Maggie Celebrates Ayyam-i-Ha

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Maggie Celebrates Ayyám-i-Há Story by Patti Rae Tomarelli Illustrations by Wendy Cowper-Thomas

Maggie Celebrates Ayyám-i-Há Story by Pattie Rae Tomarelli Illustrations by Wendy Cowper-Thomas

Very late in the afternoon of the twenty-fifth day of February, Maggie hurried down the stairs, put on her coat, hat, and mittens, and slipped out the back door.

She ran down the street to the neighborhood park and headed towards the highest hill.

Quickly, she climbed to the top. From the smallest pocket in her pants Maggie took out the compass her grandfather had given her and carefully lined up the needle to the “N” for north, then saw which way was “W” for west, faced the sun, and waited.

Soon it began. . . . On the horizon colors collided—reds, yellows, purples, and oranges. The sun was setting. First a shine . . .

then a glow and a glimmer . . . and then a few solitary rays.

When Maggie was sure that the sun had set, she threw back her head, raised her arms, and cried, “My God, my Fire and my Light! The days which Thou hast named the Ayyám-i-Há in Thy Book have begun!”

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