2020 Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, Northbrook
BA (Hons) FINE ART 2020 WITH THANKS The graduating students would like to thank All the tutors, technicians, library and LRC staff for their continuous support, guidance and good humour during the course of our BA. Also our families, friends and fellow students who have supported us throughout our final year
ARTISTS Kathryn Best Jennifer Rogers Katherine Swan Jackie Fitzgerald Circe Gomez Oliveros Della Clarke Ryan Appleyard Schwarz Nicola Brewerton Marissa Lindsell Victoria Waldron Fingas Art Rhianna Wass Sonia Srebric Sarah Reffitt Ella Wenzel Harry Finch Steve Mason
BA (Hons) Fine Art Degree Show 2020
cover & index page images : Patryk Fingas, Jennifer Rogers, Victoria Waldron catalogue design : Genevieve Reed-Allen : https://genevievereed-allen.com
My work has been, and continues, to be inspired by the Sussex countryside and I have chosen to focus on the colour of the flora found on the Downland pathways and meadows near where I live. I create colourful abstract paintings of sections of wild roses with heightened colour backgrounds, to create the sense of walking through a spring meadow, along a path surrounded by blossom on the trees or over a path covered in autumn leaves whilst there are still plenty on the trees. I hope to inspire others to visit the countryside to see it in a fresh light, to encourage them to conserve the natural world. I would like my paintings to create a sense of the beauty of the Sussex beyond the Worthing boundaries, so close but yet seeming to be so far away.
CONTACT E : kbestworthingartist@mail.com W : kathrynbestdot.wordpress.com
kathryn best
I am a multidisciplinary conceptual artist, currently exploring the 'in-between' and liminality in relation to displacement, migration and colonialism. Materials, exploration, process and research are integral to my practice. I enjoy examining the histories of a place or country and exploring the natural geological and biological materials from the respective areas. Having grown up in South Africa, it is important to me to create projects using materials that retainnostalgic value and serve the memory growing up there. I use these in conjunction with counterpart objects found where I live now, the United Kingdom. I have always found the intangible, ephemeral, transient and chance elements in a work of interest. These relate to the fragile memories of location and identity and how you can't quite see, control or hold onto them with any permanence, like mist unfurling and dissipating. In my current practice I am exploring the void between actions, journeys, material states. I try to investigate a place of transition between what was and what will be, at the point of change, the thresholds, edges and borders.
CONTACT E : jenny@horsgate.co.uk W : jenniferrogersart.portfoliobox.net I : @jenniferrogers_art
jennifer rogers
I am an artist with disabilities caused by a traumatic brain injury eight years ago. It changed my life completely and the way I see the world, not least because I have double vision. I have had to adapt my practice and both techniques and materials due to the physical challenges of my disabilities, but I see this as a positive development. My work is a response to rural environments, that I record with photography. They capture a moment in time, an intimate, private and personal view. As my brain processes the information in the image and my emotional response to it, I begin to focus on small elements which inspire me. Sketches and drawings, mainly in chalk pastels and charcoals, are developed into paintings usually on canvas in acrylic paints. If I feel it appropriate, I will add details in pastels, charcoal or spray paint.
CONTACT E : kat.swan94@gmail.com I: @swan.kat Fb : katswanartist
katherine swan
My work is a juxtaposition of humankind and nature. The idea is to address the relationship between humankind and the natural world and to make the viewer more aware of the destruction caused world-wide. We are becoming less and less connected in our day to day lives. In my studio practice I try to utilise found objects which is part of the pleasure of creating, since there is always an element of anticipation, not knowing exactly how my work is going to manifest itself. I draw inspiration from walking in the woods, the beach and the undercliff walks. Here I find fallen branches, usable detritus from beach combing and photographing the eroding face of the cliffs. I have a propensity to work on more than one sculpture at a time and my current piece is a trio of branches, painted red to provoke curiosity and the other work is a series of papier machĂŠ rocks balanced on bed springs showing the fragility of our sea cliffs.
CONTACT E : jackiefitzgerald@ntlworld.com W : jackiefitzgerald.wixsite.com I : @jackiehen1
jackie fitzgerald
My work is the exploration of my own identity and life’s existence. Using a different range of materials and mediums such as photography, clay, wood, wire, cord, fabric, acrylic and oil paint on canvas, has allowed me to explore and develop my own techniques, thereby discovering a dialogue that speaks to me and to others in an abstract way. I am going back to my Mexican roots and using strong colours influenced by Mexican folk art. The bright colours evoke a lot of passion within me. Other influences on my work are contemporary artists including American mixed media artist Jim Drain, the British Indian artist Anish Kapoor, German painter Anselm Kiefer, French artist Louise Bourgeois and American artist Mindy Shapero. My main aim is to continue exploring and practicing my own techniques. I like to express myself through abstract figures, sculptures and paintings, in order to communicate with the viewer.
CONTACT E : circegomezoliveros@me.com M : 07510 709042 L : circe-gomez-oliveros
circe gomez oliveros
Having a lifelong relationship with the natural world, my artwork is inspired by it and the importance of respecting its beauty and life giving force that we depend on. As an artist I want to depict the verdant aliveness of plants and their oxygen producing capacity - this is also an environmental message. Trees are my most inspiring subjects, they are the oldest and largest species in the landscape and are a focal point that gives the landscape interest. Through this work I hope to have an impact on the viewer of the importance of conserving the natural world. I’ve always been fascinated by the intricacies and complex structures of living things. For this work I have honed in on the leaves of tropical plants that have evolved to be an important part of the global ecosystem and to remind us of the wonder and complexity of life on earth.
CONTACT E : planetdella9@yahoo.co.uk W : della.clarke@wordpress.com I : @della.art9
della clarke
My work is inspired by illustration and comic art, redefining it to fit within the context of fine art. I find that art is less defined by visual aesthetics than it is by underlying meaning, and what thoughts and emotions a piece can provoke. Although my work has previously explored politics, mental illness and identity, I am currently focusing on an individual struggle through the trying time that the world is currently enduring, from the perspective of both a frontline worker and a victim of the coronavirus. I primarily use ink and watercolour, however, I have recently been experimenting with oil paint and even digital art. I would say my visual language is inspired by illustrators such as Ryan Ottley, Jamie Hewlett and Halfdan Pisket, as well as fine artists such as David Hockney, Roy Lichtenstein and Ken Currie.
CONTACT W : ryanappleyard.com I : @ryanappleyardart
ryan appleyard
I am a multidisciplinary conceptual artist who examines and plays with ideas of portraiture, urban landscape & architecture. Detritus is my central pin. Gathering it, documenting it, manipulating it, and layering it. Through it, I see beauty beneath the surface of the insignificant and the everyday. Found materials come with their own patina and stories which underpin my oeuvre. I choose fragments which particularly resonate with each project. Photography also plays a central role in my research. With photographs I am excited by manipulating portraits and remapping architectural subjects, photo-transferring onto my found treasures. They become time-capsule installations/works, which explore a visually disjointed style; collating related fabrics, small objects, acrylic paint skins, oil paints mounted on small wood blocks, monoprints & photos pertinent to my work. Drawing on all my collected resources, installations are woven with related audio recordings & illumination My current work concerns ideas of emotional legacy arising from grief.
CONTACT E : schwarzfineart@gmail.com W : schwarzfineart.wixsite.com I : @schwarzfineart
My work is based on material gathered during one year at Clayton Wood Natural Burial Ground where my mother – who passed on her love of plants to me – is buried. I start by gathering small amounts of wild plants and materials and I capture photographs often from usual angles. I distil and ferment to make dyes and inks for paper and fabric. I create images using eco-printing, and I print and draw from objects and photographs. I try to work alongside nature, passing within it and letting it make its own marks. My work celebrates the tiny uniqueness of each plant and the small joy it gives us. It is often a glimpse of what we might not notice. I am interested in exploring natural cycles, seasonal growth and dying back, the constant renewal and energy of plants. Working within a burial ground I am aware that human bodies are part of this cycle.
CONTACT E : nicola@roryhunt.net W : nicolabrewertonartist.portfoliobox.net I : @nicolabrewertonartist Fb : nicolabrewertonartist
nicola brewerton
Through a developing amalgamation of drawing, painting, and photography, the aim of my work is to try to focus the viewer’s attention upon the image of the nurse. My purpose as a former nurse, is to highlight the importance of such individuals in times of crisis; to protest against the unsustainable pressure our society has placed upon them. We are losing our nurses. My inspiration originates from the objects that symbolises a person’s role in life. These items not only create a universally recognized image of the nurse, they also represent the history created by the individual. ‘Pride’ is a study of my Nurse’s buckle, which was historically part of the uniform which identified a Registered General Nurse. ‘Discarded’ represents my nurse’s equipment, now obsolete items but for the physical memory of a career now lost. My work has been influenced by artists that include Grayson Perry, Anselm Keifer, and Ellen Gallagher; all who have addressed humanitarian issues and society’s conflicts.
CONTACT E : marissalindsell8@gmail.com W : marissartwork.com I : @marissalindsell8
marissa lindsell
Having a fascination for textures, I love to use materials that convey a feeling of comfort and pain. I am interested in creating physical forms for things that would not normally have a physical body, such as human emotion. I find inspiration from childhood memories; Using writing from my journal as a framework in my art practice. I like to create threedimensional work, using materials that mimic the fragility and lack of permanence of life. I have also created short films to accompany my 3D work, occasionally merging the two, making wearable sculptures for performance and film. Recently I have been exploring my own relationship with humour as a coping mechanism for depression, and exploiting my mental struggles through cathartic techniques.
CONTACT E : victoriawaldronart@gmail.com I : @victoriawaldronartist Fb : Victoria Waldron Artist M : 07713 728435
victoria waldron
What is the effect of industrialisation on our planet? Are we doing something wrong? Can we help our planet? Fingas Art tackles some of the main issues of industrialisation and our lifestyle which affect the health of our planet. In collaboration with a local youth club, he informs the future generation of the importance of nature in our day-to-day life, and the urgent need to help our natural environment - even if it’s just a small gesture like recycling our everyday materials that we use. Fingas Art uses materials raw from nature such as soil, beeswax, sticks, salt or coal; but also those found in the environment, or produced by industry, for example pallets or rubbish, like plastic bottles and boxes. His work puts together the issues of nature, industrialisation and ecology, looking at the entire storyline behind the extraction of natural minerals, industrial uses of materials and their end destination. In many cases these materials end up in our nearby forests, parks and waters and put wild animals at risk of death.
CONTACT E : fingasart@gmail.com W : fingasart.wordpress.com I : @fingasart FB : FingasArt
fingas art
The subject I like to primarily focus on in my artwork is death. Previously from a very personal point of view, and recently from a generalised and more relatable standpoint. At the moment I am focused on graves and burials, including mass burials. My work is inspired by how bodies might look once forgotten underground. The artwork I create from these subjects is both 2D and 3D. My installations seem to have a slippage between drawing/ painting and sculpture. My media of choice at the moment is liquid latex, for its unsettling skin like quality in its touch and its colour. It lends itself well to my practice as I normally create distorted, almost ghost like figures. One of the inspirations for this visual language would be Francis Bacon, a painter whose work has stuck with me throughout the entirety of my practice.
CONTACT E : wassrhianna@yahoo.co.uk I : @rhiannawassartist
rhianna wass
My recent work is an aesthetic experimental journey celebrating the diversity of different cultures by documenting clothing and accessories through photography and painting. I use my camera for research and once I have captured the images will rework them by either using part or all of the image to experiment with colour. I will then print them in different forms, sometimes reversing the tonal values or by changing them into black and white, whilst continually reprinting them onto acetate at each stage. I can layer the acetates producing new images and will print them again, resulting in new images or an abstract of the original. This part of the process is really enjoyable and I like to see the varied outcomes. Sometimes I decide to use the image to develop further into a painting which can be abstract or true to life.
CONTACT E : soniaalexander2@gmail.com W : soniasrebric.com I : @soniasrebric M : 07501 180399
sonia srebric
The main focus of my degree has be the technical exploration and development of realistic illusion from a 3D happening into a 2D oil painted recreation, from a spare of the moment camera shot to an elaborate modified artistically infused oil painting. My work as an artist falls within the mediums of oil paint and drawing; to aid my process of development. I am an emotional artist and all of my work is from an emotional experience. I like to romanticize my work and create work to be pleasing to the eye. The figure is my specialty and I have chosen to recreate the illusion through oil paint to a high degree of realism, of those persons in my life that have triggered an artistic inspiration in me.
CONTACT E : contact@sarahreffitt.com W : sarahreffitt.com I : @sarahreffittfineartist Fb : Sarah Reffitt Fine Artist
sarah reffitt
What once started as a mindless doodle that I pinned on my studio wall after running dry of artistic ideas, soon became the unearthing of the well-defined methods I take to producing my work today. The revolutionary moment in my practice where I had acknowledged my niche came from something I initially considered to be irrelevant. It’s through this process that I taught myself the purpose that art serves for me; eliminating the concern of what it potentially should or shouldn’t represent. The process leading up to my final outcomes, which I very loosely define as drawings, paintings, or both, often involves a scientific approach. I regularly begin the research process for my pieces with the use of a mini microscope. I then use the microscopic imagery as my visual inspiration tool in which I manipulate through colour and scale with the use of paints, inks and other Fine Art media.
CONTACT E : ellawenzel@gmail.com W : ellawenzelart.myportfolio.com I : @ellawenzelart
ella wenzel
I am a digitally based artist whose work makes reference to the use of modern technology in society. By using photography (as a source for raw imagery) and a variety of different computer softwares, I am able to create a wide range of intense, distorted imagery, video and sound. My work more specifically focuses on how developments in technology in the modern world are having a negative impact on society. This includes the rapid ongoing advancements in privacyinvasive technologies, ranging from CCTV, and facial recognition to GPS tracking. Growing up in a time period that seemed to be primarily focused around developing new personal electronic devices (e.g. Phones, computers), I, along with many others, have been engulfed by the positive auras surrounding these technologies. Perhaps due to this many of us have not taken the time to think about the negative adspects involving the invasion of our privacy that these developments have caused. Through my art I am hoping to challenge, or at leart expose, these negative aspects using creative media.
CONTACT E : harryfinch123@outlook.com W : harryfinchart.wordpress.com I : @harryfinchartist M : 07864 395464
harry finch
During my course I have experimented with different styles, methods and materials and found my most satisfactory medium for the work I am now producing is charcoal on paper. I have grown to love charcoal, maybe too much. When drawing I inevitably end up as covered in charcoal as the paper. I love the way I can draw and erase, smudging with my fingers or the back of my hand, and wiping with a piece of cloth or a piece of paper. I use charcoal like paint covering the entire surface of the paper. My current work is figurative, and the subjects are family members. This gives me a feeling of being in close contact with the subject made even more so by drawing life size. I will take numerous photos capturing the subject behaving and posing naturally and then Photoshop to decide on the final composition.Â
CONTACT E : steve@stevemase.com W : stevemase.com I : @artbystevemase
steve mason
The graduating students’ full virtual exhibition can be viewed by clicking on this link : https://gbmet.myportfolio.com/fine-art or by going to the greater Brighton Metropolitan Collage website and following the directions to the BA (Hons) Degree Show / Art, Design & Media / Fine Art
Ryan Appleyard W : ryanappleyard.com I : @ryanappleyardart
Steve Mason E: steve@stevemase.com W : stevemase.com I : @artbystevemase
Kathryn Best E : kbestworthingartist@mail.com W : kathrynbestdot.wordpress.com Nicola Brewerton E: nicola@roryhunt.net W : nicolabrewertonartist.portfoliobox.net I : @nicolabrewertonartist Della Clarke E: planetdella9@yahoo.co.uk I : @della.art9 W : della.clarke@wordpress.com Harry Finch
E: W: I:
harryfinch123@outlook.com harryfinchart.wordpress.com @harryfinchartist
Patryk Fingas
E: W: I:
fingasart@gmail.com fingasart.wordpress.com @fingasart
Jackie Fitzgerald
E: W: I:
jackiefitzgerald@ntlworld.com jackiefitzgerald.wixsite.com @jackiehen1
Circe Gomez-Oliveros E: circegomezoliveros@me.com M : 07510 709042 L : circe-gomez-oliveros Marissa Lindsell E: marissalindsell8@gmail.com W : www.marissartwork.com I : @marissalindsell8
Sarah Reffitt
E: W: I:
contact@sarahreffitt.com sarahreffitt.com @sarahreffittfineartist
Jennifer Rogers E: jenny@horsgate.co.uk W : jenniferrogersart.portfoliobox.net I : @jenniferrogers_art Liz Schwarz
E: W: I:
schwarzfineart@gmail.com schwarzfineart.wixsite.com @schwarzfineart
Katherine Swan E: kat.swan94@gmail.com I : @swan.kat Fb : katswanartist Sonia Srebric E: soniaalexander2@gmail.com W : soniasrebric.com I : soniasrebric Victoria Waldron E: victoriawaldronart@gmail.com I : @victoriawaldronartist Fb : Victoria Waldron Artist Rhianna Wass E: wassrhianna@yahoo.co.uk I : @rhiannawassartist Ella Wenzel E: ellawenzel@gmail.com W : ellawenzelart.myportfolio.com I : @ellawenzelart
BA (Hons) FINE ART BA (Hons) Fine Art Greater Brighton Metropolitan College Full-time (3 years) or Part-time (5 years) The BA Fine Art course at the MET Northbrook campus, near Goringby-Sea Station, provides a challenging and stimulating creative environment where individuals can develop their own studio practice as professional artists. Students can specialise in Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture or Installation, or they can chose to work more generally across all areas of Fine Art.
Entry Criteria
Foundation Studies in Art and Design, or National Extended Diploma, or a similar course. Mature students without qualifications, but with relevant experience, are encouraged to apply.
Course Enquiries Teresa Whitfield (Programme Lead) teresa.whitfield@gbmc.ac.uk
Further Information www.gbmc.ac.uk/ba-fine-art www.gbmc.ac.uk/ba-fine-art-part-time fineartnorthbrook.blogspot.com
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, Northbrook MET Littlehampton Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN12 6NU
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, Northbrook