the polyester fibers. This filament is anti-bacterial and antifungal to keep your feet healthier when they spend long periods of time wearing boots. A side benefit is that your socks stay fresh longer with less odor at the end of a long day. The SOKz are anatomic in design and each pair consists of a left sock and a right sock (they are marked on the toes) so that they follow the exact shape of your foot, including around the ankle where they do not bunch like tube socks. We have a few pair of these, in their different variations, and found them to offer all day comfort and multi-season durability; a big plus as nobody wants to be darning socks, like some scullery maid, in a crappy hotel room in Bumfrack, Illinois. The SOKz went on and off the feet easily and worked as advertised. As my friend Scott Moreno would say, “Winner winner, chicken dinner!” Prices range from $15 to $20 per pair •

Page 45

Moto-Skiveez Compression Riding Socks Although having far more fun than any passenger on a plane flight, motorcyclists can suffer from a few of the same ailments as people sitting on a long flights – deep vein thrombosis and lower limb edema. In deep vein thrombosis a blood clot forms in one of the veins deep inside the leg. Edema is a swelling of the lower legs and both can occur at any age, but is much more common in older people. DVT and LLE can be caused by a wide variety of factors including extended flights or, in our case, long motorcycle rides where the rider is, more or less, stationary for hours at a time. Moto-Skiveez Compression Riding Socks are designed to extend to the uppermost part of the calf. They offer light compression to help alleviate the symptoms of both these issues. The socks are made with a 40% aloe fiber. Aloe fiber has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties that will help with odor. In addition, aloe fiber is tactilely soft and is designed to reduce chafing and blistering. Using sophisticated micro-encapsulation technology, tiny amounts of Aloe Vera are locked into airtight, waterproof micro-capsules. Bonded into the sock’s fabric, the Aloe is released instantly when the fabric is touched or rubs against the leg. Even after repeated wear and washing, the smoothing benefits remain. We found them to be a bear to put on – most likely the compression factor in these socks. If you are a rider who has some leg swelling issues this is the nature of your beast but, once on, the Moto-Skiveez Compression Riding Socks were tightly snug but still comfortable and could be the answer that you are looking for to extend your riding career.

RIDE LIKE A PRO NJ Jerry ‘Motorman’ Palladino’s Training Classes Being Held in New Jersey ‘NEVER FEAR making a U-turn or dropping your 800lb. motorcycle again’ • Male-Female-Big-Small: It doesn’t matter • You can learn the 3 simple techniques that motor cops have been using for years • Our instructors - all active or retired motor officers - will show you how to use the motor cop riding techniques to better control and handle your motorcycle

Check our website for available dates Pre-registration is recommended as classes fill quickly. Gift certificates available • Course Fee is $175.00

Page 46 If at the end of the day your feet have not come up in thought or conversation then we consider the MotoSkiveez Compression Riding Socks a big plus and a great addition to the riding wear arsenal, in addition to coming with that cool “Dead Pool” look. These socks are made in China and sell for $24.95 in sizes 6-9 and 9-12 from

Drymax Work Boot HD Socks We picked up a pair of these Drymax socks from the same people who sell the excellent LDC shorts and base layer riding gear. Drymax socks work with the same technology as LDComfort. They have a Dual Layer fabric system that works to keep the skin dry. They also have many other features that make them a superior sock for inside motorcycle boots. Drymax Work Boot Socks have a dual-layer moisture removal system that stays dry by moving sweat out and away from your feet. When you sweat, water is repelled by the inner hydrophobic layer to the outer hydrophilic Drymax layer, keeping your feet dry and comfortable. Other riding socks rely on moisture-wicking fibers that use the slow process of evaporation. The Drymax fibers used in the Work Boot HD socks are the least thermally conductive, meaning your feet stay warm in cold weather conditions because the sock does not pull as much heat away from the skin. Created from a unique combination of Drymax Olefin, polyester, nylon and spandex they fit snug, yet comfortable, with a flat toe seam and padded toe. The breathable mesh kept our feet cool and dry, even in warmer riding conditions and the socks use anti-microbial fibers for long-term odor control. They come in a variety of colors as long as it is black and we found them somewhere between the SOKz ease of use and the MotoSkiveez difficulty in getting on and off the feet. A mix of both, which may or may not be a bonus depending on what you are looking for in a riding sock. The USA-made Drymax Work Boot HD Socks come in sizes 5 to 13.5 and sell for $13 and can be found at So here you have three excellent choices for added foot comfort and protection. You invest in all the rest of your gear, so why not wear superior socks underneath your boots?




Page 47

What’s Happening fires and an hour of New England storytelling. Details:

Every Thursday • Bike Night at the Chatterbox Drive-In, Rtes. 15/206, Augusta, NJ. Tire kicking, good food and friends •

11 • 24th Annual Larz Anderson Classic European Motorcycle Day. 10am-2pm, Larz Anderson Park, 15 Newton St, Brookline, MA. Bike show, awards, food. 617-522-6547

2nd Friday thru September 9th @ 6-8pm • 120 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA • The Lancaster County Motorcycle Dealers Association invites you to share their passion of riding and discover all that historic downtown Lancaster has to offer. Come socialize with other riders, eat/drink at numerous restaurants & pubs, and shop at the countless stores throughout Lancaster... all within walking distance! In addition there will be bikerrelated vendors and food trucks set up in Lancaster Square on Queen Street • More info:

18 • 33rd Annual Italian Motorcycle Meet by IMOC. 10am-3pm; judging at Noon. Featured Marque: Aprilia. Admission: $10/single, $15/2-up. Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, 24 Hamilton Rd, Sturbridge, MA. For full details visit or call 248-4705788 • 401-397-4253

Every Saturday thru October • Bergen County Harley Davidson Saddle Up Saturday. 9am for coffee and bagels. Ride departs at 10am. Return to the dealership for FREE food and music. Proper attire MUST be worn! No shorts or sneakers. BCHD, 124 Essex St, Rochelle Park, NJ • 201-843-6930 • Every Sunday • Tramontin Harley-Davidson Biker Breakfast. 9-11am (weather permitting). Join us for breakfast before you ride. Great atmosphere, food and hospitality. Tramontin H-D, Exit 12, I-80, Hope, NJ • 908-459-4101 • Thru October 29 • AACA presents Mods and Rockers: The clash of sub-cultures in England in the late ‘50s-60s. Explores the difference in fashion, music an preference of two wheel transport. Discount coupon page 39. 9am-5pm • 161 Museum Dr, Hershey, PA • 717-566-7100 •


18 • Ride for Kids Philadelphia. The Event Center by Cornerstone, 46 N.Sugan Rd, New Hope, PA. Registration: 8:30-9:30am - KSU: 10:30am. Details: 18 • MeetUp & Ride with Bob’s Road Crew @ Bob’s BMW Motorcycles, 10720 Guilford Rd, Jessup, MD. Exciting group ride led by Bob! Tour the Mid-Atlantic Vintage Bike Museum at the Broom Factory. KSU 10am. Details visit 18 • AMA District II Corn Boil Rally. Sign in 9-11am • $15 Williams HD, Lebanon, NJ. Endsite: Eagles, Bridgewater, NJ. Ride in Bike Show, music, trophies, vendors. Info: 732-887-5612 • 908-722-0128 • 18 • Motorcyclepedia Museum Swap Meet and Warehouse Sale • 10a-4p @ 250 Lake St, Newburgh, Ny • 8a-3p @ 21 Liberty St • For more details 845-569-9065 ext. 501 • 18 • Women in the Wind-Silver Hawks Chapter’s 6th Annual fundraiser fo rRelentless Against Cancer. Ride Sign in/Endsite: 9:30-11am TAPS Pub & Eatery, 431 Rtoue 206, Montague, NJ $20/pp incl. light breakfast, event pin, lunch, music, door prizes and more. • 22-25 • COG NE Down-East Maine Fall Rally, Northeast Harbor, ME. Mt. Desert Island is the home of Bar Harbor, Northeast Harbor and Acadia National Park. Event fee applies for group dinner. Full details:

4 • Dawn Patrol MC Labor Day WEekend Fun Run. Sign in: Bradley Gardens Firehouse, 24 Old york Rd, Bridgewater, NJ 9am-noon with coffee & donuts. Endsite: Dawn Patrol MC Clubhouse, 106 Robert St, Bradley Gardens, Bridgewater, NJ. $20 incl. GREAT homemade food, scenic ride, live music by DVR Blues Band, door prizes, trophies, vendors and fun. • 908-722-4664

24 • Bob’s BMW Fall Open House Oktoberfest & Swap Meet. 10720 Guilford Rd, Jessup, MD. Details:

10 • Cross Country Cycle Vintage & Custom Bike Show. 10am-3pm. Custom bikes from the tri-state area. Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place people’s choice. To enter RSVP at • 911 Middlesex Ave, Metuchen, NJ

24 • Forever Friends Motorcycle Awareness 5th Annual Charity Bike Run and Event, Skylands Stadium, 94 Championship Rd, Augusta, NJ. Rain date: Sept. 25th. Details:

10 • First Responders Appreciation Day & Ride to the Farm sponsored by Tramontin Harley-Davidson. Sign in: Tramontin HD 11am-Noon; FREE escorted ride leaves @ Noon. Live band, motorcycle games, bagpiper & color guard at the Donaldson Farms 2pm. Exit 12 Route 80 Hope NJ • 908-459-4101 •

22-25 • BACKROADS FALL FIESTA Four days of incredible riding and fun. For full details visit

9-11 • Vermont BMW MC present the 34th Green Mountain Rally, Goshen, VT. In the midst of the Green Mountains, enjoy the best home cooking (Fri/Sat dinners, Sat/Sun breakfasts), great Vermont self-guided tours, Gap and GS rides, live bluegrass music Friday night, door prizes and awards ceremony Sat. night, hot showers, camping, bon-

25 • Ride for Kids Baltimore-Washington. Turf Valley Resort, 2700 Turf Valley Rd, Ellicott City, MD. Registration 7:30-9am • Kickstands up: 9:30am For complete details visit

24-25 • Woodstock Harley-Davidson Open House. 949 Ny 28, Kingston, Ny • 845208-2179 •

Page 48



What’s Happening


Follow us on Facebook for up-to-the-minute information

1 • Hermy’s BMW and Triumph Oktoberfest • 9a-4p - Brats, Kraut and a Keg of Birch Beer. Specials on all 2015 models. 69 Centre St, port Clinton, PA • 610-562-7303 •

Visit our online Calendar for more details and to download Event Submission Form

6 • Blue Knights NJ IX 28th Annual Harvey C. Irons Make-A-Wish Ride to benefit MakeA-Wish Foundation of NJ. Start and End: Skylands Stadium, CR 565, Augusta, NJ. $20/pp, under 12 free. Sign in: 9am - Ride: 11am. Coffee and donuts at start; entertainment, vendors and lunch at finish • • 9 • 9th Annual Veterans Memorial Car, Truck & Bike Show. Woodbourne Veterans Memorial Park, 145 Sherman Ridge Rd, Wantage, NJ. 11am-4pm. Details: 973-352-9203 15 • Oktoberfest Open House at Morton's BMW Motorcycles, 5099A Jefferson Davis Highway, Fredericksburg, VA 22408. Traditional Oktoberfest celebration, this year with special guest Reg Pridmore, the first AMA Superbike Champion (on a BMW R90S, of course), and owner of the CLASS motorcycle riding school. Details to come at or 540-891-9844.


Easy • Convenient • Secure Subscribe Today via our Website

16 • Ramapo MC Fall Foliage Tour. Sign in/Endsite: Rhodes north Tavern, 40 Orange Tpke (Rte. 17) Sloatsburg, Ny @ 9am-mid-afternoon. Guided/self-guided tour featuring the best autumn pallet Mother Nature can provide along some of the Hudson Valley’s most interesting roads. Benefits Valerie Fund.

17-18 • Don’t miss Reg Pridmore’s last CLASS at Virginia Internationl Raceway. 2-day learning extravaganza. For full details visit • 805-933-9936

Sending a check? Use the form below and mail to:

24 • 9th Annual Ridgewood Fall Motorcycle Classic(Raindate Sunday, October 31st). Full details visit or call 201-843-6930

Backroads, PO Box 317, Branchville, NJ 07826

NOVEMBER 2016 25 • 2nd Annual Black Friday Ride @ Bob's BMW Motorcycles, 10720 Guilford Rd, Jessup, MD. After a great success in 2015, Bob’s will be hosting a 2nd annual Black Friday Ride! Avoid shopping pandemonium and #optoutsideon2wheels Visit for details. 25 • MeetUp & Ride with Bob’s Road Crew @ Bob’s BMW Motorcycles, 10720 Guilford Rd, Jessup, MD. Exciting group ride led by Bob! Details visit

DECEMBER 2016 11-17 • Join Backroads on a week’s riding in the Mountains of Tenerife, beautiful islands of Spain, with Edelweiss Tours. For full details see page 42 17 • 9am-4pm • Holiday Cheer Open House @ Bob's BMW Motorcycles, 10720 Guilford Rd, Jessup, MD. The annual customer appreciation day is Bob’s favorite event of the year. It’s a time to think back and smile on yet another wonderful and fun year of riding and serving customers! Visit for details.

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Take the road less travelled with any of Honda’s Adventure motorcycles THE ALL-NEW 2016 VFR1200X

THE ALL-NEW 2016 CRF1000L Africa Twin

NC700X CB500X 210 Route 10 West • East Hanover, NJ • 973-428-1735 Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am-6pm • Thur: 9am-8pm Sat: 9am-5pm • SUNDAY: CLOSED ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, AND NEVER USE THE STREET AS A RACETRACK. OBEY THE LAW AND READ THE OWNER’S MANUAL THOROUGHLY. For rider training information or to locate a rider training course near you, call the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at 800-446-9227. NC700X, CB500X, VFR1200X and CRF1000L Africa Twin are registered trademarsk of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (08/15)

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