Volume XLIV, Issue 44
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
BARACK OBAMA WINS ELECTORAL, POPULAR VOTE AGAINST ROMNEY Polo Rocha State Legislative Editor CHICAGO – President Barack Obama won his second term in the White House, which he said in a speech to supporters would be one where both parties need to come together to solve the various issues the country faces. Obama gave his victory speech after midnight in Chicago’s McCormick Place, where supporters had been waiting since 7 p.m. to hear the him speak. While they awaited the results of the presidential election, onlookers cheered as other races across the
nation were going their way. When he took the stage, Obama told the country with a message that he will address the problems the country has and work to ensure the nation continues to grow. “Whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I have learned from you, and you’ve made me a better president,” Obama said. “And with your stories and your struggles, I return to the White House more determined and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the future that lies ahead.” His message of hope reappeared
Electoral votes 270 needed to win
Presidential race by states won Obama
Not called
R.I. Del. D.C. Unofficial results as of 1 a.m. EST
Congressional balance of power House
435 total
68 Not called
158 DEM
209 GOP Majority
100 total 44 GOP
51 DEM 2 Independents
3 Not called
SOURCE: AP Election Research
Associated Press
President Barack Obama carried all but two states he won in 2008. Florida is still undecided.
in his speech tonight, although he noted the difference between “wishful idealism” and the hope inside people that encourages them to fight for a better future. “I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggests,” Obama said. “We’re not as cynical as the pundits believe. We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are and forever will be the United States of America.” Shortly before Obama spoke, former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., conceded in a speech to his supporters in Boston, thanking them for their hard work during the campaign. He emphasized given the country’s problems, politicians cannot “risk partisan bickering and political posturing” and encouraged the country to stand with Obama in his effort to make the country stronger. “I believe in America,” Romney said. “I believe in the people of America. And I ran for office because I’m concerned about America. … I so wish that I had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader. And so Ann and I join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation.” The presidential elections saw few surprises and went as the polls described it would, according to University of Wisconsin life sciences communications professor Dietram Scheufele. The typically conservative states went to Romney, and Obama performed well in the reliably liberal states, he said. Obama had a
strong showing in the Midwest and also took a number of swing states, not even needing Ohio and Florida to be called by the time he gave his speech. The Democrats remained in control of the Senate, and the Republicans are still the majority in the House of Representatives. UW journalism professor Michael Wagner said Obama would need to work with Republicans on issues like growing the economy tax and entitlement reform. He added like many second-term presidents, Obama may make a push for significant reforms early, but given the split in Congress, this may not be possible. “Obama is going to be facing a divided government,” Wagner said. “He’s going to have to try to find a way to compromise in a very polarized environment to keep the fragile recovery going forward.” In Wisconsin, Obama led Romney 52 percent to 47 percent, while in the Senate race, Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., defeated her Republican opponent, former Gov. Tommy Thompson, by a similar margin, according to The Associated Press. Both presidential campaigns spent a significant amount of time in the state, and Romney’s vice presidential pick, Rep. Paul Ryan, is from Wisconsin.
Ryan, one of the leading voices in the Republican Party, is known for his strong conservatism. The Republicans’ loss may lead to the party shifting back to the center, Scheufele said. “If Paul Ryan couldn’t carry Wisconsin, I think that says a lot about the viability of that ticket,” Scheufele said. “He was brought on to be a very conservative voice and carry the Midwest and epitomize the concerns of the Midwest. … If Paul Ryan can’t deliver his own state, the Republicans really need to rethink their strategy. “ A big reason behind Obama’s win, Scheufele said, was his innovative campaign strategy of micro-targeting and giving distinct messages to different voters. Given the country’s Electoral College system, he said Obama “very clinically and very surgically” went through every state and targeted different voters in a variety of ways. “He has beaten a whole bunch of odds,” Scheufele said. “For a long time, no president has won with an unemployment rate so high and approval rating this low. He really beat them by surgically going through every state. He simply outplayed the Republicans
OBAMA, page 2
Baldwin takes senate race U.S. REP IS SET TO BE FIRST WIS. WOMAN, OPENLY GAY SENATOR IN HISTORY Sean Kirkby Senior Reporter U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., defeated her Republican challenger, former Gov. Tommy Thompson, Tuesday night to become Wisconsin’s first female senator and the first openly gay member of the U.S. Senate. According to preliminary results from The Associated Press with 95 percent of precincts reporting, Baldwin received 51 percent of the vote to Thompson’s 47 percent for retiring U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl’s seat. Libertarian candidate Joseph Kexel received 2 percent of the vote, and independent Nimrod Allen received 1 percent. Addressing supporters at Monona Terrace, Baldwin
said she will continue to fight to protect Social Security, Medicare and the interests of the middle class. She said she did not run to make history as Wisconsin’s first woman and the nation’s first openly gay senator. “I ran to make a difference — a difference in the lives of families struggling to find work and pay the bills, a difference in the lives of students worried about debt and seniors worried about their retirement security,” Baldwin said. Baldwin said she will also fight to make a difference in the lives of veterans returning home, entrepreneurs trying to build businesses and people working for economic security. She said she is grateful for the trust voters placed in her and will work
hard as a senator to keep that trust. Baldwin said she will fight for all Wisconsin, even for those who did not vote for her, and she asked for their support Tuesday night. She said Wisconsinites must put the campaign behind them and come together to focus on the challenges the state faces. “Make no mistake. I’m proud to be a Wisconsin progressive. I believe in holding the powerful accountable. I believe in fair play. I believe that when people are struggling, you don’t talk down to them; you help lift them up,” Baldwin said. “But I also believe that we can only move forward if we move forward together.” In her speech, Baldwin thanked Thompson for his public service and said while
Jen Small The Badger Herald
U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin celebrated her win Tuesday night after a heated race that ultimately led to the defeat of former Gov. Tommy Thompson. they did not agree much on the campaign, she is still grateful for his service to the state. Speaking at the Milwaukee Marriott West, Thompson congratulated President Barack Obama and Baldwin on their victories and said he hoped they will lead the country well. “Living in America gives
us so many opportunities, the chance to do whatever we want to do. It also gives us the opportunity to choose our own leader,” Thompson said. “This is a democracy and our leaders have been chosen. It is our responsibility to get behind them.” Thompson said he and his campaign “fought the good fight,” and although they
were not successful, they should continue to still keep fighting for their principles, ideals and values. Thompson thanked his supporters and said although he does not plan on running for public office again, he will continue to provide support
BALDWIN, page 4
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
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Pocan will replace Baldwin in Congress Former state representative, known progressive defeats Republican Chad Lee in safe Democratic district Noah Goetzel Herald Contributor State Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, competed the Democratic sweep in Wisconsin during Tuesday’s general election by winning the House race for Wisconsin’s Second Congressional District. Pocan maintained the Democratic control of the Madison seat in Congress, taking former Senator-elect Tammy Baldwin’s place as she gave up the seat after 14 years this spring to run for the U.S. Senate. Winning the race with a comfortable 67 percent to challenger Chad Lee’s 33 percent, according to The Associated Press, Pocan celebrated his victory with Baldwin, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin and hundreds of supporters at Madison’s Monona Terrace Tuesday night. “This is a tremendous honor and a responsibility that I do not take lightly,” Pocan said in his victory speech. “I know the rich character of this seat. This is the district of Fightin’ Bob La Follette … and this is the seat of Tammy Baldwin. I know this is a seat where we expect our representatives to work hard for progressive values and the middle class and lower income families of Wisconsin. And I will do that.” Shortly after The Associated Press declared Pocan’s win at approximately 9 p.m., Pocan took center stage in the Monona Terrace Ballroom to thank his constituents and volunteers before introducing his family and kissing his partner, Phil Frank. Like Baldwin, Pocan is
Jen Small The Badger Herald
State Rep. Mark Pocan celebrated his and other Democrats’ wins in Madison Tuesday night. Pocan and U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, both openly gay politicians, won their elections for U.S. House and Senate. openly gay and has been a gay rights activist in Madison. He also served on the Assembly’s Joint Finance Committee for six years, including a term as co-chair. Pocan said his primary goal as a House representative is to break the standstill in Congress by ensuring legislation is passed and accomplishments are made. “At the end of the day we have one job — that’s to actually get something done,” he said. “It doesn’t mean you have to
compromise your values, but you do have to find compromise. I have done that in my 14 years in the Legislature, and I will do that in Washington for this district.” Some conservatives were critical of Pocan’s early acceptance speech, including Republican Party of Dane County Chair Mike Herl and Lee Campaign Manager Stephanie Kundert. “I think it was early for him,” Kundert said. “Every race is different. I’ve been doing this for 10 years, and
typically you wait until later in the night, at least until far more than 30 percent of the votes have been recorded.” Lee thanked more than 130 Republicans in attendance at the DoubleTree Hotel on West Johnson Street for supporting his second congressional campaign in the past two years. Lee, a 29-year-old vice president of technology start-up company, stressed the need to rectify the future policies of the federal government. “The fight’s not over,” he
said to a standing ovation from the crowd. “We’ve got a lot of things that we still need to work on. We haven’t passed a budget in the past four years, and I made a call onto the next Congress to say we must get back to the principles of our founding fathers, the principles of our Constitution, the principles of living in our living within our leans, because we simply cannot afford more debt and more deficits.” The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Herald advertising Advertising Director Jillian Grupp Display Manager Julia Welytok Classified Mgr. Elise Watson Executives Mackenzie Chaffee Danny Hechter Zack Arostegui Holly Stevenson Brooke Vanden Branden John Poelking
Registration measures further student turnout Election officials: Pre-voting efforts, electronic documents contribute to smooth process at polling places Camille Albert City Hall Editor
Lauren Tubbs Reporter
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Corey ChamberlainPeter Hoeschele Ryan Rainey Jillian Grupp Tim Hadick Pam Selman Julia Welytok Elise Watson Katie Caron
Readers may pick up one complimentary issue each day. Additional copies must be picked up at 326 W. Gorham St. for $0.25 each. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent of the editor in chief. Copyright 2012, The Badger Herald, Inc.
OBAMA, from 1 at a game that ultimately comes down to mathematics.” Rich Parker, a 29-yearold from Brooklyn who recently received a graduate school degree, was at McCormick Place and said Obama was “forward-looking” on many issues, especially job creation and training. He also described Obama as somebody who could understand the average youth voter’s struggles, and more personally, talked about how Obama and him were raised in similar situations. “His background is similar to mine,” Parker said. “I grew up in a single parent household. I had to struggle to get by. Things weren’t handed to me, and I had to work and pull myself up. Personally, his story is similar to mine. But he is relatable. He is somebody who really empathizes with us youth and wants us to move forward and be that next great generation.” The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Registration measures and few reported problems helped move voting along smoothly on an Election Day that drew crowds of students whose votes largely reflected the end results of the election. According to Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, the University of Wisconsin campus turnout was between 65 and 66 percent, a number slightly lower than the 2008 presidential election. Gordon Commons had a 74 percent turnout, the highest for campus polling places, with 742 ballots cast for former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., and 1,207 for President Barack Obama. Madison Fresh Market received a similar turnout, allocating 578 ballots to Romney and 1,412 to Obama. With a 70 percent voter turnout, Porchlight Inc. received 683 ballots for Romney and 1,827 for Obama. Memorial Union
and Memorial Library experienced slightly lower voter turnouts. Memorial Union had 216 ballots cast for Romney and 710 cast for Obama with a 60 percent turnout, and Memorial Library had 249 ballots cast for Romney and 661 cast for Obama with a 56 percent voter turnout. Ultimately, the results mirrored the nation’s and supported another four years for Obama. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said the vast majority of UW students registered prior to showing up at the polls, an increase from prior years. “I’ve been very impressed with the large number of students that pre-registered more than any other of the previous elections I worked,” Verveer said. “Voter turnout has been awesome.” Adam Young, Madison chief inspector for the Gordon Commons polling location, said more than 90 percent of students at the polls had pre-registered, a number he called “unbelievable.” He added pre-registration efforts online have proven to be very
helpful in keeping the polling process efficient. Verveer said in previous elections, poll workers had to deny voters because of registration problems. This problem was virtually nonexistent this year, partially as a result of increased early registration. According to Resnick, early registration helped to get names into the poll book, which in turn shortened lines at polling places. Pre-registration efforts helped to keep voting lines relatively small throughout the day, Resnick added. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., said amid widespread confusion about registration that spans the nation, Wisconsin volunteers excelled in getting the word out to students on how to complete the process. She also noted same-day registration is beneficial to voters. “I do think it’s great we still have registration the same day as the election,” Baldwin said. “It supports people who haven’t gotten to do it earlier.” Resnick said he disagreed that same-day registration
is complicated for students, noting voters were permitted to use smartphones to pull up necessary documents at the polling site for the first time in election history. Verveer added voters at the Gordon Commons polling site did not even need to use their smartphones, because registration workers at the polling station used laptops to retrieve voter information. Problems at polling places were reportedly low, according to Resnick. The only reported issues involved some students who forgot their social security numbers, he added. Rudy Moore, chief inspector at the Doyle Administration polling center, said despite a steady flow of student voters throughout the day, issues with casting ballots, voter registration and voter identification did not come up. According to poll worker Dan Hudson, some students did face problems verifying their addresses with acceptable documents, but once laptops were set up, poll workers were able to obtain
the information. He also noted some students arrived at the wrong polling location but were easily directed to the correct locations. Students at the polls named a variety of issues that prompted them to vote. While UW sophomore Collin Sunde said the state of the economy drove his vote, freshman Jodi Stern said she is most passionate about health care. Sophomore Danielle Maciver said she thinks voting for college students is critical because the winning candidate has a say in students’ futures. She said she almost did not vote but decided to vote after hearing fewer and fewer people were not voting nationwide. Students said they felt the election was their opportunity to impact their futures and get their voices heard. Junior Phillip Debbink said the election means four years of what is hopefully change and hope, especially for students. McKenzi Higgins contributed to this report.
Wisconsin Presidential Election Results, 2000-2012
Bush 47.6
Gore 47.8
Kerry 49.7
Bush 49.3
*With 96 percent of precincts reporting.
McCain 42.3
Obama 56.2
Obama 52.0*
ROMNEY vs. OBAMA Gus McNair The Badger Herald Design
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The Badger Herald | News | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
College political groups react to election Camille Albert City Hall Editor
Lauren Tubbs Reporter Student groups congregated across campus Tuesday night as the results of Election Day ultimately led to the re-election of President Barack Obama. The University of Wisconsin’s College Republicans filled Kollege Klub throughout the night to watch Fox News and CNN announce the results. UW College Democrats and Obama For America convened at Monona Terrace with several Wisconsin Democratic campaigns to await results. College Republicans members entered KK with high hopes for presidential candidate and former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., to win the election. However, as the votes continued to be counted, many
expressed nervousness about the elections. UW sophomore Raeann Kramer, a sociology and political science major, said she had “faith that America [would] do the right thing and pick the change we need.” According to College Republicans spokesperson Ryan Hughes, the “change” wanted by the Republican community mainly focused on fiscal issues. “The main thing we are worried about is high unemployment, especially among college graduates, where one in two [graduates] can’t find a job in their field and the rising debt,” Hughes said. Hughes’ sentiments resonated around the room as multiple College Republicans members shared the same prioritization of economic issues. Kramer added she supported Romney because
of his business approach to the country and said she voted for the former governor because she wanted a job after college. According to Hughes, in this election such fiscal issues are a higher priority for the College Republicans because they are the issues the people are going to have to “deal with.” “College Republicans are a lot more worried about the economic issues, because those are the things we are going to have to deal with,” Hughes said. “Social issues, they matter, but it comes down to whether or not we are going have a job when we graduate, whether we can pay our debt for our education.” UW senior and legal studies major Lauren Sonnickson said she agreed with Hughes and emphasized her belief the country cannot focus on social issues until the
economy has been fixed. Obama supporters who were also present at the KK said they prioritized social and fiscal issues differently. UW junior Katherine Guarino, a journalism and international studies major, said as an Obama supporter, her focus was “100 percent social issues.” “I think women’s rights are a huge stake in this election,” Guarino said. “There are a lot of issues at stake like woman’s choice, when it comes to insurance and now gay rights. I can’t pick something like taxes over gay rights, personally.” At Monona Terrace, fellow Obama supporters said they agreed with the difference in priority. Donna McKay, a McFarland resident at the event, said she too was focused on women’s rights while voting in the election. She added she found it hard to side with the Republican campaign
on anything because it was constantly changing its platform. “I felt like Romney kept changing his mind every time he opened his mouth,” McKay said. “It came across as dishonest.” McKay said the Romney campaign focused on the country’s finances and cutting taxes but was not open about how the taxes would be cut or for whom. She said this added to the dishonesty she saw in his campaign. Cindy Krantz, a Madison resident who also attended the event, said Medicare and Medicaid were the main topics of concern for her in the election. She said she supported Obama for his dealing with health care. Krantz added it was hard to find common ground with Republicans on the health care issue, as well as others, because the GOP officials were continuously
changing their opinions and statements on key issues. Despite the College Republicans’ original optimism, Obama was announced the winner, first by Fox News, then later confirmed by The Associated Press. Although the cheers from the crowd at Monona Terrace were not heard at KK, Hughes said he accepted the projections and looked toward the future of College Republicans. “The projections are showing that Obama is going to win, and ultimately we are going to get behind whoever wins; we have to rally behind the leader as the President of the United States,” Hughes said. “As far as College Republicans, we have to start gearing up for the next election, so we can have a successful time next time.”
GOP regains majority after brief Democratic reign Retirements aide in victories that brings control of Senate to Republican Party Sean Kirkby Senior Reporter The Democratic Party lost its majority in the state Senate Tuesday night after Republicans picked up two seats that gave them control of the body, the Assembly and governorship for the next legislative session. According to The Associated Press’s preliminary results, Rep.
Tom Tiffany, R-Hazelhurst, defeated Democrat Susan Sommer 57 percent to 40 percent in the race to fill the seat of retiring Sen. Jim Holperin, D-Conover. Republican Rick Gudex may have also won a seat in the Senate, receiving 43,039 votes to the 42,449 votes incumbent Sen. Jessica King, D-Oshkosh, received, according to preliminary counts by The Associated Press. However, The Associated Press had not declared Gudex winner of the seat by press time. Currently, the Democrats hold a 17-15 majority in the Senate after Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, won
a recall election against former Sen. Van Wanggaard, R-Racine, and former Sen. Rich Zipperer, R- Pewaukee, resigned in July to work for Gov. Scott Walker’s administration. While Walker ordered a special election to fill Zipperer’s seat on Dec. 4, no Democrats have entered the race or met the filing deadline for nomination papers in the district, according to the Government Accountability Board’s website. Common Cause in Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck said in light of the re-election of President Barack Obama
and the election to the U.S. Senate of U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., Republicans should not consider winning the state Senate as a mandate to pursue policies that further divide the state. Heck said Republicans must make a decision in the coming months to cooperate across party lines in the coming legislative session. “I think that’s tonight’s lesson,” Heck said. “This election tells us that Wisconsinites are tired of extreme partisanship and should come together and solve problems rather than pursue in-your-face politics.” Voters want Walker and
Republican legislators to work with Democrats to solve the state’s problems, Heck said. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Executive Director Mike McCabe said Senate Democrats also faced an uphill battle because of the Republican-controlled Legislature drawing district lines in the past legislative session. “Districts were redrawn [by Republicans] in a way to give them a bigger edge in more districts,” McCabe said. “It was clearly Republican gerrymandering, and it clearly made it easier for Republicans to win.”
McCabe also said Democrats faced a fundraising challenge, as many Republicans outraised and outspent them. McCabe said big donors typically give to both campaigns to “hedge their bets” and ensure they have an investment in the winner. However, McCabe said these donors gave more to Republican candidates for this election cycle than Democrats. “Money flows to power,” McCabe said. “It seems to us big donors are betting on Republican control of the Senate because more money is flowing into their campaigns.”
Madisonians celebrate LGBT rights after Pocan, Baldwin wins Gay bar staff, patrons toast Democrat wins as first openly gay senator is elected Elliot Hughes Deputy News Editor Around 10:45 p.m., the patrons and staff of a Madison gay bar put everything on pause and raised a toast to the results of the 2012 election. “Here’s to four more years moving forward,” Plan B Co-Owner Rico Sabatini said over a microphone as martini
glasses of champagne were raised all around him. “The trifecta: Mark Pocan, Tammy Baldwin and Barack Obama.” In what was expected by many to be a long and arduous night, those at Plan B had by then, and by their measure, already experienced a big win for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Pocan, an openly gay state representative, easily won his election for the U.S. House of Representatives. He will take over the seat vacated by Baldwin, D-Wis., who made history Tuesday night by becoming the first
openly gay U.S. senator. Baldwin defeated former Gov. Tommy Thompson in a heated race that carried national interest. Obama, a supporter of gay marriage and other gay rights, took Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes and defeated Republican challenger and former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass, for another four years in the White House. “It’s really encouraging,” University of Wisconsin junior Megan Frost said with regard to how the state voted. “It sets a precedent for the rest of the country.” In the months leading
up to Election Day, Plan B remained active in the 2012 campaign. It hosted fundraisers for Baldwin and Pocan, D-Wis., and also functioned as an outpost for voter registration, Sabatini said. A steady stream of patrons arrived throughout the evening, who took advantage of the one free drink offered to those with an “I voted” sticker. By 9:30 p.m., the swelling volume of chatter had nearly drowned out the audio of the television coverage. The room burst into cheers when Pocan came on the screens to deliver a victory speech and when
NBC projected Obama to take Wisconsin and, later, the Electoral College. “I know this is a huge step forward for equality,” said Chez Ordoñez, an endorsement committee member for Milwaukeebased Equality Wisconsin, over the phone. “[Gays] are going to be champions for equality. This is a great night for Wisconsin and for America.” Several patrons said they were optimistic but nervous for the election and viewed the presidential outcome as critical in terms of LGBT rights. Deborah Hamill, 33, worried about Romney’s
stances on same-sex marriage and adoption, as well as the future open seats on the U.S. Supreme Court, which are filled by presidential appointment. Jessie Ackerman, 24, called the presidential election the most crucial of the night in terms of LGBT rights. “Obama had to win; no question about it,” she said. “The country would have gone backwards otherwise.” Ordoñez, on the other hand, declined to put one election above another but said he considered Baldwin’s victory the biggest milestone of the night.
Electronic documents prove helpful for voting Poll workers’ use of smartphones, laptops help to register voters, speed up polling place lines Sarah Eucalano Herald Contributor For the first time in history, Wisconsin residents were permitted to show proof of residency with their smartphones and tablets while registering for the presidential election Tuesday. The State of Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board unanimously approved the decision to allow electronic documents on Election Day, according to Analiese Eicher, government relations director at United Council of University of Wisconsin Students. She described the decision as a good one, since the documents provided through electronic means show the same information as a paper form would. “We are a technology-minded generation, so much of what we do is online,” Eicher said. “Students are benefiting from this.” Electronic documents can be shown through smartphones, laptops and tablets at polling places across Wisconsin. Eicher said she had received several reports of voters using electronic documentation to register throughout the day. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, worked as an election official at the Gordon Commons polling
site and said many of the election officials checking proof of residency brought their laptops to assist with registering voters. He noted the process worked well and sped lines up significantly. “It’s a wonderful option,” Verveer said. “It keeps up with the times and it is more convenient.” Dan Hudson, an election official at Gordon Commons tasked with checking proof of residency, noted most students registering at Gordon used laptops provided by poll workers and agreed the process proved to be efficient. “It’s just easier to use the laptop,” Hudson said. Andrea Kaminski, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, noted several people voting in the summer gubernatorial recall election were able to provide proof of residency on their phones, but did not have the documents in paper form, and were thus unable to register. These people were particularly in student districts, she said. Kaminski added the new rule is especially advantageous to people who receive bills electronically. Election officials noted few complaints concerning electronic documents. Most complaints centered on slow internet connections at the polling places.
Jen Small The Badger Herald
Democratic supporters congregated at Madison’s Monona Terrace Tuesday night to support Baldwin, Obama and Pocan as all three candidates won their races.
BALDWIN, from 1 in rebuilding Wisconsin. “I wanted to serve the Wisconsin people and help build its future. I wanted to make sure my children and grandchildren are able to inherit a stronger, freer country,” Thompson said. “But I’m not going to go away.” University of Wisconsin political science professor David Canon said Baldwin’s election, as well as Obama’s win, shows the state is not red or blue, but purple. He said the
state will continue to have one Democratic senator and one Republican senator, Ron Johnson. Canon said Baldwin follows the pattern of previous elections in which voters support Democrats in one election cycle and Republicans in another cycle. He said the Baldwin and Obama wins show the state is not turning red as some have suggested with Gov. Scott Walker’s win in June’s recall election. Canon said while Republicans still control the House of Representatives and
Democrats still have a majority in the U.S. Senate, he hopes the partisan gridlock would not continue. He added Obama’s decisive win in the Electoral College may show a movement toward a mandate among voters. He said if gridlock continues, it could lead to major financial problems for the country. However, UW journalism professor James Baughman, a political historian currently teaching a class this semester on thw election, said he thinks
the same congressional gridlock will continue, and the country is due for more of the current partisan politics. Baughman said he was surprised by Baldwin’s win. He said he thought she deserved credit for her tough campaign. “She’s a very ruthless politician, very tough and competitive,” Baughman said. “She ran a tough campaign and threw the kitchen sink at [Thompson], and it worked.” The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Editorial Page Editor Reginald Young oped@badgerherald.com
The Badger Herald | Opinion | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Do not ever cease informed citizenry
Herald Editorial Obama will lead entire nation We endorsed President Barack Obama as a candidate because we feel he has earned a second term. He exhibited the leadership qualities necessary to address the pressing policy issues facing the United States today. However, this victory represents more than a vote of confidence in his executive leadership — it is also a challenge to follow through on the promises he made. Today, Americans expect more. Obama made significant strides in his first four years in office. Among other things, he level-headedly prevented financial disaster and has been managing a slow but sure economic recovery. He passed historic health care legislation and has done much to repair American foreign policy. However, there are many areas in which Obama has yet to follow through on his campaign promises from 2008. His
proposals for education reform have yet to translate into policy decisions and legislation — meanwhile, America continues to fall behind in K-12 standards, and student loan debt continues to grow exponentially. Obama has said himself that quality, affordable education is a pathway to innovation and competition in the global economy. Everyone knows, at present, American education is unsustainable. What is unclear is whether politicians in Washington can agree upon a plan to improve it. When Obama entered office, American foreign policy was broken. His administration has vastly improved diplomatic relationships around the globe. At the same time, we remain embroiled in a stagnant war in Afghanistan, the Middle East has become increasingly unstable and America’s relationship with China
must be dealt with. In the next four years, we would like to see Obama prove he is deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize and work for global peace and prosperity in collaboration with our allies around the world. Obviously, Obama has found little support among congressional Republicans, and this has hindered his ability to pass legislation. The political gridlock in Washington has been a colossal disappointment to the American people — polarization and needlessly partisan politics have been constant roadblocks to any sort of meaningful reform. However, Republicans are not solely to blame for a paralyzed Congress. Obama appeared to give up on the idea of bipartisan compromise after a few months in office and has shown little interest in working across the aisle. Yes, his political opposition was incredibly un-helpful during his first term
in office — but it is Obama’s responsibility to work with Republicans to get things done. America does not need purely Democratic policies, and it does not need Republican policy, either. The truth of the matter is America is both red and blue, and the problems it faces are independent of political affiliation. The problems America faces today are neither new nor unprecedented, but the historical context in which we face them is unique to this generation. We need a federal government that is not handcuffed by party politics, a government that will not stand by the status quo and kick these problems down the road but instead will deliver meaningful solutions that look beyond party lines. We feel Obama is up to the task, and under his administration America is moving forward.
Higher expectations set for Baldwin Congratulations, Tammy Baldwin. You did it. It took a lot of work and some pretty decisive, thought-out campaigning, but you did it. Now the real work starts. Senator-elect Baldwin, D-Wis., has remained fairly under the radar during her time as U.S. representative for the second congressional district. The accomplishments she has successfully built have been underacknowledged, but she hasn’t accomplished that much relative to other representatives. Now is the time for that to change. Baldwin has been a proponent for social issues during her
political career, and we hope that continues with increased vigor. But she will also be facing a congressional session largely focused on economic recovery: Baldwin, your work is just beginning. Senators have much more sway than representatives from the House, so Baldwin’s vote in Congress will carry much more weight. Fortunately, she will have a progressive ally, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and will thus have greater clout to further progressive ideas. Baldwin has a great opportunity to advance a progressive voice in Congress, and she better not waste it by remaining in the shadows like she has
while in the House of the Representatives. Baldwin showed herself to be levelheaded in the face of strong opposition during the televised debate between her and Tommy Thompson. She needs to continue that sensibility while in the Senate. We look forward to a strong progressive voice in the Senate, but we also hope that this voice will not hijack the left in the way the Tea Party has hijacked the right. She must make sure her forwardlooking views are advanced. However, she also needs to be wary of letting those views interfere with her ability to work across the aisle on legislation. Baldwin has suffered
through an aggressively hostile campaign for Senate, and in doing so she has proven she can keep a clear mind during critical times. Baldwin also has experience serving in the House of Representatives, but now her voice will have much more weight. With that in mind, she needs to further social issues, economic solutions, the progressive ideals she represents — but not to the point of partisanship — and the sensibility she has exhibited during the campaign. Baldwin: Congratulations on winning, but we expect more results from your time in the Senate than from when you were in the House.
Reginald Young Editorial Page Editor The only thing worse than hypocrisy, in my eyes, is myopia. At least hypocrites understand the issues on which they rhetorically fail. Ignoramuses are just too thick-skulled to even comprehend what they say. Unfortunately, this nearsightedness is the dominant theme in American politics. Many — hopefully all — of you voted yesterday. It doesn’t matter which party you vote for: I hope all of you were informed. Too often in Madison, opinions are made without critical thinking. Every one of you ought to ask why you supported one candidate over the other. And your answer better not be superficial. When asking people why they prefer so-and-so over so-and-so, the common answers are, “Because he or she supports gay marriage” or, “Because they will reduce the national debt.” Oh really? Prove it. We ought to all be like incessant, annoying 4-yearolds who won’t stop making that simple request: Prove it. Think Gov. Scott Walker is a corrupt, detestable tool of the Tea Party? Prove it. Think President Barack Obama wants to “waste” your money on social programs? Prove it. Then realize this myopic train of thought is the same exact modus operandi the radical Tea Partiers have chosen. For example, take the politician you have a passion of slandering and ask yourself why you detest them. Why do you doubt Walker or Obama? Because a column you read told you to? Who wrote that column? What political leaning did the author have? Did they offer facts? Were those “facts” advanced by a biased think tank? Are those facts refuted by other facts? So the politicians you supported for president or Congress didn’t win. Or maybe they did. Either
way, you shouldn’t be blind. Don’t be afraid to criticize the candidate whom you voted for. Be smart. There is so much myopic discourse thrown around Madison that every one of our readers should feel obligated to challenge it. If you feel conservatism is right, then challenge liberal rhetoric to prove it is wrong. If you support liberalism, then challenge liberal thinking to strengthen it. The same argument goes for conservatism. Either way, don’t be a sheep. This column could have been published the way it was regardless of whether Obama or former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., won the presidency. The sky will not fall if one certain party assumes the presidency or majority in Congress. View our country from Europe: The “two” political parties are really just different shades of one another. Where’s the Communist party? Where’s the far-right party? We don’t have them. If they exist, they are merely factions of the two central parties. Our two-party system is a joke compared to the rest of the world. Why don’t we see it as such? Don’t be comfortable in your own personal political shell. It’s easy to forget there are people who disagree with you when the only political Internet forums you follow lean in the direction with which you agree. The Internet has the potential to infinitely contribute to political discourse, but unfortunately it can also easily lead to further polarization. Don’t fall victim to that. I’m tired of hearing conservatives say liberals are close-minded and ignorant and liberals saying conservatives are closeminded and ignorant. The reality is both sides are and are not in certain instances. This country, and this state, have seen too much myopia and blindness. The elections are over. But that doesn’t mean your work as an informed citizen is done. It never should be. Reginald Young (ryoung@ badgerherald.com) is a senior majoring in legal studies and Scandinavian studies.
Pocan’s bipartisanship much needed in Congress Mark Pocan has shown, despite his largely liberal views, a capacity to work on bipartisan issues. He told the Wisconsin State Journal, “I can still throw a grenade if I have to, but I throw them more sparingly now.” That’s the kind of statesmanship the nation needs when the national budget is in dire need of reform and essential programs are at risk of being cut. Rep. Pocan, D-Madison, needs to carry his liberal,
Madisonian roots into what is now a largely conservative Congress. But Pocan needs to push for the innovative solutions to budgetary problems he ran his campaign on. He understands the need and benefit for green jobs and infrastructure and can bring them into effect if he couches them as bipartisan issues. Pocan has largely stayed clear of fracking, which is a no-go issue for liberals, and throughout his debates, he has framed the energy
debate in terms of boosting jobs within Wisconsin. The same can be said for his views on Obamacare. Medicare and Medicaid are under constant threat from conservative budget hawks, and Pocan needs to remain adamant on keeping prescriptions affordable for Wisconsin and protecting them from big pharmaceutical interests. Pocan’s progressive values cut through the super PACs that run amok in Washington,
D.C., and he has time and time again attacked the American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative nonprofit that has fueled a number of hyper-conservative attacks on labor across the country. If Pocan carries his antiALEC knowledge to Congress, he can call out Republican candidates on the legally questionable behavior they engage in with the organization. But if Pocan uses his ALEC infiltration to a knowledgeabl e extent, he
Pam Selman
Reginald Young
Charles Godfrey
Sarah Witman
Adelaide Blanchard
Ryan Rainey
Editorial Page Editor
Editorial Page Content Editor
Editorial Board Member
Editorial Board Chairman
won’t come out swinging. Pocan has the unique advantage of his bipartisan tendencies. Congress is short on representatives willing to reach across the aisle instead of radicalizing to the point of no return. If his time in the Wisconsin state Assembly has shown anything, it’s that Pocan has the propensity to bring meaningful change representing Wisconsin while remaining true to his progressive roots; he will throw a grenade if he has to.
Taylor Nye
Meher Ahmed
Managing Editor Editorial Board Member
Editorial Board opinions are crafted independently of news coverage.
Your Opinion · Send your letters to the editor and guest columns to oped@badgerherald.com. Publication is based on space and takes into account relevance and quality. Letters should be sent exclusively to the Herald. Unsigned letters will not be published. All submissions may be edited by the Herald for length and style. Reader feedback on all articles and columns can be posted at badgerherald.com, where all print content is archived.
To place an ad in Classifieds: Elise Watson ewatson@badgerherald.com 257.4712 ext. 311
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Classifieds ASO to fruit flies. Get away from my roasted brussels sprouts, you little bitch! I did not spend 40 minutes preparing these babies for your nasty ass to land on. DASO to still not knowing the source of said fruit flies. ASO to Stave not being able to play. Perhaps he will go and watch is little sister at the Nat in the WIAA D2 diving meet Friday. SO to talent running in families. SO to candy cane chocolate kisses for getting me through the HELL that is listening to the obnoxious girl in the back of the Badger Bus. I’m in the front, yet I can still hear you use the word, “Definitely” in about 3/4 of your sentences. ASO to you, and your obnoxious voice. HMFSO to candy cane kisses though. The best kind of addiction. ASO to people who ignore your texts, but are active on fb via mobile... uh i can see that, ya dickwad. ASO to myself for deciding that eating granola and yogurt in the quiet section was a good idea. Sooo sorry to everyone who has to deal with me. I’m just too hungry to stop sounding like a caveman eating rocks. ASO to drosophila. I appreciate your contribution to genetics but you’re friggin annoying. I got rid of all
of my fruit, why are you still here???!!! SO to snarling at the badger statue outside of the stadium each and every time I walk by it. I am a fighting Badger too! Midterms/men/ life beware! ASO to having to poop at the library and there already being a little turd waiting for me. Sneaky. ASO to showering at 1:36am because my bf wanted a late night snack consisting of nutella and tits. HMFSO to nutella though. If my boobs were big enough I would lick you off them myself! ASO to having longer hair than the girl I’m crushing on. Time to get a haircut. SO to Bucky. If you knew how much I mean it when I say “I love you” you would totally take me back to your badger den right away. ASO to people who go by themselves to libraries to study and decide to sit at a table for 4 or 6.... WHY?! There is only one of you! And there are plenty of good chairs/desks for you to use, but instead you insist on taking up huge tables that groups of people would like to use. You’re killin me, Smalls.
...MORE >>>
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Have an apartment, job or party? 132 N. Breese: Huge 17 bedGet the LegalHyena phone app room+ with 3 large oversized bathrooms 4 huge dens, and a giant rec room. Across the street from Camp Randall and the Alumni Media, LLC is owned Engineering campus. Includes and operated by three alumni of large porch, extra dens, giant UW-Madison. We are looking to living room, dining hall, and onform a team of 10-15 female UW- site laundry. FREE PARKING Madison students to promote the FOR 16+ CARS INCLUDED! launch of a new social network $9495/mo. Tenants pay utilities. for the UW-Madison campus. tallardapartments.com 250-0202 Qualified candidates will be outgoing, energetic and willing to learn. Promotional experience favored but not required. This is a temporary position from December 2012 to May 2013. Pay rate is $20/hour with opportunities for bonuses and incentives. Uniforms will be provided. Please email a resume and headshot to AlumniMediaPromo@gmail.com no later than November 13, 2012
FOR RENT 15 S. Charter: Giant 14 bedroom+ brick house one block from campus, 4.5 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms, finished rec room, across from city park with sand volleyball, basketball and skating, with 3 BONUS DENS! Includes central air, thermopaned windows, 2 dishwashers, and 2 microwaves. All large bedrooms wired for cable/ phone/internet. Tenants pay utilities. Free laundry. Parking (extra). $7195/mo plus utilities. tallardapartments.com 250-0202 Monona single family rent. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. Lovely neighborhood. Furnished $1700/ month, Unfurnished $1500/ month. 239-564-1176
FOR RENT Great houses & apartments in the Camp Randall Stadium, Vilas Neighborhood and Kohl center areas available for fall 2013. Some huge, as big as 17 bedrooms. Some smaller, like efficienceis, as well as houses and flats in between. Many have EXTRA LIVING SPACE! Great locations! Many with yards, porches, balconies, parking. Have your own house or apartment with no stinky elevator! Owner managed. On campus for over 30 years. Leases start & end on August 15, so we don’t make you homeless when moving! Check out our website for prices, pictures, descriptions and layouts - www.tallardapartments. com 250-0202
FOR SALE Dry sawdust available for dairy cattle. For more info please call Kurt at (507) 312-0549
PARKING Campus/Downtown Parking: Surface and Underground parking located on Mills, Randall, Orchard, Dayton. Blocks from Campus. Flexible terms, great rates. Call 255-3933 or stephen@jsmproperties.com today! A few parking spots left around campus. Beat the rush before the snow flies! Spots on sale for as little as $39/ mo in some locations! tallardapartments.com 250-0202
STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM. Paid Survey Takers Needed in Madison. 100% Free to Join. Click on Surveys.
SO to body shots. DSO to hot men licking them off my body! TSO to animal house...somehow TOGA TOGA TOGA never gets old! SO to any girl that will let me tie her up. Unrelated SO to pancakes. SO to being able to hide the best part of my weekend with a scarf SO to the Yellow Lab puppy frolicking in the leaves this morning when it was cold and way too early. You made going to class just a bit more barable... SO to the old man who stuck his hand out of the elevator door and almost amputated his fingers just to point me in the right direction in Van Hise. SO to watching Arthur and Rugrats on Netflix while studying. Go ahead and judge me. But I guarantee that I am more happier than you are when you study. ASO to the girl eating Funyuns in front of me in lecture. Must you taunt me with those
crispy, salty, rings of delight? ASO to having a common last name and getting lots of incorret emails in my wiscmail account. No, I am not bringing cups to your Halloween party. No, I do not care if you are moving out because you have depression and want to keep the cat the rest of your roommates are allergic to. SO to my name twin’s life being more dramatic than mine. SO to my environmental ethics TA who just signed his email “over and out”. You’re great. DSO to my professor for the same class who gets me hotter than this warming planet SO to the best pair I have seen in a while... granted its winter and you shouldn’t be wearing that shirt, but I thank you! SO to switching my fb language back to pirate. Perfect use of my time.
...MORE >>>
ArtsEtc. Editor Allegra Dimperio arts@badgerherald.com
The Badger Herald | Arts | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Sexy Ester among local talent vying for victory Artist-run RAW Showcase invites community to vote, support art scene Cliffe Grefe ArtsEtc. Reporter Tonight at The Majestic Theater, Madison citizens are invited to cast their vote for the best players in the local arts scene. RAW:natural born artists is hosting a showcase where attendees can vote on Madison’s best photographer, performing artist, filmmaker and more, ultimately selecting a winner from each of the nine categories. The winners will move onto RAW’s
National Showcase, where they will compete with participants from 21 other cities for career-enhancing prizes such as studio time and gallery placement. We caught up with “Musician of The Year” nominee Sexy Ester’s lead singer Lyndsay Evans to get to know the band a little bit better before they go into the voting ring. Badger Herald: Why don’t we start off with a brief bio: where are you from, what drove you to start singing, how did the group come together? Lyndsay Evans: People always tell me I’m quiet, but when I get up on stage I’m a completely different person. I’m from Wisconsin, a small town of 200 people
called Gratiot right across the border from Illinois. I’ve been singing forever [laughs]. I started singing in kindergarten. I met my husband Adam Eder, the guitarist in the group, and we just started writing songs for each other. We wanted to move to a bigger city, so we moved to Madison. At first all our music was acoustic, then we started working with a few other people before forming the final group. BH: How would you describe Sexy Ester’s style? LE: It’s a new wave sound. It’s very hook-based. We are pop and rock, but more rock. We are very unique and use a lot of quirky sounds. Everybody in the group has a different background
in rock music, and when Roscoe Evans [keyboard] joined the band, it became more electronic and dance. BH: What do you think your music adds to the music scene here? LE: We are unique, but Madison has many very unique bands. It makes an environment where we can really be ourselves. BH: What is the inspiration behind your newest album Sequins, Sin & Appetite? LE: Growth, it shows our maturity now. BH: Could you explain the concept behind the “Glitter Baby” music video? LE: Joe Ramos [JoeGuerilla Films] shot the video. We started on a rooftop downtown, but
we actually got kicked off [laughs] so we went around to various locations downtown to finish it. BH: How is your experience so far with RAWartists: Madison? LE: It is a great organization, especially for folk artists like us who really need it [laugh]. We performed at the last showcase, then we heard there was an awards show and we made it into the next round. BH: What do you expect from the awards show Wednesday? LE: I don’t know, we only get to play two songs and that’s it. We have to choose two or three songs out of everything we have done to represent the group. Fifty
percent of the vote comes from the judges and fifty percent from everybody else so we really need to impress everybody there. We also need to set up a display and a table that shows who we are. BH: So you’ll be at the Majestic Wednesday. Do you have any other shows in the area coming up or any new music planned for release? LE: Our next show is Nov. 17 at The Frequency with friends A Torrid Affair; they’re some friends of ours. To see and vote for Sexy Ester in the RAWards SemiFinals, head to The Majestic Theater 6:30 p.m. tonight. Tickets are $20 at the door. For more information, visitRAWartists.org/madison.
Hump Day positions you for success this week Katherine Harrill Hump Day Columnist Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another Hump Day. As the days are getting colder, the nights longer and the snow starts to fly, I hope everyone has a fellow Badger cuddle buddy to help keep you warm. Today we’re going to look at some different body-warming, toe-curling sex positions that may help you spice things up in your bedroom. The Modified Missionary To get into this position, first the receiving partner should lie down on their back and scoot their hips to the edge of the bed, where the other partner will penetrate them standing. From this point, the partner getting penetrated can throw their legs over the shoulders of their partner and tilt
their hips slightly. This will allow for deeper cervical stimulation if you are a lady as well as stimulation of the g-spot, leading towards some pretty mind-blowing orgasms. If you are a male engaging in anal sex, this will allow for some stimulation of the prostate, as well as easy access to masturbation by either yourself or your partner, creating waves of pleasure that will make for an amazing evening. Extra Credit Opportunity: If you want to increase the stimulation of your partner as they fuck you, form a ring with your thumb and forefinger at the base of his shaft while he is thrusting into you, and pull down gently on the skin of the shaft. This will allow more stimulation to the nerve endings in his penis, as well as maintain his erection. After that, hold on and enjoy the ride.
Vertical Spooning This one works well for lesbian, gay or heterosexual partners. In this position, the receiving partner places their back and ass against the groin and torso of their partner. The other partner can then manually stimulate the receiving partner by jerking them off, fingering them, etc. This gives the partner giving the stimulation access to the neck and ears for even more stimulation. Try this sitting on the floor in front of a mirror so the receiving partner can watch, or standing in the shower under the pouring water for an extra spicy kick.
while the bottom one has to worry about breathing. This can end up creating an awkward sexual encounter, instead of the mutually satisfying oral sex everyone wanted. That’s why I bring up this simple variation on a traditional sex position. With the Lazy 69, you simply lie on your sides, face to groins, and go at it. No one gets squished, everyone can breathe and both of you get off. This can add some variety into oral sex, and make you both much more willing to go down on each other. If you want to take it up a notch, get some caramel or chocolate sauce or even flavored condoms (they come in a large variety of tasty flavors!).
Lazy 69 Let’s just admit it: Engaging in a normal 69 position can be difficult; with the person on top worrying about squishing their partner,
Reverse Cowgirl This one is for my lady readers, since it gives complete control to you. Here’s how it works: Have your man lie on his back,
and then straddle him facing his feet, with your knees on both sides of his hips. From this position, guide his penis into you, place your hands on the bed or his legs and start bouncing away. You can then control the pace and depth of the thrusts, so go hot and wild or take him on a slow, gentle ride. This not only gives your partner some good eye candy, but you can stimulate his testicles from this position. Also, if you lean back, you can give your g-spot some loving as well. Take note if your legs get tired (this position can be quite the workout), have him place his hands on your hips and help out by thrusting from beneath you. Just be careful not to lean to far forward or you could seriously harm his manhood! Well, my fellow Badgers, that is it for now. Hopefully I’ve given you some new ideas for your sexy times
this week. Remember if you ever want to try some new positions, you should remain patient and well-lubed, and in the words of Columbus from “Zombieland,” “limber up.” Many of those sex positions you find on the internet require a high level of flexibility, strength and open-mindedness. But if you can laugh at your failed attempts and keep trying, then you can most definitely conquer some of those crazier positions. If you do succeed, send us an email and let us know what your thoughts are. Is the pleasure payout worth the workout? Until next time, everyone, stay safe, stay warm and stay sexy. Katherine Harrill is a junior majoring in psychology. To have more of your burning sex questions answered, give her a shout at humpday@ badgerherald.com.
Wisconsin Book Fest hosts Vietnam vet, author Doug Bradley Bennet Goldstein ArtsEtc. Staff Reporter In May of 1969, Doug Bradley wasn’t expecting Uncle Sam to notice his graduation from college. Nonetheless, the United States Army sent him a letter to acknowledge the event: Graduate school was no longer grounds for military deferment. Now that Bradley was no longer a student, he was eligible for the draft and could be deployed to Vietnam. Depending on where his birthday ranked in a lottery played with 366 plastic balls, it might be the coming winter, or so far into the future the war might already be over. June 7 became an unlucky number that year. Bradley’s birthday was the 85th ball to be drawn. He would be shipped to eight weeks of basic Army training in March 1970. Vietnam followed that November. “It’s sort of an interesting way to celebrate your graduation from college,” Bradley says. Bradley — a native Philadelphian born to an Italian mother — left the Delaware Valley to attend Bethany College in West Virginia. After serving in Vietnam in 1970 and 1971, he eventually came to Madison, where he currently lives. Today, Bradley releases his first book “DEROS Vietnam: Dispatches from the Air-Conditioned Jungle.” His collection of short stories represents a fictionalized
account of his experiences serving as an Army journalist during the Vietnam War. Tonight, Bradley will be reading selections from his book as part of the Wisconsin Book Festival. The book title, “DEROS,” comes from a military acronym, which stands for “Date Eligible for Return from Overseas.” Bradley says “especially in a god-forsaken place like that — that kind of war — your DEROS date was sacred.” The two dates bookended soldiers’ 365-day tours of duty. “When I got there on Nov. 11 … I knew on Nov. 11 the following year — that was my DEROS date. And I was gonna be, hopefully, home safe and sound,” Bradley says. “There were guys who counted down from 300 or 200 [days]. I wouldn’t do that. I thought I’d go crazy if I knew I still had 199 days left in Vietnam.” Bradley served in Vietnam toward the war’s end. During America’s withdrawal, President Richard Nixon euphemistically referred to the transition of military control from American to South Vietnamese hands as a process of “Vietnamization.” Bradley says, “It really was sort of deceitful because the war was still hot and escalating. “For us it was an air war. For the South Vietnamese, it was a ground war.” Bradley recognizes the serendipity of his deployment to the Army headquarters at Long Binh Post, where he served as an editor in the Army
Command Information Division. Because of their seeming cushiness and distance apart from combat zones, his offices were colloquially referred to as the “Air-Conditioned Jungle.” “It was a huge relief. Cause even though the war was winding down – it was still a war,” Bradley says. At Long Binh, Bradley edited the weekly newspaper, called the Army Reporter, as well as the Army’s UpTight magazine. “I would write cut lines for photographs, I would crop pictures, I would lay out the paper and edit the stories,” he says. Later, Bradley started drafting news reports about military units in the field. With his Army correspondent card, he traveled the country collecting material for stories at his superior officers’ instructions. “They would say, ‘We need another story. Go out and do this.’” After the 1969 My Lai Massacre, in which US Army soldiers executed between 347 and 504 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, the Army was anxious to sanitize the wartime press. In its propaganda effort, the Army censored its reporters’ stories. “I didn’t write what I saw,” says Bradley. As a way to broadcast positive impressions, Bradley’s superiors occasionally scrapped news articles. He recalls one instance in which he profiled a trainee in the South Vietnamese army. “We wanted to write a story about how they were taking over the war and how well they were doing,” he says. “The interesting thing was, I was supposed to pick this kid up at two intervals. One, when he was first in basic training, and later … when he was in the field, in
Photo courtesy of Warriors Publishing Group
Author Doug Bradley holds a copy of the newspaper he worked for on-duty in Vietnam. Bradley will speak tonight. combat doing the job he was being trained to do — taking over the war we wanted the [South Vietnamese] to take over.” After the publishing the first part of the story, Bradley returned to conduct a followup, weeks later. “This kid had gone AWOL. He was gone, nobody could find him. And when I pressed the people who were helping me, … they didn’t tell me … about half of that unit had deserted,” he says. “[The South Vietnamese] didn’t want to fight this war either.” Based upon his follow-up inquiry, Bradley’s superiors didn’t run the story’s second half. Bradley’s flight back to Philadelphia came in
November of 1971. He returned, unwounded, but carrying the weight of Vietnam’s stories. His burden was one of words. “I didn’t have to think about having killed somebody. I didn’t have to think about somebody being killed because I didn’t do something,” he says. “I didn’t tell the truth. And I was part of something that I probably didn’t want to be a part of. I’ve learned to live with that.” Bradley wants his work to convey the stories of the soldiers who served from the back of the Army lines. These veterans served in a different, but no less significant war front. “We know about the
blood and guts. We know the heroes and the not-so heroic. But the majority of guys who served in Vietnam were in jobs like mine,” he says. “They were in the rear. They weren’t out in the field, they weren’t combat soldiers. “There were almost 3 million of us.” To celebrate the completion of 40 years of writing “DEROS Vietnam,” Doug Bradley will be hosting a cake reception at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, at A Room of One’s Own Bookstore (315 W. Gorham St.). In conjunction with the Wisconsin Book Festival, Vietnamese author Lan Cao, will join him to read from her book, “Monkey Bridge,” at 5:30 p.m.
Congratulations to Presidential-Elect Rick Perry! Noah J. Yuenkel comics@badgerherald.com
The Badger Herald | Comics | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
NONSENSE? Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. What? You still don’t get it? Come, on, really? It’s not calculus or anything. Honestly, if you don’t know how to do a sudoku by now, you’ve probably got more issues than this newspaper.
DIFFICULTY RATING: If America needed anything, it was additional ten-gallon hats
I know, I know. Kakuro. Looks crazy, right? This ain’t no time to panic, friend, so keep it cool and I’ll walk you through. Here’s the low down: each clue tells you what the sum of the numbers to the right or down must add up to. Repeating numbers? Not in this part of town. And that’s that, slick.
The Kakuro Unique Sum Chart Cells Clue 2 3 2 4 2 16 2 17
DIFFICULTY RATING: Take to the streets, fire six-guns into air
Possibilities { 1, 2 } { 1, 3 } { 7, 9 } { 8, 9 }
3 3 3 3
6 7 23 24
{ 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 2, 4 } { 6, 8, 9 } { 7, 8, 9 }
4 4 4 4
10 11 29 30
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 6, 7, 8, 9 }
5 5 5 5
15 16 34 35
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 } { 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
6 6 6 6
21 22 38 39
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 } { 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
7 7 7 7
28 29 41 42
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 } { 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
18 21
32 35
28 33 37
42 48
53 57
30 33
9 16
41 43 44
Puzzle by Gary Cee
Across 1 Harness horse’s gait 5 Light bluish green 9 Reading chair accompaniers 14 Tennis’s Mandlikova 15 It’s just under 8: Abbr. 16 Intensely passionate 17 Athlete’s booster 19 One of many on a monitor 20 Ving of Hollywood 21 Subject of a Car and Driver report 23 It was transferred to China in 1999 24 Sleek, briefly 25 Detergent with a glass in every box, long ago 26 Where to paint a model 28 Pea or peanut
31 Mormon church, for short 32 D.C. team since ’05 34 Kind of colony in “Papillon” 35 & 37 Leave quickly … or what both words in 17-, 21-, 26-, 49-, 56- and 61-Across could be? 39 Not live 42 “Uh-huh” 44 N.Y.C. commuters’ inits. 47 “Yippee!” 49 Catholic remembrance 52 Tokyo, formerly 53 Word after e or G 55 Mitchum rival 56 Tipoff 59 See the light of day 60 Virus that
arose in the Congo 61 × 63 Bags with handles 64 Indigo plant 65 Ready to be driven, in golf 66 ___ attack 67 ___ Pop, 2010 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee 68 Lat. and Lith., formerly
8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 24 27
briefly Salutation in an oldfashioned love letter Foul-up “Colors” org. Throw ___ Screwy in the head Suppose Fizzy water Hydrologist’s field: Abbr. IM pioneer Japanese brew “Taking
45 46
48 50 51 54
57 58 59 62
Woodstock” director Lee Inventor Whitney Bath ___ Fantastic bargain The Doors’ “Love ___ Madly” Mrs. Morgenstern on “Rhoda” D.D.E. opponent Meadowlands team Birders’ magazine Plug Come up ___ Puts one and one together? Set off The 1 and 2 in 1+2=3 Soprano Sumac ___ Club Peaks ___ Mountains (Asian range) Heartfelt request Soak up some rays Snakelike Korean War fighter
Rocky the Herald Comics Raccoon™
Down 1 Kind of blanket 2 Mounted a fierce campaign 3 Works without a break? 4 Landing strip 5 Life’s pleasures 6 The 9-Down might put one out,
Get today’s puzzle solutions at badgerherald.com
Well, I hope you’re all happy now.
The Badger Herald | Classifieds | Wednesday, November 7, 2012 SO to watching Love, Actually to prepare for studying abroad in London next semester. HSO to the fact that one of the Brits is going to Wisconsin to meet American girls! SO to being 21 and drinking my first beer tonight!...HAHAHAH jokes. SO to voting for the first time ever! SO MUCH LOVE FOR MERICA! LOLSO to people who think that an umbrella is going to protect you from any sort of winter weather. You’re clearly not from around here... ASO to my neighbors; you have had junk in your yard since the last football game and you shot off fireworks at 2 in the monring. You are the worst and clean your shit up.
was a man sitting right next to the machine with clear vision of exactly who I was voting for. DASO to the same man not giving me an “I voted” sticker. Wonder why... HMFSO to voting anyways!!! ASO to the guys holding a conversation at a normal level in Wendt. Not only are you bad at using your inside voices, but you mentioned Famous Dave’s, and now I’m hungry AND distracted. SO to the awesome feeling you get when you’re writing a paper and think you need to write a whole new page, but then you realize your font was 11 so you change it to 12 and it’s automatically long enough!! HOLLLAAAAAA
SO to that one tv at the serf that has been locked in on the NHL Network. ASO to the lockout! ASO to professors who make papers due/hold exams the day after election day. Dick move. SO to voting today! ASO to how inappropriate I found it that there
Sports MCCUE, from 12 offense is averaging all of 25.9 points per game and ranks 16th nationally in total defense, surrendering 311.3 yards per game. The numbers don’t separate themselves from those of a year ago, when the Badgers held the opposition to 19 points and 316.4 yards per game. Yet the numbers simply don’t do it justice. More so than in the rout-filled 2010 and 2011 seasons, the ones that left fans expecting a third consecutive trip to Pasadena Jan. 1, 2013, the defense is conditioned to protecting a sensitive lead late in any game. In six of
Wisconsin’s nine games this season, the defense has been assigned the task of coming up with critical stops in the fourth quarter to secure victory. The Badgers took down each of their first three opponents by less than a single touchdown margin, with a key three-and-out keeping the opposing offense short of a game-winning drive. In 2011, only four times did the Badgers play in a game that ended with a single score separating them from their opponents — and two of those ended in defeat to Michigan State and Ohio State. The defensive line, powered by golden-haired mammoth defensive tackle
Beau Allen and the man lining up next to him, Ethan Hemer, is the oftunrecognized centerpiece of UW’s defense. They clog up the running holes along the line and, with the help of the defensive ends, force enough pressure on the quarterback to open up plays for their teammates downfield. But without question the most marked improvement has come in the secondary. The last line of defense has not been without its costly errors (see Hillary, Darius, face-guarding in the red zone). And cornerback Marcus Cromartie continues to spend much of his time on the field looking befuddled and appearing
as if he’s playing two-hand touch football. However, free safety Dezmen Southward, along with cornerback Devin Smith, have anchored a unit that has made up for its lack of interceptions with critical pass breakups. For years the secondary has been a steady source of criticism for Wisconsin fans, giving opposing receivers frustrating cushions on obvious passing downs. But Southward’s athleticism and Smith’s experience have allowed the Badgers to come up with the crucial third-and-long stops that were one of the few missing pieces of the team Wilson led. And backing them up
is the energetic duo of linebackers the rest of the defense feeds off — Mike Taylor and Chris
Backing them up is the energetic duo of linebackers the rest of the defense feeds off. ... At certain times this season, Borland has looked more like a rabid animal than football player. His uncanny ability to fly to the ball has disrupted ... drives. Borland. At certain times this season, Borland has looked more rabid animal than football player. His uncanny ability to fly to the ball has disrupted countless drives this year and as the middle linebacker, he is often responsible for making pre-snap adjustments and guiding the entire defense. Taylor, aside from the “what’s a wheel route?” moments that handed opposing offenses a few touchdowns earlier this year, has continued to impress with a team-high 92 tackles and 11 tackles for a loss. Overshadowed by questions surrounding the starting quarterback and the sluggish start to Ball’s Heisman campaign early in the year, it’s downright frightening to consider where this team would be without
its rock solid defense. The Badgers’ offensive futility has more than left its mark this year (read: seven points in four quarters against Oregon State). If that lack of production were paired up with a volatile defense, UW would be lucky to make any bowl game, the Rose Bowl a hallucinogenic dream. Any informed Badgers fan more than recognizes that late game slides allowed Nebraska’s Taylor Martinez and Michigan State’s Andrew Maxwell to lead game-winning drives in the final quarter. The man in charge recognizes that, too. “These guys are going to get better. I think our defense is good this year, but hopefully [they] are the stepping stones for something better next year,” head coach Bret Bielema said Monday. “Closing out games would probably be the No. 1 thing.” So as we narrow our eyes with skepticism on whoever ends up starting at quarterback and recoil in disappointment when Ball hits a brick wall at the line of scrimmage, consider how much worse this could be. Because this year, defense may be the one and only way to Wisconsin winning a (Big Ten) championship. Ian is a senior majoring in journalism. Send him questions or comments on anything Badger football by email at imccue@ badgerherald.com or on Twitter @imccue.
The Badger Herald | Sports | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Four team-playoff system best method
Associated Press Top 25
Caroline Sage Gridiron Nation Week 10 took the top teams in college football by surprise. No. 1 Alabama was losing to SEC West rival LSU until a late touchdown with 51 seconds remaining in the game. USC kept No. 3 Oregon on its toes with 13 fourth quarter points. No. 4 Notre Dame needed three overtime periods to trump Pittsburgh. And No. 2 Kansas State saw their Heisman contending quarterback Collin Klein go down in the third quarter. Scares aside, each of these four teams have made it to the home stretch of the regular season with 9-0 records. The road ahead for these teams could very well leave us with four programs with perfect records, creating a situation where griping over the BCS system may again be rampant. Alabama appears to have the easiest remaining schedule to get to 12-0, with three home games against Texas A&M, Western
ZENGERLE, from 12 is just bring some balance to our lines. I mean with Mark (Zengerle) in there, obviously he’s going to bring a more offensive flair, so you’ve got to look at balance and mixing it up a little bit. And that’s what we’ve done this week, we’ve tried different looks with our lines.” No matter what the lines end up looking like come Nov. 16, there is a general sense of the need to step up, but the players aren’t feeling much added pressure. If anything, Zengerle’s disappearance from the line chart only throws their responsibilities as goal scorers into greater relief. “I always feel, not bad pressure, but pressure to help this team score goals,” Mersch said. “I’ve had a few good seasons where I’ve put the puck in the back of the net and I expect that from myself. It’s not so much the outside pressure, but pressure from myself. “I guess I’m going to have to take over some of Mark’s responsibility and put that on myself to help this team win some games.” Lee, a center — who also coincidentally suffered a
Carolina and Auburn. Kansas State will finish up at home versus Texas after two road games against TCU and Baylor. Oregon has to take a trip to play California, followed by dates against Oregon State and Stanford. Notre Dame will play Boston College and Wake Forest and then head to the Coliseum to finish the regular season with its rivalry game versus USC. Alabama and Oregon are also likely to play in the SEC and Pac 12 conference championships, respectively. All four teams could make strong claims why they should be playing in the BCS title matchup if they hold flawless records in December. I don’t think there will be a true consensus on who deserves a spot (minus an undefeated Alabama), making it the perfect year for a four-team playoff. But alas we must wait one more year, as the new system agreed upon this summer does not take effect until the 2013-2014 season, meaning two teams will likely feel cheated out of a chance to be the national champion, and rightfully so. Defending national champion Alabama holds the upper hand in the race as the assumed powerhouse
hand injury last year — felt his responsibilities haven’t changed with Zengerle gone. “It’s the same pressure that was on me before,” the North Vancouver, B.C., native said. “That’s kind of the way I’m supposed to play, to do that, and with Mark in the line up or out, I think my role stays the same … there’s no added pressure. I think it’s going to take a few more guys, myself included, to step up here in his absence.” As the team works to make their offense function on the same level without him, Zengerle faces a tough stretch of time away from the ice. Mersch, who lives with the injured forward, noted how he’ll miss playing without his good friend and even joked about helping him recover. “We’ve kind of looked at the schedule to figure out what games he’s going to be back for and what games he’s going to miss,” Mersch said. “He’s disappointed, we’re all disappointed — not just our roommates, our whole team. But I’m helping him out, feeding him his food a little bit — no, but I’m helping him out. I’m always there for him if he needs anything.”
this year. However, Saturday’s game in Death Valley showed while this team is good, they are beatable. The Tigers scored 17 points, 14 of which were in the second half, and the Crimson offense was held scoreless after the first half until the final minute of play. I’m not claiming this team is overrated, far from it, they’re the reigning national champions for a reason. But this team is not as untouchable as the college football world has made them out to be. And look at their past schedule, the next best opponent to LSU is then-No. 8 Michigan to start the season, a team that has completely fallen off the radar. Oregon suffered from a similarly easy schedule, but this factor will be lessened with two tough Pac-12 games and likely a third in the conference championship. The Ducks have proved their offensive dominance and if their defense was comparable I would say they look to be the best. But giving up 51 points to USC shows a clear weakness. Preseason opinions suggested Notre Dame was handed with one of the toughest schedules in college football. They are the biggest surprise
of all four teams, beating Michigan, Michigan State, Stanford and Oklahoma, but these opponents have not lived up to the hype they previously received leading up to playing an actual game. Beating Oklahoma Sept. 27 is the biggest accomplishment of Kansas State this season. While it’s played a solid schedule against Big 12 teams, it’s not played in a big game since the Sooners. The absence of a conference championship game also hurts both Notre Dame and Kansas State. Alabama and Oregon likely will have the opportunity to go 13-0 and play another game against a ranked opponent, putting them a leg up in the hunt for the BCS National Championship game. Why should the Crimson and Ducks be given the advantage over the Fighting Irish and Wildcats? There is simply no fair way to compare the four. But what if one of these teams doesn’t come away from the regular season untouched? Well, let’s look at undefeated Louisville. The Cardinals are rightfully not categorized with the other top-tier teams coming from an unnoticeable Big East
TOURNEY, from 12 games, they have only allowed two goals since Trask shook up the lineup by moving junior defender Paul Yonga to the midfi eld and subbing senior center-back Kyle McCrudden into the back line. Even more impressive, freshman goalkeeper Chase Rau has earned back-to-back Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week awards, a first in the history of the program. Put all of that together and McCrudden believes the defensive side of the ball will be critical for the Badgers if they want to advance beyond the first round of the tournament. “I think we need to play hard,” McCrudden said. “We need to not give up any goals, so I think if we can stay solid
conference. This is reflected by their spot at No. 9 in the rankings, behind teams that have suffered a loss this season. They will likely skate their way to a perfect regular season record with the only true challenge left on their slate falling on a matchup with Rutgers Nov. 29. This current BCS system gives them no shot at a title game no matter their performance, but they should be given the chance to prove themselves, something a playoff system would do. It looks as though this season will be yet another full of controversy and spite towards the BCS. With the path to the championship now becoming clearer, it won’t be surprising to see an undefeated Kansas State and an undefeated Notre Dame shut out of a title game if Alabama and Oregon finish the season perfect. This serves as a perfect example to why things need to change, but it’s a shame the change is not going to happen soon enough. There probably isn’t a college football fan out there who doesn’t want to see these four teams battle head-tohead and truly earn the title as the nation’s best.
1. Alabama 2. Oregon 3. Kansas St. 4. Notre Dame 5. Ohio State 6. Georgia 7. Florida 8. Florida State 9. LSU 10. Clemson 11. Louisville 12. South Carolina 13. Oregon State
14. Oklahoma 15. Texas A&M 16. Stanford 17. UCLA 18. Nebraska 19. Texas 19. Louisiana T. 21. USC 22. Miss. State 23. Toledo 24. Rutgers 25. Texas Tech
BCS Standings 1. Alabama 2. Kansas St. 3. Oregon 4. Notre Dame 5. Georgia 6. Florida 7. LSU 8. South Carolina 9. Louisville 10. Florida State 11. Oregon State 12. Oklahoma 13. Clemson
14. Stanford 15. Texas A&M 16. Nebraska 17. Texas 18. UCLA 19. USC 20. Louisiana T. 21. Miss. State 22. Texas Tech 23. Rutgers 24. Northwestern 25. Toledo
BIG TEN Legends Team Nebraska Michigan NW Iowa Mich St. Minnesota
Conf. 4-1 4-1 3-2 2-3 2-4 1-4
Team Ohio St. Penn St. Wisconsin Indiana Purdue Illinois
Conf. 6-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 0-5 0-5
Overall 7-2 6-3 7-2 4-5 5-5 5-4
at the back, play good season, the players and defense as a team, that coaches know anything will lead to not giving can happen in postseason up any goals, and then play, especially if facing from there anything can a Northwestern team in the semifinal happen.” who is also “If we can hosting the keep the “It’s going to be tight; tournament shutout in it’s going to be one goal, this year. each game, maybe two goals by any “It’s going I think team there. We haven’t to be tight; we have a been getting a lot of it’s going to chance to win.” luck, I would say, but you be one goal, two Should make your own luck.... maybe UW slip Maybe the soccer gods goals by any past a will be smiling on us team there,” Trask said. Michigan [Wednesday]...” ‘We haven’t team that John Trask been getting has won UW Men’s Soccer Head Coach a lot of luck, four of its I would say, last five, including a 2-1 win at but you make your own No. 11 Indiana Oct. 19, luck. … Maybe the soccer it will face the winner gods will be smiling on of the game between us [Wednesday]; maybe Northwestern and Ohio some luck will be coming our way.” State. If the chance at a Big While UW earned 0-0 draws in both games to Ten tournament title finish the conference and a berth in the NCAA
Overall 10-0 6-3 6-3 4-5 3-6 2-7
tournament were not motivation enough, each game the Badgers play in this week’s tournament has the potential to be the finale of UW’s two seniors’ careers, McCrudden and forward Jerry Maddi. While McCrudden said he thinks it will give the team even more inspiration heading into the tournament, Maddi doesn’t even want to think about the possibility Wednesday’s game might be his last wearing cardinal and white. “I really try not to think about that,” Maddi said. “You start thinking about that, you start thinking about mistakes … instead of just focusing on the game. I know it’s coming, but honestly it doesn’t even feel like it. [I’m convinced] it isn’t going to happen.”
Sports Editor Ian McCue sports@badgerherald.com
12 | Sports | Wednesday, November 7, 2012
UW ready for Big Ten Tournament Badgers seek 2nd consecutive win over Wolverines in firstround matchup Nick Daniels Associate Sports Editor For the Wisconsin men’s soccer team, it’s now or never. After being picked to finish sixth out of seven Big Ten teams in the preseason coaches poll, UW looked to prove its critics wrong early this season in hopes of earning its first bid to the NCAA tournament since 1995. Flash forward to Nov. 7 — with an underwhelming 2012 regular season now under their belt — the Badgers (6-7-5, 1-3-2 Big Ten) enter the Big Ten tournament in Evanston, Ill., with the 6-seed, finishing exactly where they were predicted to finish way back in August when the season began. This time though, unlike in August, they will have only one more chance to make their season-long goal a reality. In order to qualify for the NCAA tournament, Wisconsin will need to win-out in the Big Ten
tournament and earn an automatic bid. Set to play No. 3 seed Michigan (8-8-1, 3-2-1 Big Ten) in the opening round, UW faces a familiar foe and the only Big Ten opponent the Badgers were able to defeat this season when they beat them 2-1 at home Oct. 13 on a late goal by junior forward Nick Janus. Despite their success against the Wolverines this year, Trask said each game in the Big Ten is a new game, and anything could happen when the two teams face off Wednesday in the opening round of the tournament. “Every team is a good team at this point in the season,” Trask said. “Michigan has some tremendous results over the last couple of weeks and that is why they are the third seed and we’re the sixth seed.” “They’re a team that has been playing pretty well recently, and we’re a team that thinks we have been playing pretty decently, so we are looking forward to the matchup.” Over the last three games, the Badgers have not allowed a single goal, and over the last five
TOURNEY, page 11
Megan McCormick The Badger Herald
The Badgers will rely on fabulous freshman and goaltender Chase Rau to slow down the third-seeded Wolverines. Rau, a three-time Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week, recorded six saves Oct. 13 against UM.
Wisconsin scrambles to adjust to Zengerle injury season. With country’s top forInthehis2012-13 post game press returning scorer out conference, head coach Eaves didn’t mince four to six weeks, UW Mike words about the effect injury will have. searches for right mix Zengerle’s “It just makes it more
Kelly Erickson Men’s Hockey Writer
Andy Fate The Badger Herald
Mark Zengerle was off to a hot start before he suffered a broken left index finger Nov. 3, recording two goals and four assists in six games.
Joel Stave’s season was ended Oct. 29 after he broke his left collarbone. That same day, Josh Gasser tore his ACL in practice, effectively ending his 201213 campaign before it even began. The worst of it seemed over. But the injury bug had one more stop to make. One week later, Nov. 3, junior center Mark Zengerle went to block a shot on a penalty kill early in the second period. In the process of blocking the slap shot from the blue line, Zengerle broke his left index finger and will miss the next four to six weeks of the season. The Rochester, N.Y., native wasn’t simply Wisconsin’s leading returning scorer with 50 points on 13 goals and 37 assists — he was the top scorer in the nation to return to college hockey
difficult,” Eaves said. “If you want to make a blanket statement, it just makes it more difficult for us to score goals than it has been.” Through six games, Zengerle recorded a point in every game until his injury with two goals and four assists. But Zengerle was more than just a point machine to the Badgers. “He controls the whole game,” junior forward Tyler Barnes said, who has played on the same line as Zengerle throughout most of his career at UW. “Offensively, he’s able to slow the play down and really read what they’re doing. He’s solid down low defensively, being our top centerman. He’ll kill penalties, he’ll do the power play — he’s a complete player. You’ll feel him in pretty much every aspect of the game.” “Mark’s also a leader on the team,” senior forward Derek Lee said. “He doesn’t have a letter on his jersey
but definitely in that locker room he’s got a presence. The guys all know he’s our top guy.” With Zengerle out, the Badgers face the task of getting the offense going without him. In order to accomplish this task, Eaves needs to find the right mix of skaters. After leaving the ice Saturday, Lee moved up to center the top line with Barnes and Michael Mersch on his wings. With a bye week to work on it, Eaves already believes he’s found the right lines with junior Jefferson Dahl replacing Zengerle on the top line between Barnes and sophomore Joseph LaBate. Lee will continue to center the second line with Mersch on his left wing and freshman Morgan Zulinick on his right wing. Granted, these are subject to change with a week and half left until Wisconsin travels to Minnesota in its next WCHA matchup. “Right away I wanted to know if Coach (Gary) Shuchuk had any eligibility left,” Eaves joked. “… Now what we’re trying to do
ZENGERLE, page 11
Badgers’ defensive unit glue keeping 2012 intact
Ian McCue Right on Cue In the strangest of seasons, one where the Badgers still have a clear shot at the Rose Bowl with three losses to their name, an unfamiliar unit has acted as the reparative glue for this team: the defense. It is a complete reversal of scripts from the 2011 season, when one of the best offenses in Wisconsin
history amassed 44.1 points per game behind the ever-accurate arm and quick legs of one Russell Wilson. Four times last year the offense managed more than 50 points in 60 minutes of play, contests that were often over by halftime. With running back Montee Ball exploding out of the backfield and helping Wilson orchestrate the playaction pass with greater harmony than the New York Philharmonic, the offense could best be christened unstoppable. Though solid for much of the year, UW’s defense often turned into its greatest liability in
2011. Case in point: the Big Ten Championship game, when a shaky Badger secondary allowed Michigan State quarterback Kirk Cousins to spread the ball around the field for 281 yards and three touchdowns. The defensive unit often did just what it needed to — and nothing more — to protect the lead built by an offense loaded with firepower. A year later, there are gaping holes in Wisconsin’s offense — an issue that starts with replacing the oneand-done legend at quarterback. Wisconsin’s
MCCUE, page 10