In The Name of Allah1, the Rahman2, the Rahim3 A few notes in regards to Prophet Mohammed’s Personality [In response to the recently aroused issues] 1. As evident through tens of verses in the Quran, and hundreds of verses in the Bible, religion is the logo [the reason, mind and soul] of existence. Existence subsists and is put into order with religion. However, as required by the universal dialectics [the interaction of conflicting ideas, forces etc] the soul and the mind form ‘two wings’. According to time and place, one of these wings may be preferred over the other. Generally however, both wings are used together, for dialectics and its ‘unity’ [i.e. the interaction and unity of opposites] is what’s essential. For example, while Moses represents matter, government, and law, Aaron represents sainthood, the Sufi orders [tasawwuf]4, and spirituality. All Jewish tariqah’s5 are based on Aaron, not on Moses. Although in the Quran it is Moses who shows miracles to the Pharaoh, in the Torah, we see that it is Aaron. This is because matter and meaning [soul] have united in Islam, Moses became like Aaron. In Judaism however, these two have remained separate from each other, hence, it was Aaron who showed the miracles. Just like in Islam, the seekers and saints of the spiritual paths show many instances of wonder working but the scholars of law do not. This is not a contradiction; rather it is a reflection of reality. For example, while Mohammed together with his Ahmadiyyat6 preserved matter, the government, the law and the Sharia [Islamic laws] Ali and the collective personality of the spiritual companions carried out spirituality, tasawwuf, abstention [from worldly affairs] and taqwa [awareness of God]. It 1
Allah [God] is the eternal existence that encompasses all tangible and intangible [subjective and objective – abstract and concrete] things. The Quran tells us that only an infinite reality as such can be God. 2
Rahman is the essence and the unity of God’s existence [eternal and abstract]. However, God shows mercy to everyone [whether believer or unbeliever] by manifesting and delimiting Himself, just as a parent would lower him or herself down to the level of his/her child. Nevertheless these ‘limited’ mercy manifestations are so numerous that it becomes eternal yet again. 3
Rahim is God’s special treat [specific attention], His private grant and compassion, which includes all kinds of wonder works, miracles, religious values, miraculous situations such as the lives of babies and the life of the hereafter. 4
Tasawwuf is a branch of Islamic knowledge, which focuses on spiritual development. [It is also known as the Way of the Heart, the Way of the Pure or the Mystical Path of Islam.] 5
Tariqah means “way”, “path”. It is the path of the spiritual practises of tasawwuf.
Ahmadiyyat is the spiritual personality of Prophet Mohammed.
is no wonder why all the Islamic tariqah’s are founded on Ali and why the Alevi Muslims exalt him so much. Prophet Mohammed told Ali: O Ali! Whatever Aaron’s relation is to Moses; that is what your relation is to me. 2. This entireness and the concept of dialectics are generally not associated with religion. Instead, religion is thought of as either pure laws and Sharia or pure tasawwuf and spirituality. Pure spirituality is the manifested personality of Jesus, the real leader of tasawwuf. That is, in times of hardship and critical periods in which the laws are not applicable, one should live like Jesus, so that this soul and spiritual logo may give life to the chaotic, complex and dull society and enable them to revive. In this context, all of the Muslim tariqah’s are regarded as Muslim Christians. For they abstain from the world, from politics, from matter and application of laws within societies; and involve themselves with revitalization through spiritual taming instead. According to Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the beguilement of the Antichrist7 can only be obstructed with a spiritual force as such. As a matter of fact, Bediuzzaman himself spent and lived his last 38 years in this way as well. Another example is Mewlana; he repulsed and vanquished the Mongolian invasion with this spirituality and soul. He converted the barbarous and brutal Mongols into Muslims in a short period of only 10 years and with their hands reconstructed more beauteously all the ruined works of the Seljuk’s. This information is recorded in history books, it was also broadcasted as a documentary by the Americans. As for Abdul Kadir Gaylani, he absorbed all the ruins of the Abbasid era and reanimated Islam; he became a soul for even the mountains and the stones. Sheikh Nakshibendi on the other hand, reinvigorated the desolate and impoverished Middle Asia and made her able to engender new civilizations. He laid the foundations for the founding of nearly ten empires. Imam Rabbani saved India from a total anarchy. 3. The tariqah’s played the role of spirit [soul, essence]. They, especially the Bektashi order, served an adhesive function during the founding of the Ottoman Empire. Later however, when they began to degenerate, Mewlana Halid entered the scene. He united tasawwuf with science, that is, the spiritual reformations with material [physical] organizations, and hence was named “Zulcanahayn” (two-winged). In fact, the Ottoman administration feared this character of Mewlana Halid and exiled him to Damascus.
Antichrist [Arabic: Dajjal] means 'the deceiver', ‘the polisher’, ‘one who polishes falsity and makes it appear as the truth’, 'one who deceives people by disguising falsity as the truth'. This does not necessarily refer to a person; it may also be a system or an organization. In some contexts throughout this book, we also use ‘Antichrist’ to refer to the forces of ‘absolute materialism’ and ‘anti-spiritualism’.
Nevertheless, this two dimensional character was of great use on the Caucasia fronts against the Russian invasion. Fifty million of his students and followers joined and fought in the war. Indeed, this kind of synergy cannot be found in acts devoid of divinity. Summing up, tasawwuf does not comprise the whole of religion8, but it is an effective remedy during times of hardship. Jesus became the spirit and soul during the difficult and stormy times 2000 years ago and erased to an extent some of the hypocrisy and formality of the Jews. With an accumulated synergy of 300 years he transformed the tyrannous and materialistic regime of the Romans into a church. However, when spirituality institutionalises it prepares its own death. This is why Bediuzzaman said even if a Sharia government is established; we shall not abandon our service. In the stormy times of Jesus, war, intensity [violence], establishing a regime, and applying Sharia was not possible. Though he represents all of the dimensions of revelation, he only used [and reflected] his spiritual aspect, for the other doors were closed, and there was no other choice. That spirituality was the only thing capable of melting down the materialism of the Romans. This is where the Christians fall into error. Jesus is the name of all revelations; he is the attribute of divine speech, he is above time, he is an animate divine revelation. But because 2000 years ago he could only use and demonstrate his spiritual dimension, some scientists don’t accept Christianity and Islamic tasawwuf to be universal religions. They have no specific law, that is, while all other Prophets received divine revelation through the Angel Gabriel, Jesus was a living revelation himself [personified revelation], he was given to Mary by the Spirit. With his universal aspect, he is the spirit and the reason [logic] of the universe. This is why in the last days, when humanity degenerates completely, his mission will come back and be the saviour. [Please refer to John 1:1 and Surat An-Nisa: 171] The Christians confuse these two personalities of Jesus and fall into a contradiction, hence, become defeated by the scientists. With one aspect, Jesus represents all revelations, in this sense he is God’s attribute of Divine speech, and the reason and the spirit of the universe. However, apart from the fact he gave his message, the manifestation of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago was crucified with his flesh and his bones. Later, he resurrected in the form of
Chapter Mary in the Quran depicts this reality comprehensively. That is, the ‘receiving divine revelation’ aspect of the Prophet is as pure and clean as Mary; his heart is impregnated with the Holy Quran by the soul. A fair priest noticed this truth once and said: Whatever Mary is for us, that is what Mohammed is for the Muslims, whatever Jesus is for us [i.e. the logo of the universe] that is what the Quran is for the Muslims. The renowned German orientalist Rudi Paret also realized this and determined that all the stories in the Quran, rather than acting as historical material, depict Prophet Mohammed as the moral of the story.
different colours and religions and as schools of tariqah, and became a spirit to man. But because the Christians had a concretist approach -although it has been prohibited in Matthew 16- they became captive in his flesh and bones and deified it, hence the church sunk in the swamp of superstition during the 1700 years. In response to this, scientists, philosophers and the oppressed people opposed religion, they began the French Revolution and terminated the power of the church. Later, the Protestants tried to find a balance, and to an extent they did, however, they couldn’t fully extricate themselves from the discrepancies of the Middle Age. As a result of this, a strong current of atheism disseminated throughout Europe, and with the development of science, found complete strength. Instead of seeing this dark side of Europe, and rather than criticising Islam – which lies on the foundation of religion, reason, and dialecticsHis holiness Pope Benedict XVI should turn his gaze to Europe [if he has a little discernment] and work to eradicate and abolish this rooted irreligion and atheism in Europe. For at least some quality people may yield from amongst the German race. For the Popes quote in regards to ‘Islam being evil, inhuman and using force’ to have any validity at all, he must be referring to a religion like that of Jesus’ whose life is confined in the church, and inactive in society. Whereas Jesus with his universal meaning- is reason and spirit. In one aspect, he is what has been revealed to all other Prophets. Thus, it is foolishness to assert monocracy and bigoted views in religion. Because God is infinite and His reflections are infinite, narrowing this infinity to one view, one belief, one religion is nothing but absurd provincialism. Religious nationalism. Oblivious to this truth, and to the 150 universal verses in the Quran in reference to this, and to the infinite compassion and boundlessness of the Bible, the Christians still claim and assert monocracy, bigotry and sectarianism in religion. Not to mention the Muslims, who are not any better. In fact some Christians and Muslims are so parochial that they even claim monocracy amongst the different schools within the religion. They assume everyone to be infidels except themselves, whereas religious monocracy [restricting religion to ‘one’ way] is against the universality of religion. Such bigotry has no religious foundation. Surely, when Jesus claimed to be the salvation, he was referring to the universal revelation and religion. Not to his flesh and bones which were crucified 2000 years ago. The most conspicuous difference between an infidel and a believer is that while one connects to concreteness [tangible], the other connects to eternity and abstractness [intangible]. In this sense, both Muslims and Christians have become very concretive. One knows not whom to weep for anymore…
If however, by ‘Islam’ the Pope meant the ‘Wahhabis’ and the ‘kalam9 literature’ [Islamic philosophy] that was developed against Greek philosophy by the Muslims and the Christians, then yes it is true that the concept of God is illogical and absurd in the Wahhabi and kalam understanding; it does not conform to the Quran or the Bible. The Pope, being a man of profound knowledge should make this clear. The Wahhabis think of God as a king sitting on a throne high up in the heavens. The people of kalam believe in a shapeless, restricted Theo outside the universe that, according to them is the actual existence. I guess all the church leaders including Pope Benedict XVI have a similar understanding of God, hence the real absurdity and illogicality is with them. The Quran and the Bible define God as an eternal being and the spirit and conscious of existence, who deigns to show Himself to us through manifest [concrete] programs and names. According to Sunni Islam, the ‘name’ and the ‘named’ are one. There is a high probability that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is also a theist who thinks like the people of kalam and who believes in a God sitting in the heavens like the Wahhabis. As the Vatican Church is against the idea of interpreting the Bible, they are unaware of the thousands of Biblical miracles and metaphors. I recommend my construal of the Bible to them10. This isn’t odd; just like people devoid of real religious and Quranic knowledge can be appointed as leaders of Turkey’s Department of Religious Affairs, cardinals without proper Biblical knowledge can also be appointed as Popes. To make such remarks in such times when the devout are being vanquished by the irreligious only strengthens and reinforces my conviction. 4. As is evident in the history of all religions, especially that of Islam, a war of great intensity yet without blood spill is in hand: The controversy between the Rationalists [Ahl al-Ray] and the Traditionists [Ahl al-Hadith], that is, those inclined toward universality and the use of reasoning, and those who rely merely on textual authority [even if vague]… Imam Abu Hanifa leads the Rationalists. Imam Shafi leads the Traditionists. The Rationalists say: We take the Quran, the reason, and knowledge as our base. If authentic and useful for us, we also accept Hadith. Contrarily, the Traditionists try to find a textual authority, a narration in reference to every event and they try to solve every issue with a narration. They don’t verify its authenticity, or examine its context to see where and how it is applicable. Unfortunately, 90% of Christian history has reached today also in the same fashion.
Kalam is one of the "religious sciences" of Islam. In Arabic the word means "speaking". Ilm-al Kalam is ‘Scholastic Theology’ [Rational Theology]. It is a way of proving Islamic principles using rational arguments. 10
The construal of the Bible by Bahaeddin Saglam was published in Turkish in February 2004; it is currently in the process of being translated in to English. It is expected to be complete and published during 2007.
There are 2000 Islamic, 5000 Christian and 10,000 Jewish issues under this condition that are actually all authentic. If these are interpreted within the frame of reason and knowledge, their miraculousness will become evident hence the fact that they are Divine revelations will be known and accepted. Thus, there will be no excuse left for the irreligious… Do not lose hope; this wretched brother of yours has already published the construal and interpretation of 3000 of these issues. My articles, CD’s and books of 2000 pages testify to this. Nevertheless, oblivious to this need, a Christian congregation that was formed in America decided the Holy Bible can not be interpreted. The Saudi government also bans the construal of the Quran and Hadith as part of their political regime. This kind of behaviour leads to 9000 superstitions. The scale of divine justice will show the irreligious as rightful, as they’ll be excused and hence be let in Paradise, while the religious will go to Hell. In all law systems, a justifiable excuse [reason] has serious validity. For further information please refer to Ahmet Yuksel Ozemre’s two articles in regards to the Masons, published in the Umran magazine. You can also compare the 25th chapter of Matthew with the law books of the church or Chapter Taha of the Quran with the law books of the Muslims. You will surely attest my conviction. 5. Prophet Mohammed never forcefully invited any one into religion nor belittled anybody because of his or her faith. On the contrary he established a shared government with the Jews in Medina, he acknowledged their religion as lawful and legitimate, though he had all the power. He was so humble that he was able to ask for a loan from a Jew and leave his armour as collateral. His war with the Jews was not based on religious affairs; rather, it was because of the Jews’ military treason in collaboration with the polytheists of Mecca in deliberate opposition of the devout believers after they established a shared government with the Muslims. Hence the verse from the Quran advising against befriending Jews and Christians is plainly in reference only to these groups [the verse before it, i.e. Chapter Al-Maida Verse 48 makes this clear]. Evidently, throughout the whole of history Muslims have befriended Jews and Christians. The verse ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ was not revealed during Prophet Mohammed’s powerless times, on the contrary, it was revealed during the Medina period. The event took place two years before Prophet Mohammed passed away, and the reason was a Muslim who converted to Christianity. Upon some of the companions wanting to kill this person, Prophet Mohammed said ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ and left it. Perhaps it would be much better if the Pope studied a bit of history rather than doing politics.
Besides, Prophet Mohammed did not kill 700 Jews like some Hadith exaggerate, he killed 20 ringleaders. The reason for this exaggeration was for the Umayyads11 to obtain a fatwa12 in regards to their own tyranny. 6. Most of the time, Prophet Mohammed was dragged into the battlefield in pure self-defence: It was the polytheists who attacked at the Battle of Badr, it was the polytheists who attacked at the Battle of Uhud, it was the polytheists and the barbarous tribes in their vicinity who attacked at the Battle of the Trench [Khandaq]. Prophet Mohammed dug a trench to protect the city Medina. 100,000 Romans attacked 10,000 Muslims in Tebuk. On the other hand, it was Prophet Mohammed who initiated the conquering of Mecca, not a single nose bled; the city was conquered in peace. At the Battle of Huneyn, the Muslims initially didn’t engage in the battle and hence they were almost put to flight their intent was merely to include the surrounding tribes into the Islamic government- however, they stood firm throughout the battle and were completely victorious in the end. As for the special dispatch of military units sent to some tribes during the Medina period, their mission was merely to invite, however, if on the way they encountered battles, they took part. Prophet Mohammed wasn’t expecting those tribes to believe anyway, he only wanted them to submit, for the world was in need of a new administration of justice, the spirituality of Christianity was not sufficient to address this need alone. The Romans were Christians, yet they were tyrannous. The government of Iran was even worse; they were claiming right over Arabia and were denying Muslims their right to live. Prophet Mohammed offered to the devout an invitation to Islam only twice: Once to the Jewish scholars of Medina as they were confused about the metaphorical expressions in the Torah. And once to the Najran Christians, because they too like the Wahhabis believed in a God in the heavens, and worshipped the flesh and bones of Jesus. Oblivious to this, Prophet Mohammed emancipated them, and with the condition of supporting the Islamic government, he granted amnesty to them and allowed them to remain in their own religion.
7. The age and society to which Prophet Mohammed came were in extreme ignorance. He became their principal teacher, that is, he showed compassion to them, and he took care of them, and enabled them to develop with knowledge and comprehension by opening before them a wide path of reason and knowledge. Resultantly, the second-generation slaves of the companions were much more scholarly than the companions themselves, and were thus 11
The Umayyad Dynasty [Turkish: Emevi] was the first dynasty of caliphs of the Islamic empire after the reign of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman, and Ali) ended. 12
A fatwa is a legal pronouncement in Islam made by a mufti, a scholar capable of issuing judgments on Sharia (Islamic law). Usually a fatwa is issued at the request of an individual or a judge to settle a question where "fiqh" (Islamic jurisprudence) is unclear.
emancipated upon reaching a state of independence. In today’s Turkey on the other hand, the teachers are like preachers and the students are like the common people; a system that is not permissible in Islam. In Islam, the acquisition of knowledge is compulsory upon everyone, be it male or female. This is the greatest command of the Prophet. The Hadith ‘there is no eremitism in Islam’ aims to express this reality; it doesn’t in any way forbid one to devote fully to the hereafter, which is by all means permissible in Islam. Together with this sudden advancement of education, savage and nomadic life was still potent in the surrounding neighbourhoods, so much so they recognized nothing but the sword. In fact, I could earnestly say it was this emotional make-up of the Middle Age that left inactive Jesus’ infinite message and the scientific foundations of the Quran. For example, while Ali said ‘we must live like Mohammed’ Muawiya said ‘no, we must live like the Roman Kings’. The conflict between them was not based on personal differences; rather it was based on differences in ‘way of life’. Surely, Ali could have given up his personal opinions, just as Abu Bakr and Omar did, for they lived like Mohammed. Unfortunately the ‘worship of power’ still continues to exist today. For example a powerful football player can date 100 different celebrities and this isn’t censured nor begrudged. What I’m trying to say is, one who hasn’t seen and experienced the Middle Age cannot understand or be aware its these problems. One who hasn’t tasted molasses cannot know its taste. The society to which Jesus came to had a scholarly yet a formalist Jewish community on one side, and an oppressive yet a civilized Roman government on the other. There were courts, police force, and military power in that society. Thus, it would be very wrong to compare and match up the Prophets. They are the spirit and life… they take forms according to the conditions of the seasons, without losing anything from their essence. 8. The multi marriages of Prophet Mohammed were due to his duty as the establisher of law, government and justice -despite his ‘Ahmed’ and saintly nature- rather than his spiritual and prophetic duty. His wives were his students who passed on the Islamic culture to other women and other Muslims. But in order to live in the same house and to practise this religion marriage was a must. I’ve checked all the seerah’s [biography] on Prophet Mohammed; he only felt manly and sensual love towards two of his wives from whom he had children: One being Khadija bint Khuwaylid who passed away earlier and the other Maria al-Qibtiyya who came from Egypt. In fact Prophet Mohammed’s attentions to Maria caused dissension and jealousy among his other wives [namely Aisha and Hafsa] and although they conspired against him and went against him, Prophet Mohammed forgave them and didn’t punish them [Please refer to Chapter Tahrim]. The narrations in regards to Aisha marrying him when she was 9 years old, and Prophet Mohammed receiving revelations in her bed, and passing away in her arms are all made up stories by the Umayyads. We have many proofs of this; those who are !8
concerned may consult us for more information. Muawiya’s exaltations of Aisha like this [Aisha being innocent] was his way of belittling Ali, and hence collecting all the profits and bonus. This is how he preserved and continued his sovereignty. Lets not forget that it was Prophet Mohammed’s wives who disseminated half of the Islamic culture to humanity. They were warned with Quranic verses not to be driven by worldly purposes. Prophet Mohammed claimed ‘I do not need women’ and warned to engage in knowledge and understanding [insight and comprehension]. [Chapter Ahzap] 9. According to the majority of Islamic scholars Jihad is aimed 90% at selfdefence and 10% to implement justice in surrounding governments. Terrorism is absolutely forbidden. Most of the Ottoman battles were done to establish justice in the world. Like what America is doing today... The proof for this is: Prophet Mohammed has never written a letter to any devout asking them to change their religion, he has only written letters asking for submission to the politicians. Submitting does not necessitate converting from your religion. Most of the Arab tribes had merely submitted, they hadn’t converted to Islam. Chapter Hucurat makes this quiet clear. That is Prophet Mohammed was saying ‘O you politicians! the world is lamenting from oppression, I’m going to unite Jesus with Moses and bring a new system of justice to the world, do not prevent us!’ Jizyah13 wasn’t collected from the devout believers either, it was only collected from non-believers [Chapter Tawbe] One example of this justice is the Conquer of Istanbul [Constantinople]. The Orthodox Greeks preferred being under Sultan Fatih’s rule to the pressures of the Catholics and the Latin’s. It was this concept of justice that disseminated Islam in such a short period of time. Surely such vast works could not have been achieved with ‘the sword’. There was only one incident of local war with the Turks. The rest converted to Islam them selves. The same goes for the Kurds; only Diyarbakir showed some resistance, the rest submitted them selves. Obviously PKK and Dogu Perincek are giving wrong information. Moreover, Dogu Perincek claims ‘the purpose of religion is the world’. He may be excused for this as he has been brought up in politics -where today’s politics mean ‘material profit’- and hasn’t been exposed to any spirituality or to any values pertaining to the hereafter. 10. The first and foremost purpose of religion is to elevate man to infinite values and to connect and secure him to eternity and Divine power. It is to emancipate him from an orphan state. Polytheists have no capital but complex 13
Head Tax collected from non-Muslims.
transitory worldly life, whereas our case is supported by trillions of personalities who have lived and experienced it, a myriad of published books, and much corroborative scientific information. No one should bury their head in sand! As Prophet Mohammed said and as sociology has demonstrated, language changes every 100 years, this is why a leader must come and revitalize the society and the culture. Since this duty hasn’t been fulfilled efficiently in the past, religious scriptures have been misconstrued and hence mistakes in ‘understanding’ and ‘interpreting’ the text of the scriptures [not the text itself] have occurred, leading to intricate complications. This is why 300 years ago Europe objected to the superstitions of the church, and France going to an extreme perceived and adopted laicism as ‘irreligiousness’. In spite of this, America and England remained respectful towards religion and practised their system as secularism. Everyone knows Jesus as a laicist. However the reality of the matter is different. He explains in Matthew Chapter 12 how any government deprived of religion and divinity is bound to be unsuccessful. Then in the 22nd chapter he sees how the people have become hypocrites and how religion has lost its essence and got contaminated with superstition, this time he says, "Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Whilst in all previous religious scriptures being praised with the title ‘Son of David’ which means ‘Governmental Leader’ [Leader of a government] here he says ‘I’m no longer the son of David, I’m the son of God, that is, I’m pure religion, spirituality and soul [spirit] do not involve me with worldly affairs’. However, this is in temporary situations for in another chapter he says to the Masons of that age ‘eventually you are going to be in need of religion [and divine values] so let religion reign.’ Indeed, if humanity does not turn back to the basic [fundamental] divine values and get support from science and methodology to prevent the contamination of superstition, it is going to get corrupted with such anarchy and animalism that no power or authority is going to be able to control it. According to Bediuzzaman’s determination laicist governments or regimes that abandon religion can only be administered by absolute bribery and absolute despotism, where the parties bribe and the army collects the rest with a rifle butt. But we may not even be fortunate enough for this; humanity may fall into absolute animalism too. Bediuzzaman claims in his defenses that he can accept laicism as a necessity of time, but if it’s perceived as ‘irreligion’ he will not accept it and fight against it even if it means death. Since Turkey lived like France [adopted laicism] for a while, he wrote 6000 pages of books based on faith and ethics in attempt to fill the deficiency caused by laicism and hence prevented humanity from falling into animalism.
Indeed, without religion and divine values, humanity will surely degrade to a state of absolute barbarism. For it is a sociological fact that humans were like animals and only with religion and science they evolved and became Adam14. If they lose these two values they will degrade back to the animal state. This will cause a social catastrophe [a social doomsday]. This is why, rather than interfaith and intercultural dialogues, interfaith and intercultural alliances are needed. Bediuzzaman recommends alliances and affiliations rather than ‘dialogues’ as dialogues are generally used politically, whereas an alliance is sincere and genuinely religious affiliation. If the Pope isn’t aware of these we’re up for some difficult times. A Final Note: Unfortunately the Islamic world’s response to the Pope was filled with criticism and intense expressions rather than scholarly and intellectual explanations. It was our Christian friends in Europe who gave [yet again] academic and intellectual responses on our behalf, which, in one aspect is sad, in another comforting. [You may refer to the September issues of Zaman newspaper for more information].
Bahaeddin Saglam (90) 212 5284868
The word Adam is used as an archetype here to depict the evolved, learned and the civilized human. That is, humans who have developed from their primitive and archaic ways and have become elevated through religion and knowledge. [Please refer to my book on Adam and Evolution for more information] !11