Bajan Sun Magazine November 2014 Edition

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Errol Walton Barrow Barbadian Legend How wives can find joy in the Quickie A Life Dedicated To Fitness


How to Survive Business During a Recession Shepherding: Emerging from Chaos to Order N o t h i n g B e a t s B u s i n e s s Su c c e ss


5 Tips For Effective Goal Setting Joyann Skeete: A Focused Entrepreneur Caribbean Export Agency: Supporting Small Businesses Grow Through Export




he spirit and initiative of entrepreneurial people will be the key to overcoming the current crisis; thereby paving the way for the Caribbean to become a dynamic and competitive economy. This view is taken by the Bajan Sun Team, which has included fostering entrepreneurial spirit in its strategy to boost the region's economic competitive capacity. Entrepreneurial people generate and

promote innovation; and they also contribute with greater flexibility and capacity of adjustment to the economy as a whole. This makes the entrepreneurial spirit an irreplaceable part of the growth engine, and driver of job creation. Without it, the objectives of competitiveness and prosperity are simply unattainable any given society. | | @BajanSunOnline



NOV 2014

or us, local is always first and foremost, and our specialty is promoting local products, places, foods, traditions, talent & businesses.

Bajan Sun is a company founded to provide education, resources and the support which is needed to understand and implement the core business marketing strategies that will help you succeed in whatever business you may manage. The business marketing strategies we teach and promote are designed to help you succeed by showing you how to do the things that make customers love you and become your greatest assets. If you are dedicated to building a business that thrives on establishing strong relationships with your customers and employees, we are here to help and support you as you make this journey.

Raeann Beckles

We are committed to helping the Globe, providing top quality service and growing your businesses through referrals. We are dedicated towards helping entrepreneurs, the creative arts & tourism everywhere succeed.

“Bajan Sun Magazine� is a publication geared towards the advancement of The Entrepreneur through affordable Marketing.

Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services and products BajanSun

P.O. Boc 1151 Bridgetown St. Michael 246-844-7008 Visit us on Facebook: BaJansun Visit us on Youtube: BajanSun Follow us on Twitter: @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014



E p


S p




32 - 33


T n




36 - 39

40 - 45 Barbados: An Independent Nation pgs 9 - 11

Caribbean Youth Environment Network pg 30

Are you listening with your heart? pg 12

Hugh Williams - A Life Dedicated To Fitness pgs 32 - 33

Amaryllis Beach Resort pg 14 Krystal Byron - Miss Teen Barbados 2012 pgs 16 -17 The Chill Spot begins production in Barbados pgs 19 Lil’s Bitts - Small and Powerful pgs 20 - 23

C S p


Kareem Bynoe - Pro-Fusion Events Services pg 34


Let’s talk FITNESS with Domini Alleyne pgs 36 - 39


Meet Pro Body Builder - Ramon Broomes pgs 40 - 45

S p

Workout tips for the beginner pgs 43 - 46


Joyann Skeete - A Focused Entrepreneur pgs 24 - 27

Khari Marcus Lobin pgs 46, 48 - 51

Free Motion pgs 28 - 29

Exercise without being in the Gym or using any Cardiovascular machinery pg 53

5 p


B | | @BajanSunOnline

Etiquette for Persons with Disabilities pg 55

Beauty Intricacies pg 56

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 9 | NOV 2014

Skin Guru - Eccrine Porocarcinoma pg 58

Black Rock Couture pgs 60 - 62

Barbados National Anthem pg 63

60 - 62

Publisher The BIM A r t & Cr e a t i v e Di r e c t or : F r a n k l y n P ar ri s

Errol Walton Barrow - A Barbadian Legend pgs 64 - 67

E d i to r : R a ean n B e ck l es

Tech Tip: How to alphabetize a list of names in excel. pg 71

A s s t. E d i to r : C h er y l C o r b in

How to Survive in Business During a Recession pg 72

Is your business online: E-commerce Starter pg 74

D es ig n & La y o u t :

46, 48 - 51

A d v e rt i s in g Sa l es : Q ua n ta no P ar r i s

Caribbean Export Agency: Supporting Small Businesses Grow through Export pgs 78 - 81

Everyone strives for some Success in Their Lives pgs 88 & 91

G r aph ic D es i gn e r: F r an kl y n P a rr i s

Bussa Emancipation Statue pg 76

S.O.S Personal Development - Our Economic Salvation pgs 86 - 87

F r an kl y n P a rr i s

T a sh a nna Pa r ri s C o n tr i bu t i ng W r i te r s: D r. And r ew Fo rd e D r. An i ta D av i s D e Fo e No rm a T Ho l l is

24 - 27

D en i se J C h a r l es C h a rm a i ne J F o r d e R a ean n B e ck l es

Conkies For Independence pg 93

D e bo rah Ram d i n F r an kl y n P a rr i s

S.G. Kryashonz Hair & Nail Salon pgs 94 -95

Z i co M i l l e r

How Wives Can Find Joy in the Quickie pgs 98 & 100

5 Tips For Effective pg 102

Goal Setting

Buy Bajan For Christmas pg 105

Bead It pg 108

P h o to g ra ph er s : C ly d e B ar n e tt e


C o n tac t u s P .O . B o x 1 15 1 B r id g et ow n Ba r bad o s 1 -2 46- 8 44- 7 00 8

i n fo @b aja ns uno n l in e. com b aj an su non l i ne@ gm ai l . co m




CONTENTS 98 & 100


28 - 29

18 - 19



In the SPOTLIGHT - Sabrina Bonita Maxius pg 109 Caribbean Business Enterprise Trust Inc. pg 111 Nothing Beats Business Success pg 111 ‘Shepherding: Emerging from Chaos to Order “ pg 112 Choose to live your dreams in 2015 pgs 114 - 115 The Bartender - Gina Dupal pg 116

16 - 17

Blakey’s on the Boardwalk pgs 118 - 119 Rumshop Talk pg 121 Shop/Bar Owners Barbadian Entrepreneurs pg 124 Faith Callender pgs 132 - 137 Nadia Joseph pgs 138 - 139 5 Reasons to take out a business loan pg 140

20 - 23

Poetry - What my country means to me pg 142 Poetry - Morning Shows pg 143 Shawn Fields Photography pgs 146 - 149 Ricardo Bascombe - Photographer pg 150


132 - 137 | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014



efore Barbados' Independence, the island was a British Colony for over 300 years due to the first English settlers in 1625.

first playing of the National Anthem, the first raising of the National Flag and an elaborate parade.

During the 1920's Political arousal of the black population became obvious when Charles Duncan O'Neal formed the Democratic League.

Since Independence Barbados has been a member of CARICOM (previously the Caribbean Free Trade Area), as well as gaining close ties with Third World countries. Barbados now enjoys one of the most stable political and economic environments in the English speaking Countries.

In 1938 after the civil disturbances in 1937, the Barbados Progressive League (later becoming the Barbados Labour Party) was formed and Barbados attained full internal self-government in 1961. The first Premier Grantley Adams (later Knighted to 'Sir') led Barbados into the (10) member West Indian Federation in 1958 until 1962. After the Federation was terminated in 1962, Barbados returned to its former status as a self-government. Failed attempts were made by the Premier Grantley Adams to form another Federation with the Leeward and Windward islands. Barbados was then led into full Independence on November 30th 1966 by the then Premier Errol Walton Barrow of the Democratic Labour Party (previously the Democratic League), a group which in 1955 broke away from the now Barbados Labour Party. Errol Barrow became the first Prime Minister of Barbados. This date was also St Andrew's Day. Barbados had now achieved Independence from Britain, but maintained ties to the British monarch, represented in Barbados by the Governor General. Barbados became an independent state within the Commonwealth Nations and continues to have major role in regional cooperation. On that Proud day of Independence now a National Holiday, the ceremony included the | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014


oday Bar bados' Independence is now celebrated with a month of events and activities in the month of November. Celebrations start with a Lighting Ceremony in the city Bridgetown and ends with a beautiful Parade Ceremony at the Garrison Savannah on the actual Independence Day (Nov 30th), where you can see from Cub Scouts to Soldiers and Girl Guides to the Landship, all turned out in there uniforms.

The National Emblems of Barbados Barbados National Colours: Ultramarine (blue) and Gold.

Independence Celebrations NIFCA (National Independence Festival of Creative Arts) Lighting Exhibition: Parliament Buildings / Bridgetown / Highway Roundabouts Calendar of Competitions





Associated Sights: Independence Square Independence Arch Errol Barrow Statue

The Barbados Coat of Arms The Barbados Motto: Pride and Industry | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Pride of Barbados The National Flower of Barbados is the Pride of Barbados (Dwarf Poinciana or Flower Fence). The Pride of Barbados blooms all year round, the more common varieties are a fiery red and yellow "sunset colour" although other variations can be found. The National Flower is accepted as the red variety with the Yellow Margin on the petals. It appears on the Barbados Coat of Arms. Other varieties are yellow or orange/pink. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Are you Listening with your Heart?

By Norma T. Hollis Norma T. Hollis

Surviving today’s challenges begins with Authentic Listening


re you an effective listener? When someone is speaking to you are you listening to the whole message or just the words? Are you waiting for your chance to chime in or really hearing what the speaker is communicating to you? When you listen with your heart you hear the speaker’s full message and connect at a heart level. This is authentic listening. Listening from the heart means not just hearing the words that someone says, it also means interpreting the body language. When someone shares a message they share it not only with words but also with emotion. The emotion comes through the body language, the tone of the words and how the words that are spoken connect with the body language and tone. We all know the tone of a mother’s voice when there is danger lurking. A child listens authentically when the child knows that the tone of the mother’s voice requires immediate attention. Likewise, when someone gives you great accolades yet their body language says something different, your heart lets you know that there is something inauthentic about the message. It’s like someone saying “It’s a great day today” and saying it with a somber and rainy day expression.

When you listen with your heart you can decipher the authenticity of the message. When you listen from your head intelligence alone you lose the depth of the message that is understood by the heart. The heart has its own intelligence. It holds the intelligence of emotion, sincerity, hope and connection to the spirit. When you use the intelligence of the heart to listen, you connect to the positive and authentic elements of listening. As you listen to all the news about the financial crisis, are you listening with your heart? The information is given to us to attract our “head” intelligence. The whole issue of money, investment, interest, stocks etc. is “head” driven. They are dollars and sense based and do not connect with the “heart” of the issue. When you listen from your head and not your heart you become

America’s Leading Authentic Voice Doctor® Mentor, Transformational Artist ~ Visionary Advocate of the Human Spirit

fearful, distrustful, discomforted.




Try listening from your heart. This means listening to what your inner voice is telling you. Although we are in tough times, you can get inner direction to overcome the difficult times by listening with your heart. I have chosen to turn off the TV and not buy into the hype of fear. I found that just listening to one newscast of doom and gloom put me in a negative frame of mind. As an inspirational speaker I cannot afford to attract doom and gloom emotions. How can I inspire someone if I allow myself to buy into the fear hype? I cannot. Instead I spend the news hour sitting in meditation and listening to my heart. I find I get better direction on how to conduct myself during these times by listening within rather than allowing negative messages, from someone else’s head, to permeate my thinking. Likewise, when I speak to people during these times I help them to listen to what their inner voice, their heart message, is saying to them. We were all born with the ability to listen to our heart. Every answer we need in life can come to us by taking time to listen within. We were each gifted with an internal GPS system that tells us which path to take to move ourselves forward. When you focus your listening skills on that heart message rather than the message that comes from the heads of those who promote doom and gloom you emerge as victorious in spite of the current challenges. Don’t allow yourself to get consumed with the negative issues of the day. They are designed to lead you to stress, distress, depression and fear. Instead, listen with your heart, and help others to do the same. You will find that at the end of this current situation you will not only have survived, but survived with a greater sense of who you are, what you are to do and a have great positive attitude as well. | | @BajanSunOnline

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ocated on a 150 meter stretch of sandy white

accessible facilities and guestrooms are also available.

beach on the southwest shore of Barbados,

Situated on the magnificent white sands of Palm Beach,

Amaryllis Beach Resort offers the ultimate family

the Amaryllis Beach Resort offers an excellent central

oriented beachfront hotel experience. Originally built in

location on the vibrant south coast, close to the capital,

1967, this luxury resort was renovated in 2003 and now

Bridgetown. Why wait another day, book with Amaryllis

features large outdoor pools for both adults and

Beach Resort today!

children, a spa tub, a fitness facility, and tropical gardens. Combined, with great dining options, all embraced by the calm Caribbean waters as a perfect

Garden View rooms (sleeping up to 2 adults) have 1

backdrop for swimming and snorkeling, Amaryllis

king bed or twin beds, air conditioning, satellite TV,

Beach Resort is ideal for a family holiday!

mini-fridge, coffee maker, iron and ironing board,

This 3-star, 3-floor Christ Church property also features a full-service health spa offering massage and treatment

hairdryer, bathroom with bath or shower and a balcony or terrace.Garden

rooms, hair salon, and other spa services as well as a restaurant, a bar/lounge, and a poolside bar. Beach sun loungers and towels as well as pool sun loungers are also provided. Business

amenities include a business

center, wireless internet access, meeting rooms for small groups,





parking is also complimentary during the hotel stay and 14 room service is available during limited hours. Disabled- | | @BajanSunOnline






Krystal Byron - Miss Teen Barbados 2012


t 5.5 feet Krystal Desteen Byron represents the perfect combination of both beauty and brains, a mixture necessary for someone crowned Ms. Teen Barbados 2012. Inspired by a family friend (Andre Harris), Krystal was brought into the modelling industry some three years ago and has not turned back since. Though under the radar for the two years since she has been crowned Ms. Teen Barbados 2012, Krystal has been committed to furthering her education.

A: The designer at the time dealt with the whole designing process. It was an international pageant, so why not use the colors of our national flag! Q: What do you plan to do within the next 3 to 5 years? A: Hopefully by then I would have achieved my degree in nursing and would have already started working as a nurse.

However, passionate about the industry, Krystal have modeled at the Bridgetown Dooflicky and at the Fashion Show segment of the Opening Gala. Modelling for Krystal provides a thrill and sudden rush of adrenaline. She expressed that the adrenaline she feels from being on the runway or simply being in front of a camera is indescribable, that it inspires her as a model. Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, Krystal through the Ms. Teen Barbados Universal pageant also transformed. On entering the pageant Krystal was fearful and lacked self-confidence. However, on completing her journey, Krystal gained self-confidence and did it with class and style taking home the crown. Undoubtedly, Krystal embodies the characteristics of a true overcomer and young Barbadian Ambassador. Q & A with Krystal Desteen Byron: Q: Can you provide us with an overview of your experience within the pageant? A: I have to say my experience with the pageant was wonderful and I loved every minute of it. It created memories and friendships that would last a lifetime. I got to know each girl on a personal level, their stories of life, love and family. Q: What inspired your choice of swim wear during the Ms. Teen Barbados pageant? | | @BajanSunOnline





The Chill Spot Begins Production in Barbados


incent M. Ward, best known for his character Oscar from The Walking Dead will host a new and unique travel show featuring little or unknown chill spots around the world. The first stop will feature amazing locations in Beautiful Barbados where Vincent will take viewers to places that are off the beaten trap and away from the usual tourist traps and exploring the world’s most unique treasures. The Chill Spot will be produced by VMW Productions and Blue Iron Media with the production team of Vincent M. Ward, Sabrina Wilkinson, Michael Johnson, Rahmat Jean-Pierre, Millisa Hinkson, Kimberley Francis and Lisa Tucke The Chill Spot will be aired via Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC), the premier cable content provider of the Caribbean with over 3 million viewers including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Canada is the latest stop launched on September 18 2014 on Bell fibe TV's Channel 658 available in Ontario and Quebec. CMC is the region's leading multimedia organization dedicated to excellence in communication services, which include: Radio, Television, Print, Satellite Uplink Distribution, & New Media across the Caribbean, the USA, and around the world.

Vincent M. Ward has been successful in all of his endeavors, and the saying “The best is yet to come” has never been more relevant as he now pursues new dreams and new roles. His dream to act has brought him the greatest role yet in his role as Oscar in the sensational new series on Cable TV, “The Walking Dead!” Now the world will follow as Vincent M. Ward makes his way to the top! The 6’4 feet Ward stands out not only with his height, but the characters he brings to life on stage in such plays as Deepest Shades of Blue, Played By Life Rules, The Conversation, The Flip Side, Men Cry Too, Secrets or a demanding wife beater in Through the Storm, a cold hearted pimp in A Sugga Daddy Aint Always Sweet, a ruthless drug dealer in Laurence

Fishburns Riff Raff, or slick talking hustler in Don B. Welch “My Brothers Keeper” and The Bachelorette Party or scaring us as the devil in Lord There’s A Stranger in My House, Ward shows his athletic side playing the boxer Calvin “Savage” James in Savage World, and showing softer side as a Pastor and loving husband in Leave the 99 and The Battle is Not Yours. This talented actor also has co-starred Middle Man, Whitney, Army Wives, General Hospital, Wilfred, Pysch, Body Of Proof, Gary Unmarried, Dollhouse, The Game, Girlfriends, Unhitched, Head Cases, C.S.I, The Bold and the Beautiful, Robbery Homicide, Viva Laughlin, CSI Miami, Big Shots, Desperate Housewives, Days Of Our Lives, The Wire and recurring on Everybody Hates Chris, The Walking Dead, Hot In Cleveland and The Starter Wife as Bo or guest starring on Knight Rider as Eddie and True Blood as Hollis. No stranger to the big screen Vincent also has supporting rolls in Bringing down the House, Mirror Mirror, Live-Evil, Oceans 11, “Traffic”, and straight to video movies as Three Can Play That Game, 4 Play. A Beautiful Soul, Cordially Invited, Ulterior Motives: Reality TV Massacre, Robbin in the Hood, Confessions of a Thug, All Lies on Me and Who Killed Bishop Brown? With God on his side Ward feels there is nothing he can’t achieve in this world. Bitten by the writing bug he also plans on releasing his own projects such as, A Bad Boys Tale of Choosing Heaven or Hell (play) Choose Your Weapon (movie) Homeless in L.A (documentary) The Step Daddy (horror film) and Until Death Did Us Apart (movie), Hollywood To Your Hood aka American Chefs (reality cooking show) The Chill Spots (traveling show) Behind Door 13 (short horror). For more information about this dynamic actor /writer go to www.instagram/vincentmward., vincentmward,, vincentmward

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline



NOV 2014

Lil’ Bitts - Small and Powerful


rinidadian born Shivonne Liesl-Anne Churche also known to the music world as Lil’ Bitts and named after Liesl - the oldest girl in the Sound of Music entered the world on October 31st xoxo. A lover of music from the tender age of nine, Shivonne participated in many Calypso and Soca competitions. During her primary and secondary school years Shivonne entered a number of competitions where she won and was also a finalist on numerous occasions.

As Lil’ Bitts music career advanced, her performances expanded regionally and internationally to Guyana, Grenada, St. Vincent, Toronto, USA (a few of the states), Bahamas, Bermuda, Jamaica, Barbados, and Antigua. She also performed with very popular music artistes locally and regionally - namely Machel Montano, Bunji Garlin (who helped her get her foot in the door with her first hit single IN MY COUNTRY), Destra Garcia, Alison Hinds, Lil' Rick, Skinny Fabulous, and Mr. Killa. Though Lil’ Bitts have performed with the best locally and regionally as well as on major stages gaining amazing crowd responses, her most memorable performance yet was in Toronto. As she would have us know, it was memorable because it felt like when she performs at home - Trinidad.

However, though a lover and performer of both Calypso and Soca music; at the age of 17 Shivonne made the transition from Calypso to Soca music with her performance in the Junior Soca Monarch competition. Well known for her energetic performances of Soca music, Shivonne aka Lil’ Bitts also has an interest in Alternative Rock music. When asked “What sparked your interest in music and more specifically your genre of music?” - Shivonne quite assuredly stated “My Father! - He noticed my talent and my mother took it from there by managing me. They both believed in me. Moreover, I love Soca music because it is our music, it is our culture.”

In 2004 Lil’ Bitts made her first break through performing a song called “In My Country” featuring Bunji Garlin. As the years went by Lil’ Bitts added more hits to her name - “Crush” featuring Sean Caruth, and “Bump” two of her biggest songs to date, both of which were written by Kernal Roberts. “Crush” enabled her to make her first debut into the International Groovy Monarch competition, which was followed by “Esta Fiesta” written by Lil’ Bitts. As the years progressed she added “Hold Meh” and “Careful” both written by her brother Sherrard Churche who is also her manager. However, “Careful” enabled her to make it once again to the International Groovy Soca Monarch competition.

PHOTO BY ZICO MILLER | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Later in 2011 Lil’ Bitts, had an amazing season on the Honey Riddim with Sweetness. Her success streak continued when she made it to the 2013 finals of the International Soca Monarch competition within the power category. In 2014 Lil’ Bitts decided to embark on her own producing four tracks for the 2014 Carnival season which she deemed to be successful because it was her first time being on her own and surviving the Carnival season. For 2015 realizing she needed some assistance to help with her new independence, Lil’ Bitts has teamed up with advertising companies Metropolis Media House and Isaacs Promotions to launch a campaign creating a whole new image, sound and logo which has been very successful thus far. 2015 looks very bright for Lil' Bitts - everyone just has to wait and see what's going to happen next!

Q & A with Lil’ Bitts Q: What inspires you most about your genre of music? A: The way in which the rhythm sends people of all walks of life in a frenzy and you can hear the same Soca song a million times on the road and wine as much as you did the last time to it or even more. Q: Which artists are you super excited and hopeful of one day performing with (future collaborations)? A: Busy Signal. He isn't a Soca artist but he has done Soca songs and I love his style of music because he's very versatile. I've done songs with Bunji and Skinny Fabulous already and would love to do a song with Machel one day but, it has to be the right song. Q: Where do you see yourself musically between the next 3 to 5 years? A: The biggest female Soca artist. Duh! lol! Travelling the world promoting and performing Soca music and having a very versatile repertoire of material. I don't want to be only looked at as someone who can sing Soca music because I do other genres as well which a lot of people don't know. For those who found out that I do other genres, they were so shocked at how good I sounded. Q: What makes you different from other Female Performers (locally and regionally)?

A: I'm small and powerful! Q: What is your personal mantra (the thing you live by, or motivates you the most)? A: God first! Regardless He's the one in control. People who believe in me and who stuck by me through thick and thin and last and but not least my diehard fans - I love them! Q: From where does your inspiration come for your songs/music? A: I'm Trini! I'm Caribbean! We are wassy people. I get inspiration from my personality and how I feel when I dance to Soca music. It comes from what I see Soca music doing to people. Q: Describe a typical day for you in the studio preparing for a new release/performance. A: Before I go into the studio/release/performance, - its ‘level’ (trini slang) warm up exercises. I have to get that voice nice and warm. I go in front the mirror and I practice to see how I look performing and what I need to do more and come up with different ideas to add to my performance. Q: Who are your biggest supporters (family, best friend etc.)? A: My team! And my fans of course. Q: What's your greatest challenge musically and how have you overcome it or intend to overcome it? A: Because I've been in this business for the last 10 years the music keeps evolving every year, so it's important as an artist to be up to date and don't get caught in a time warp and to keep current. To keep current I keep locked to the internet 24/7 and listen to a lot of the new and happening music. I also have a musical director who stares me in the right direction. Q: Outside of music what other things would you like your followers/fans/supporters to know about you? A: I think they see me as cute and bubbly and that is my personality but there is a totally other side to me people don't get to see. I'm bold, strong minded, independent, and when it comes to my music and my goals I'm very serious about that. I'm into drama and acting. I generally love the arts, not just Soca music.

PHOTO BY ZICO MILLER | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Q: What would you say to young aspiring female artistes like yourself? A: Be you! For more information on Lil’ Bitts and her music visit YouTube, Lil’ Bitts Fan page, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Emusic and Spotify. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV2014 | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan Sun Magazine




Joyann Skeete - A Focused Entrepreneur


daring, go-getter, and risk taker

These trips allowed Joyann to meet,

are just a few words to describe

open for and share the same stage of






artists such as Sean Paul, Shaggy and

Diamond Entertainment Agency and an

even Trina.

Entrepreneur who sees challenges as

Joyann have also provided talent and

hidden opportunities. Indeed there is no

have been featured in the DJ Sensation

better person qualified to lead and

Avicii's video "I Could Be The One"



from Canada which is currently at

Agency (DEA) besides Joyann who has

110,577,032 views on YouTube and

been the chief cook and bottle washer

counting. Joyann through DEA has also

of DEA for the past four years.

organized and provided talent for

From the provision of Promotional

Aidonia's Bruki video which was shot

Models, Dancers, and Disc Jockeys, to

on location in Barbados. Her most



recent achievement is the birth of DJ


Diamond which has been a long time

and Marketing; DEA is where these

dream of hers for over 10 years ago.

services can be obtained. However,

With the birth of this dream, Joyann

Joyann’s leadership of DEA, did not

was privileged to have learnt how to

blossom over-night as her experience

play on vinyl by DJ Megasoundz.

and qualification in the field started

Joyann’s success continued, as she also

years ago, from traveling the world


while being a back-up dancer for Soca

gaining great momentum.











Queen Alison Hinds for a few years. | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan Sun Magazine


NOV 2014

“Staying relevant and coming up with

you alert and ready for any adversity

new and innovative ideas as people


are easily distracted. Also as the field

Although in life you cannot predict or

can become saturated you have to

control every situation or the outcome;

keep your product unique, that way

how well you prepare will determine

business is consistent.” - are the words


of Joyann when questioned about;

challenges or not.”








what would you say are some of your greatest




entrepreneur? For Joyann, challenges are





strengthen what you already have or help move you to the next level. As Joyann posits, “living in a comfort

For bookings of Diamond

Entertainment Agency services or DJ Diamond contact Visit: Facebook Diamond.Entertainment.Agency

zone is a very dangerous thing, so

diamondtv246/ Twitter @diamondent246 /

when these challenges come they keep

Instagram @diamondent246 (Diamond Ent) @djdiamond246 (DJ Diamond) | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014



ree Motion - NOT a group but an ENTITY designed by Ashley Moore to push and promote dancers from all walks of life. From break dancing and hip -hop to passa passa, krump and latin, together these guys possess unbelievable talent and passion for their craft.

In speaking with Free Motion’s Founder Ashley, she indicated that she started Free -motion simply to provide dancers with the opportunity to be exposed regionally and internationally through HD Dance videos and ad campaigns. Growing up in Florida and New York, Ashley loved to watch how people would come out and dance just for the love of the art form. She especially loved that even though they were battling each other, there was still a sense of respect and unity between them.

NOV 2014

It was like a big family reunion. Being exposed to this, inspired Ashley to bring her passion to the Caribbean. Hence, Ashley wanted to create a family of dancers that would encourage and push each other to the next level. In her own words “Free-Motion is not a dance group, Free-Motion is an entity that pushes dancers who want to be noticed for the talent they possess. Dancers who want to go to international shows and competitions like World of Dance. In a nutshell, FreeMotion is about providing individuals with the opportunity to be seen in quality videos just like Wildabeast, Les Twins and so much more; to show them that just like these dancers, multimedia can be their foot in the door as well.” | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

A: Performing in general is something I like doing but, it brings little excitement performing in Barbados. Hip hop, break dancing and Latin are the styles of dance Justin Went aka JuJu is noted for. Performing for the past four years JuJu can be found dancing mostly in the club scene. As he exclaims, “in the clubs people would be freaking out when I hit the floor and as a bboy I always get good responses from the crowd.” Q: What is your greatest achievement in dance?

A: My greatest achievement in dance hasn't come yet. But, so far it’s been a fun journey for me. So many people have influenced me in my journey as a dancer; the first being my mentor ‘Lils’ from New York guy. Lil taught me when I was just starting out. Next would be bboy Roxrite Redbull BC and bboy Mournir from France. These guys taught me to never give up even when it’s hard; until I achieve my goals. Rohan Ronnie aka Flipmode has been performing for the past six years. A hip hop dancer at heart, Flipmode has performed in Barbados and Antigua. Though influenced by his brother and his best friend, Flipmode hails from a family of dancers. As he says, “I guess I have carried on the trend.” Q: What is your greatest achievement in dance? Zico John aka Zeek a talented hip hop, passa passa and krump dancer has been performing for the past 15 years. With years of experience under his belt, Zeek has performed at the Barbados Music Awards,

Crop Over venues, in local music videos, hotels, Reggae on the Hill, Soca on the Hill, Trinidad and Tobago, Destra music video, and at a few America shows. Q: What is the crowd response like when you perform? A: The crowd response has always been flattering and encouraging, in addition to the words of satisfaction. Q: What is it like performing in Barbados?

A: My greatest achievement in dance is not only getting to perform in front of people but coming out of my shell for so long. Performing for approximately five years is Justin Par-

ris aka JP. An all-round dancer is what he is gracefully referred to as by Free Motion’s Founder Ashley Moore. JP is a skilled bboy, hip hop, jazz and contemporary dancer who has performed at NIFCA and other shows around Barbados. For more on Free Motion visit http:// or follow them on Instagram at: freemotion246 or on facebook at: Free-Motion. To send request Free Motion services email:


NOV 2014

Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN)


he Barbados Chapter of the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) has been the coordinator of the International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) for over 10 years. This international initiative is organized by the US NGO, Ocean Conservancy. It is the largest volunteer effort to clean our coastal environment, oceans and waterways and preserve valuable marine life. As we focus on the Barbados Chapter of CYEN, our event has often been confused with the event, Clean-up Barbados (CUB) which has been around for the last six years. Both initiatives are necessary and usually happen around the same time yearly (3rd Saturday in September). This year’s event was on September 20th, 2014 and next year will be held on September 19th, 2015. This effort would not be possible without the assistance of sponsors and volunteers. The sponsors assist with the procurement of necessary items such as garbage bags, gloves and skips and volunteers along with CYEN members worked together to remove the debris from the coastal environment. The clean-up is also a data-collection exercise, where the types and volume of waste collected at each site is recorded and documented in an attempt to reduce the amount of waste which plague our beaches and ocean. This data is then used to create awareness programmes

Beach Long Beach Maxwell Beach Batt’s Rock Six Men's Bay Brandon's Beach Pile Bay Foul Bay Morgan Lewis Beach Browne's Beach Chandler’s Bay Brighton’s Beach

targeted at enlightening Barbadians, especially young persons, of the importance of the oceans to human’s livelihoods, influencing policy and ensuring our beaches are kept clean from debris. The CYEN Barbados Chapter also required to submit the data collected to the Ocean Conservancy to be published in their final report. Below is total weight of garbage found at each beach in 2013 and 2014. Most would have observed that the sargassum seaweed covered many of our beaches across Barbados. The seaweed is deposited on the beaches of the Caribbean islands and the Gulf of Mexico coasts. The weed, is a floating species of algae known as Sargassum that inhabits the Sargasso Sea. It usually comes between May and September but in recent years have been in larger volumes. This did not halt our efforts to clean the beaches and CYEN Barbados made the decision not to pick up seaweed but only the garbage. Though the seaweed was not aesthetically pleasing it is a plus for the ocean environment. Next year will be a bigger and better clean up so stay tuned on to The International Coastal Clean-up Barbados Facebook page, CYEN-Barbados on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @CYEN246, via email and our Google + profile.

Weight of Garbage Collected (kgs) 2014 1262 122.2 467 116 15 124 287 461 91 -----

2013 1350 161 525 540 ------308 196 132 193 | | @BajanSunOnline

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family fitness experience! The Williams Family participated in the 2014 Superheroe TCS Amsterdam Marathon. Father - Hugh Williams, Son Darren Williams, and Grandson - Deneshan Williams all participated in the ½ marathon; while Granddaughter Ashwarya Williams took part in the children’s 700 meter run and Daughter-in-law - Cassandra Williams ran the 8k.

For the three generations of Williams, the Superheroe TCS Amsterdam Marathon was a first to compete together. It was also a Personal Best 1/2 marathon for Hugh finishing at 1.40.02 cutting 3 minutes off his Run Barbados 2013 time. Though a total of 14,251 competitors took part in the Superheroe TCS Amsterdam Marathon, Hugh placed 1,508.

Prior to these game both father and son, Hugh & Darren, took part in the Rome Full Marathon in March 2014. | | @BajanSunOnline

For Hugh, the Amsterdam competition was, personally an inspiring, heartfelt experience to be able and allowed to run with both son and grandson. A memory to be treasured. Not many are able to do this. It was truly a blessing. As Hugh will have us know, he runs for the love it and believes in 'CHI' running, the art of meditation, freeing your mind while in motion. It helps de-stress & recharge his energies. Hugh being quite committed to his craft, runs when time allows mainly in the midday sun! His

premise is, if he can run in this heat, he can run at any time. He takes his que from the Kenyan distance runners. Moreover, running for Hugh is not about coming first, rather He is always a winner when he completes his run. Hugh has no intentions of stopping or quitting, therefore Run Barbados 2014 is in the pipeline. Hugh is also looking forward to competing in The Valley of the Kings, Egypt marathon someday - which would be awesome as he has personal connections to the destination. | | @BajanSunOnline


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areem Bynoe is the Co-owner of Pro-Fusion Events Services a local Media and Entertainment business. Inspired by his love and passion for photography and music coupled with his father’s influence; both Kareem and his dad were prompted to take things to a higher level, hence Pro-Fusion Events Services. Pro-Fusion Events Services has been in operation for just under two years as a registered business, however it has been operating for many years before. Though Pro-Fusion has been in operation for a seemingly short time, it has already generated a client based reaching beyond the borders of Barbados stretching into the wider Caribbean and Europe. At Pro-Fusion Events Services clients can select from a range of services which includes: Photography, DJ Services + provision of sound equipment, Videography, Video Editing, as well as Mounting of photography/art. Yet with the provision of all these services and the expanding client base, Pro-Fusion Events Services like most businesses within these harsh economic times, have also encountered challenges. According to Kareem, Pro-Fusion’s challenges have been seen in three main areas namely: (1.) Finances, (2.) Building a client base and (3.) Dealing with negativity. It is clear that challenges in these and many other areas have affected not only Pro-Fusion but many other small to medium sized organizations. As it relates to finances, Kareem mentioned that business equipment is expensive, thereby making investing a much more difficult task. Moreover, his line of business does not guarantee a steady pay-cheque nor flow of income.

economic challenges, most clients escape to the cheaper route, which don’t always work out. Additionally, some potential clients opt out and ‘the business’ is left waiting or trying to find those clients who are willing to pay for what ‘the business’ and its services are worth. Lastly, in dealing with negativity the reality is some people would just not like you or find fault in anything you do. In this line of business that negativity can lead to bigger problems because most of the time your name is all you go by and it can tarnish a reputation that stood for a long time. When asked: “How have you dealt with your business challenges or how do you propose to deal with those challenges?” Kareem stated - “there are many ways to solve problems but one just needs to start somewhere, which I am trying to do in order to deal with challenges faced. Creativity is usually the base for most successful businesses and in my opinion finding alternatives and new ideas can possibly create the vital links you need to steady the flow of income and also maintain a strong client base, and with that being said, the quality of your service would speak louder than any negative word placed on you and the business.” Despite the challenges, which Kareem has no doubt dealt with head-on; Kareem, his dad and the ProFusion Events Services brand have made some significant achievements. For Kareem and his dad being both award winning photographers with vast experience has benefited them greatly; this coupled with the word of mouth exposure has also added to their credibility. Moreover, Pro-Fusion Events Services in times past have provided DJ services to well-known persons in Barbados which has resulted in many positive reviews. What is more is that Pro-Fusion Events Services has shot Promo-Videos for Cave Shepherd and other big companies which too have received positive reviews. This proves that despite challenges and business size any business can succeed with hard work and determination. Contact Pro-Fusions Events Services at 246-233-7983 (Tony Bynoe), 246-236-8706 (Kareem Bynoe), or Email Address: Website:

In relation to building client base, given the present | | @BajanSunOnline

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NOV 2014


NOV 2014




itness ‘Guru’ and Bikini Model Domini Alleyne has been training for approximately three years. Committed to training and a strict diet, Domini often trains three to four times per week focusing on different body parts - chest, legs, shoulders etc. Domini’s diet also contains a healthy mixture of eggs, beef, fish, chicken, rice, oats, sweet potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, kale and spinach. Fitness being a lifestyle, has granted Domini a healthier happier life. As she would have us know, her greatest achievement in the field is her physique. Domini is absolutely proud with the way she has transformed her entire body especially her glutes. But, more recently, Domini is super excited and proud to have been crowned Miss Bridgetown and Miss Barbados Bikini Fitness 2014. While fitness has played a positive role in Domini’s life helping her find herself after an abusive marriage, it has also prevented her from living a ‘normal’ life in terms of relationships and a social life. | | @BajanSunOnline


DOMINI ALLEYNE | | @BajanSunOnline

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But, what is victories without the challenges and sacrifices, challenges and sacrifices only make the victories sweeter. Going forward Domini intends to take her training regime to the wider Caribbean and on to the international stage.

Contact Domini for bookings photos or video shoots via Follow Domini on IG: dominidalleyne and Twitter: dominialleyne

DOMINI ALLEYNE | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014



amon Kamar Broomes have been a bodybuilder for just under eight years. Committed to his craft Ramon engages in resistance training four to five times per week at the Flawless Concepts Health and Fitness XP. Recognizing that diet in addition to

training is vitally important to bodybuilding Ramon eats six times per day. However for Ramon, in order to create a caloric deficit while still maintaining an optimal metabolic rate, his meals usually contain high protein, moderate carbohydrates and minimal fats. | | @BajanSunOnline


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PHOTO BY: ZICO MILLER | | @BajanSunOnline


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RAMON BROOMES Inspired by former teacher Mr. Blennman, Ramon entered the field of body building and since then never turned back. Having won his first competition entitled the Mr. School Boy back in 2008, Ramon has since then added to his victories. Today, Ramon is a three time Central American and Caribbean Junior Champion and Divisional Weight Class Champion. Locally, Ramon is the 2012 Nationals Overall Men's Champion and a Multi Divisional National Champion as well.

Ramon’s unhidden passion for the sport has also taken him to Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland, the United States and many Caribbean and Central American territories to compete. For Ramon, his inspiration and admiration for the sport is not limited to friends, family and fans but also American IFBB professional bodybuilder - Kai Greene. As Ramon stated, “Kai’s story, where he came from and where he is today, is very inspiring.”

PHOTO BY: ZICO MILLER | | @BajanSunOnline


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RAMON BROOMES It is without doubt that travelling plays an important role in developing how persons think and view the sport. As such, for Ramon while there are very good bodybuilders in Barbados, like other featured bodybuilders, Ramon too sees the obvious lack

of support and education within the discipline locally. As he exclaimed, “due to the lack of support and knowledge in the field most bodybuilders on the island run the risk of never realizing their full potential!” Passionate about the sport and his country, Ramon hopes to see bodybuilding grow and be taken more seriously. He would also like to see greater promotion of the sport within the public arena, so as to improve its popularity. Ramon’s words of encouragement to the upcoming body builder are simple: “Educate, educate educate, yourself on every aspect of the sport. Experiment and find what works for you. Dedicate yourself to the task and always give 100%.”

PHOTO BY: ZICO MILLER | | @BajanSunOnline Bajan Sun Magazine


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PHOTO BY: ZICO MILLER | | @BajanSunOnline Bajan Sun Magazine


NOV 2014

Health & Fitness With Khari M Lobin S

tanding at 6 feet, 2 inches tall; trainer Khari Marcus Lobin has committed himself to a life of health and fitness both personally and professionally. For KM Lobin, weight lifting, cardio, HIIT and yoga encompasses his fitness regime. When asked “what are your methods of training/ exercises?” KM Lobin simply stated focusing on stability, strength and endurance. I try to implement combo exercises and variations of traditional exercises to keep my training from becoming boring and limited to just the gym.”

On a personal level, Khari’s diet entails lean meats (turkey, chicken, salmon etc.) fruits and veggies, complex carbs (brown rice, pasta, sweet potato etc.) and a 1/2 or more of his body weight in oz of water. Khari also implemented Herbalife nutritional products (shakes, teas, post recovery shakes) and zero calorie drinks. He tries to avoid fruit juices and diet drinks because of the excessive sugars. However, as he would have us know, he usually have about two cheat days a month, but nothing to crazy maybe some pizza or such, lol. | | @BajanSunOnline






Mon - Fri

4am - 9pm




4am - 3pm




4am - 1pm

Daily (walk -ins)


T U D O R S T R E E T, B R I D G E T O W N , S T. M I C H AE L | | @BajanSunOnline

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NOV 2014

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE Khari’s love for health and fitness is one that he not only holds close but one that he also shares with his clients. Though based in Hawthorne, California, Khari’s clients which includes friends, family, and some social media followers, can be found in New York Maryland, California, Florida and Trinidad. Motivated by his love for his wife and kids, and a desire to lead a happier, attractive, healthier life, Khari made the necessary change. Since his change, Khari has developed a stronger core. In his own words: “We have a saying "strong core strong body" because beyond just exercise, everyday activities involve using core muscles. Most people believe the core to be just the abdominal muscles. Think of your body as a tree with your legs as the trunk, and your arms as branches, everything in between is your core; which includes back muscles also. My methods of training have allowed me to perform exercises that I perceived as too difficult or unable to do

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along with the obvious physical changes.” With a vision to open a fitness centre, Khari intends to educate his clients about the importance of nutrition and exercise. Moreover, he aims to help his clients develop the proper mindset to reach their goals successfully. With this in mind, Khari through his business further intends to create a positive nurturing environment that will foster and encourage growth and development. On a personal level, Khari plans to compete in NPC physique competitions scheduled to begin next year 2015. Being a true Caribbean Patriot, Khari intends to open a fitness centre in the Caribbean region. He purposes to make fitness fun and unintimidating for the average person as well as challenging for those that already workout. Overall he wants to create an environment/ community where people will want to come and workout or just be around to get positive encouragement and vibes, with likeminded individuals. | | @BajanSunOnline


Q & A with KM Lobin: Q: As a trainer, what would you say are your greatest challenges in terms of fitness and getting your clients to be motivated and involved? A: My greatest challenge in regards to clients, is getting them to commit to themselves, eating properly and participate in group exercises. A lot of them are feeling unattractive or believe they will be judged by others due to past experiences. To combat that what I've begun doing is implementing online fitness challenges where they can exercise at home, they do a two minute fit test to start, take a before pic, and at the end of the week repeat the fit test to see what improvements they have made. At the end of the challenge is the final fit test and after pic. This has been more successful and seems to be more motivational for them. Q: What are your greatest achievements in terms of your training and clients?

A: Currently my greatest achievements with clients have been when they report back on weight loss and increased energy and are making better nutritional choices. For information on health and fitness with Khari Marcus Lobin: 310 956 0200,, 11726 Hawthorne, Ca 90250,, King Mark Lobin FB, King_Mark_Lobin IG, Khari whatsapp, Klobin kik, PIN:7952BA3F BBM | | @BajanSunOnline

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NOV 2014


NOV 2014

Physique Pro Fitness by Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge


hysique Pro Fitness Consultancy (PPFC) is a per sonal training business which was established in the year 1999 and caters to everyone from the professional person to the average housewife. Since the demand for this type of business is high Trainer - Jerome Greenidge sought to differentiate himself from all the other trainers plying their trade. As such, Jerome committed himself to studying the most popular training concepts and testing them on his clients to determine which ones worked most effectively. After a couple years of combining concepts and experimenting, Jerome created his own training style which can be modified to fit any body type. Most of his clients see him on average two or three times a week at their home or office, as his business goes where ever the client is interested in being trained. Needless to say, most of Jerome’s clients train at home. Given his passion to share knowledge, Jerome educates his clients on not only proper nutrition but how to train on their own with minimum equipment, which is always a hit as his clients wouldn't have to further expense themselves. The service Jerome and by extension PPCF offers covers everything from when to train, target setting and constant assessments to

see what works and what is not working. Over the years Jerome have found that consistency is the main reason people stop training. In response to this, Jerome has devised a strategy which works and works well. The workouts in this strategy take no longer than 5 to 8 minutes, with minimum equipment requirement. What is more is that, the results from this method have been nothing short of outstanding and Jerome’s clients love it. Short intense workouts work great especially when combined with adequate nutrition. More importantly, this method has been such a hit that his clients have encouraged him to do a fitness app which is called the ‘8 Min Burn’, carded to be released August 2014. All in all Jerome ensures that his clients are happy and see results quickly. In his words “it doesn't matter if my clients are vacationing in France or staying in a beach house on the east coast. If they or the general population want a workout or tips on everything from how to acquire muscle, lose weight or get stronger, they can do so by visiting this facebook link: provenphysique.” Jerome is looking forward to hearing from you soon so that he can help you achieve your best ‘bod’ ever!

Bajan Sun Magazine

JULY 2014


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EXERCISE WITHOUT BEING IN THE GYM OR USING ANY CARDIOVASCULAR MACHINERY by Jerome Greenidge wise therefore not to stay in the same bent position for too long when gardening as it can cause injuries. Try to squat up every five minutes to avoid back ache and by squatting up and down your legs will get a great workout. Washing the car is also great exercise. You can burn at least 200 calories if you clean with some degree of intensity. You work the entire body when you wash your car as you have to get down low to wash the tires and stand up to wash the roof and windscreen. The key muscles involved here are the legs, back, chest, biceps and lower back. Try to wash your car at least twice a week to maximize calorie output and for weight management.


wanted to write an article today about ways you can exercise without being in the gym or using any cardiovascular machinery. There are many ways you can lose weight doing everyday activities such as walking the dog, doing house hold chores, gardening washing the car and sex. Yes I said it, sex! I will spend a little time on each of these activities. Now many people don't know this but walking your dog consistently can burn at least 400 calories if done properly: When you first take your dog out you can start by walking to warm up a bit and then do a run with your dog and return to walking again. After a few minutes of walking go for a sprint for a couple minutes or seconds and then walk again, do this for 20 to 30 minutes for max results. Not only will you be forcing your body to burn more calories and get fitter but your dog will benefit as well. Anyone who does house hold chores knows that it can be tiring and can take a long time. If you mop, clean and dust with vigor and enthusiasm you can also burn a lot of calories. I use house hold chores to burn off excess calories if I ate badly the night before. I would mop and scrub the bathrooms quite intensely as that way your leg muscles, back, shoulders, abs, biceps and lower back can get a real workout which over time can yield a fitter well toned physique if your diet is also monitored. Gardening might not burn as many calories as doing house work but it can stress your upper back, lower back, ab muscles, shoulders, biceps and triceps in a significant way. It is

Sex is one of the most healthy forms of exercise there is, if you don't believe me just check google or ask your doctor. There are over 100 benefits of having sex at least three times a week. I will just name a few here in this article. Sex done properly can burn at least 500 calories and this can happen if both parties play an active role in the act. One sure way of strengthening a woman's legs is to squat over the guy and without getting to explicit, men can strengthen their lower backs, chest and legs by exploring numerous positions which you can access through google or relevant books. Overall sex can burn lots of calories, release feel good hormones, strengthen key muscles, aid in better sleep, and help improve skin tone among others, which you can investigate. So there you have it folks, there are lots of ways you can improve your bodies without going into the gym and they can be all done for free. For free info on fitness and nutrition feel free to contact me via my facebook page (provenphysique). Also feel free to try these ways of burning calories while getting fitter and let me know how it works out for you. Facebook : provenphysique Email : | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014

Etiquette for Persons with Disabilities By Judy Beckles


he weekend of 27th-28th September saw four Board members of the Trinidad and Tobago Paralympic Committee (TTPC) attending a Sport Workshop in Chicago, which was hosted by Blaze Sports of America. The workshop was title CerJudy Beckles tified Disability Sport Specialist Course (CDSS) and focused primarily on ensuring Community Based Competencies in Disability Sports Services for Persons with Disabilities. While Sports and its protocols were the main theme, it was also important that ‘Disability Etiquette’ – Tips for Interacting with People with Disabilities be highlighted since it is still unknown and uncomfortable for most people to accept. Some etiquette tips include: 

Use of normal tone when extending a verbal welcome, unless it is asked of you.

It is appropriate to shake hands, when introduced to a person with a disability. If the person cannot shake hands, touch the person on the shoulder or arm to welcome and acknowledge their presence.

When talking to a person with a disability, look at and speak directly to that person rather than through a companion or interpreter.

Allow a person with a visual impairment to take your arm (at or above the elbow). This will allow you to guide rather than propel or lead the person.

Every person who is accompanied by a service animal may or may not ‘look’ disabled. Do not touch the service animal or the person it assists. Do not feed the animal as it may disrupt its schedule.

Sign language interpreters are part or extension of an event, so it is important to share in advance as much information as possible with the interpreter so that the correct information is given.

For persons using mobile aids e.g. crutches, wheelchairs, walkers etc. it is important that the environment is accessible and friendly to their physical needs.

When communicating with someone in a wheelchair for more than a few minutes, sit in a chair, so as to be at the same eye level as the person.

When speaking to a visually impaired person, always identify yourself and anyone who may be with you. If you offer that person a seat, place the person’s hand on the back or arm of the seat. A verbal cue is also helpful. Let the person know if you are moving away.

For persons with a speech impediment, give your whole attention to the person.

Do not shout, but instead look directly at persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Most of them can read lips. Speaking expressively also helps as they rely on body language and facial expressions to tell the story. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Beauty Intricacies

By Deborah Ramdin

make up routine is simple foundation, powder, brows, liner and vibrantly coloured lips. The Make Over… In the makeover, I started prepping the skin with moisturizer and primer, and then I concealed the acne scars. Next I applied foundation in two different shades to add highlights and contrast to her face. I set the foundation with a translucent powder and filled in the eyebrows. Since she’s not a lover of eye shadow I used colours such as golds and browns to bring out her eyes a bit but still keeping it soft. I added a little orange blush to the apples of her cheeks then focused on her lips. Her lips are lined and over accentuated a bit by lining above the natural lip line then filled in with an orange lip colour and glossed. Big, Bold and Beautiful…Meet Sukina!



ukina Sandiford at 27 is a successful plus sized model who will soon be embarking on a journey to this Year’s Caribbean Plus Sized Fashion Week in Trinidad and Tobago. Sukina has graced many a catwalk in Barbados and is a model at Hourglass Boutique at The Hub. She was also the winner and face of Jolie Lipsticks and was featured in the Girl Next Door Article of the Nation Newspaper. This mother of two girls knows that beauty is an important part of her life as both a model and as a role model for her girls. “Beauty is confidence” she says, it’s in the way you exhibit your confidence and carry yourself. Her Makeup routine… Sukina’s makeup exudes bold and vibrant colour. Although her favorite facial feature is her eyes, she prefers lipsticks over eye shadow, she says “I only wear eye shadow if I want extra attention, but I have a million lipsticks and I focus on my lips”. As a result her daily | | @BajanSunOnline

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n eccrine porocarcinoma is a rare skin cancer. It is derived from sweat ducts, which are the outlet channels for the sweat glands. These tumours grow slowly and are often mistaken for warts or the previously discussed pyogenic granuloma. They present as red dome shaped structures with an incomplete, shiny skin surface (ulcerated). It can also look similar to a wart like plaque. The most common symptoms are bleeding and itching. The condition is difficult to diagnose prior to excision. The palms and soles are common sites. Other areas such as the lower legs, trunk and head can be involved. The eccrine porocarcinoma can be aggressive and can spread to other organs of the body. It is important to let your doctor have a look at longstanding lesions even if you think it is just a wart. | | @BajanSunOnline

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BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

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NOV 2014


ashion Designer Jalisa Harris is the Founder and CEO of Black Rock Couture based in London. Though a Fashion Designer for three years, Black Rock Couture has been in operation for approximately two years. At present Black Rock Couture caters to females specializing in dresses, leggings, tops, shorts and hot-pants. Motivated by the desire to create the clothes she wished existed, Jalisa embarked upon her journey of designing. The secret to her designs she exclaims rests in love. She says “I love each piece I make. My clothing is treated like my own child and is crafted with love.” ‘To be worldwide and make every woman feel sexy, unique and beautiful’ is the vision Jalisa has for her business. What is more is that, having been featured in the Mind The Gap Fashion Show, Bajan Tube, Caribbean Beauties, CBS in an interview with Kees from Kes the Band at Soca on the Hill, it is clear that Jalisa and Black Rock Couture has undoubtedly made some advancements in the short period of time the brand has existed. At present London and Barbados are the main destination in which Jalisa conducts business. However, Jalisa has a worldwide client base and plans to continue pushing, and representing Barbados and the wider Caribbean around the world with her ‘must have’ designs. Contact Black Rock Couture via their website or email: Follow Black Rock Couture on twitter at: blackrock_ox. | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | | @BajanSunOnline | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


Barbados’ National Anthem In plenty and in time of need When this fair land was young Our brave forefathers sowed the seed From which our pride is sprung A pride that makes no wanton boast Of what it has withstood That binds our hearts from coast to coast The pride of nationhood Chorus We loyal sons and daughters all Do hereby make it known These fields and hills beyond recall Are now our very own We write our names on history's page With expectations great Strict guardians of our heritage Firm craftsmen of our fate The Lord has been the people's guide For past three hundred years With him still on the people's side We have no doubts or fears Upward and onward we shall go Inspired, exulting, free And greater will our nation grow In strength and unity | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014



NOV 2 014



rrol Walton Barrow was bor n on this date in 1920. He was a Barbadian politician.

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expansion of the tourist industry. Barrow received many awards among them were an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from Mc

From Barbados at Nesfield, St. Lucy he was the

Gill University in Canada in 1966 and the Lions

son of Rev. Reginald Grant Barrow and Ruth nee


O’Neal. Young Barrow was also the nephew of

‘outstanding service to the country’ in 1967. He

legendary Dr. Charles Duncan O’Neal, founder

was made a Privy Councilor in 1968 and in 1969

of the Democratic League. In 1939, he won a

wrote Canada’s Role in the West Indies.’ In

scholarship in Classics to Codrington College

1986, he again let his party to power by the

but joined the Royal Air Force and served in

largest margin in Barbados’ history. On June 1,

World War II. He was personal navigation officer

1987 after only one year in office, Errol Barrow

to the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army


at the Rhine between 1940 and 1942. After the RAF, Barrow studied law and passed the Bar in 1949.


of State



In his honor Barbadians observe his birthday as a National holiday and have a constant reminder of his life and service in his likeness which is

He returned home in 1950 as a practicing

widely circulated on the island’s fifty dollar bill,

barrister-at-law and became a member of the

popularly known as ‘an Errol’.

Barbados Labor Party (BLP) in 1951. A founder member of the Democratic Labor Party, Barrow swept to power in 1961 and held that position for five years. He then took the island into independence





Barbados’ first Prime Minister in 1966 until 1976. During his term in office Barrow sought a new social democratic state and was able to expand free education to all levels; he introduced a National Insurance, improved health services,

Reference: Barbados Government Bay Street, Barbados, West Indies.

Information St.

accelerated industrial development and the| || @BajanSunOnline | @BajanSunOnline

Service Michael,


NOV 2014

Leader during part of the interregnum which he interrupted for an academic sabbatical in the United States and, as he declared, “to recharge” his “batteries”. The son of the late Rev. Reginald Grant Barrow and the late Ruth nee O’Neal, Errol was the nephew of legendary Dr. Charles Duncan O’Neal, founder of the Democratic

League, and brother of Errol’s mother. In December, 1939, Errol won a scholarship in Classics to Codrington College but did not pursue those studies. Instead, he joined the Royal Air Force and served in World War II. He was personal navigation officer to the Commander-in

-Chief of the British Army at the Rhine between 1940 and 1942. After his stint in the RAF, Barrow studied law Acclaimed as the Father of Barbados’ Independence,

and was called to the Bar, Inns of Court in 1949. He

Errol Walton Barrow was born in the parish of St. Lucy

returned home in 1950 as a practising barrister-at-law

on January 21, 1920. Over the 15-year period of his

and became a member of the Barbados Labour Party

Administration ù first as Premier and then as Prime

(BLP) in 1951.

Minister ù ending in 1976, he was particularly successful in securing many social changes for Barbados.

That year he won a seat in St. George for the BLP which

moved from 12 members in the House of Assembly to

A founder-member of the Democratic Labour Party,

16, thus obtaining a clear majority for the first time. But

Barrow swept to power as Premier in 1961 and held that

the desire to fashion a new political force led Barrow in

position until 1966. He then took the island into

1955, along with Cameron Tudor and others to form the

Independence from Britain after his party won elections

Democratic Labour Party.

and he thus became Barbados’ first Prime Minister.

However, he lost his seat in the 1956 General Elections,

Indeed, Barrow was twice Prime Minister, in 1966 to

but returned to Parliament after successfully contesting a

1976 and again in 1986 to 1987. He served as Opposition

by-election in St. John in 1958. | | @BajanSunOnline


Such was the quality of his leadership and impact on Barbados’ social landscape that Barrow received many awards while serving as Head of Government. Among them were an honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from McGill University of Canada in 1966 and the Lions International “Head of State Award” for “outstanding service to the country” in 1967. He was guest of United States President Lyndon Johnson in 1968, was made a Privy Councillor in 1969 and authored “Canada’s Role in the West Indies” (published in 1964 by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs). In his first 15-year administration, says Theodore Sealy in his “Caribbean Leaders”, “it seems that social democracy in bringing the people to be beneficiaries of the new kind of state, freed as it is from the plantocracy, was the guiding spirit of his administration”. Barrow achieved: democratisation of the educational process and expanded free education to all levels – victory against segregation in education; the introduction of a National Insurance and Social Security scheme; school meals on an improved nutritional basis; improved health services; accelerated industrial development; and considerable expansion of the tourist industry. He took Barbados into Independence in November, 1966. F.A. Hoyos in his “Builders of Barbados”, writes that, propelled by Barrow’s defense of the sugar workers’ cause in the country districts, during the deadlock between the Barbados Workers’ Union and the Sugar Producers’ Federation over negotiations for increased wages, the DLP won a decisive victory in the December 4, 1961 General Elections. A crash programme of public works was introduced to provide relief for the unemployed; roads were repaired, land at Seawell and gullies across the island were cleared; men were set to work to commence canalisation of the Constitution River; secondary education was made free in all government schools; a new deal was arrived at for agricultural labourers and construction began for 30 industries.

NOV 2014

Mr. Barrow made Barbados a member of the Organization of American States and in 1968, with other regional leaders, launched the Caribbean Free Trade Area, the forerunner to CARICOM. Having been selected by the people to lead Barbados into Independence in 1966, Barrow thus brought to an end the long process of decolonisation. His record of achievement led to his DLP’s landslide victory in the September, 1971 General Elections, capturing 18 of the 24 seats in the House of Assembly.

After 15 years in power, was defeated in the General Elections of 1976 by a resurgent BLP under J.M.G.M. “Tom” Adams and spent the next ten years (1976-1986) in Opposition. In 1986, at the age of 66 years, he again led his party to power, winning the General Elections by the largest ever margin of seats in Barbados’ history 24-3. Sadly, Errol Barrow did not live long enough to enjoy this victory. After only one year in office he died on June 1, 1987. He had, however, left an impressive record: First Prime Minister 1966-1976; “Father of Independence”, supporter of the UWI and regional unity; designer of a modern system of public budgeting; architect of the University of the West Indies Campus at Cave Hill, Barbados; creator of the Barbados Community College; co -founder of the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA); inspiration for lowering the age of majority from 21 to 18 and co-founder of CARICOM. (It was said of him that “He found Barbados a collection of villages, and transformed it into a proud nation.”) In reality, Barbados did not have to fight against Britain to achieve Independence, but in one of his speeches, Barrow argued that he would not “be found loitering on the steps of the British colonial office”. Many interpreted this to mean that if there was British resistance to the move towards full autonomy, Barbados would not wait around to beg for it. Grateful Barbadians observe the birthday of Errol Walton Barrow on January 21 as a national holiday, and have a constant reminder of his life and service for his likeness is widely circulated on the island’s $50 note, popularly known as “an Errol”. *Source: “National Heroes of Barbados”, published by The Barbados Government Information Service. Information provided by Government of Barbados. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Nerd Tech For PC Support W

e offer a wide range of Computers: Laptop, Notebook & Desktop Repair/ Upgrades & Virus removal Services in Barbados. The best choice for on-site Computer repair, PC service, and Virus removal. Our experienced technicians are available 7 days a week to resolve issues as complex as setting up a business network, or as simple as helping you get the most out of your PC or laptop, all within 24 hours of scheduling your appointment. Nerd Tech is a computer service company in Barbados. Whether you're looking for help fixing your PC, Virus removal or computer upgrades Nerd Tech can help.

We are specialist in providing on site computer repair services and network support for all sized business, on site computer and network services that are convenient and reliable, Why hassle with disassembling your PC from your home and bring it to a repair shop every time when it has the problems ? When virus and spyware issues surface or other computer headaches arise. Let Nerd Tech come to you. Computer Repair From email trouble to complete system restoration, Friendly Computers is your one-stop shop for computer repair. Why wait weeks or longer for your computer to get fixed? Friendly Computers offers same-day, on-site computer repair for any computer need! Computer Upgrades Want to upgrade to Windows 7? Running out of hard drive space? Need a better video card to play that new video game? Friendly Computers is your source for quality, name brand computer parts. Our Friendly representatives can help you choose the parts you need to get your computer up to speed. Data Recovery At Friendly Computers, we know how important your data is to you. Whether you’ve mistakenly deleted an important

document, or your hard drive has failed, our skilled technicians can assist you in getting your data back. From hard drives to flash drives, Friendly Computers can recover data from almost any media. Multiple recovery options are available, ranging from software utilities for corrupted operating systems and virus/spyware attacks, to clean-room recovery for mechanical failures. Friendly Computers can help you determine which recovery option is right for your situation. Virus & Spyware Removal Has your computer been plagued with viruses or spyware? Are you getting pop-ups while surfing the net? Does your internet browser take you to web pages you don’t know? Friendly Computers can help. Using the most up-to-date antivirus and anti-spyware utilities, our technicians can scan your system, identify the problems, and remove them from your computer. We can also help you choose the best protection for your system based on your individual needs, and offer suggestions to minimize the risks while online. From home users to business networks, Friendly Computers can help keep your systems secure. Networking Friendly Computers is your network specialist. Whether you have 2 computers or 200, Friendly Computers has a network solution for you. Wired or wireless, our technicians can help you choose the right equipment for your needs, then develop a strategic implementation plan to minimize costly down time. Tel: Email:


Follow us on Twitter: @NerdTechBim Like us on Face Book: | | @BajanSunOnline



NOV 2014

How to alphabetize a list of names in excel.


ven if you have a list of names in Word or another Microsoft program you might be able to copy and paste them into excel and then follow these directions to alphabetize them. 1) Highlight all the data you want to alphabetize. Don’t forget all the attached cells. For example if you have an address list and only highlight the names and not the addresses the names will be alphabetized and the addresses won’t move. Notice DO NOT highlight the top row (the Header Row). The computer might recognize it as a Header Row or it might not. 2) Next, go to “Data” on the menu bar and select “Sort” from the list. 3) In the next window we want to make sure the computer knows that the top row is a

Header Row and doesn’t need to be alphabetized with the other rows. If your top row isn’t a Header Row select “No Header Row” Then we want to select the column heading to sort by. In this example we want to sort by “LastName” in “Ascending” order: 4) Just click “OK” and your list should be automatically sorted for you. Of course you could sort by any heading. For example if your holiday card list was really long and you could qualify for bulk rate postage (more than 500 pieces I believe) you would want to sort your addresses by Zip Code for the post office. You could also use this same process to sort any list. For example you could sort a list of students and their SAT scores from highest to lowest (Descending).

71 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

How to Survive in Business During a


ading through the political rhetoric gets a bit much at times, whether you are comfortable with the prettied-up language of the term 'economic downturn' or are happier to call a recession a recession; the truth of the matter is that it hurts businesses, especially the small ones. Even if you are confident that your business can weather the storm and endure, the simple facts are that you will probably not prosper during; it will at the very least slow things right down, if not bring them to a grinding halt. So how best to ensure that you can survive? What measures should be taken to make sure that you are still around when things start to pick-up again? Obviously spending money at a time when you may need every scrap of profit, just to subsist, is a no-no. Reducing costs and increasing sales are the only two things that any business should be thinking about when the financial climate is dire, so the first step to take in your recession survival plan is to put a hold on all developmental plans; you may want to be the next Mr. Branson, but expanding when there is no guarantee of turnover let alone profit is a bad idea. Although in a recession you will have your pick of staff, with unemployment soaring, taking on new employees will simply have to wait, as will absolutely all non-essential expenditure. Now is the time when every thrifty idea you have ever had should be re-examined; look at all of the ways that you could be saving money, from cutting energy costs to reducing phone bills. There will be, as in every firm, a wasteful practice or tendency that

could be changed for the better. You may even consider outsourcing as a means to cut overheads for things such as training, especially as many developing countries are offering such competitive deals. However tempted you are to reduce your marketing budget to save money, don't. It is a completely false economy to cut marketing in order to cut costs; the single most important thing for your business to do at this time is to continue bringing in income and this will not happen if you stop marketing; instead, look at ways that you can market smarter; using the internet is a great way to switch from expensive marketing techniques to more cost effective systems, so vamp-up your website and investigate new ways to sell. As well as looking at ways to hang on to all of the cash you have in your business and at ways to get new cash in, it is vital that you try to recover as much of the money owed to you, as quickly as possible; people will be looking to extend their credit terms to as long as they can, you will need to shorten them. Look at your credit control carefully to see if changes could be made; offer people rewards for fast payment and go after your worst debtors, legally if necessary. A bad economic climate does not have to mean the end of your business, however small you are. Through use of your negotiating skills and any credit streams open to you, as well as sensible measures to cut costs you can survive where most will fail to. Good Luck! | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan Sun Magazine



NOV 2014

Bajan Web Design

ajan Web Design Specializes in quality web design, web programming, flash design, Wordpress customization, SEO services and many more at a competitive rate. Here at Bajan Web Designs we are all about making your life as easy as possible. We don’t like how other agencies will baffle you with technical jargon to make them sound worth more than they are. This is why we have a new way of doing things. You the client get a specialist design and development team, working on your website for a simple clear cut price. Every website will be custom designed, developed and tested to the highest standards – except we won’t

change our quote every other day. We have packages set up already so that you can decide what you want and how much you want to pay for it.

How It Works 1. Talk with your design pro Tell us your objectives and design preferences Get expert guidance on site layout, user interface, and functionality Submit any images and text you'd like to use

2. We design for your review Proposed design prepared for your review You approve or suggest changes Revised design completed for your review We build and publish it on the Web

3. We show you how to maintain it Take control of your site with simple online tools Make changes to your site anytime at no charge Get ongoing assistance from the Help Center Get updates from our designers as an option

Websites starting at $1000.00 | | @BajanSunOnline



ere at Bajan Web Designs we are all about making your life as easy as possible, we don’t like how other agencies will baffle you with technical jargon to make them sound worth more than they are. This is why we have a new way of doing things, you the client get a specialist design and development team, working on your website for a simple clear cut price. Every website will be custom designed, developed and tested to the highest standards – except we won’t change our quote every other day. We have packages set up already so that you can decide what you want and how much you want to pay for it. Our first E-Commerce package is our “Starter E-commerce Package” and is excellent value for money, custom designed and developed. Our Starter E-commerce Package at Bajan Web Designs will contain everything to launch your site. Designed to start your online shopping empire. At Bajan Web Designs we understand that security and handling money online is a serious business and we aren't going to lie, we put our trust into a merchant service called Shopify. Enabling us to build you an Ecommerce website that is safe, secure and future proof. Shopify also allows us to build your website at the fraction of the cost many of agencies charge. Our starter package runs on the Basic security package which starts at $75.00 a month and as your online business grows we can expand the Shopify cover to allow you to sell more! ( a full list of prices is at the bottom). So if your looking for an Ecommerce Website at a cheap price to start Building your company's online shopping experience, this is the package for you. For $1375.00 the starter package contains; Custom Website design. Online Catalog.

1 .COM or .CO.UK (many other domains available such as .org , .net , .it) 3 Email Addresses. 1 Years hosting! Did we say custom design? We can customize any template Mobile Version of the site is only $250 extra! Secure Payment Gateway - 50 payment services supported ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS & PAYPAL

Currency, Tax and Different languages Free SSL security certificate. Shipping rate calculator. So if you’re looking for a online business, or want a chat about our services then email via

Web Design 

Domain Name

Email Accounts

Web Development

Graphic Design

Social Media

Web Support | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014

BUSSA EMANCIPATION STATUE The Bussa Emancipation Statue is a public sculpture of a slave rebellion leader in Barbados, east of Bridgetown. The statue is located at centre of the J.T.C. Ramsay roundabout formed at the junction of the ABC Highway and Highway 5. Many Barbadians refer to the statue

as Bussa, the name of a slave who helped inspire a revolt against slavery in Barbados in 1816. The statue was created 1985 by Bajan sculptor Karl Broodhagen 169 years after the rebellion. The statue symbolizes the "Breaking Of Chains".

Inscription Lick an Lock-up Done Wid, Hurray fuh Jin-Jin (Queen Victoria). De Queen come from England to set we free Now Lick an Lock-up Done Wid, Hurray fuh Jin-Jin This was the chant of thousands of Barbadians when apprenticeship was abolished in 1838, signifying their freedom and happiness. The statue of Bussa is viewed by millions of tourists and inhabitants annually.

76 | | @BajanSunOnline


…advertise with us…

www.BajanSunOnlinecom/Magazine Email: Twitter:@BajanSunOnline Facebook: Bajan Sun Magazine "Bajan Sun Online Magazine” is a publication geared towards the advancement of Small Businesses through affordable Marketing. 77 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014


Supporting Small Businesses to Grow through Export



Caribbean Export Development Agency


For example, the ProNET business

(Caribbean Export) is the only regional trade and

training, a programme that is offered across the region

investment promotion agency that serves the 15 States of

and often in collaboration with a national Business

CARIFORUM and is funded by the European Union.

Support Organisation (BSO). Participating firms have

The Agency provides small and medium sized

the opportunity to learn a range of information from

enterprises (SMEs) with the tools to strengthen their

certified trainers on areas such as human resource

capacity to export, in the hopes of strengthening the

management, export marketing, quality management and

regional economy and making the Caribbean more

cost and financial management. Having a solid business

competitive in the global arena.

foundation is core to any firm’s success and emphasis on accurate costs and financial planning is critical in order

To do this, the Agency offers a gamut of programmes

to secure the finance that may be required to take a

and initiatives designed specifically to support a firm’s

business to the next level.

78 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

optimise the Caribbean’s export potential and integration in to the global economy. Support does not always come in the form of training or financing, as the Agency has a long history of supporting firms to penetrate new markets through attending international trade shows. Participating in any trade show can be costly exercise for businesses; the cost of flights, accommodation, tradeshow fees, marketing materials, shipping and food – the costs quickly add up and many businesses just simply would not be able to fund their own participation. But it can be a fruitful activity when it comes to finding new customers in export markets as seen by the recent contingent of firms that travelled to the world’s largest food and beverage trade show ANUGA. Glyn







commented that they received orders from 4 European markets and “in one week have gained market access to It has become increasingly difficult for businesses to get financing from traditional sources, and as such the Agency offers access to finance through their flagship programme, the Direct Assistance Grant


(DAGS). In addition to offering these grants, firms can also participate in the grant proposal writing workshops

which have been deemed invaluable to many participants not only for securing finance from Caribbean Export but also for submitting proposals for grants from other funding sources.

at least five EU markets, which is a dream come true". The Agency has supported firms to attend a number regional and international trade shows such as the Trade and Investment Convention (TIC), Dominicana Moda, The Gallery Berlin and Design Caribbean.


complement trade show participation the Agency is a strong advocate of Study Tour missions to give firms the opportunity to scope out the target export market. Let’s not forget Business Advocacy an integral part for

The Agency focuses on nine priority areas, namely Agroprocessing, Creative Industries, Financial Services,

the development of the regions private sector and needed to create the business climate required for success.

Health and Wellness, Information and Communication

With each intervention, Caribbean Export aims to bring



regional brands to the world stage while showing the

Specialised Tourism and Renewable Energy, due to the

international community that the region has many

growth potential from these sectors and their ability to

opportunities for investment.



Professional | | @BajanSunOnline


OCT 2014



aribbean Export Development Agency’s Vision To optimize the Caribbean Region’s export potential through facilitating innovation and the creation of world class brands capable of successfully competing globally. Their Mission To increase the competitiveness of the Caribbean countries by providing export development and investment promotion services through effective programme execution and strategic partnerships. Caribbean Export is the only regional trade and investment promotion agency in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group. We were established in 1996 by an InterGovernmental Agreement as the trade promotion Agency of the 15 Member States of CARIFORUM. Then in July 2005 we assumed an investment promotion mandate after the 14th CARIFORUM Council of Ministers meeting. We have also established collaborative links with the French Caribbean Outermost Regions (FCORs), with the English and Dutch Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) and with Cuba. At Caribbean Export we’re committed to achieving results in four key areas: Fostering an enabling environment We foster an enabling environment for trade and investment within the region through regional integration, cooperation and advocacy initiatives. These are designed to position the region more effectively in the world economy. Enhancing Competitiveness We increase the competitiveness of firms in CARIFORUM countries in selected sectors through: • investment • management and product development • market expansion • export diversification

Promoting Investment We promote the Caribbean region as a prime destination for intra and extra-regional investment. Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Networking We strengthen and enhance the capacity of public and private sector Business Support Organization's (BSOs) particularly: • sector associations • trade promotion organizations • investment promotion agencies We also support the development of vibrant Caribbean business networks to improve services to clients. Caribbean Export Week has been conceptualized to raise the level of awareness surrounding the key issues faced by Caribbean exporters and brings together members of the Region’s private sector, key stakeholders and policy makers to discuss and chart a way forward. This year CEW2014 will be held from November 10 – 15, 2014 under the theme “New Pathways for Growth”. Monday, November 10, 2014 4 PRIVATE SECTOR ADVISORY GROUP MEETING A closed meeting for members of the Private Sector Advisory Group Tuesday and Wednesday, November 11-12, 2014 CARIBBEAN EXPORTERS’ COLLOQUIUM – Building Economic Resilience in the Caribbean A two day event for regional exporters and key stakeholders to discusses a range of topics affecting the private sector. Participation at this event will be via approved registration only. This event will be streamed live online. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Bajan Sun Magazine | | @BajanSunOnline

SEPT 2014



trictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours - a very special Morning tour of The Rum Shop Culture & Barbadian Heritage. As the name suggests this tour is strictly local and seeks to provide visitors with a truly Authentic Barbados Experience. As such, this tour exposes our guests to Traditional Rum Shops, Traditional Bajan (people), Traditional Food and Local Beverages. But even more, our 'visiting friends' have the opportunity to be part of our Culture, and Heritage. The tour incorporates on bus fun activities, games and competitions. While the tour is fun it is also educational and informative, allowing for a fun learning environment. This being said, our tour begins with a visit to the facilities of the world's oldest Rum and pioneer of fine liquor: Mount Gay Visitors Centre. Following this, our tour proceeds to visit three (3) Rum Shops: where our guests can indulge in Traditional Dishes and Beverages and be delighted by local craft and entertainers. On route to the first Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor)

Buljol and one (1) Banks Beer (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the third Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors) Third Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Local Lunch and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic mixed with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors): part of the All Inclusive Package. At this final stop guests are also entertained by local artists and are delighted by local arts and crafts. Please note, the Rum Shops are alternated on a per week basis. Tour Days: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Tour Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Tour Guide: Knowledgeable about our Barbadian Culture/Friendly and Personable Tour Driver: Experienced and Safe

First Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Mini Cutters: Ham/Egg/Cheese and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the second Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a can of Claytons Kola Kick (Sponsor) Second Stop: Local Bar and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of 85 their establishment as well as a Local Pickle Dish: Chicken Foot/Pudding and Souse/

Tour Transport: Fully Air Conditioned 40 Seater Coach Tour Security/Safety: First Aid Kit on board with trained First Responder Tour Cost: Tourist: $65.00 USD/ $130.00 BDS - All Inclusive Package. Locals: $ 50.00 USD/ $100.00 BDS Visit our website and view our other tour packages. Contact Tel: 1 246 844-7008 Email: Follow us on twitter: @RumShopsTours Visit us online: | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

S.O.S. Personal Development Our Economic Salvation! By S.Lynch


hy personal Development? Personal development is a beautiful process through which an individual enhances their skills and qualities guided by their life desires and goals. Personal development causes individuals to reach a higher level of awareness and understanding, not just of themselves, but of their environment and of the effects of their everyday interactions. An individual who has pursued this selfenhancement will have more opportunities for success available to them as well as a complete skill set to capitalize on these opportunities. Thus, a person who has undergone the personal development process maximizes their potential.

of their life, such as academic achievements or career success and neglect other important areas such as health or physical appearance. An individual having undergone the personal development process changes their focus to be successful in every area of their life. Personal development as a process has a great impact on the socioeconomic status of an individual and this impact can be best understood by considering the concept of social capital. Social capital refers to the existence of social and community networks; civic engagement; local identity; a sense of belonging and solidarity with other community members; norms of trust, and of reciprocal help and support. (Putnam 1993).

Personal development as a process can be broken down into 9 basic steps; understanding oneself, accepting oneself, identifying life purpose through goal creation, stress and change management, financial management, time management , relationship management, health management and most importantly bringing a healthy balance to one’s lifestyle. This last step, lifestyle balance is the most critical aspect of personal development. Much too often persons over- focus on select areas | | @BajanSunOnline


A truly developed individual with a true understanding of self and a balanced lifestyle is more likely to derive greater economic benefits from the preferential treatment and cooperation between individuals and groups present in this concept. In fact, research from various sources over the past decade indicates a strong correlation between a person’s developmental outcomes and their stability in family environments, and subsequently their socioeconomic status.

NOV 2014

country faces, as a developed individual is more likely to be adequate at providing for themselves and subsequently their family and network. It also provides for a workforce of motivated and efficient persons at all levels, resulting in greater economic productivity. Achieving economic strength through the development of personal and social capital is the primary vision of the Cruz Wellness Society. Between our mentorship program, seminar and workshops we aim to enlighten the minds in our community. We know that by working with one of our Performance Improvement Coaches, you will be able to maximize your potential while minimizing the stress generally associated with the process.

To be a part of this process simply visit our website or contact us at (246)5717567 and make a difference today!

From an economic standpoint, a community full of developed individuals is a valuable asset. It would significantly eliminate some of the welfare burdens a | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Everyone Strives For Some Success In Their Lives.


veryone’s approach is however quite different but there are ten key design elements that underpin the attainment of your goal. 10. There is no alternative route to success. You must be dedicated to your task, be focused and put the optimum effort into it. Remember miracles only happen in the movies and if you think there are miracles, it’s only because of hard work and commitment.

7. Have a positive attitude You must start working on nurturing a positive attitude in life. Remember that the power of the mind is amazing so if you are always thinking of bad things and you are consumed by the feelings of worry and fear when a challenge presents itself, you are surely walking away from success. It is of vital importance that you maintain a positive attitude 24/7.

6. Respect criticism

It is essential that you are determined to gain a reputable position in your job. In spite of everything, you should stay away from dreaming with eyes opened and thinking of a fairyland. If you are too eager to succeed, you might end up with a failure because there will be you won’t be able to achieve and that might leave you frustrated.

If someone is highly critical of the person you are, your profession or what you do in general, you need to learn to cope with the negative opinions. If however the criticism is constructive, albeit to you it seems very negative, it may be very useful to help you acquire a different perspective towards the enhancement of your life. In the future, you will be able to value how important criticism is in assisting your growth.

8. Forget the past and live the present

5. Learn new things

There are some people who dwell on the negative events in their past and this is in no way positive to the development of their future. If your mind is trapped in the oppression and problems of bygones, you will ruin your present and your future too. This doesn’t mean that you don’t learn from your past experiences. Don’t forget that the past is now part of history and there’s still much to learn about the future; the present is what we should focus on so that our futures are secure.

It is said that knowledge is power. This is good reason to expand your knowledge base. In other words you should respect and possibly embrace new concepts and points of view. Pay attention to what people have to say and share your views with those who are well-read on the topics you are interested in.

9. Be ambitious to succeed | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan Sun Magazine



NOV 2014 | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan Sun Magazine





The products are made from Top Grain Leather (100% pure leather – higher quality than genuine leather) 100% Natural Rubber soles. The soles are water and oil resistant

products are designed to suit our climate and rugged conditions.

B AR B AD O S C O N TAC T : 1 - 2 4 6 - 2 4 5 6 6 2 9 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Everyone Strives For Some Success In Their Lives. Continued 4. Take hold of opportunities

2. Think of a plan

Be ever vigilant for opportunities. This means that you shouldn’t relinquish alternatives quickly because you believe you are not up for them. You should evaluate the needs of a new position in a careful way and see how they are related to your qualifications in order to make a decision.

It is essential for people who are determined and committed to success to know exactly what to do with the ideas they have. A plan should be devised that is designed to meet the required objective, just as an architect draws the blueprint of a building or an artist sketches is next piece. You cannot succeed without direction in the form of a written strategy.

3. Don’t curse failure If you have not achieved your goal, then you will have to determine why you didn’t succeed. Rather than dwelling on the things you couldn’t achieve, it is important that you think about the reasons that didn’t let you succeed so that you have the possibility to enhance and make your effort worth it. Remember that it is common to fail and to find difficulties along the way. However, your lack of success shouldn’t have a negative effect on your effort and commitment; you should see it as something that will help you make progress towards your goal.

1. Make an effort to achieve your goal in certain time You must make an effort to attain your objective within a specified time. This will require maximum commitment to the goal of your choice. Once you are fully committed, it’s time to make a list of the resources you will need to in order to meet your target. Your approach must then be systematic and steady making the necessary adjustments as you review your progress continually to ensure you achieve your goal in the period of time you planned to. | | @BajanSunOnline


OUR GOURMET MENU ITEMS Chicken/ Veg Patties Oven fresh made from a flaky short crust pastry Gourmet salads (Chicken /Fruit & cheese) Le Crouton’s Original Butter Milk Coconut Scones infused with raisins and cinnamon Le Crouton’s Vanilla Muffins filled with various types of the berry and cherry family

Double Chocolate Chip Brownies (by order; approximately 15 blocks) Homemade Old fashioned Sweet Bread (plain/whole wheat)

NOV 2014

COST $3.50 $5.50/ $5.00 each $3.75 each

$3.50 each $3.75 each $10.00 each

Le Crouton’s banana bread (large loaves) Le Crouton’s carrot cake loaves

$30.00 $30.00 each

92 | | @BajanSunOnline



NOV 2014

Conkies For Independence!

n Barbados conkies are consumed around independence day which is the 30th of November. This is a corn based delicacy from Barbados that dates back to the 18th century. Conkies were originally made to commemorate the old British colonial celebration of Guy Fawkes Day (Nov 5th). This is a laborious recipe, but the results are worth it.

Banana leaves are used to wrap the conkie mixture, therefore you need leaves that aren't shredded. leaves are stripped from stalk with a sharp knife, very delicately because they tear easily. To use them in your recipe, you must make them pliable by briefly singeing them over an open flame. If your leaves start to curl up, that means you had them on the flame too long.

Conkie making is done by most of the older generation and are prized desserts in Barbados. If you give someone a good tasting conkie you are guaranteed that they would be your friend for life. You see there is a magic in conkies from the talk of making it, to the aroma in the house to the parcel that is all yours. A conkie is a pumpkin, sweet potato and coconut pudding perfumed with sugar and spice and steamed in banana leaves.

If your leaves spontaneously combust, that means you were using old, dried up leaves. Please use green leaves! Tear your singed leaves into individual squares to wrap your conkies in. Many recipes recommend 8" x 8" squares, but they can be bigger depending on how big you want your conkies to be. Cut the leaves into pieces that you can comfortably wrap the conkies in.



2 cups corn flour 1/2 cup flour 3/4 lb finely grated pumpkin 6 oz margarine/shortening melted 1/2 lb sweet potato (optional) 3 cups grated coconut 1 egg 1 tsp salt 4 oz raisins (optional) 3/4 lb brown sugar 1 cup whole milk 1 tsp spice 1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg 1 tsp almond essence *Banana, Plantain or Fig leaves (singed over fire) 93 *Leaves can be substituted all together with wax paper or foil paper; however, your conkies won't taste as good.

• Combine grated coconut, sweet potato & pumpkin. • Mix in sugar, spices, flour, corn flour, salt and raisins. • Beat Egg and add to mixture • Add milk, margarine and almond essence. • Mix ingredients well. Mixture should be thick and drop slowly from a spoon. • Place 2 to 3 heaping tablespoons in the centre of each banana leaf square. • Fold the banana leaf neatly around the mixture. Be careful not to tear the leaf, else the mixture will leak. •Steam conkies over rack of boiling water in a large saucepan or steamer until firm to the touch. | | @BajanSunOnline


by Gabrielle Bushell


started this business with $100 and a dream to be my own boss. In the beginning I didn’t think it was possible but with motivation and perseverance anything is possible. I began this journey at age 17 years when my cousin Ms. Dionne Inniss offered me a spot in her Introduction to Cosmetology class on evenings, and with any good supportive parent, my mother advised me to go learn a skill and she would buy all I need for the class. The thing was I didn’t really like anything like that but I still did it and I did it exceedingly well. I tapped into my artistic nature. At the end of my course I was skilled in Acrylic Application, manicures and pedicures. My journey took a detour shortly after that when I got my first job, I retired from the nail business to focus on a more steady income. After three years I returned to my skills, and I found a course offered by the Welfare to Work program, Introduction to Beauty Therapy. I did the course as a refresher and it also offered other interesting aspects I’ve never done before. I went ahead and also excelled in that class. I graduated in the top five students; it was tight since we were all so talented. After that I went on to offer my neighbours and friends specials on nail services and continued my practice from the comfort of my home. At this time I wasn’t consistent and much didn’t come of it being a young woman in the business. I met many challenges so I retired the job yet again.

NOV 2014

I went on to do General Nursing at Barbados Community College, for four years and it was during this time I reverted back to my skills to acquire extra income to sustain myself during college. But this time was different, this time I felt more in tuned with it and it became a part of me. Seeing the joy I brought to my clients after a job well done gave me hope and purpose and drove me to continue and not to give up on my former dream. So I pursued it with full force and it was then that I gave birth to Swexy Gabby Kryashonz. I did hair styling from the time I was about 14years old and again at age 20. I did a small course with my cousin’s mother with chemical hair so again I leant and built upon my skills to gain income and also popularity. I remember in 2010-2011 my friend brought their friends for me to do their hair in braids and nails in Acrylic tips and maybe some stilettos. From there business looked promising. Word got around about this Gabby from St. Philip doing nails ‘good’, her designs are nice and clean and people frequented my facebook page and contacted me for my location. From there, things just got better. Social Media played a huge part in my success, with the birth of Blackberry Broadcast services and facebook group pages I put myself out there amongst the veterans and I took a chance to compete in the ever growing market for esthetics. I knew I had to stand out from the others, and encourage persons to want to come all the way to Castle Heights, St. Philip. | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE My location did pose some challenges but, I managed for the time. This went on for a year and a half, I was able to sustain a steady income from my work. I had returning clients and they sometimes returned with friends and family so business was booming so to speak. I offered many specials, some at month end and some on special occasions such as Independence, Christmas, Valentines and of course the popular events around Barbados in April, Kadooment, Back to School, and even Graduation specials were all available. I spared no expense when it came to my clients, because it was them who made me who I am today. In 2013 I was offered an opportunity to work in town, a business move I vowed never to do, due to my clients request they preferred me home in the peace and tranquility I offered at my home and not the hustle and bustle of town. But against all odds I still moved, to broaden my horizons and take the best of St. Philip to town and join the ever growing demand for excellence. I began with a moving special, then Graduation special then Kadooment special to gain popularity which was a bold move on my part. But, it did bring success and acknowledgement. I must say I did lose a few clients with the move but in return gained twice as many. One must know their work and believe in it and themselves to join the competition and I also am a competitor by nature. My relocation to Upstairs Pandora Plaza in High Street in Gabriel’s Creations made me more accessible to clients, country wide. This was perfect for my other dream to blossom, ownership of my own establishment. So I build my town based clientele and still had a few clients I would accommodate at my home. This was the beginning of a beautiful dream. In July 2014 I was able to open my very own salon based in Bridgetown, Upstairs City Mall, Roebuck St. where I offer both hair and nail services. I now employ hair stylist and nail technicians to further grow the economy and give way to young entrepreneurs. I offer a space for one to work and grow in a healthy and productive environment. It’s a work in progress but it will get there with strength, perseverance and dedication and of course investments. This is my fourth child is what I often say, I had to give birth to the idea and nourish it from nothing to something, and with the help and grace of God, I have begun the next level of my journey. With God’s help and His grace you may see an establishment near you. I don’t settle for less so why should you. This is my advice to young entrepreneurs. If you have a dream, go for it! | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014

Congratulations to our Editor Ms. Raeann Beckles, on your achievement! PHOTO BY: CLYDE BARNETT | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014

By Denise J Charles


he quickie may have gotten a bad rap over the years for lacking intimacy, but after reading this, you’ll see how it can spice up your marriage. Today, more than ever before, there is an unmistakable drive towards educating us in the fine art and science of lovemaking. After decades of underestimating the power of female sexuality, the "I Am Woman Hear Me Roar" anthem of the '60s and '70s has unleashed, for the most part, a brand of woman confident in her sexuality and far more knowledgeable about what she wants. This has not come without some effort, as we have all been exposed to the countless seminars, books and articles (present company included), which are designed to help us rev up our sex lives. Men, the previous culprits of "wham, bam, thank you mam" sex, have been tutored and cultured in the fine art of being virtual connoisseurs of lovemaking. Sounds excellent on paper, but the reality is, that with life in the fast lane as most of us experience it, fast-food sex is probably what we’re likely to get on a regular basis. Let’s be honest, in a normal week, how many of us really have the time to roll out the rose petals, scented candles and fragrant oils? We’re likely to reserve these things for special events or weekends as we seek to grab our sex quota between the waking baby, complaining teenager and our morning coffee (sounds familiar?). Which brings us to the inevitable quickie; with so much emphasis on long, leisurely lovemaking, do we even know how to make quick hay while the sun shines? I know many wives are wary of this idea because most of us women tend to describe ourselves sexually as slow ovens which need adequate time to heat up. But maybe there is a way to benefit from speedy sex which can

still give new meaning to the phrase "you leave me breathless." Follow these tips to learn how to maximize and master the quickie. Train Your Brain Getting the most out of a quickie means virtually having a ready frame of mind for sex, most of the time. While for many husbands quick readiness may be a fait accompli, for most wives, it may take a literal retraining of our brains. We women have been told repeatedly that we need time to be aroused and while there may be some truth there, we need not become stuck in slow-response mode. Since sexual readiness and sexual enjoyment literally begin in the brain, then it makes loads of sense to deliberately think sexual thoughts. Use your imagination to fantasize and think up some steamy sex scenes with your spouse. Imagine doing all those things you love to do or haven’t had a chance to try. Take a little time from your busy schedule to try this for a few minutes each day. This is like putting extra storage in your arousal bank, which makes it easier for you to enter the sex act with minimum "on-site" preparation because your sex-bank has already been in over-drive. This makes you literally ready and rearing to go at the drop of a hat. | | @BajanSunOnline Bajan Sun Magazine | | @BajanSunOnline

Bajan Sun Magazine


NOV 2014

HOW WIVES CAN FIND JOY IN THE QUICKIE CONTINUED Feel Sexy To Be Sexy With quick sex there really is no time to whip out the sexy lingerie and those red heels with the fish net stockings in tow. Your hair may be a mess and there may have been no time to get all dolled up. So what do you do? Your ability to feel like a sex goddess has to come from within and must not be too dependent on the externals, even though admittedly they do help. Understand that your sexual power lies in how liberated and free of inhibitions you are and this starts with how you feel about yourself. Loving yourself au naturel is therefore critical to your ability to lay on the sexiness when you’re not all coiffed and curled like a model. Maybe doing some stuff around the house naked (with discretion of course) and celebrating your body in spite of its imperfections is a good way to get rid of the body consciousness that could inhibit your enjoyment of the quickie.

Denise J Charles is an educator, counselor, relationship -coach, published author and blogger. She holds a Masters Degree in Education and is a qualified trainerof-trainers. Denise is Executive Director of "Better Blends Relationship Institute," a counseling and training entity founded by herself and her husband Gabriel. Denise’s blog on sex can be found "here". Denise’s new book is "How To Have Mind-Blowing Sex Without Losing Your Brain."

Think Hard, Work Hard, Play Hard The power of the quickie is in its spontaneity and surprise. This can be heightened by what you individually try to get out of each session. Whether you’re trying to reach a climax before the baby wakes or before the pot roast comes out the oven, or trying to maximize on shower time before your toddler comes banging on the door, a quickie is a great exercise in the power of concentration. If you want to play hard at sex in record time, then it will involve every enthusiastic fiber of your being; no holds barred! But even if your husband zips off before you reach the mountain top, you can still enjoy it for what it was worth; a time to have some uninhibited fun and to get closer. Knowing that time is limited should also encourage your spouse to be more creative in how he uses his hands, mouth and penis to bring maximum pleasure in record time. More importantly, quickies should remind us women that our sexual enjoyment is really within our own power, as we too have to demonstrate that we understand how our own bodies work. Since regular sex does serve to fuel further desire in marriage, embracing the quickie is a powerful reminder of the diversity which should define our sexual marriages. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

5 Tips For Effective Goal Setting:

For this post though, let’s first focus on business goals and prioritize. I know it can be tough, but it’s

important to set yourself up with a list of must-dos and nice-to-dos. – what is a nice-to do?

3. We’re almost there! Tip 3 is where things get specific (or interesting, depending on your point of view). Take the first most important goal that you’ve 1. Where do you see yourself this time next year?

set for yourself for 2015. What are the things you need to do to get there? Write them down, and

This is one of the most important questions to

they’ll be easier to check off when you’re done (and

consider as the present year ends and the next one

who doesn’t love the feeling of checking things off a

begins. Figure out where you want to be –


everything from revenue numbers for your business, city you’re living in, number of push-ups you can do – they all have a place in your goal planning.

Next, set timelines, and PUT THEM IN YOUR CALENDAR! Google, iCal, Outlook, paper, iPhone, whatever you use, put those deadlines in writing!

You may ask, what are my goals?

This makes it MUCH easier to keep on track and

Double my personal contribution to FreshBooks, run


10k in under 2.5 hours (that’s my current speed), and double my retirement contributions from what I’ve done in 2015.

5. DO IT NOW!!! Either open up your favourite writing program (mine is notepad for stuff like this – no distractions) and get going! Now, I know

organize. Personal goals and

entrepreneurs are busy folks, so I’ll give you a

business goals, just like your business and personal

second option – open up your calendar and book

bank accounts, should be separate. They’re both

some time now. Trust me, this hour of planning is

important, and it’s worth spending time in each area.

the first step in the start of a great year.

2. Next step is to | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

OCT 2014 | | @BajanSunOnline




n the current commercial climate, businesses are doing all that they can to stay afloat and ride out this unprecedented economic wave. Some businesses are contracting, some are diversifying, some trying to break into overseas markets for the first time and yet others are developing mutually beneficial partnerships. One thing for sure, regardless of the strategy, businesses are seeking to raise their profile and significantly increase their brand awareness. At this junction is where the Barbados Manufacturers’ Association believes that it is adding great value to its members as it seeks to heighten awareness and facilitate visibility of many Barbadian products. When most people think of the BMA and the exposure that we bring to local products they naturally think of our flagship national expo BMEX. Undoubtedly this is the singular most effective mechanism for bringing local, regional and national attention to the world of Barbadian manufacturing. However, there are several strategies that we employ year round to promote locally manufactured products. For example, our Brands of Barbados Buy Bajan programme is an advertising and marketing tool used to sensitize consumers to our products. Our sampling programme provides opportunities for consumers to taste, touch and experience a wide range of products. But, at this time of year we also pull out all the stops to ensure that when Barbadians are looking to spruce up for Christmas or simply purchase an array of Christmas gifts, local possibilities are factored into their decision making. We recently completed our 2014 Christmas Gift Guide. This provides businesses and general consumers with the opportunity to secure unique gift items from chocolates, to preserves, botanicals, wines

NOV 2014

By Bobbi MaCay and liquors and so much more. There is an array of products for the perfect gift or token of appreciation this holiday season. We also launched our Manufacturer’s Directory. This easy-to-use publication allows users to find local manufacturers by sector. Too often people know what they want but they are not aware of where it can be found locally and so they settle for a foreign product instead. This directory eliminates that problem in one simple, easy-to use format - either electronically or hard copy. We know that at this time of the year people are looking to purchase furniture, add new pieces to existing furniture and generally freshen up their home for Christmas. A few years ago we hosted a showroom in Bridgetown in partnership with the City of Bridgetown (COB) Credit Union. This year we will be collaborating with our industry partners the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) and once again COB on a much bigger Christmas Outlet featuring Furniture, Accessories and Specialty Gift items. Keep an eye out for this special venture which will be located at Unit 1a, Bldg. #8 Spring Garden Industrial Estate. The Outlet will open from Wednesday November 5th through the end of December and will carry a range of furniture, soft furnishings, pottery, art, lamps and much more. We encourage all consumers to come and delight in a wide range of Bajan made products at this location. The mantra of the BMA is buy local, support local and we are doing all that we can to ensure that Barbadians know where and how to source local products. Whether you are sprucing up for Christmas or moving into a new home, remember to source locally manufactured products; made by Bajans for Bajan taste and needs. For further information or to access any of our advertised products, please contact the BMA at | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014

This swimsuit from the Unity swimsuit line by DaresquĂŠ is called the Bimsuit. The Unity line embraces one Caribbean, one people and swimsuits representing the flags can be ordered at The Bimsuit represents our national flag with a cut that allows u to be patriotic but sexy. This month as we celebrate Barbados independence, we celebrate local talent. One of Barbados top makeup artiste Next2Natural is the official makeup for DaresquĂŠ shoots. The popular growing dynamic duo of makeup by Next2Natural and the talented photography by the Morgan Media is embodied in this shoot, with the look we call Next2Morgan. Bookings can be placed for Next2Natural by contacting Renee Ifill at 2539833. Or for the Morgan Media by emailing Bajan Sun Magazine


NOV 2014


wned and managed by the energetic and fun loving duo Dawn and Charmain; Bead It - have creatively and successfully been in operation for the past two and a half years. More than just another way to gain some extra cash, for Dawn and Charmain, Bead It provides the perfect opportunity for them to express their love of craft. Though a single branch with a team of just three persons, Bead It has generated a client base that is island wide. Moreover, given the very creative Barbadian environment within which Bead It is located, Bead It has secured a steady clientele of designers which requests the ser-

vices of the team daily. Bead It specializes in the provision of beads, jewelry and craft making supplies. Based on the personalities and responses of Bead It’s clients it is also safe to say that Bead It specializes in bringing people together since 2012 J. As the Bead It team would have us know, their line of business acts as a vehicle for networking designers across Barbados. What is more interesting is that with personalities such as Dawn and Charmain, there is always a way to deal with challenges. Visit and Contact Bead It at #18 Roebuck Street or send an email to or call 246-436-2323. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014


By Charmaine J Forde

Sabrina Bonita Maxius,


oday’s spotlight shines on a beautiful lady, thirty five year old by the name of Sabrina Bonita Maxius,she is known to many of her friends as “Empress Irie.) She grew up in Sealy Land, Government Hill, St. Michael, Barbados. (Sealy Land as Sabrina describes her former residence as a small quiet neighborhood with nine wooden houses and lots of fruit trees.

She is the daughter of Desmond and Helena and a proud mother of three children Gyasi, Jaleel and Sabriel. What many may not know is this Ellerslie Secondary School graduate was an athlete during her high school years and she was also a member of the Ellerslie Cadets, which led her to a career in law and order later in life. She is a Police Constable with the Royal Barbados Police Force, a position she has held for the past fifteen years. She describes herself as a “simple, calm, irie lady who embraces the beauty of life.” This wise and beneficent Empress is a supporter “One love We Care Charity.” In her leisure time she enjoys writing poetry, hiking, cooking and reading. Her favorite mantra is “When one door is closed, don’t you know, another one is open.”Bob Marley Sabrina Maxius , I salute you!!!!

Charmaine J. Forde is a Liberal Arts Major at Community College of Philadelphia and a Soldiers Angel volunteer. | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


Caribbean Business Enterprise Trust Inc.


artnering with Entrepreneurs and Institutions from Business Idea to Sustainable Business Success... Who We Are Dr. Basil Springer was engaged as a consultant by the CDB during the period 1998 to 2001 with a mandate to propose an initiative to diversify the economies of the Caribbean with a view to contributing to economic growth and poverty reduction. This consultancy, fuelled by interactive dialogue from local participants in each of 12 Caribbean countries and CDB staff, led to the development of the Caribbean Business Enterprise Initiative (CBEI). The CBEI baton was passed from the CDB to the private sector to facilitate the creation of ‘sunrise’ industries that would replace the fading ‘sunset’ industries in the Caribbean. CBET was established to implement CBEI and began operation on July 01 2001. CBET is registered as a Charitable Trust in St. Lucia and the Government of St. Lucia has granted Statutory Agency status to the CBET group. The CBET group consists of the parent company Caribbean Business Enterprise Trust, Inc. (CBET) a Charitable Trust and two subsidiaries: 1. Caribbean Intellectual Property Corporation (CIPC) - a Custodian Corporation, and 2. Caribbean Venture and Integrated Services, Inc. (CVIS) - a Company Limited by Shares.

NOV 2014

Nothing Beats Business Success


othing Beats Business Success (NBBS) services are provided by Marketplace Excellence Corporation, a New Jersey based Subchapter S corporation.

Marketplace Excellence Corp. is a full service, integrated marketing firm committed to excellence in the fields of public relations, marketing and media coaching. At Marketplace Excellence, we assemble world class talent into a center of excellence that expedites the delivery of products and services to the global marketplace. With headquarters in New Jersey and satellite offices in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean, Marketplace Excellence serves the communications needs of small businesses, corporations, individuals, governments, universities and humanitarian and development organizations, including several United Nations agencies. Our team comprises internationally recognized and award-winning communicators and media strategists, including writers, editors, producers, public relations experts, media coaches, photographers, videographers and image consultants with experience in media organizations such as ABC, BET, CNN and NBC as well as numerous Caribbean media outlets, including the Caribbean Broadcasting Union and the Caribbean Media Corporation. MPE Mission Statement: “To convert the gifts, talents and abilities of our clients and team members into excellence and value in the marketplace; and to deliver first class products and services to markets in the Caribbean, North America and beyond”. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

"Shepherding: Emerging from Chaos to Order" by Basil G.F. Springer GCM PhD, Change-Engine Consultant


spend most of my time Shepherding as a contribution to the development of the small business sector and its stakeholders. This is a very gratifying experience and I love it. It is indeed fulfilling to be remunerated for what I love doing. The stakeholders of the small business sector are six-fold and we have to address them all to preserve the integrity of the integrated national system and to allow order to emerge from what is often a chaotic business situation. I help "Entrepreneurs in the making" make the decision to leave their job and start their own business. I help them face and address the issues which are getting in their way, so that they can feel confident in making the decision. I help "Start-up, surviving, established, branching out and expanding businesses" to grow their businesses. I introduce them to a deceptively simple step by step planning and monitoring process which is called the Management of Business Systems

(ManOBiz™) matrix. If carefully followed this process puts their businesses on a path to sustained profitability. I prepare "Shepherds (Life coaches and business mentors)" to help entrepreneurs grow their business. I share the details of the (ManOBiz™) matrix which, with their experience, will help the entrepreneurs to clear obstacles along the journey to profitability. I can help to protect "Investors" from losing their investment by introducing them to an innovative form of collateral (Shepherding) to secure their investment and give them a satisfactory return. I can prepare "Board Members" to make an effective contribution in terms of interpreting shareholder policy, approving plans and monitor the performance of management against those plans, so that the profitability of the business can grow from strength to strength. I can help "National Policy Makers" grow the national economy, one successful entrepreneur after another. I can make a case to them to create an enabling environment to support entrepreneurs on their journey towards enterprise development, so that the nation can increase its rate of economic growth. and www.nothingbeatsbusi - | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Choose to Live Your Dreams in

2015 I

By Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe

n just 92 days, 2208 hours we will be saying “Happy New Year. We will be ushering in a new year, a time when we all are open to possibility, we dream again, if only for one day, January 1st, a day we all see as a time of new beginnings. At the recent, Daughters of Divine Destiny Conference, hosted by the YWCA of the US Virgin Islands in St. Thomas, the keynote speaker was 18 year teen entrepreneur, Leanna Archer, CEO of Leanna’s Hair; a business she started at the age of 9, after begging her parents to start the business. As entrepreneurs do, see opportunity and fill gaps, when so many people asked Leanna how she kept her hair so beautiful, this young lady of Haitian descent shared that is was her grandmother’s recipe, a hair treatment that the family had been using for years. After her parents said no for weeks, Leanna refused to relent and eventually her parents decided to support her in growing the business. Opening their eyes to possibility, eventually her father, a highly successful engineer left his Manhattan job and started working for his teen daughter.

I had the privilege of interviewing Leanna back in 2005 while hosting a radio show on, and have watched her grow this business, receive a variety of accolades and talk about dreaming and doing business around the globe. What started out as a business with one product has mushroomed into a line of 14 health and beauty products, now sold in 80 countries.. There is no better time to start a business than when you already have a job. There is no better time than now to start a business as the next 92 days are going to pass whether you take action, or choose to sit on the sidelines of life. was born in the basement of a house, Carol’s

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe Author. Thought Leader. Social Entrepreneur, Organization and Leadership Development Solutionist The Chieftaincy Ceremony. Dr. Anita, second from the left, being named the first woman Chief in Akwa Ibom State Nigeria because of her global human development and humanitarian work with women in the village. She was named Adiaha Unwana Itam 1, (Daughter of Light In Itam Clan)

Daughter like Leanna’s Hair started with mixing product ingredients in the kitchen, so what’s stopping you from giving your dreams, your product or service a try. he creation of jobs worldwide is sluggish, so the way I see it, you are taking a bigger risk depending upon your job to last, than you are taking if you exert the effort to start a small business. Who knows, that small business could grow to become a big business. None of this you will ever know if you do not give your dreams a try. Entrepreneurs are being viewed in a new light these days, and interest in replicating their spirit is high. No longer considered geeks, uncontrollable workers, or lunatics, entrepreneurs are being recognized as igniters of sustainable growth and new job creation, something that politicians, governments and bankers can rarely sustain. This is becoming more evident primarily because as the global economy continues to rapidly expand, innovation and agility are reigning supreme, making it crystal clear that we are in the season of entrepreneurialism; that there is a dire need for more entrepreneurs, and this time is going to last for quite a while. Corporations are now looking for employees who can bring the entrepreneurial spirit into the workplace serving to rekindle innovation and inventive thinking in organizational settings. Whether born or made, entrepreneurs have a knack for thinking differently, and the courage to give their ideas and passions a try. | | @BajanSunOnline

Granted, globally as a society, we are facing some of the greatest challenging economic times most of us can remember, but this is also a time when ideas are needed in response to shifts in financial, employment and industry systems that are desperately trying to recalibrate themselves out of the depths of ineffective and inefficiency cesspools. In response to job loss resulting from financial declines or job disappearance due to technological advancement, considering the entrepreneur life on some level, from home-based business to storefront, is becoming the reality for everyone. If you are pondering how to improve your financial game, and going into business is a consideration, ponder this, entrepreneurs begin with a perspective about how they envision their working life, and feel equally as compelled to explore it. Entrepreneurs are pioneers, displaying a passion for their idea and prepared to persevere to make it come to fruition, even if they are forced to step out of their comfort zone, or forgo some of their creature comforts. Entrepreneurs are action oriented, and practice persuasion in pursuit of the desired outcome. There is no mistaking what an entrepreneur is passionate about, as their persona will tell you, and their spirits will light up with glee when they share their big idea. Demonstrating tenacity, entre-

preneurs are about performance; with their desired outcomes as the roadmap, eyes directed squarely on profits and the people that can make it happen. All of us at some point have said when seeing a product or service, “Oh, I had that idea a long time ago.” The question then becomes, what did you do? Did you act upon it? Or did you put the idea in your back pocket? Because if you did, you are sitting on your dreams, and you are going to find yourself inappropriately dressed for the season. This is the entrepreneurialism season, so dress accordingly!!! Creativity, innovation, inventive thinking, passion, digital-age literacy, effective communication, and high productivity are the core wardrobe, so embrace the change and stroll through the season, or find yourself shivering feeling as though you are standing outside in the cold. Learning how to create your own opportunities, based upon your “BIG IDEA” is what’s happening in the 21st century new frontier. Choose to embrace your dreams in 2015, face the fear but remain focused on your dreams. Your dreams may take you places that you never imagined! | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014


ina Dupal is a fun loving and self-motivated Senior Waitress and now bartender at Blakey’s Bar on the Boardwalk at Hastings Rocks. Gina sparkles while she works. She loves being behind the bar creating cocktails and her ever present laughter announces her presence at the bar. Gina has been bartending professionally for the past year. She loves the whole hospitality field but has recently discovered a passion for bartending and mixology. Bartending really came along when Gina was asked to hold on in the bar when there was a staff shortage. She knew the basics but wanted to know more so she took up a Bar Operations Course at Pommarine in 2012. Gina is a familiar face at bartending/mixology competitions, although the hairdo tends to change each time! She has been in four competitions over the last year. In the Claytons Kola Tonic Cocktail Competition Gina tied for second place with Claytons Crème Brulee Martini, also taking the prize for the most original cocktail. Quite recently, Gina was the winner of the latest Grand Mariner Competition which was held on the 23 October 2014 at the Drift. There she revamped her Ice tea on the Boardwalk Cocktail. Other competitions Gina entered include: The Rums of Barbados Master Mixer Competition; Food, Wine and Rum Festival and The Stoli Most Original Cocktail competition. Gina intends to take part in the Angostura Competition for NIFCA and the Food & Wine and Rum Festival. One of Gina’s favorite cocktail creations is her Kola Tonic Ice tea .which can be made as either a hot or a cold cocktail. But, her signature cocktails are usually very creamy; her very favorite being a Mudslide. Gina is currently taking a break from competitions as she perfects her craft by working with some of the islands senior bartenders as well as seeking advice from a chef to learn more about flavours and techniques to combine flavours. Gina will tell you her secret to success thus far really is just being humble, taking advice from others and learning from it. But, as she would have us know, equally important is that special sparkle and enthusiasm which Gina no doubt possesses and shows behind the bar. | | @BajanSunOnline


OCT 2014 | | @BajanSunOnline| || @BajanSunOnline | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


Blakey's on the Boardwalk! Casual restaurant and bar located on the boardwalk in Hastings. Indoor and outdoor seating, great sea view, street parking only. Access from the main road and the boardwalk. CLOSED MONDAYS. Take out available. LUNCH from Pudding







Saturday 11:30am Saturday

DINNER HOURS: Tuesday - Thursday & Sunday - 6:00PM-10:00PM Friday & Saturday - 6:00PM-10:30PM Saturdays

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NOV 2014



he first thing you should know is that Barbados is home to more places of worship per square kilometre than any other nation in the world. The second thing you should know is that there is a local rum shop within walking distance to each one. Some Bajans say this is why so many different religions are able to thrive harmoniously on the island.

They are a local meeting place for friends of every social and ethic background to talk, drink rum and play dominoes. Heated discussions of cricket are always abound, but it’s nothing a shot of the world’s oldest rum can’t fix. There is a lot to be said about the rum shops in Barbados. Here I'll start with ordering your drink. While you are able to order by the glass, why would you when you can order by the bottle? Save the fancy cocktails for a bar. You may, however, be able to get a rum punch with no issue. Otherwise, if you're in the mood to get a little tipsy or downright roast (yes, drunk), then order a mini (abt 4 drinks) or flask. You will see in the left bottom area the two sizes next to each other. Or there's the full bottle for you and your friends. Order your chaser and you will be given a bowl of ice.

There are approximately 12,000 rum shops scattered across Barbados, but Bajans are very particular about what they consider a traditional rum shop. The Traditional Rum Shop:

In the today’s rum shop, you often see women there. Sports, politics, or making "bare sport" (jokes) is what draws us to the rum shop (in addition to the cheap drinks).

The rum shop was comprised of one main room dimly lit through narrow barred windows with creaky wooden floors and walls covered in provocative advertising that would make most North Americans blush. The bar rested in the back corner of the room, cluttered with dusty bottles and lined with mirrored walls. Some rum shops sell groceries, some have cafes and finer dining, but most simply provide the basics including seating, a bar and of course the booze. 121 | | @BajanSunOnline

Mondays: Club Marina - Cavans Bridgetown, St. Michael


Wednesdays: Juice Spot - Ruby Main Road, St Philip Coconut Island - Villages of Coverly, Christ Church Thursdays: Jamba’s Bar - Banks Hall, St. Michael Waves Bar - Spring Garden Highway, St Michael.

South Coast Daiquiri & Grill - St. Lawrence Gap, Christ Church. Fridays: Sonita’s Crib - Birds Hill Haggatt Hall, St. Michael Moore & Chef Tull Bar- - Buckingham Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael Saturdays: Thirsty or Not bar - Maxwell Main Road, Christ Church Codgie’s Bar - Queen Mary Road, Bank Hall, St Michael. Package. Juice Spot - Ruby Main Road, St Philip

122 | | @BajanSunOnline

Pudding & Souse Locations Fridays:

Tony’s Snack Bar & Restaurant Lot 18 Clapham Park St. Michael Saturdays: Moore & Chef Tull Bar- - Buckingham Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael Renee’s Hide A Way, #19 Midway Lane, Pine St Michael Waves Bar - Spring Garden Highway, St Michael. Tony’s Snack Bar & Restaurant Lot 18 Clapham Park St. Michael Star Girl Cosy Bar, 2nd Ave. Greens St. George Croton Inn, Maxwell Main Rd, Christ Church Weisers On The Bay, Brandon’s Beach, St. Michael

A Taylors Bar, Redman’s Village, St. Thomas OD’s Variety, Cave Land, St. Philip La Keemie’s West Indian Cusine, #47 Sugar Cane Mall, Roebuck St. Bridgetown St. Michael Ardella’s Lodge Road Christ Church

123 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

Shop/Bar Owners Barbadian Entrepreneurs T

he Rum Shop is a unique and very old Barbadian institution, much like the church. It is said that for every house of worship in Barbados you will find a rum shop within a “stone’s throw”; this is an interesting part of Bajan history and culture that has survived over 300 years. How would you like to be a part of this historical journey? We would like to invite you to visit the following link to see The Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tour Promo Video - Promoting Bajan Rum Shops

Our shops have been closing at an alarming rate. B.A.R.S. is a project organized to tackle the problem head-on. The B.A.R.S. campaign continues the battle and we will need your continued support in 2013. We are working to provide assistance, with better product pricing, promotions/ marketing and working on affiliate programs to help with savings. v=VdskZ2cFWF4&

So if you are a Corner Shop, Variety, Hide-Away, Snackette or Restaurant & Bar who is finding it hard to keep your head above water and would like to take part in this exciting new project then Contact BARS at: ( bars-project/572847656067394)

We encourage Shop/Bar owners (Barbadian Entrepreneurs) to join us, to work with us, supporting each other as we strive for the same objective - making a success of our businesses.

Join us as we seek to network with each other and form true long-term working relationships. Get involved in our drive to Save Our Shops and change the way things work in your industry!

We all should realize and take advantage of the strength in numbers: working together we can accomplish so much more. Together we can create growth and development needed by the Rum Shops/Bars. We are striving for unity. With it, we can charter a better course for the industry. With so many Shops/Bar all across this island we stand as the largest daily cash buying industry in Barbados. The more support given, the more exposure you can generate, increasing patrons to your doors and then you become profitable. There are many Rum Shop Businesses that are trying to stay afloat in the midst of a tough economic crisis. Shops are suffering a great deal in fighting high rent increases, higher utility bills, raised licence fees and lower profit margins. There are very few small village shops left, and the neighbouring communities/villages suffer as the short walk to the corner shop to buy or trust can no longer be a reality. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


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NOV 2014


Roses, Gift Baskets & More

Sundown Gym - Total Fitness Centre

OPENING HOURS Mon - Fri: 4:30 am - 9:00 pm Sat: 8:30 am - 9:00 pm Sun: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Lsj-Stylez caters to both natural and chemical clients providing services such as braiding, salon locking, weaving, relaxers, etc. I also offer services of eyelash extension and personalize styling. I'm a stylist with 10+ years in the industry and I am currently operating in Bridgetown. Contact information - 232-8611 / 256-5076

Receiving a gift of fresh flowers is always a thrill and T’Amor Florist makes sending that excitement to your loved ones easier than ever before! We send flowers to any location island wide. Visit us online at: or call: 4297784

Tudor Street Bridgetown, Barbados Tel: (246) 236-1105 Visit Sundown Gym on Facebook The inspiration behind the Daresqué

View Swimwear on Daresque’s facebook page, twitter and Instagram.

Boyceterous Cruises is one of the newest recreational vessels cruising the coastal waters of Barbados. Boyceterous Catamaran Cruises offers tours consisting of swimming with the turtles in the crystal clear waters of Barbados.

Contact Email:

swimwear conceptualizes confidence in you as a woman and a personality that dares to stand to out. Dare to be risqué

At Debbie's Sweets N Treats we cater for everyone with our freshly baked cakes and pastries. We also produce vegetarian and gluten free sweet treats by order. If you have a small party or function we can cater for you. Remember you name it, we bake it! Find us on Facebook: Debbie’s Sweets N Treats

To book a reservation call us at 246.429.2228 or 246.256.7979. Email Us at

The Shoe Palace- Where Your Feet Are Treated Like Royalty!! Our mission is to empower women. To give them a safe environment to learn about sexual health and to give them permission to know their bodies, strengthen their romantic relationships, and to encourage open communication with their healthcare providers. 128 Visit Our Website:


Clyde Barnett PortFolios. Portraits · Food · Weddings · Landscapes · Personal Projects. Options. Children and Family · Maternity · Newborn - Events

Looking for the latest trends, styles, colors? The Shoe Palace is the perfect location if you are a unique person looking to create that edge when it comes to your look and personality. We also offer a wide range of shoes for our very diverse customer base. Why waste your time going anywhere else?

Call (246) 244-8308

Find us on Facebook: Shoe Palace | | @BajanSunOnline

129 | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

PRIVATE TUTORING English and Math Tutoring Course


f your aim is to improve your aptitude and knowledge base in a particular field, all education pertaining to this subject will be useful. If this statement is assumed true, then the benefits afforded by private tuition are enormous. You will have the advantage of a whole teacher to yourself, with their lesson plans and strategies of teaching designed just for you! It seems impossible to doubt the enormous benefits this will offer. In a classroom, one teacher may be faced with approximately thirty pupils, each with different abilities, different rates of learning, and individual strengths and weaknesses. Yet despite this, for the majority of the lesson the teacher will be forced to treat his class as if it contained just one student. He or she will orate from one end of the classroom, unable to gauge how effectively each pupil is assimilating the lesson. The lesson plans will be designed to fit the needs of the average pupil; and the teacher will proceed at a rate suitable for the average pupil. In this environment it is all to easy for a bright child or adolescent to fail to grasp one particular point, as the swathe of teacher talk washes over them like the unrelenting tides. It is unlikely even the best of teachers would spot the particular point of misunderstanding cast on the countenance on one pupil, hidden amongst so many other faces. To draw attention to their lack of understanding can be intimidating for the pupil: everyone else is silent, so they must have understood. Do I want to draw attention to myself? All too often the misunderstanding goes unexpressed and unaided. The obvious benefit of one to one tuition is that the tutor can tailor their teaching style to the abilities of their student. They will be able to gauge the level of the pupils understanding, and, more importantly, track down the sources of misunderstanding, and deal with them effectively. Away from the bustle of the classroom, the student will feel more able to voice their difficulties; and having just one pupil to deal with, the teacher will be more capable of resolving them.

Other subjects available: POA and POB Subject: English/Mathematics/POA/POB Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays

Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm Cost per hour: $25 Cost per two hours: $40 If you, your child or anyone you know, require personal assistance in any of the above areas, then you've come to the right place/person. This course caters to children and adults alike. It's all about you or someone you know understanding, learning and moving forward to achieve their academic goals. Parents see below: 1. Parents are free to select the time/day best for their child. 2. This package is ideal for kids who need that additional push and help with understanding concepts etc. Creative tools (music/games/challenges/ other creative activities) will be used to ensure the child benefits/learns. 3. As we approach exams, the course is expected to intensify, focusing on pass papers, practice tests using exam conditions. Mentoring is also provided at this stage to ensure that the child is well prepared all-round for exam. 4. Should you (parent) require a copy of my CV, please feel free to request such. Upon reviewing my CV, you may see an area that you think your child can also benefit from. Please feel free to inform me of that area which will allow your child to gain even further knowledge/ skills.

Contact Information: Raeann Beckles at 1-246-844-7008 or | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014




arbadian born Faith Callender has been performing from

priority to share her love for Soca, Reggae, and Pop music

the tender age of 13. Previously referred to as ‘Fate’

which has so far constituted her performing genres; with the

within the music arena, she now goes by her birth name - Faith.

people who enjoy it the most - her fans. However, limitless and

Though performing since her early teens, Faith has been

without fear, Faith intends to try almost every genre at least

performing professionally for approximately three years. One of

once in her lifetime.

her first performances was at her Alma matter - The Alleyne School. Since then, Faith has collaborated with the likes of

When questioned about her most memorable performances,

Blood on “Soca Therapy” and performed in front of crowds in

Faith indicated that her performance at Manchester, England

excess of 14 thousand.

Faith has also made numerous

was her most memorable performance yet. As she would have

appearances at various events namely; Cohobblopot, Army

us know, ‘that experience was amazing; being able to perform

Fete, Headliners Tent, Party Monarch Semi Finals, Beer Fest,

for people in a different country takes the fire in your belly to

The Barbados Music Awards, Ms. Teen Universe, Reggae on

another level; and to know that people around the world are

the Hill, NCF Cavalcades, Honey Jam, Honey Jazz, Love

getting to know me - Faith Callender is simply priceless’.

Poetry and Song Sheraton Mall, For Charity (Breast Cancer),

Faith’s talent has opened doors for her both locally and

JCI special needs event, hotels and private events and RBase in

internationally; as such, as a young performer the responses of

Manchester, England. It is without doubt that Faith’s musical

her fans encourages her to continue unreservedly. While

journey has taken off.

performing internationally has been awesome for Faith, performing at home is equally amazing especially for Soca

Inspired by her passion and love for music coupled with the

music. In her own words” Caribbean people are rhythmic and

encouragement of her family and friends, Faith has made it her

can relate to different sounds and are appreciative of music.” | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


OCT 2014 NOV 2014

Q & A with Faith Callender Q: What was your greatest achievement in music? A: Party Monarch finals reserve in the first year competing in that category and being nominated best new artiste also in my break out year (pending outcome). Q: What was your greatest challenges and how you overcame it? A: My greatest challenges were juggling school, music and Banks duties. Leading up to the crop over season, I had tonnes of assignments and exams and still had to be in the studio perfecting my music and promotions on weekends as the

Banks Calendar Girl. However, I’m glad I got to experience that, as it was a blessing in itself as I learned that time management is vital in this business. Q: Who have influenced your style of music (artists/friends/family)? A: Artists that have influenced my style most are Estelle, Lauryn Hill, Bob Marley, Lady Saw & Rihanna. When it comes to the Soca arena I look up to Allison Hinds, Edwin Yearwood and Anderson ‘Blood’ Armstrong just to name a few. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014








simple: “Do not ever be afraid

to go after your dreams. Keep your feet grounded, mind open and be willing to learn. Always be hungry for your passion and





steam.” Contact Faith Callender at: Facebook: https:// faith.callender), Soundcloud:

https://, Facebook YouTube,

Fanpage, Instagram:

@246Faith, and Twitter: https://




137 | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


NOV 2014


adia’s passion and adoration for modeling came between the ages of six and seven. She used to watch Style with Elsa Klinch every Saturday on television instead of playing or watching cartoons. She enjoyed watching IMAN and the way she graced the catwalk, the way she carried herself and commanded attention. Nadia was so happy to see a woman with her complexion walking the runway. However, Nadia’s inspiration for modeling came from Naomi Campbell. Nadia have always been into the arts, dancing, drama and music. But, as she got into her early teen years she became more of an athlete and a track runner. Laughing, Nadia exclaimed “No one can picture me being a tom boy now, lol.” Nadia grew up in St. Lucia so upon returning to Barbados at age 17 she was taken to a rehearsal with her now best friend who was a model with New Horizon Modeling Agency. Nadia recounted her experience indicating that there was a dance rehearsal first and her best friend wanted her to meet Oral Welchman. Oral was the one who then suggested that Nadia should join as a model. From there, Nadia started with the pageantry. Since then, Nadia have gone on to represent Barbados in several pageants regionally and internationally. It was at a competition in Mexico where she got her first international modeling gig after winning best bikini body. For Nadia, modeling has helped her become very confident in who she is as an individual. Modelling allow Nadia to realize that it is okay to be yourself and not dwell on the negativity of others. Being in the modelling industry Nadia has no doubt learnt numerous lessons one of which is accepting people for who they are and still interact with them while separating the personal and the professional aspect of it. The modelling industry is a business where you need to learn multiple facets of it. You have to know the behind the scenes as well as have something to fall back on; essentially a Plan B. For Nadia her experiences in modelling has led to her combing her three passions (fashion, hair and makeup) which has led to the birth of 1509byNadiaJoseph. | | @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

5 Reasons To Take Out A Business Loan:


mall businesses, in order to keep their services alive, from time to time must have an injection of funding. This usually arises in the form of a loan from commercial banks, credit unions or other quasi-financial institutions. Some lenders require security for the loans and hence the use of accounts receivable or inventory as collateral is an option. Borrowing money is expensive for a company and raises its risk. Regardless, debt is one of the forms of financing open to small business operations. Here are four reasons that companies often use debt financing. 1. To Purchase Real Estate and Expand Operations Lending agencies are likely to loan money to businesses that wish to purchase real estate to facilitate expansion of their operations. This desire to expand gives the bank confidence in the success of the company to date. Expansion generally only happens if the firm is turning a profit and a positive cash flow and has positive forecasting numbers for the future. That is a scenario that makes a financial institution likely to approve a loan. Loans for real estate are usually in the form of a mortgage; a long term loan lasting 15 – 30 years. 2. To Purchase Equipment Businesses have a couple of choices with regard to the acquisition of equipment. They can buy it or they can lease it. There are good reasons to take out a loan to buy your equipment. You can take a tax write-off of $25,000 the first year you earn the equipment and depreciate the rest of the equipment over its economic life. You can also use the equipment for its life and sell it for a salvage value. In order to know whether it is best to buy or lease a cost-benefit analysis should be conducted before you

make the decision. When a lending institution provides a loan for equipment, it is usually an intermediate term loan. Intermediate term loans are generally for 10-15 years. 3. To Purchase Inventory

Lending institutions sometimes make loans to small businesses to purchase inventory as some businesses are seasonal in nature, particularly those based in retail. If a business makes most of its sales during the holiday season, they may want to purchase most of their inventory prior to that time in readiness for that busy period. Loans to purchase inventory are generally short-term in nature and companies usually pay them off after the season is over with the proceeds of the sales. 4. To Increase Working Capital Working capital is the money you use to manage your day -to-day operations. Small businesses sometimes need loans to meet their daily operational requirements until their earning assets are sufficient to cover their working capital costs. Financial institutions sometimes loan shortterm monies to small businesses to enable them to get off the ground and grow. In time, the company’s assets should enable them to earn money and thus make repayment quicker. Speedy settlement of debt can be beneficial to the small business as it may incur less interest dependent on the loan category. Working capital loans may have higher interest rates than, for example, real estate loans, since banks consider them riskier. | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


POETRY WHAT MY COUNTRY MEANS TO ME Barbados is my Country Of which I am extremely proud of So no matter wherever I go I must always show my love. For my country as small as it can be My dedication to my flag remains With its colours blue, yellow and black Symbol of a broken trident

Showing its separation from the Union Jack A country full of life and vigour Splashed with entertainment of calypso music Bands like Square one, Krosfyah Exotic places to see, beaches and liquor Not forgetting the nightlife and scenic beauty Lots of places to shop, for your every wish

Later spend your time on the coast (Oistins) Enjoying your favourite dish of coucou and flying fish My Country I am a true Patriot of For none other can compare For this is my country Barbados Which I love and will always show I care.

Written and copyrighted by Ainsley Carter, Poet and Author of ,“Poetry a way of Life”. | | @BajanSunOnline

NOV 2014


POETRY looking out to the sea my vision is filtered coconut canopies laugh at me they have prime seating high up in their boxes

NOV 2014

MORNING SHOW high pitched tweets resound doppler-like across the tamarind balcony

the stage is now very bright red and orange lights spread up and around spotting to centre

I smile and I wait the first brushstrokes wet the canvas peach and dusty blues mature into oranges and yellows the horizon is now more visible sky and sea separated by a perfectly straight line the satin curtain rises the golden sphere peeks the audience becomes restless light easterly breezes sway leafy fronds breadfruit and mango rustling like anxious ladies at the church recital flitting fans furiously

the audience shows their appreciation blackbirds chirp and push for seating brown finches protest but the gentle wood doves give way cooing they find another perch they know that wherever they are they can still see still feel her warmth nature’s melodic applause surrounds The sky-stage is dressed pinks and blues dotted with white the golden sphere has shed her robe revealing a pure ball of silver

the show begins there is but one actor in this scene dressed in the latest solar fashion accented by wispy cloud-like shawls that are thrown onto her shoulders and removed just as quickly for the next garb to be donned latecomers disturb the silence pee-whitlers announce their arrival

I hide my eyes from the brightness but my heart and my soul are grateful to see another day of life in my paradise Barbados this is home to me Written by Cher Corbin | | @BajanSunOnline



modern day love story that surely challenges the perception of adult relationships – two people from completely different walks of life connect. Rosalie A single mother, Rosalie was recently laid-off from her job and needed to find some source of income. Her first love, writing, quickly became a focal point for her and on the advice of her thirteen year old daughter she joined the Artista Network and entered the Poets’ Rendezvous.

NOV 2014

had been advised, by his students no less, to troll the social media, especially Artista Network and get a feel for the many poetry groups and their activities. He signed into the first poetry group he came upon – The Poets’ Rendezvous, what he found there would prove to send him off kilter for quite some time.

Virtuālis is a journey of two souls, a cry for solace and love; a conversation of the heart which is freely expressed and interestingly painted with the poetic words of two artists.

With much hesitation, she posted a poem and waited. What she found in her inbox was totally unexpected. DeCarlo A professor of Black American Literature had recently lost his only son in a tragic biking accident. He buried himself in his work and his research for his new book. He

“And what would the world say when they see it?” “What could they say but – Romeo and Juliet.” “But you do know that they both died in the end?”

©Cher Corbin 2014


OCT 2014| || |@BajanSunOnline @BajanSunOnline


NOV 2014

SHAWN FIELDS PHOTOGRAPHY “It calms my soul” - these are the words of Shawn Fields, founder of Shawn Fields Photography and portrait & fashion, wedding and food photographer for the past five years. As a brand, Shawn Fields Photography has been in existence for three years, capturing weddings, conferences, fashion models and the occasional landscapes while travelling. With a client base of both local and international customers, Shawn sees himself shooting more international clients within the next five years. | | @BajanSunOnline

BAJAN SUN MAGAZINE | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

OCT 2014


NOV 2014

When questioned about what gives him the edge over other photographers; Shawn quite humbly responded: “I don’t see myself as having the edge as such, however I’m one to never give up. I aim for perfection and pay tons of attention to detail.” Being an experienced photographer, Shawn indicated that there is no secret to good photography, rather good photography comes with time and practice. Some develop quicker than others.” When looking to set up a frame, many photographers may look for different things, however for Shawn fields in setting up a frame he looks for all the distracting elements and do what he calls ‘border patrol’, coupled with checking for his composition. | | @BajanSunOnline


Shawn Fields’ photographers:




NOV 2014


“Not everyone with a camera is a photographer. Practice, Practice, Practice. Try to develop your own style. Don’t give up even when all odds seem to be against you.”

Contact Shawn Fields Photography at: | shawnfieldsphotography | | 246-230-2620

Visit Bajan Hype on Facebook | | @BajanSunOnline


PHOTOGRAPHER Ricardo Bascombe

NOV 2014


apturing both human and non-human subjects alike has been the adventure and experience of photographer Ricardo Bascombe - a veteran in the world of photography for the past 12 years. Photography for Ricardo is fun and it allows him to capture the present moment as it happens, as well as share the past and preserve memories without words. As he so passionately exclaims, “photography tells stories of what has taken place before!” For Ricardo, photography is his personal story of a time in his life, a time filled with faces that he loves. Moreover, photography is an avenue for him to share the desires of what’s beautiful and interesting with others. It is his language which speaks to his emotions. Though an experienced photographer capturing a range of special events and fashion shows, Ricardo being very passionate about perfecting his craft, plans to develop himself more artistically. He intends to experiment and challenge himself with new and more creative work such as landscaping, real estates, architecture and commercial photography. As if shouting from a roof top, Ricardo shares some words of advice with upcoming photographers: “Try everything no matter what, and be creative, photojournalism, fashion, portraiture, have fun. If you wish to take pics of cats, dogs or horses, just do it. Do some reading, collaborate with people you admire. The key to learning is participation. Do it because you love it. The chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Yes, there will also be rewards such as, recognition, and financial remunerations. However, you should also use it as a passion. Photograph who you are (your thoughts and ideas goes a long way). Photograph things you care about or that interest you. Be open to criticism and stick to your core values. Learning the theory is very useful; but, you learn more by participating.” Advice taken and given has added greatly to Ricardo’s success as a photographer. Contact Ricardo Bascombe at: Ricardo Bascombe (facebook), el perfecto momentocapture it (photography facebook page), or 246-844-6959 or via email at: | | @BajanSunOnline

Tracy DeOlivere Greenidge is the owner of DeOLIVERE ORIGINALS PHOTOGRAPHY. An award winning






innovative way of capturing your image








your inner beauty"

www.bajansunonlinecom | | @BajanSunOnline

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