Foster Care
Journey with The Bair Foundation
Thank you for your interest in helping the lost, lonely, abused and hurting children of God. Since 1967, The Bair Foundation’s Christian foster care ministry has supplied hope and healing to hard-to-place foster children and teens. Staying true to the vision of our founder, Bill Bair who answered the call by taking teens into his own home, we continue to provide quality services, faith, and commitment to foster youth. By saying “YES” to sibling groups, medically needy foster children, and teen placements, we believe we are doing the work God planned for The Bair Foundation Ministry. By providing a safe home, unconditional love, and acceptance, we send a message of encouragement and faith to children who are hurting.
Bair Information Nights If this is the first time that you have thought about fostering, we know you have questions! It’s the reason we hold information sessions in person or online often, where you can meet our staff and ask every question you have ever had about fostering. Armed with the right information you will leave with a clearer, more realistic picture of what you can expect as a foster parent and with the understanding that we will walk you through every step of the way.
The Bair Foundation Can Train You For: Full Time Foster Parenting Part Time Foster Parenting (Respite) Medically Needy Foster Parenting Professional Therapeutic Foster Parenting
Who Can Become a Foster Parent? Single Parent Homes Homes with Working Parents
Parents Who Rent Parents Who Own Their Own Home
What are the BAS IC Eligibility Requirements? At least 21 years of age
Attend an Informational Meeting and meet Bair staff.
Submit application, background check and other preliminary paperwork.
Single, legally married or divorced for 1 year
Retired or employed & able to cover your own personal and household expenses Pass a criminal background check A US citizen or meet non-US citizen requirements as listed in Bair’s policy manual *Each state will have specific and other requirements not listed here.
Complete Home Study with Bair staff.
How long can I expect a child in foster care to be in my home? The average time a child stays in care at the Bair Foundation is 13.5 months; however, a child may be in your home for a couple of weeks, months or even a few years.
Participate in pre-service training provided by Bair.
Get licensed.
Begin fostering children.
God does not call the equipped, rather He equips those He calls!
Foster Parent Support Although the prospect of becoming a foster parent may seem daunting, as you enter this mission field, please remember that you are not alone. If you are certain that God has called you to this, you can also be certain that He is going to equip you to carry out all that He has planned for you.
Can I choose the child I want to foster? Although you will not be able to specifically choose the child you foster, you are able to choose the age and gender you prefer.
The following list is part of the support we provide to our foster parents. The list varies slightly from office to office.
Training Preparing you for the mission field is important. Before your first placement, you will receive training on many aspects of foster care. You will be enrolled in classes with other parents who will be learning and walking through the certification process with you. As a foster parent, you will receive ongoing training to better equip you to minister to the children in your care.
Medical Care The medical needs of all foster children in care are covered.
Case Management A Social Worker from The Bair Foundation will visit your home regularly to supply support and direction about the care and treatment of foster children placed there. Your Social Worker will become your biggest resource for advice and encouragement.
Foster Parent Reimbursement You will receive a set amount (paid monthly) as reimbursement to cover the costs incurred in supplying food, clothing, and shelter for each child. Reimbursement rates vary from state to state.
What are the ages of the foster kids you serve? Bair is licensed to care for foster youth ages 0-18 (in some cases and states, children can remain in a Bair home until age 21).
24 Hour on Call Foster parents may face difficult and challenging circumstances during any placement. A representative from The Bair Foundation will be available and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency support.
The Home Study Process What happens with the Home Study Process? To maintain our standard of excellence, protect the children and teens in care and make the best possible placement decisions, The Bair Foundation employs several criminal background checks, reference checks, face to face interviews and home visits collectively known as the Home Study Process. While it varies according to state, typical items you may see in the Home Study Process includes paperwork like an autobiography, a list of house rules, a fire escape plan, and a list of emergency contacts. You may be required to provide a copy of your driver’s license and proof of insurance, medical records, proof of marital status, pet vaccination records, etc. Your home will need to be visited and inspected. During these visits, any safety or licensing violations noted must be corrected before being licensed as a foster parent.
At the heart of the Home Study Process are the interviews, where we will get to know you better. This helps us make the best placement decisions possible. We will identify your strengths and weaknesses and understand your family’s dynamics. The interview will also explore personal issues, your relationships, your finances, and any history of abuse or neglect will be covered thoroughly. The interview may also be a time where weaknesses are identified, and safeguards are discussed and implemented. The demands of therapeutic foster care will add stress to your life and to those close to you. Our goal during these interviews is to help you identify any place where stress may result in a fracture, and to reinforce those areas before they become problems.
Foster-to-Adopt In most states, The Bair Foundation can supply necessary support services and help the adoption of foster children and teens who are currently in care, as they become legally eligible for adoption.
T herapeutic (Treatment) Foster Care Vs. Basic (Traditional) Foster Care
Therapeutic Foster Care involves caring for children with emotional, behavioral, social or medical needs - who would benefit from being in a family who has received specialized training to meet their needs. Basic Foster Care involves caring for children who are taken from their parents due to abuse or neglect, but whose needs do not require the same level of intensive support and services required in Therapeutic Foster Care.
The Bair Foundation - National Office 241 High Street, New Wilmington, PA 16142 800-543-7058 |