Bacon & Eggs
You can see our magazine in the web: www. iesinfante.com
Bacon & Eggs
annual magazine is produced by the English Department of the IES Infante D. Juan Manuel, Murcia.
Yolanda López Escar
Editor’s View Welcome to number 25 of the magazine.
CONTENTS pg. English Department............ 2-4 Deaflympics........................5 Old Students.................... 6-7 2
Last Year Students.................8 Exchange...................... 10-11 Opinion essays 1st Bac.......... 12 Women’s Rights1st Bac......... 13 School trips 4th ESO........ 14-15 Experiences Abroad......... 16-17 2nd Year ESO Projects...... 18-19 Twilight. 1st ESO............. 20-23 Have you ever think about it?. 24 Amazing News.................... 25 My Roots...................... 26-28 Pictures........................... 29
Cover by Violeta Robla Cardona
Yes, you read well number 25! Within these years a lot of things have happened and a lot of students and teachers have collaborated with us to make this magazine possible. THANK YOU ALL!
This magazine started in black and white and has been improving along the years by having more contents, coloured covers and finally a fully coloured magazine during the last years of the publication. This was possible, nearly always, with the support of the Parents Association and sometimes sponsored by some nearby firms. But then, the crisis came and there was no money to publish it any more; so, we turned to digital version, according to the times. This version can be found in the school web www.iesinfante.es (actividades extracurriculares). Therefore, after all this effort and years here we have our 25th issue. In this number you will have some special news from the English Department and all those outstanding works, pieces of writing and presentations of students from the different levels within the school. We hope you will enjoy reading it and that more students and teachers will join us in the future.
Cristina Conejero SĂĄnchez and Jaime MartĂnez Morga, students from the ABC Programme in our school (Deaf Students Programme), have finished their A-levels and passed successfully their University Entrance Examinations, therefore, they are going to start university next year. It is the first time that deaf students are going to access to university within regular schooling students. This achievement has been possible thanks to the ABC programme, in which deaf and hearing students share facilities and socialize. This programme has been supported by the Education Authorities in Murcia. The success of these students could not have been possible without the hard, firm and unbreakable work of a fantastic team of specialized teachers who have devoted full time to do the best of these students and, last but not least! We have to praise the incredible effort of these students and their families to overcome difficulties.
We hope that these two great students are only the first step for others to follow.
From the English Department we want to point out the incredible work of Ms Alicia Delgado Bri帽as, who has been teaching them English during their ESO (GCSE) and Bachillerato (A-levels).
It is a real honour to work with her.
4 Cristina and Jaime with their teachers and the headmaster
Needless to say that 2013 Graduation Ceremony was a very special one, even the Education authorities joined us for the occasion.
During the graduation ceremony two choirs of hearing and deaf students, conducted by Ms Emma Soriano and Ms Alicia Delgado, sang Imagine by John Lennon. Everybody was breathless listening and watching them. If you want to listen and see it, go to youtube graduaci贸n ies infante 2013
Jaime Martínez, at the Estonian European Games.
Deaf Olympics
Athletics is the biggest sport at the Olympic Games. More than 2,000 athletes take part in the athletics programme. They compete over distances ranging from the 100 metres sprint to the 50 kilometers road walk. Did you know that there are also Deaf Olympics? Deaf Olympics are commonly called Deaflympics . The first games started in 1924 in Paris and have been held every four years after that (except for a break during World War II ). In order to be qualified to compete, you must have at least a 55 db (decibels) hearing loss in your best ear. You aren’t allowed to use hearing aids or cochlear implants while competing, to put all athletes at the same level. One of our deaf students is taking part in the next Deaf Olympics. His name is Jaime Martinez Morga . He is a brilliant student and an incredible deaf athlete. I asked him about his participation in such an important competition and this is what he told us about this fantastic event: “I feel really proud of taking part in the Deaf Olympics which will be celebrated in Sofía, Bulgaria next summer. I have participated in many national and international competitions but this one means a lot for me “ a dream that comes true”. I am worried about how well I will be able to communicate in written English . English is also very important for deaf people who want to participate in international competitions. This year I have studied English very hard because I will need English in interviews and in many other situations, with friends, coachers and so… Furthermore, International Sign Language is used in the Deaf Olympics and that’s great for Deaf people.” We hope you enjoy your experience. Good luck , Jaime !
Being a special occassion, as this is our 25th anniversary, we have asked a couple of oldstudents to write a few lines about their memories at Infante I.E.S Infante Don Juan Manuel
Each time you learn something new, you start thinking in a different way… and then your personality evolve. This evolution is only possible thanks to our skill to learn. When I studied at the secondary school Infante Don Juan Manuel I learnt the real meaning of “learning”. Our teachers gave us the tools to approach a new subject, how to memorize and integrate all this information, and at least how to communicate it. But, that was not the only thing I learned at the secondary school. What is more, It was not taught by a teacher. In the beginning, you meet a few friends. Later, you go on a trip to the countryside and meet new people. Perhaps, you explain to your friends and teachers your most beloved book in the library, or you participate in the school council. At the end, you become a more complete person. Now, I can help people with my job, and I still want to go on learning new languages, to meet different people I wouldn´t have been possible without the aid of our teachers. That is the reason way, we appreciate the big effort our teachers made with us. I am entirely surely that they deserve it.
Manuel Suárez Solís Manuel was a brilliant student and now, after being the first in the MIR examinations in Murcia, is doing his residence training in Morales Meseguer Hospital.
A look from the past High school is tough. At least so it was for me. It was a very busy time trying to find out who I was, to realize where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do as a career, together with a demanding academic schedule and a complicated social life. In one word, it was challenging, and looking at the future was even scary. This year I have turned 40. Although the media and society reflects Laura in 1988 a general glorification of youth and the idea of “any past time was always better”, I have to admit I have not the morbid fear of aging that I can see in some people, regardless of their actual age. But, when I was asked to write here about my memories of High School, an urge for selfintrospection came up to my mind. I tried to imagine this: “if the sixteen-year-old Laura (coming from 1989) could talk to me today, looking at my life with her eyes, what would she say?”. Would she be proud of me?, would she be happy with what I have achieved?. Or, by contrast, would she be dissapointed, or frustrated because the future she had in mind for herself didn’t come true?... Laura in 2013 When I have asked this same question to people of my generation they all have turned pale and changed the subject. Again, the fear of aging. But the good news are...life makes you wiser. I have learned that if you are smart enough to learn from your mistakes (trying not to make too many), you will find a way to be happy. Most of my friends are happier now than they were in High School, because they work for it, they know how to achieve happiness. So, right now I feel ready to I open the sealed-box I have in my basement with my old diaries and meet again with my teenage-myself. Wish me luck. Laura del Río. June 2013 Laura was also a very good student and now, she is teaching at the Veterinarian Faculty in Murcia University.
I remember the day when I decided to study “Bachillerato de Investigación”. We were all really nervous, and probably most of us thought that we would regret it later, but we still did it. The first step was choosing the work, which was a bit difficult, since some of the subjets were unknown to us. The first year was quite hard because we had to do two works, and we were really stressed some days. Moreover, having three more lessons a week than the rest of students wasn’t enjoyable – and it isn’t still – so, we were always complaining, but our teachers understood us, so it wasn’t as hard as we thought. This year was different, we had to do an only work, but much larger. In adittion, Selectividad was an aspect which had to be taken into account, and the fact that teachers were always talking about it didn’t help. However, when we finally finished our works and we presented them, the world was a better place. Therefore, I think none of us regret doing that Bachillerato. So if you’re thinking about doing it, don’t be afraid, it’s worth it.
by Laura de Lara Gil. 2nd Bach. FH I have just finished studying Bachillerato in this high school and because of my marks (I had an average of 8) the headmaster suggested me to join the Investigation programme. At first I refused, I thought it was a complete nonsense because you had three hours more than the rest of the students in this level, plus the pieces of work that, last year, were two. We can’t forget about the “new subject” IAI where you learn to “investigate”. Anyway, too much work for me. But... When they told me there were extra points depending on your score on the projects I decided to join the programme... And... so far, I have not regretted my decision. An advantage about Investigation is that you can choose any subject and you will course it. No matter if you are just 3 or 4 students in class (A thing that happened to me last year with Greek and Latin and this year with History of Art and Latin). You will also find a good atmosphere in class, you will meet good friends, and also, clever friends that in many cases will save you the day explaining stuff that you don’t understand. Once you get used to going out at 3:10, it’s fine (trust me) and when you go home at 2:15 you feel normal, and that’s a feeling that the ordinary bachillerato student doesn’t have. It’s hard to explain. You have also a better and closer relationship with teachers. They help you more and you have a better academic training on their subjects because of the small number of people and the good manners of those people (that we have to accept, in the end that matters quite much). If your project is good enough, you can try to go to some investigation competitions which, if you win, the economical prize is around 1000€. We can conclude saying that of course, if you join the investigation programme, you’ll spend more time with the high school stuff but you’ll meet good friends, you’ll get closer to the teachers, have better marks, a better education, and you’ll learn how to make projects that you will have to do later at University.
An exchange with the Town Council: Culture Point 2011. Luxembourg. After finishing 4th of ESO, I realized that I had been lucky, because I had been chosen for a trip organized by the Town council, which I had applied for, the previous month. The exchange was going to be in Luxembourg, one of the smallest countries of Europe and one of the richest one too. I was going to go with five girls I didn’t know, and at the end we all became really closed friends. We went there the 21st of July, and we spent a really fantastic week in a little village named Eisenborn. The village was really small; there were not more than forty houses, a lot of cows, and near the youth hostel there was a beautiful forest. Everything there was green. 10
all communicated in English.
In Eisenborn we met people from all over Europe. There were people from Italy, Estonia, Luxembourg, Austria, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Finland, and, of course, from Spain. We
During that week we did a lot of activities. There were video, metal, weaving, mosaic, and painting workshop that we all really enjoyed. Moreover, we played games, sports, and we practiced African dances, which was really exciting. The third day, we visited a little German city named Trier, where we played a game that consisted in exchanging objects and getting more valuable things. The team who had the best object would be the winner. That night we all sang around the fire as in the typical scene of films. It was awesome. Two days later we visited Luxembourg City, the capital of Luxembourg. The city was magnificent. It had the best things of a small city, in spite of being a big city. There was no pollution and no noise, although there were a lot of people and fun. Most of the streets in this city are pedestrian streets. Some buildings look old and classic, while others are modern with crystal façades. It is a city which has an immense forest in the middle of the city that was the perfect place for relaxing and having fun. While we were in this city we had to play a gymkhana that was really funny due to the embarrassing races.
The next day we went to the place where the country ends, and France and Belgium begins. It was a river. There, we made a lot of water sports and activities. It was a great day. Each one spent the day doing what he or she most liked. Ones decided to sunbath, while others decided to play volleyball, cards, or have a bath in the river. That night, people from each country had to make an exhibition of our country. Spain was very well known, so we decide to do our exhibition about the Region of Murcia. We also had to bring our local food. We couldn’t cook Spanish omelet, but we had brought ham, cheese, Iberian chorizo and many other things. Moreover, to make our exhibition more typical, we dressed the typical dress of Bando de la Huerta. As everything good in this life, the trip was very short. The last day arrived. That night we had a great barbecue and later and big party, with a private DJ. That night was incredible and the party ended near dawn. Next morning, we began to say goodbye. Farewells were really sad, and there were people who cried. Fourteen hours later we arrived in Spain, and the trip was definitely finished. This trip I made with the council was one of the most grateful experiences I have ever had in my life. I could practice English; meet incredible people, have great experiences, and I learn a lot of things about myself. When I came back, I had the feeling that I wasn’t the same one. Something inside me had changed, but I didn’t know what. Anyway, exchanges with the council are really awesome and cheap. Personally, I recommend it to everybody, because they are unforgettable experiences. And the first thing I wished, once I was back in Spain, was to come back to Luxembourg next year. Pablo López Pellicer 1st
A CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE to download or not to download “It’s Dishonest to Download Music from the Internet”
Personally speaking, this phrase sounds so strong and all the people can think that this is true, of course. But, how many people buy CDs nowadays? We can say that songs belong to musicians and, of course, they must be paid for their work. On the other hand, I think that CDs are too expensive and most pop singers are already rich. Who has never downloaded a song from the Internet? 12
You can get into a very big trouble if you are caught downloading so, in my opinion, we must download music from legal sites like iTunes, which sells it at a very low price and sometimes gives it to you for free. By Irene Avilés López.1st Bac.F
_____________________________________________ Downloading music from the Internet is not wrong. It may be illegal but, I don’t think it is wrong. In fact, the music industry makes huge amounts of money from music and while music is being downloading, they still are making a lot of money. They might lose a little profit but, but they get it back from free advertising and promotions. For me, it is like listening music from the radio, anyone can record that song from the radio and no one complains about it because, the recorded sound has a lower quality than the original one. The same can be said about downloaded music.
By Inés Botía Paco. 1st Bac.F
Hello, my name is Paula. I have just finished the first year of my A- levels in a special programme which is called Investigation. I had to work on one of the three investigation assessments. I could choose Feminism and Suffragism in The United Kingdom, and in the United States of America, that was inside of the assessment called “Men and women, different but the same”. I studied the beginnings of these organizations and the main reason. Women were subordinated to men in some aspects, such as education, work and suffrage. By the end of the XVIII century, many liberal and political revolutions took place in Europe, most clearly The French Revolution. There, the population demanded the equality between different social classes, however women were still excluded. In the United States it was a little bit different. The second great awakening provoked the origin of some social organizations like Abolitionism, which counted with the participation of many women. However, after the victory of the Abolitionism, two organizations were separated. That is why women in these two countries started to protest for change.
But how did women protest for their rights? They did many demonstrations and pickets in which they caught the attention of politicians, who finally gave them the right of suffrage. Most part of the people think that this right was granted first in USA, but it is false. Women older than thirty years could vote in the United Kingdom in 1919, and all of women could vote in the United States of
America in 1920. Due to this investigation I learnt much about the fight of women for their rights and I really liked it. I could show my knowledge of this topic in two occasions. The shorter exposition was in front of family, friends, teachers and a tribunal, which was formed by three teachers; and the longer one, which was in front of my class and the investigation subject teacher. Finally I want to thank to all my classmates who helped me out, and of course, to my coordinator Gloria García. By Paula Pérez González (1st Bac.)
One of the best trips I have ever done is a trip to Burgos (Castilla-Leon). The worst thing about the trip was the journey. Eight hours travelling by bus are very boring but I travelled with my high school partners and that improved the journey but even so, it looked like we were never going to get to our destination. But that awful journey was worthy; when we got to Burgos everything was incredible, everyone spoke to each other, we had a lot of fun specially at night time and I met lots of new and amazing people there. Other two good things about the trip were that Burgos is a wonderful and comfortable city and the other thing was that I could meet a girl that I know since I was three and that was incredible because I missed her a lot. I would recommend it to everybody because Burgos is a lovely city and my other piece of advice is that you ought to travel always with friends. Pablo Andújar 4th E _____________________________________________________
A visit to the museum
A few weeks ago, my class and I went to the museum of fossils. We saw fossils from all ages and the teacher explained us where every fossil came from. Also, I was surprised when the teacher showed us the remains of a very big tortoise! This species of tortoise was very common in ancient times, but nowadays, it’s extinct. After the exposition, we had lunch, and then, we took the bus home. Everyone agreed that the museum was interesting. by Irene García Masegosa 4th B
A Special Trip: PARIS by Mercedes Pérez Escavy 4 th B My trip to Paris was fantastic, we enjoyed a lot. We left Murcia at 1.30 in the morning and landed in Paris at 9, so it was tiring but we were so excited that it didn’t matter. We visited many beautiful places like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, d’Orsay Museum, Notredame cathedral… and we prepared some activities about all those places. It was interesting because we had read and looked for information about those famous monuments, painting, streets,… But I have to say that the most beautiful memories about my trip are the happy moments I shared with my friends. I will always remember this trip.
____________________________________________ Paris by Fuensanta Guillamón 4th E
Our trip to Paris was perfect because I went with my friends and because I had never been to Paris before. we visited Centre Pompidou, The Louvre Museum and so.... but the most special place for me was The Sacre Cour, because for me it is the most beautiful place in the world. Friends were a very important factor in the trip because friends, together with family, are possibly the most important thing in life. As we were too busy and tired to walk around the city, friends and the hotel were our salvation.
EXPERIENCES ABROAD A Special Trip: New York The trip I remember more clearly was a trip to New York. I love travelling as much as the rest of the family and that’s why we go to a different place every summer but, the trip to New York was unforgettable.
I went to N.Y. when I was eleven years old. During this trip I saw the highest buildings of my life. I was all day looking at the sky to see the top of the buildings because I was so impressed. I saw Central Park, the soul of New York, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State, Brooklyn Bridge. We also were in Times Square, in fact it was my favourite place because it’s amazing the amount of information and the neon lights. I saw the Fifth Avenue, it was spectacular, the dream of any woman because of the million shops that there are in that street. For all these things I was delighted and amazed and, I promised that I will go back to this incredible and wonderful place some day. By Pilar Bermejo García 4th E
By Alejandro Serrano. 4th B
During the summer of 2010, my father, uncle, brother and me went on a journey with some other people. The journey lasted four days and three nights.
We went on the Colorado river, the plan was to get to a campsite and stay there a night, so we did that, but during that day we did a lot of activities, like play poker, we also jumped from a cliff 40 feet high, at the end of the four days we were all very tired so we stopped at a bar to watch the final of the world cup, which Spain actually won, it was really a great day.
BRITISH CULTURE PROJECTS Second Year Students show us their works on British culture Click on each PPT to see them
Click on each PPT to see them
Saga Twilight is a famous series of four books for teenagers. There are more than 100 million of fans of these books all over the world. Their writer is Stephenie Meyer. She wrote other books too like “Midnight Sun” (she didn´t finish it), “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” (from Eclipse) and “The Host” (about aliens).
The main characters of Twilight books are: -Bella Swam (the human girl): She is short. She has got brown hair and brown eyes and her skin is very pale. She is very shy and insecure. -Edward Cullen (the vampire): He is a handsome 17- year-old vampire, but he was transformed into a vampire 100 years ago. He can read people´s mind but he can´t read Bella´s thoughts. -Jacob Black (the werewolf): He is Bella´s best friend and he loves her. He hates Edward because he is a vampire and is Bella´s boyfriend.
After this success in teen audience, movies have been made of the Twilight books. Now there are millions of teenagers all around the world who loves this movies saga! Actors portraying the main characters have become very famous thanks to these films. THE STARS OF THE TWILIGHT SAGA FILMS:
Kristen Stewart As Bella Swan
Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black
Article written by MarĂa Segura GarcĂa 1E
By Sara Alcaráz, Isabel Micol and María Segura, 1st CSE- E
-MARÍA: Let´s talk about Twilight! -ISABEL :AND SARA: Yes!! We love Twilight! -MARÍA: We can write an article for Bacon and Eggs, the English magazine of our high school. -ISABEL: Ok, this way everybody will know why we love it. -SARA: Let´s go! -ISABEL: Why you like Twilight? -MARÍA: I love Twilight since last summer when I read the books because a friend in an English camp in Romangordo (a small village in Extremadura) told me they are amazing, and when I went to the high school, I knew you. You told me the movies are great too and I saw them. -SARA: I would never have read the books if María hadn’t recommended them to me but I discovered they are best than the movies. And it is difficult because the movies are amazing too!! -ISABEL: I prefer the movies because they have many pictures of Edward and Jacob without T-shirt!! ;)
Escriba aquí la ecuación.
Edward Cullen Our favourite character is Edward Cullen because… He is really really handsome!!! But we love him because he is very gentle and mysterious.
HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT…? María Álvarez Castillo. 1º Bac. E …A child addicted to using a tablet. I imagine that you have never thought about something like that. However, some weeks ago, in England, there was a child who had to be taken into a hospital due to the fact that she was addicted to using the IPAD. This little girl was only four years old. You will ask how many hours does she use it. Her parents have communicated that she normally uses it for 4 or 5 hours a day and it has also been said that when she couldn’t use the tablet, her behavior was extremely aggressive. This incredible news has had an important reaction of many experts 24 who consider this addiction as an extremely alarming problem which is incredibly increasing in the last years. The using of this technological instruments is a controversial topic as some people say that it’s got more advantages and others say that it’s causing a great deal of problems like these news that I have told you today. We will wait and see what happens in the next weeks.
Two Amazing Piece of News
Do you know that the staff of a cosmetic company was forced to crawl by his manager in the center of Chongqing? This has happened this year, last May. The manager did it to know if the staff was involved with the company. Obviously everyone looked amazed the show.
Did you know that a young boy called Enzo Vizcaíno sang his own curriculum in Barcelona’s subway? He wanted to escape from the unemployment, that is worst in the young sector of the society. This journalist has been very witty; we hope he will find a job soon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_ embedded&v=PALNcW_eQXw#at=30
By Elisa Marín Andrés and
María Sandoval Brotons.
MY ROOTS Some of our students come from different places in the world. We can learn from them about different cultures and backgrounds and together, make the world a better place.
Lebanon is a small country in the west of Asia. Its capital and largest city is Beirut. The majority of Lebanese people speak Arabic, but they speak French and English too. In its coasts, we can find some of the oldest cities in the world, like Byblon or Tyre, which are dated back to earlier than 5000 BC. The weather there is so hot and dry in summers. In the mountains, the winters are cold with frequent frosts. Lebanon has a lot of Mediterranean forests, but the most important tree is the cedar, which is their flag, and it’s also the national symbol. The culture of Lebanon is the cross culture of some civilizations over thousands of years. It was the original home of the Phoenicians, and then it was occupied by the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and most recently, the French. In my opinion, a really good thing about Lebanon is that there are both beaches and mountains. Because of Lebanon’s unique geography, it’s possible to go skiing in the morning and go swimming in the afternoon. By LARA ZABAD. 4th E
Bolivia My country is called Bolivia and it is in the middle of South America. Bolivia has a democratic government. It is divided in nine departments ( Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Potosí, Sucre, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Beni y Pando) each one has their own characters and their own weather. La Paz, Oruro, Potosí have a temperature between -5 to 20 grades degrees and their altitude is between 3500 to 4800 meters over the sea Cochabamba, Sucre and Tarija have a middle temperature of 23 grades degrees and their altitude is 2300 meters over the sea. Santa Cruz, Beni y Pando have a temperature about 30 grade degrees and their altitude is between 1500 to 2500 meters over the sea. Bolivia has an exceptional ethnographic wealth throughout its territory. The country has many farming communities and 32 aboriginal groups to preserve their customs originating. In Bolivia you can visit some places that are famous. For example you can visit: Salar de uyuni is the largest desert of salt of the world. It is in Potosi. In the coldest month the temperature is between -20 to 15 grades degrees and in the warm months the temperature is between 15 to 18 grades degrees, Lago Titicaca is one of the biggest lakes in the world and also it is the second largest lake of South America. Rurrebanaque is a small town in Beni, There is so much wildlife that you can visit. Amboró National Park is a protected area in Bolivia. There you can see so much wildlife waterfalls… The variety and, above all, the amount of flora and fauna in Bolivia make this earth a wonderful country. Bolivia’s gastronomy is known for its variety of dishes that vary from region to region. With deep roots and indigenous Spanish-Moorish, transformed by crossbreeding and different historical moments that the country has experienced, Bolivian cuisine has added a wide range of dishes and recipes, which makes varied, rich and differentiated. By Cristhian Aramayo Rivero. 4th E
Ecuador is an amazing country with a great variety of natural wealth, culture, flora and fauna. It possesses several tourist sites like: ``La Mitad del Mundo´´ placed in the parish of San Antonio. `` Galapagos Islands´´ formed by big volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean on the equatorial line, the islands are called the <<Delighted islands>> since its nature and fauna are impressive and extraordinary, unique , since they cannot be in any other part of the world. Nowadays these islands are World Heritage. Los Baños de Agua Santa is placed in the Tungurahua in which wonderful waterfalls can be visited, there are swimming pools of thermal waters and spas. It is an ideal place for extreme sports as rafting and climbing. Traditions and customs. Some of the typical food of Ecuador is Fritada , it consists of fried pork with corn cobs, avocado, white corn, potatoes, fried plantains and salad. A typical dish for Easter is the Fanesca which is a thick soup made of 12 grains representing the 12 apostles. The settlers from the mountains still preserve their dialects as the Quechua. The most joyous festival of the year is the Carnival. There are parades where they dance and celebrate with water, talc, or any type of paint for the face. At end of year there is a custom to be hot to <<Old Year>> . They elaborate puppets with old clothes and paper that they burn to see in the old year. In my opinion, Ecuador is a wonderful place that has many tourist places.
By Karen Sosa
WE HAVE ALSO GREAT ARTISTS AT SCHOOL Arturo L贸pez shows his talent in these pictures.
Ies Infante Don Juan Manuel, Murcia
Dise帽o e Ilustraci贸n: Violeta Robla Cardona