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People have hundreds and thousands of thoughts and expressions that run all over their minds daily. Some may go left while others go right, but all are messy and unpredictable. Behind each face, these unjointed feelings hide.

It’s time to realise we are not our teachers but instead the students of God. He created the perfect harmonious world and cursed humanity with probed thoughts. We sit and learn to change the state of our mind by following each beautiful curve and transcending these into our architecture. Stealing harmony from nature is the salvation of our anguish.

The ratio of lines and shapes makes a remedy of ease for the human mind. Where can we create such harmony in our own life? In the stories we write, the offspring we produce, or the cup of coffee we make in the morning? Instead, we must accept the mind as a disrespectful voice that always finds negatives in everything.

Nature’s blank slate is shown in its simplicity of design. No external influence, only instinct to create harmony in a chaotic world. From the split in the branches to the curve of a pinecone.


There is a beauty in the complex. Why does our soul slow down and breathe in nature? How is the mind captivated by a city scape? We are drawn into a space of wonder as we envisage the world around us. This beauty, one of harmony and collaboration, is shared between architecture and the natural landscape.



What looks simple and minor can, under the surface, have a greater purpose. Trees, rocks, streams, churches, schools, shops; all having a hidden complexity. The simple shade of a tree created only by the meticulous pattern of leaves. The height of a building achieved only with a network of structural pieces. The texture of a footpath connecting to the colour of the wall running alongside and the sound of a flowing stream interacting with the colours of the flower growing nearby. This complexity is not random, but of purposeful design. Each creation highlighting the individuality of every element but being in unity with one-another. This beauty of the built environment and of nature, seeking to not only enhance the world, but to reunite us. Reunite one to their own soul, back to a sense of awe of the world around them.

The stacking of stones, the free growth of plants, and the disorderly flow of streams seem to be chaotic, but they all appear where they should be and appear so harmonious. It could be seen as a kind of nature’s wisdom, and we humans Call it ORDER.


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For soil, water, animals, plants, clouds, and even the universe, all of them have their specific place and way of functioning in nature. The earth will automatically stratify with age; streams will demarcate the site with particular paths; animals have their typical habitats, plants show their specific shapes and sizes, and clouds are curling, expanding, spinning, and splitting. Never touch the earth. This orderly layering is nature’s celebration of harmony. Nothing is forever. The leaves will change regularly, the shoots will grow and bloom as scheduled, and as a result, everything is going on in harmony and order, and they are all witnessing the order of a life cycle. But, unfortunately, in the grey steel forest, this order is also played out in another way, buildings are designed, built, used and eventually demolished...

In nature, everything is so random but harmonious and orderly. They do not interfere with each other and are interdependent thus creating the ultimate goal of any architect, harmony.

HARMONY OF INDIVIDUALITY Under the nourishment of this place, different individualities can be discovered and coexisted. The twists, swirls and urgency of the stream appear boldly where it should be, seemingly random, but in fact an intentional character of nature. The soft meadow harmoniously returns the water net of personality to nature with a gentle surround.


Trees, without too much language modification, each plant is a carrier with individuality. Their body language is all kinds of strange, complicated and simple in structure, burly and slender in shape, and warm and cold in colour to humble and complement each other. When describing a piece of cracked bark alone, it shows the geometrical individuality, and at the same time it is the coexistence of concave and convex, light and dark. Looking at a jungle, it is the harmony and unity of various unique geometric forms, materials, colours and textures. The terrain makes various elements in the jungle scattered, and each visual focus can become a unique personality silhouette. The city, too, is where each unique individual’s participation is intertwined and intertwined, building a harmony fed and unity led diverse city. Just like the jungle landscape, if there is no tolerance of the place, every individual full of individuality will not be able to survive.

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Harmony. Ever changing and growing, yet never truly finding its place without the intentional reliance of another. We can adapt to further ourselves and our creations, yet if a landscape doesn’t get its opinion, a creations purpose can only be half met and will stay unharmonized until both sides can coincide.

Architecture begins its journey simply as a sprouting seed, trying to find its way out of the earth. This is where it meets landscape for the first time, seeing all of its beauties to which comes its complexities and challenges. For the seed to continue to grow into more than just its imagination, the sprout must not find its way around landscape, but a way to create harmony with its new surroundings. This need for harmony doesn’t come randomly, the sprout must look around as it sees the meticulous beauties of the trees, flowers, rocks, flowing streams; and connect with them not only visually but the elements that they add to the landscape. When found, the sprout knowing its limits and order will find its harmony, ultimately growing with its surroundings to finally see it’s intentional order to where it belongs. Thus landscape is architecture.


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