Miriam Romero Caballero Raquel Espín Mondéjar Nuria Rodríguez Liza Minerva Balsalobre Manzano
PISCES Born between: 20 February to 20 March Symbolizes: The oceans, moving things, variables, changing, hospitality, beverage, service, dissimulation and sacrifice. Element: Water Season: Winter Character: Tolerant Pros: Excellent as a couple, are very romantic, loving and kind. Cons: Overly shy and somewhat clueless Day of week: Thursday Color: Green and Indigo Marino Planet: Neptune Precious Stones and Metals: Palladium and Sapphire.
The Pisces Sign • A Pisces has a calm, patient and friendly personality. • They are very loved by others because they have a gentle, loving and kind nature • Often assume their environment and circumstances and do not usually take the initiative to solve problems. • They do not like to feel confined and do not respect the conventions just like that. • Pisces often retreat into a dream world where their skills can bring them benefits. • They have a great artistic creativity.
Predictions for today • You'll have to deal with any uncomfortable situation type headache. • All you obtain the reward is proportional to the effort and dedication you have given above.
Personal opinion What I have learned of this sign is that people with this sign are calm, patient and kind. Dearly loved by others and have great artistic creativity.
SAGITTARIUS • • • • • • • • • • • •
Born between: November 23 to December 21 Symbolizes: The longs travel, the abstract mind, adventures, outdoors, exercise, horse racing, speed, betting, wise, higher education and independence. Element: Fire Season: Autumn Character: Sincere Pros: great athletes, very happy and jovial. They are very studious Cons: They are something reckless, radical and capricious. Day of week: Thursday Color: Purple, blue, violet Planet: Jupiter Perfumes: Violet, Thyme, Laurel. Precious Stones and Metals: Tin, Topaz, Emerald and Turquoise.
The Sagittarius Sign • Sagittarius is one of the most positive signs of the zodiac. • They have an open mind to new ideas and experiences and maintain an optimistic attitude even when things are tough. • They love to cover new projects and learn about new things. • They are intuitive and good organizers and they are generous. • Some Sagittarius have a great genius to situations that may appear to others unimportant.
Predictions for today • I'll match quite negative and nasty people, try to have as little contact with them. Any comments or gossip, forget it, they are not going with you. • Today Friday, you should take advantage of your day, get up early and give it your best, and see how you finish all your assignments on time and you can fully enjoy your weekend. Do it, you will feel great.
AQUARIUS • • • • • • • • • • • •
Born between 21 January to 19 February. Symbolizes: Friendship, spiritual thirst, fraternities, universal love, the effort, the unions, revolutions, altruism, humanitarianism, progress, technology, vibration, pace, novelty, invention, freedom. Element: Air Season: Winter. Character: Very outgoing Pros: They are very altruistic, they love to help others. Cons: Unpredictable and stubborn. Day of the week: Saturday. Color: Turquoise. Planet: Uranus Perfumes: Fern and Lavender Precious Stones and Metals: Aluminum, Amethyst and Aquamarine
The Aquarius Sign •
Aquarians have a strong and attractive personality. There are two types of Aquarius, one is shy, sensitive, and patient. The other type is exuberant, lively and can get to hide the depths of his personality under a frivolous air.
They are open to the truth and willing to learn from everyone. An Aquarium is human, sincere, refined and idealistic.
They know persevere and express reason, moderation, and sometimes humor. Almost all Aquarians are intelligent, clear and logical. Many are imaginative and psychic. Some feel the need to withdraw from the world to meditate or think. Despite the aquarium open personality and his desire to help humanity, not usually make friends easily. His soul is not delivered with ease.
Predictions for today • Aquarius, you're very sensitive. We currently do a whole world, all you surprises. You will be able to fall in love with anyone. • Do not overdo it, set yourself some limits. Not a question of exceeding. Always act with moderation, be smart as you well know how. You can and should be enthusiastic. • Always in life, studies, analyzes and then acts. Do not ever do without thinking, impulsive way. • Do not be so stubborn and learn to give your budge. Reasons, be empathetic. Do not show unstable.
Personal opinion
GEMINI • • • • • • • • • • • •
Born between: 21 May to 21 June Symbolizes: The mind, communications, duality, the initiative in business, trade, intellectual work, travel, siblings, childhood friends, the writings, the language and the concrete mind. Element: Air Season: Spring Character: Funny Pros: Incredibly fun and jovial, friendly and eloquent Cons: They are quite charlatans, liars and very shallow Day of week: Wednesday Color: Yellow Planet: Mercury Perfumes: Jacinto Precious Stones and Metals: Opal, Agate
The Gemini Sign • Gemini is the sign of the twins and as such, its character is double, quite complex and contradictory. Have happiness, self-centeredness, imagination and concern for children. • Gemini begin new activities and challenges with enthusiasm, but often lack the perseverance to achieve them. They believe that life is like a game and looking for fun and new situations. • A Gemini is usually polite, loving, kind and generous. Get discouraged easily. Geminis have to try not to get discouraged when things get tough. Intelligence and mental capacity. They have great analytical skills.
Predictions for today • Gemini, a small problem arises you must fix quickly, almost on the fly. • These days, more work on Mondays because you have done. Change dynamics and can not continue. As for your feelings, you have to act in a balanced way, using your reason and above all to exercise restraint. •
If you want to stick with it and not finish it, do not give free rein to your emotions. Beware of easy money. You’ll go out losing. Personal Opinion