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MFA-IAD), NAAB (B.ARCH, M.ARCH), CTC (California Teacher Credential). occupations and other information. Accredited member WSCUC, NASAD, CIDA (BFA-IAD,Visit academyart.edu to learn more about total costs, median student loan debt, potentialLearn how at academyart.edu/ juxMake better art.Master Your Craft | 888.492.2692Academy of Art University | San Francisco, 1929 Study on campus or online. Scholarships available. 30 programs, including illustration, photography, Aspiring artists and designers can choose from
Featured student work by Marisa Ware, MFA, School of Illustration

Founded in 1996 by brothers-in-law Adam Firestone and David Walker, Firestone Walker Brewing Company is a pioneering regional craft brewery located on the coast of Califor nia. Our state-of-the-art brewery in Paso Robles produces a diverse portfolio ranging from iconic pale ales to vintage barrel-aged beers. Our Barrelworks facility in Buellton makes eccentric wild ales, while the Propagator pilot brewhouse in Venice specializes in R&D beers. In 2015, we combined with another family-owned brewery, Duvel Moortgat, to help pave the way for our next 20 years and beyond. With deep roots in the Central Coast, Energy
Water We minimize energy use through out each step of our operation, be it electricity, natural gas or fuel. In the brewhouse, all of our tanks are insulated and all motors are demand-controlled. We utilize kettle steam recovery systems that save energy as well as water, and we also recover energy by capturing heat during the wort cooling process. LED lighting located throughout the campus increases energy effi ciency by 75 percent. Additional ly, our new warehouse is energy efficient thanks to its highly reflective roof; leading-edge in sulation; electric forklifts; and efforts to ship by rail when possi ble. As Californians, we understand how vital water is to the land scape and to our community. For this reason, our brewhouse employs techniques to ensure that this resource is used spar ingly throughout each stage of the brewing process. Recy cling weak wort allows us to save two to three thousand gallons of water per turn. Re covering condensate from steam enables us to apply that energy toward heating other kettles. Additionally, “clean- inplace” programs and water re circulating in filtration fur ther reduce our level of water consumption. As our skilled brewers strive to optimize each

In 2015 we installed a water treatment facility on campus in order to process our effluent water, thus benefiting our local utilities and community. We work to recover small amounts of wastewater, about 10,000 gallons per week. The remainder is processed, separating out the fine organic material and leaving the water ac- ceptable for delivery back into the city’s waste water infrastructure. This facility also provides up to 65 KW of energy through anaero- bic digestion.
Not wanting an- ything to go to waste, we divert as much from the landfill as possible through the recycling, re- using and repur- posing of excess material and equipment.