Winter 2017
Welcome Granger Redden!
Kinship Christmas Thank you yet again to The Tack Room, Mix 96.5 Asheville’s Hit Music Station and Biltmore Baptist Church for providing Christmas gifts for Kinship children. Your unwaivering support for Asheville’s children is so appreciated!
ranger was born on 12/19/2017 @ 11:04pm weighing 5lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long. Granger is doing well!!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers as my husband and I welcomed a sweet little boy into this world. I am glad that I was able to spend 9 weeks at home with him but I am excited to be back at work!! Love, Katelyn Redden Kinship Coordinator The Bair Foundation
The Tack Room and its supporters provided Tack Sacks filled to the brim, Mix 96.5 held a “Rock Star” Party at the “Christmas is for Kids Extravaganza,” complete with Santa arriving via airplane, bouncy houses, slides, ice cream, Build-a-Bears, pizza and crafts. Gifts were provided to caregivers so they could stash them away for Christmas morning. We appreciate all of the elves, local Asheville businesses and volunteers who donated, wrapped, decorated and supported foster and kinship families during the party. You have shown the love of Jesus Christ by meeting & providing some basic fundamental needs… love, food, and clothing. We could not do what we do…. without the help of our community partners.
Biltmore Baptist Church
Bair’s Asheville office at 30 Garfield St.
What is The Bair Foundation & What is Kinship? The Bair Foundation is a child and family ministry with nearly 50 years of experience in the field of child welfare. Our Asheville office has been providing therapeutic foster care to local abused and neglected youth since 2009. We recruit and retain quality homes in Asheville and the surrounding areas that are able to provide structure, stability, safety, and love to children in the foster care system. The Bair Foundation actively recruits teen homes and families who are willing to take sibling groups, as that is where the need is greatest. The objective of our ministry is to strengthen families and ultimately provide permanency for these children, either through returning home, foster-to-adopt, legal guardianship, or kinship care. Kinship Care is a program designed to help support a child who resides outside of his or her own home, either temporarily or for the long term, with a relative, godparents, stepparents or any adult who has a “kinship bond” with a child. Kinship Care is an option that allows a child to grow into adulthood in a familiar family environment instead of being placed in foster care. THANK YOU Kinship families for providing transitional care for your “kin” while their biological parents complete the steps necessary so their children can return home.
Questions? Katelyn Redden, Kinship Coordinator The Bair Foundation 30 Garfield St., Suite F, Shop D6 Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 350-5197 (877) 213-0723 toll free (828) 350- 5199 fax email: Buncombe County Dept. of Social Services 40 Coxe Avenue, PO Box 7408 Asheville, NC 28802 (828) 250-5500 (828) 250-6235 fax Your support is vital! If you would like to help/give/hold a donation drive please contact Katelyn!
Kinship Resources The Macaroni Kid Are you and the kiddos ready to break out of the house now that the cold weather is gone? Macaroni Kid is a great resource if you are looking for some local activities that are going on in your community! Macaroni Kid is a free weekly newsletter and website that delivers news on all the kid and family friendly events going on locally. Go to the website and sign up so that you can have the scoop on planning your family fun this spring! Camp Cedar Cliff in Asheville It is time to start registering children for Summer Camps! Camp Cedar Cliff is accepting registration for children to attend their summer camp. The two words describing the core of what Camp Cedar Cliff stands for are: adventure and eternity. Children experience the wonderful outdoors and the eternal elements are packed in to every part of the camp experience. They also offer scholarship to families who may not be able to afford summer camp! Check out their scholarship application online at and see if you qualify for discount/scholarship!
Big Brothers & Big Sisters Are you looking for a mentor for your child? Youth ages 6-14 from single parent homes or living with relatives/foster parents are eligible for Big Brothers Big Sisters. The children and caregivers must be interested in the program. Participation is need-based and other criteria are assessed as well. Volunteers are all screened by a national criminal background check, have a personal interview with BBBS staff, three references, and mentor training. Children and their Big Brother or Big Sister enjoy all sorts of activities in the community! For more information call (828) 253-1470.
Q. Why was 6 afraid of 7? A. Because 7 8 9!
Q. What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? A. A dino-snore!
Registration is Right Around the Corner! WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION:
Two proofs of residency. One must be a utility bill (power, water, or gas) and the other must be a mortgage statement, rental/lease agreement, deed, or buyer’s agreement.
– Your child must turn 5 before (or on) August 31, 2018.
If your child’s birthday is after (or on) Sept. 1, 2018 you must wait to enroll them until next school year. There is an EXCEPTION. If a child whose 4th birthday is on or before April 16th 2018 may enter kindergarten if they are identified as gifted and have the necessary maturity to succeed in a full day kindergarten setting, there is an Early Entry Packet that your school can give you.
Withdrawal form. Only for students who last attended a Buncombe County school. This form will be given to the parent/student by the previous school at the time of withdrawal.
Additional Information Needed from Home Schooled Students:
Home school registration
This Early Entry packet must be completed by the parent/ guardian and submitted to the principal no later than 30 days before the beginning of the school year.
Attendance record
Standardized test scores
To find out what School District your child is located in you can visit the Transportation Department’s School District page: Buncombe County Schools GIS Search. (If your student needs to attend school outside of the school in your home district, a Discretionary Admission/Release Application must be completed. For the application please call your school.
Record of courses taken and credit awarded.
Portfolio of work (course descriptions, sample of work including: exams, hours spent per course curriculum used)
- School Entry Age, you will need to verify this information with your child’s birth certificate
Photo Identification of parent/legal guardian
Copy of child’s certified birth certificate
Proof of guardianship. Can include birth certificate, divorce papers, Social Services paperwork, or paperwork signed by a judge awarding custody. Custody paperwork authorized by a judge or Social Services/foster care placement paperwork is required for all children not living with their natural parent.
Copy of up-to-date immunization records. If your child is not immunized, you will need to speak with a school nurse. Click here for more information: Immunizations, by law, due within 30 calendar days of enrollment.
Health assessment for all students new to North Carolina Public schools. Must be the NC DHHS form obtained from the doctor’s office - these are not provided at the school. By law, due within 30 calendar days of enrollment.
You will need to complete the paper work before your child is able to register. All paper work and release can be found at under student registration. If you have any questions or need help with registering please Call Katelyn Redden (Kinship Coordinator at the Bair Foundation) 828-350-5197
Equipment available from the B.E.A.R. Closet cover many of the critical needs for newborns, young babies, and their families. Most clothes and consumables are freely given. Other items are loaned, with most families returning them as soon as they are outgrown. We also offer car seats for loan and for sale. Our clients come to us in need and we serve them by offering anything and everything we can do to help. Most of the items are available at no cost. Some items are for sale at a reduced cost. Availability varies at each location, but here’s a list of typical items: diapers, diaper bags, clothing, shoes, books, videos, bath tubs, bassinets, pack and plays, table boosters, potty seats, strollers, high chairs, swings, bouncy seats, sippy cups, baby bottles and outlet covers.
Abernethy UMC 1418 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC 28806 Contact: Mike Davis Phone: 828-254-2612 Email: Website: Hours: 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M., 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Cummings Memorial UMC, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe, NC 28759 Phone: 929: 891-9413 Email: Hours: 4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M., 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Sharon UMC, 2 Laura Jackson Rd., Fairview, NC 28730 Phone: 828-242-6166 Hours: 3:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M., 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. Snow Hill UMC, 84 Snow Hill Church Rd., Candler, NC 28715 Phone: 828-670-1884 Contact: Susie Pike Hours: 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M., Tuesdays
Immunizations: A Shield of Protection Remember, it is not too late!!!
The flu arrives each year leaving many people wishing that they had followed the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and gone to get a flu shot! The flu shot is recommended by the CDC for individuals who are 6 months and older. The flu shot is available at local health care providers and local pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid).You can also request a flu vaccine at the Immunization Clinic. Talk to your doctor or call the Immunizations Clinic at 828250-5096 with any questions you might have about immunizations or to find vaccination records. Getting immunized is easy! Our Buncombe County Health and Human Services Immunization Clinic is located at 53 South French Broad Avenue in downtown Asheville (across the street from United Way). Our Immunization Clinic offers walk-in immunizations between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday).
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