As a 3D Visualizer, this video showcases my expertise in design, detailed design, 3D modeling, and creating immersive visualizations.
Rouhi Restaurant
//Location: Tehran, Iran
//professional work/Interior Design
//In Collaborationwith NomaanStudio
The existing building used to be dark and dated office buildings with a narrow entrances. After removing the walls, there were eight columns in the middle of the dining salon. Taking inspiration from traditional Persian architecture, we covered the floor with concrete slabs inthe form of an Islamic geometric pattern. This is the central theme of the design: this geometry appears on the walls and awning of outdoor space, the concrete walls that hide the columns are derived from the lines, and its projection on the ceiling defines the positions and forms of the lamps. The yard's awning, whichis intheshapeof thelslamic geometry pattern, is designed for both shading and blocking the view of the old commercial buildings inthe neighborhood. Iwasinvolved in the design and construction phase of this project. Rouhi Restaurant, one of the famous restaurants in Tehran, is currently operating in this building.
The owners wanted a multipurpose area in their terrace that couldbe a place for their daughter and her husband to stay when they come to visit from abroad and be a home office for the rest of the year. Locatedin an area that has a scenic overlook, the new extension brings the concept of tectonic and lightness as opposed to the existinghouse. We worked with thehiddengeometry of the site to form the structure. The original shape of the structure is derived from the staircase slope, and it changes in the middle point to achieve the slope that diverts the rainwater. Someoftheinclinedplanes arecoveredby'ljranslucentsheetsmaterial to allow illumination from natural light and enjoy the view.
Chadormalu Competition
//Location: Chadormalu, Yazd, Iran
//1nvited Competition
//Client: Chadormalu Mining and Industrial Company
//In Colaboration with Lotus Office
ChadormaluMiningandIndustrialCompanyinvitedaSelectionOfarchitecturalofficestojoin a competition for designing the new sports and recreation facilities for a 400'000 square metersitelocatedinChadormaluinYazd.
Thisprojecthasbeenselectedasthewinnerof thiscompetitionandwillbeconstructedsoon. Thecomplexincludesrestaurants,cafes,sports fields, playgrounds, conference halls, aquariums,andswimmingpools. Inthiscompetition, Iwasresponsibleforarchitecturalvisualization andpresentationofthedesign.Duetothelong length of the site, the concept of the project was toprovidediverse and deep perspectives for the visitors. Parts of the project are designed exactly like the old bazaars and mosquesinYazd,whichpresentthetraditional Iranianarchitecturalstyle.Ichoseacold-toned, conceptual-likerenderingstyle tohighlightthe most criticalelementsin the design and tone withthetraditionalconceptofthedesign.
SEASHINE Residential Complex
//Location: Anzali, Iran
//Professionalwork - 3D ArchitecturalVisualization
//In collaboration with Khazar Holding //2021
Investmentandconstructionof theSeaShineresidentialcomplexareoneofthe many projects of Khazar Holding.This complex is located on land with 24,000 squaremetersneartheAnzali FreeZone and the Caspian Sea coast.Theresiden-
tial project includes three residential blocks, one residential and commercial block that includes a hypermarket, food court,andotherservicesrequiredbyresidents, and a recreational block that includespoolhallsandmeetinghalls. The company needed images and walk-through animations to advertise and pre-sell the complex units. In this project, I wasin chargeof 3D modeling and rendering, and preparing walk-through animations required for the sales website.Images and animationsshouldhaveshownthelivelinessof thespaceandthe beauty of thedesign. SoIchoseahyperrealisticrenderingstyle tomaketheimageslooklife-likeandappealing to the customers.There is the linkforthewalk-through animation and thewebsiteoftheresidentalcomplex.
OneDayInThe Kish SportComplex
//Location: Kish iland, Iran
//Professional work -3D Architectural Visualization
Insteadofcreatingaphysicalmodel, whichis highly time-consuming and expensive, walkthrough animations can be used to illustrate theformofthebuilding,theenvironment,and the concept of the design. I made the animationinthis project andnamedit One Day In The Kish Sports Complex. It illustrates how thesportscomplexwilfinteractwiththeenvironment and the people around it. I used high-tempomusic tosnow the fast-pacedlife in this sports complex on Kish Island.