The Bair Foundation Teens & Siblings Brochure

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Each year, children age out of the foster care system nationally.

“Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me...”

Of those foster children:

More than

15 in

- Luke 9:48 will become



after age


58% graduate

will high school by age 18

(compared to


of all 19 year olds)

pregnant by


/ 2 employed 3% college degree




by age 24 will earn a


by age 25

(compared to


of all 25 year olds)

1 4

will be involved in the in

justice system

within two years of leaving foster care

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*Statistics courtesy of Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative


of women are


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew 9:38

Do You Consider Yourself a Successful Adult? Who helped you get there? Who stood by you when you were feeling insecure, when you were struggling to fit in? Who encouraged you to make the right choices and keep your feet on the straight path? There are local youth that need the same support and guidance that you once received. Without the connection of a committed adult, teens in foster care are at-risk for homelessness, incarceration, pregnancy and substance abuse when they transition out of care. These kids are overlooked merely because of their age. YOU can change their destiny, don’t wait!

As a faith-based organization, we believe that only Christ can bring about genuine life-lasting transformation. Helping kids with their brokenness begins with us, Believers who understand this truth. Finding homes for siblings groups and older children has been one of our greatest challenges. Many people, although their heart is right may feel called, to gravitate to babies or very young foster children. We know “our call” is to find homes for older children who need a stable caring adult at a very critical time in their life. Equally important is keeping children with their siblings while in foster care to preserve their most important connection. Sibling relationships are emotionally powerful and critically important not only in childhood, but over the course of a lifetime. If you have room in your home to keep siblings together during a very traumatic time in their life, or have a desire to give your love to a teen, we want to share this opportunity {to model the love of Christ} with you.

The Bair Foundation is acutely aware of the importance of the sibling bond to children’s development and emotional well-being. Sibling contact gives children stability and provides a connection with their family even when circumstances require separation from their parents. No bond is typically longer, stronger, or more comforting than the bond between siblings especially those who are separated from other birth family members through foster care or adoption. Separating siblings leads to feelings of mistrust, problems with intimacy and poor self esteem. Therefore, we are actively seeking families who have the willingness and ability to foster siblings. Will you say YES?

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