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Maths and Computing – Upper School

Maths in Upper School combines a variety of lessons and practical activities to help embed the topics and principles being introduced or reinforced for the girls. Concepts and methods are taught using a variety of methods and resources, including interactive and adaptive activities and investigations which lead to more problem solving activities later on in topics to check how deep the girls’ understanding is.

ICT is also used to support the teaching of Maths across the Upper School. The girls use technological resources in class, either as part of an independent task, or part of the whole-class teaching with bespoke activities to offer the relevant level of challenge or support.
Interactive whiteboards are used to bring lessons to life and use graphical modelling to explain and breakdown mathematical concepts. As well as an instructional tool for the teacher, interactive whiteboards and Promethean ActivPanels are used by the girls independently when working on consolidating understanding.

Lesson concepts and skills are reinforced using web-based subscription software such as mymaths.co.uk and educationcity.com, with tailored tasks specifically assigned to each girl during their Maths lessons.
The girls can also check online to see their progress or even revisit a lesson again that evening if there was something that they later realise they are unsure of, or indeed wish to deepen their understanding ahead of subsequent lessons. As well as visits to the ICT suite during their Maths lessons, the girls have had the chance to bring technology to their Maths classroom when using the school’s iPads.

During the year selected girls from Upper School enter local Maths events and challenges at nearby schools. This year Serena, Aruba, Zoe and Safia competed at a Maths challenge event at Aldwickbury School, Harpenden. The girls enjoy the tasks they have to solve as well as the end of session refreshments too!